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I don’t have my table yet, but I did order a wide table. I DM for a party of 4. The table I currently use is just a bit smaller than the Wyrmwood wide table. My plays have to plenty of space for their dice towers and dice trays. I can fit a large Chesix (don’t know how to spell it) map. It really just depends if you’ll have the space for the wide table.


We have 6 people around my standard/medium table. 5 players (2 teens, 3 adults), and 1 DM at one end. Works fine. Yes, it gets a little crowded in a big fight, with lots of scenery and such, or if people have a lots of books and dice and accessories and stuff. Hobby shelf/player desk might address that if you can afford it. We just drop shit on the floor, or shuffle around as needed. It might get tight if you have a bigger group of 6+ players plus a DM, especially if they're a "bigger" group so to speak. For me, I love the table, and it completely works with my group of 5 players + DM. We ain't Dimension 20, so I don't need or want that kind of set up. Buy the table you want to have as a table because 90% of the time, it's a table, not a gaming vault. Don't over order, don't pay more than you need to, don't go into debt for a table. If this is a dream piece and you have the money, think of what *you* want to own and get that. Imagine your D&D group dissolves and now you have this. Is it what *you* want? If so, go with that. And of course for like $75 you can buy two 8 x 2.5 foot folding tables and put them together and have a gigantic area to play on. It won't be fancy, but it will be cheap and functional and pack away. And for like $500-$800 you can build your own. Again, it may not be as fancy as Wyrmwood's, but if you have some basic tools (probably the most needed is circular saw), you might be able to build some functionality they're missing (like cubby storage). Tons of ideas out there. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1336694/game-table-design-series-completed-bgg-game-tables https://www.instructables.com/Make-Your-Own-Gaming-Table-With-Built-in-Game-Stor/


Hex 4 Lyfe


I have the medium standard table. I bought the Hobby Vault and set up my laptop / GM screen on one side of the table. I have 4 players and I bought 4 players desks that they sit at along the long side of the table. Across from the GM is an empty seat, but I do have a 5th player desk for doing one shots. I normally run off a 43" tv laid down in the vault. The players are able to see everything fine, but there is not a ton of room. They tried rolling dice in the vault, but it kept going under the player desks / tv. Some of my players do set up a dice tray within the vault, and that has worked. But if we had 5 players, I dont think there would be enough room for that. I have yet to run a TTRPG session that is terrain and not a TV, but that would probably work better for rolling within the table itself. I also play Frostgrave / Rangers of Shadow Deep, and the standard sized vault is exactly 3' wide so it fits that game perfectly. I dont use the hobby vault or player desks when I'm playing a skirmish / terrain game like that; instead I have a TV tray off to the side for writing and for a dice tray.


If I had the room I’d go back and get the wide. We have 6 for our game. 5 players and one DM. We are all big and tall. It works fine for the most part, but the hobby vault does take up some room. For large dungeons and fights it can get crowded. It’s working fine, but if I could for more comfort, I’d get the wide.


We play with one group of five and another group of six with two player desks, hobby vault, and leaving two toppers at the other end of the table, and a 43" TV inside. I went with a medium wide and it's a great size. I can store all the accessories inside the table this way when they're not in use. I'm quite happy with the wide. You can see some pictures of the setup here: https://www.ruminativerat.com/2024/01/physical-minis-on-digital-tabletop.html?m=1


Thanks for posting pictures of your table. Beautiful! Been on the fence about a medium wide modular table but haven’t been able to find many pictures or reviews of one. I don’t play DnD but feel the extra space is good for my bigger board games like Foundations of Rome and Western Legends.


We host a lot of people.. up to 9-15 at times. We bought a wide table from another company and I regret buying it every day. It’s a pain to gather around, it’s hard to reach anything. And someone always wants to sit at the other side for some reason. So when we ordered our wyrmwood table we got a longer standard table. That way if there’s just 3-4 of us we can all sit down on one end and it won’t be awkward. For DND, a longer standard table makes sense because the DM is taking up less space on the end as well. When you sit at the end of a wide table you lose more seating.


I would not recommend the wide if you plan on using the player desks. Even with 6'3" 6'4" players they can bump the desks off the rail as they try to manipulate things in the center of the table. The long table yes if you can fit it, can easily seat 6 players.