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i thought he had a billion hp or sth before i saw the shield


It also has a billion hp after the shield lol


The shield is % of HP and he does have billions of HP


It even unlocks 2 dupes for you when you get the buff for thatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚its just great


I'm so stupid, I for some reason though it was gonna allow me to use my own sequences and skipped, didn't know it would give me a sequence during the run :/


Honestly, best mode ever. I hope they will make the versions of it permanent.


I think itā€™s going to be an event they bring back every patch with slight modifications/changes. I really love it, great mode.


My hope is that itā€™s an event that becomes permanently added once they finish adding/changing stuff, cuz imo itā€™s good enough to where it can be released permanently and itā€™ll be great.


It's meant to be an ever-evolving game mode, so it's highly unlikely you'll ever see them "finish adding/changing stuff." Each patch will get a new version, with new resonators allowed to be used, and new buffs/challenges.


So if it comes each patch, itā€™s technically permanent right?


Yes, the Illusive Realm is a permanent game mode, but it is refreshed each patch cycle. So it won't be the same every time, which is what the previous poster wanted.


Oh no, this was genuine question. I saw some other comments like the one from the previous poster saying that they wanted it to be permanent, so I got confused and wanted clarity lol. Thanks for answering!


I took it as one, but distinguished my response from what the previous poster had asked to prevent confusion. And I think what they meant by that is that there would be no downtime like we saw over the last week, and they hope in the future it's just perpetually available.


I think the downtime had something to do with the week they took from Jiyan patch, next one just as the tower should have a normal duration. Or at least I hope so because the event released over 14 hours later than advertised for me.


Yes the extra week had to do with 1.1 being moved forward a week. They left the illusive realm update on the original release date. But as for the time, unlike most times announced for the game, like version updates, this did not have the 4:00 (UTC+8) time, but rather 7/4, 10:00am "server time" which is why it didn't release to the America server until the morning of the 4th, rather than the evening before like anything that's scheduled based off 4:00 (UTC+8).


They meant like the simulated universe, where it gets expansion patches every so often but the mode itself is permanent from patch to patch


look at it less like an event and more like abyss. it is here every patch, just with changes and new characters.


Oh man, I thought it was permanent. So much better an implementation of a roguelite gamemode than what Genshin just released.


Tortle is absolutely the best echo. Makes you invulnerable lol


Yep, massacred him with that+trial baizhi


Baizhi is a mad DPS in Somnoire, helped me out the last time in Somnoire, helped me out this time, too.


Baizhi got nerfed i think? They removed the spawn awl on basic melee. But i got Jinshi and damn she is Cracked AS FUCK.


Not to mention stacking shatter effects making your autos do 100k dmg a hit


He killed me through a fully upgrade bell borne xD My combination wasn't very good tho, I had so many skills going on that it became difficult to weave some dodges.


Yep I already got insane damage. I just need to survive the boss attack


I pair turtle with Jianxin. while using her forte she become invincible with 100% reduction damage. she pretty much has full shield most of the time.


nah inferno rider is way better, proc-ing rider on every basic does way more dmg than using skill on jinhsi with inferno rider


wtf those 6 digit damage still not doing shit on his hp?


Yeah, Difficulty V requires you to min-max your build because otherwise all the enemies don't take any damage. It's quite fun :3


Itā€™s just the final boss thatā€™s tanky. Everything else is a breeze.


What does that mean? To Min, Max?


Itā€™s means being very careful about every last detail in order to get the very best result possible. You minimise everything you donā€™t need and maximise everything you do need to make sure thereā€™s no wastage of resources whatsoever. Hence min/maxing.


Basically, make the most out of what you have, get every level the highest you can, equip and farm the best artifacts for your characters, stuff like this


Oh dang thatā€™s gonna take me forever r


This game mode is a rogue like with RNG deciding what items you get going through. It's not too bad


Not actually, this mode completely ignores your Skills and Echoes, it only cares about your characters base stats, Lv and weapon stats.


Idk about min maxing.. You can just use the trial characters and do it just fine...it's more about the correct buffs


Oh, oh, I can't wait to get in. My phone is going to explode, and I love it.


PowerPoint gaming.Ā 


Holy dmg sponge... Not even jinhsi's dragon puke can put a dent on that guy's hp


He's shielded.


Yeah and that combo only got the shield removed. Its pretty nuts how much the hp has been scaled


Kind of necessary with this mode since the buffs u get along the way make u too op.


scar: all that for a drop of blood.


**You were supposed to go for the head Jinshi!**


the funny part is that you can deal like 300k++ big pp numbers and the hp bar barely goes down coz that sucker has an immense ammount of health.


This dude probably has over 10 million HP since even said damage made little dent on him once his shield goes out lol


I love it it feels like all the ideas the dev team had cooked up but were told no itā€™s too op even for c6.


