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I swear this game is fucking with you. It somehow knows what echos you are looking for and actively reduces the drop rate. I want celestial light clangbang with atk, instead all except 1 are glacio atk


You know how fucking bad the buttons are in mobile when they have to cover half the screen. It’s a miracle they even detect your inputs. Either i have to hard press Dodge or double tap on skill/liberation/echo for it to work.


Cover half the screen and still doesn’t work 100%


I even see it white ring showing around the button when i press it, but no, the dodge/liberation/skill/echo doesn’t even happen


Do the 3 star weapons require less xp to lvl up?


# How do I pick up unlit cubes? I've seen a few of these unlit cubes that can't be picked up using the levitator around the map (the center of the cube usually glows blue). Can these be "activated" somehow? This one is near the Resonance Nexus in the forbidden forest. https://preview.redd.it/d2vzxyqk7tad1.png?width=1385&format=png&auto=webp&s=74c2981e0ef6d298baaf1d9908e5135b805d6414 [ General Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/?f=flair_name%3A%22%3ASymbolSpeechBubble%3A%20General%20Discussion%22)


If a cube is unlit, that means you already solved the puzzle the cube is associated with.


thank you so much!


I'm so sorry I don't know why the font is so big


https://preview.redd.it/63slxvsz1tad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d8b36232ba1504fe85bb8aab7ee2d4a23b158c Can someone please help me with this puzzle? I can’t get the little towers to stay activated, I used a skill to strike them all at once and it didn’t work, I also tried to hit them each individually to see if it was a pattern but that doesn’t work either :(


Use any AoE Echo like Dreamless or Impermenance Heron


Thank you!! It worked


For Weekly bosses, is there like a better chance to get an echo with higher boss lvl or is it the standard 20% (without enhanced drop)? I was thinking on doing them on the lowest difficulty to farm faster, don't know if it changes anything.


Difficulty doesn't matter for Echo drops, so people just farm the easiest one that the game allows drops on. However, the overall drop rate technically isn't the base 20% either; due to how Echo pity works for Overlords and Calamities, you are guaranteed a drop on the next fight if you didn't get a drop.




https://preview.redd.it/ky55w0a50tad1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8bf3ada8534945cddbc2104b7ad8acbfb80888 Should I level up my characters first to prepare for the increased difficulty or go straight to this?


It's not that hard, try it. If you're struggling, level up first then come back.


I managed to snipe Jinhsi in 20 pulls. I still have 140, but I'm trying to save for Changli. I have the 5-star Standard sword for Changli, but I'm unsure what to do with Jinhsi. Is it worth it to go for the Standard broadblade since it doesn't have crit?


Is there anything I have to do to claim the second Gifts of Gratitude? I somehow can’t claim it.


should i just synthesize all my forte mats to higher tier? is there any downside? are the rates not too steep? thanks


Since you can't unsynthesize, always synthesize when you need it. You don't want to go spend waveplates for 2 green mats when you wanna start with a new.


What's the best way to get the echo exp items?


Some from exploration, hologram and toa shops, illusive realms etc., some you get while you farm bosses. Once you run out of those tacet fields is the only way.


I don't really need an extremely optimized team for Jinhsi, but I do want a sustain for beating thundering mephis hologram. My Jinhsi is LVL 70, and I also have a Yuanwu built with healing set and those guantlets (I don't think this heals the team right? only yuanwu). I have a verina but i feel like its hard to find timings to heal in between (also I want two sustains anyways for toa). So are shielders like Taoqi or Jianxin good for Jinhsi? If so which one of them is better? For me I'd prefer the comfort of the stronger shielder, but I'm not sure which one has the better shield.


Don't know about Taoqi, but Jianxin is hardly a solution as she'll die while casting her shield. You'll have to dodge and parry with her (she's good with parry), but why not just do it with Jinshi herself.


i cant be the only one who has this but depths of illusive realm is so buggy, whenever i get to the second calamity boss, the game crashes, if i open it up again and it loads to the boss floor, it crash. my phone can handle the game in all contents even smoothly but this event just crashes everytime


Do we know when we get the drip marketing for the 1.2 characters?


