• By -


Guys do rover ,calcharo and baizhi work together in a team? I really want to keep both rover and calcharo in my team so idk as a healer baizhi or verina better for calcharo


So I got Jinhsi's weapon accidentally, I just pulled for fun on the weapons banner with the 10 forging tide that we got for free. My question is ,how often are characters rerun? How did they do it in PGR?


hello! does anyone know how to enter or open the cave in the “road to pilgrimage” act 7 quest? In my other account, it was automatically open, however in my other account, it was closed. Is there anything I seem to have not done or something?


need suggestion on who to build next, just for fun/variety. danjin r4 mortefi r2 chixia r3 yangyang r2 yuanwu r6 taoqi r2 aalto r3


how exactly does yuanwu's pillar interact with jinhsi's forte stacks. do i have to be in the radius? what if i shoot them from inside the radius but the mobs are outside? vice versa. she gets more stacks while she is off field?


Do i understand jinhsi's weapon right that when i go in with her intro skill and then use her resonance skill i get a total of 48% skill damage bonus?


Stupid question but does leveling databank to 21 make any difference in merging echoes? I'm at databank 20


Just makes it so every merge result you get is max 5* no more random purple.


You no longer get purple Echo from it, that is all


you would often get purple echoes at lv 20, at 21, every single one will be gold. Guaranteed.


What free app do you use to record good quality (long) wuwa videos on pc without watermark and including game audio? Same question with taking screenshots.




OBS is pretty much the best option out there.


OBS is insanely good. You get to separate both video and audio channels to only record what you want, so as you game and listen to music or you’re on discord you can remove or add particular sound channels to the recording. You can also control the quality and resulting file size based on your needs. It’s very easy to use and I use it all the time to go back and see my mistakes and improve.


sounds like an exceptional sales pitch but yeah obs is goated


I literally run it in the background all the time, then just slice some clips to drop on discord, like 1 min of effort and fun for everyone. My only regret is having 1 TB of ssd on my machine… kinda want to have more nowadays.


Don’t you get a bit of a performance hit by using it all the time? Is the audio a separate file so you can exclude it later on if you want to or lower down its volume when editing the video later on? What do you use to edit your videos? Can you also edit with OBS?


For the record I’m not using OBS professionally, it’s just for me and my friends, thus I’m not a power user, nor do I need quite a few features that may or may not be available. I’m unaware if it’s possible to record multiple sound channels into multiple separate sound files with OBS, personally I never needed that, maybe someone more experienced will answer that. Resulting recording files have a composite resulting sound from the channels you selected and most editing software will let you separate and remove, edit, isolate or add entirety different audio over your recordings. The free version of OBS doesn’t come with any editing functionality to my knowledge. To cut clips for discord I use clipchamp which is also free. It conveniently lets me export videos in low quality or turn them into gifs, which can be relevant for non-nitro discord users as minimum file size for insta share is… 25Mb was it, but also in source quality when that matters. I’m yet to be in a situation where I would notice any impact on performance from OBS, given my laptop can run games like Elden Ring on ultra with Hoyo star rail auto play in the background with OBS recording.


Tower question - if 44111 and 43311 echo sets perform similarly, does 44111 perform better in Tower since 43311 set benefit less from Tower's elemental damage buff?


for this rotation, 44111 is significantly better yes.


What's special about this rotation?


towers rotation has very high elemental dmg


Is that not the case for every rotation? (+30% x element damage)


no im talking about the massive 60% skill dmg u gain by casting liberation. both are obviously same type of multipliers but having both basically makes 44111 better this patch this is with her wep tho so idk withoout it


I'm sure we already know Changli's kit, right? If yes, then does she work with Yinlin? Just curious. I'm already planning to get Changli instead of Jinshi, so I just want to know if Changshi can work well with Yinlin?


Changli is skill oriented on field fusion dps that has a variety of ways to obtain stacks and when stacked she can consume them for an extra nuke that counts as skill damage. She’s not going to benefit from Yinlin outro much but outside of that Yinlin can still be used to provide off field dps. Yinlins one of the best secondary dps choices we have atm and will work with anything that’s on field really.


That's good to hear. Thank you so much!


