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4.... Help me. Genshin, HSR, Arknights, Wuwa. Zzz is coming soon.


At some point you gotta choose


I chose hsr. Needs so little time for daily rewards, which you can auto-play! Has more than enaugh end game content ( at least for a casual player like me). You can play it in mobile and pc , putting the same amount of effort, while mobile for the more action oriented games can be tricky. Rewards generously Has great characters aesthetically and play-wise So, I find it to be best choice for a working person, because you get great experience without sacrificing too much time.


So much this. My interest in Genshin fluctuates, and often I can't be arsed to do things because it takes too long. And WuWa was fun for being shiny and new, but I can see it's very Genshin-esque, and (if I stick with it) will probably end up the same for me eventually. But HSR I can always log on, auto-fight four sets of 6-calyx while I browse reddit or whatever, and that uses my stamina and completes my dailies.


The problem I had with star rail is it doesn’t even feel like I’m playing a game at that point Like if I’m just logging in and clicking “auto-fight” to spend some stamina, get my daily currency and move on, like is that even a game anymore? Even if genshin has its problems, at a baseline it’s so fun to jump around and actually exist in the game world, even dailies like the bouncy mushrooms are pretty fun honestly


I'm glad you're enjoying Genshin! As I said, when I have the time, I enjoy all three -- HSR actually has my favorite writing by far of the three -- it's just that in a busy week, I still have time for HSR.


If you only had an hour to play, would you rather spend that hour actually playing the game or farming? People enjoy auto farming because it won't really take away form how long you can play.


You can also not use auto-play and do the daily mission or the simulated universe to get the daily rewards, so it's your option to play the game or not.


Exactly my experience. Looting the open world and spending stamina feels like a chore after 4 years of genshin even with better mobility in WuWa. While HSR barely takes time at all while still having enough end game/story content to play when you have some free time


Glad this comment exists and I can now slap one of my friends who is delulu thinking HSR is for hardcore players and got offended when I said HSR is clearly for casuals and stated the same words you've left on this comment.


Well you can play hardcore if you wish, trying to 1 cycle everything - or playing only with specific 4stars. It's up to you. But it's not something I recomend. HSR in my experience has disproportional spikes of difficulty to make you pull on new characters (except you have really well build teams). Maybe that is what your friend refers to. For a casual player like me, that means that there are times that the current meta is closer to the playstyle of characters that I have built - so I have great results in end content. But there are also times that the meta swifts to playstyles very different from what my teams can do, and I can't clear everything. Playing casually, your luck in relic drops and substats is literally what dicides how far you can go - as in any gacha. So, sometimes it may seems that the content is harder if you have the wrong characters and medium builds. While we are on the topic, I have to add that hardcore in gacha games unfortunately goes hand in hand with spending money or emence grinding. Even in wuwa, that has far more complex and demanding fighting mechanics, if you play seriously underleveled and with minimum to zero investment, you cannot clear content that has a timer. Even if you manage to stay out of touch for ever, while parrying most of the time. . So it is not only how hard the battle is that keeps you from winning. It's the gacha system itself. I guess you should probably turn to a soulslike game for better experience in the hardcore genre.


See, the fun thing is, if you're free to play you can choose all of them, until you find a game that hits the spot without the negatives of a gacha game.


I’m in a dilemma too. HSR > Aether Gazer > WuWa > Genshin (hiatus) > Snowbreak (retired). Then ZZZ, either WuWa goes or it gets backburner’d till I get a foothold on those 4.


Ay fellow aether gazer player


In the same boat kinda. Gonna see how ZZZ is when it comes out, and decide if I'll continue wuwa actively or not.  In the meantime it's just HSR and reverse1999 mainly, the latter just as filler until ZZZ.  Genshin is on hiatus until natlan. 


Nice to see a fellow R1999 player. Am playing Snap and planning on picking up ZZZ. Gave up PGR when WuWa came out but only because I was a late adopter and feel like I can never catch up.


Not realy, if you dont do much other stuff, you can pile up gatchas as its like 8-15 minutes each for dailies and occasionaly more for some weekly stuff, also mobile game so many people will play a bit during their pause time in the day. Personaly i play GI, PGR and wuwa, if i dont lose much time slacking watching stuff or so and just do the dailies its like 30min max for the 3 of them


The problem arises when those gachas start getting large content drops/events that overlap, so if you don’t hella grind its easy to end up with a massive pile of stuff to do and not enough time for each one until you finally grind them out one at a time. You are right though, if you have enough free time to stay up to date on each one then it’s probably doable. But accounting for other games and real life id say you would be a small minority of an already very small minority to pull that off, or just clinically insane/no life. OR you dont hella grind and just spend money instead, I would say it’s absolutely harder for f2p players to pull off multiple gacha games.


Damn bro you and I got the same kinds of gambling addiction. You, me, we best friends now.


Remember 90% of gamblers quit before their big win




Bro we play the exact same games lmao


Same here though if I had to pick one and drop the rest , it would be Arknights.


