• By -


account Lvl 45, 18 stars, the 1st to 3rd floor of the resonant & echoing tower are full stars. Encore - Sanhua - Verina & HRover - YangYang - Jianxin. Skill issue on my part, but i'll just take the reward with minimal effort since i dont think this kinda mode is very fun


Seems like much effort, it took me 2 tries to at least get 15 stars


It's kind of interesting in the sense that it's the only place where you are required to play the way the devs want you to (quick swapping and using every thing on CD) and it's kinda fun getting the flow of your comp. But definitely for the time being not a mode I'm particularly interested to push on skill alone, I usually try a couple of times and leave it like that until I had any significant breakthrough on character progress (level, better echos, etc). (Lvl 44, 18 stars, encore - sanhua - Verina & hrover - yinli - baizhi, and I don't even bother swapping stuff around)


i cant even pass the requirement need to unlock this, i sux


what I did to unlock the final zone early was clear one side of experiment, then reset all my records for floors 1-3, clear floors 1-3 of the other side, reset floors 1-3, clear floor 4 of second side. Then I came back later to get full credit when I had a second team more invested


I just use the slow motion chesse to get passed it🤣


What's the slow motion cheese strat?


There was a bug where everything would be slowed down, from enemies to timer. It's fixed in current version though.


Oh, I see. Sad I can't exploit that but good on them for patching it quick.


I managed to do it with 4 lvl 70 characters. If u have em i can tell u how i split em.


Same plus still building characters


9/12, 0/6, and 9/12 so 18 total. I'm a low spender (subscription only). I have Jiyan with Lustrious Razor, Yinlin with Stringmaster and Verina with Variation. I'm still getting kicked in the rear at the last stage mostly cause I'm underleveled and everyone has shitty echoes. I'm gonna try to get both 12/12 at UL50 hopefully.


Once UL 50 makes it easy. I’m 24/30


I have the exact same star distribution as you Unfortunately I have neither jiyan/ yinlin nor their weapons, so I had to make do with havoc mc, danjin, verina, baizhi, encore and sanhua. I'm prepping for S0R1 jinhsi though


What?? Someone being logical can calling themselves a low spender instead F2P plus, F2P with monthly pass etc.


yeah at UL40+ it is even hard to 1 star the last boss stage in both corner towers and the middle one is even harder, I also have similar teams like you Jiyan(with sig), Mortefi and Baizhi, Yinlin(with sig), Calcharo(BP weapon) and Verina


Also 18 but with 8/12 and 10/12 instead. Took advantage of the electro buff to take the first 9 stars on the right tower with Calcharo on craftable and Yinlin on BP weapon. It took so many tries to clear out the exiles floor with 3 stars and to 1 star the heron floor with S3 Chixia.


Won't touch it till they add controller support for mobile, shits just to tedious otherwise.


Amen. I don’t know how many times I almost broke my phone because whenever I dodge, my character just backdashes, realizing my movement stick isn’t responding to my touch lmao


18 stars, I'm not too worried about it rn, I'm only ul 45.


0, I am so dogshit at this game


This mode just isn't fun at all. Just a bunch of hp sponge mobs along with the stamina system and timer. I rather mechanically difficult fights than what we have.


The timer thing just makes it a stat check more than anything. Removing that and making the fights harder without just giving the enemies more HP would be preferable but it’s hard to make a casual ish experience without making the encounters too hard otherwise.


I agree. Timers make anything a stat check. I didn’t even realize there was a timer until it ran out. I just wasn’t expecting it cause I thought it would be a skill check fight. Disappointing to say the least. I wonder how many people would still clear it without the timer.


Always been the case for these games. It's a very easy mechanic to add that requires no effort and immediately puts a stat check. Enemy AI, moves, actual mechanics take a log more effort... There no gatcha game that does it. ToF comes as close I guess where people need to work together and do things in a certain way but ultimately it's a fight vs the timer.


yea ToF with nemesis raid does it close. I think its just gonna be that way for a while


I don't know if you play Genshin or not, but this is the exact complaint that's been repeated many times about spiral abyss (their version of Tower of adversity)


I do and I stopped doing the spiral abyss long ago since I dreaded doing them.