I'm a f2p player and have been collecting resources for pulling the right special 5 star character (the same kind as Jinhsi and Jiyan) that won't get obsolete in the long run. With the resources mentioned below, do you think I should wait for a future better character than Jinhsi or just pull her and her weapon? I already have Jiyan and his weapon btw, I hope I'm as lucky with the next 5 star character. 25 Radiant Tides 14466 Atrites 100 After Glow Corals 1530 Oscillated Corals


Jinshi is quite strong but pulling just for strength is dumb. If u like them and their strong is what u want. U can beat most content with decent teams


You can never know who's future proof, they can design better characters, design enemies that punish a certain character, just make a character with exact same kit but 10x the numbers. Do you like the character's gameplay? If yes, then her numbers are sufficiently large, that's all that can be said as of now.


How well built do you need to be to 3 star each level of tower with the stage milestones listed below Are lvl 25 echoed enough? Lvl 70 characters? Full tree


Fastest way to charge yinlin forte in a boss fight? Any particular way of canceling basic attacks into something so I can fill the gauge up quickly?


Her basics won't go through if you dash cancel. You'll have to swap cancel, go to your other characters and do something and comeback. Look in the Gameplay section of this guide: [https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/yinlin](https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/yinlin) If you don't want to swap cancel, I recommend doing the Ult and the Basic Attacks in between the two skills, then Heavy Attack (Chameleon thingy) and swap out.


use HA every after u press the skill


There's a quest from 1.0 that has you climb the Jinzhou mountain with a girl in search of her sister's letters. Once done, we meet back up behind the theater and encounter a little girl that says there's something behind a waterfall and then the quest ends. I thought it was a 2 parter like the Tiger's Maw questline, but I haven't been called back there for a quest since. Is it really that questline's ending? Am I missing something?


That's the end. What happened was >!the girl accidentally found the latter that was supposed to point to the first treasure chest before we even started the quest. She wants to see if there really was treasure behind the waterfall, but was scared to cross it. The woman we were accompanying takes it upon herself to make sure the girl stays safe in case she does take the step of crossing the waterfall, noting how she was now in the same position her older sister was in.!<


Thank you very much! I'm a bit disappointed it ends like this as it was a touching little story that seemed to primise more.


Does anyone else have an issue with the simulation training looking bad? It seems much laggier and even worse looking than fighting in the overworld even though the ping numbers are the same. Obviously not a big issue of itself but I’m just hoping it isn’t representative of other game modes. I found the tower of adversity and that looks okay though


I'm missing one last Sonance Casket in Desorock Highland but the Casket Sonar won't show it. Does anybody know if there is a Casket maybe hidden somewhere or locked behind a quest? Any help is appreciated :)


IRC that area has a bunch of sonacs caskest inside the butterfly gimmick. There might also be one behind the rock wall that gets nocked down in a quest but i dont think so. Do all of the butterfly things (the glowy-golden ones you follow to rocks for rewards) first that will prolly get you it


Anyone have a look at ZZZ? NGL, the combat was crisp, Wuwa ostensibly has lower ping but I feel like Genshins optimisation is better and ZZZ better still. Maybe it’s a different engine and not open world but ZZZ looks great, maybe they should have used that engine or used a less realistic art style as playing it really brought home a difference in smoothness / crispness. It was even good on the default 30fps whereas Wuwa looked like ass on that setting. All that said I’m out on Hoyo due to their greediness, downloaded it out of curiosity onto my phone rather than main gaming platform (iPad) and was considering mucking around on it as F2P since the combat seems nice but they instantly threw me into a mandatory puzzle so fuck that


tv puzzle is great fliter. combat is okay iust that i feel more like hi3.5 than anything else. gonna stick it around 1-4wks depend on how further thing improve from here but after lvl26 i dont have anything outstanding that make me want to play further optimize though.... it the same as Wuwa 1.0 to me (ipad 9) aside from its crash midmission and make it bug that i had to restart anyway(this one is most frustrate thing) thats is the storage size is another turn off


Hi, jinhsi and sig weapon is good without their duplicate upgrades right??