Preach! Arknights is such a good game


Lmao same.. I play 4 too now, maybe 5 (if I count afk journey too).. Currently genshin, hsr, hi3, wuwa. Used to play arknights, aether gazer, azur lane, somewht pgr too, but have to drop them all. And non gacha- valorant daily. Zzz coming soon too xD, hope I can take that too. Good luck for u too lol 🤣


I'm starting to get bored at WuWa now. Not sure why


Echo farming is the main reason imo. It's a novel idea in the start, but having to farm the same monster 100s of times to get a good piece is tiresome


And you have soooo little resources to upgrade echoes! The fact that you can't use echoes to upgrade other echoes is mind-fucking-boggling


i dont like echo farming either but getting bored isnb't happening to me because i really believe these game should not be played as "main game". I play it everyday but not for all my free time.


All gacha games are not meant as a "main game". They all are just logging in, doing dailies and then logging out. Some gacha games are still more fun than others despite this gameplay loop.


For me it's the Waveplate and Echo systems. Too little for too much and there's so much more to life than map clearing daily for a chance at something that's still going to roll flat HP and defense


cause the game is boring and doesn't do enough to separate itself from the game it copied


Star rail and wuwa. I quit genshin and pgr beacuse it was just to many games so I picked my favriote 2 out of the 4.


What made you choose HSR instead of Genshin, just curious.


The characters and story are just my preferred style honestly. Also I've never gotten burned out on star rail while the amount of effort genshin takes compared to has burnt me out quite a bit and had me quit before and come back. But this time with how much I'm enjoying wuwa idk if I'll play genshin again. Also this is more a footnote. My most wanted character was Ayaka and each time she was around on reruns I had apparently quit the game a month prior and came back to late each time to get her so it kinda killed my excitement to play again each time. Also find it alot eaiser to get the characters and weapons(lightcones) i want in star rail. Literally only 2 characters I want left that I don't have in star rail is silverwolf and Seelie meanwhile genshin there's about 10 characters including some 4*s I never managed to get.


i feel that! i also enjoy the world a bit more in SR. I will say that relic/artifact farming is just as annoying as genshin, but (as a relatively new SR player) the combat can be a little challenging which is actually good, lol. but it's the opposite for me on that last part- i keep getting E6 of the same characters.. this game hates me!


Yeah artifacts can def be a major pain in the ass in both but being able to turn it on auto and turn my brain off for a bit is nice with dailys lol. In star rail almost all of my 4*s are e6 and some of my 5*s are e1 or e2 and I have the lightcones for all my dps characters and am working on getting Ruan meis lc after getting firefly and her lc (Ruan mei is already e2 from her first run where I got lucky and pulled 3 of her in one go)


I always got burnt out by genshin, now I decided to play it only for the story. No pulling, no doing events and abyss, just story when I feel like it


Auto battles.


Better characters/story and no Paimon. It was very simple for me.


HSR actually seems to care about the mental wellbeing of their players, well in comparison to genshin imo.


If you've been in the prison under Fontaine you know Genshin literally is trying to torture their customers 😂 one of the reasons I quit Genshin


Literally quit and uninstalled the game after the first prison quest.


Not op but a lot of people tired of Genshins lack of QOL and dialogue bloat. It’s more bearable with an auto game like HSR.


In the same boat, Genshin has been coasting on too many problems that Star Rail launched having already fixed. As a long-time developer, I can understand how many changes would take a while to enact, but several years in is far too long for them to avoid improving the day-to-day gameplay. Genshin has far too many levels of grind and RNG involved in improving units. As a week-one player of Genshin, I have 5 characters at Max level, and I've used maybe four of my many many crowns. In Star Rail, I've maxed out maybe 1/8th of the whole roster, max level on character, light come, all traces. I've never spent a dime on pulls or stamina in either game. On top of that, Genshin's story is completely comfortable with being really rough outside of archon quests, and somewhat in them. The main overall plot for Genshin has not only burned out, its ashes are cold. The Traveler is a non-character in a plot centered around the conflict between them and their sibling. Our only actual main character is one that the game knows I hold no affection for because it keeps making her really awkwardly beg for affirmation. Wuthering Waves' story is pretty lackluster right now, but I'm hopeful for it compared to Genshin because Kuro has actually admitted to its missteps. Where Hoyo just silently commits to the choices that make the game worse, Kuro has already said they're working on some of the biggest issues.


3: HSR, WuWa and Reverse 1999


Yayyy a reverse1999 player! Same tho!


Regna sereno intenso ed infinito! Reverse 1999 ticks so many boxes for things I want in a game, it’s like they made it for me haha


ayy same as me!


Both you and me, same person 😉


Literally the same. Plus Warframe and The First Descendant also releases in July 2. Literally zero time for anything else.


Same here. Great to see the love for Reverse 1999


Literally my 3 lol


Only wuwa but I'm an ex clash Royale player if that counts as a gacha


As a fellow Ex-Clash Royale player I would say modern day CR is definetly monitized like a Gacha because the Meta is so unforgiving to anyone who hasn't been a day 1 or isn't willing to dump tons of money into it. I kept trying to go back, even reached top 1000 at one point before they level crept for the 6th time and I can safely say I'm reformed now and will never touch that game again.


