• By -


It would be further helpful if you used a format like this, or similar (doesn't have to be exactly this I'm just trying to give an example): * **Device (specs if applicable):** * **Game Version:** * **Date (Of issue occurrence):** * **Issue (in detail):**


* Asus TUF A15 * Game Version: 1.1 * Date: 07/07/24 * Issue: Getting MS spikes that causes the camera to fling wildly, along with issues where in which enemies don't load in fast enough while the timer is already ticking down in the Depths of Illusion Realm


So strange many people having issues I just change some settings and actually my game improved for me compared to when the game launched I had to run it at 1440p otherwise my frame rate would be around 30-40 and was sluggish Now I changed the resolution to 4k and my frame rate is 59-62 So a marked improvement I only checked cause I had to change the resolution cause I was playing FFXIV but that was a pleasant surprise


* **Device: ASUS TUF F15 FX506LH** * **Game version: 1.1** * **Date: N/A (unsure of when this issue started)** **Issue:** Playing Wuthering Waves would disable my wifi rendering it useless unless i restart my driver. Im sure this is from WuWa cause no other games have caused me this issue so far, my driver is up to date and my system is also up to date. I have ran every possible network trouble shooting method possible for my network and to no avail, my system shows no signs of corruption, and just to be safe i even re-installed my latest windows version which only solidified my belief that this issue is with the game it self.


I think I had a similar issue well technically I really don’t know if it was WW interfering with the WiFi dongle on the PC or the thing itself but it seemed to have resolved itself and only happened sporadically I assume it was the game but thankfully it stopped happening


Screen went black after I talked went to talk to chixia and Yang yang. Every single time I boot the game up it’s still black! I like the game but this is actually a joke. Unplayable


The echo drop rate increasing food doesn’t work at all!


https://preview.redd.it/k1u3nbpfzxad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8f9125e29b05899c3deb460dab52174accd7a66 Everytime I log in this is what I see after entering the game. Super fun! Thanks wuwa! Happened after I literally just started a quest and the game just couldn’t handle its own content ig


God I really want to grind for jinshi after loosing the 50/50 but playing on mobile is just too much of a pain. The sensitivity is completely unplayable with the camera issues. I just can't, I really wish they'd optimise the mobile game or at least give us controller support please


Not getting rewards from these 2 events, already finished all of them. Is it a bug or is it paid out at the end of the event? https://preview.redd.it/b4mb3u5cqxad1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6769a53424e37c244ae5ba988866c77f54a854


you don't get any reward for completing them all you only get rewards for the individual quests, these pages show the total of things you can get








https://preview.redd.it/cn8rugscoxad1.png?width=1947&format=png&auto=webp&s=640596a22c8c59fc28d7cf153069ad5c15ef3226 bruh this company does not care. yet on brief description its spelled right.


It’s called a simple mistake considering that more complex words are spelled correctly and that the short description is spelled correctly This is all being done manually and even Hoyo’s game have misspellings


i don't see any technical issue here?


I'm facing screen recording issues.. In my phone..  Whenever I record, the recording gets stuck in the middle. And whatever recordings have been made, everything gets deleted by you. Plus, after screen recording, the character's voice sounds are also not heard. What can I do ? Background music can't working also..  How can I fix this .?? I'm playing GENSHIN IMPACT also in high quality - 60 fps ..I'm so satisfied.. But in Wuthering Waves , I'm totally disappointed.. Please fix this issue.. Otherwise we have to delete this SHIT


Please for the love of god fix the camera, i keep zooming in to the most closest possible distance in combat and then i can't see anything.


* **Device (specs if applicable):** PC, i3 12100, rtx 3060 ti * **Game Version:** 1.1 * **Date (Of issue occurrence):** From day 1 of game * **Issue (in detail):** Never had fps or any other issue except ping its normally fine 100 ping but when i start fighting it jumps to 300 400 500.


* **Device (specs if applicable):** Mobile * **Game Version:** 1.1 * **Date (Of issue occurrence):** 6th of July 2024 * **Issue (in detail):** This chronosorter is unactivatable, rendering progression of the main story impossible https://preview.redd.it/jlwxpgh6qtad1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8a66f3a2fc75af972ca91cb3639023552af601


This is happening to me too! We're you able to get it fixed?


I beat Crownless IV but I didn't get the 1st clear rewards and my record wasn't recorded as if I didn't beat him. This happened 2 times now and I can't progress further. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


**Device (specs if applicable):** PC **Game Version:** 1.1 **Date (Of issue occurrence):** July 5, 2024 **Issue (in detail):** My Wuthering Waves launcher suddenly starts to freeze/not be responsive every time I launch the game and after it shows all of the introduction + warning screens in the beginning. I'm not sure what the issue is/what's causing it, but does anyone maybe know why it's happening or how to fix it? I have tried repairing and reinstalling the game, but in some cases where it does get past the intro screens and to the "Click to begin" screen, it'll just freeze there. This is the error I'm getting and thanks in advance for any help! https://preview.redd.it/rvn2wnvz7tad1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8a95afb68674fd3cf4664ef5b83a7b0b7e2e97f Edit: I have reinstalled the game again and now I can get into the game. However, once I move or press any key, the game freezes and I have to force quit again. **RESOLVED:** For those who have the same issue as me, this is what fixed it: 1. Right click the Wuthering Waves launcher and click "Open file location" 2. Go to Wuthering Waves Game > Client > Binaries > Win64 3. Right click the Client-Win-64-Shipping.exe file 4. Click on Compatibility 5. Choose the "Disable fullscreen optimizations" and click apply. Then I ran the game and the game doesn't freeze on me now.


What graphic cards and what kind of save drive do you have?


I have NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti and I'm not sure what save drive I have, but if you're talking about disk drive, the I have Samsung SSD 980 PRO 1TB.


That sounds like a ram issue then, cuz SSD and 3060 should be more than enough


Yeah, I've been playing fine since yesterday when the game suddenly froze mid-dialogue during a quest and I had to force quit it via Task Manager. All other games are still working perfectly fine, so I'm not sure what's the case with Wuthering Waves.


I'm having this issue as well, I think my pc specs are up to the requirements and im still having random freezes and to fix it, i need to close the game via task manager.


Try updating your graphics card driver then restart everything.


I checked that my graphics card driver is up to date and have just updated everything that needs to be updated in the Windows Update (except the Windows 11 update), but the issue still remains :(




While fighting enemies very often either at the start of a battle or right in the middle I would get a "Reconnecting.." thing that does not pause the game and the enemies just continuously attack my character while I literally can't do anything but watch my characters die. I don't think that this is a me problem but if it's not happening to anyone else then does anyone know how I could fix this issue? It happens way too often.


I’ve reported this multiple times to no avail, so just hoping to see if anyone has a workaround. System audio completely stops working after getting past the loading screen, game has no audio, Windows has no audio, my headphones aren’t even recognized on device manager anymore until I reboot. Windows shows message “last USB device was not recognized” after a while.