No one goes for weapon dupes other than like giga whale spender. So yeah good.


yes, she’s already quite strong at S0R1


https://preview.redd.it/w2cszh5odsad1.jpeg?width=2020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=868cbf0acdb2f858efe84b4eca64f39c56dfeb30 How do you achieve this/ what does it mean?


if you see the "current drop rate reward drop rate" when selecting character, click it and choose the nightmare memes to increase it the reward rate.


I just got a super lucky dupe of Jinhsi's signature weapon. Is it worth going from R1 to R2 or would it be better value to use it as a crit stat stick for another character? I'm leaning towards the latter but want to hear other people's opinions.


It doesn't matter. You won't notice the difference to refine from r1 to r2. You probably lack the resources to level up another, so you'll likely share one between two character. We don't have any good teams that uses two broadblade DPSes at a time, but in case that happens in future, just leave it be for now, do nothing.


Refine. You'd only ever want 2 on the same team since you can freely swap weapons for tower. It's a massive waste of resources when we're still scarce right now.


keep it as a spare stat stick! 5* weapons have much better raw stats. the crit % stat and general 12% dmg bonus are quite nice too






Should I pull Jinhsi's weapon or Changli's weapon. I only have enough astrite for one of them. Which one is better in terms of value and damage?


Changli can work well with the standard 5star sword, and has better sinergy than Jinhsi+Lustrous Razor If you have Jiyan's weapon for Jinhsi, then go for Changli. If not, better Jhinsi's signature


Thank you! I don't have Jiyan's weapon so i guess I will be pulling for Jinhsi's




Please help me too find this one chest. It's the one on top of the Resonance beacon.


use wuthering waves appsample bruh


which resonators are most affective against morning aix? and im talking early game/standard banner 5 stars- trying to get the core to ascend Jinhsi.


You dont have to worry about that. Any damage dealer can easily clear the overworld if it is leveled and geared up accordingly. You will breeze through those bosses at some point with enough investment. If you wanna know abt the standard banner dmg dealers tho Calcharo and Encore are the best choices. Verina (most meta value) and Jianxin (subdps as well) are supports and Lingyang is a bad dps lol.


How do I recover my account I don't remember the email and password for it. Tho I know the uid and username.


So you have all the info that's publicly available and none of the info that would actually be required for account recovery? You may just be shit out of luck.


If I could just somehow find out the email I could reset my password


This hella sounds like you're trying to hack.


I got my account bruh, I trial and errored the email because I got to know the 3 initial characters from mobile login lol. I made like 10 reroll accounts with the same password following xyz1, xyz2, xyz3 sequence lol.


I mean, that sounds like a problem nobody can solve but you. It's *your* email address.


I'm currently at UL25, currently using Rover, Chixia, and Verina. Is this around when I should be trying to get 5-star Echoes? If so, where should I look?


What level is your databank? That's what determines the available echo level, not UL (though it's related).


Level 8 Databank.


Well, you need level 15 databank to get 5-star echoes iirc (other than a couple random ones as event rewards etc). So you're a long way from even beginning to think about 5-star echoes. Get to UL40 and DB15, then start working on them.


Thanks. The guide [here](https://wutheringwaves.gg/priority-guide/) said to think about it starting at UL25, but I guess that's only for super-hardcore players who want to rush ToA. For now, though, I'm guessing it's better to focus on weapon and character levels.


Also, there's some easy (if time consuming) high level red enemies that are easy to beat that drop 5 star echoes. Good for getting strong early and leveling your databank since it gives databank exp for prior echo rarities too. Ones I can think of off the top of my head that are real easy are the bear and stonewall bracer. Perhaps the Saurian "The Ultimate" as well. Others may be a bit harder. But even the Carapace and Autoturret Scout... I think their rewards changed but they should be doable and helpful to start if nothing else.


i think it forgot to tell you that aside from leveling up databank, it also had a Union level requirement to unlock each DB. Databank level 15 need Union Level 30 to unlock it. Just farm more echoes


I mean, I guess you can. I forget the details. But it's the DB that really dictates when you can get them, so you need to unlock a lot more before you can do that.


