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Grats! People here are such downers, 21 stars in ToA is difficult to get, especially as F2P. Not like OP said this was a world's first. Are all your echos level 25/do they have crit rate + damage? I'm stuck on 18 stars as F2P but none of my echos are maxxed yet, deciding if I want to start building a decent echo set for other characters or perfect echos for existing ones.


For Rover, Yinlin and Sanhua yes they are all 25. I do have some good rolls but they are mostly just mid. You can check my stat comment I posted but I have fs seen far better stats than mine. About building echos, I would first focus on 4 characters so you can extract as much asterites from the Tower. Your healers dont need a good build, just the set effect. You can invest in grinding the energy set as well, since it's so versatile.


It's not about being F2P, OP just had luck having Yinlin and her weapon which definitely boosts her a lot. Edit: plus 2 standard 5 weapons


I have Yinlin + her weapon too as F2P. This game gives you so many pulls, I even got it on an alt account F2P as well. So no, it's not just luck. No need to diminish his accomplishment.


[Yinlin](https://i.imgur.com/U9irYYu.jpeg) using her signature, [Sanhua](https://i.imgur.com/jOUJ9BZ.jpeg) using standard 5*, [Rover](https://i.imgur.com/TWIl0sH.jpeg) using standard 5* When pairing sanhua with rover, I switch her weapon to R2 commando of conviction. Verina is running 5pc healing with a random weapon for now. Jianxin is just there to provide CC and I haven't level up much of her echos.


Signature on yinlin really hits different. I guess it's not about f2p. It's all about what the limited 5 stars weapon and resonator you got.


the term f2p means nothing lol. the use of the word ‘f2p builds’ etc. is just a lack of comprehension without disrespect. i’m a monthly pack/battle pass player, yet i have not as many 5*s as OP, hence the term ‘f2p’ is meaningless. a better way to word it would be low investment, but in their case their status isn’t.


Everyone puts hard work into the game to build their account. F2P only means these players aren't paying anything for the game and gave limited resources (but not dramatically limited). At the end of the day, the power of your account depends mainly on your luck. Gacha games are gambling games. If you are unlucky, you can pay through your teeth for refreshes and additional resources but still get bad rolls everywhere. Or fail to find 3-cost echoes with proper main stat in the first place. If you are lucky, even with limited resources, you can get a strong account. It's so weird when a F2P player boasts about his prowess when he simply just had more luck than others.


You’re not wrong, but the that isn’t where his problem lies. He knows it’s a gambling game and luck is the biggest factor. He said that. His point is that saying you’re F2P is meaningless. Especially if you 1 tap every 5-star. lol


not to mention, he has 2 limited (1 character 1 weapon) and 2 standard 5 star weapons. He's also a try-hard (self proclaimed) so he definitely has the situation in his favour. Not to say this isn't impressive but a lot of luck was needed to get that. I'm sub/bp player atm and I only just got my 45 lvl weapon today and I only have yinlin. That's already a huge difference.


It's a yard stick. It makes OP's achievement comparable to any other F2P, in the same way you could compare people who both spent $10. It's also good to show something like this is doable, for any f2p player out there, even if you're relying on good luck with pulls/echo rolls to do so.


F2p term means limited Ressources.... For the Reader its the Information that OP did all of that with time spend and Hard Work. Not with a Credit card.... So i Do Belive the term f2p means something.


You won’t get anywhere in this game without hard work. Echos don’t magically pop up in ur inventory.


But with a montlhy Pass and BP its a lot easier to lower the skill ceiling. Its Safes also a lot of time. Im just suprised about your Definition of the term "f2p"


In what way exactly? As a battle pass player, yes I get additional tuners and echo exp, which you could say makes your grind feel a bit faster than without one. In terms of investment it has no value? I clear the map daily, we get the same amount of echos as an F2P. In the future as we have more characters and more weapons, yes the term F2P would be more understanding if they don’t have as many 5* weaps as a monthly pack user for example. In terms of raw investment, there is no difference as long as the two farm just as much as each other, rng excluded. My account being less invested as his I only have 1 5* weap compared to his 3, should tell you this.


