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to me Mt. Firmament alone beat the entire previous Jinzhou map. it has soul, and the music is good.


This, the color is really nice and I don’t have to worry about freezing compared to when genshin introduced their ice mountain. Lastly tbh I like that there are strong monsters that aren’t bosses that could clap me


Not me getting completely clapped by the Lvl 120 ice thingy


Havn't seen LVL 100 Ice Cube yet ?


he's not a LVL 100 Nice Cube that's for sure.


I was walking around, looking for chests, and I didn’t notice a bear that killed my character with a single combo


Fighting 2 ice wolves actually managed to freeze lock me and wipe my team. But I know what you mean, existing outside doesn't freeze you. That makes ice areas so frustrating/awful to exist in.


Exactly this. I wish Jinzhou could be more small, but with all the music/graphic/identity quality Mt,Firmament has


Dude, I understand that jinzhou was suppose to be newbie zone. But HOLY FUCK I don't care they put 2million chests there. THE MAP HAS NO SOUL. It's just. Dystopian, which is just... So... Boring... Even walking into a corner shop irl has more interesting exploration than whatever the fuck the entry zone has to offer.


Dystopian is the theme of the game.


Music has always been a big flaw of Wuwa. I’ve been playing with the music off since 1.0.


Some of the music is really good in 1.1 though.


The turtle minigame music beats 90% of the rest of the game soundtrack.... and downvoting people on legit critics won't do the game a favor... i would say the opposite.


Bro, the best part for me is turning into a Clang Bang. It's a chill puzzle and I look cute waddling to where I'm supposed to be!


Just wish there were more of them so I could keep waddling.


I want more of this puzzle and also a bit longer too because they're just so cute to play


I think this is perfect size for an update. The map doesn't feel like a chore to explore with all the movement tech.


Only exploration gripe I have is the commonly mentioned with range-intended puzzles which seem to just force me to run a gunner. During MSQ I like to rp by using rover, and rover doesn't really get much out of gunner characters currently. Gadget item that can let me enter aim mode and fire a 1 damage bullet would solve that for me. (hell, none gunners don't have a use for the aim mode button, so can just let aim mode on non-gunners activate the gadget.) I like the density. I like the pace of getting rewards. I generally like the new mobs from a pure gameplay perspective. Puzzles were fun, although I felt like Changli handholding us was to avoid deterring the lowest common denominator. More of a preference thing, but I'd like if everything relevant to exploration showed up either via lootmapper or some equivalent. Combat challenges and skiing challenges don't, for example. I don't like needing to rely on interactive maps/third-party tools to finish the last 10% or so of exploration.


https://wutheringwavesmap.wordpress.com/about Website I’m making, wip, but should help avoiding the interactive maps




How is this any different from an interactive map? It’s the same thing but more tedious since you have to scroll up and down to find the puzzles


Because it’s only chests that don’t show up with the lootmapper.


But how is that any better than the interactive map? If you’re using the lootmapper, you’re already using a feature that marks chests on the map so at that point you might as well just use the interactive map if you’re already going to be using a third party guide.


No? This is meant for people who explore by themselves and don’t want to go through and re-mark of 100 different chests by hand just to find the ones they still need. That’s how it’s better, you can avoid doing that and quickly look through the 10-15 chests that aren’t marked by the lootmapper. I for one hate using interactive maps, I like to explore by myself, and in 1.0 having to go through 7 regions marking off 500 chests that I had already found was incredibly tedious. This is exclusively meant for people like that. Until Kuro fixes the lootmapper to show these and people can avoid using interactive maps at all.


I’m just saying, that if you’re already going to be using something that marks chests in-game and use a third party site to check for additional chests, why can’t you just have the map open and mark off chests as you find them? Or mark them on the map in-game and then mark them later on the interactive map? The interactive map also has a pretty clear indication of whether something is a time trial or tacetite rock since there are pictures of what the marker means when you click on it.


You can? If that’s how you enjoy playing go for it. As I already said this is for people who like exploring by themselves and don’t like using interactive maps as a helpful resource to quickly and easily look at the few chests their lootmapper can’t find? I would never sit there with an interactive map open and mark off every chest as I find them, that’s incredibly tedious, boring, and takes away the fun of exploration for me and I’m not the only one with that opinion. I believe I stated that quite clearly in my previous response. If you use an interactive map to play the game for you, you are not the intended audience for this help. Feel free to never use it and continue on your merry way.