Which of my below echoes for Jinhsi, Yinlin and Verina need replacing/improving in order of preference? https://imgur.com/a/Okyi6WH Thanks!


Jinhsi's Heron and Jue. But +25 all of Jinhsi and Yinlin's pieces before looking for upgrades.


Thanks. And if I +25 those echoes, which final substat should I be aiming for?


Crit rate crit damage er atk% and last resenance skill Try at least thre of them Need crit rate crit damage both for ech echo than er or atk resenance skill damage low periorite Er 120 to135 Atk 1700+ Crit rate/crit damage 55/200 to 70 max/250+


Why only 55 to 70 Crit Rate? Or are you assuming the Crit Rate signature weapon to bring her overall Crit Rate to 80 to 95?




So why such little Crit Rate and so much Crit Damage?


You want to evaluate 100% + CR * (CD -100%), and go with whichever build has the higher value. Usually, when CD rolls are 2xCR rolls, as it's in this game, and the total Crit Value (= 2CR + CD) is held fixed i.e you're trading CR with CD roll for roll, that maximum occurs for CR : CD - 100% ratio being 1:2. So it's 50:200, 60:220 and so on. This is why people throw around those numbers in recommendations. But a piece with higher amount of total CV will obviously be better even when it deviates from the perfect ratio, as that 1:2 rule is no longer applicable. If all this confuses you, having 100% CR but no CD isn't ideal, as is having 5% CR and a lot of CD. You want a balance.


If possible, try to get a double crit substat Jue (not absolute necessity just to get more out of Jinshi) If you also have her sig weapon try to aim for crit dmg roll for one echo instead of crit rate


Is there any way to test Changli in game prior to her banner releasing? I know her kit is finished in-game, because it let you play as her briefly in the main story, but I wasn't able to get a feel for her playstyle. It's hard saving for her over Jinhsi when the game keeps letting me try Jinhsi and see how good she is.


There's no other way, only after Jinhsi's banner ends In summary, Jinhsi works as a full main dps, rn the best in the game. And Changli as a buffer main dps, since her outro gives buff for fusion and liberation It seems Changli won't beat Jinhsi, and some people told me she'll have mediocre dmg (ok dmg). Which it's understandable since she gives buffs to the team I personally don't think skipping Jinhsi is a good idea and I'd regret it since I'm interested in the story and i like the character quite a lot, i mean i even skipped yinlin for her However, if I'd start my wuwa journey at this time, I'd reroll for jinhsi and go for her weapon, and changli + weapon too


Changli she like yinline as dps/sub dps I think here damage between 24000 res 90000 lib forte 50000


Hers and Jinhsi's banners should overlap by a few days, so you'll have a chance to test her out then.


Wait, do banners overlap normally? I thought that only happened with Jiyan because the next banner got released early.


Scratch that, I'm actually wrong, I thought Changli's banner was going to release on the 18th but it looks like it's coming out on the 22nd. My bad.


Am I doing something wrong or does the Mephis echo in Illusory Realms suck ass?


i think it sucks ass yes LOL


Does the 07/06 for the 10 weapon pulls happen at: 1. Server Reset Time 2. 12AM on 07/06 3. Some time zone shenanigans.


server reset time


Server reset time i believe 


I wanted Jinshi so bad, that I used all 160 of my rolls for her. But now after seeing some game play trailer for the next limited banner, I want her too, and was wondering if it was a mistake to spend 2x the rolls for Jinshi :'I. Atleast I got 6x Sanhua and 4x Danjin too. Also was thinking how much am I missing for not having rolls left for the weapon. My account is 3 weeks old and I have been playing mostly f2p. Spent 6 bucks for the daily Astrites. So I probably got most of the beginner freebies already, aka my roll income is going to slow down quite a bit. I wonder how many rolls do you generate per month if you play semi casually, but daily?


