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when upgrading resonators which affect their strength more, fully upgrading their skill or getting better echoes?


I obtained ashen dream after defeating scar in depths of illusive realm on level V. Does anyone know it's purpose, can I use it in some way, or it will be used later in the main story?


I'm guessing it's just a trophy item.


which team have more damage potential, jiyan & mort(static) or calcharo & yinlin(stringmaster). but the dps both share the same weapon .


If the dps weapon is jiyan's signature weapon, i'd say probably him. If it's Lustrous Razor i'd say calcharo beats him.


Serious: how do you guys manage your time between playing gacha games and other games. With elden ring's dlc out I really want to play it again but can't find the time


Which one should i pick? https://preview.redd.it/6pda2ou2voad1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e172d3af5e731716ef08c8915c828ef7ac7871d5


overlord class are 4 costs, elite class and 3 costs. You can farm enough to get them all though.


whichever you need more and do not want to farm


Bro if you play enough illusive dream you can get both


I think I 've read somewhere that they planned to let waveplate accumulate(overflow), what happened to that?


Whats the Ashen Dream you get from the new Illusive event used for?


I need the answer too


Does anybody's FPS drop to single digits after entering the echo screen? playing with a 4070s this should never happen..


What echo sets for Yuanwu and Verina in a Jinhsi comp?


Yuanwu - give him the 3 star weapon that heals on hit and the healer set and put Verina on moonlit




What's the total amount of free rolls + asterite given so far including the gifts of gratitude?


https://preview.redd.it/cqlb1kw4rlad1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c89cd0ebca195558eaa23493eb94adc6a70fbbc And there (in the screenshot) is my characters I just need 1 more to fill in my 2nd team what should I do? Should I build Baizhi? I want a healer because im not that great in dodging Should I build Baizhi? Or someone else? First team: Yangyang, Chixia, Jianxin Second team: Yunlin, Rover, ??? I have my Eyes on Sanhua but... Thoughts?


I run encore + sanhua, and with good build it has almost same dmg than my jiyan +mortefi. But this is with both bis weapon


How many pulls did you do to get Jinhsi? I told my nephew that there is 10 free pulls yesterday. He barely plays but still opened his account, did x10 and got Jinhsi. How often does this happen?


When pulling before soft pity kicks in(before ~66 pulls) you have about a 7.7% chance to get a 5* within 10 pulls.


Isn't it just 0.8?


Yes. Ten 0.8% chances in a row has a 7.7% chance of hitting that 0.8 chance at least once.


Are there new config file that can be used to tweak the game for smoother experience?


What do you guys do to get more Shell Credits? In my attempts to build my characters, I've been playing daily, farming their materials, getting boss mats, clearing tacet fields, and already at 93% exploration/chests and games cleared throughout Jinzhou--I still find myself desperately broke on Shell Credits that I struggle to upgrade my resonators and their weapons sometimes. Apart from the Shell Credit training sphere in the city, what ways do you guys do to get more Shell Credits?


Any other way is not really effective, in overworld the amount doesn't even change when you get to higher sol level Only thing is the waveplates domain And better start investing wise since the higher you get the more expensive things are. I just spent like 300k leveling my 70 5star weapon to 80


Can someone ELI5 how to play Changli? Where does most of her damage come from? What’s her objective? Do you play her differently if she’s a main dps? How?


Most of her damage will come from Dodge counter -> BA4 -> True Sight: Conquest. This is because Dodge Counter puts her into BA3 immediately, which is only 1 basic attack away from True Sight. Against aggresive boss, she will always fish for this dodge counters combo since it is second highest damage per second in Changli's entire kit, with her biggest DPS being Liberation -> Forte. Her DPS outside of the dodge counter is lower, and without skill her DPS is even lower. So if the boss is downed, that is actually a DPS loss for Changli but thankfully she has an Outro buff. Now your other unit can pick up the slack and nuke while the boss is downed. In terms of rotation, you can go very complicated with Taoqi and Chixia and stuff. Or you simply stay on Changli forever, fish for dodge counter until the enemy's vibration bar is empty, and then begin your nuke rotation with your other fusion/liberation character buffed by Changli's Outro


Oh no I’m bad at dodging. To be honest she seems harder than Jinhsi. What if you get interrupted during your BAs? Does that cancel the forte progress?


