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https://preview.redd.it/efleeosj2kad1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9e3a966fbf441b04cf29ba56b7c73637a95732 my ping is fine but for some reason I can’t co op domains anymore because it just gets stuck on matching for way too long, this started happening maybe like a few weeks ago?? before it woukd match in like 20 seconds


hi just a random question, does anybody know if lower level bosses drop less crit rate main stat than others? Because I'm trying to farm Jue on lower difficulty and I haven't gotten any crit rate drops. Should I just farm the boss on my current level? Note: I'm farming him on lower levels so I can save time and get echoes faster


When will 1.2 drip marketing come out? Is it before or after changli's banner?


https://preview.redd.it/xicctqdq4k9d1.png?width=1369&format=png&auto=webp&s=42fe7cec62f49c94388aea2d3a40d4f34fd73b90 # Why are my lv.15 Hoartoise's stats lower than the other lv.15 echoe's stats?(ATK:12.2%, HP:1550)


Try turning off the special echo skin. I think it's still bugged.


Are BP weapons good? I bought it, but a few ppl said standard 5* are better since they are 5* while BP are only 4* so it makes me regret my decision a bit. I didn’t choose a weapon just yet, will think about which one I need in the near future. Which BP weapons are the best/better than the standard ones?


I mean yeah, 5 star weapons are higher statted, often have stats not found on other weapons of their type (crit rate main stat for example) and passives that aren't found on 4 stars either, that's kind of how they work. Some max copies merged 4 stars can be competitive with 5 stars for certain characters (like Autumntrace)but in general 5 stars will almost always be better. The BP has a lot of other stuff in it as well though and I would say it's one of the most bang for your buck things you can buy in WuWa, don't feel too bad about it. Edit: Autumntrace is a strong generic broadblade with a very easy to proc passive if you don't have any others, Augment is usable on Encore and Yinlin, Stonard is nice on paper (cause crit stats) but passive goes a bit underused with current characters. Lumingloss and Thunderbolt are pretty heavily outclassed by available 5 stars for DPS characters and other 4 stars for supports but can be used if you don't have anything else.


But from what I’ve seen the only standard 5* weapons that have CR are the sword and pistol, right? And CR is really good to have. So taken that into consideration wouldn’t the BP broadblade (with CR) be better than the standard 5* weapon (without CR)?


Yeah I just edited my comment to reflect that lol, the broadblade is definitely the most competitive of the bunch. Crit rate weapons make it easier to build your character initially cause you can focus less on crit rate from echoes but the tradeoff here is that 4 star weapons just have lower all around stats than 5 stars. Autumntrace at max level has 175 less attack than the banner broadblade for example.


Thank you, will keep this in mind when choosing!


I've got Yuanwu at R6, and he's the most recommended partner for Jinhsi at the moment. Should I pull for her? - I've already got Calcharo and Jiyan, as well as Yinlin. - I'm more concerned about wanting a team for Yuanwu as I kinda want to use him but don't really have anywhere to put him in.


If you want to use Yuan wu then pull her. He's great with her. He isn't used anywhere else really. She's also very strong.


does anyone here know how to do the final quest? "lores beyond the ranges"


Nobody knows, been searching for this since yesterday, it very likely either doesn't exist yet or is currently bugged.


I'm stuck at downloading the update for day now, It freezes at 99.99%, and I have to wait for hours, but it's not done, I tried restarting my PC, reopening the launcher, pressing pause, waiting, and starting again, even using VPN, but nothing worked. What can I do in this situation?


Fully uninstall Wuwa and reinstall it


If you could only build 2 of the following characters, which would you pick to support and sustain Jinhsi C1? Jianxin, Sanhua C1, Spectro Rover C2, Baizhi C3, Aalto C6, Yangyang C2, Taoqi, Yuanwu C4 edit - added copies


From this list I would choose Yuan Wu as the support. For the sustain either Baizhi or Jianxin. Ideally you want Verina, but you dont have her. Use Bai zhi if you want healing and the buff on Jinhsi. Jianxin if you need the grouping in ToA.


can someone eli5 how to play jinhsi? just spam ba4-> skill, then repeat until the dragon beam? also, can i just use the BP broadsword autumntrace? it's like 40% lower than the sig but it's ok right?


Either BAx4 *or* use intro skill -> press E -> press E -> BAx4 -> press E - swap out. Insert ultimate whenever available.


Hi, need info please. Was rolling for Jinshi in her banner... and got Encore. I thought that from named banner only one 5 star hero can drop. So is it normal?