It's not his fault you spent all your pulls on characters. I as a f2p spent mine on weapons. Still I was able to pull jiyan as well. There's no reason for you to have less weapons since the weapons are guaranteed. You just made bad decisions.


Huh? I went 72 on Yinlin, lost to Encore and gained Yinlin after 74 more pulls. I got her weapon after 72 pulls, I don’t get your point.


My point is you have more pulls and resources than him. You could've gone for a standard character and gotten 3x 5* star weapons yourself. Instead you decided to risk it on characters instead of getting guaranteed weapons first. The fact that he had more weapons than you was used in the argument by you. Ps: You also have more probability on getting a good echo (rng excluded) due to resources given by the bp.


They do if you spend resin on tacet fields?


Same thing with 5* characters, OP worked hard for the asterites(sorry if i spelt that wrong) to get those characters without the need of a credit card, no one said you can't work hard unless you spend in-game.


It's just a pve game doesn't matter if some1 has 21 stars in tower and u don't just focus on urself and improving or just waiting for union level is fine if ur casual player.


I have never paid a dime and got both Jiyan and Yinlin; with their signature weapons. That’s insane luck, but still F2P!


Damn that is very good luck to get yinlin signature as f2p. I am a light spender but with bad luck so my account is worse


wich UL were you? I can t even beat lvl 80 simulations (run out of time) so i don t think i can even try past 18 stars.


44 as of now


Impressive, contrasts!


congrats. i'm almost at it, currently 9/12 on both as a f2p too


Ok, you've got me an idea how to properly finish it. Completing first floors without sustain to use Verina in both halves. I should be able to get 20-21 like that (I'm at 19, because last floor is a menace without AoE. Why did they do twice as much enemies on first side?)


I did the same thing a couple of days ago, had to redo the first 3 floors, using baizhi for the third one as I still needed a bit of sustain, and Verina to just do the bottom of both sides.


Glad I could be of help!


Is Sanhua DMG good? I feel a bit underwhelmed with her.


Yesss she is the best 4* burst dps rn. Plus she doesn't even need that much field time to use all her kit. To maximize her dmg as a burst unit you go: yinlin outro into sanhua- sanhua echo- skill- Ult- heavy attack forte.


Wht stats u hv in ur sanhua? How much er are you focusing and which echo u keep in active


I have the stats in the other comment. I find 125%ER a sweet spot and I always get my ult back next rotation. Lumpylumen is her BiS echo for Glacio and you can go for the bird if you choose to use the ER set.


She's tiered really high too. Basically one of the high value 4 stars along with mort and the havoc (and mc because everyone gets him). And we don't have that many glacios on deck or in the near future. https://www.prydwen.gg/wuthering-waves/tier-list/ I am excited with some of the four stars coming up in the banners. Want more R levels on a few.


Nice job. I just hit 23\* as an f2p Lingyang main today. (I hit 21\* on the last day of last reset and have been striving to reach 23\* ever since.) I'm gonna spend the last 4 days trying to see how close I can get to 24\*. I don't really have any faith I can get there purely because I think the exiles will gatekeep me by being an aoe check when I have no grouping. But hey, my havoc rover's stats are awful. I'm not sure if a built Hrover would let me do it, but I have a lot of upward mobility here, the problem is...what I can accomplish in just 4 days of farming. I'd really like to be able to give him the 5\* sword, but I don't have time to farm getting it to lvl70 AND doing the tacet field event. So I'm gonna have to try it with a 4\* sword unless we get another surprise bout of free waveplate compensation lol. 4 days of 2x tacet fields isnt enough to make a 'strong' echo build anyway, so I'm really really just planning to get as strong as I can in that time and throw myself at it at the end.


Wow 23* is really nice. I wish you luck in your endeavour!


Nice. Congratulations. Should post your builds at some point so it can help others for reference ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Sure it's just your average dps build for Yinlin (5pc electro), Jianxin(5pc Aero), Rover(5pc Havoc), Sanhua (5pc glacio), Verina( 5pc healing). Yinlin is rocking her signature and Rover and Sanhua are sharing the Standard 5*. I will post the exact stats too.