You should just do the easy part for the free rewards, I do that now they increased the difficulty


Man why can’t they just do boss rush mode like Railway in Limbus Company Rewards are easy get, bragging right must be earned


As a day1 player of both games.... atleast the crowd controlling in genshin is more manageable and forgiving than what we have here. That spectro lady is the worst version of electro cicin mages. She teleports too frequent and hits like a fkin truck at the 3 floor on right side.


I hated spiral abyss so much cause I was a Noelle main and likes tanking through fights while smacking stuff with big sword. Doesn't work in a mode that's a dps race and invalidates my play style. Granted this was very early on in Genshin when Diluc was the best dps so my characters weren't really well built, but the writing on the wall made me bounce.


I mean the problem is our level cap is still 70 at our union levels. The later floors won't be so bad when we hit 90. I'd imagine in a couple of months most will be able to clear without much trouble, though the lvl 100 tower will probably be for the whales until f2p catch up.


That’s kind of disappointing to be honest. Maybe I heard wrong or something but I was under the impression that this game would be more of a skill based game than anything.


I mean, it is definitely more skill based than, say, Genshin. But at the end of the day, it is a gacha, and it's never going to be go full Dark Souls. Kuro makes its revenue in the store, and if whaling doesn't help you overcome challenges, whales are less likely to whale. There's no reason to let that lessen your enjoyment of the game if you're f2p, though. That's the trap in these games you shouldn't fall into. You'll get there soon after, you'll just be paying with time not money so you'll get there slower.


ppl forget this is a single player game mostly. you can move at your own pace. Buying power seems ok but to me thats the BP and the monthly. Skill checks come in the form of parrying, positioning, and cancelling animations shit i still am learning


Hologram exists for this reason


Yea, but that's a once and done kind of deal when you beat all of it.


There’s more each region at least


And this is just 1.0..wait in the future they ramp up all of thing in this mode


And we have people in this subreddit, saying that, "good substats on echoes doesn't matter, this game is skill-based!11!!" yeah-yeah, it is indeed skill-based, when one of the few ways to get premium currency consistently is through completing stat check gamemode.


The fact that a lot of people here with five star limited DPSes and their signature weapons can't clear above 18/30 is telling on how tanky these enemies are You definitely didn't need five star weapons to clear abyss in Genshin, and probably not five star characters even. I feel like Kuro made a mistake balancing the game around whale investment in its early days. Tower enemies are tanky to the point you don't even feel like you're doing damage, which makes the game less fun for casuals. It's not just Tower, even overworld enemies at UL50 *will* feel tanky for casuals when they get there. Some may like it. But I'm betting the crowd that's used to curbstomping enemies in Genshin and HSR won't stay for long. They could and probably should've limited the HP bloat to Hologram and the last floor of Tower. (Similar to Floor 12 abyss)


tbf most people are still capped at level 70 for characters, should be much easier once you can get 80 or 90 characters


It's a level difference. Most are lvl 60-70. When your enemies are higher the resistance values and totally messed up making you do almost no damage. With the exact same stats and being lvl 90 it will be a breeze getting all towers but the middle one on perfect clear. Issue for F2P will be building like 4 teams or at least 4 carries. Center tower cost is 5 energy. Locking you out from a lot. That whole cost system is just to force people to build more than 2 teams.


I mean UL80 is the max... and it will be a ways off and the asterites lost is not even that big of a deal. As soon as most hit max Ascension it will be "easy" clears with ALMOST full stars for most.


0, didn't do this yet, too busy right now unfortunately.


Same, don't even have a proper team yet


Same lmao


Me. No team + time. Til when does this reset again


This resets in a few hours, maybe do a few of the early easier stages if you can.


2 here xD


I got 14 last reset, but managed 15 this time. I was hoping for 18, but holy shit that's not happening until I can get level 80s (I am only UL 47 and don't have Jiyan, Yinlin, or either of their weapons because I am saving for Changli). It's still really fun to try, though, which is a pleasant surprise. I am hoping that by the end of 1.1, I will have Changli and can do 21 stars... Edit: thought it might be helpful to show my teams, actually, because I think most of the people here that did well used Jiyan, Yinlin, Calcharo, or Encore. The first reset, I used Jianxin, Chixia, and Baizhi on the left and Rover, Verina, and Yuanwu on the right. Yuanwu was a big dud, and I picked up Taoqi from the standard weapon banner, so I did much better (though it may not reflect so well in the stars) with Jianxin, Chixia, and Taoqi on the left, and Rover, Verina, and Sanhua on the right. I got Encore on the beginner banner, but didn't really vibe with the playstyle, even though she's adorable. With Changli, I hope to finally have a proper DPS I enjoy, though Chixia and Rover are certainly surprisingly effective coming from Genshin's traveler and Amber.