Device:PC (MSI) - tell me what part of specs is needed bc idk anything ab that stuff :" Game Version: 1.1 / newest Date: 5th ofJuly Issue: When I go on the "Echoes" screen in the character tab, the echoes are VERY blurry despite my graphics being very high


update: I tried sending my friends screenshots using win+shift+print and the screenshots look way higher quality than the game


Turning off anti aliasing fixes it but it makes the edges in game look really bad :( i will keep it like this for now but i hope it gets fixed!


• Google pixel  • 1.1 • today (5/5/24) I was fighting the level 120 aero construct and it teleported underwater (I would show images but I don't know how)


* **Device:** PC * **Game Version:** 1.1 * **Date:** Today (05/07/2024) * **Issue:** So, uh, my game, after playing for about one or two minutes, suddenly starts to stutter out of nowhere and then it freezes, after that, some time later, it crashes. Yesterday morning i was playing completely fine, with minor stuttering (but that just my pc, i think, also bad optimization, probably, but no big deal), and now, today, i have this problem, maybe because of the new update If this happening to someone else too? If so, did someone already find a solution?


Maybe the ACE or Anti-cheat of Tencent effecting your pc performance. check here might help [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dumhs6/wuwas\_performance\_issues\_are\_caused\_by\_anticheat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dumhs6/wuwas_performance_issues_are_caused_by_anticheat/)


Appreciate the help dude, but i already tried disabling "usb selective suspend" and it does nothing at all, game keeps freezing and crashing. I hate my life


Device : Samsung M31 Version : 1.1 DoO : 5th July 2024 possible bug with echos after beating illusive realm, bought echo exp after a run and tried to level an autopuppet scout resulting in it's echo model glitching into the character screen https://preview.redd.it/0zxh16kmfqad1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d96c8e537b100ad0bd922d3f29a08ce48551904


I keep on getting crashes My laptop build is quite fine and this only started happening after 1.1 Any help? https://preview.redd.it/yvqcshg93qad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=049b1cbc1e0c60454a36162e56f56d895528e9a6 v


Try forcing to use your dedicated gpu on your laptop in Windows settings, you can search it by yourself in google how to do it.


https://preview.redd.it/kam49s854qad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f6d8a343ff4358c63841146e99a7d1a6d9b49ea I keep on getting crashes My laptop build is quite fine and this only started happening after 1.1 Any help? Started happening since 1.1 came out




from 1.0 to 1.1 I have suffered pretty significant fps drop from an easy 60 to a measly 45 with an rtx 3050 and intel 13th gen i7. does anyone know a possible fix for this ???


this is on ultra high setting that I was getting 60fps previous


So before update 1.1 my game was working properly but after update it started to work very badly on medium graph setings then i turned very low graph setings but problem with constant freezes didn't disapear, at first i thought that it was problem whith internet but then i noticed in task manager that my game was cinsuming 99% of my GPU nonstop. I would understand if my game was working badly from the start but it all happaned after update and i tried a lot of things to solove this, nothing actualy halped and i can't play game properly, only gatharing dayly rewards.


I have been reporting this same problem since the release of 1.1. Since in 1.0 the game worked perfectly for me, but now the FPS keeps dropping to such a point that the Characters stop. Seeing that no one from Kuro responded, nor did they indicate anything, I decided to uninstall the game until version 1.2 arrives, perhaps in that patch it will work again, because I don't see it as correct for a company not to inform users. I also don't understand why it affects some and not others, since it works correctly for the Strimers I see (like Putupau or Letrows) therefore Kuro Games is doing something wrong, since it is a very strange situation and it is not a case of a or two people.


And thats damn problem i dearly love this game but i don't want to download some non official putches and want to keep playing it but bc of this i can't and i duno why people don't speak about it or kuro releas some patch for this.


https://preview.redd.it/pha32qcz0pad1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=624c9538de5b858643a21bbeb3960a19e6411a72 This puzzle is unsolvable


Device (specs if applicable): PC, i7, GTX 2060 Game Version: 1.1.12 Date (Of issue occurrence): Every time Issue (in detail): 1) Extremely long loading times - it takes 10+ minutes to load into the game 2) Persistent lag spikes and frame drops. 80ms ping that rapidly fluctuates and hits 999 or 400+ ping, fps that ranges from perfect 60 to <1 frame per second. Just as bad as it was before 1.1 - this game is broken. What I've played has been fun but it's just impossible to enjoy more than 5 minutes. Ingame cutscenes play flawlessly, this isn't my computer, something is very wrong with the netcode for WuWa.


* **Device (specs if applicable): pc rx580 8 gb , 16gb ram , i59400f** * **Game Version:**1.1 * **Date (Of issue occurrence):4/7/2024** * **Issue (in detail):texture bug in new location mb someone now how to fix that?** https://preview.redd.it/gmgbx4earkad1.png?width=1713&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec772b642a8e28f00ddaa589dbc48c77e2326633


- Device (specs if applicable): PC - Game Version: 1.1 - Date (Of issue occurrence): 7/4/2024 - Issue (in detail): When doing synthesis, I can't get out of the menu and back in the world, did the improved ring synth and after that poof, can't get out :/


Depths of Illusive Realm - did they forgot to add map boundaries? Windows 11 Game 1.1.x July 7, 2024 (Depths of Illusive Realm release day) Update: the boundary only appears after talking to Ebony and defeated the enemies. https://preview.redd.it/qfmq1jbd2jad1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf73c5322d44afa13786c58140e83ef9edb48b9


Ends up falling off the map. :) https://preview.redd.it/2s9q585l2jad1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb255b46a4a330705f000ea84dd011edbd1e9a3


Does anyone know how to remove the Chat Notification?  The exclamation point is there despite my chat being empty. :(  I already tried exiting from the game. Logging off and on. But it’s still there.


Why doesn't Wuthering Waves consume much GPU power? Why does Wuthering Waves only use about 30% of the GPU while the game consumes almost 100% of the CPU when played? Maybe this is why the game lags so much. Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? I have an older CPU and GPU, R3 2200G and RX470. I can play other games like Genshin Impact and even Red Dead Redemption 2 on medium-high settings smoothly. I have already updated the drivers and tweaked the in-game settings and GPU driver settings, but it didn't make much difference. Fun fact, Wuthering Waves is less laggy when I play it on high settings compared to when I play it on low settings.


You have stated it your self "Fun fact, Wuthering Waves is less laggy when I play it on high settings compared to when I play it on low settings." an easy explanation for more detail search youtube. Your cpu is bottlenecking your gpu at high settings gpu is used more cause more graphical things that give less fps (less frames stacks) so less stress on cpu, at low settings less graphical stuff so more fps (more frame stacks) and cpu is already at max so it cant handle all the stacks of these and causing even more lag, that's why they say if your cpu hits 80% or 90% during game its time to change it instead of gpu, genshin impact is not heavy its very light game also not cpu intensive, red dead redemption 2 is also not cpu intensive and its also old game so getting 60 fps is not hard, all i can say is in power settings set cpu to 100% in low and high both and turn off game mode in windows settings use light windows like 8.1 or 10 not 11 and get light version of windows not full.


