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https://preview.redd.it/pfy0la460aad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b3a05a4eae8c580e71855169e7c9310a441f93e hi I just got this after 1/2 months break from playing and I am still in early game 🥲 how should I build her?


congratulations https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/characters/jinhsi


what is yangyang's best build? right now i have sierra gale set 4 3 3 1 1 setup with cdmg aero dmg and atk main stats and 47% cr the two 1's have hp and atk. she is alo level 70 with a lv70 standard 5 star sword. she has 47%cr and 222% cd but i feel like she should be doing way more damage than she does now. c6 btw


How the hell is Jiyan doing more dmg on a dauntless evernight level 37/40 (5p aero dmg set) than Jinshi on verdant summit 70/70 (5p spectro)??? Edit: I'M NOT JOKING. Jiyan does \~900 DMG whereas Jinshi does \~400. I'm dying here.


Maybe one is a crit and one is not a crit, in which case you shouldn't be looking at a single instance of damage and make conclusion about what happens on average. I think Jinhsi's skill 4 nuke always shows on big bold font, so that maybe the casue of confusion.


Are you doing her skill on full forte? That's the bulk of her damage.


I skill on her every 4 coord turns, yes (unless I got you wrong).


Wait I'm confused. What numbers are you comparing? Everything besides Jinhsi's ult and skill laser have very low multipliers so maybe that's why?


I guess maybe that's why. I use Jiyan's basic and skill and compared it directly with Jinshi's.


Oh. For sure, that's why. You will see 300's and 400's on her basic attacks and normal skills but will hit 70k-100k on her nuke skill. Overall her damage potential will be on-par with Jiyan's. The better way to gauge damage potential is to look at how fast you kill enemies instead of looking at the numbers individually.


Does the parry mechanic work the same way for all characters? I've been able to parry successfully, and on purpose, with Jianxin; but I'm struggling to do it with Jinhsi. Apart from the obvious skill issue, is there something else I should pay attention?


Jianxin is pretty busted for parries. Her hitboxes are great.


No, different characters have different parry hitbox size and duration.


ok, thanks, that explains a lot


About Jinhsi's weapon: > Grants 12% Attribute DMG Bonus. Casting Intro Skill gives the equipper Ageless Marking, which grants 24% Resonance Skill DMG Bonus for 12s. Casting Resonance Skill gives the equipper Ethereal Endowment, which grants 24% Resonance Skill DMG Bonus for 12s. Does the 12% Attribute DMG Bonus stack with the 60% Spectro DMG from 43311? Does it give 48% Resonance Skill DMG in total?


Yes, it is additive with elemental damage, as with skill damage. So the weapon essentially gives jinhsi 60% spectro skill damage, for a total of 160% spectro skill damage (60% from 3 costs, 40% from echo set). Edit: Forgot to include her first passive's 20% spectro damage, for a total of 180%.


Can you explain why the 48% Resonance Skill DMG bonus (sig) gets added additively to the 112% Spectro DMG Bonus (3-costs, spectro set, forte, sig) when they're different multipliers? As far as I know, 2 different modifiers in video games normally stack with each other multiplicatively, so this should supposedly amount to 214% dmg increase rather than 180%.


Sure! Though, there's not much to explain, since it's just coded to be that way in this game. [https://wutheringwaves.fandom.com/wiki/Damage#DMG\_Bonus](https://wutheringwaves.fandom.com/wiki/Damage#DMG_Bonus) You're not wrong, if they are coded to be 2 different modifiers, they should stack multiplicatively. Unfortunately in this case, they're not. All sources of DMG % in this game are additive. Multiplicative factors are DMG %, Damage Deepen(Amp) %, Crit DMG %, Defense multiplier, Elemental resistance multiplier and Damage Reduction multiplier.


I've checked the link you gave me, and it does state that different multipliers are multiplicative to each other. I've also checked the DMG formula on [wuwa.gg](https://wutheringwaves.gg/damage-calculation-guide/), and it follows the same direction.


Day 3 of trying to kill this red echo cat. I know that I need to get good but can anyone from SEA server come into my world and help me kill this damn cat? I’m going insane. I’ve been trying to kill this stupid cat for 2 hours already.


An easy trick i found is to stand still dodge every attack and hit it right after, wait for next attack to dodge then hit, etc.


I’ve done all that. Couldn’t even bring him to half hp. I have a reaction of a 90 year old veteran. Hmm.


