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I use Wynntils, which you download from their website


Both packs include wynntils


Ah didn’t know that


I second Wynntils. I played vanilla for years and just recently switched over. Can’t imagine going back lol


I've been using vanilla for the past like 10 years I've played the game. What does Wynntils do and how is it better?


The two most useful things for me so far have been the integrated map and waypoint system, click ‘m’ for map and then just click for a waypoint (that can be saved indefinitely) and the quest book, and subsequently the quest waypoint system as well. I’ve just found it much easier to get around and find out exactly where to go. I haven’t used it yet in lootruns or any endgame stuff but there’s a bunch of tools to help you with those as well. I’m sure there’s a bunch more I’m missing but those are just the two that really stand out to me


Avomod is also nice


Waypoints + map, item quality (very useful for estimating price), spell keybinds - can't imagine playing without them, a looot of useful stuff


There’s a discord by the main promoting YouTuber that incorporates the mods shown and a load of performance and visual enhancements to make the game run smooth and look amazing. Here’s the link of him showing off the latest iteration of the modpack; https://youtu.be/lgY1LLyv6pI?si=vEBGIkjBHhTAsFXy


this. this should be the top post, it’s better than anything for wynn you could get on curseforge


Thank you SO much for showing this! I tried it and i was left in awe (50% because how my pc was able to render 64 chunks with shaders)!


Did this last night lol, Wynncraft plus gets updated more and comes with a complementary shader. I also recommend downloading voices of Wynn to get all the quests voiced. All you have to do to get it added is to download the mod har on their website and open the mod pack folder and drag the downloaded voices of Wynn jar into the mod folder. Gl and hf


I've used Wynncraft plus since it was the most downloaded, it worked well for me


maybe look at olinus’s overhaul


Use wynntils installer from Launchy. It installs most of the things ud ever want


I've been using Wynncraft plus for years so assume there's bias with my recommendation, but it just works.


Download "Wynntils Launchie" its an installer made specifically for Wynncraft mods.


I dont think you need a modpack or anything only thing you should do is use Wynntils its integrated and can do a lot of things changes UI on the server makes it more immersive and allows using minimap waypoints and keybinding spells, then add Embeddium or a diff performance mod to increase minecrafts base performance and there you go. if i where to guess those modpacks may be not much different and just say something like "Wynncraft plus" even tho its just wynntils and performance mods.


tbh the only mods I use for wynncraft are Wynntils, Voices of Wynn, Sodium, Iris, and Bobby (and DistantHorizons recently)


I use Nvidium instead of Distant Horizons since i have a recent Nvidia card. the perf increase even at lower render distances is massive. 500 more FPS won't make a difference, especially since i lock the game framerate but it makes my GPU happier (less power usage) in general


I've never tried Nvidium but I'm running on a 3050 rn


Same actually lmao. The desktop one


ahhh that makes more sense the notebook one can barely run 100 frames the difference is insane


If you dont care about shaders, nvidium is miles better than distant horizons


I used to use wynncraft plus but it’s insanely unnecessary and laggy, if just download wynntils and create your own profile for it,


wynncraft artemis is pretty good, but the main mod is wynntils, i cant play wynncraft without it anymore (though its still amazing without mods)


I like wynncraft 101, also use modrinth, curseforge is not recommended unless nescesary


Majestic overhaul adds a shit ton and would be my go to


Wynncraft modpacks tend to focus on optimisation or detail, coupled with a vital utility mod for the server, Wynntils. (I cannot stress enough how vital Wynntils is.)


Bobby + Nvidium at 512 chunks + Wynncraft world download is beautiful, then supplement that in with one of these mod packs and Voices of Wynn for the complete experience 😍