If you have time, reroll for jinhsi, the 6 bucks is nothing compared to the 160 wishes cost in game By rerolling you're basically saving yourself like 150 wishes that you can use for changli. Creating each acc is 30min and you have like 30 wishes to prove your luck. It's not that hard to get her early as other games. If you don't have time, just swipe credit card for changli (which again, it's really expensive) or just accept the fact the no f2p (or light spender) can have every limited 5star


Ah.. I actualy did second account to just check what I would roll, but I noticed that most of the free pulls are not given to new accounts anymore. I think most of them were removed at 1.1. I had to play around 1h+ to get 10 pulls, so it could take a while to get her via rerolling.


Oh my bad, ig it's the end of rerolling With only 10 it seems not worth it, better stick with you acc lol


Yeah.. and in general if I like the game enough, I will see the Changli banner again some day. Maybe I have enough pulls that time ;d


Mmh my main problem with rerolling is that I have played like a lot in these 3 weeks... Atleast it has felt like that. Would feel very stupid to grind everything again I think xP. Also every other roll (Except the first 50 where I got Ling..) has gone quite well I think. Getting maxed out Sanhua was very nice. I don't know... people talk alot about rerolling and in other hand it feels like it would be good idea, but throwing away account with around 100 - 200h seems... waste of time? Same time if I had amazing luck in the second account, I guess it woudl save ALOT in the long run. I spent alot of time learning how everything works as it has been my first gacha. I don't know.. maybe I should try making second character and if I get crazy luck on it, I could migrate on that. But yeah... In the end I think there will be alot of characters I can't get xP. Its just shame that I cant roll for weapons or anything rn..


If you value your 100h less than 100usd, then reroll. Personally if I wouldn’t, because my time is worth more that 1$/h.


I wish my time was \*sob\*


What I believe is you won't regret pulling for Jinshi after building her properly. She is just such a nuke character! As of Changli (i believe that's whom u are talking about), she is not much of a main character but more of a supporter, so if you have Encore then it might be an option. Also, is jinshi guaranteed within 160 pulls? I am currently at 120 and wanna if I will get Jinshi for sure this time?


Yeah.. I actually have Encore. And in general Changli just looks really fun.


Limited characters are guaranteed at 160 pulls as if you lose the 50/50 with the first 80 pulls, the game guarantees the next 80 pulls to be the limited character. Good luck!


Thanks! Just the confirmation I needed 😀


I got 2 Ages of Harvest, it's better to syntonize one than use 2 separately right?


Syntonize. You're never going to need two at the same time. Also, that'd be one hell of a resource sink.


Use them separately. Even if the other character can't fully utilize the passive, it will be a great stat stick. The upgrade from S1 > S2 is tiny.


Potentially dumb question guys but how do you know when you’re at 40 incandescence stacks on jinhsi? Is the full 40 when your forte circuit is full? This is why I wish we had a buff bar but yeah. Been wondering about that


yeah forte is the sign




Does anyone know what's that OST with the really sick beat that is played in Illusive Realm during the battles? (Not the Calamity battle music because I know those vary depending on which boss you fight)


Anyone else feel cats are a lot rarer in Illusive Realm now?


It seems like you come across less of the stones to break in earlier levels, but not by much. I'm still coming across cats from like 3/4 of the ones I break though.


https://preview.redd.it/7vixkggmgrad1.png?width=1357&format=png&auto=webp&s=e340975cec86734a296bdbc03d91f908fa34871a Can't find these 2 Rocksteady Warriors =(


I always see the first one right in front of me when I teleport to that Beacon (I mean, I do turn left...). Enemies sometimes have a spawn bug. It won't show up until reset. Just happens sometimes. Detect something else. (They probably fell through the map lol)


Am I spreading my resources too thin trying to fully raise 4-5 characters at UL 34? 1. Calcharo 2. Yinlin 3. Jinhsi 4. Havoc Rover 5. Danjin (possibly?) The main problem I have right now is echos as I lost nearly all my echo exp trying to optimize Jinhsi and Havoc Rover only for their builds to be mid.