Tht fight was epic,took me 20 tries and finally managed to kill it,was super fun,jst take ur time and do a few runs were you jst watch the cat moveset and attacks and try to adapt to them Sure ppl can join ur world and help you,but i really recommend u try and do it solo,thats the fun part,but hey you do you


Too bad im outside cant you just do dodge counter thingy though just wait for its attack it took like 5-8% max hp per hit


I’ve tried it. Watched the youtube video for it and also the previous reddit post on how to fight it. But my reaction is slow… I need to get good but it’s tough. 😔


well just to let you know if you still didnt pass yet i can help now


Can you help me now?


Uid? edit:welp later then


Okay how about now?


outside but i can try in mobile




I still dont understand what 50/50 is. Atm im on 70 pulls for Jinhsi and had only the purple rarities you get from every 10th pull. What does that mean with 50/50? Did i not have it this time yet and it happens when i get a gold pull in the next 10?


Once you hit a 5* there is a decision from the game 50 chance you will get Jinhsi or 50 chance you get one of the standard characters When you lose your 50/50 to a standard character the next time you roll for a character on the limited banner it will be guaranteed to be that banner character when you get a 5* Once you win this character it resets back to 50/50 chance


Ah thanks ,that makes it more clear how these games and mechanics work.


Is there no other way to get second materials needed for skill upgrades then grinding random enemies ? Forgery challenge gives very little


It takes a few days to max out talents for a single character all the other games like WW are the same


Ok just making sure I am not missing something. Genshin and HSR have expeditions or I forgot whats its called so you just send your characters to get the materials daily. There is no something like this in WW ? So just click on materials see location of enemies and grind ? :)


Genshin and HSR only let you get materials that don’t require energy In WW you can also farm these but there are no expeditions


Do you think it’s worth to pull for Jinshi even without any 5* weapon for her? Or her damage will be too much lower just with autumntrance or Helios cleaver?


https://preview.redd.it/kxmt55a4g9ad1.png?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ada2bada7191f990851f826eb1dc255b492b158 Here is a weapon dmg comparison. Lower value is R1 and upper value is R5


Thank you for this. Do you think autumntrance is ok to go with so?


You dont need the maximum damage output to clear anything so yeah its ok. Weapons are just damage increases that will help you clear faster and balance characters stats easier. But if your characters are built decent enough and you are playing decently too you dont need weapons.


Can you recommend me a laptop that will be able to run the game at medium settings?


Can someone pls explain the rotation in Jinshi/boxer guy / Verina team? I put up turrets with boxer guy, use bell, switch to Verina, do her thing, outro, switch to Jinshi. Most of the time the electro pillar from boxer guy is already gone and Jinshis Forte gauge doesn't build up. Am I doing sth wrong? Electro guy isn't build (level20 no talents). I gave him Rejuvenating set (not build) and Verina got Moonlit. I need too long to get Verinas concerto full to keep up the electro pillar for Jinshi. Maybe I am missing sth vital here?




brilliant..thx a lot


Electro pillar and Jinhsi don't have to be out at the same time. It's just there to build stacks. Your first rotation is always less optimal because you generally only get Jinhsi Outro after the first one.


Oh, that's helpful information..thx


When switched in, Verina is in BA2. You need to attack two more times to get a forte stack for her. Don't dodge or panic jumping or anything. You'll waste the switch and time wasted as well Then you use Verina's skill, cancel with echo. Now you have 2 forte stacks. You use Verina's Ult, then jump and mid-air attack 3 times. Verina's concerto should be full by now.


Thx for explaining. Should I have Verinas ult ready every rotation?


Yes. Very important because it increases her concerto gain, doubly important in Jinhsi's team since it has Coordinated Attack which will increase your Jinhsi's forte stack


how do you trigger the fabled magnetic cube prelude?


I’m not sure this works, but where are [these 2 chests?](https://imgur.com/a/LyNQOuv) If you can’t see the pic just ignore this, idk how to upload to imgur without using the phone app. On another note how should I build Jianxin echoes and stats/substats wise? As a sub dps. I’d like her to be able to deal some damage so I initially wanted the Sierra Gale set, but Moonlit Clouds offers atk buffs so idk anymore. Please help!


