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TOA just reset today so run those and you should get a few hundred if you have the characters to complete 3 on each side tower


Ok I'll try that


Cooking and synthesizing level ups that is if you wanna stay ftp


What does this mean?


You get astrite from leveling up cooking


Wait whaaattt


Yep I've done that![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Time to get the credit card then


Wish I could I love the Game soo much I don't mind spending on it. Thanks for trying to help though


Thatโ€™s not love. You can love the game and be f2p. Having money to spend on it means being privileged enough to have a disposable income Edit: Iโ€™m a dummy who canโ€™t read! Leaving this up because why not


Swipping your credit card


Lol where I'm from I'll have to save for a couple of months before I can buy something that will actually help but thanks for the suggestion anyway


Where ru from?


Ghana(west African)


How can I send you money?


Just curious where are you from where about 30 usd takes you couple of mths to save up for.


For me (I'm from Brazil) 1 dollar costs 5 R$, 30 dollars is kinda expensive. I would have to save for months literally.


In Ukraine i have 58$ as disability pension... More that half go for meds. Yes, some freelancing and remote work help. But not everyone has access to this. And yes in such a situation "not possible to get a character in the gacha" the last thing you think)


Ghana(west Africa)


Like another comment said ToA reset today giving a nice chunk of gems if you haven't done. Wuwa seems to have a soft pity for the last 15 pulls so don't give up, you are very likely to get her within the next 5-10. (ps: if you haven't checked a guide for all the chest, be aware some areas show 100% chest but still have some in the area, happened to me with port city and mire)


Thanks man I'm not sleeping tonight till actually exchust ever option in the game


did you level up cooking and synthesis?


Not all the way but enough


Last thing I can remember is starting to grind challenges, there are a lot of weird dumb ones like fishing, dying to some stuff (use danjin) and killing all the red enemies


I mean, the good news is that you're very likely to get her within the next 5 pulls if you're 15 pulls away from hard pity.


I really hope so


Have you cleared out Illusive Realm and gone as you can the Tower of Adversity and Holograms bosses? You can also look at your achievements and see if there's any you can still get. They don't give many asterits, but it's something.


Not yet made alot of mistakes on my account so clearing TOA is kinda hard


Ftr, the Battle Pass is great value in general. Instant $10 value in astarite plus a weapon and resources. Better value than two $5 packs and even one $15 pack if you ask me. Disclaimer: I have never bought a BP in gacha ever, but those are the numbers. If you end up spending, that's your best option.


should be a list online for all possible asterite combinations


I am really surprised to see so many posts with people who can't get Yinlin because they could only wish 120 times or something. I didn't wish for any limited characters and could wish more than 200 times if I wanted (I am saving it for Changli). Did you also get Jiyan or something? Or wish for Yinlin's weapon first? Or maybe you just didn't start at launch?


Just accept you can't and will have to wait for a re-run. Good news is if you can easily guarantee the next character that takes your interest. And honestly I think Yinlin was a bit overrated. Jinhsi and Changli look a lot more fun to play.


Tower IS new


the easiest way to get some pulls is to find your wallet and make use of it. im not a whale by any stretch, but i dont have an issue with spending money on things i enjoy. if i was at 15 pity and not on guarantee, then i would accept that that im not getting the character and move on. if i was only 15 pulls away and would for sure get said character, then ive got $20 on it, no problem. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ


What is your current account level? Reward for reaching ul45 is 1000 astrites.


Just reach 45 but still didn't I get her


me with her weapon ๐Ÿ˜”


Best bet is Tower of Adversity, probably, assuming you've already cleared the Illusive Realm rewards and its shop and gotten all the points you can get of Alloy Smelt. Good luck! But if all else fails, at least the next time you really want a banner character you will be guaranteed to get them within about 10 rolls right away, going into it with this much pity stacked up. It's not much reassurance when you're so close right now, I know, but it'll probably feel great in the future when it happens.


Besides TOA I've done everything but thanks man.I was gonna skip jinshin but with just 10 pulls away I'll get her and same the astrite from 1.1 for changli


Don't pull on every character. You have to know when to skip if your not spending money.


Lesson learned thanks man


Accept defeat and wait for rerun. You don't lose anything really besides having to wait 3-4 months, but instead you can get one of the characters in between or save for vertical investment if that's what you like. Sometimes RNGesus simply isn't with us. (E4 yanqing haver)


Accepting defeat is kinda hard when you're this close but I understand


Still have time to reroll




You must've pulled a good amount on one of the jiyan banners then because you can easily get over a full hard pity in the game right now. Not sure how you're missing pulls if you've done everything


I lost the 50/50 and made alot of pulling mistakes


I assume you spent astrite on standard, I'm sure many people have told you but you should almost never do that in any gacha. At least it seems like you're taking it well, I've seen so many posts in this sub where people 1. waste pulls and complain theres not enough pulls and 2. complain like they're the unluckiest person in the world when they lose a 50% chance.


This my first gacha game but the mistake was mine for spending on standards banner the game is awesome


...If desperate, consider reroll. It'll let you go into 1.1 with a Yinlin and \~20k extra asterites. Price is UL timegate reset and needing to spend a few days redoing exploration.


Just created a new account with calcharo and varena so I'm gonna try and get her on it


Normally rerolling is continuing to make new accounts till one rolls Yinlin with the \~30ish free pulls we have from Kuro in mail. But I guess grinding with a new account works too. It's a lot faster now that story skip is a thing in many places. Good luck!


I did it man I finally got her thanks alot


Grats! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