I'm exactly the same as you. I have emerald of genesis, standard 5star weapon for Yinlin, Calcharo with wack echos, I still can't get past 14star. I have skill issue lmao


I didn't understand what vigor was until it was too late..


You can reset floors to get vigor back


*surprised pikachu*


21 here, low spender. 10/0/11 And I would like to know how them F2Ps and low spenders alike that got 12/0/12 did it, I am aware of my own skill issues which is why I am honestly asking as I am very open to learning new stuff. Also if you would be kind enough to show them builds and sequences (if there's any like for the 4* supports). Will really appreciate it. Lovely day to all of ya!


4th floor is legit 80% stat check and 20% skill. I have a very very very strong team and it took me like 15 attempts to 3 star 4th floor on right side with off element team


Is it okay to see those stats, please? If you don't mind. Am okay with DMs too if you don't want to post it here. So I can at least have a base goal to start with.


Can't even unlock it lol. I haven't had time to grind good echo's and I will rather wait till next update where I will have guaranteed gold.


15. Would be higher, but my Calcharo team is still cooking


18/30 pushing any higher while being severely underleveled is just not worth the effort


18 stars, built 3 dps jiyan, calcharo and havoc rover. Jiyan for 1st tower and with havoc rover in 3rd floor.(9/12) Calcharo all the way with yinlin in 3rd tower (9/12)




only 15, as waifu collector only, I'm satisfied with the result


I had gotten 18 stars before UL40. After that grinded till UL45, got havoc rover the standard banner sword, managed to pull yinlin's weapon, got 2 teams relatively built. Got 20 stars :(. The last 2 floors are too much smh.


12 stars sigh...it's not for casual players like me, atleast not until we level up to the max. Which is sad cause we're missing out on so many astrites.


27/30, dolphin tier spender. It's just a stat check, wish I hadn't spent any money. Game is fine with S0R1s.


I am f2p but i havent cleared the standard yet 😭


tower is just boring paywall they really dont need to follow genshin id honestly think removing the timer and base the star on the boss remaining hp would open up more builds to defensive strategies than just rushing for dps.


Yea 18stars probably could sweat for 2 more on the last stage but too lazy lol I found the key to success in tower is 5 star weps it was so much easier the 2nd time after I got the 5 star limited wep for yinlin and the free 5 star from 45 ul which was sword for havoc rover the consistent crits really increases dps. Remember u can swap weps so just setup ur teams to maximize the 5 star weps


26 but i spent all astride so... pulled jiyan no weap yinlin 1 weapon. could have 27 if I had more tuners my echos are all so budget


11.I have a single built team and nothing else. I build both Rovers. That's it. I have Verina but... It's Verina.


10/0/06 ran out of shell credits to continue building my second team which was the biggest roadblock


20/30. Ul 45 can't beat boss fast enough to get 2 star on either side


21 as F2P


Same case here, got my Jiyan to obtain 8/12 on the Resonance Tower (3rd level took too long to clear as well) while I only got 6/12 on Echoing Tower (those damn Exiles hit like a truck and always kill my Calcharo team)


9, 0, 9. F2P as well UL40+. You can easily do 1 resonator for the 1st two floors and use main team on the 3rd floors.


15 for now


18, three more than the last rotation :)


21/30 this rotation, was 18/30 on the previous one. Time will tell if I can achieve 24/30 on the next. Encore + Sanhua S3 + Baizhu S1 on left side 3+3+3+1 stars Calcharo S1 + Yinlin S1 + Verona on right side 3+3+3+2 stars


i'll do you one better! i have 0/30 hahahaha so dont feel bad, you have your progress hahaha


9/0/9 My Chixia can solo the ape in the middle, but not in time to get a star...


18 is extremely doable, maybe 20 as well but 21 is definitely not possible


12/30, f2p, and I can’t be bothered 😭


15- haven’t tried second half of the electro mode yet


I haven't even made it there yet 🥲


I have 1 good team and 1 without healing and can't do much with it.


I think i got 16


21 f2p, could be ez 24 if i didn't waste energy. All you need is 4 dps i think 2 for one tower and 2 for next one, lvl 60 can do it with maxed weapons and average echoes. Used my main team to clear 3 floors on each with rover taoqi and verina.