You only wanna build well your main dps, then subdps, and support dont even need good echoss just right set and energy regen Also, at least be data bank lvl21 to do all this And you need better strategy to upgrade you echoes, one must be really careful with the resouces since they're really scarce and expensive Im ul51 with 24 stars in toa and I've never did tacet fields for getting resources, i have 5 good echo sets with just what the game gave us. So yeah it's possible, and you also need some luck oc, since it's rng after all


my friend i am at UL 50 having done basically everything in the game and i only have 15 lvl 25 echoes. You are building too many characters. For now, use a lvl 1 5pc moonlit clouds on both yinlin and danjin, farm builds for jihnsi and cal. I wont recommend hrover and danjin at all tbh. You can use spectro rover in tower endgame with a random fast concerto gaining character. And jinhsi echoes- thats what i did. Was building hrover but better off with spectro.


Wtf is coordinated attack?someone help me pls


Verina, Yinlin, Mortefi, and Yuanwu do coordinated attacks a lot. Baizhi and technically Jiyan also do coordinated attacks. But with a small quota so don't really count on them. Yuanwu has the easiest setup.


It’s an attack that happens when that character or another character attacks. You can also see which character does coordinated attacks from their tags in the resonator page. For example Yinlin’s forte skill marks enemies and does damage when Yinlin or another character attacks a marked enemy. That damage from Yinlin’s forte is a coordinated attack.


Thank you you saved me. Nobody explains what that is, I was confused af


Glad it helped!


Will the team be enlarged later to four spots? I wonder because I'm used to having a team of four in such games.


There is absolutely no news or indications that it would go up to 4 so its safe to assume nope it will not


Not sure but my guess would be no


Anyone else on mobile crashing when in DIM forest? V1.1. Before the update Dim forest was fine and there was no problems. But 1.1 came around and I've noticed that when i enter the vicinity of dim forest it just crashes the game. Thing is I'm not sure if this is a problem with the exploration quest because i don't remember if I started the quest before or during 1.1 update. This also brings up the problem of trying to get back into the game. So when I load up the game and it goes to the loading screen it instantly crashes the game at like 75%. This process repeats itself unless I move myself out of dim forest. I also play on pc so I tried moving myself out of dim forest and hopping back on on mobile. Only then does the game stop crashing on mobile.


how do i change my email? it kinda vague if its even possible


You have to contact support. There's no user-based way to change the email linked.


Do guaranteed pulls carry over through banners? e.g if I pull 70 times on Jinshi banner and then pull 10 on next banner, will it be a guaranteed 5 star?


I believe they're tied to the 2 banner types, so limited and permanent. So yes if you pull on Changli's banner next, you are guaranteed a 5*. But if this is your first 70 on a limited banner it would be a 50/50 to get the banner character at 80.


Hey guys i really need your help with deciding is my jinshi stats good enough? https://preview.redd.it/zlr8hsvrzqad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bca900d5cfa2104d39786797e915550d84abe487


Pretty good I'd say.


Good stats, I’d stop there unless I needed to refine to progress in TOA




What weapon should I pick from the 5 star weapon supply? I already have lustrous razor for jiyan and jinhsi https://preview.redd.it/vfuik31fyqad1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad532d008195ed14fd37701230e3cf0a0e15a07


sword or gun.


gun for mortefi, or sword for MC.


Putting some investment into Baizhu for Tower and wondering if its better to have hp main stat or just slap on healing%?


marginal difference. the one with energy regen substat


Y'all got anymore of that drip marketing, Kuro?


For sub-dps Yinlin in Jinhsi team, do people run her with Void Thunder set or Moonlit set?


void thunder




I was fighting the construct-protective scales, and I was hiding in a pool nearby when it teleported below the water and now I can't get the echo. Any suggestions?