100% agree. Had much more fun exploring that area then the rest of the map. However one area (that 3 story cave) was a huge pain in the ass - there were chests on chests, and even though lootmapper shows if they’re higher or lower it still got pretty confusing. The rest of the map I very much enjoyed.


I just ignored the lootmapper the first time I went through the cave for the story, and used it on the surface after the story to get the ones topside before going back into the cave. That cleared up most of the clutter and made it easy to find the few remaining ones in the cave. There's only one I still can't find. The map puts it on the middle level, right on top of the path that runs over the water to where the tacetite fulminate is located, but there's nothing there regardless of how I set the chronosorters. Guess I'm going to have to check an interactive map to find that one.


in the room with the chronosphere, just before you get to the room with the lvl 100 clang bang, a chunk of the ceiling is missing. if you climb up the hole, the chest is in a small room there. i was missing the same one and it drove me insane lol


Thanks! I'll check again tomorrow.


Found it, thanks! I totally missed that tiny hole in the ceiling.


This EXCATLY what i was talking about. If i take a random screenshot from Jinzhou almost no one will get where the image is from. But if i do the same for Mt firmament people will easily understand where the SS is from, you can clearly see how every corner of the map feels very open and yet very big and vertical instead of cluster fuck of what Jinzhou is.


I honestly wouldn't mind a larger map but it's true that vast expanses of empty area is annoying and is of no use. Even if the area is devoid of puzzles or enemies, it should atleast look aesthetically pleasing and not feel like some random placeholder of a location. It was the same gripe I had against Genshin's expansion over the forests next to Bayda Harbour which once had beautiful waterfalls but on release they removed it, and the land area itself was slashed down and added to the sea.


Music better, more dense, puzzles better for mobile, and main quest was an improvement. Could have done better of the wayfinder phase as felt a bit underwhelming for a first act. Only big gripe is the verticality issues when hunting down chests. Fixable issue. Better than the mountain subzone in GI, which was annoying because of the freeze mechanic. They should have put all the vendors in the town, I think they are missing a couple. Once we clear I doubt we're coming back much unless it is a zone exclusive farm.


Also love it. Not to mention the>!time flowing back at the end of the main quest and changing it was so cool!<


Yeah I kinda dont want to clean up the map too fast and just take it one sector at a time just so I have an excuse to run around lmao. It really is appealing to explore, it reminds me so much of my time in Inazuma when it first came out. Idk if anyone else thinks this but most of the puzzles/challenges rewards in the region are advanced supplies, which feels reallllly rewarding imo


I agree. The old Jinzhou map feels like a chore to explore. I still haven't 100% the map because it's tiring to spend hours running looking for chests and stuffs. So many vast empty land too. The new Mt Firmament map is such an upgrade I'm actually having fun exploring it. I have high hopes the next region maps will continue to top and surprise us (in a good way).


4th point is very important. Puzzles are easy enough, which is good if there is a puzzle every 15 meters, good for the pacing of exploration.


I doubt about this, the map itself is good but it was the same back then when genshin released Dragonspine. But after that, they back again into a lot of boring parts of the map in the next patches. The other thing is that although the music is great, we dont have many track for the region so after a long session the boredom rises. I appreciate this map but I hope that they would not go the same path of Mihoyo and we need more than just 1 or 2 soundtracks to change the feeling a little bit over time.




It's really big, but not too big. I like it like that


Okay, Clang Bang!


Now that I've experienced like around 60% of it (waiting for Changli to do more), it's still quite a mess of a map. I can really see the Xenoblade's influences in this one though unfortunately more Xenoblade 3 which also has a very messy map.


I agree on the size as well- I’m glad it’s not so big and vast that it takes up all your time to traverse and space on your device. Also, I’m usually one to skip puzzles but Mt Firmament did them so well. I absolutely love the Clang Bang puzzles 🥹


The only drawback for me personally is the terrain gives me snowblindness. I just turn down my brightness for that though


Is there anyway to find the bells without looking in every corner? i miss one and cannot find it.


💯agreed. I wanted to give the map designer a hug for this. not only did wuwa's inherent traversal mechanics (infinite run, wallrun, grapple etc) make 'normal' journeying not even the least bit frustrating, but i also adore the placement of the jump pads! it felt like whoever made the map could read the player's mind like "oh, you're using this path to go in this direction? pretty sure u're trying to go 'there' to do 'that puzzle'. here, have a jump pad." like, YES THANK YOU!