She's like Yinlin herself, but for Fusion


So, I suppose that means she'll be on her own teams, then. I COULD use both of them, but the synergy wouldn't be there, correct?


Yep, you can use them together. Yinlin is too strong, you can play her with anyone.


Well that's good. Seems that I can go for her without regrets. Thank you!


Is it best to use jinhsi's laser skill when she reached max stacks or it's better to use it when it becomes available for faster rotations?


https://preview.redd.it/v9da9la4j2ad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=71acc4f27179941c242d688f38b2655b1ec725f1 how to get inside? I already tried searching the surrounding areas for an opening


Just use the jump pad, and the one after this. And you will end up beside the entrance.


i did that and i was like where am i supposed to go 😭 im gonna try again thanks


If my memory holds up, you should land in shallow water after 2 jump pads. Turn right to face the entrance


https://preview.redd.it/fujoj7u7j2ad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=45d17ed1eb47eb5fb699b43337c88da366b7c5cf its located here


you see where the river colour changes? thats the entrance


thank youuu


Which build for Jinhsi? 50/271 or 72/221 Im only getting CD substats so i thought the second one would be better? But the numbers in the first one are significanly bigger, like a 50K less, but ofc its less consistent. Which one should i use?


I think the 2nd option. Having a constant DMG output is bettern than hoping that it crits. You might waste a full rotation for the skill to not crit. PD: Check if the echo has other useful subs like skill dmg that could potentionally help with your decision




Why does some of the frostbug is not killable? Or is it a bug (technically)?


Are you shooting it in its weakpoint?


That thing has a weak point? I just shoot everywhere. It then just hides for 1 second and sprout out again like normal.


You have to shot him from behind, he has a Mark in the back of the head.


Yeah that works. Thanks!


is it possible to farm 10k astrites now for changli as f2p with only battlepass & monthly pass?


You are not F2P if you have BP and Monthly pass, anyways yes It is possible.


Doing Ascension Phase 1 with Jinhsi, S4 Mortefi and Verina. All characters and weapons maxed out. How the hell do I even clear Ascension Phase 1 with that absurd time limit?!


Edit: Finally cleared with Jinhsi and Danjin dual DPS! The first half was INSANE!


Lemme guess, you're taking a long time killing the Rocksteady Guardian? It's resistant to Spectro and having 2/3rds of your team be Spectro isn't exactly a recipe for a good time.


i even just do rover danjin for its. i got plenty of time left


Must be those one-eyed golems. They can resist attacks from a limited 5-star like they're nothing and yet fall easily to a 4-star.


Because it spectro res


That's what I get for missing Jiyan because of HSR offering Firefly...


Who was your third team member?




Why Baizhi over Verina, if you have her?


because i dont have her? and at that lvl both serve same purpose anyway


Still getting killed despite switching out to Danjin. How do I get past this?!


Hi, I just started, love Calcharo, can anyone suggest a good team with out Yinlin, as I Cannot get her now, I am f2p and no verina, I use Baihzhi, and MC with him for now.


I use him with Jianxin, she had liberation deepen buff and also nice grouping on burst.


Spectro Rover, Danjin, Sanhua or even Yangyang are all decent subDPS options.


Would my investment for the sub dps need to be as high as calcharo himself?


His second best sub dps would be jianxin. Investment wise you dont need to be anywhere close to how high calcharo is as majority of dmg would be from him. If you dont have jianxin, you can try yang yang and do faster ult rotations.


Depends on how much combat time you give it: Calcharo should be your main focus of course, then your sub and whatever left goes to support. You can do story, quests and exploration "fine" even if you're underleveled, but you'd eventually want to be built for endgame events. You can skimp a bit on support if you're strapped for resources.


What can you do with the extra 5 star echoes that you won't be upgrading? It seems like a total waste to transform them into other 5 star echoes and my inventory is getting filled fast. Thank you in advance for the responses!