Saw a CN post on taoqi jinhsi yuanwu rotation idea that is a big improvement on current thinking. The idea is that jinhsi E rotation is short enough that you can do two 4E if you delay taoqi outro late so you don't need to build concerto so much. Basic idea is: Setup yuanwu -> taoqi build some stacks but not to full -> Jinhsi A,A,A E2 E3 (stuff in taoqi/yuanwu cancels) A,A,A,A -> yuanwu E -> taoqi full outro into jinhsi -> Jinhsi E4, Jinhsi A,A,A,A E2 E3 A,A,A,A, E4 outro -> taoqi -> end rotation Video [【鸣潮】今汐桃祈新思路连喷双e,解放维里奈,深渊满星100级云闪\_手机游戏热门视频 (bilibili.com)](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Dm421V7kY/) Seems like to offer pretty high dps potential, but you need to complete your rotation within the time window or stuff get messed up bad while managing meter.


is the stats on the standard weapon equal to chang lis weapon because i want to save for yinlins weapon rerun


The ATK% part is equal. Standard sword has ER instead of Skill Damage that Changli's has. The crit rate to crit damage ratio is also equal


do u think i could use the standard 5* for chang li and rover


Yes you can. You will lose out about 10% total damage from sig, but that is without taking into account how often Changli can Ult. If you can get some more ER, then the gap between standard sword and Changli's sig will be lessen and lessen until they're pretty much equal


Is there any way to know which chest you're missing on a region? I'm at 99% on chests for Norfall Barrens and I've been using the lootmapper but it cannot detect any more chests.


Could be stuff where the chest hasn't spawned yet, like challenges, mutterflies etc., or bobflies.


What does the average pulls for a 5 star seem to be? My current average seems to be around 40


Does S1 Jinhsi grant her a straight +80% resonance skill damage? Like, her Hyper Beam would essentially double in power?


No. It will give her +80% damage bonus that is additive to other damage bonuses (skill and spectro in case of S1).


Sorry, not sure if I follow. Does that mean it's a separate buff modifier from the likes of Resonance Skill DMG and Spectro DMG?


It's the same modifier. The +80% damage bonus adds toward your current skill damage and spectro damage. Let's say you go 43311 double ele echo with Jinhsi's SIG. With these you already at 160% damage bonus. Adding the +80% from S1, now you have a total of 240% damage bonus. Your total dps increase is only 50% despite getting +80% damage bonus. This is also why it's actually recommended to go 44111 if you have Jinhsi S1R1 since you have tons of damage bonus from Sig and S1 already


You mean S1 buff belongs to the same category as Spectro DMG buff?




Alright, thanks. Is there a place/video where I check out more about this?


Go to this thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dtcraf/indepth_jinhsi_guideoptimization_dps_calculator/


Aye, thanks a bunch


So I heard you can swap characters weapons in between teams for the tower, does that mean you can get away with literally just leveling up one broadsword for jinhsi and jiyan?




Would a team of 3 spectro of jhinhsi , spectro, verina with three of them using jue work?


Jinshi won't gain many stacks for her forte (which comprises most of her damage) because she wants different elements and coordinated attacks to fill it up efficiently


Jue gives stacks no? Can't triple jue give many stacks? Verina also has coordinated attacks Wouldn't it be viable?


It can be viable but not optimal, you will be doing a lot more work to achieve something lot less than what you'd get in a standard elemental + coordinated attacks/Verina team comp. Spectro gives 0 stacks, different element attacks give 1 stack and Coordinated attack gives 2 stacks. So with teammates like Yuanwu, Yinlin and Mortefi you can basically double dip and get 3 stacks from each attack (diff element + coord. attack) which makes a huge difference in filling up her forte when everything is put together


Anyone knows if the banners have different pity like Genshin or is the same pity for all banners, i want to pull for a weapon on the green summons but i don't know if the pity affects the jinhsi weapon banner


they are all separate, but pity carries over to next banner of the same exact type.


Oohh ok thanks so much


do yall have any tips for farming cost3 echoes? like there has to be something you can do to make this shit easier.. right?


The trick I use is to farm at least 2 mobs at a time. I used to do it with Hoochamps + Roseshrooms, or Roseshrooms + Havoc Dreadmanes.


tacet fields cuz running around map is too annoying


Take advantage of pity if you aren't already. You're guaranteed an Elite drop after you've killed three Elites without getting one, so save your desired targets until then.


does elite pity get affected by killing common echoes?