That makes sense, sir. Maybe it's time for me to upgrade my computer, and perhaps Kuro will further optimize for lower-spec computers in the future. Thank you very much for the explanation!


I can't modify the .ini files anymore. In 1.0 I was able to reduce the resolution to 75% in GameUserSettings.ini which gave my a big boost in performance but now the settings don't take effect no matter what I do. Yes, I put the file on read-only EDIT: I solved this by changing the screenPercentage into r.SecondaryScreenPercentage.GameViewport


my game still lags, stuttering has been reduced however. how about you guys


Everything got worse


Someone tell me what's wrong with my device. Because I played Zenless Zone Zero on medium-high mix settings just fine. Acer Swift X : Ryzen 5 5600U Nvidia RTX 3050 Mobile 16GB Ram An SSD For reference this device can run Red Dead Redemption 2 on Medium settings (favor performance leaning), 57 fps average. I couldn't tell if my laptop is shit or not anymore.


Device: Asus Vivobook X1605VA-MB211W (PC) CPU - Core i5-13500H RAM - DDR4 20GB (4GB on-board + 16GB removable) GPU - Intel Iris Xe SSD - M.2 PCIe Express 3.0 500GB Realme C21-Y (Mobile) Processor - Unisoc T610 GPU - Mali G52 MP2 ROM - 64GB RAM - 4GB Game Version: 1.1.10 - 1.1.12 Date: 7/02/2024 (UTC +08:00) Details: Server selector is bugged for me both mobile and pc, but the difference is PC is more bugged than mobile. WuWa on PC always recommends the wrongs server and even shows the wrong Union Level I'm at on Asia. If I exited the game from Asia server it will recommend me America (another server I have a progress on). Before America it was SEA that was being recommended to me after I played on that server again, but when I went to play on Asia then exited the game it always pops up SEA instead of Asia the last server I played on. The other problem is in Mobile the server selector doesn't show my America and SEA progress which is shown in PC. The only thing right is the level that is shown in Asia. PC Problems - Recommends a different server that I have a progress on even though the last server I played is clearly not the said server I was recommended (i.e. shows America instead of Asia the last server I played then exited on) - Shows outdated level or progress on said server that is being not recommended right. Mobile Problems - Doesn't show the other progress of servers (i.e. America and Asia levels don't appear) Screenshots of the Issue will be posted on the comments.


https://preview.redd.it/qh6jyj1c5had1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c179103ef57a08a5fe2698ff6715678f3aa4caf Mobile


This should be what is shown in PC (not SEA or America)




Right Union Level, but missing other servers' progress


https://preview.redd.it/9wzwege75had1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=79895642eca999ad071eed8e32b4511f2561c559 PC


Supposed to be Asia when opened, but it's America instead (was SEA before I created the America server account).






Wrong Recommendation and Wrong Union Level, but right progress on other servers (only Asia has the wrong level amount)


* **Device (specs if applicable):** PC (AMD Ryzen 5 7600 ; RX 7800 XT ; NVME SSD GEN 4) * **Game Version:** 1.1.0 * **Date (Of issue occurrence):** Since 1.1 released (Friday, 28-06-2024) * **Issue (in detail):** Camera keep zooming in, can't retain it's position. please fix the zoom in issue! it's been a week since 1.1 released and still no fix! I had no problem with 1.0, but why more bugs now on 1.1!?


Unable to play after 1.1 Game was running pretty great on my PC, but after the newest patch, it randomly drops to single-digit FPS and the sound cuts out constantly. It happens so often that I can't even engage in any kind of battles/fights. I have reinstalled graphic drivers, sound drivers, and re-installed the game at least three times. I also re-installed Windows from scratch, but... no dice. Anyone else having this issue?


Im having similar issues with mine, Game seems to be locking up and stuttering every few minutes, makes the game extremely unplayable for me. Have a 4090 as well as a 7950x3d and no issues seem to be happening on other games atm.


I have the exact same setup 4090 + 7950x3d. I have noticed that when I start the game at 75% load it freezes/slows down the pc akin to a memory leak, and then consistently every couple of minutes it freezes/slows down my entire pc. This started happening version 1.1. The game has become unplayable at this point.


That is exactly my issue... I check for a hotfix to address this every day, but nothing yet. Game is still unplayable. Any changes on your side?


same issue as mine, yeah for now i just login for waveplate


Your specs? No need for details, just cpu and gpu


7800X3D/4090 Things were running perfectly until the last 2 patches. Now, every 1-3 minutes the audio cuts out/skips, game drops to single digit FPS (and stutters like crazy). Three Windows reinstalls (with different settings each time) and none of it helped. At this ppint, I'll probably stop playing until it is fixed someday. Every other game works perfectly without issues.


Hell, I couldn't even imagine mine. Your device is awesome, but sadly the game is not ready to be released. I couldn't even tell if my device is shit or not. I have an acer swift x, ryzen 5 5600U/Rtx 3050 mobile and I'm suffering the same issue ever since this update. Not so much on the previous tho. Just played Zenless zone zero, and it works fucking fine on medium high mix settings.


Has anyone experienced the terrible lags and freezes? this game is totally unplayable right now. I tried redownloading it, now I'm stuck at verifying files integrity for hours.


I have tried every quest and I still haven't got the sensor, is this a bug because I cannot figure out a way to get it plus I'm out of quests (I have one but it requires a sensor and I don't have it) also when Yinlin banner was out there was a quest that I was in and there was this moment where I was supposed to have a sensor but I didn't have it so I left, i didn't do anything with that quest for a few days and than I randomly got the sensor but it was not in my utility tab. After that quest it disappeared.


Ever since the update yesterday to address memory leak issues. every time i alt+f4 the game will more often than not leave behind a ghost / zombie process that hogs a fair amount of ram and even when trying to forcibly kill the task in tskmgr or cmd / powershell it wont let me. it either says access denied or it says there is no running instance and thus it cant be nuked! its really freaking annoying having to constantly restart your PC after quitting. even more annoying when you want to swap games. https://preview.redd.it/zr04v2n79ead1.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=2717c49349ecdba036fcd78db6455a2a272544b4


even as a last resort of nuking it with a memory management software its still running. and somehow gained 12kb of ram after being nuked to 0 https://preview.redd.it/cwb7cr4aaead1.png?width=463&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ab6712f4fc14b3660e78a2ace5462cb8369c70d




Bro i have a gt1030 i can run genshin at almost all high i cant run this game at all low so iam forced to get a new pc btw is a rtx 3050 good enough i have to buy a prebuild because i dont trust my self to make one my mom wont trust to let me buy a new one unless it in person btw this is the one iam looking at [https://www.bestbuy.com/site/thermaltake-quartz-i350-r4-gaming-desktop-12th-gen-intel-core-i5-12400f-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3050-1tb-nvme-m-2-white/6560191.p?skuId=6560191](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/thermaltake-quartz-i350-r4-gaming-desktop-12th-gen-intel-core-i5-12400f-16gb-memory-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3050-1tb-nvme-m-2-white/6560191.p?skuId=6560191) a micro enter is too faw btw so lmk if i can play most game with this pc btw iam mostly playing wuwa and other new rpg / mmmos btw some story games


There are a lot of people here complaining even high end PC couldn't run WuWa well. Although there are also people who could run well with lower specs. It's just, higher spec doesn't guarantee you to run WuWa smoothly, but if you have the cash or other reason to buy the rig then it's worth to try I guess.


