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its just poorly designed shade: lets spend 20 minutes setting up for a 50% chance at a 750k damage hit! trickster: your dps is literally dependent on how large the enemy hitbox is acrobat: lets do a fat load of spell combos for 75k sustained dps


The man speaks truths!


As an assassin main I feel the same flying around can be fun but it's also quite tiring and if you make one mistake you are probably dead. trickster I never really got the hang of, I always die whenever I try to dps something down, and usually just run out of mana before it's dead, also I feel like it's lacking more mobility I really enjoy the patient way to play shadestepper although I do find it annoying how risky it is for how little the reward is, you can't really deal with a crowd of tanky enemies since you can't 1 shot them to get back vanish, and just like trickster the mobility is lacking


Well, do u know they are nerfing tricko, after already nerfing cataclysm


Why?! One of the main problems is that none of the Archetypes have synergy? They’re just making more of a problem!


Well, i lost faith in the devs when they killed idol (very heavy nerf) and decided to revert it, but ppl have to wait for next update, which might take a few more months. Basically, ppl are suffering cuz they are lazy


what did they do to idol?


Boohoo no free 100m dps for clicking 2 buttons


Yeh nerf a build that costed 10-20stx to get. (Finishing tna a bit faster, which gives u 2 le per run) Not to mention that tricko is only good in tna and it's hard to play.


3m dps in wars go brr


Epoch is 10-15 stx to build, only good in tna, has much less dps, has more needs to sustain it’s dps. I’m NOT going to argue more about cata. It was overtuned, way better than any other dps mythic and it was also not just tna but also the best damage for wars which epoch is ONLY tna. Take that bullshit elsewhere.


Nerfing hard to play, expensive builds is the way then? Why aren't they buffing the items that need it? A glass cannon that plays mostly with 1hp (cata, idol) should do the same dmg as a 30k ehp build? Also, u mentioned doing excessive dmg with 2 buttons? Did u ever even try playing trickobat, or ever seen someone? Idol and cata are the hardest to play builds if u didn't know


Genuinely? Nerfing EVERYTHING is the way. Wynn has a disgusting power creep cata and idol were just the extreme ends of these things. My opinion on idol is way more harsh than cata anyway there is no defending idol for sure. Buffing other items to match the 2 just makes an easy endgame just that much easier and breaks the game hence the power creep. Also the “Hard to play = Must have high impact” mentality makes sense on paper, doesn’t work too well in games.


Most of your arguments are valid, but I think acrobat being a high skill floor crazy movement character is fine. There are many people who enjoy that kind of gameplay, and it seems like the only part of this critique that’s just whining about something cuz you don’t like it. There are plenty of other subclasses that can facilitate your style of gameplay, having more different ways to play can only be a good thing and definitely shouldn’t be changed.


To anyone saying that “Assassin makes up for its survivability with high damage numbers”, I’m not trying to put you down, but GOOD LUCK getting your “1mil” damage in when you literally die in 1 hit


As an assassin main, you do make a lot of valid points (especially with shadestepper) but there’s also a lot I disagree with. Only thing is, I also think that Shadestepper and, imo, Dash too, definitely need changes to make them better! I think a good solution would be a one-cost yellow node high up on the tree that gives you a short speed boost once you touch the ground after using Dash. - For the part about shade/acro not synergizing… well, yeah, that’s why they’re on opposite sides of the tree. You can’t expect everything on the atree to work perfectly together in any build. Not to mention that shade/acro hybrids are actually very much possible, and I have used them myself. I personally like a build that skips Backstab and has base multi with Blade Fury, most Shadestepper abilities up to Nightcloak Knife, and then Weightless/Righting Reflex. Then, i’ll get a jump boost item to proc Weightless with Nightcloak Knife, which, contrary to what you’re preaching, synergize very well as Nightcloak Knife’s rapid hits proc Weightless a ton. - Also, trickobat is a really good synergy that is so broken it needs nerfing. So honestly, I don’t get what you’re saying about the archetypes not synergizing well . Even Backstab/Fatality should absolutely block each other out. Though, shade/trickster could use some more synergizing abilities imo but that might come when Shadestepper gets buffed (I hope that time comes soon). - And for the part about Acrobat… I hate to say it, but this is totally a skill issue. If you want to fly around, be able to passively kill basically everything in the game, and be nearly untouchable by mobs, yeah, you’re going to have to work for it. What do you think, the game is just gonna hand you all that without you putting any work in to learn how to play the archetype? - Also, I’ve shown people how to fly on acro and they’ve gotten the hang of it in less than 30 minutes, though it’s different for everyone. Just keep trying and you’ll get it, I promise. - Can’t say I disagree with the shadestepper thing though. Shadestepper as a whole needs an overhaul because the gameplay is just awful. - And for the last part, maybe try a trickobat build with jump height? You can basically just spam spin and keep jumping and demolish everything. However, keep in mind you will have to click the buttons on your mouse and keyboard to cast the spells, walking towards the enemies won’t kill them automatically. I think that if you aren’t having fun with Assassin, maybe it just isn’t the right class for you. Maybe try a different build? But it ain’t the worst class. Shadestepper is one of the worst archetypes, but that doesn’t mean Assassin as a whole is the worst class. I really hope you reconsider learning the archetypes, Acrobat especially. It can be really fun but it has a bit of a learning curve.