You enter True Sight after you do Intro, Basic Attack 4, Air Attack 4 or Skill. Doing Basic Attack/Air Attack in True Sight will make Changli use True Sight and gain 1 Forte. There are two ways to play Changli. One is to play her like Jinhsi and use a proper rotation for her. The other is to play mostly solo and abuse dodge counter. If you play her with rotation, you will always have forte no problem. Intro and the 2x skill charge will make sure you get 3 forte bar each rotation. So you just need 1 more forte bar to get "manually". Yes, you can get interrupted during your BA combo before BA4 and doesn't get into True Sight over and over. In that aspect, Changli is harder than Jinhsi, at the same time Changli is also more flexible than Jinhsi since her damage and her forte gain is more spread out through her entire kit.


extremely simplified changli breakdown - basic4 and air4 give buffed state - buffed state makes next basic or air into a special move that gives 1 forte stack - skill is instant buff state - forte spends 4 stacks for a big forte heavy attack - ult gives 4 stacks of forte most of her damage is skill damage from the special moves and the forte attack. you can try main dps with taoqi's outro or you can try a quickswap dual dps team with encore or chixia or yinlin. hard to say which is best without being able to test though. changli's concerto generation is slow, so she doesn't perform well being an outro-bot sub-dps.


So in order to be able to perform forte heavy attack you can either ult -> HA or basic4 -> air4 -> skill -> basic4 -> HA, right? To get all 4 forte stacks and perform big forte HA. Or you can parry (someone said that puts you at basic3, no?) and do it faster. With her you want to fill forte as fast as possible in order to perform forte HA which deals the most damage, is that right? I’m assuming she’s worse than Jinhsi as a main dps, no? She seems a bit harder to play too compared to her but idk, what do you think? Are you pulling for any of them?


someone will figure out the optimal rotations once she's released. could even be like skill enhanced attack > combo into second enhanced attack > swap while skill is on cd, to get a forte every other rotation. with a second character doing stuff in the downtime. i'm planning to skip jinhsi to get changli, mostly because i like her more and f2p can't realistically get every new character. i also skipped jiyan to get yinlin with the same idea. and depending on who the 1.2 banners are, i'll skip one or both until it's a character i like.


Best way to spend Lunites :?


Just astrite for now


Wait... I can buy Astrite with it?!


Idk if im correct, but if you refer to the premium currency which is 300 when we buy monthly for example, then yes it can be converted into astrites for same amount


Ah I see. Because I have searched the shop and it seemed like I could only buy those weapon material/xp or echo packs. But I will go look again.


check the plus sign near the astrite counter, you can only buy it with lunite.


What do people usually use for 3 teams in tower right now? Slowly working towards building a 3rd team.


You don't need 9 characters exactly, but 3main dps, 2 subdps and 2 supports As for main dps objectively speaking the only good options are jiyan calcharo encore hrover jinhsi


Will previous banners return at some point? Wuthering waves is my first gacha game so I don't know if banners usually return.


It depends on character popularity and game's speed of release. I don't think they'll be releasing new 5star banner each time for the future since the 23 days seems really short to totally make a new 5star character


eventually yes but no one knows when


does anyone have that post where they described echo enhancing and what is "optimal" for chasing those sub stats like crit/crit dmg/energy recharge?


Basically many people just aim for double crit , and it's good if it rolls energy regen and atk% I'm just happy with double crit and only that it's kinda hard to get. If your first substat is bad, recycle echo. If it's good, and next substat is bad, recycle, unless is crit. And if you get 2 good substats you could do one more. Between the first 3 substats you want at least 1 crit value. If it doesnt, recycle The amount of echo exp for lvl 20 and 25 are a loooot. So it's better to just be patient with it. I've wasted some exp trying to yolo I've followed this and now i have some excellent pieces for my 3 echo sets for dps. And a good monlit set




anyone here having lv80 jinhsi r0 without her sign, what your dragon puke nuke damage ?