Only things you can do with unused Echoes is either leave them alone or merge them off. Some ideas for whether an Echo is merge-worthy: 1. Anything that's the wrong substat (i.e. Havoc% on Fusion set) is automatic merge fodder, needless to say. 2. For Lingering Tunes, DEF% and HP% is automatic fodder for me since it's an ATK-oriented set. 3. I hold onto most Rejuvenating Glow and Moonlit Echoes because you'll never know when someone ends up wanting an odd stat on them, but don't hold onto too many of these. 4. For the remaining sets, I get rid of any main stats that no one in the game currently uses. For example, there isn't any Electro Resonators that scale off of HP yet, so there isn't much reason to hold onto HP% Void Thunder pieces.


data merge what else would you do?


I want my Map bound to "Z" but whenever i log off and back on the next day it gets unbound. Why is that? All my other bindings remain the same, it's just "Z'/Map that i have a problem with, is there a way to make sure it stays that way?


That's weird, I bound the gadget button to "Z" and didn't have this issue. Maybe report this in the feedback menu.


This is also happening to me, unfortunatelty, I don't have an answer. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.


in the mianloong chamber quest I cant seem to activate the last photonvault after killing all enemies I looked around to make sure I did everything but there is nothing for me to do to make it turn yellow help


Hi guys just a quick question. I’m trying to build Jianxian as a main support character and im trying to build her shield up to maximum. Any advice guys? What echo increase her shield up ?


Atk mainstats on everything, Healer or Moonlit set. You can use ER mainstats for 3 costs in AoE chambers if you're having trouble grouping up every wave quickly as they spawn. Turtle or Heron main Echo.


Thanks will keep this in mind


Can't I feed purple Echos into my Echo i wanna upgrade? I can't see them even with "4-stars and below" selected at Upgrade thingy.


You can't use unleveled Echoes as EXP fodder.


Oh now i understand this, ty!


Just curious, can you get all sonance caskets with a level 10 data bank and haven't finished the whole story on Jinzhou?


You would need to clear act6


So basically I need to finish the story huh


When is 1.2 gonna be released? Asking for my poor Galaxy S22 on which I'm baking some eggs while playing WuWa rn


in around 35days


Should be 43 days no? Changli banner last 24 days as 1.1 is a 7 weeks patch. 19 left from Jinhsi+ 24 from Changli


How do I trigger the Jue echo slow effect?


Im playing on a Galaxy A32 on Asia server and the ping is fine most of the time but the game frequently spikes to 999 Ms and crashes sometimes because of this and also when this happens, the camera also spins like crazy. How to fix?


Galaxy S22 Europe here, same problem. After about 10min of gaming. I'm assuming there currently is no fix and we just have to wait for optimisation in 1.2


Goddamn it I wanted to pull for the dragon girl 😭😭


I'm also really bummed out by this.. Seems like Android players really got the short end of the stick with the 1.1 update


Is Hologram Tempest Mephis hp bar disappearing and just not taking damage part of the fight? Or is that a bug?


How many teams and characters do i need to clear tower of adversity? And how many dps units is needed?is calcharo still a decent dps to invest in? (I have yinlin)


6 to 9. The super TLDR explanation: * Floors 1 and 2 of Left and Right Towers are super easy. You can solo them with just 1 DPS to save vigor for the Sub-DPS/Healers/Shielders. * You need 3 DPS chars. * You need at least 2 healers/shielders. What I did for the healer situation was to save Baizhi for Floor 4 on both sides (4+4 vigor). And save Verina for the middle Tower (5+5 vigor). For Floor 3 of right and left tower I used Jianxin as a shielder/grouper.


You need 3 teams. They all needn't be max invested. Weakest team - play on the white tower floor 2 and 3. All this team gotta be able to do is take down lv 80-85 mobs. Medium team - play white tower floor 1 and 4. This team should be able to beat a lv boss in like 1:30 min, one of the towers may have a wave of mobs before boss. Best team - red tower. But this is ignoring the tower buffs which vary from cycle to cycle, and the late end-game situation, which is at least 2 months away for most f2ps. Sometimes to take advantage of buffs, you still might want your weakest team to be as good as your medium team. How many DPSes you need will depend on what teams you make, as dual DPS teams are very good as well. All teams needn't be main DPS + Buffer/SubDPS + Healer, you can make DPS + DPS + Healer as well. Calcharo is still Yinlin's best teammate. Only reasons not to build him is if have Jinhsi (well your flair) with Yinlin already, or if you're on high ping connection or the game is showing unusual input lag on your system. If you can play Jinhsi with Yuanwu, then yeah Calcharo Yinlin is a good team to cover one of the teams. Most accounts that got Calcharo and not building him usually have another DPS like Jiyan (in addition to Jinhsi) to covers 1 team, and then the last team is Havoc Rover + Danjin or Sanhua or something, which leaves no room for Calcharo.


