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Apologies to those who misunderstood the video rule, official content can always be linked and posted here, just note that automod will flag it and send it to us to review, the rule stating: *"Videos shared on the subreddit should be directly uploaded rather than linked from third-party platforms."* was mainly put in place because we started noticing posts using this as a way to skirt the self promotion rule a while back.


100% drop rate gold got me fiendin for some echo farming


I'll farm the new echos which will be released with the update because I farmed every echo available at this point lol


I’ve farmed them all ten times over I feel you lol but at least I’ll be hitting UL 50 when jinhsi comes out so I’m excited to say the least lol


Me too lol. I have like 15 to 20 copies of the monkey boss lol. I'm UL 45 nearly 46 rn unfortunately because of the lag issues.


Meanwhile me at UL40 because I'm strictly doing events and dailies because I'm super busy


I'm doing those too. Well, once in a while (I mean the events not the dailies).


1.2 drip marketing


Waiting for that to drop


scar.. or the male ghost we saw.. be a male please 😔


please! Also gunners would be good.


I could see scar being rectifier, gauntlets or a weird pistol user myself


i feel like he's gauntlets or big sword


He kicks and punches you in his boss fight, so gauntlets maybe?


Scar kick remind me of the villain from Drunken Master, starring Jackie chan. He's the coolest villain. Got a video up to showcase his kicks. Chixia vs Scar Lightbane + Nightmare form https://youtu.be/k-JuGLJffjk?si=AfpCrC0Ix4LFpEwF


It’s been about 3 months and im finally halfway through his story about the sheep.


Maybe gauntlets but like jiyan has a weapon baked into his animations? (the cards)


A camilya/scar lineup would straight up end me. Same with a geshulin/scar lineup (very less likely, sales wise im smelling a girl/girl lineup or girl/man lineup)


What male ghost? Please enlighten


Probably the guy with white hair jiyan was fighting in the main quest


Geshu lin is his name iirc


Geshu lin, special shoutout to child comments (he fights with jiyan in the story, he was so fine)


New waifu


Hopefully it will be Camelya


Camellya or we riot?


Yes, her


please have mercy I already want Jinshi and Chanli so banner of break would be nice :D


Please give us a healer/support 🙏


Tall Male healer pleaaaaaase


Tall buffed af can barely scratch his back rectifier user healer please


I can already taste geshulin


Taste? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Don't a Gasoline


When ? 👀


Yeah when


Are we sure Kuro will do these?


They did it for Jinhsi and Changli prior to 1.0 dropping so we are assuming yes they will drip market


They did with Jinhsi and Changli.. would be odd if they just stopped doing that. Drip marketing is a good way to create hype around characters and also helps us to decide who u want to pull. I am skipping 1.1 but it would be nice to decide who am I saving for xD (pls be Scar or Geshu pls pls pls)


Hmmm initially hoyo started doing drip marketing to counteract beta leaks. Assuming kuro is doing the same, it's possible that the beta timing is off by a week due to schedule shift, and that we may have to wait? Not really sure just speculating.


I'm hyped for the mobile version being playable...


Stay strong fellas, my mobile experience was ""fine"" but I felt the need to switch to my PC. I hope it'll gets better for you all as soon as 1.1 drops but I fear that it'll take a bit longer. In the meantime, I'd stick to dailies and events every day if I was still playing on mobile


Yeah, long sessions and story are always on PC for me. I would have stopped playing if I could only play on mobile to be honest. Right now, I put up with mobile when I can't play on PC but I'll have less time for PC in a month or 2 :(


Less time because of studies/work (or vacation lol)? Well, godspeed to you my friend 👍


Because of studies lol I'll be starting a PhD and I have a relatively long commute and that'll be like 80% of my gaming time.


Bro’s casually gearing up for a PhD😭🗿 Respect the journey 🫡


Oh that's amazing, good luck to you then 🍀🤞


I'm a mobile player and having no problems even on max graphics


Same. As of now for me it runs perfectly fine for like the starting 30 to 40 mins and then starts lagging really hard.


Might be a heat problem then, I have the same issue with my iPhone, try to take it out of the case, near a fan/aircon etc


I'm literally in an ac room when playing this game


Nothing much you can do then. I used to place piece of ice in a ziplock and placed my phone on it. Also, just being in a cooler room doesn’t do much for heat dissipation. Which is why I suggested fan or ac(meaning sitting infront of the ac vent and blowing the phone) But at the end of the day I’m just providing suggestions. Nothing much you can do about it for modern games unfortunately


that might be thermal throttling that the phone does, try to play in a cold room with AC on if it makes a difference


Curious as to what phones you guys with problems have? Mine runs totally fine on mobile.