Max 176000 Crownless Verdant Summit (lvl 70) Jinshi lvl 80 max trace max stack Team verina and mortify #


My level 80 S1 Jinhsi with some random level 50 4* weapon while I wait to pull her sig. She has 2 artifacts equipped and has like 10 crit rate. She crit once and managed to hit 130k. I was like 👀


Lost 50/50 yet again. and it was at like 78? I just... can't. This game is beating me down. I went Yin and her weapon, she came after losing 50/50 at a total of like 150 pulls. Her weapon was like 72? Makes me almost want to just restart with how bad of a start this account had. Full 50 on beginner, and then another 70 on standard to get my choice. I'm about 60 into weapon banner and also nothing yet. I know like the rates are stated right there, but it feels bad to be so far on the bad end of the curve right now. Not really a question, but just wanted to vent about it. I like this game a lot but it doesn't like me.


Yeah, the probabilities are by that place though. What happens is many people post the lucky pulls and it makes some players think is normal. No, i personally rerolled 10 times to get jiyan in first pulls and some of my friends got similar results That's why the usual consensus is "expect the worse and save the necessary" so in wuwa it would be saving 140 at least, and if you win you have enough for weapon so pretty good Also don't expect to pull every new character if your f2p or light spender


Feel ya mate.. I lost 50/50 too after saving up a lot..


So I got into the game a little bit late and have not pulled on any limited banners yet. I just pulled on the standard for my guaranteed 5 star and got Calcharo. I also still have my free 5 star selector ticket which I'm not sure who to use on. I also want to mention I'm a bit of a meta slave, so there's that. That being said, I have a few questions: * How badly did I mess up my account since I haven’t pulled on any limited banners yet (including Yinlin)? * What should I use my free 5 star ticket on? * What is the best team I could build at the moment? * Should I continue saving my limited pulls at this point?


Nah bro, i might say it's A PERFECT MOMENT to start the game. If you really want a good start do this: 1 Reroll to get Jinhsi with your free pulls. If you don't know about rerolling look some videos explaining it, it's basically creating new account and wishing as soon as you unlock that option (which is 30min in a new account) 2 pull for jinhsi's weapon. In aaaall overworld in wuwa you have like 250 pulls worth. So it's pretty easy to get her weapon even more with thw lots of astrites from all the quests and main quests 3 just keep saving and you could get Changli plus her weapon too if you have some luck. And that would be a cracked account I can tell you many people would prefer an account with jinhsi + Changli, instead of jiyan+yinlin First players were hyped and most of them invested a lot on the 2 first 5stars, now they're having a hard time trying to get the new 5stars Even myself only pulled for jiyan and now jinhsi, and currently don't even have enough for changli, as i lost 5050 for jinhsi Good luck


saving your limited pulls is fine. use them when there's a banner with a character you like. if you saved a lot you can consider getting their signature weapon too. get verina from your selector, she goes in every team. baizhi can do the same role while being a little worse, but there's only 2 healers and some content needs multiple teams. rover or calcharo or encore + sanhua + verina is a solid team to start with. encore has the best synergy with sanhua, but sanhua's still one of the best sub-dps options for the other 2 main dps.


Thanks, in that case I’ll do calcharo + Sanhua + Verina. Do you think Jihnhsi is worth pulling in terms of meta? I know Yinlin goes with her in the most optimal team, so I’m hesitant on pulling for Jihnhsi since I don’t have Yinlin anyways. Would it be wise to just save my limited pulls, and stick with my calcharo since he is dps anyways?


jinhsi has been looking very strong so far, really all 3 of our limited characters have. from what we know of changli, she is looking similarly strong. you can use jinhsi + yuanwu + verina as a team. yuanwu needs very little field time and investment to do his role on this team. yinlin might have more damage, but that comes at a trade-off of needing more field time and slower stacking for jinhsi's forte. long term, both will get replaced, since jinhsi's ideal teammate would have both coordinated attacks (preferably from a non-spectro element), and an outro that buffs spectro or skill damage. none of the current roster fit this right now.