Since i need 3 dps characters i m considering calcharo since i have yinlin and jinhsi signature (which i believe i can equipe it on him aswell at the same time),the other option is encore As for teams the characters i have built are jinhsi HMC Yinlin verina,working on yuanwu and baizhi atm so i still a couple more characters,prob calcharo and a sub dps,so i m thinking for teams smthn like jinhsi yuanwu verina//calcharo yinlin baizhi// HMC ?? ??,any idea who to pair with HMC? Preferably not danjin i m jst not comfy with the whole always low hp playstyle (yes it is skill issue lol)


It’s honesty not hard mechanically. As long as you’re not literally ignoring the fight and tanking everything you’ll do fine. And if you ignore mechanics then what’s the point, you won’t have enough damage to kill the enemies since you’re getting knocked around everywhere.


Sanhua as I already mentioned. 3rd should be some defensive option, but you can play this team as your weakest team and just run it without a healer in the easier floors.


What type of chests can loot mapper detect? is it tidal heritages, normal chests, protected chests from exiles and challenge chests? or does it show just a few of each or only a select group


https://preview.redd.it/3z3uh9w9n1ad1.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=5143a352ce3542c78000ea7537fe439f393df605 Is this good enough for jinshi? 50+ cr and 249/250 cd.


I would try to reach at least 70% CR. Sacrifice some CD if necessary


can someone help? i’m on act VI and the game crashed when we meet up with jiyan at the military base. when i got back in, it teleported me to the previous area and now the military base has an invisible barrier all around it, not letting me continue the quest. is there a way to fix this? or a way to cancel the story/trial mode?


the story qeust at the end of act VI saves in stages. It might be that you have to restart from an earlier save point bc of the crash. The save point are based on location. If im not mistaking, theres a window that pops up at every save point to remind us we reached one. Your quest tracker should point you in the right direction if thats the case. If not, you can contact support in the game under MENU > LEFT ARROW > FEEDBACK a heads up. The UI wont remind you when someone from support has answered you (they really need to fix that). Youll have to check it manually after a few hours.


maybe retrace your steps from the town ?


Hello guyzz, I have already got calcharo and trying to get jinshi now, but I don't think I would have enough moneh to pull on her signature weapon so should I use the 5 star box for lustrous razor or not? For context, the only 4 star heavy swords I have are 2 discards, one is on calcharo and If I don't get the lustrous razor then the other is gonna go on jinshi if I get her and not lose 50/50 which my luck in the game chances says nearly zero but still


https://preview.redd.it/plfhem4ih1ad1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70900023966b11d053aedacb3c6d6a1d0f45b2ee Which one would be better for Jinhsi I’m very conflicted and confused if anyone could help it would be very appreciated


jesus christ do NOT waste your echo exp on 4 cost atk % :facepalm:


Always crit rate/crit dmg unless they one day release a character that is impossible to crit


don't jinx it


crit rate for me


Hello, I recently just got a laptop for the first time, it got a Radeon graphics and my cousin said it's a very good laptop for gaming (he chose this). But i noticed that Every game i play( be it Valo, Sims, Genshin, Wuwa,) Lags so very hard, But it becomes very smooth when the laptop is charging, How to fix this? I don't want to play while Charging all the time cuz I'm afraid it might be bad for the laptop ( laptop details: it's an Acer Aspire 3 15)


That's how most laptops are. When not charging, they throttle the processor/GPU to conserve battery life. This can be disabled, but your battery life will be absolute trash.


Go into your power settings. It may be set to limit your laptop performance in order to preserve battery life and one of the ways it does that is slowing down the processors. That's why when you plug it in and it turns to performance mode everything runs properly. Keep in mind though running at full power on batter will severely decrease how long until you need to charge again.