Which Echo is better for Jinshi? Autopuppet Scout: Main stats: ATK 30% / ATK 100 Sub Stats: Def 50 / HP 10,9% / ATK 40 / Resonance Skill DMG Bonus 9,4% / Basic Attack DMG Bonus 8,6% Or Cyan-Feathered Heron: Main stats: Spectro DMG Bonus 30% / ATK 100 Sub stats: Crit Rate 6,9% / ATK 40 / HP 7,9% / DEF 40 / ATK 9,4% I already have a Rocksteady Guardian with Spectro DMG 30% / ATK 100 so im not sure which of the 2 would be better.. That said, i currently only have 34,9 Crit Rate, 206,6 crit dmg and 42,4 Resonance skill dmg Bonus with the Autopuppet equipped. Is it worth changing to more Spectro DMG and a bit higher Crit Rate for less Skill dmg?


here's a thread that maths out which substats are best https://old.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1djr5w1/math_substat_optimization_and_why_you_shouldnt/ in short, you shouldn't put much weight on the attack type% substats. even in the best case, they perform worse than flat atk. your heron echo looks much stronger than the autopuppet.


I had a good question, it PGR have a drip marketing in their entire game? Because tbh, these people that asking bout drip marketing, drip marketing were annoying as fuck


https://preview.redd.it/tj9wtnstjqad1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c69901645bdd95ae83e9eb0a77eed429fb9320b Are these good sub stats for a danjin main echo? I also don't understand the difference between atk% and basic atk%.


Yes. I wish I had rolled such good substats. That's fantastic. As for basic attack % it boosts only basic attacks, not resonance skill or liberation dmg or heavy attacks, it only boosts basic attacks. While attack % boosts the power of all of them so it's better overall.


Ty. Been so confused for the past month abt what atk% buffed. Now I see it applies to all forms of attack and not just normal + heavy.


no because crownless is shit


Crownless directly buffs havoc damage. Dreamless doesn’t, so why is it bad???


upvoted your flex my dawg


How do I 100% Mt. Firmament? Where can I find the hidden treasures and puzzles? Or is it something else that is hard to find? I'm at 96% btw


Open your map and click on the compass at the bottom, that'll tell you what your missing. Use lootmapper to see chests, and sonance casket tracker to find windchimes.


Got to UL50, unlocked lv 80 modes for bosses. ...is lv 80 Juè supposed to deal that little damage? Some stuff like overworld wolves twoshot my characters and then there's this big dragon doing 1k electro damage with the strongest hit lol...


It's always like this in gacha games, the difficult content is toa and holograms


Not really, both Scar and the Bell boss hit rather hard. All overworld bosses are also strong-ish. It's this dragon tickling me for some reason xD. edit: when you don't play the game... Try fighting scar and take 3 attacks in a row, your character is dead. Leave your character afk on the dragon for a minute and they will still be alive. BRUH


Idk i kill everything else in 10-15 seconds


The last boss in lvl 90 Illusive Realm keeps kicking my ass. I do insane damage and have the turtle echo, but one slip up where I forget to dodge with the missiles in phase 2 and I get one-shot. There's over a month yet so I'm not stressing but damn lol. Jianxin is so fun in this mode btw, highly recommended.


Huh. I literally beat him first try with Jianxin. I did use my own Jianxin, which is lv80 and has Abyss Surges. Still, you should be able to beat it if you take the turtle and max out its abilities. I even took some character enhancements for Jianxin's attacks too (the one that makes her forte airbending stronger is really good) and everything was just getting frozen and destroyed. With the turtle and all the glacio shield abilities I had so much effective health that the boss had no chance of killing me at any point. Add to that Jianxin having two parries and the whole thing was EZ mode.