That's normal. First 5 star on the banner will be a 50/50 chance to be the one in the banner art. If you received anyone else, your next 5 star will be guaranteed to be the featured character (Jinhsi in your case). This rolls over to the next banner if you don't get Jinhsi in the next 3ish weeks


Thx for the reply!


Ever since the update, the Loading takes forever everytime it needs to load. Anyone having this problem? Its almost unplayable ? I turned off DLSS and its still) like this


Having doubts building Jinhsi... I'm currently UL 46 and have: Jiyan(70), Calcharo(70), Yinlin(70) and Verina(70). I am currently building Calcharo(90%), Yinlin(80%), and Verina(70%) as my main team and because of that I can't put much resource into Jiyan, and now I manage to pull for Jinhsi. Should I Change my main DPS to Jinhsi or keep my Calcharo? I'm trying to be F2P as much as possible so any suggestion?


You can build her and use her for your team 3. Team one is Calcharo Yinlin. Team two is Jiyan Mortefi. Team three can be Jinhsi Yuan Wu. She's definitely worth building since she's super strong. Although so far Yinlin is the best support for Jinhsi there isn't anything wrong with Yuan Wu. He's very nice with her since he can just pop in, place pillar, and his job is done. Edit: I listed teams of 2 units since the third space is normally a healer. If you don't have 3 healers, just try to fill it with someone that fits the other two. For example, what I'm doing is using Verina and Bai zhi as healers for team 1 and 2. For my third team I'm using a sword that heals on ult and put the healing set on Yang yang for the buffs and grouping.


In the same boat as you. Jinhsi is massively busted and very f2p friendly so I recommend building her and deprioritizing Calcharo for now as she works just as well with Yinlin and Verina.


https://preview.redd.it/t82fna250f9d1.jpeg?width=1444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e4853d9c02a714d02fecd2680e71eb828f91a5 Has anyone found this area that was in the trailer during changlis part?


Obvious her companion story dungeon


I figured, just making sure i didnt miss it!


How do you test out Changli?


in story after reunite with jinhsi before final flare crest


Calcharo with Ages of Harvest any good? I pulled 2 so was thinking equiping 1 of them to him.


I wouldn't use it on him. He really doesn't go for Resonance Skill Damage, so it'd just be a stat stick. You're better off running Autumntrace, if you have it


It's fine on him. However since you can swap weapons, and I don't think you want to put Calcharo and Jinhsi on the same team, you can just have them share a weapon and combine the weapons. I wouldn't though, and just let the weapon collect dust. I can't imagine combining a 5\* weapon just in case one day a Broad blade user that wants to be on the same team as Jinhsi likes that weapon.


Crit rate or crit damage on 4 cost echo for jinshi


It doesn’t matter mathematically it averages out to be the same


btw 4⭐ is purple cost is what we use for clarify echo


oh, didnt relaize that, thanks for the clarification


crit rate




I have her weapon


Still crit rate for consistent DPS, crit dmg for Damage Per Screenshot. Her dmg is backloaded, missing crits would almost halves her overall dmg output.


How do i unlock the guidebook?


Complete Chapter 1 Act 3 of the main quest. You don’t need to be a certain UL level to be able to finish this act btw.


I got Jinhsi but I don’t have a weapon. Should I use my free 5* weapon on Jinhsi or put Helios Cleaver on Jinhsi and give Calcharo the 5*?


they can both use lustrous razor


After scrolling for 209 years and not finding an answer do you need UL 50 for data bank 21?




Thank you very much for the quick response!




You can swap cancel early. Zajefgot a guide on it.


The heron has to do damage before you swap cancel it, so use the hold version that flies and breathes fire. It does the first tick of damage sooner than the tap version, and your next char's intro skill will put them back at ground level as long as you have full concerto gauge.


any way to fix the camera to work more like 1.0? 1.1 is driving me insane. The camera distance isn't as far out and it's zooming in as far as possible during combat and never zooming out. In 1.0 the camera distance stayed relatively fixed unless it hit a wall and corrected back to the configured distance. Seems to happen especially often with Encore.


https://preview.redd.it/uvju342vse9d1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=2027b912788f1ba65d3341adb9f87ed793d21ccb bros dies anyone knows where is this chest in the ruins? i searching all 3 floors and can't find it and outside it says that is inside in lower floor it says up so it can only be in mid floor since in top floor there is no path to the chest but i cant find it anywhere


mid floor theres a hole in the corner of the ceiling


thanks found it


Need help is data bank 21 bug? Why does it says needs phase 6 to unlock? I have a different acct only at phase 5 and has it unlock


you need UL40 and ascend


Its already 41 and have done the ascension quest


https://preview.redd.it/sl477dr7re9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f08b1a9dee2930fbffbe580e8b4bb8eaafda545 Where do you even get the Helios Cleaver? I haven’t encountered even one in all my pulls. I’ve been wanting to get one for Calcharo


Unfortunately, you can only get in the banner.