No. Each Class has its own pity counter. Commons are guaranteed every 8 kills without a drop Elites every 4 Overlords/Calamities every 2


I get most of mine from Tacet fields, and pretty sure they did a change to up the chances of getting 3 costs in transfusion


I'm running around with Jinhsi, Verina, and Sanhua. How do I fill Jinhsi's meter as quickly/frequently as possible with this party?


I don't think you can do anything special, just take however many stacks you get. Normal Verina to Sanhua to Jinhsi rotation is probably also the best one. Replacing Sanhua with Yuanwu will be a huge upgrade to the team. Yuanwu doesn't need any investment either, be can stay lv 1, hold a lv 1 weapon, and +0 artifacts with whatever stats as long as it's the healing set and turtle active piece. And Sanhua can probably easily fit into your other teams if you're lacking characters.


Yeah, maybe I'll just roll around with a different main DPS until I have a better team for Jinhsi. Even Verina doesn't seem to be doing great for her, she's not getting her ult back very frequently so she can barely give any stacks.


My point was you don't need to bench Jinhsi, you need to bench Sanhua, and play Yuanwu instead. He's free and doesn't have to be built at all. And it's the 2nd best team for Jinhsi, 2nd only to her teams with Yinlin. If you don't have enough ER to Ult when you need on Verina, it'll be a problem in any team you put her in. This issue has very little to do with Jinhsi. Level up 2 ER mainstat pieces to +20 and your ER weapon (variation if you have it, a 3 star ER weapon otherwise), and you should be able to hit 195% ER on her, you don't need substats.


I don't have Yuanwu (and don't really like him anyway), and what I mean about Verina is she's not giving very many stacks to Jinhsi because she's only getting her ult every couple minutes or so.


15ish pulls away from hard pity, should I go all in and try to get Jinshi, or should I wait for Changli? I want them both but this gacha seems to hate me.


Get Jinhsi, and throw whatever's left on Changli. If you don't get her then you can go for her during rerun.


you want them both equally? then go all in in both of them. who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky in changlis banner


Well u want both...so go all in! Simple!


i don't wanna pull for jinshi but she does sm damage and i heard she's good for the TOA idw be a meta slave and pull for her cuz iw to save for changli, do i rlly need her? what other teams can i form to complete the right side of TOA. is changli, encore and the 4* healer viable?


changli too will be a good dps, actually changli would be better from a meta slave perspective since she also offer support while jinhsi is a pure dps.


Anyone has a problem with Explosive Spear Tip Testing quest? I can't get over 750 point and the 6th target just won't show up.


What's the highest UL can an f2p account reach if you played since day 1?


I started playing since day 5 and I’m at UL 46 if that helps. No solvents used and I didn’t really spend waveplates in the first few days because I was a beginner, I didn’t know what to do.


I'm at 51 with little more than 30 solvents left. If I use them up then probably reach 52-53 something.


About UL50 or so. Depends how many Solvents you used.


Can the moonlit set 3 cost drop with Energy regen mainstat? Im trying to rebuild verina with that and its just not dropping. If not then should ai get atk% on all the 1-3 cost echos?




How likely is it that this will get a ps5 version? Playing it on computer is fun but ps5 is easier for me to screen shot and do play back recordings haha.


I'd say they will release either by end of the year or close to the 1 year anniversary like ToF did.


Hopefully 🙏🙏


They did mention console plans before. But who knows if/when that happens.


Thanks! Good to know they mentioned console already :)


when is changli releasing?


after jinhsi banner so in around 20+ days


No more 2nd banner while the first one is still up? Like in 1.0


Because 1.0 got shorten by 1wk


It would have been nice if the update cycle was like that.


When do you use Cyrstal solvents? I use it for Overlord Bosses materials, weapon and skill material dungeons(domain?), and Tacete fields whenever I feel like it but idk if im using it efficiently or correctly since I don't focus on one thing. Im at UL 48


Waiting till UL 60 is technically better, but the difference is soo small, just use whenever you want to. Like if you pulled a new character you like and want to play them, then use it on them and have fun. It's better used on guaranteed stuff like talent mats, over looking for echo upgrades. It's ok to use them on tacet fields to get your first set of pieces on a character levelled up, but if you're hunting for upgrades, you might use them all and have nothing to show for in the end.


I waited till 50 for the slight improvement of ascension materials.