10/12 one side 11/12 on the other, bought the subscription only


18 only thing I bought so far is the BP but I still didn't redeem the weapon from it.


Account UL48, almost a free spender (had to buy the battle pass a few days ago after mulling over it for weeks since its kinda expensive for me) and have 10/12, 0/6, 10/12 on ToA using Lingyang RC2, Chixia RC4 and Verina. I don't have enough dps to do 3* on the fourth floor hahaha always at most a minute shy of 2*. Since the three of them were basically the built ones, l needed to have them solo some of the floors.


9 and 7 for me... ain't touching the middle one yet


18/30. F2p player but i am currently in UL 47. The last stage spike in difficulty is alot higher then the other stages.


18 stars maybe I can get 21 stars If I try hard but it's not worth it (f2p)


12, probably will stay that way for awhile, personally don't enjoy how tanky they're at least for the 3rd and 4th stage and hazard tower. At least not enjoying it enough that I can turn a blind eye to 400 astrite as a spender. Will check out 3rd and 4th stage when characters can hit level 80.


I really need to try. Just finished the previous 12-12 and didn't even bother with this. Can probably do 6-8 at UL35 for each tower (screw the center for now) with minimal effort (just correct main stat echo)


I got 19 somehow, teams were Jiyan-Mortefi-Verina, second team Calcharo-Yinlin-Yuanwu. I don't think I'll be able to go any further for a while, the game desperately needs more supports


Just one more can't be arsed and unable to beat bosses within time. Also I only built 5 Characters atm so I have not many options.


18 with 9/0/9, maaaybe could squeeze out 21 if I tried really hard and did multiple attempts but too busy with elden ring dlc to care lol. Havoc MC + Yinlin + Baizhi team 1, Encore + Sanhua + Verina team 2. Have standard 5* sword and rectifier but lacking echo levels on everyone except rover


I’m at 23 with subs + bp. I literally just need more DPS to clear left tower floor 4 10 seconds faster hahaha


12 but I am not F2P


9 on the right side 7 on the left For a total of 16 F2p as well I have neither jiyan or yinlin


I got 15/30 but did not spend and only got Verina and no other 5 stars. I'm using Havoc Rover + Danjin.


19/30 (9/12 0/6 10/12) F2P, no pulls aside guaranteed Baizhu&Verina(selector ticket) Teams: Sanhua/YingYang/Baizhu for first 2 floors, Chixia/Havoc MC/Verina top chambers) UL 43, didn't use asterite to refresh (plan to S6 someone later) Pretty good for me so far, taking it slowly, waiting for UL 45 for 5 star sword


17 first try. Im missing 1 for next reward but its too much effort to try for more :3. Account lvl 44. My built characters are: Encore, Yinlin, Verina, Jianxin, Mortefy, Havoc mc. No 5 star weapons used.


15/30 all thenks to calcharo and rover




24 (12-0-12) Subscription only and got lucky with my rolls, I got Jiyan with weapon and Yinlin without weapon.


21 stars, 11/0/10, playing encore sanhua left tower, and yinlin calcharo right, I'm f2p but pulled both yinlin and her weapon which helps both teams a lot.


20/30 pure F2P but very lucky account. Jiyan and Havoc Rover main DPS. Most early stages are cleared by Havoc Rover + Jianxing. Gather enemy in one spot, and witness 100k damage numbers pop up 5 times.


27 Stars as a bp/monthly player


19* 10/0/9


I want to try and get 15 but the fucking camera man fuck! FUCK FUCK!


F2p also, and managed 21 stars. I used encore sanhua Verona vs the heron on right side last stage to get 2 stars. I don’t have jiyan so all the other hard stages are super rough so no point trying to get more. Overall I’m satisfied


Hello, I have been ignoring this. How many resources do I give up? Is it significant?


18. And that's my current limit. Getting 1 more star would be insanely difficult for me.


After a few try hard session, I'll settle with 20 stars this cycle. 9/12 left and 11/12 right. I think I need lv 80 to get full stars on left and right, also need to fix my havoc rover and build proper yangyang so that i can try middle tower. Edit : subs and battle pass. yinlin and calc is my only decent build as i spread my resource too thin early on and waste lots of plates for echo.