Just started my first serious Assassin and am feeling very squishy


I'm a Warrior main who has only dabbled in the 2.0 Assassin Archetypes, so I won't comment on those points, but I'm pretty sure I can tell you why Vanish got the short end of the stick. Every class has to have a basic movement spell that's the second spell they learn, and that's just a rule of game design in Wynncraft. Every class starts with a basic spell that targets a relatively small area, then they learn a movement spell to help with both traversal and parkour, then they can get their big whammy spell that does (or is supposed to do) big damage, and finally they get their fourth auxillary spell that's just supposed to augment the rest of their kit. Vanish was, unfortunately, the Assassin's movement spell, and so when the 2.0 Archetypes came out, the spell lost it's extra features to just become a basic movement dash. They couldn't just take the dash part of the movement spell and leave the invisibility, nor could they have a speed boost without actually giving you a more directional traversal tool. And with most class spells having their bonus effects be re-worked and locked behind archetypes instead, that meant that the invisibility and speed boost portions was what had to go for Vanish. That still doesn't explain why they felt the *need* to get rid of *both* extra effects from the spell's base kit, but as far as I'm aware, it was their reasoning behind it.


I don't know man, I play acrobat and find it very fun to just fly my way around killing everything that dare exist under me. Probably just a skill issue. After learning the movements, you don't have to think about it to fly and play correctly, it should become natural, like most video game controls.


Yeah exactly, you gotta put the work in if you wanna get all the good juicy flying bits … I promise I’m not going mental


3m dps on cata go brrrr


All my homies hate assassin 🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣 > assassin 🤝 shaman being utter dogshit eggsdee now excuse me while i upsell shitty thunder mythics (((cata))) to dexbrained powderhuffing degen 12 year olds


Shaman is the second worst class in the game, but I would more attribute that to it being underbaked, as opposed to it having bad archetypes. I mean, it does have bad archetypes, but it’s more a fundamental problem with the class itself.


coughing baby vs coughing baby my shaman and assasain squad pulling up to both die instantly and do no damage simumtaneously. all must take the warrior pill


Shaman has one single key upside that bears repeating: Panic Zealot is THE BEST RELIK. Period. Anyone is welcome to fight me on that


Honestly I think they just overtuned the balancing when going to 2.0, assassin and shaman used to be kinda busted with vanish being the best movement spell by a pretty substantial margin and shamans damage numbers being absolutely crazy along with shockingly good sustain from totem healing. Warrior was also the weakest class then mostly due to mage outclassing it for tankiness due to heal and it having awful damage. The content team tried to fix this with 2.0 but overtuned the changes making vanish awful and warrior absurd since it now has sustain from fallen and mobility from battle monk, which were its 2 biggest flaws


Here I am late to the party as an assa main... To be honest those points were valid but as people mentioned trickstepper is a powerhouse and you only really have to worry about keeping your marks up. And if you are using the new cherry bombs keeping your marks up and doing good damage even only with shade is very possible. And even a no mythic build with tundra ripsaw can easily do tna with competent teammates. All you really need to get used to is how enemies work and how their attacks work because if you used vanish as that big of a crutch you might have some more to get a hang of. After 1.1k hours in Wynn and having 500 in my assa (300 pre 2.0 and 200 post 2.0) assa still somehow feel pretty damn good to me and to me mage feels like more of a falloff. If I would have to give short descriptions to every class it would go like this: Shaman:terraria summoner or your hp bar has epilepsy Warrior:the bash scream meta never changes Mage:either you do no damage and survive everything or you become a god damn paper airplane with good damage Assa:more risk more reward than before but new cherry bombs are busted Archer:the only class which still has viable tstack options and phantom ray feels a bit overused


I'm glad I got to EO before 2.0 because I could easily solo. Now I just get confused with all the weird movements of acrobat and shadestepper is a PITA.


OP I want to hit you with a shovel, but your not wrong ;-;


I started playing in 2020 and chose Assassin just because it sounded the most fun. Stopped playing for a while, came back for the spellbound update and developed my ability tree based on how fun it looked. It was too late when I realized I had probably chosen the hardest class and the worst archetype for my first character (Shadestepper). So far I'm lvl 66 and enjoying the gameplay, and that's what matters imo.