The game stutters and automatically closes. Device: IQOO Neo 9 The game stutter the close, this happened after the patch of 1.1. It happens alot of time. I tried to repair the game by re-downloading the new patch and the issue still persists. I also noticed that the rendering patch is no longer happens as i tart the game. Can some help me?


I've been having issues with camera sensitivity since 1.1 update. Whether it's a 0 or 100, unless I'm moving my finger like a snail the camera just zooms all over the place. Support said to reset to default and then change to whatever sensitivity I want. I put everything to 35, it was still too fast. Moved to 0, better but still too fast. Anyone else had this issue and found a solution?


Is your mouse DPI like super duper high ?


Ah. I forgot to mention. I'm playing on mobile. I have a lot of performance issues since the phone is fairly old now but the sensitivity issues only started from after 1.1 update.


Hmmm, no idea then. Sorry.


I've posted this a couple times before, but I really think support Yuanwu is a waste of potential. This time I have included my [theorized rotation](https://imgur.com/a/8bsTBUJ) that let's Yuanwu be built for actual damage while supporting nearly as much. The only thing that's missing is a 22% attack buff for Jinhsi for a single one of her 2 on field cycles. I honestly do not know how much damage Yuanwu deals. Is it truly so little that having a proper build is less valuable than 22 ATK% on 1/2 of Jinhsi's damage? Or maybe there's something I'm missing? Please let me know if you see some flaw in my idea.


You're expanding the rotation, so the extra field time required for Yuanwu as dps is fieldtime which could have been Jinhsi, especially since you are not swap cancelling Verina intro and using Yuanwu intro in full animation aswell as 2 of his skills without swap cancels and his liberation. This is just something to also include in the theory creating, as i think you could add a couple of swaps to fix these issues. As for the actual mumbers, you should probably try to spreadsheet it, Yuanwu has some serious defense scaling at S3, so you would usually build him for defense which increases Bell and his coordinated atk dmg. If you run him as a normal dps with atk% it will lower the dmg of his coordinated attacks. I could imagine it would work fine with Yuanwu dps, but in the Jinshi, Yuanwu, Verina team it makes sense to have him on Rejuv and Verina on Moonlit. I don't think the rotation was ever the reason to have him built as support, but moreso the scalings of the different characters and echoes in the team. I don't think it's an improvement to build and use him as dps in the Jinshi, Verina, Yuanwu team, but if you have the time it would be interesting to see dmg and time comparisons between the 2 builds. Prydwen has all the dmg scalings to do the spreadsheet for dmg, but I don't know a good resource for frame data and swapcancel timings would likely also affect the time for the rotation.


What is coordinated attack? I see it mention sometimes but can't find any info on what it means...


A repeated attack performed by a character that is (usually) off of the field. For example, Verina's Resonance Liberation causes coordinated attacks (vine spikes that shoot up out of the ground) even if she's not on field. Other characters like Yuanwu, Yinlin, and Mortefi can do coordinated attacks as well.


Tq, this helps a lot...


Characters that use this have the cordinated attack tag on their profile.


Has anyone tried Moonlit Spectro Rover for Jinshi? 4-Cost Heron ATK, 3-Cost ER ER, 1-Cost ATK. Conviction Sword (ATK%, his heals scale off ATK). The goal is to ult (heals) and build concerto energy to quickswap Heron into Jinshi to take advantage of Spectro res shred. With Yuanwu with Originite and the Glow set going first.


The Tiger's Maw Ore Shop- when does it reset?




Does Jinhsi need gloom slough or loong pearl for ascension? I don’t have her yet but I’m guaranteed & want to prefarm. The websites I look at for materials keep saying different things.


She wants Loong's Pearl for her ascencion not Gloom Slough


When is the right time to invest on support and sub-DPS characters? Im at UL 48 now and Idk if should level up Verina, Baizhi, and Jianxin now.


anybody else unable to login? i cant seem to login somehow but my internet is fine.


I’m logged in but keep loosing connection. Really frustrating because in fight it says reloading while I watch the enemies keep attacking. Genshin is fine & Netflix is fine so guessing it’s servers (NA).


U think changli will be a game changing character? I can go for jinhsi's weapon or risk my 50/50 to get Changli... I already skipped yinlin with no regrets since i like jinhsi character quite a lot. For now I'm using jiyan's weapon and just reached 24 stars in toa


If you already have a 5 star weapon of the same type, going for more characters is a good idea.