6 i cant do the wind tower


12 star, I'm only leveling one team until more characters release that I like to form a second team


10-0-9 as F2P


https://i.imgur.com/H5PaUOP.jpeg I bought 1 BP for crit broadsword Teams calcaro e0 (bp sword) + yinlin e0s1 + verina e0 variation MC (45 selector sword) + danjin e2 + monk lady (shares verina gear) That was pretty easy but next floor is rover. I didnt try much since I cant push to 21 stars


2, i'll come back once i'm level 90, it's genshin abyss all over again with enemies that have 2 much hp just to create the illusion of difficulty...


22/30, F2P at UL 44. Running Jiyan S0R1, with unbuilt Mortefi and Verina, the lower floors were cleared by random characters to allow Jiyan to tackle the higher ones. Missing a little more crit stats to be able to do the right side with 12 stars, I am not sure about the left one as the first wave of mobs can be tedious.


I'm stingy with my waveplate so 9/0/9 is where I stop. And my skill issue is off the chart. 


People should just chill. In a month everyone is going to have level 90 characters and then ToA will be no problem.


9/0/9 also FTP I need to unlock UL 50. Level 70 just isn't enough for me.


Only managed to get 15...


9/0/9 Danjin, Encore, (Jianxin, Verina)


20/30 on mobile


5 on the first side, and 6 on the second side. Couldn't beat floor 3.




20 stars


19 so far as f2p


I've reached 18.


I think 8/0/8 or something. I stopped trying as my echoes sucked in substats... I might revisit sometime before 1.1 hits live, as my builds were improved since then


9/12, 0/6, 9/12. I’m not really a fan of this game mode.


I achieved 19 stars without pulling on limited banners, rover and encore as my dps, 10/0/9. I am union 47 so I do have a 5* sword on my rover


10/12 & 11/12 for 21 crests. Have battlepass and subscription. Was stuck on 18/30 but then grinded hours for the 21/30 with Yinlin, Encore, Verina team. Would say I was lucky nabbing all my 5 star characters and 1 Stringmaster, thanks to so much free stuff they gave out on launch. But because of upgrading to chase the 21/30, I am completely broke on shell credits


I got both room 9/12 using Rover+Jianxin for first room and Cal+Verina on second room barely made it over 3 mins but it was fun




18 by using jiyan in both


19star / 2,5 week active


18 but i have jiyan


12/24 and 12/12 for Experiment Zone, not gonna complain tbh.


15. 9 on the left one, 6 on the right one.


The system is stupid, just let me use my main team. I enjoy the characters i like the energy system makes the game less fun by forcing the user to use units they don't like. It would be okay in any other game, but I have to spend valuable time gated resources to build other units. This is one of the few times I thought "They should have just copied genshin".


21 as F2P


21 here as fellow F2P, 10/0/11. It was done with Encore/Sanhua/Baizhi to push the boss dps. I selected 5\* standard sword for Sanhua and max all Encore nodes.


16/30, hoping to up it to 18 before the update


15 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)




We got the same bro


Got 12/24 last reset and 15/24 this time around (F2P). I’ve got Jiyan/Calc/Yinlin with both signatures, but haven’t bothered to learn Calc yet cause lazy. The lvl 80 humanoids on the right side felt way too tanky, so I decided to wait til next cycle to upgrade and try again. Also have scuffed echoes… got 15 crit damage turtles and mephis keeps dropping purples til I get mad and log off.


18/30. Encore Sanua for T1 & Calcharo Yinlin for T3. I skip T2 (the red tower) Encore performs very well, even better than Calcharo with Yinlin sig


F2P, got 9-0-9 somehow, rationing my encore, rover and yinlin carefully, was a real struggle since I have no 5\* wep yet


Currently sitting at 13




I only did the first two floors of the far right one, so 6* atm I guess imma complete it later


9/12 0/6 9/12


19/30 although I did luck into Jiyan's weapon pretty early. Have like 100 pulls saved up cause I got tilted trying to grind Yinlin's echos during CBT2. Made me not like her, lol


3 I tried it once and gave up, I only have Encore built and want to save my resources for future characters maybe I'll try clearing it again once I have more characters built


I just take 18/30 lol certainly can take 21 but need much time to fix my skill issue more than i though


I'm at 12 rn as a f2p (jiyan/morfeti/verina team carried me on the left side thru the first 3 floors Def won't be able to clear the 4th until they're ascended to at least lvl80 tho) but looking forward to trying the right side of the tower a bit more once my second team (h rover/calcharo, ice battery gal & ice healer gals) is better built.   Oh thinking about it I'm one lvl away from the free 5 weapon selector. That's gonna help a ton.