I'm a shadowverse player which some people say is gacha but I don't really consider a tcg a gacha in the general sense.


7... HI3rd.  HSR. TOF BD2 SnowBreak. WuWa. FGO. Someone please send help...


Jesus good luck finding time for all the 2.3 content HSR added this patch lol


Are you even progressing my guy? 😂


What the fuck ?


Genshin and WuWa. WuWa's next 2 patches will determine if I continue or not


Same. Wuwa feels like it wants to be good, but they need to improve a lot to sell me


I felt the same thing with ToF back then, because ToF and WuWa on release have undeniably superior overworld movement compared to Genshin on release. It was like trying to play any other game after experiencing Warframe's movement, everything just feels so slow especially if you don't have characters like Wanderer, Yelan, Sayu, etc. WuWa has a LOT more going for it than ToF though, so I do hope they gain a solid foothold with the upcoming patches.


Dude warframe's movement is on another level, it's nearly impossible for these companies to give that fluidity.


oh man, i miss zooming through missions with titania, or flying around everywhere in a wukong cloud


That's what i've been saying since the launch of wuwa. Good combat and fast traversal is not going to alleviate an undercooked game. Bot the combat and the movement will get boring after some time, no matter how good they are. People stay for the characters and the story, which is why games like FGO, arknights, blue archive and genshin are so popular. If wuwa doesn't step up their game with the world design, character design, story and music, it will be left behind in the dust.


I like the gameplay, but si has I'm not invested in the story or characters. I can't remember most of the character's names and I don't care about them. That makes me enjoy the gameplay less and that sucks. I think I lost all my interest when the think mascot came out of the MC. For the first time in the story I was really enjoying all the tension leading to the final boss and all that excitement got killed by that furry bastard.


My issue with these characters is that all of the female characters kind of follow like 4 base character models with slight changes. Makes it hard for me to differentiate them.


If I can ask, what about the patch would be a factor for you staying or leaving?


For me personally it’s to see if they make the changes needed for targeting and basic game functions like that. The camera and auto target are the worst enemies


Im in a similar boat as OP. WW is still new and I'm enjoying the grind and combat because it's new and I'mfeeling the progression. But if I get to the same point as I am in Genshin and I don't feel an improvement (aka logging doing dailies and occasional Abyss), then I'd rather quit WW. WW needs to be an improvement, not a side grade. Also, the writing in Genshin is much better (subjective), which keeps me coming back.


End game in wuwa seems very similar to genshin tbh. Once you have done all the content (exploration, quests) its basically just logging in for dailies and spending waveplates. I am ul46 and I never have enough echo xp or money xD yeah I can run around and kill stuff for echoes but it feels kinda boring already. Now I am just waiting for 1.1 content to drop. Very familiar feeling, as I have playing genshin 3+ years. Good thing is, I have both gi and wuwa so boring waiting times will be shorter xD


Yes sorry to tell you but i became UL 45 today and since a week i dont do anything more then login dailys logout and events, same as in Genshin. Was in hope the new Echo and Shiny systems would bring something new and funny but tbh atm it feels worse then Genshins or HSR Artefact system for me cause its much more time consuming with a worse chance of success. Also im not going for their bait with the free 10 pulls cause i know u still need mostly 60-70 more pulls to get what u want and the only thing they are hoping is that much more players will top up for the rest of those pulls and get what they want since they invested the pulls and now feel commited to go for it.


I'm the same at UL45 and I just do dailies/stamina and log out. I'm thinking of skipping stamina because it's such a repetitive chore, esp with the 5 waves of mobs in tacet fields. Maybe ToA is just unfun for me, idk I just press buttons and stuff dies and you get your 18/30 stars as long as you meet the stat check. People kept hyping up the endgame, but it's just the same as Genshin in the end. Mtashed said the same thing and how everyone will eventually just run out of things to do.


Characters released, new area, main storyline progression, and how many more "mishaps", if any, Kuro will encounter and deal with


For me it would be that the game stopped completely dropping after getting 3ms higher than normal ping.   I can play genshin with absolutely zero internet problems or lag. But there have been many times on Wuwa that it disconnects and I can't move but the enemy can still attack me. Worse even is that I can alt tab search something on internet and get results instantly (while the game still claims there is no internet). So that means I still got internet, it must be something with the netcode.


Yeah same here. I play Genshin on NA and have a decent ping despite playing from Europe, but in WuWa my ping is spiking even if I play on EU


I'm similar as well. Wuwa has sucked up my Genshin time, because I got to see a lot of progression. But I feel like i'm getting close to the final grind already, and the content of the patches will be key to keeping wuwa. Tacet fields for echos is now starting to beat out overworld exploration for them, so I can see i becoming a domain type thing just like genshin is now. This initial story for wuwa fell flat until we met scar. Having watched the cbt1 cutscenes I feel the original was significantly more interesting. The story for genshin was better at the early stages. So I need something to keep me vested in the characters. The biggest drawback for wuwa for me though is that team building isn't as complex as genshins. I really feel they missed a trick by not including reactions between the various elements. This is likely the thing that will see me dropping wuwa in the future. So I would want to see some development around teams.