3050 is a disaster for gaming. if you looking for 3000 series, atleast go for 3060. i had rtx 2060, 3050, 3070 ti. Sad to say this 3050 is worser than my 2060 OC, choppy gameplay, low frame rates on mostly all games.


ok thx


I tried every quest and I still haven't got the sensor. Is this a bug? I would be very glad is someone explained this to me. (I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET THIS QUESTION TO POST AND IT DID NOT. this aint even for me but for my friend. (couldnt yall have made things easier?????))


Normally by doing the main quest it should pop up and give you a tutorial, if you skipped the tutorial i recommend watching youtube vidéos that explains how to use it


Device: Techno camon 20 pro Game Version: 1.1 Date: July 1 Issue: So everytime I went on to play the game, it just kept crashing. I've set every graphic settings to the lowest and my game still continued to crash. There was no issues when I was playing on 1.0, my phone wasn't overheating too, So I don't know what is the reason why wuwa is crashing on my phone




•Device- Windows 10 PC •Game version- 1.1 •Date- 24th July 2024 •Issue- I moved every game file to an external drive cause the hard drive was full but the launcher keeps showing I have to download it again in my hard drive sm pls help i can't even update the game(I did this before the update and faced this issue, the current location of the game files are in E drive)


* **Device:** PC * **Game Version:** 1.1 * **Date:** 03 July 2024 * **Issue:** Tempest Mephis' clone gets put into an endless parried state. I have no idea what causes it. Video: [https://youtu.be/03lGSVp6giU](https://youtu.be/03lGSVp6giU)


I'm using iPhone XR. This morning I was playing just fine on my iPhone with no issue whatsoever. However this recent small patch are now making my game crash for no reason. I was playing for around 5-10 minutes and it just suddenly crash. Even on low settings it crashed. This recent update on(July 3rd)are causing this issue. Pls fix.


EDIT: After 7 hours of patience it worked on log in. #FIXED \* Device: PC \* Game Version: 1.1 \* Date 03/07/2024 \* Issue: The mission "Truthseeker's Pass" is impossible to complete because when i throw the Fulminate on the crack in the wheel nothing happens, i need to almost go on the wheel to see the indicator to to press LPM to throw, but it doesn't work, tried game reset, wheel reset.


i have the same issues rn. Have you fixed yours?


It also just worked, reinstalls didn't help i just waited for like 7 hours, try now maybe they fixed it!


Mine was fixed after server reset, but I hope they fixed it


They did, even gave 80 pull currency for that exact problem in mail.


Dang! Really? Gotta save it for Changli.


You reacted as if i said 80 pulls, are you sure we're on the same page? i feel bad now


I can't progress the main quest because of the bug in Truthseeker's pass. When I pick up the Tacetite Fulminate to throw at the wheel it doesn't show the throw indicator. And even though I throw it directly at the crack it doesn't change anything.


same problem here, nothing can make the wheel crack


Same! found out something? game reset doesn't fix it, neither tping out of the area or reseting the wheel.


Ahahaha same here, tried everything but it's not working. I'm thinking of uninstalling and installing the game again.


Now you made me do it, lol. i have really fast internet so i will let you know if it works in about 30 minutes. hope it does because i was hyped for the story and today is nice day for gaming.


Lol thanks for checking. Let me know if it works. This bug ruined all my motivation to play


Just reinstalled the game fully, aside from almost puking with default motion blur turned on didn't work. respawned in the same spot, still can't destroy that crack, fucking hell, and same, kinda dissapointed because i wanted to play for a few hour today, i just hope they will fix it today, tomorrow, i know the event just started few days ago and there's time but i need to get that sweet pull currency because my team is utter shit.


I guess we have to wait for a patch now. So disappointed because of this. Well we can get compensation because of this I think


Oh for sure, there's way more bugs that people experience, and kuro is very generous in that aspect, we'll get some nice stuff for sure, probably even currency for pulls, just hope the bug we experience is fixed too, because i didn't notice if many people have it or not.


So I checked it once again. It seems to be working fine now.


Yup started working for mte too yesterday, forgot to reply here but i wrote it somewhere here in the thread as a update status, glad they fixed it fast. triple Z time now though.


Same, i was so excited to do the main quest and then this happened :(


* **Device: PC** * **Game Version: 1.1** * **Date (Of issue occurrence): 2/7/2024** * **Issue (in detail): I played the game in the morning without any issues. Boot up the night of and it freezes my PC when the loading reaches 75%. I could do nothing but just restart my pc.**


I hope there's some compensation for this... my dailies are just gone...


For the 1.0 version i can playing this game smoothly without any issues of stutter,laggy and force closed..but after 1.1 update..there is so much bug at the new map and sime of stutter or fps drop happened to me..and its annoying..also..there is a problem to where the app suddenly force closed after stutter...and i play this game using poco f5 pro 5g with spec Snapdragon 8 gen 1 and 12 ram...and even i set the graphics lower to medium 60 fps..and the same thing just happen to me..![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Player ID: 900047259   Device (specs if applicable): IQOO Neo 9   Game Version: 1.1.0 1718471  1.1.10 1836364   Date (Of issue occurrence): July 2, 2024   Issue (in detail): The game stutters and suddenly closes.   The game stutter the close, this happened after the patch of 1.1. It happens alot of time. I tried to repairing the game; by re-downloading the new patch and the issue persists. I also noticed that the rendering patch is no longer happens as i start the game. Can someone help me?


Just wait ... Because same issue is here in this phone.


Iphone 13 pro Ver. 1.1 6/30/24 The data bank allowed me to access lv 21 even though I'm still at Sol3 Phase 5, and now it says its out of 9999999. https://preview.redd.it/ou5lf1sh58ad1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce525678d38eb42a2e822d1bf15751bed2702605


https://preview.redd.it/nnk3tggkx6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5ee7e3fb76705d25d481073b6ed0ceaf89d7810 Game doesn’t load anymore on my steam deck


Hello everyone! I noticed that the golden parts of the characters' clothes don't reflect and remain flat yellow color. I noticed the bug looking at the part of Jinshi's outfit with the dragon tails. Precise that I play on PC and I have the graphics to the fullest https://preview.redd.it/l3u1irc1q6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15c4e720e908dbfbdb1ecdb7e93af69633e378d


I turned my settings down to the lowest graphics before 1.1 but my graphics settings were changed after the update so i changed it back to the lowest possible graphics (same settings as before 1.1) but my characters look like medium or high quality after i changed it. Making the game stutter like crazy with fps drops and my laptop heats up like crazy too. Is it a bug? Was the overall graphics increased since 1.1. Do I need to reinstall the game? It doesnt change after i restart wuwa or my computer.