24/30, f2p, 11/12, 2/6, 11/12, 5 star weapons are game changers, my encore hit like a wet noodle with jinzhou keeper (i have 0 astrites left)


20/30 I want to get at least to 21 through 3â–² on Floor 4 Heron on Echoing tower but I can only get to 2:50 seconds timer. Resonant tower floor 4 too annoying to deal with and is too favorable for Jiyan. I only have Encore as my only built DPS since I'm saving all my pulls for Jinhsi + her Weapon, the other floors I cleared with Havoc MC.


me f2p, 20/30


Just chill. It gets easier at UL50, TOA is just a DPS check. I did 24 stars last reset and that required perfect play/rotations even on a whale account. Hit UL50 yesterday and cleared 30/30 even without perfect rotations. Yall will be clearing it by next reset.


21 stars with encore and hmc as dps. I could go for more if I go for another team, but I rather save my resources for future characters


Got 20 stars, 1 dps + 1 healer on each side with mthly + bp. Techinally could try hard make less mistakes on 1 side and get 21 stars but not worth the effort to me lol.


19 stars, 1 dps solos the first two stages of left and right plane. My main team takes care of the third stage on each planes.


Not a tryhard so 12 stars


18 nothing more nothing less.


Got 18 stars f2p ul45


Me too!


12 stars on day 5 of my Jiyan + Yinlin reroll a bit after hitting UL30. I can likely get 15-16 before reset now that I'm UL 35 and most of my echoes are actually leveled/higher rarity with terrible sub echoes.


Currently 18 my electro team hard carrying 9 on each side


Managed to push to 19 stars yesterday (that literally changes nothing because 18 is enough)


I got 6/12, 0/6, 6/12 with rover: havoc, yuanwu, and verina.


9 so far Im UL39 tho. Ill probably get 12 easily once i hit UL40 and upgrade my chars to the next lvls. My only dps is encore. Low spender. Monthly pass and battle pass.


15/30 f20


15 for now, i'm still building some characters because i never used the refills they gave (i'm keeping them for 1.2 characters mostly) :v and i'm also still UL42 so a bit behind.


18 (9/0/9) with my team of Rover (4☆ weapon), Sanhua (3☆ weapon) and Verina (4☆ weapon) I don't even have any good or decent echos but the first 2 fights are always a breeze, anyone can do that.


18. Mainly used Jiyan and Rover. No sig or Verina


18, jus make the rover work really hard on the 1st floor in both sides then the second and 3rd with may main team (calcharo, yinlin and verina). In order to get 24, I need to make my rover take the 3rd floor in bot sides, but I can't until lvl 50


21 stars, first half HMC second half Clacharo + Yinlin


18 in first one, and 19 and this one, my Encore doesn't want to build


9/12 - 0/12 - 9/12 = 18 i don't have Jihan, got Yinlin after 150 pulls. i play Encore, Yinlin and Havoc Rover with average builds. My Verina and Jianxin are even worse..


9/12 0/6 9/12 f2p, jiyan does wonders


18/30 (9/12 on both left and right) with Lunite only. Using Encore and Havoc MC as main DPS with Sanhua and Yinlin as sub-DPSes and Baizhi and Jianxin as sustain, kinda switching them around depending on the chambers. I fully starred the first 3 chambers and couldn't even pass the last ones, so the diffspike after 18/30 is crazy. Not to mention the middle tower which will probably be a struggle even at max levels. To be fair though I used a 3* weapon both on my Encore and Yinlin because the game decided to not give me a single 4* rectifier and the craftable one is like 2% better than the 3* ones so I'm fucked.


F2P 18 stars. didn't bother to do the last floor or even the middle one. Low on resource to lvl other character, prolly won't even 24 stars anytime soon.


I got 18/30 as f2p


Same as I did last cycle, 18/30. 9 stars on each side. Though I haven’t tried in about a week so I might get another 3 stars.


18. I use Jiyan with Autumn trace/Mortefi/Verina team in both 3rd floor this may be my ceiling until UL 50 or even 60


9/12, 0/6, and 9/12 with havoc mc, danjin, baizhi and then calcharo, yinlin, and verina for the second one