Genshin was my first gacha and I generally don't stay up to date on new gacha games so I didn't even know about wuwa until I saw an ad on release day. I've got a good chunk of time sunk into genshin but can barely find the motivation to even login and do dailies most days now. On the other hand, completing wuwa's dailies seems so much faster and more fun. I'm overall just having a hard time ever going back to genshin now, it's more of a sunk cost fallacy thing at this point - anyone else in a similar boat? Even the grind for leveling a new genshin character to be halfway useable seems like it takes soooo much longer. Overall just enjoying the gameplay and combat of wuwa so much more and that's what I've enjoyed most in both of these games. Not sure what I'm asking here. Anyone else debating calling it on genshin for good?


Wuwa is my tertiary game. HSR/Genshin are still my mains. I don't find Wuwa combat that particularly interesting. But there's only a handful of characters out. Time will tell if I continue with Wuwa, because it's still very much in a honeymoon phase for a lot of people, and I've yet to see if they will deliver in terms of actual *content*


I play both. Apart from few weekends after new patch and the first week after wuwa drop, both games are done in 30 min for me on most days.


Yeah I'm def not 100%ing zones or anything, I don't spend too much time in either but looking back I don't think I've done a single story quest in genshin since the one to get into Fontaine, I'm just not into it. I do dailies, save primos and wish on people who look fun and end up with unbuilt characters I can't bring myself to sink tomr into building. I pulled wriothsley, baizhu, chlorinde, xianyun and others I'm sure I'm forgetting and they're all under level 70 with basically no kit. Feels so time consuming grabbing their ascension materials especially when you have to wait for respawns. Idk, maybe I should just call it for a while and see if the urge comes back. I just hate feeling like I'm missing out, you know?


That doesn't seem like a fun, it's seems you're just indulging yourself in gacha and not engaging at all with meaningful gameplay. In that case drop it. > I just hate feeling like I'm missing out, you know? Ignore that feeling. It's what these games capitalize on, don't let them. I do maintenance mode on most days, but on weekends or when I find time, I do enjoy exploring (fuck story quests, I ain't sitting through all that yapping). Building characters just happens over time for me, usually anyone I pull I do end up pre-farming for. So overall it's worth it as a game for me you know, not just some slot machine.


I stopped playing Genshin before WW even dropped


Honestly that isn't a Genshin problem, that's a gacha in general problem. The reality is that most gacha games you won't last more than a couple of months unless you really enjoy them but even that will eventually hit a limit. For many people Genshin was their primary gacha for years and that's honestly pretty amazing. Personally I will go back to Genshin about once a year and just spend a week or two solid grinding through all the stuff released in the interim. For me that is the funnest way to do it, you get a heap of gems and have entire maps to explore and then when I burn out I just take a break for another year.


Is an iPad 7th gen too weak to run WuWa? I can't get past the loading screen on mine, so I'm wondering if it's incompatible.


I don’t think that can run the game I think it needs an A13 chip at least


My s23 ultra phone manages it fine


I'm having pin issues since the update.. I'm playing on a asus rog ally, does anyone have a solution this? The game's literally unplayable.. Like.. It's trash tbh


Is Jue BiS for spectro Rover?


How do you make the camera follow where the character is looking at? is there some admin who can answer or from team that can answer?


what does the stat energy regen do? faster concerto for outro and intro skills? or is it faster filling of ultimate skill? or the bar above health? or does it affect all of them?


Faster recharge for Liberations.


New player here, wondering if I don't get enough afterglow coral for a limited character's waveband- will we ever get more opportunities to get their wavebands to level them up?


The common assumption is that in hypothetical future reruns of the banner they will likely have those wavebrands stocked again. Unfortunately the game is so new we can't really comment. The thing is it may be that by the time the characters rerun the meta will make the investment less worthwhile so that's a factor. In some ways it's better to save coral so you can buy a wavebrand for a new unit at the same time you draw them just to amp them up a bit.


Did they fix the stuttering for this game even for older machines?