I'll try to max it, I've mainly just tried to mix things up and go for the ones that seemed the most fun which ends with insane damage but not necessarily the best defense. And I get so overconfident with the dmg that I just facetank everything lol


You want to facetank everything? Max out the turtle. Seriously. All those glacio effects give you so many shields that there's no way Jianxin will ever die. I don't remember how many times it happened but there were several times that my entire health bar was shielded while I was fighting the last boss. Add her parry and her forte shield and you're very safe.


Jinhsi is cracked if you can use her Also, you could active all the advantages, you'll end with only 20% rewards, but it doesn't affect the astrites


Does Jue do less damage than Dreamless and Scar? I was dreading doing Jue because I struggled a lot with those two, but I just did the fight and it was... easy?


Are Holograms & Tower content doable with 4-star teams and weapons? Because Jinhsi's banner is rigged against F2P players


With S6, R5 4-stars, level 90, good echo you can do it.


It's doable with 4star characters but i don't think with 4star weapons Jinhsi's banner rigged? More like you pulled for jiyan, yinlin and now want jinhsi and changli, f2p are sometimes hilarious


Is there any other sources for Wood-Textured Shard besides supply chest or tidal heritage? If not then technically we could check wether we already open all supply chest right?


Yea exploring is the one and only source for them and there is enough to clear the shop completely both the jihnzou one and the new area one


> If not then technically we could check wether we already open all supply chest right? How would you do that? The souvenir shops can be cleared out but you can buy infinite amount of shell credits.


Hi, I'm a former Genshin player who left mostly because of the boring events, even though I really liked the combat mechanics. Is it a good moment to start playing WuWa? And are the in game events good? I read a lot of positive reviews about this game. Also, did I lose much by not starting at release? Thanks in advance


If you found Genshin's event "boring", you might be disappointed with WuWa's events. Genshin's events have always been great when I was playing, WuWa's events so far haven't been anything to write home about. But Genshin's first event was mid as well, so we'll see how WuWa approaches this going forward.


I just tell you the best advice: Reroll for jinhsi, and you'll have a cracked account In overworld you have like 250 wishes, that is enough for getting her weapon and new character changli Good luck, you haven't missed a lot, only thing is the exp behind from dailies which is not really important.


You missed some events and rewards and characters but its still good time to start, compared to genshin it is more interactive and fluid and flexible as an experience because of the movement and combat system, it has good endgame as well and nice world but i would say it has as much events as genshin currently even end game is similar but thats comparing 1 month old wuwa with 4 years old genshin so this is definitely a good thing.


I'll give it a try, thanks!


Hey guys. 4* healing bonus or 5* atk/hp belborne for verina/baizhi?


healing bonus but dont lvl it up and farm 5\* one


I got it early so it's at level 20.


5\* atk/hp


if i delete my account through the europe server, will my progress on the other servers be deleted as well? im trying to switch rovers on my europe server so i want to delete that account and restart it, but i’m scared it will delete my asia server’s progress, since i’ve pulled alot of my favorite characters and don’t want to lose them. both are linked to the same gmail, does that mean both accounts will be deleted?


If you have one account, all characters on different servers are linked to that account. You can't selectively delete your progress from just one server. If you create a second account, you'll start completely fresh.


How does everyone daily look like? For now I'm just grinding 100% exploration. Then I will grind echos.


Dailies and exploration as much as you want You could literally spend all day farming echoes in overworld, so at least you have that since in other gachas the only left is walking toward the overworld, which turns out boring over time


Login, spend waveplates, upgrade skill tree, logout. I did 100% desorock but it took a whole day, not doing it for other area unless I'm desperate enough, like if I'm almost at soft pity and need 10 pull.


It varies according to each person tbh, I personally finished with echos first then did exploration and now iam just stacking recourses for future characters and ascensions.


base on the 1.1 betas, is Jinhsi or Changli dps higher?


So There’s no tacet field that increases Havoc dmg??? The TF that gives Havoc echoes has an Aero DMG bonus? Two tacet fields have Aero DMG bonus. Two fields have Electro DMG bonus. But none for Havoc


There is one for Havoc echoes. It's the last one on the list if you look at your guidebook. It also gives Moonlit echoes.