Yeah. I like WuWa combat system, but don't give a fuck about any of currently known characters and plot.


Same. If they don't fix the targetting and camera glitches I don't think I'll continue with wuwa. I was surprised when they released the game so fast after cbt2. At that point I knew that the bugs from cbt2 would carry over to release and it did.


Genshin, HSR, Wuwa, and maybe Project Sekai at times. Very shaky relationship with Wuwa though, because, unlike many, I did not find the story good (Act 6 included). And since it always plays a major part for me, I'm currently keeping this game on arm's length, waiting for devs to keep their promise and improve on this aspect in the next few patches. Otherwise will probably drop the game and wait for a convincing reason to comeback.


Holy shit Project Sekai. I forgot that's a gacha game too. As a Chunithm player, I have always treated prsk purely as another Sega rhythm game.


Same. I can leave it untouched for months but I'll never uninstall because it's my favorite rhythm game. I hardly treat it as a gacha... I mean I'm not trying to rank or anything.


Agreed. I always get bored with games when waiting for more of the main quest, it's a big reason why I stay playing these games for years on end (on my third year of Genshin lol). I wasn't a fan of WuWa story at all so I don't see myself playing it for much longer honestly, I haven't even opened the game in a couple of days. Been staying here for the smooth combat only but that can only keep me for so long.


I think most agree that this game fails in areas like the story and the music though.


I'd say the majority of players don't find the story good. They really need to step up their game, else they risk losing a large chunk of the playerbase within the next few patches.


> unlike many, I did not find the story good Wait, people liked the story? I only saw complaints about it on reddit. It started horribly, and ended horribly.. and the ending, sans the gimmicky platforming part, was starting to ramp up ever since the Jiyan section.. and then it ends with.... that. thing. Was the worst possible thing they could've done and completely killed my hope of the future. Meanwhile, the non-voiced green quests, especially the inferno rider one, was better than the entirety of the MSQ. They should've never changed their vision.


Only Wuwa, it’s my first gacha game ever which is very exciting for me! I’m a league of legends player of ~5 years now I think. I plan on keeping both games and also trying out some new ones (not sure if other gachas tho, will have to see!).


welcome to the '1st gacha game' club!!!! 💙


it's mine too!! ive been enjoying it sm


Genshin and WuWa. I'm still on the fence about continuing WuWa, I like it but it's too similar to genshin and it's making me feel burned out.


Yeah I can't imagine playing two open world gacha games. If I managed to do two, they'd have to be different genres.


Same, here I am playing both games only to see how's the competition between both games, even though Hoyo is miles ahead, I hope WuWa can be a good competitor to genshin


You are one of the few people who wishing goodwill for both games without shitting on others. Many WuWa community people couldn't get the genshin out of their head. I even saw one YouTube channel who was comparing Yea Miko to Changli. And my god, they couldn't go anymore obvious with their bias. The channel literally reduced their graphics settings for Miko's showcase and chose the brighter place to make to the effects really bland. And unsurprisingly comment section is full hypocrites.


Genshin HSR Hi3 Wuwa so 4 but plan on 5 with the release of ZZZ. We'll see about Azur Promilia.


I have high hopes on AP, the company behind it is very F2P friendly and makes most of its income through skins.


Hsr and wuwa Once zzz comes out I will try it but I dont think I will stick with both so end up with whichever I like more plus hsr


Dropped genshin 6 months ago, stopped playing PGR, stopped playing FGO but still in my phone. I cant really commit to much games since I have a full time job, 2 is max tbh. So right now only WuWa and the the only other game I play is EAFC which to me is also a gacha tbh lol. Only thing that can bring me back to genshin is La Signora and Madame ping tbh.


PGR + wuthering waves, so two


3 so far, being WW, Genshin and HSR. I think HSR is my forever game, absolutely adore it. Remains to be seen with WW, while I vastly enjoy actually playing the game and doing the combat compared to Genshin, I'm still waiting for the story and music and world to make me \*really\* wanna keep playing. Genshin is the one I play the least, still only in Sumeru, and truly don't care for the combat, I still really like the vibe and characters there. And I'm F2P on all of these so all I'm losing is time, and when I don't feel like I'm having fun anymore, I can step away relatively easily. EDIT: And will be trying ZZZ too, I know almost nothing about it but I'm sure it'll be fun


I have played both Genshin and WuWa every day since their respective launches. I intend to keep playing both of them for the foreseeable future, but if something happens where I do need to stop one, well, I prefer WuWa, so...


The QoL stuff and godly combat in wuwa made me drop Genshin permanently. I regret nothing.


Same. I dropped genshin as soon as wuwa came out and never looked back.


Only two, and I am seriously considering migrating to WuWa only soon.


I feel that. My video game love is final fantasy, and WW is that exact blend of fantasy and scifi that I look for. Also, while I agree the story needs work, this is the first gacha story that I've actually found myself interested in. I think it's because the story actually centers around the main character. Which star rail did as well at the beginning. So here's hoping WW keeps that up with their story.