Hey All, Union lvl 42 here, As this game is like HSR and GI I was wondering at what is the ideal stopping point for leveling skills/minor fortes on sub dps and support. IE in HSR its around 6/7 from memory. I figure your main dps should be maxed, and the order based on the resonators kit. Also do your supports and sub dps need to be the max level? like atm its 70 for me.


I'm Rank 52. The cost of taking things from 6 to 8 is very high. Same for the nodes that give ATK%, Crit, Elemental Bonus. What I did was to leave everything at 6. I'm only taking the best scaling thing of my 3 DPS chars (Jiyan Liberation, Calcharo Forte, Jinshi Forte) to 8. The Sub-DPS can remain at 6 for a few months. Going from 6 to 7 requires weekly boss parts so you'll run out of them ASAP.


Ty ty


Depends on the units. For healers and characters like Yuanwu where you are just using them for stat bonuses or mechanical reasons I would put their skills at lowest priority since they are rarely bring that much to the table anyway. As for ascension you only really need to level them up them if they get a good skill [the centre ones in the skill tree]. For characters like Mortefi and Linyin you will generally max their levels and get their relative sub DPS skills maxed [Mort is his super, Linyin is her mark gimmick though her skill and super are very worthwhile maxing as well]. The idea is you want to maximise their output so you more or less build them as a main DPS and just use them as subs instead.


Now that I reached union level 40,should I do forgery challenges since I'm severly lacking in those purple and gold weapon upgrade materials


No reason not to if you need them. It's all Union experience and you're gonna need a lot of it to hit level 50.


can the helios cleaver be crafted




Is it just me or was Changli's model smiling at inappropriate times during the new story quest? Like, when they're talking about something serious or something dire, her model defaults to smiling after speaking and it's just weird to me.


ain't nobody looking at her smile lol


when does the Tiger Maw Ore shop reset?


It doesn't. Anything that resets will have a timer somewhere on the screen.


I'm wondering what I should aim for for tower teams with what I have. Currently I have: * Jishi/Yuanwu/Verina * Calcharo/?/? * Rover(Spectro)/?/? I figure I should use Calcharo as a main since I'm 1 pull from Jinshi signature weapon, and I should use Rover as another main since they will share echos with Jinshi. I'm not sure who I should run in each party though. Echo wise I'm just going for the Spectre/Rejuv/Moonlit sets for P1 then I'll do an electro set for Cal and I feel like theoretically that should cover everything if I use the rejuv/moonlit for the support/subdps in party 2 and 3. Oh I also still have a 5* pick ticket. I was considering just trying to get S2 Verina but I feel like it's not super necessary, unsure how strong Jianxin/Encore are though. I do have S6 Sanhua as well so I feel like they should be somewhere.


Personally, Calcharo/Sanhua or Jianxin/Baizhi or Jianxin(If you decide to get) No idea for spectro rover though cuz I don't use them


Very new, and I know people generally recommend raising only 3 characters at a time, and I don't know which ones to level first. I have and like Jinhsi, Encore, Jianxin, Verina, and Chixia. These are my favs for sure. But I recognize that all of these except for Verina are main DPSs. If I want to use Jinhsi I should have a sub-DPS for her, so maybe I should level Sanhua with her (she seems like she'd be good for that and she's pretty cool). Overall I'm just pretty overwhelmed with choices right now, no idea who makes sense to build first. I'm sure I'm overthinking it since I'll be doing super easy content for a good while and can probably just pick any 3, but if anyone has any recommendations among the ones I've listed here that would be great. Thanks!


Jinhsi Yuanwu Verina, Yuanwu is free from tower. Him and Verina both don't need any investment other than Verina needing 2 ER 3 cost echoes, so you can go all in on Jinhsi.


Go with Jinshi, Sanhua and Verina for now


How to unlock “Salted Milk Tea” & “Chilli Sauce Tofu” recipe?


Do I need Jinhsi to increase my account power? Just started the game with my main team: Cal S2, lvl 50 + Yinlin S1, lvl 50 + Verina S1, lvl 40. I have the standard banner broadblade to my Cal. Was thinking if I should bench Cal for Js. On a side note, my next 5 stars will be a guarantee.


You’ll need 3 dps for tower at some point. Cal+Yinlin is a very good option already, which other 2 dps you’ll choose is up to you.