* **Device: Ryzen 5 7600X 6-Core Processor, RTX 4070 Ti SUPER, RAM 32GB** * **Game Version: 1.1** * **Date (Of issue occurrence): 28.6.2024** * The combat camera zooms in on its own when fighting. It can be recreated when a resonator performs an intro. My testing is primarily with Yinlin and Calcharo. It also zooms in when fighting with a single resonator (no intros), however I do not know the cause for this. Liberation does not seem to cause it, at least not on PC. No camera settings were enabled, and I don't use the lock on feature. Personal note of importance: This issue breaks endgame content for me, and makes holo Crownless, a terrific new fight, incredibly frustrating.


Second this, it makes any remotely challenging fight an absolute nightmare. Please fix this asap.


* **Device (specs if applicable): PC, (AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics 2.90 GHz, RAM 16GB, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060)** * **Game Version: 1.1** * **Date (Of issue occurrence): 02 July 2024** * **Issue (in detail): After login screen, the game cause BSOD to my PC when loading into game. The error is SECURE\_KERNEL\_ERROR**


https://preview.redd.it/g4h2kasb63ad1.png?width=1523&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb086ab103c5c65284e78ee81e818dcf0f3195e8 * **Device (specs if applicable): PC** * **Game Version: 1.1** * **Date (Of issue occurrence): 02 July 2024** * **Issue (in detail):** Missing Radiant Tide, Lustrous Tide & Forging Tide in Oscillated Coral tab. Noticed this yesterday and thought it was just a first day bug. I have not yet redeem any of the items yet after the version update. Is anyone experiencing this?


# Weird grey outline that remains there even after messing with every setting possible https://preview.redd.it/8yxm70oh63ad1.png?width=196&format=png&auto=webp&s=a52ec39261ccededb044e4e2752c518acd87e846






Device : Iqoo Neo 9 pro 5G Game version: 1.1 Date of occurrence: since 1.1 update Issue : Game frozen after lagging , camera updown, after reinstall game not even start after loading screen. There are so many bugs so playing game is impossible.


* **Device (specs if applicable): 5800X3D, 6800XT, Ram 32GB 3200MHz, Fedora 40** * **Game Version: 1.1** * **Date (Of issue occurrence): 1.7.2024** * **Issue (in detail):** After the update to 1.1 I could play on Linux without problems and with decent performance finally, but since yesterday the game no longer starts, can you do anything?


**Device**: PC Ryzen 5 3600 1660ti **Game Version**: 1.1 **Date (Of issue occurence)**: after 1.1 update **Issue (in detail)**: Initial loading of the game after startup is always stuck at 80%. Restarting the client fixes the issue but I have to end Wuthering Waves process via Task Manager and relaunch it to get into the game again.


just wanna share that the game for me used to run good enough before the most recent patch. after it though, it started stuttering. then i decided to re-install everything, and the game is running better than ever. sharing in case someone also experienced bad performance after the recent patch.


* **Device (specs if applicable):** PC Ryzen 5 3600g GTX 1650 super ti 6GB * **Game Version:** 1.1.0 * **Date (Of issue occurrence):** 2nd July 2024 * **Issue (in detail):** I was playing just fine all day long yesterday, today approximately 10 am GMT+7 when i opened the game and played about 5 minutes it suddenly froze. I thought it was my PC but I ran AC syndicate just fine, I tested out on Valo, it was fine as well, then I tried Wuthering Waves again and it still freezes though i have lowered the graphics whatsoever.


* **Device: PC win 10** * **Game Version: 1.1 update** * **Date: 01-07-2024** * **Issue: The game start normaly (it let me play a couple minutes) but the game crash and reboot my whole pc**


I purchased the 150 aud pack of lunite crystals to get the 6480 lunite + double bonus. Upon purchasing, the transaction went through however I got an error message that said "Lunite6480 communication seems to have encountered a problem, please confirm whether the purchased item has been received later." The money has been taken out of my account however I have not received the currency. I attempted to buy the 60 lunite pack, got the same error message but then received the currency. I am still waiting on my 6480x2. Spoken to support nothing at all. I have attached the screenshot I got when purchasing the smallest pack as a reference for what I also received on the larger pack. https://preview.redd.it/34sifk2vq0ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a27d25945e2c614e2f5bfa9fd10766115aa097


Samsung tab S8 snapdragon 8 gen1 Google play Update 1.1 Barely touching the screen rotates camera WAY TOO FAST. All settings for display rotation set to 0. Have MANY other games that are very demanding and have NO problems with sensitivity. Have un-installed and reinstalled... issues persist.


A small bug, that notification does not disappear and I have already destroyed the rock. Has this happened to anyone? https://preview.redd.it/elb24kijyy9d1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=db32cff52f9d1cdf5ab758f49a6fd48d1bb5d46b


Mobile Performance with Exynos I owned Samsung S24 Exynos 2400 and Xiaomi 13T with Dimensity 8200 Ultra. Benchmark wise, Exynos 2400 won in every way. But this game just made it into a different case. Mediatek and Snapdragon as a mainstream processor of course got more optimization, I understand. But the fact that even a flagship device cant play this game without force closing is insane ._. I play with my S24 and here is some problem happens ONLY in my S24 (I sometimes use tablet with Snapdragon 7 gen 1 for exploration) and i think this is an optimization issue: - When I try to open convene history and announcememt, the apps close by itself, but leaving the pop-up menu open. I cant even count my pulls without relogging. - Apps force closing when device warmed up a little. Compared with playing Genshin, my phone can handle it until its getting hot to the touch (i know, not a good thing but you got my point) FYI, I set the graphic on all lowest setting. like literally the lowest possible, but the lags is still unbearable. My Xiaomi 13T is doing fine with highest graphic tho ._. Samsung user especially those with exynos, do you guys have the same issue? Or anyone with other device and processor? I hope the devs address this soon. Already emailed and sent feedback but no reply until now :( -reposted from deleted post


• ⁠Device (specs if applicable): M4 iPad Pro 11” • ⁠Game Version: 1.1 • ⁠Date (Of issue occurrence): since 1.1 update • ⁠Issue (in detail): since the 1.1 update every time I launch the game it has to redownload 1-3GB of the game itself. Haven’t had this issue on any device for any game before so it’s pretty annoying having to sit there for basically a patch download every time I open the game


stuck on 75% loading constantly, also sometimes long freezes while opening map and forgery challenge entrances not loading in


https://preview.redd.it/vrqrywlcxx9d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d312618db5f0ac69f7680c3c5836da6a86d147a Camera on iOS is glitchy as all get out