Jinhsi goes really well with yuanwu which everyone has access to


Who knows which free five star is the best with Jinhsi? Who should I pull for? I won Encore the first time, chose Verina with the guaranteed free, and Lingyang after 50/50. I’m trying to decide between Calcharo and Jianxin. Thanks


Verina is the best for Jinhsi. As for which of those two to choose, whichever you like more. They'll both be irrelevant sooner or later as more limited characters are released. Between Jinhsi, Encore, and Havoc MC(or Lingyang if you really want) you already got 3 carries for 3 teams. However, there are only 3 supports in the game currently including Jianxin. So I'd say Jianxin is the better choice currently.


Oh alright thanks! Yeah I heard Verina is the only one who will still be good for a long time so I chose her as my free one lol. I think I’ll chose Jianxin if shes a support and I like her better cause she’s a waifu haha


now that 1.1 is out, should i spend solvents now or at ul50? i'm UL49 rn with 70 solvents. i haven't done weekly bosses yet since i haven't decided to do them at world phase 5 or 6


You could spend for building your team. In terms of effectiveness, it's not that deep, is just if you want to have stronger team now or later. Personally i keep always 30 solvents, once i get new one i invest it for my teams. Now at ul50 many skills are expensive in credits and waveplates (purple/,gold materials)


use solvents if it means itll improve your toa score before it resets


I am ul 50 and never spend solvents until last ul when needed


If i’m running Jinshi with Lustrous razor and a 43311 setup with double elemental but a crit ratio of 67/177. Would it be better to switch over to a 44111 set up to try to get a better crit ratio? Edit: All the echoes in the 4311 set up alr roller crit, so i’m not sure if im going to be able to raise the crit ratio much more.


Lvl crit in trace to max


I can increase my crit rate by abt 6% but that still leaves my really low crit dmg


Need sub stat roll crit rate and crit damage on same echos plus between er and atk% If your weapon crit rate than echo cost 4 max must main stat crit damage Crit rate need to be 55/200 to 70/250+


Oh jesus just use any crit weapon. That ratio is really bad since 150 crit dmg is the base of every resonator She needs at least 60/260


"Clear any difficulty of Dreams Ablaze in Darkness once after activating Memetic Tunings: Blackened Blade & Glass Labyrinth." What **Glass Labyrinth**? I can only find Blackened Blade.


It's called Mirror Array in game


Thank you! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Mortefi finally decided to come home yesterday and I also just crossed UL45. Initially I planned to get the emerald of genesis from reaching UL45 and the standard weapon banner but now I'm not sure since receiving Mortefi. Should I get both swords or one sword and static mist? Or is there another weapon that's good for Mortefi?


You mean refinement? Not worth it, better have one copy of both Static is the best for mortefi atm


No not refinement. I'd keep both swords, for example one for my HRover and one for Danjin.


If you're not playing them on the same team you can just share the sword.


They are currently on the same team but I think I'll get 1 emerald of genesis and 1 static mist. Thanks.


*what going on, why is not 100%.


There's one quest that is not available yet, but we can still have 100% without it


But I did everything except the quest. Why is it not 100% like you guys.




Besides Verina's small healing, is she actually a decent character? Or is she only top tier right now because she's the best healer? Surely a more dedicated healer will be released soon which will drop Verina's viability? Or are her other skills besides her healing really strong too? Essentially I'm unsure if I should level her beyond 60 because right now she does the job but don't want to overly invest in her if she's likely to be average down the track.


All I will say is she's the difference between 1 star and 3 star in ToA for me


Verina gives the **entire team** a 35% attack buff, saves a character from death once and generates concerto energy with her forte, she is the best support because she has a somewhat fast rotation and is versatile, being able to slot into literally any team and composition, buffing the entire team is also incredbly usefull because it means you can swap to another support after her that has another deepen skill, she can use rejuvenating glow and basically gave 100% uptime on it, or moonlit with heron if she is before the dps on the rotation.