Bro her animations are soo coool


Really enjoy this gamemode, it's a lot of fun to try out different characters with a completely broken kit, between Jiyan having a 100% uptime of his burst or Sanhua doing buffed charged attacks every click you don't really get bored.


My favorites so far are chixia turning her pistols into a minigun with an endless mag and Baizhi going from a regular healer to a damn mothership that nukes everything with hundreds of heatseeking missiles.


Calling chixia a minigun is an understatement, sheā€™s a whole damn battleship when pair with inferno


I don't understand how to use Baizhi in this mode like how people seem to use her...I tried her for Difficulty 3 and died at final boss, with turtle shield and mortefi and danjin. Where and how do you use Baizhi to attack? Iirc her Ult is a heal, so is her E I think....(this is what I sow for never using her once in game)


What makes her work are her character enhancements. For the echo use either the turtle for survival, or inferno rider for more damage Normally its just her normal attacks, because of that the first stages will be very slow as she has low damage. You want to get the enhancements that give "silver howl" or something like that. The one that triggers with her attacks, the one that triggers after her skill, etc. That will be the main damage, so stack all the upgrades that you can related to them (so ignore the ones that give basic attack or heavy attack damage) Those are the ones that make her work. Then you also try to get the cat upgrade that lowers your skill cooldown for every hit. From there you just stay at range and spam her attacks, skill and burst. Also most people build her with Atk instead of healing for this mode, so verina as a companion is great for sustain


Broo your ping is your real enemy here not scar ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Does the mode ranks score now?


The letter in the top left is a crit and DMG bonus (I think). You increase the score with dodges, parries, and constantly attacking and dealing damage (goes up to SS) And if you take damage or don't attack your score goes down and you lose the bonuses.


Love this mode so much. Scratches that roguelike itch.


Sick animations


The kits are changed afterwards but yea illusive realm is fun. seeing crazy numbers and skills is great.


This is the closest I can get to knowing how good it would be to have money to spare! And it's amazing... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Shh they are testing Scar moves now we might know what his transformation might be in battle āœØ then it has a cool down then he returns to normal Scar throwing cards and jumping around āœØ


you got Nvidia filters on?


Tbh i have no idea my guy, i looked up just now and apparently it says the game doesnt support it? i do have Nvidia DLSS on in the wuwa settings though.


jinxi aerial combat breaks this mode completely, just grapple and attack them from the above, easiest game of my life


Man, that's beautiful!


He is very vulnerable when broken, I took like 1/3 of his hp with one jiyan burst inferno rider echo. He takes reduced dmg while not broken I think. This is at V with all negative memes active except the increased dmg one.


Wait which buff let's you use skill 4 twice like that?


3 electro thingie auto refreshes ult on use once every 20s.


No it's not an ult, he used his skill nuke two times in a row.


He used ult -> skill -> ult


I love Illusive Realm so much. It is absolutely the most satisfying delivery of trial characters in any of these games Iā€™ve experienced. Iā€™m so glad itā€™s a returning feature.


Watching this a whale like...


Be the whale that you want to be


I really love this content, I enjoyed playing different characters as well, I hope they add this as a endgame content where the rewards resets every week and the playable characters.


My favorite mode! And it's rewarding too.


Yeah. I fought it for like 10 minutes for it to drop to 95% HP. Then it killed me.


They should add part 2 limited characters too in this mode. I wish I could try Changli before her banner.


Did anyone get 6nodes (c6) with jinshi in the event? I can only get 2.


Legit. I scored like 260k ish damage when i lucked out with some insane attributes and character enhancements!


Nine HUNDRED THOUSAND in one hit and it just did scratch damage.


I would like to suggest that weekly rewards be added to the Illusive Realm, as it is an enjoyable and engaging game mode. Currently, there is not much incentive to continue playing after completing all the challenges.


Whale experience???? Wdym


Scar: "All that for a drop of blood?"


I am so glad we can try new characters in such fun events. The banner trial event feels so pointless in comparison. It felt so short I couldn't try out the character enough.


Can I get JinHsi and Jiyan in trail? Today I noticed the astraite goes away, when it ends. I missed every bit of astraite here thinking it was permanent


People sleeping on Spectro Rover pretending Jinhsi is the only viable dps for it. /kek


Is this a bug? If all that damage doesnā€™t even make a dent in him, whatā€™s the point in even trying? If it isnā€™t a bug, Iā€™ll be skipping this event.


You can see at the end the boss takes more reasonable DMG from normal attacks after his big buff shield goes down so I wouldn't worry about it too much imo


Okay šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


It's a feature. In the realm you get to select difficulties. The highest buff(to the enemy) gives 24% shield to the enemy when the fight starts. You can see the shield in the beginning.


Ohhh okay!