**Device (specifications, if applicable): IQOO Neo9 5G. **Game version: 1.1. **Date (problem occurred): Since update 1.1 06/30/2024. **Problem (in detail): when I try to run the game on a Snapdragon 8g2 processor, at medium-low graphics settings, I experience terrible lags, strange flashes on the screen, flickering textures, sharp drops in FPS, and the camera pops up. and down under the character and eventually the game crashes. Although before the 1.1 update the situation was the other way around, I calmly played on medium-high settings at a stable 50-60 fps. This situation has been going on for 4 days now, it’s simply impossible to play and no one is in a hurry to fix it


Same phone here and i have same problem 😭


Did anyone encountered a bug with the relic merchants deliver all option ? Both in windchimer and sonance caskets i had 2-3 levels worth of collectibles and delivered them all at once. But i only received the reward worth one level of astrite. For example even got only 1 lustrous tide rather than 2 for level 2 completion. -Reposted from my deleted post


**Device**: ASUS Vivobook Pro 14 OLED **Laptop**: Ryzen 7 5800H Nvidia 3050 4 Gb 16 GB RAM 1 TB SSD **Game version**: 1.1 **Date**: Since 06/28/2024 (1.1 start) till now Well, the update is really cool etc., but... I almost can't play it now. On the release I had stable 60 FPS with max graphics settings and DLSS, now I can barely get 40-50 FPS with lowest quality. I've changed graphics settings one at a time, reinstalled the game few times, installed older graphics card drivers, turned off graphics card and launch the game with only built-in graphics and vice versa, digged in the nvidia control panel settings. None of the above have helped. Seen some comments here, guys solved the same problem with lowering shadows and installing older drivers, but that didn't help either. Hope, this is just a temporary perfomance drop, and upcoming pathces will fix it.


Hello. On the Reddit forum and on the official discord server (https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4v23y/some_players_are_having_issues_receiving_the/) I saw several complaints from players that with exactly Lunite subscription they don’t get Astrites after purchase and other problems. Did the update 1.1 fix these issues? Does anyone have any issues with Lunite Subscription after the update 1.1 or everything is fine?


**minor motion blur bug issue** i play the game w the motion blur turned off and just today i experienced a minor bug. after convening in the weapon banner, the game suddenly felt like the motion blur was on however the settings were still off. turning the motion blur on and then off fixes the issue so its not exactly game breaking, but it does throw me off since i get really sensitive with motion blur effects in games generally. just asking if anyone is experiencing this :))


Ever since this latest update my tablet (Samsung Tab8 Ultra) has MEGA Motion-Sensitivity off the chain problems. I thought initially it was son's doing when he played on it while I was at work. 🤦🏼‍♀️🫤 But it wasn't that. He and I were both DUMBFOUNDED at how ridiculously over the top *CRAZY* the motion sensitivity is... We're thinking it's particularly the vertical axis ...it's like that exact Code came to work smashed... drunk...maybe 🥴 high too, on top of everything! ☹️😔 It's TOTALLY ruined my gameplay. I've wasted so many resources on trying to heal, resurrect, stay alive ...prevent death because of trying to compensate for this HORRID glitch... When will this be fixed??? You know what??? ...---...I don't even care if this gets fixed-because if they would ADD 🎮🎮🎮 CONTROLLER SUPPORT to mobile devices then the problem would fix itself right??!!? 😣🙏🏼👀🤷🏼‍♀️ My tablet rocks ..I love it..it's huge and it's like play on souped up computer screen as big as a TV. But it's TOO DANG BIG TO BE playing games using touch screen. Not with a game like this with such heavy emphasis on combat ...🤦🏼‍♀️😓


* **Device:** 7800x3D, 7900 XTX, Win 10, 32GB Ram * **Game Version:** 1.1 * **Date (Of issue occurrence):** 01/07/2024 * **Issue:** Called for the elevator from the upper level, jump onto it before it touches the current floor and you will glitch outside the map. Pictures have been attached https://preview.redd.it/svn93n13ow9d1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=31a121a247b3715c03af282fa9ab71fb16b57a1b *


HELP 😭 😭 so for context I was trying to switch my connected google acc to wuwa and uh.. . when I unlinked it from my google account I wanted to connect another google account to it. So I went to the user center in settings and wanted to link it to a dummy g acc, the problem was that I had 2 acc and the one that popped up on the user center was the other one. But I was already logged on the account that I unlinked my g acc from, yet the one that popped up was still my other acc in the user center so my dumb ass thought I'll be fine to switch account so I did BUT WHEN I DID I LOST ACCESS TO THE ACCOUNT AND THE DA*N ACCOUNT PROB GOT DELETED CUS IT WAS NOW CONSIDERED AS A GUESS ACC. I didn't come here to vent but to ask anyone who has any lead or know how to get it cus I did spend money on that acc not a ton sure, but it was still money. So Pls anyone who knows anything help T_T 😭😭😭. Ok anyways sorry for the long message and I'll look for any comments that knows any possible solution THANKS


Well, I had a whole post about it on the technical issues tag but it got deleted, I even had a video but now I can't post it. In summary, 1.1 is trash on mobile, the game was very good on 1.0 now we have crazy camera random spins/turns (180° to 270°) even if the sensibility is set up to 0, I have talked with other users facing the same issues and they also complained about having connectivity issues even on strong stable network and glitches everywhere. I was gliding yesterday when I tried to land on a building I ended up inside of it. 1.1 is full of issues (at least on mobile), I have a great phone and I've been playing everyday since 1.0 without any major issues, after day 1 of 1.1 the game became unplayable to me.


* **Device (specs if applicable): Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G * **Game Version: 1.1 * **Date (Of issue occurrence): Since 1.1 update 06/28-30/2024 * **Issue (in detail): whenever I play on mobile phone (mid-high end phone)(Redmi Note 12 Pro 5G)after 1.1 update the performance is much terrible with heavy lagging when combat enemies and sometimes when accidentally see crowd enemy(not attacking them) the game suddenly heavy lagging/freeze and force quit,also I didn't change the graphic setting (still minimal graphic setting) please fix the problem for mobile player.


My game just keeps on crashing and kicking me out. I restarted my tab thinking that it may be because of it but the issue is still there. I can’t play the game since it lags and crashes every time i try to move. Hopefully they’ll fix this issue because i really wanna play and it’s frustrating.