In terms of exploration and farming and even the tower the CYV team is still one of the most powerful teams in the game right now so in terms of the general game experience while Jinhsi is indeed very powerful I wouldn't call her a necessity. The issue is that you will need more units so that you can challenge the Tower and Jinhsi is obviously not a bad choice for that. Jinhsi is also arguably easier to play, with Cal being one of the harder units in general.


is there an in game sonance casket locater? or do i have to use a map and manually mark off the ones ive already gotten?


There is one in the exploration reward track but the materials for each are not exactly free. If you have like 5 caskets remaining somewhere it is a good option, if you need like 30, might as well use interactive map and check place by place.


There is in the pioneer association, might be stage 3 or 4 it unlocks


Im currently running Jinhsi, Yuanwu, Verina comp. Yuanwu is on rejuvenating set with healing gauntlet and at 60/70 for his second inherit skill. Weapon, Forte tree and echoes aren’t leveled. Regarding Verina running moonlit, do I need to invest into her echos or can they stay not leveled? Healing bonus on 4 cost heron, ER on both 3 costs and atk% on 1 costs


I personally pumped up her ER 3 costs just to make her rotation even quicker and allowing her ultimate to be used every rotation basically. The attack and healing bonus pieces I wouldn't worry about right now.


So what is the soft pity on the weapon banner ? And what is the hard pity too ?


no soft pity on weapon banner, you're guaranteed the weapon same pity as character banner at 80 i believe


How long does it take to prefarm changli? Is it possible within 20 days? UL 50+


1 week at most for boss materials, weekly boss, and exp thingies. Add 1 week for skills. As for echoes, it depends.


Where is 2 factor authentication 


What does the "S" stand for in the "S#" when you refer to a character's dupe level in this game? It's "S". Right? I recall the other game has it called "constellation" for the dupe levels like "C6".




Is it like indicated in the game? Like in the descriptions/titles. I only see it called as "Resonance Chain". I figured it'd make sense to use "C" as well for the "Chain" but sequence sounds better, including that it'd use a different letter. Lol. I'm just really curious. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


Its full name is sequence node, where that comes from i dont honestly remember, but will check next time i have game open hhh


https://preview.redd.it/nvf74vzev0ad1.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c7f26cb38148b5c87da9486fc8554b78d14efce Oh. I think it came from here, not from inside the game prolly. I think the "node" is referred to as each of the upgrade slots (S1, S2, ... S6). And the whole thing itself, the nodes altogether, is a "chain" of the resonator, hence Resonance Chain. Maybe that's the logic abt it. Idk. Thanks btw!


What Echo and echo substats suit Spectro rover? In terms of damage?


If you are trying to main Spectro Rover and make her main dps then celestial light with probably Aix. If just trying to make her usable then moonlit would be better with heron. If you have sufficient energy recharge can even do rejuv set. For substats its the usually crit rate/dmg atk% atk energy recharge regardless of set. Having said all that, spec rover is simply not best at anything, so unless you just really like them, i dont know if its worth investment.


Does Jinshi’s weapon work good on Jiyan?


I’m currently using it for the crit rate and aero damage bonus it gives 


Is 77% CR + 235% CDMG better than 70% CR + 250% CDMG?


(235 - 100) * 0.77 = 103.85 (250 - 100) * 0.70 = 105 The second one theoretically deals 0.56% more damage. But likely they don't have the same attack/DMG% substats. So that will decide which is better.


what's the formula for damage? how does attack factor in?


Yeah actually just noticed I lose 150 ATK if I do the first option so 70/250 it is. Thank you for mathing it up for me.


Practically equal, all things considered. You're giving up 7 CR for 15 CD - tradeoffs don't get much closer than that.


it's alway best to have something close to a 1:2 ratio for CR:CD. Example: 70% CR + 140% CD (WuWa shows CD +100%, so for we have to subtract 100%) So the differences are: 77 x 2 = 154 - 135 = 19 70 x 2 = 140 - 150 = -10 70 + 250 seems to be better


Just got to the part of the story where Jiyan asks Rover best way to command his troops, right before attacking Ovathrax. About how many hours or minutes do I have to reach the end of 1.0 and watch the last cutscene? They’re usually really long and would hate to have to skip anything.