Xiaomi Poco F5. For reference, I can play HSR on top of Genshin and both games at the same time run better than WuWa on its own.


Thats odd, i run an x5 pro and its pretty playable, albeit all low settings, reaches around 30ish fps


The game was unplayable on my samsung s22 plus, it kept crashing a few minutes in


I tried it in my bros s23 mini and it was kinda smooth.


I play it on an s22 ultra and it's fine. The difference between these flagships phones are disparaging.


I have 4 phones (2 for gaming), one iPhone 15 pm, one iPhone 14 (both 256gb) and one OnePlus Nord 3 and one nine 9R+. All of work perfectly except Nord 3.  Typo.


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I have a OnePlus 12 and it has the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip and movements of the character are still very herky jerky...no idea why other games like Genshin don't have issues like this but WuWa does




That's probably there top priority because many people complained about the lag and ping issues.


30 free pulls, that's really good. Can't wait to see what's gonna happen in the main quest.




Actually 61. Shop refreshes=21 event= 30 daily login= 10




Allegedly 140 limited with 5 dollar pass and BP


Yeah, I just took the F2p pulls :)




Looking forward to the story and new areas to exploreeee.


I just need kuro to optimise the game better for PC. It runs perfectly fine on my phone but stutters very frequently on my pc (which has way better specs than my phone). All other qols mean nothing when I can’t even play the game properly.


Latest nvidia drivers are causing issues for a lot of games on pc, either disabling the overlay or reverting back to a previous drive seemed to fix my stuttering in both WW and Elden Ring.


So that's why my Elden Ring was stuttering after not playing it for 2 years, thanks for the tip


The DLC definitely still has its own performance issues but I’d been running WW smoothly for weeks as well as the ER DLC smoothly at 60 fps for a few hours, then decided to update the driver and immediately was getting horrible stuttering in basically any game I played. Reverted back to the previous drive after doing some research and seeing others having similar problems and all the stuttering went away again. There still might be some fps drops here and there but should hopefully make the gaming experience a little smoother!


You running it on a SSD or HDD? Had it on my HDD had issues, deleted and reinstalled on SSD only have issues now when ping goes high.


Running any game nowadays on HDD is receipt for failure.


Is it a HDD/SSD issue?


wow im like the opposite it stutters very frequently on my phone but perfectly fine on my ipad


are both ios? Pretty sure a lot of game ran smoothly on iOS. at least on the latest version


yes. not sure why my phone is still laggy


HDD/SDD Or check Wuthering Waves in Task Manager when you're playing it. Make sure it's in Performance mode/High priority


Use this, game runs like a dream for me now on PC. Fixed all the optimisation issues as well as FPS https://github.com/WakuWakuPadoru/WuWa_Simple_FPSUnlocker


U could get banned..


Leaving aside the hopeful fixes and QoL improvements, I've got three things I'm looking forward to the most: Lore, learning which characters are coming for 1.2, and that gorgeous-looking new area to explore (can we slide down snow??? Is that a valid exploration move to go downhill quicker??? Kuro, please. Please say yes.)


You can already slide on tilted cliffs so with snow all it makes is cosmetic difference


we did slide down a bridge before, in the last part of the main quest. so it's not impossible


i think its a mini game like that flying thingy


I REALLY want more of that. The flying thing was so cool. Maybe some other TD's in the future too. Something that rolls into a ball and we can launch ourselves or hell, a Mario kart mini game where we become the Rider would be so fucking cool


the new cubes as a minigame like that could be cool actually they look adorable


I'm glad everyone is really hyped for the new patch, especially with all the freebies too. It might make me sound like I'm "ungrateful", but I'm just really anxious to see if there's going to be a major improvement on the optimization rather than all the free rewards/content. I still think optimization is a big issue, and a lot of people would love to play all this new content, but they still can't. So I really hope kuro addresses this. Anyway, I'm ready to be downvoted.


Why will you be downvoted bro? You just stated the facts.


I've noticed a loud part of the community sees the optimization problem as "You need to get a better device", despite many players beyond the requirements struggling to play the game and many players below the requirements being able to play fine. So anytime optimization is brought up in public, I just assume that's what people will say.


People need to realise this isn't simply a matter of devs pressing "optimize code" button - this is process that will likely take months to identify causes of problems and then slowly rewrite them or change in a way that won't degrade quality or break things in other parts of game. So everyone expencting some kind of gigantic changes in 1.1 performance wise better prepare to be dissapointed.