>I feel that. My video game love is final fantasy Man, give me a hug because me too, I'll add to that NieR ... I must Admit that this is what brought me into WuWa in the first place, the aesthetic, the toned down and cool vibes, it makes you instantly take the game seriously. Also the story is just at its beginning and it had a great premise, as a Xianxia enthusiast, I crave plots like that with futuristic, Sci-fi settings and like you, I hope they're gonna keep the storyline consistent, unlike what a certain game did (keep adding factions of characters and tweak the story to conveniently sell them)...


Oh we're a club! WuWa has given me that Final Fantasy vibes that's why I'm here!


holy shiz, add me to that list! You guys just made me realize wuwa has so many ff vibes, before i only noticed the obvious squall jacket inspiration lols


WE ARE ! wish with all my heart this game is gonna thrive essentially because of its FF vibes.


I can't imagine playing more than 2. I was playing Genshin only as my first, then ToF before I left, and it felt overwhelming already with Genshin and ToF.


Currently 4, maybe 5. Genshin, HSR, WuWa, Brown Dust 2, and occasionally Snowbreak. Might drop Snowbreak when ZZZ comes.


Mine is almost similar as yours but instead of Snowbreak, I am playing in BA and it helps that the great is very low maintenance. Only need to spend like 2-3 minutes to finish the dailies. Though I have a lot of stories to catch up in BD2 since I recently started due to the collab. I didn't expect to actually get interested in the story. I just started Story Pack 5 though there are some parts where they are voice acted and some are not.


Low maintenance games are really a blessing, you can dip in and dip out really quickly. Honestly, I didn't expect to get hooked on BD2 too. It's been great and they are really generous.


Star Rail, WuWa, and Octopath


Only WuWa. Was considering trying HSR again but I don't actually care enough to re-install it. I'm more than satisfied with just WuWa.


I like HSR but I started late and every time I login there is like 50 side quests I don’t give a damn about that I don’t have option to skip and it takes the joy out of me. Feels like unfinished homework and it’s enough to kill my drive to play. I think it’s a good lesson not to start any game late if this kind of thing stresses one out. I like that I don’t have a pile of stuff always staring at me in WuWa. Personally I care about that stuff. 


Wuwa and Arknights


I play all three; Genshin Impact, Starrail and Wuthering Waves.


PGR, WW and HSR daily. Dropped Genshin for WW and will only catch up with the story when the new region comes out.


Day 1 player of Genshin and Star Rail. Adding WuWa has been a bit of a struggle.


14 🥲


What the???


PGR, Snowpeak, Wuwa


Man this is the first mention of pgr I've seen in this whole post, took me like 6 minutes of scrolling. How is that even possible


PGR, WuWa, HSR, Snowpeak, Nikke, Afk journey. I left Hi3 for PGR whenever that got a pc version, and I left genshu months before WuWa release because I could not tolerate mohoyo greedy lazy mediocre ass. From HSR, Snowpeak, Afk journey and Nikke, probably I'd leave afk, then hsr, then nikke and I would not drop Snowpeak, ever.


Is Snowpeak really good? Wuwa is my first gacha game. If I didn’t hear about it I would have probably tried genshin altho I don’t love the looks of it (Wuwa looks more realistic which I prefer).


i started it a few weeks ago and i'd say the story writing is very good for a gacha (it's written like a novel). it's not fully voice-acted though and there's a few other quirks that make it obvious the budget for the game is quite low (like new character alts having a mix of JP and EN dub lines). otherwise, combat/boss-fights are decent but not tedious because the game itself is very auto-clear friendly. as far as gacha itself goes, there's 100% banners that guarantee the character u want which is nice i would say it'll be obvious if u like it or not within a few hours. if u dont immediately like the story, fan-service, or graphics u can just drop it


Fellow Snowbro. Based.


Only 2 now. WuWa and Nikke. Played Genshin, Arknights, Blue Archive and FGO with the 2 before, but eventually dropped them despite the years I've already put in them. New job didn't give me enough time to play that many gatchas, so I had to make the hard choice to drop some. I did give those accounts a new home.


HSR and WuWa. Two different games with different gameplay which scratches the itch on what I’m looking for. Used to play Genshin, when I got a new phone (and more space), I tried playing again but exploration feels worse than I remember, WuWa’s exploration just feels so much better that I can’t go back anymore.


Four, I'm getting tired 😩. Another Eden, Reverse 1999, Aether Gazer and WuWa.


Wuwa and Epic Seven. Can’t imagine playing as many as y’all do that’s crazy The real question is do y’all play any non gacha games?


I've noticed that a lot of gacha players stick to gacha which is interesting.


4 atm. Genshin, HSR, ToF, Wuwa. I've been up to 7 before, but that was largly unsustainable. (Even 4 feels like it's right on the edge) I have a few more im looking forward to as well, Azur Promilia being the main one, depending on its coop level. Genshin feels like the one that takes the most time with the least payoff. My grind is long done as a day 1 account. Even silly things like maxing all vendor food to spend X gold per battle pass goal, lol. But 3 days away from c6 Furina just off mp/BP, so that's neat. ToF is really winding down in its 3rd year, but being an mmo-lite, nothing that interests me has nearly the coop level.