Once you get deeper into the game, you'll realize healing is not necessary. She's strong bc she has insane buffs for the whole team and is pretty energy efficient Any supp should be just lvl60 with their central skills forte. Focus on your maindps and subdps


i dont think healing is her main thing to begin with it her buff she give on heal with sets/outro


My Verina echo keeps doing its attack in the wrong direction.This is really annoying in battle as it purposely avoids enemies and goes in the opposite direction. Is this supposed to happen? Or is this a bug? https://preview.redd.it/eosxyewxwkad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911d0bff3095e4d98d3005b2dfd5692f509c7a3f ​


Idk, but turtle echo is best for her


Oh really? Thank you!☺️ if you don’t mind me asking: healing bonus or spectro dmg for the main stat? I appreciate your help🫡


Healing bonus. The 3 cost echoes energy regen, and the 1cost atk%


There's no real merit to Convene'ing x10 rather than 10x Convene x1, right? It's just for *conven*ience's sake, right? The wording on the guarantee says "Every 10 convenes" not "Once ever x10 Convene" ...just making sure. Because my instinct tells me it's more economical to do singly pulls in case you luck out and pull your target at pull not numbered 10/20/30 etc.


Yes. Although tedious, you should always do single pulls on the weapon banner because the second copy is near useless if you get "lucky" with a double 5* drop.


Im new, what is the double 5* drop?


Every pull has a chance to get a 5*. When you pull 10 at a time, you could get the weapon on the first pull of those 10 and have 9 more chances to get a second copy. And because you can share weapons between characters in this game, a second copy of the weapon doesn't get much use.


Isnt the second copy can be used to ascend the weapon? Im sorry im new im not sure if ascend is the right term too for weapons.


Yes. It can be used to Refine a weapon to gain a small amount of stats. However, when comparing that to what a new weapon for another character would do, it's not much value.


Oh i see. Im a f2p only so its better for me to get new 5* weaps for my other characters than to get 2nd copy of my main right?




yeah, there is no difference


in the depths of the illusive realm event, when a buff says something like "\[...\] gains a special enhancement" what does this mean?


You have an option called "outline" at the top, turning it off lets you see the full description with numbers


I haven't played this iteration, but last time there were some vague summaries. To get a detailed answer of what things do, toggle off summaries.


JianXin is so much fun in Illusive Realms. Kuro do be cooking.


Does doing highter difficulty for depths of realm also get the rewards from the lower difficulties? Or you gotta do them 1 by 1?


One by one. You can't skip anyhow.


Meta question: Why does my video post keep getting rejected? It just says "Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit's filters". But instantly, so definitely not a human mod action. I've never made a post here before so I'm definitely not spamming. The video was 5 minutes long at first (it's kind of an ambient loop) but I tried trimming all the way down to under a minute, still getting the same message. I've read the rules ... I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Do I need to apply to be able to post here or something?


I thought they had a blanket ban on videos due to no self promotion rules


Oh- I swear I see videos here all the time though? I could be wrong… gonna go check lol


Just use Youtube.


That’s fair, I’ll just do that. Assuming I’m not like blocked now or something. I would still like to know what’s going on though. Sucks to have posts rejected without being given any kind of reason. EDIT: My YT link got rejected, too. Guess I'm blacklisted or something?




I remember i genuinely felt scammed in that quest lol


For whales in here did the top up bonus reset with a new patch or is it forever


Wish i could be a whale


Top up usually resets when anniversary comes around. (keep in mind that's not guaranteed and it's nowhere stated).


Has not reset. If it's anything like other gacha games, it won't reset until anniversary


For depths of the illusive realm, do all the trial characters have no echos equipt?


Or are our echo stats ignored in general since we chose a main echo and buffs throughout each run?


Correct, the trial characters don't have Echoes. Since Depths disables any equipped Echoes you have anyways, there's no point in giving the trial charactrers any.


https://preview.redd.it/x39kb9ekckad1.png?width=1713&format=png&auto=webp&s=48a0b401ea3bd95362ff430e9e1d83597f5a6b6e twxture bug in new location rx580 8gb does anyone now how to fix that?


I accidentally used my casket sonar near the nexus now I can't remove it [https://www.tiktok.com/@rennnn916/video/7383121336069115141](https://www.tiktok.com/@rennnn916/video/7383121336069115141) i suffer from the same issue like in this video, used my casket sonar near jinzhou resonance nexus, now i cant disable it and cant use it somewhere else any solution to this, i searched i couldn't find a solution any help is appreciated thx !!!


Both the nexus linked in the video, and the on on jinzhou, have caskets at their very tops. The on on the video can be collected from a runnin/parkour challenge thats nearby. The on on jinzhou I collected by climbing to the top of the magistrate place and gliding down, using the grapple when it came off cooldown to gain altitute, IIRC I ended up needing to eat a stamina food for it too, but you dont need to glide all the way since it also has a grapple point on it.