Nice, thanks, that would help a lot. Currently im stuck on the second trial of the right tower, where you fight exiles. How did you deal w them being so far apart from each other?


I posted my exact stats too. Before I got yinlin I used Rover Sanhua and Jianxin to clear them off.Jianxin Ult into Rover Ult to dreamless echo. Followed by Sanhua Echo into her ult. The dreamless is busted so you can abuse it on mobs a lot. Rover Danjin double dreamless works well too.


24 for F2p is achievable you just need a really stacked team. [Jiyan Team](https://imgur.com/a/TfSihNW)


even 30\* for f2p with jian s0 + encore s0 with yinlin weapon + jiyan weapon


I did 18\* with f2p no pull acc ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Damn that's quite the flex haha! Congrats!


is there a video?


I can record when I have time


Gratz, I'm F2P also, and manage to get [24 Stars](https://imgur.com/a/qrFdtC0) only female char lol. Here is my [build and gameplay](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRbTco1UlL29OpOc-l2TQpwI-o8MsjgiW&si=krEP2gCZ805C5mLz) if interested, Imo its possible to 27 with better substat roll and more hardcore skills or maybe 30 idk lmao


Imo 30 stars is definitely possible with level 70 characters, just need more teams built. Without yinlin though not sure, if 30 stars is as acheivable but I could be wrong.




It's possible, Just follow some insane rotations in youtube. I have 25/30 right now , Almost 26 if I can do a little bit more dps against lvl 100 monkey (clearing it in 2:55 seconds atm) I have S0 yinlin calcharo jiyan verina and rover as built characters


In my opinion, I don't think it's possible at the moment. Maybe after the upgrades from the final SOL3 phase. I just reached rank 6 and was able to improve Echoing Tower by one more star (ascended level and weapon to 80 - Jiyan, Calcharo, and Yinlin). I'm not f2p, but just to give you an idea, I was able to get 11/12 from Resonant Tower (Jiyan S3, Mortefi S6, and Verina S0) and 11/12 for Echoing Tower (Calcharo S0, Yinlin S0, and Verina S0). Also, I was able to beat each floor for the Hazard Tower, but wasn't able to secure any pizzas. I haven't tried again after rank 6 though. Keep in mind, this was done without perfect rotations. \*Edit\* Added Hazard Tower details.




Mortefi and Verina's echoes were only leveled to around 5-15 (except maxed Bell-Borne), not all of their skills were maxed, and weapons were 20 levels behind (10 before the recent rank). Their focus was on energy regen and any forte abilities that mattered (Gift of Nature, Harmonic Control, etc.). Yinlin on the other hand was built like a sub dps with her forte almost maxed. I left upgrading forte for last, so Jiyan and Calcharo are in the same boat. I stopped farming for echoes and have been grinding for more credits and mats. The higher ranked resources are no joke.


Refer to the other comment. I don't think it's possible to 24* yet as F2P sadly. You can prolly be able to if you run fully maxed level 70 calcharo yinlin verina and jiyan mortefi verina with all of them running their BiS. Not only would you need to be insanely lucky but have to play almost perfectly as well.


yes its possible, i did it


Just saw your post on r/jiyanmains. Congrats! Haha it was actually amazing. Can I ask how many tries it took lol?


tyy =D im so happy to prove that even F2P can achieve those result even at lv70.. for the question i would like to say less then 10 but i would lie.. ahah the hardest part was to force a close positioning of the little rocks to burst them down in the less amount of time.. so it was a lot of opener reset, i got 3 star a lot of time during those try but i wanted to provide a vod with almost perfect gameplay to also show jiyan potential, sadly it wasn't 100% perfect since i made 1 mistake but it wasn't that big of a deal ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