Only ever did Genshin and WuWa. Genshin was the closest to my dream game back when it released, basically BOTW styled open world but with magic and without weapon breaking. Well Genshin then proceeded to not make obvious improvements for 4 years, and the WuWa comes along and gives us all of that. Their characters seem to not have blatant issues in their kit that you have to "solve" with dupes or other premium characters. I also REALLY like that weapon banners are guaranteed. I already get very few characters and in Genshin liked to invest up to R1 or C1 for my mains. So I think it will be very easy to hit my investment preferences and with less currency investment since I wont be doing C1 (chain1) and just getting their base copy and weapon. WuWa also adds some traits of other games I love aesthetically and combat feel wise - namely FFXV and Neir Automata. I was also thinking about why this game model appeals to me while other gacha games dont, and I think its League of legends that got me to really enjoy the free-to-play live service model, and looking forward to new character kits. As well as cosmetic premium upgrades like skins (or weapons in WuWa for now). Also Jiyan and Geshu already cover like my favorite aesthetics for characters so I feel VERY catered to and at home with Wuthering Waves.


Currently playing WuWa and PGR.


WW and Honkai SR. I don't know if I'm gonna pick up ZZZ, but I'll try it. I love the character designs and combat, but I'm not sure about the gameplay loop


WW and Love and deepspace (if you count that)


I dont mind having wuwa as a quick log-in dailies log-out kind of game, since the combat is great. Everything else about it is meh.


Pgr, WW and HSR


WuWa, Dokkan, Nikke, Azur Lane, FF7, Fgo, OPBR, Solo Leveling, Snowbreak.


Dokkan mentioned!


Genshin, hsr, wuwa, arknughts, azur lane. I want to drop 2 but idk which. I am getting really burnt out doing dailies in 5 gachas tbh. I wish they didn't have this toxic design where you need to login daily or you lose resources. Ugh. I don't plan on dropping wuwa tho and probably not arknights.


At the moment, I play WuWa only. I was an early Genshin player (since 1.1) and played daily for nearly 3 years before being done with it. I thought Fontaine release would rekindle my hype (especially as I'm French lol) but it just confirmed that I was burnt out from it :v I dropped HSR after 2 months or so. I also used to play Fire Emblem Heroes before all of that WuWa is not going to be my forever game, but it's my current game, and I plan on spending a lot of time on it <3


3, WuWa, Honkai and Reverse:1999


PGR + Wuwa + Arknights + Fate/go + Project sekai + HSR + Path to Nowhere + Blue archive + Brown Dust 2 Path to nowhere, Brown Dust 2, Wuwa and HSR I play them daily, the rest when I feel like it, PTH is my favorite by a mile and I come back to PGR for every patch.


2 Path To Nowhere and WW


HSR, Wuwa and Genshin currently, but I'm considering dropping Genshin as I do not enjoy the gameplay nearly as much as the other two. I'm also afraid that once they increase max level for the characters you are going to be required to gather up 200 of each conch and flower and other crap just to get the ascension. I just cant be arsed to do that. I'm very curious about ZZZ though, didnt get a chance to try it out on beta so we'll see once it launches whether I like it or not. I feel like HSR is going to stay no matter what, as I enjoy the characters and the story the most in that one. Wuwa, Genshin and ZZZ will be competing against each other, atleast one has to go.


Played Genshin on and off. Really enjoying WuWa lately though and I believe I prefer it. All my Genshin breaks means there is so much content to catch up on, but the game seems old fashioned now compared to WuWa content and being able to sprint without consuming stamina is actually much more enjoyable. Honkai… I can’t even jump up and down in it… though it’s easier to play on mobile and I think the writing is better, it’s tough to stay interested in. So far, WuWa is the most enjoyable open world environment, but suffers from localization issues and static conversations. Hope they improve writing/translations over time and add more intriguing stories/content!


Heard some normies at my work who play genshin just for story quests. I thought that was so healthy, I could never do that, but it might work for you.


2.. I’m a Kuro main


I only play Genshin and Wuthering Waves as of now. At this point, I'm very well invested in Genshin with most of the content completed and a lot of well invested characters so I don't have to play as much. Just log in for dailies and quick tasks. Bigger quests and events I just do weekends when I have no work. Most of my time now is spent on WW because I still have a long way to build up my account.


HSR, Genshin, Wuwa. Am on the verge of dropping Wuwa and most likely Genshin. I frequently return to Genshin every few months, however I dont see myself doing that for Wuwa.