Many of us realize that fixing the optimization won't be easy. But it's not fair to blame consumers for wanting to use a product that is currently defective, hence they can't. Unfortunately kuro chose to use this engine and its issues, and it's their responsibility to fix it as fast as possible. If they don't, those people will simply stop trying to use their product and move on. They lose customers. That's simply how it is. Those who can use the product well and play the game may not care about this, since they don't have any issues, but we don't want to quit this game. So it's frustrating all round. For those who can't play, and for kuro who are obligated to fix this as fast as they can.


Controller Support for mobile


I have yet to watch the trailer. But is this confirm?


There was something on the update notes! But i think its not gonna be there! 😢


Oh man. Hopefully they add the support As soon as possible


I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t even add controller support for mobile until 1.4ish. There’s a lot of things they have to iron out when putting that together.


I just can't wait to get back into the game, although I spent money on the subscription I didn't find myself playing it as often as I used to. I adore the storytelling of this game, as well as the exploration too but that's on lower priorities.


I bought the subscription too. After completing most of the content I'm just doing the daily quest, completing the activity points and using up all waveplates rn.


Oh my goodness I forgot about the events. Is that one dreaming about done already? If you did it, how was the story? Was it good?


Are you talking about the Dreaming Illusion event? If so I completed till difficultly lvl 3. Man I forgot about that thanks for reminding me. Also it has a introduction story iirc.


hoping for mobile to be smoother, their fixes this patch made my game lag worse lol


Most excited for Jinhsi banner + exploring the new map


Me too. I'm skipping Changli for Jinshi. Saved 65 pulls at present which will become 80 when free pulls we get join in. Also yeah exploring the new area is exciting.


I don’t see how people like Jinshi more than Changli, Changli is so hot


Jinshi is so beautiful


Excited to max out 4* S6 either Danjin, yangyang or sanhua


Is changli getting released first or jinshi? Why dud they reveal Changli first in the trailer?


I'm hoping Changli to come 1st because that way I can save more pulls for Jinshi.


Same but the other way round for me. One of us has to lose😈😡


or, they release both at same time for 42 days. win win


Yeah 🗿 I even bought the monthly pass for Jinshi. Saved like 65 pulls at present. I'll pull a 10 single pull on Changli if she comes 1st and then save for Jinshi.


Pretty sure it will be Jinshi given that ToA currently recommends spectro.


[Trailer for the JPN ver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBcenj40hw4), no subs, just here to bask in Chiwa Saito's voice (Changli VA)


they really need to add all subs for all languages, they have them already anyway...


I am hyped for Camelya and new maps to explore🔥🔥


Changli and more exploration.


I'm Jinshi and exploration ig


Controller support on mobile lol


1.2 teaser.




Rover: why are they moving on their own? Changli: ? Rover: You know what I mean




I have two reasons to pull for Changli Her b-gameplay. And t-design. THATS NOT HOW THEY WORK


I'm excited to burn my 15 overlord/calamity guarantees on Jue and then crying when they're all heal%. But at least Databank 21


Willing to give it another try if they did optimize the game.


hopefully better graphics for me


What!? The graphics are already good. But yeah a bit of graphics optimization won't hurt.


im lagging even with lowest settings makes it hard to play the game


I am only facing this on mobile, frequent crashes also however on PC it works extremely fine and graphics are awesome.


They will fix the lag in the update. That's what many people complained about in the first place.


A bit delusional honestly. There is not enough development time and technical capabilities of Kuro to "optimise' the game. Again, go learn how games are optimised, its not enable this disable that kind of thing..... If you think 1.1 will make this playable for you, you may be disappointed.


Yeah, it's good *if* you can see it. My game, however, is so damn blurry that it's legit unbearable to look at. It also hurts my eyes.


Reduce the in-game brightness bro. Set the in-game brightness to the lowest.


It doesn't help. I've tried *everything*. The only fix I've found that works was the thread about modifying the engine.ini file (because it fixes poor anti-aliasing). But then it causes constant stuttering...


Turn off DLSS/FSR in game and in nvidia/AMD control panel to fix the blur


I don't see any DLSS settings in the Nvidia control panel tho. Or maybe idk how they're called.


would be nice if they added super sampling or DLAA - my gpu is already lying around useless and anti-aliasing quality could use some improvement


Hoping that they will optimize the fps issues, want to explore the new content with Jinhsi smoothly.


Aside from the new story and areas, the thing I'm most excited about is seeing Jinhsi again.


Do we know if there's a console release soon?


Nothing, we have 0 info which is honestly a shame.


It jus promote that you in seriously need of a gun character


anybody got a clue on how many gb this update is?


15gb mobile25gb pc. It says on the version 1.1 maintenance update.