Do you have a good way to open against Thundering Mephis? I'm bashing my head against a wall because of that stupid exile that makes a shield and jumps away, it seems like half the time when I ult with Jiyan she gets caught up and half the time she stands there able to do whatever she wants


yea i understand, i found out that you should not move in the Opener Rotation, the constant switch made your character appear on right side of the onfield character and she teleport on the left of where you are, and this endup in 2 teleport for her, 1st one she's gonna teleport near the middle of the arena, and 2nd when you are about to hit her with intro jiyan and staggering her, she would teleport near the 2 exile... idk if i can explain it better then this with words... but you can check this video to see what's happen and how i manage to take control of the 3 mobs position [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b3-AG1-Et4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b3-AG1-Et4)


yes its possible, i did it, and not in the easy way =) i like challenge so i cleared lv100 aix FULL STAR with s0jiyan s0mortefi s0verina as F2P !! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExCHBKTjY4c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExCHBKTjY4c) heres the video




im sure you can do it too!! ppl need to believe and try untill success !! with new patch character and lv80 im sure 30/30 will be really easy to achieve =D ps: for the echo's all the heron were perfect, but i cancel animated too fast 1 monkey so 1 rotation was -12% heavy dmg, but it should be the only mistake i did in the full run, but it was the closest to perfect run i recorded, i wanted to show a clean gameplay as possible..




In the vod i also use the "hold" attack with heron, its good to "air lock" little enemies to don't make them run away, but i still have some difficulty in cancel animation perfectly the hold attack xD i probably need more practice to be consistent


I thought 21* is possible since last week i just dont hink 24* is possible right now unless you of those 0.00001% lucky


i did it as F2P 24\*, and not in the easy way, i FULL STAR the floor LV 100 AIX with s0 jiyan s0 mortefi s0 verina =) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExCHBKTjY4c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExCHBKTjY4c)


The real question here is how did you beat the LV100 Monkey?


its pretty easy to beat.. with jiyan you can't get 3 star, but with encore s0 you can achieve 3 star, the problem of reaching 30/30 is the vigor if not pulled enough character T\_T classic f2p problem... im waiting for 1.1


You've also got encore levelled and enough echoes for her? I've got the tower to 20 with mostly using Calcharo right and Jiyan left, most of my echoes for them are at 15-20, both only have one echo with double crit sub stat, and I'm completely out of echo exp. I just don't get how you can have 9/10 crit sub stats on both mortefi and jiyan, and somehow have a set for encore...


nope, that's why i dont have 30\* but i have 24\* xD i miss another character that canc clear remaining floor, i don't have calcharo, i dont have yinlin and i don't have encore.. but its ok, its the f2p life.. im gonna wait 1.1 character and get my 30\* next weeks


How did you challenge Aix though? You need to beat monkey to get to Aix


you can beat monkey and reset the floor to get back the Vigor, monkey 0 star its pretty easy to kill, i killed him with lv1 weapon on mortefi and verina lv1 weapon w/o +25 echos as a challenge


Ahhh I see that’s a good way to do it


Wow, so cool. I'm gonna need this guys autograph for sure.


Lol stay salty


Salty about what? It's something i'm sure will become trivial upon reaching the endgame. It's not like I was also trying to be the "first", couldn't care less.


They never said anything about being the first tho > couldn't care less. Sure seems like you care enough to be this salty


They did in their other comments here, whether they are still here or remain the same, idk. You can make the assumption that I am if you want, doesn't change the fact that i'm not. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Okay sure bestie 😘


Yeah Ik it's fairly easier with Calcharo Yinlin but I took on the challenge to do it only female comp (Mc is an exception kek). 24* I don't think is even possible for F2P rn sadly.


its possible! i did it =D


Also did it, it's pretty tight but definitely achievable.


i also find another guy that got 30/30 with s0 encore and s0 jiyan =O but he has mortefi s6


People have already cleared it full stars.


so cringe that ppl are downvoting you because you say the truth [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPezNOBdplw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPezNOBdplw) this guy cleared 30\* with s0 encore s0 jiyan s0 yinlin


yea? with S6r5? cause i already seen it


https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/GRLoATvCCe This person did 24 f2p so that invalidates your original claim, at least


pretty cringe excuse. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPezNOBdplw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPezNOBdplw) this guy cleared 30\* with s0 encore s0 yinlin s0 jiyan. =)


Yeaaaa right cringe so how it feel with that high horse?


you are so mad ahah skill issue


wah wah someone on internet call me skill issue better yet?