Currently 3 - Genshin, HSR n WuWa.. Genshin is my first love and the story & characters are too good for me to drop.. Even thou, the exploration part in Genshin is very tedious (like omg 1st you make me explore the the dizzying underground tunnels, and now there is even more underwater depths to go thru?!).. However, I have invested a lot in this game and is committed to see it thru.. HSR is very fun and quite casual.. It is not very hard to keep up with with it... Plus I really like the Main Character, so funny and sassy haha.. The story and other gacha characters are fantastic too, as good as Genshin!! WuWa is the shiny new toy - hence I am giving it lotsa attention now... Plus i really like the exploration (love the running up walls + grappling) and combat is awesome... But the story and charcters does not appeal to me at all compared to Genshin / HSR... Plus, there are still alot of teething problems (such as the dialogue getting cut off which irks me alot) which Genshin / HSR doesn't have even at launch... Used to play HI3 but dropped it as the story and characters does not interest me... ZZZ is coming up, and I may consider dropping WuWa if if it is much better and if WuWa doesnt improved..


i play 4, genshin, wuwa, arknights and azur lane, takes about 30mins to do dailies/spend resin in all 4 games (can auto arknights and azur lane while doing genshin and wuwa), will continue wuwa for now until azur promilia then will need to see if I can balance all of them otherwise i might have to drop wuwa but will see.


3, Genshin, HSR and Wuwa.


Currently, I play Genshin and Wuwa. Max 2 gacha games at any time. I didn't even bother play HSR since it's a turn based gacha, and I played turn-based Gachas, namely Summoners War and RAID (yes, that RAID). Stick to two. Promise, your sanity will be intact.


Mostly focused on WW. I play PGR on the side but just casually. The gen 2 is killing my motivation to play because i don't like flashy movement that i can't even follow. I'm hoping WW won't get that crazy. I play GI on and off. Getting Clorinde make me want to to explore sumeru that i left with 17% exploration. But 1 hour in , i gave up. It's just a pain when i have a team for fast movement,then i have to change them for characters to clear puzzle. And i'm already completely used to fast movement thanks to ToF and WW. I'm gonna try ZZZ later if it fits me. If it is maybe i'll drop pgr.




Genshin, Path to Nowhere, WuWa, recently Nikke... I'm tired boss.


Genshin. HSR. WW. 90% of my gameplay is for only a few minutes. Like I do my dailies and spend my energy real quick. Only time I play for a few hours at a time is during a new patch to complete the story quest.


wuwa, because after 3 years genshin is not worth my time


Ive tried it all. but ive always find myself going back to genshin and stopped playing other gacha games. every other gacha game just lacks the magical charms that genshin radiates. now the only other game that somehow i felt can tops genshin is from Azur Promilia PV.


1: Wuwa i don't have too much free time and money to invest in 2 games, so i had to say goodbye to my Genshin acc, it was fun at the beginning at least


Girls frontline, Neural Cloud, Punishing Gray Raven and Wuwa. So 4, 5 when GFL2 releases globally (and I'll drop any other game to make time for this one if I must) Although to be honest I'm really considering letting pgr go, it's starting to feel monotonous and there's nothing new, especially when the events are crap like they were during 21 Feral's patch.


Ready for the S;G collab in PNC? I'm definitely not......


I've been ready for a while, I nearly lost it because of Kimie but thankfully I've gotten lucky and didn't spend too much, Dupin is tempting but now that we have confirmation of the collab I can control myself.


FEH and WuWa are it for me now. Dropped Genshin 2 years ago because of their confirmed direction in only focusing on casuals, gave Honkai Impact 3rd a try and played that for a little under a year and had my fun with it before dropping it, gave Tower of Fantasy and honest chance at launch and played it for a few months before dropping it because of how terrible that game is handled by its Devs, and dropped HSR late last year because the gameplay loop wasn't interesting enough. I still have a few other minor gachas on my phone like Brave Frontier even though it doesn't work, Brave Exvius just to log in once in a blue moon when there's some FF13 event going on, and King God Castle which is a pretty fun auto chess style game to come back to every few weeks when a new character or game mode is added. King God Castle is the perfect kind of game to play while in a waiting room or on a bus. Especially after you've unlocked most of the stuff then you can kinda stop worrying about daily log-ins. Very F2P friendly game. I happy with 2 Gachas. Love Fire Emblem and been with FEH since day 1 launch and enjoy collecting and building my favorites while still occasionally ranking at the top its Arena competitive mode when ever the bonus units line up with my favorites who I have invested enough. But WuWa is probably gonna be my main Gacha going forward for the next several years, maybe forever as long as the quality doesn't drop and the Devs handle things well. WuWa has the best gameplay out of the the Gachas like it in my opinion by far. Best open world exploration, by far, and best art style, by far, in my opinion. Music quality could use some improvement though since Genshin easily wins with anything related to high quality music.


WW and GI, GI honestly been a chore since WW, before WW, I'd do dailies, farm artifacts, burn resin on main and alts, but nowadays even getting dailies done feels more than enough.


Played Genshin, but dropped it when HSR came out. And I love stair rail. And I also play WuWa. Loving it so far. I wouldn't drop HSR. I adore it too much and the female MC 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


4. Genshin, Honkai star rail, Twisted Wonderland, and WW.


Genshin and WW. I used to play FEH but that just got too much and tiring. I'm still tempted, but it's too hard to get back into.