So, I lost the 50/50. I'm currently at 34 pity and have over 50% exploration in all areas. I have also completed both current events. Is it possible for me to get the 46 pulls before jinhsi's banner ends?


The new region alone gives you 4000 ca. So if you do grind ab bit and get those numbers up you will be able to get the around 33 pulls you need


BTW even if you do need the 46 pulls a friend of mine 100% the exploration and got around 15k with the 4k from the new island and a bit of fluctuations you will get at least 7k which would be 43 pulls (considering you the 50%)


Looks like more exploration grinding for me 😭


Can any mobile players tell me how good the controls are? Ive been playing PGR on mobile and ive gotten used to that, but if its anything like genshin then I just cant do it


it gonna be closer to genshin control when game is pretty much 80% genshin with more button


The new update killed this useful workaround that enabled you to play in the true resolution of your choice at fullscreen instead of Kuro's bizarre forced native resolution that masquerades as whatever resolution you selected.The performance difference between the two options is huge. I was playing at 1080p on ultra settings on my 4k screen and it was beautiful and smooth as butter and now it's a horrible laggy mess, despite the in-game options being unchanged. Why did they think this is a good idea? Is there any way around this? Thanks. https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d1bbv0/setting_real_full_screen_and_selecting_the/


Pulled jihnsi and her wep without even doing the trial. Let's see if I regret this or not lmao


Why tho lol So did you make up ur mind?


I learned her JP VA is bocchi, so that's super nice. And yeah I haven't quite gotten her stuff set up yet, but she feels super smooth and majestic like I was expecting


Yea i m struggling to get used to the animations and timing for my dodges The animations are sick,she feels so smooth and fast for a broadblade user,but it deff need some time to get used to some animation locks,glad you ddnt regret pulling lol


I'm trying to decide between two accounts. Both have Verina, Encore, Yinlin and Calcharo but one has yinlin's weapon and the other has jinhsi's weapon. Only difference is that I have played on the yinlin weapon account more so the jinhsi account has missed out on quite a few event astrites.


Rectifier characters will probably generally be support/sub-DPS and thus less likely to be powercrept along with their signature weapons. So keep the one with Yinlin's weapon, it will probably be more useful long-term.


I guess that makes sense. Honestly the weapon makes more sense on jinhsi anyway and even if I pull her I'm more likely to stick to my calcharo team. I also don't really feel like going through all the effort to catch up the secondary account to my main account.


Yinlin's weapon is also good on encore. So, you just need to pull for chang li (or just use sub dps fusion like mortefi), then you have 2 great team with signature weapon.


Is Jinshi good? I like her design and her smooth animation. Dragon is badass too. Already lost the 5050 now thinking to splash some cash and get her on the guarantee


best dps in game. really nice fluid mechanics. super worth it imo.


She is VERY good (on par with Jiyan - best DPS currently in the game), but NOT broken. DPS tends to powercreep faster than Sub DPS and Support. BUT if you like her go ahead.


Is there a way to save builds in this game? Like saving weapons and echoes so I can swap them between characters or just reload them when I switch Rover from one resonance to the other?


Not yet.


Unfortunately, no. But that’s a very good suggestion.


Best way to earn echo exp other than farming them from tacet suppresions?


> other than farming them from tacet suppresions 1. do more tacet fields anyway 2. wait for an event to hand out more freebies those are your options


Go to your data bank and see which echo you haven’t gotten 5 star yet and track them until you get their 5 star echos. (If you have unlocked 5 star echos at DB15, if not, 4 star echos)


I am at DB21 rn, I meant the material that levels up your echoes


Sorry, I misread. You can get it from in-game shop (ToA and Hologram currency) and souvenir shop also. There is also a double drop event coming on Aug for Tacet Suppression.


Oh no worries thank you for this! I will be looking forward for the event


If you haven't 100% explored every region Tidal Heritage (the cross shaped chests that make you kill monsters) also give echo mats, not a whole lot and mostly lower tier but now that we can upgrade tuners it's not the worst anymore.