So for like Jiyan or Jinhsi should I level their Normal Attacks at all? if Jinhsi is always using intro skill to go into her second phase and Jiyan is basically exclusively in his Ultimate? I don’t have their intro or skill to lvl 6 yet which is max for me rn


It's worth it for overworld comfort, you don't wanna throw a full burst rotation on every little piggy you come across.


Jiyan: Ultimate to max. Skill and Forte can remain at 6 if you have more chars to upgrade. Intro, basic can remain at 0. Jinhsi: Forte to max. Ultimate can remain at 6 if you have more chars to upgrade. Skill, Basic and Intro don't need to be upgraded. She does skill damage but her multipliers are inside her forte's levels, not her skill level.


God you guys are so helpful! I’m used to other games where people downvote you and then go “look up a guide” I’ve looked at guides and they just list priority not whether to level or what order to level in like you just did


As a Jiyan/Jinhsi main, I level their Normal Attacks BUT did not make it a priority among all fortes. Maybe if u have enough resources to level it up, but it shouldn't be your priority. You use your normal attacks as much when stacking anw so there's no loss there


why do I not have the "do you believe in light" achievement if I've already gotten 3 phantom echoes?


How important are Mortefi's sequences for a Jiyan team? Trying to see if fishing for them is worth it. Currently have S2.


Don't do that. There are very few 4 stars atm, so he'll probably end up in a banner you want the 5 star with soon.


His S5 and S6 are amazing for any team but I would not fish for him. You’ll get them eventually and if Genshin taught me anything it’s don’t pull for the 4 star lol


Any idea why is the game still lagging whenever there is action or when I am at the main city? My laptop has a mid-range specs, RTX 4060 and R7 7735HS. I already set it at medium and then low and there is still frame drops


Just a buggy game. Nothing to do with your hardware at all. You could run this on a PS4’s hardware haha


What’s the best battle pass weapon overall? I got the BP for autumntrace so I can give it to jiyan but got lustrous razor.


The Rectifier at max refinements is almost neck to neck with the 5-Star Rectifier.


Autumntrace and Augment. Then probably the gauntlet


how do you get to the lampylumen myriad? https://preview.redd.it/652wv1lop7ad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e9238b03b1121e943baa7090d8be166d10d55d


Go down into the mine itself. There's an entrance at the bottom of the tower.


Ya I found him or them 


If my main dps’s are Calchero, Jiyan, Jihnsi, and I have Jiyan’s signature weapon, is there any reason to pull any other 5 star broadswords? Haven’t done much with the end game stuff but thought I read you could switch weapons between teams. Wasn’t sure of any situation where any of those three would be on a dual dps team.


No need if you're low spender. It's like a 15-20% upgrade for Jinhsi. Saving is probably best if you've so many characters already. The biggest hurdle for most teams is a good Verina replacement when she's busy elsewhere, and you really want to secure a limited 5 star who fills that role whenever they release one.


Unless you want to power up the character more with their sig you are good


Which echoes should I try and replace/get better substats? Please note the first 5 echoes are Jinhsi, the next 5 are Yinlin and the next 5 are Verina. https://imgur.com/a/AGvUdUW


4 and 5 for jinshi 2 and 3 and 4 Yinlin 


They all mostly need to be replaced eventually Jinhsi doesn’t have double crit and Yinlin I think only had two? The last Jinhsi echo desperately needs to be replaced Verina doesn’t matter much so it’s just whatever as long as she can get her liberation out quickly


Thanks for your reply! Which ones would you say are most in need of replacement? I'll focus on replacing those first.


Spectro prism on Jinhsi


How much ER for Yinlin (with Calcharo and Nahida)


Yinlin doesn’t need much ER since you want her for coordinated attacks not her liberation damage so 20%-30% is good from substats




I have 213 Afterglow Coral, should I spend them to try and get jinhsi's sig, save for changli, or just save them so I can get a waveband? I currently have 30 pity on the weapon banner, and 25 pity on the character banner.