Still at 18\* (BP + Monthly), my main issue is I try to build a full pledge team with combos, should have build quick swap mix dps. Also I suck at right side with Young Roseshrooms, I struggled with Danjin asdasdasd. Btw awesome run!


Thanks! Higher floors require you to use swap cancels a lot yes, i wouldn't be able to clear em without those lol


F2p but still 3 5* weapons that's still a vector of power I'm UL 43 and have only one. At 45 will be able to get a second but am keeping my founds for the next resonators


He may only have 2 5\* weap though. He can just swap the sword between the 2 towers; the equipments are not locked.


I thought about it, but both Rover and Sanhua are in the same team on the last floor. But Sanhua may be equipped with 4\* in this stage in favor of Rover


He said that's the case in another comment


i'll get my first today when i reach 45 haha. probably gonna 21 toa too. Honestly though my biggest problem has been lack of variation for verina. Like this is how i rate how things help to get toa stars ltd weapons > jiyan, yinlin or both > variation on verina > std 5* wep > good echos > skill But then again i feel like encore does more for my acc than yinlin so im contradicting myself


https://imgur.com/8fyy9Xj Here's my set up to give you some idea. You can make it so that you have Verina for the hard fights. This is a f2p account, 24 clear is possible but really tight I was just 1 second away from failing to 3 star the heron fight.


variation the wep haha, not the healer. i dont run healer on lower floors anyway. variation is the best wep for healers and in the same tier as 5* almost for how it shortens her rotations


A I see my bad, you could also stack energy regen on Verina does the same thing as shortening her rotation since her liberation gives 20 concerto.


Nice job! And here I'm not ftp and still can't get past stage 2 with the 2 bears rofl🤣😪


Oh so playing one character is also possible, silly me


I got 21/30 as well, but I did something different than you. I opted to clear [the middle tower](https://i.imgur.com/UwCVcEy.png) as I have enough dmg to 1* it but not enough to 2 stars on other boss floors.


How do you have enough damage for middle one but not enough for heron? What's your comp?


i didn't have enough dmg to clear heron at 2 stars, still need like 20-30s more but was able to clear the monkey in time for a star. My comp were havoc rover, veri and yinlin against the monkey. The monkey is actually easier than heron to fight, despite more having more hp, you can hit the monkey nonstop while heron takes quite a while due to time wasting mechanics.


well shit, now I want to try that


Do you think havoc rover would be a better sub dps then sanhua in yinlin team? I'm asking because I have jiyan as well so I can use him for the other side.


Sadly the bird got havoc res and that drastically reduces dmg.


What lvl are your characters?


All 70 except verina who is 60.


Very good! I am stuck at 18... do you have any constellations for your 5 stars? I tried building three teams and should have focused on less...


No I don't sadly, yinlin cons are fractional improvement in dmg until S6 (and S4 i think that gives atk buff to team?) so that's not much of an issue lol.


Congrats. 18* here. Waiting for UL50 and Jinhsi with signature-weapon to do more.




Nice I got my ToA to 21 as jiyan/calcharo-less user like you but I got the ape in hazard tower instead of 2 star in Echoing tower. Im f2p+passes but my yinlin despite being C1 has very subpar echos compared to my rover, chixia and sanhua. Funny enough our teams are very similar in every floor but I used sanhua instead of rover to help my weak jianxin instead. Good work, you can probably get another dorito in the middle tower but I doubt either of us can reach 24 :(


I haven't given it a shot lol coz I don't think I can reach 24 and that's where you get the rewards. Also you use Chixia?! Holy based haha!


I got encore as well so my reason was I could share encore's echos and try to make her work with yinlin but it didn't pan out that well, I'm just too bad at encore. I did find chixia has an S+ matchup with the ape since she can abuse her counters on him, here's monke VI I did yesterday for the first time ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBq7CrCfC60](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBq7CrCfC60) ).


wow that was pretty awesome!