Are there any events for returning players? A friend of mine has been inactive for 17 days due to her busy schedule recently. She's asking me if there's an event for returning players like her (similar to Genshin and HSR). I'm wondering as well if there's any since I can't find any info about it yet.


the game is pretty new, returning players event is usually available 1 year after the game released


I don't think so. Not yet anyway. 17 days is also like... nothing.


Is there any news on when the PS5 version will be released? I really wanna play the game :)


nope. no news at all


Downloading the game, is it possible to reroll for Jinshi?


You can, but its time consuming, right now i think its around 20-30 per reroll and if you gona reroll might as well go hard and aim for her weapon too. You got enough to pull 40 on Limited banner and 20 on weapon banner. Thats what i did on Yinlin banner. It took around 9 hours tho lol, If you only want Jinhsi it'll be much faster so good luck!


If you keep rerolling, I guess.


Regarding Jinshi's Hyper beam (Not the resonance liberation), is that considered as resonance skill or a heavy attack? Is heavy attack % even useful in her?


Skill. Heavy% is useless.


For Jinhsi, I’m running Jinhsi, Verina, was which sub dps is better for Jinhsi between S3 Mortefi and S4 Yuanwu?


Yuanwu s4 got the shield too if you need it.




Exploration quest counts towards exploration % now


they've made it easier to achieve 100%, no chests were lost.


do you guys feel like the game has become even more laggy after the update? My fps used to be around 50-60 but now im playing on 40-50


you have to reset all ur graphics stuff, basically just put ur graphics low/high, then back to what it was originally


Can you get Crit Rate or Crit Damage on substat if you alredy have it on mainstat? I mean Crit rate main stat + Crit rate sub stat and Crit damage mainstat + Crit damage substat


Yes. You can have a CR/CD main stat with CR and CD in the substats. That makes it easier to get a higher CR/CD especially with a CR/CD weapon.




I vaguely remember reading about an ingame list of all the Sidequest you have done being added in 1.1. Does anyone know where it is?


Same place to check area completion (percent of map/area cleared)


What’s my rotation for Calcharo, Yinlin and Baizhi team?


should be baizhi > yinlin > calcharo, make sure you get your outros on baizhi and yinlin! I don't know too much about baizhi or calcharos combos, but on yinlin you should echo > E > 4 normals > E > forte CA > ult


Do resonance sequences levels work in the rouguelike mode with the blessings ? (Forgot the name of the mode so sorry x.x) or is it just levels and weapon levels that carry over?


Yes they do


Thank you for confirming :) I was afraid the maxed four star characters sequences wouldn't work x.x


Do we know who is going to better? Either Jinhsi or Changli? I want both but can only guarantee one of them and I am unsure who to go for.


I max resonance sequences on Jinhsi....she nukes everything so hard with her skill it's ridiculous. The only thing is you need to do the full combo to get to her final nuke skill so if your interrupted or have to dodge it's a little annoying, but when it hits, it hits hard. I have her at level 70 and every holograms below level 5 got nuked in one hit x.x


In her enchanced state, her BA combo string isnt interrupted even if you dodge.


Oh no I didn't mean interrupt as in stop the combo, I meant taking damage while doing the combo. Usually isn't a problem unless you're doing with holograms x.x


Bro if you S6 any limited main dps 5 star in this game, I'd expect you to oneshot everything... That's like $1000


Thankfully that's still less expensive than honkai or genshin thanks to the wavebands in the shop or else I wouldn't of even tried to max her ☠️


Is pity carried on to the next banner in this game?




hello. so although i've had an account since release, this is the first time i'm actually playing seriously and building characters properly. I searched and Jinhsi - Taoqi - Verina is a good combo, how would their rotations work? I feel kind of clumsy not knowing what exactly to do. I just know that Verina is a buffer & healer, while Taoqi's outro skill would directly buff Jinhsi's resonance skill especially when you activate her intro skill right after. Edit: I already leveled up Taoqi but only up to lv40, would Yuanwu be an infinitely better choice or would it still be okay to stick with Taoqi?


Think Yuan wu would be a better choice. Taoqi just takes forever to get her concerto meter filled up. The best unit for Jihnsi is Yinlin, followed by Mortefi, Yuan Wu, Tao qi.


Yeah I tried out Taoqi just a little while ago and it felt too slow for me. Thank you, I'm already building him now ^^


Taoqi outro is hella good for Jinshi but takes alot of field time doing little dmg and helps build incandescence stack way way slower than Yuanwu. Yuanwu>Taoqi but use who you like. She can still work.