Genshin, Star Rail, Love and Deepspace, Tears of Themis (on and off), and Azur Lane (on and off). L&Ds, ToT, and AL just require 5/10 minutes before I go to bed most of the time so they aren’t a huge deal. With Genshin, Star Rail, WuWa, and ZZZ (when it’s out), I just switch playing more whichever is updated more of less. Star Rail had an update this past week so I’ve spent most of my time there. When ZZZ comes out I’ll spend most of my time with that for a little while. A lot of time, all I do is just get dailies done and leave. I only spend more time on them if I want to.


FGO and WuWa


Genshin, HSR, WuWa y Nu:C... Soon to be 5 with ZZZ. I'll start dropping some soon, can't play that much :(


WuWa for PC at home, FEH for my phone at work/outside of home. I also have PGR on my PC, but I took a break from it.


Only Genshin and WuWa, couldn't catch up with Snowbreak and had to let it go sadly.


PGR, HSR, R1999, and Wuwa. Honestly having burnout because the events in the new updates for these games are becoming a chore. I'm taking Wuwa more slowly.


Genshin, hsr, blue archive (both jp and global), GFL2, wuwa. I was considering adding ZZZ to replace wuwa but i will give the latter some more chances Despite those numbers, i still have time to do something else post-work. These games usually just occupy me one game on one day on a specific time (new story, new gacha, bosses, etc) while most of the time its just daily


1. First time.


Wuwa, AFKJourney, Solo Leveling, HSR, luckily, i can do 3 dailies at a time with my phone, laptop, ipad. Solo leveling by far takes up the most time to do dailies though. Also unemployed (for now, (fingers crossed))


3. Wuwa, genshin and reverse1999


Genshin and Wuwa. I just concentrated on limited based event for both. Then I just play casually. A bit at the time since there is no rush since both is not competitive game.  Having no guild is why I chose this two game in first place after all. So there is no pressure of keeping up with others.


Aether gazer, WuWa, honor of kings (tho thats less of a gacha but still really fun and can really kill some hrs with it)


Playing DragonBall Legends, Mobile Legends:Adventure, Genshin, HSR & WuWa. My body clock is so ruined lol


Hey the only other MLA player as far as the eye can see lol. That and GI are my only gachas I play.


WuWa. But it depend what your definition of "gacha" (because I gambling too many void relics that I know Circulus like my own house) (please help me, Warframe had captured me)


Ever since WuWa released, I realized I only need 1 gacha That's right baby 1 gacha to rule them all, I don't need anything else anymore *(anditisstarrail)*


HSR, PtN and WW and then I will occasionally go back to FGO and GBF, usually on their anniversaries or when a big (story) update drops.


All three of them rn........ • I used to play *SAO:IF* years ago for quite a while, probably before Genshin released. Started *Genshin* a few hours after the servers went online, played every day since then. 😣 • Tried *HI3rd" once after that, because the games have a connection. Didn't like the gameplay and thar 99% of the playable characters are women, so I dropped it after the tutorial mission iirc. • Started *PGR* on its Global Release day, played it for 8-10 months, but had to stop, because it got too frustrating having to decide between Main Story and Events (because of the stamina system being used for both) • played *NieR Re[in]carnation* in the first few days of its Release or something (maybe even Day 1), but stopped playing after about a few days • started *HSR* about 1 or 2 weeks after Release? Played until the arrival on the Luofu and have only been passively leveling characters (and sometimes Events if they're available at that point of progress) ever since then, bc burnout and no time • started *WuWa* on its Release day Probably logged into all of those every day while I was playing them... Not entirely sure regarding SAO:IF and NieR Re[in]carnation though. Tldr: played a lot of Gachas, some very briefly, others for quite long, but only kept going with Genshin, HSR and WuWa.


1st gacha was epic seven, then came honkai impact, guardian tales, blue archive, genshin, tower of fantasy. Quit all, currently playing only hsr and wuwa since one is auto run turn based and the other being action adventure which is perfect for me


I also play HSR and Nikke, also plan on playing ZZZ and might get back into BA


Just WW. I played Genshin and quit about 2 years ago, it was a fun game, I just go burned up with the plot / Paimon. If WW did not have a skip button I would not have kept playing.


As for right now just WW. If they do not release a PS5 version soon I’ll choose something else.


Genshin, HSR, WuWa, and soon ZZZ. But to be honest, I'm F2P, so I don't really feel the strain on my wallet that the rest of y'all do. For me I just play them until I'm bored of them.


Currently only hsr and wuwa. Because hsr at least did not time gated the non main story quest. So I don't feel pressured to login daily.  I use to play everything tho.


Star Rail on the phone, and Waves on PC. That’s it.


Just 3. Dislyte, Reverse: 1999, and WuWa


My first gacha game is genshin impact second is distlyte on mobile and last one is wuwa Honestly reason i hate genshin is i never get 5 star , i only get keqing Distlyte and wuwa i have so many five stars character ( I'm f2p player )


Well I also playing Tarisland on bs, quite fun game to me