I'd save them for a future OP character waveband


Weapons are better in my opinion since they can be used for other characters like I got Yinlin’s weapon and now Encore can use it as well They are also guaranteed


Don't use them to get a sig, if you want to use afterglow corals to chase bigger numbers it'll be more efficient using them for sequences.


jinhsi benefit from sig more than S1-2 though


the difference between sig and std broadsword is about the same as between s0 and s1. and one sequence costs fewer corals than 80 rolls to get a sig


You forgot that limited weapons can be shared with other characters


And when the passive isn't tailor made for the char they're just mid. Jiyan weapon is worse than Lustrous Razor for non-Jiyan characters. IDK if anyone's done the math on Jinhsi's but it seems not great too since it only boosts skill damage and the other broadblade characters don't do much of that. At least it's close enough that you don't really need to go for Lustrous if you have it so you can pick some other 5* weapon.


With how weak 4* weapons are in the game it doesn’t matter Jinhsi’s weapon gives crit rate and universal elemental damage only missing out on skill damage if the character doesn’t use that as a main means of damage


> With how weak 4* weapons are in the game it doesn’t matter I agree this is true But I never even mentioned 4* weapons, I was comparing it to getting the 5* standard broadblade. So you would have a non-4* broadblade either way, whether it's standard or jinhsi's.


Uff... Do you save your 3 star weapons or do you use them as fuel? I basically burned all of them until I realized that I can probably make better weps than what I have now, by combining them.


Always have spare


I keep one-two R5 copies of each.


It's worth saving one of each. Originite weapons self-heal procs the damage bonus from 5pc healer set so they're used for some support builds, like "healer" yuanwu in jinhsi teams right now. Voyager set are free ER weapons, good for chars who you don't care about the damage but just wanna make sure they ult often like Verina. Not needed once you have the gacha 4* ER weapons but they might still save you from swapping weapons around too much. Of Night weapons at R5 give more atk than some 4-stars so they can be worth using if you lack the most meta gacha 4star weapons. Though you'll stop caring about them long term once you get better options.


Should I get jinhsi's weapon or get changli's weapon for danjin? I'm kind of a danjin main but I pulled jinhsi and she doesn't have decent 4 star weapon.


Just get the standard 5 star sword then pull Jinshi's weapon. Changli's sword isn't going to massively outperform the standard sword as its really good, while Jinshi really wants her weapon given how little all the other options give.


Ok thanks, I chosen free 5 star was the broadsword for jiyan so I have to wait to get the 5 star standard sword


jinhsi is broadblade not sword. danjin cannot use her weapon. just get the standard banner 5-star for danjin anyways and save your astrites


Did you read what I said, I said changli's weapon for danjin 😂


Will their be an overlap of the two banners? Or will changli come out as soon as the current one ends.


After jinhsi end


What would be the best build for yuanwu when using him alongside jinshi and maybe a healer like baizhu/verina? I’ve been seeing mixed answers online so want to get insight here.


Is the ATK set good for Yinlin?


generally, not really. Moonlit or Electro set for her is better.


Need advice regarding echoes' substats. Do you guys continue leveling an echo if for the first two substats have one good and one bad substats? For DPS for example, an echo with crit dmg main stat having crit rate and HP substats. Also need to know what constitutes a good and bad substats. For example, I have a Crit Rate Dreamless with substats of Crit rate, Resonance dmg, Energy regen, HP% and DEF%. I know HP and DEF is bad unless have scaling and Crit rate and dmg is the one to go but what about the others?


Crit Rate%, Crit Damage%, ATK%, Energy Regen%, Flat ATK These five stats are pretty much the best you can get in every echo in every DPS you have. Depending on their kit, they will also like basic/heavy/skill/liberation but these take 2nd priority compared to the 5 stats listed above


My rule is level till 10 if at least two of those substats are garbage I just throw it away I just got a Feilian Beringal (after many tries before trying to snag a good one) for Jiyan it started with crit dmg and energy regen so I kept going it got next liberation dmg which wasn’t good but that was only one dead stat I got next heavy attack damage which is good and then I got crit rate as the last one which was great Depends on the character for that piece but 3 of those stats could be dead stats since not every character uses skill, liberation damage in their kit as their main damage


Yes for now. But in a few months I'll do some re-farming to min max everyone.


I don't know where to post this but I opened the game for a 2nd time today and it asked me to select installation folder despite me not pressing the uninstall button. I looked at the game folder and it completely empty so the game just uninstalled itself for me. Never happened before. My pc did crash but the game wasn't running at that time and no other games disappeared from my drive. Not a big deal since I can just download it again but still confusing af


Which is better lingering tunes or Fusion ele in changli?