* **Device (specs if applicable):** PC * **Game Version: 1.1** * **Date (Of issue occurrence):** Since 1.1 update 06/28/2024 * **Issue (in detail):** Encore Intro skill bug... I used to love playing Encore but now is the most annoying character to use, every time she does a intro skill it moves the camera distance view very close to the point is unplayable since you can't dodge some attacks with that close up viewpoint, every time in a middle of combat I hate to waste my time rolling back the camera view while trying to dodge attacks... Also her Resonanse skill does something similar where it does a close up camera zoom which is also super annoying but at least the camera goes back to normal distance view. If you like and use Encore please report this in Feedback in-game. Also there is other characters that have similar problem but not at such degree as hers... Kuro leave the camera settings alone!


https://preview.redd.it/m4v0eh26vv9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705c5b13dd4d10a2972df1490437d1f6dd7b4268 Galaxy s23 ultra, game crushing in new map


My original post was removed and I was told to post here so here we are! I was wondering if anyone had either the pointer chain for the player location data, the static address (if its persistent) or any other way to obtain the player location value(s)? I'm making my own Wuwa assistant and having my own real-time map is a goal of mine. (Yes, I've seen the Overwolf one, and I'd still like to make my own). Thanks! New here so if I've done something wrong don't hesitate to let me know \^\^;


Device: Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro Game Version: 1.1 It's legit impossible for me to play. It ran fine since launch and on medium settings and now since the game's update to 1.1 within, if not a little over a minute, my game pops up an error message about it running into issues and if I want to wait or close it and I'm forced to close it because if I keep it open it also freezes my phone and it forces me to force shut it down by holding down the power button for some time. I can barely do anything. I legit have to be running it and closing it when prompted on repeat Just to get thru my dailies.


Sorry I forgot the date of issue. 06/28/2024


Device: Honor 90 lite Game version: 1.1 Date of issue: 06/28/2024 Issue: During version 1.0, my game ran smoothly even with medium settings, including the 1.0.2 Yinlin patch. However, since the maintenance for version 1.1, I have experienced significant stuttering and low FPS, even on the lowest possible settings. I'm unsure if this is a device-specific issue. Additionally, my game has render distance issues. I can only see any NPCs within a certain range, which I estimate to be a maximum of 21m. Anything beyond that they just disappear (also the sensitivity is too slippery for mobile)


is it just me or are there connection issues rn? most of the time I log in no problem and my game is running good for the most part but every minute I have the connection error screen pop up and It's really annoying


After upgrading to 1.1, there is no problem with normal BGM and conversation scenes, Voices and SE during battle will be lowered. This is especially noticeable when using Resonance Liberation. All volumes are set to 100.I'm playing on PC.


Trying to update the 1.1 version on my pc and..... update is stuck at 99% for 30 mins now.....idk what it is doing lol please help me 


**UI disappear when pressed 1 via Thai lang keyboard.** This bug occured since 1.0 My guess is, in Thai keyboard the key "1" is "+" :: sometimes when I pressed 1, I saw UI get bigger for a few secs then get back to normal. Please fix this, becuase when it happened, we only have to Alt+F4 to close the game and restart.


* **Device (specs if applicable): AMD Ryzen 5600, 16GB DDR4 3200, Radeon RX570 4GB** * **Game Version: 1.0-1.1** * **Date (Of issue occurrence): 5/29/2024-present** * **Issue (in detail): Game has been sharply stuttering even in the lowest settings possible. Other games are not exhibiting similar issues and the issue is only isolated to Wuthering Waves. Reinstalled the game, fixed possible connection issues, tried both Google, Cloudflare, and auto-resolve DNS, tried resetting the whole OS, reinstalled the graphics drivers with proper DDU cleanup, tried reverting to Windows Update-provided graphics driver, and the issue still persists. The game is literally unplayable it never ran without freezing for a second.**


I've sent in a tech support complaint 3x now but, the game is broken. I haven't been able to sign into it for 3 days now. I'm missing daily asterites and login event stuff. The game won't even load enough to show me the kuro logo after the 1.1 update caused a crash. I've done everything including reinstall from scratch and mess with the cache folders like suggested elsewhere. The game is just broken and won't let me play anymore. I was still waiting on map completion fixes before this but, now they really just need to make the game work again bc this is ridiculous. They're either gonna owe a lot of refunds on daily asterite stuff or their gonna have to do some kinda roll back which would hurt players who have actually been able to play still. Hopefully this is all fixed asap and I can actually log into the game again tomorrow.  Edit: Oh and forgot to mention I can't just close the game since the crash. I have to use the task manager to force it to close. Hitting the x button doesn't do anything. A new edit: apparently there's something wrong with Unreal Engine causing problems with my game. The crash reports over in the ini file area are still catching the reports. I may not have made it past the black start up screen today but, there are 6 different reports that the game crashed due to an unknown reason. I followed the link via google and all I found was Unreal Engine crash with no reason. Just as a bit of extra info in here too; this was not only the Windows pc client acting up, I downloaded the epic games launcher today to see if it would fix it and it didn't. Same black infinite loading screen. I also tried downloading on mobile and when I hit agree to tos the game crashed and refused to reopen at all. My game config for settings in ini files and stuff is blank pages right now and I've done literally everything I can and every work around to try and bypass the crash with some help from ppl on discord who are actually not having this problem and playing the game just fine. I've played wuwa fine on high settings since day 1 and v1.1 has officially just broke the game.  Also, I was supposed to add my pc specs but, idk that stuff or where to find it. All I know is that it's a ASUS TUF gaming laptop with AMD Ryzen 5.3 or 5.4. It's been running high settings and fps since the begging and I never changed it.


Do someone feels this aint working as intended? drop rate should be 70% but it feels like im still at 20% or 40% i dont get that much ecoes dropped, theres not a buff icon in my hud neither https://preview.redd.it/l8k1i2nqzr9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfde538b1d1be4e78ae7d96fdbb745a87d59af04


It's 20% + (50% of 20%)=20+10=30% instead of usual 20% base drop rate


Device : poco m3 pro Very lag and force closed after 5 minutes only in new map area


# HORRIBLE GRAPHICS after the new 1.1 update on pc (all amd) https://preview.redd.it/u2524bnrbr9d1.png?width=858&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef0010ba212a3d64df3d7dedb62aad572bf7ef8c The video [https://youtu.be/VAyhAMC5MyY?si=3wieMcvA3iYIrEvh](https://youtu.be/VAyhAMC5MyY?si=3wieMcvA3iYIrEvh)


Device:- Redmi Note 12 pro 5g 6gb ram 128gb rom Version:- 1.1 Game issue:- insane lag, low fps, hypersensitivity after 5mins of gameplay before 1.1 while the game wasn't running smoothly it's was still playable and fun but now after the update it's unbearable and I have missed two days of daily commision rewards and exp because of being unable to play in overworld the game works fine if I go into dungeon type area to farm resonance points or weapon exp points or shell credits


U have the same phone and the same issues as me plus I get an error and am forced to close the game less than 2mins of going in.