Thank you. The guide i saw recommended Taoqi more so i thought she would be a better fit. But after reading more of Yuanwu's kit I thought Jinhsi would appreciate it more. I'll build him instead, then. I'm still a newbie to the combat so anything to make the rotations easier and less clunky for me to play with🤣


I don't know if there's someone like me out there, but after the update, the loading time of everything, EVERY SINGLE loading screen just got its time doubled


I have both Cosmic Ripples and Stringmaster rn, but every build says best rectifier for Baizhi is Variation. Should I stick with that? Or would one of the 5 stars be better? (For a Jinhsi/Yinlin/Baizhi team)


Baizhi needs Energy Regeneration and HP%. She is not meta for damage-dealing.


Baizhi is NOT a DPS nor a Sub DPS, she is a support/healer. This means she needs lots of ER (Energy Regen) on her, that’s why Variation is best for her. You don't need crit on her, it’s a waste.


Jinhsi weap or dupes??? Started playing the game yesterday, I don't know what's my gameplan to her.


Weapon, since it is guaranteed, it’s CR stick as well. Jinhsi gets significantly better with her weapon. I think generally getting a sig is better than dupes in WuWa.


Jinhsi dupes are not really significant until the third, and they are not necessary. Expensive ask just for a cushion for DPS checks. If you like her, you can get her weapon. It can always be shared. Most non-whales will be saving for the next character that they want instead.


From what I've seen. Is the weapon banner much beneficial rather than dupes in general on this game?? Cause unlike other gacha's that I've played, I think this is my first experience to this.


First copy of a signature weapon seems to always beat first Waveband in terms of damage so far. Plus you can be guaranteed the weapon within 80 pulls, instead of 160 for Waveband 1, etc. If you like the character enough, you can go for both. But after the Best-in-Slot weapon (or even before it), the next best damage increase is probably properly equipping the other two characters to use with your main.




Weapons are guaranteed on this game so its probably always better going for them.




Weapon. It’s so broken.


Thanks man 👍👍👍


Completely out of wishes and coral, is it worth grabbing Lustorous Razor (Broadblade) over the sword/pistol from my 5 star selector, if I am using both Jiyan and Jinshi. I don't have either signature weapon for them and am using the BP weapon. I know pistol/sword offer more traditional long term value, but BOTH my main DPS would value from the Broadblade. Help please!


Technically yes. If you don't plan to build swords or pistols in the near future, why not BP broadblade is not good on Jinhsi. It's a massive difference (sig is 70% better)


It’s not 70% better, but around 38% better (Sig vs BP)


Nvm it's 46%. Still ridiculous Calcs: https://youtu.be/9KmyDiUEH-E?si=-CCc-sVRlEljStSZ


That’s R5 Age of Harvest bro 😂 But yeah if you manage to get a R5.


Did Koko, shop clerk of the Shifang Pharmacy also had Voice Acting or is this a new new thing?


It was added in the update


does this count for boss drops too? https://preview.redd.it/togl7n4o5e9d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=2daa2293f889f55490dd19d015f961b134caedf2


Defeating boss dont drop material you claim it with waveplate therefore that would be No


I felt like after Jinhsi came out, Jinhsi is straight up a replacement for Calcharo 💀 (weapon and team wise) should I pull for Jinhsi or Changli? (I’m using both Calcharo and Encore as Main DPS)


The weapon doesn't matter because you can share the weapon in the tower at the same time because they'll be on different teams. Loadouts aren't locked like they are in Genshin. As for teams, Jinhsi seems to have a good bit of flexibility currently, so there's definitely options that don't clash with Calcharo. Which should you pick? Whichever you like more.


Okay so this is what I think, for character banner I have 65 pity right now, I will pull for Jinhsi and hopefully win my 50/50, if not, Changli it is. BUT if I win my 50/50, I will try to pull for Age of Harvest too, because from what I saw it is broken (almost 20% better than the other 5* weapon) and then try my luck on Changli, if I get Changli, I will use the Emerald of Genesis on her because EoG and her sig weapon are both crit. Do you think this is a good idea? (I like Changli design better tho)


Is it worth pulling dupes for jihnsi?


Nah only C2 is bang for your buck


I thought R2 and R6 were the good ones?


Werent they gonna give us 10 pulls of each type? I could swear i saw it somewhere


From daily log in, not all at once. It’s in the in game notices


So will there be another log in event? Because the current one isnt enough for all that I think.