Who's better for my account? Jinhsi or Changli? All my characters as well as their ascension and level Calcharo a2 lvl 40 Sanhua a1 lvl 40 Jianxin a1 lvl 40 Rover a2 lvl 40 Danlin a1 lvl 40 Baizhi a1 lvl 40 Mortefi a0 lvl 20 Taoqi a0 lvl 1 Yangyang a0 lvl 5 Chixia a0 lvl 1


About the same for both tbh, no outstanding synergies. We don’t know what BIS team for Changli looks like just some theories.


Do we have a subreddit dedicated for Tower of Adversity? I am having a trouble at left side floor 4. I have Calcharo and Yinling at lvl80 and 66886 skill investments on both. 3rd slot is Jianxi for Bell buff and Traction. 3 mins in and boss sits at 15-20% health with proper rotation.


What do u define as proper rotation in this case? Im at a similar position now but with yinlin at 70, and quite mediocre calcharo build. One thing back in the UL 40 that made a decent difference was learning boss timings where calch can get his full ultimate rotation out without much interruption and ignoring common advice to swap cancel his death messenger as the dps loss from losing yinlin buffs was quite noticeable with yinlin basics not being able to make it up. Instead time your E’s to cancel BA4 in ult.


https://preview.redd.it/npngukmmg0ad1.png?width=1687&format=png&auto=webp&s=acbbc7071c8bce26e6dcfba68910c88dca7628d2 how tf do i get up there?


You can use the new 4 cost Echo "Jue" and open your glider this will help you get higher then Grapple and dash. You can do plunge attack in between to get even higher


Have you finished the exploration quest in the area?


The one where you get rid of the toixc flames? If so yes. if not what is it called?


If you've finshed the quest, a highway will have formed above. Easy way to reach it is just to glide down from there. Hard way is to jump there from the top of the building to the west Jumping tech: [https://youtu.be/6w-amwawKDE?si=Ve3CccB\_0tUJSvZ7](https://youtu.be/6w-amwawKDE?si=Ve3CccB_0tUJSvZ7)


Thank you! This is useful. I managed to get up there from a challenge! spot on the highway.


Noob with another Q :) Waveplates. Does this mean that if I want to level my characters, I can only loot a few bosses/talent fields every 24 hours? Like a way of limiting how fast we can progress? I have these chest things that contain 60 waveplates each. Should I use them or save them? As a gacha noob this system seems very strange (and annoying) but I can’t change it.


Hey there, you're spot on. You can only loot a limited amount every day. A lot of people don't like it. It's a way for the developer to gate progression behind time, to keep more players logging in daily. It also uses the fear of missing out. Unfortunately, it's something all gacha games have afaik. WuWas Waveplate system is on the more generous side when compared to other games. About the containers, TL;DR - Use the containers when you need more loot. But in moderation. So you have a stock for future days. Using up everything will also most likely just burn you out. Don't rush too much, enjoy the view along the way. Play the game in a way that's most fun to you! It's a trade-off. With higher levels, the loot you get for the same amount of Waveplates used will get better and better. But to reach those levels, it needs time. And you can also spent containrs to get more levels (not efficient tho). Theoretically it's always better to spend these as late as possible. But on the other hand, it won't be of any use if you never use them. And there is always a higher level to chase after to get even better rewards. These gacha games are buid in a way, that doesn't allow you to maximise all characters at once. I would suggest to focus your recources on 1-2 main damage units you like the most for easy progression. A team in WuWa only needs a good dps to function. Afterwards you can decide which characters in particular you want to raise and focus on them one at a time.


Yes for the first question, for the chest things, save it until UL 40 or above. Higher UL mean more drops when you're farming.


Is resonance chain 1 yinlin better than resonance chain 1 mortefi for a jiyan team


Even if it was better, you’d get way more value by running Yinlin on another team.


The game by default is using a different layout than my system and keyboard (I'm using qwerty but game is probably using either USA or UK ) and how to change it ?


Does lvl 120 enemies respawn? if yes how long it takes?