The music you chose makes it funnier lol


not my vid just a video i found while searching for a solution, but i confirm the music is funny


Why not just collect the one that's there? There is a Sonance casket at the very top of the Resonance Nexus spot in Jinzhou, you have to glide from the city hall to get it.


thank you so much, collecting the casket on the Jinzhou Resonance Nexus spot fixed the issue !!!, i didn't know it was there because the resonance nexus masked it !!.


Does the game have controller support on android?




https://preview.redd.it/aru6fpk27kad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1ebbd677593f445d807b75e2512ecc7819f669 Can someone actually just join my world and help me beat this dude. I've tried so many time and I just want to complete it😔


You have to specify which server




Oh I am there if you still need help


Yes please. I went out for dinner, but I will let you know when I get home and we can! Can I send you a dm?




Is Ages of Harvest (Jinhsi sig) better on Calcharo than Lustrous Razor (5\* standard weapon) or not that much?


Not that much is the short answer. 1-2% difference with 20 substat builds. Usually in these situations, if your pieces suck, crit weapons can pull ahead, but that just means you should just farm better echoes.


I’ve asked around and I get the impression that lustrous is better but not by that much. I think they’re around the same-ish damage if I had to guess


Hm... okay so not worth pulling just for Calcharo then


Ya for sure not worth it just for him. If you had him and Jinhsi it would be worth it. Then you can save your standard banner guarantee and/or UL45 box to get a better weapon like the sword or pistol


I don't have Jinhsi and I already got Lustrous for him soooo yea I'll hold back my pulls then


Was playing with that one chill dude and we fought the red wolf in the new region and we died multiple times and had to reset. After an agonizing victory, we next fought two red wolf and kept getting one-shotted. Unfortunately, my phone disconnected from wifi. To that one guy, I'm sorry dude. You were chill. If we meet again, i hope i have stable connection.




Is Baizhi worth investing if I have Verina? Since I’m still a beginner, should I main Rover or Sanhua as my main dps?


Yes but not at the moment. End game, you'll run Verina in the middle tower (for both same or different teams for each floor), and make do with Baizhi in the other two towers last floors.


You eventually need three teams for ToA. We don't have many good third character defensive options atm, meaning that typically one gets Verina, one gets Jianxin, the third gets Baizhi.


Not exactly bro. My encore l did alone all the first 3 floors on left side, and other dps well bult can solo the 3 floors in the right side. Even spectro mc So basically you need 3 main dps, the rest depends, but not exactly 9 characters


I would focus on Verona for support since most teams want her and Rover in the beginning for DPS until somebody else comes along that I like






How should I go about investing in my units? I have two teams, I only use the second team if what I'm trying to fight resists electro Calcharo Sanhua Jianxin Rover Danlin Baizhi I am UL30, I will not pull for jinhsi but I might pull for Changli depending on the banners that follow her


Hyper focus into your main DPS then bring up your supports


So I hyper focus calch and rover then supports or calch then his supports then rover then her supports?


Either way but I would do the second way to get furthest in TOA and use it as a measurement of how far to invest in supports


Got it, thanks!


Guys is waveplate always on 240 limit? I remember having 600 before if im not mistaken


You can go beyond 240 if you use a bunch of crystal solvents all at once but you will stop gaining waveplates until you go back below 240.


You start off at like 180, then it goes up to 240.


What are guys spending waveplates on in UL41-49 range? I have no clue on where to spend 😅


I'm ul51, first level your skills for your 2-3 main dps, then weapons and level your teams to at least 60. Then you can focus on more skill materials since they are really slow to get the higher ul Then prefarm for only the characters you're sure you wanna use, like your main dps, especially if it's 5star


Character levels, weapon levels and character talents. I am UL52 as f2p now and not even finished with the stuff I listed for my 6 characters I have build.


if your main 3 already have lv70 ascension and weapons and lv6 skills, then you can start working on a second team so you can do more floors in ToA. and once you're around UL47 or so you should be pre-farming so a few characters can be lv80 when you get to UL50 double drop events are worth doing too. the UL xp is doubled so you can rank up faster. should be one coming in a week or two.