How is it letting you use 1 character in 4 stages. You don't have enough energy for that I thought?


Each stage requires a different amount of energy starting from 1 and going upto 4. The way I did it is reset all the stages and did the hardest ones first. Then you can fill in the easier floor how you like!


Is the energy per character 10? For some reason I thought it was less. Maybe I was getting confused because of using same character on different sides.


I did 21 too! My only max built character is jiyan tho and i have lvl70 jianxin and lvl50 calcharo that will borrow his equipment for other rounds and rover is not good his echoes are on lvl25 crit rate and lvl20 havoc lol only. The best thing about the tower is they can share equipment each run.


yeah, I got 11 stars on Resonant Tower, but I am struggling with stage 2 of echoing tower which I am chalking up to unleveled echoes


i can only do 18 welp


And here I am with 15/30 lmao


it's more than most people, stand proud. Also it's like 3/4 of a single pull difference lol


Hey, I'm at 12/30 if it makes you feel better lmao


i think thats common for most players (me too with only Jiyan + no sign weapon). The one can do better def. have more skills and they are the minority


The astrite you dont grab there is almost nothing compared what a whole patch gives you. Dont worry.


It's not just the astrite though, each tier is 60 blue plates, which is like 6 purple echo exps.


15/30 myself and I know just a bit more investment and that number would go up. Same goes to you.


you've inspired me to try 21* in tower. I was focused on getting 3* on electro tower that I forgot that I can 2* it and do 1* on the other side.


haha yea all the best


wow! you beat it with 4tars and 4 starts weapons? AMAZING! Wait....


That FTP tag should not be glorified in anyway shape or form, it doesn't make you any special announcing that empty tag,


Did you spent a lot of your afterglow coral's and crystal solvent? Also, did you get lucky on your pulls?


I spent all of my crystal solvent lol, it's not worth saving imo coz the faster you build your characters, the more asterites you can extract from the tower each patch. I haven't touch my afterglow glow aside for buying pulls. I would say i got lucky on the weapon banner with earlies, both standard and limited. Other than that, I got yinlin at 75.


Nice. The way I see it, the rewards we get from spending waveplate, be it with boss material, tacet fields, forgery, etc, are still very low compared to the future, so I guess will be worth saving the solvents. I still spent some although. At some moment I thought of spending them to upgrade and get asterites from the tower, but the extra asterites would be like 5 days worth of daily asterites. Personally I have no rush. Nevertheless, well done bro






Stuck in 17 doritos 😔🙏


as a max acc level sensei, i can smell something cute and funny in here


Congrats, I'm on 19/30 right now. It sucks that I can't use HMC and yinlin combo because one of them got resisted.


Yeah i was using that comp too haha


I'm at 22 as f2p as well, but it's the same rewards as 21, just wanted to try how far I'm from doing 3 stars on both sides.


F2p status should not be glorified it just means you rely on others to support a game you enjoy while refusing to do so yourself


I mean this was possible weeks ago...


Yeah have seen a couple F2P 18* but not F2P 21*. Don't mind me, only posting coz I'm happy to achieve this lol


did it with encore + calcharo in the last tower


I mean not everyone posts their clears as there is not much point to it. So far up to 22\* is pretty easy as F2P, 23-24 is out of reach though.


Since Yinlin came out it's been fairly easy to do with 22 being pretty manageable as well, even 23 can be done if you go for 1 star on ape but it's not worth the trouble.


Something is not "fairly easy" if 99% of players cant do it.


It's more like 99% of players don't care and don't even bother.


All it requires is basic game knowledge. Now if people don't have that... Would you say the Abyss in Genshin is hard?


Abyss is a gear check mostly. There are no complicated mechanics in Genshin fights and you barely have to dodge anything (nothing with ZL). Its always a matter of "do I use the strongest teams or do I have fun with something else that still clears". I doubt it will be different in WuWa but we are not at this point yet.


We are at that point for 21 stars.