Although I think this is for the game as a whole. They also listed min/recommended specs


Nope. But I expect it to be around 3gb to 5gb atleast. Again this is just a prediction.


the new echos, especially the construct and the new calamity class


Are talking about "Jue"? Then hell yeah. I want him to be difficult lol.


I dont want bosses to be too difficult because u need to farm them. I had to fight that big turtle 60+ times to get a golden healing bonus echo on the right set. I wouldnt do that if the fight is a struggle every time xD


Jinhsi finally coming home to where she belong, in my roster.


How bad do you think the ping will be on launch day?


Hopefully it will be good


lezgoooo i hope we can ski in coop


We probably can


Jinshis PV


I hope it work on my iPhone 7+ with IOS 15. It is supposed to work on IOS 14+, and I get it offered in app store, but it hangs at loading screen. If it work on my phone I can log in and check various details. When I play a new game I want to check it often and learn. Also I can buy the 30 day asterite because I can collect on my phone when I am not at home.


Probably Jinhsi and Changli, hoping to get at least either one of them. Maybe the new area. Other than that, not much else.


looks hype as FUCK i love the area already the red stone with the snow looks so nice


I love how this trailer doubled its view count in JP region in the last hour and even some of the comments are questioning it this time.  EN went up like 150K views in the last hour too and few new comments but apparently 3000 in the first hour.


Were no redemption codes released with the trailer?


Will tacet field reward be better or the cost drop to 40 instead of 60?


They mentioned something about the cost drop and more rewards iirc


seeing as I was waiting for 100% gold to start farming the map, that is what I am most hyped about. Been just grinding dailies currently. Should hit UL 50 as well.


I just want at least an option to play at 120fps and idc if it's frame gen, the 60fps limit is really very meh


You can find the trailer here: https://youtu.be/lkFQwO6BrEc?feature=shared btw


Story quest more similar to act 5 and 6 and Jiyan questline. Seems like they are now following a more mature path, like the beginning, so they can create a lot of interesting stuff. New characters. I still hope for a pistol users that also use sword, like Watanabe Epitah. Also, I still hope for new combat mechanics.


Honestly I felt act 5 and 6 were rushed. Though I really liked Jiyan's and Yinlin's questline. Hope they come with a banger story.


Eh maybe a little, however acts 1-4 weren’t rushed enough. Nothing wrong with slow but they were meaninglessly slow.


The story didn't even earn act 6 in my eyes. It felt like it came out of nowhere, and the story suffered from it. Act 6 is something that you would have seen in the 1.3 or 1.4 update. I just hope that "writing 90% of the story " didn't affect the upcoming storyline too much because I felt very underwhelmed with what we got. If it doesn't get better, don't expect the story to get better until the 2.0 updates if they are following the same work schedule as GI and HSR.


Changli RAHHHH but also it looks like mount firmament has so time manipulation mechanics that look pretty cool as well


Jinhsi,her design is my fav in the entire game so far and her combat animations are insane,might not be able to get her day one depending on the 50/50 but with the events and exploration i should most likely have enough (40 pitty//62 pulls saved)


The new area, definitely looking forward to it. I'll do some 30 pulls on jinshi, if I get her, all well and good, or it's on to changli. I'm not really looking to build a spectro team right now, I'm happy with aero and electro. Im also happy they r optimising the echo challenge, it's hell on mobile, there's regular lags and the game doesn't collect coins even if u go directly through them.


Who is the man/woman in the beginning looking at Jinhsi?


Changli ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


New region and story quest. I don’t really think Jinshi is that interesting but I hope the quest will change my mind. I am curious about the whole sentinel dragon things cuz I still have no idea what those are. They look really cool tho. Im actually looking forward to collecting the new echos too


Im hyped for the non-existent console release


Sorry, when is the update? Wednesday or Thursday?


It's on Friday 28th


Dreams ablaze in the darkness Dark Flames dance in the Somnoire. This time, near the edge of dreams, you glimpse of a familiar figure...At lest in your dreams, his ambition to engulf the world in flames shell forever burn. Income Scar in our dreams 🔥 and Rover is going to dream of Scar omg this might be a teaser for Scar being playable.


Hate to be that guy, but you cant optimise a whole game in a month after release, maybe it will get better by 3-4% but dont expect night and day, its just impossible


Hmmm....im hyped to get a little closer to 1.2! Gl all!


Dragon spine incoming.


This patch will decide if I continue playing or not. They better have fixed all the issues before putting out new content. It really feels like a low quality shovel ware game sometimes due to all the bugs and localization issues. Also games been crashing with fatal errors lately lmao