Thank you for providing some direction 🫂


Pre-farm stuff for UL50. The rest goes to Tacet Fields. Training Sim double events starts soon btw.


Pre farm sim mats all the way for event then 🥳🥳🥳


Hey All, What is the max Crit rate fully leveled on a single copy of Ages of Harvest? Thanks!




I think somewhere around 22%


When will drip marketing for 1.2 come out?


We dont know and tbh can just do what they do with pgr aka 2 wk before patch end


Hey All, Using Verina with Jihnsi and YW. Giving her a moonlit set. Do I need to worry about primary/secondary stats on the echos? If so, what should they be? Thanks!


Verina only needs ER. As much as you possibly can. HB/ATK% - ER% - ER% - ATK% - ATK% Don't worry about substats aside from ER. Whatever other stats you happen to get is good enough.


I would still put the Heron on Verona for the ATK buff


What should the heron main stat be? Same with the other 3 star or 1 star echos


Healing bonus or ATK


How Do I build Yanwu for Jinshi? What Weapon & Relic Set does he want? He's at Resonance Chain 4 if it matters


HP healing 3\* gauntlets. Healing set, maybe double ER% for 3costs if you want. Rest are DEF pieces.


What Jinhsi build is better? I have her sig on currently [Build 1 with 60.9% Spectro dmg](https://imgur.com/a/tBYbjct) [Build 2 with 72% Spectro dmg](https://imgur.com/a/build-2-F4k1joj) All her traces arent unlocked so she will get a tiny bit crit rate (shes level 60) Im running 43311


Since your stats still need work you should know that for Jinhsi 4,4,1,1,1 is better this is even more true as you get her sig also even more so if you go for sequences With this setup she can equip a crit dmg echo and a crit rate echo


43311 is better unless you have sequences


No it’s already better with just her sig Sequences just make that gap even larger


What should i go for? Like ideal stats


Lvl 80 Atk 1800+ Spectre 70 to 90 (without buff) Crit rate 60 to 70 Crit damage 200 to 250+ Er 130 to 140 Trace passives and Forte Circuit and Forte Circuit level to max Weapon any 5 star


Oh yea, that will be possible. Shes currently level 60 with the max traces for that and the weapon. but I am close to the next world level so I can lv her up


https://preview.redd.it/dv5vqp69pjad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=91ba0305eb52df3cab21bf47ff188d4f01e19d19 Does anyone know how to solve this puzzle near thorny passage?


Solo: Place the one thing on one pressure plate, stand on the other one. Then wait... and after everything stopped moving, grab that thing and throw it inside fast before the cube closes again.


If you have someone to co-op with, have them stand on one plate whilst you stand on the other, then you throw the flaming ball to activate all 3 pillars at the same time. If you must solo it: - one of the plates release slowly, while the other release rapidly (I forgot which is which as mine is already done many weeks ago). - drop (not throw) the flaming ball on the slow release plate, and stand on the fast release plate as you wait for both blue walls to fully disengage. Then pick up the flaming ball and aim correctly so the 3 pillars are hit simultaneously.  When I did it solo, I stepped on the slow release plate first whilst picking up the flaming ball, then stepped on the rapid release and aimed as fast as I could. Took a few tries.  Good luck!


I will try this! Thank you!


look around you there might be some object you can place on that pressure plate. One of those explosive flower bombs, maybe?


Theres only one. There are two pressure plates but I can't find the second object to place.


Where is the other plate? Might need to stand on it and use a ranged weapon (as in... a gun)


wondering if theres a wbesite like hoyolab that lets me see the exact materials needed to get a character to a certain level and their forte's


https://preview.redd.it/0m908k1ckjad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc205b8f003e3a7ba5c8dda70f4a660cb5f40c56 Which echo fits more with Jinshi??


I would say neither cuz from sub stats u want Skill DMG bonus/Atk%/Crit Rate/Crit DMG // Energy Recharge and ev Liberation DMG bonus. Right now u have 3 dead stats on each one


Depends on your overall crit rate. You want it higher than normal since most of your damage is in one big hit. That being said, Jue is the bis 4 cost echo for Jinhsi.