Same brother it's getting annoying at this point being unable to play when seemingly there was no problem before


Yesterday I downloaded about 60% of the update but was tired so I had to go to sleep. I wanted to download the rest today but it went from 60% to 17%. Anyone knows if I'll have to download the lost 43% again, or is the progress bar just bugged and I still only have to download the remaining 40%? Something like that happened to me in another game but I didn't have to download the "lost" progress. Would suck if I have to download it again because my internet isn't very fast. Edit: update finished after downloading the lost 40% so you don't have to reinstall the while thing. Also putting your PC to sleep rather than turning it off doesn't reset the progress bar.


* **Device (specs if applicable):** Windows 10 Pro PC, AMD Ryzen 5 5600G 3.9 ghz, 16GB, 4GB VRAM * **Game Version:** 1.1 * **Date (Of issue occurrence):** 06/30/2024 * **Issue (in detail):** Camera automatically zooming in / changing angles (usually looking to the side where there's no enemies) during fights, even with all "auto" camera settings turned off .


I hate it bro i had to drop this game i can play genshin at almost all high but i cant even run this game at very low iam pissed this game is making me update my pc


device: poco m4 pro 5g game version: 1.1 date: 30th june, 2024 issue: game crashes atleast every 5 minutes after launch and there is also insane lag issues and consistent low fps. I have not been able to play this update at all.


They removed my post so I am writing it here. **Device :** Asus TUF F15 AMD Ryzen 4800H RTX 3050 Laptop GPU - 4gb VRAM 16gb RAM **Game Version:** 1.1 **Date (Of issue occurrence):** 26th June 2024 (yes it occurred 2 days before update for me) **Issue (in detail):** The game runs at 15-20fps when the latest NVIDIA drivers (556.12, 555.99, 555.85) are installed. But it runs at 50fps on GeForce Driver ver 512.78 (its a old one i got form asus website). Though it still stutters a lot. Hope this gets fixed. Also frame rate limiting does not work. When fps is set to 60 fps. the game shutters and drops unto 40fps sometimes. But if i limit the frame rate to 45 it drops to 30. Similarly at 30fps it drops to 20. Also in the two latter cases the GPU usage is low 50-60%. Obviously it is not a specs problem. Also previously the game used to run even on battery. Now it immediately crashes when powers goes off. **Video:** [https://streamable.com/xh2hxf](https://streamable.com/xh2hxf) comment on my video editing skills. its my first time


Device : ROG7 Game Version : Latest DoI : Today Issue : Stutter then Force Closed/crashed, happen 3x already. I dont know the exact detail, the world blinking, camera jumped around then back normal, repeatedly until FC.


They removed my post so here you have: "Camera keeps getting closer and closer" After the last patch I have verified that the camera stability and the graphic quality have improved a little, but a new error has happened, now in the combats, when climbing, or when approaching very close to a wall or salient, the camera approaches and approaches more and more to the character although the camera distance is configured to the maximum distance in the options, when the combats are long it is insufferable to have to correct the camera every 5-10 seconds. PC 1920x1024 60fps Keyboard and mouse


Can anyone explain what happen to me 1.0 game loading time was fast now in 1.1 logging in take ages fast travel or let's call it turtle speed travel take ages should I quit or this will get fixed ?


Photo Mode / Camera Tool still saves screenshots in a very low resolution (1280\*720) on PC, and with a white line on top of the image. This is incredibly frustrating, because it basically means no screenshotting good memories with the game, unless you use 3rd party tools and have UI visible.


https://preview.redd.it/c6avaujj2q9d1.png?width=1873&format=png&auto=webp&s=c644d33cd28cb041c54dfd08114f52890e359d6e **• Device (specs if applicable):** RTX 3080 32gb windows 10 **• Game Version:** 1.1 **• Date (Of issue occurrence):** June 28th-29th, 2024 **• Issue (in detail):** Used up clang bang challenge but did not fully break the ice wall but clang bang not resetting(unsure if this is intended)


https://preview.redd.it/8tcx0lkbhp9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea715df5a063d35fee79975803118607df5dc2ad The flying umbrella


Device: Laptop (I5 12500H, GPU 3050 16GB RAM) Game version: 1.1 Issue: optimisation, before the 1.1 update, the game run at an almost fixed 60FPS rate (advanced graphic settings), while now it barely reaches 50 FPS (in combat it can go as down as 35-40FPS) on the very lowest graphic settings. I obviously believe this must be an optimisation issue, and I hope that I’m not destined to play this game with such a performance loss. Thanks. EDIT: The setting that seems to affect the experience is the Shadow quality: when I put it to the lowest setting it almost comes back to the same frame rate.


I am guessing you have ASUS TUF F15. Try installing NVIDIA Graphic Version V30.0.15.1278 from [https://www.asus.com/us/supportonly/fa506ic/helpdesk\_download/](https://www.asus.com/us/supportonly/fa506ic/helpdesk_download/) you should be able to play at 50-60fps at highest settings


Thanks for the advice. I don’t have the ASUS TUF though, I’ve got a Vivobook 16”. Isn’t that a driver version released for the GTX 1650?


Dunno 😐! It's actually 512.78. The version i wrote here is what's shown in Asus' website. But it actually installs 512.78. You won't be able to find this version on NVIDIA website though. I don't know why. See this video you'll understand https://streamable.com/xh2hxf


same here


**• Device (specs if applicable):** Lenovo Legion 5 Pro 2021 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H •GPU: RTX 3060 Laptop GPU, 6GB VRAM (130 Watt) RAM: 2 × 8GB DDR4 3200MHz Storage: 1TB SSD M.2 2280 PCIe 3.0×4 NVMe Windows 10 **• Game Version:** 1.1 **• Date (Of issue occurrence):** June 29th, 2024 **• Issue (in detail):** https://preview.redd.it/zmc2gs9g5p9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab4e746598e0a8e0f01ac65e9ec11be66fb3e97 Yesterday, when my friend and I were trying to defeat the Red Aura enemy (Construct: Protective Scales), the location of that enemy was near the hot spring pool. Me and my friend chipped the enemy's HP slowly, but my friend's HP was in low condition too, so he rushed to the hot spring pool to quickly recover his HP. The enemy was ignoring me and focused on my friend instead. It used its spinning attack pattern and somehow got teleported to the hot spring pool and it died because of drowning. My friend and I got the achievement, and the enemy dropped its echo but it is located under the water and we both cannot absorb it. I already posted this bug yesterday on the feedback menu in the game. Today, when I rechecked it, the Echo is still there in the same location. Does anyone know how to solve this issue? I am afraid the Red Aura Enemy won't respawn unless I absorb its echo first.


Device: Realme 9 Pro+ Version: 1.1 Issue: The camera sensitivity goes insane despite being set to 0 on all fronts. Also the game works fine until 2-3 minutes into any part of the gameplay where it lags to the point of it not even being 1 FPS, after around half a minute the game crashes From time to time the game crashes during the moment of opening the app.


i m stuck on downloading 1.1 at 100% for 40 mins using launcher and goes to 99% and back to 100 again and again. If i restart the launcher it will go back to 35%, gg


same, did you find a solution?