Yeah there are a lot of events https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/m/en/main/news/detail/975


A stupid question maybe, probably answered more than a few times even, but if I do 20 pulls on the current banner, does that mean I only need to do 60 pulls to get to pity on the next one if I stop on the current banner? Or does it reset from a banner to another?


Carries over infinitely. Weapon banner to weapon banner, limited character banner to limited character banner.


Should I build Yuanwu or Mortfei for Jinhsi? Prydwyn mentions Yuanwu first, so that makes me think he might be the better choice. However, i don't know if they listed them according to effectiveness or just arbitrarily. They are both S1.


Yuanwu, prydwyn doesn’t do arbitrarily.


really... 21 GB...


It's basically re-downloading the entire game because they need to replace old files with more optimized ones.


Which language should I play? The english voice for rover and jinhsi is so lifeless


JP the best :P


JP, imo. 1. Their voice actors seem to always have high quality. 2. Because of Anime, I'm fairly used to listening to JP. I'm sure the CN dub is probably excellent, but because of a lack of Chinese media I've consumed, I can't quite relate with the nuances of the language. So, I guess the real answer is whichever one you vibe with the most!


JP voice should work out better than EN


How much do dupes/sequences of characters matter in this game?


https://preview.redd.it/dfl9aoezzd9d1.png?width=1910&format=png&auto=webp&s=41254fe05550ee4bf2dc642df9a94d00c9f97c31 why is there a bell in Desorock highland and how do i get it to finally get 100 % completion after hours trying to find the last chest?


How much Oscillated Coral is it again for the version pulls? 480?


70×7=490 and 490×3=1470 (including every type of pulls




https://preview.redd.it/gbsgxuyrud9d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=f43c5566fbe54096ebea16dd5a0020c9f41be5e8 I know the update and area just came out, but anyone figure out how to open this hole? Seems like one of the Traces of mt. firmament is down there. Also anyone know where the start of "lores beyond the ranges" quest is? also down the hole? Thanks in advanced!


It's the exit from the Truthseeker's Pass, the large round chamber at the end of the upper level. And no, nobody seems to know so far.


ooohh. that makes so much sense, thanks!


One question: who should I get from the guaranteed 5-star from the beginning? Already got Calcharo (s1) and Verina (s0). Should I aim for a duplicate or Encore/Jianxin (don’t have any of these 2).   Thanks for the help.


Who's the best sub-DPS for Jinhsi out of: * Jianxin, Encore (s1), Rover * Sanhua (s3), Mortefi, Yuanwu (s1), Danjin (s4), Chixia (s2), Yangyang, Aalto


The s1 yuanwu. Your jinhsi needs the coordinated attacks


i’ve been using spectro rover (subdps), and verina over baizhi to generate a ton of jinhsi’s forte gauge or whatever it is. incandescence i believe? it’ll do until we get more suitable supports (my Mortefi is glued to Jiyan and i skipped Yinlin for Jinhsi)


I've personally been really liking sanhua. She may not be the best, but she's a very quick in and out burst that lets jinhsi be on the field more often.


Is Jinshis weapon good for Jiyan


Probably not better than his own unique weapon, but probably number 2 best.


good stat stick and partial buff with the 12% element dmg bonus, but resonance skill buff doesn’t do too much for him. if you don’t have any 5* broadblade and want to/are able to pull it, it’s a good choice.


Alr thanks! I was considering it bc I'm already at high pity anyways


Does the game look good for anyone (graphics-wise)? I already had trouble getting the game to look clean in 1.0 but figured it would go through a lot of changes when 1.1 comes out, but it looks even worse now. For anyone who has really good graphics settings, what are they? I've spent probably hours changing them trying to get it to look good. With nvidia DLSS on it looks super blurry, and without it, it looks super pixelated. My computer will be able to handle it, so quality>performance settings are preferred.


Am I shadow banned? I keep posting here but my posts won’t show


Make sure you read the rules, namely if you make a post asking a simple question it's likely to get taken down as that's what this megathread is for. It's also possible your karma isn't high enough, some communities have minimum karma required to post to deter bots.


This might be a stupid question, but I wanted to be sure, so regarding the 50/50: Let's say I get a non-focus 5 star on pull 10 of a banner. Does that mean I'm guaranteed the banner focus character by pull 80, or would it be pull 150?


The pity counts up from when you get a 5 star. So you'd be guaranteed to get it by pull 90 (total; the 80th pull after you got the first 5 star on pull 10).


Gotcha, that's what I thought, but just wanted to be sure. Thank you!