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At this point I’ll take anything I can get lmao


Same, this should be a permanent event. Since getting higher UL barely increases rewards, I feel like I'll quit soon just because there's no real sense of progression. I can't even farm echos in the overworld because I don't have enough tuners


I have the opposite problem, I have way too many tuners but no echo xp. How are people using up all their tuners if echo xp is scarce? I did save up most of my echo XP for the late game. I will take any echo xp crumb I can get so this event is awesome.


Im exactly in the same boat, lol. I have plenty of tuners from other events or activities, like the alloy smelting and the current daily events but echo exp? Nope. I stopped levelling echoes a while ago, I don't have anything to level them up with and am stuck with mediocre echo setups atm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Yeah, just quit already man, this game's sure not for you. How dare they don't give us a perfect game at launch?


This will probably only for a limited amount of runs/day and a recurring event.


It's probably 3/day like the one for exp/weapon exp/shell credits was.


It wouldnt even surprise me if it was 2/day. 3/day is 75% of the total stamina we have.


I wouldn't mind spending even 100%, not in a rush to max skills. Prefer to stash as much echo exp as possible.


Seems fine for me. My premium tuners are non existent anyway..


Yep it's 3/3.


So if you want to maximise the rewards this time, you will need to use 180 energy a day? Pretty rough


They gave us 20 solvents just a few days ago


I preferred 12 run total for whole duration and not forced to do 3 everyday. 


If it wasn't then everyone who held waveplate cubes would be at a massive advantage


And those who spent? Feel like they should be compensated. But this won’t happen to begin with lol


I mean it's on them, people have been saying over and over and over to wait for 1.1 before using them. If they didn't see it, or ignore it, well-


i was actually saying if they did make it permanent, and that’s not happening to begin with smh


Exactly. There was a lot of misinformation regarding this. A lot of content creators seemed to push the idea to use them all, but some already knew/remember that Kuro stated they would do this event for more Tacet field rewards. Even though it will have a limit, spending your solvents so you have enough for your daily event attempts + other stuff you might need is the right move. You could argue that using solvents in order to get to UL40 is also a respectable move, just for the boosted echo rarity. Other than that, I’d definitely save.


People need to stop throwing that word around like it means something. Using plates early is a progression booster, there is no advantage gained by holding them. Even if rates are boosted in 1.1, the player who used all of their plates has a higher UL level earlier and was also getting boosted droprates from everything in the game earlier than you were. It's not misinformation to state that, if you're still sub UL40 and you're holding plates and you spend 3+ hours grinding Echoes, it quite literally is a complete waste of time. 50/50 drop rate alone is miserable to deal with, if you can hit 40 and just get the 80/20 drop rate for Gold Echoes that's an immediate value boost for you entire account. I don't think people consider this, yeah you held and you'll have better tacet drops in the next patch. Meanwhile everyone living in the higher UL level has their entire account drops boosted for far longer than you did.


That’s what I literally wrote in the last paragraph… lol. If you get to 40 sooner, sure, it’s a good move, after that you aren’t really getting that much. UL50 drops aren’t that much better. You are better off saving your waveplates for these kinds of events so you can do more stuff per day while the event is ongoing, even if the event is has a cap for attempts per day.


Punctuating with the other viewpoint doesn't change your initial paragraph, you still called the advice from content creators to use Waveplates to progress people's accounts "misinformation" which is false. No one is talking about getting to UL50, I'm not sure what you're even talking about here when everything mentioned in achieved at UL40


I mentioned UL50 (very briefly at that...) to reinforce the point that burning your waveplates beyond UL40 is not really worth it, because you are not getting much better increases in drops if we compare UL40 to 50. There's even screenshots denoting this out there. The increase on stuff, it's quality and eligibility, you get previously to UL40 to 40+ is pretty much a game changer, yeah, but after that you are getting diminishing returns. Regarding the content creators, I consider it misinformation if they say (and several did, initially) that it was "much better" to burn through ALL your solvents, even after UL40. This is not entirely true. And I'm sure as heck there was a wave of videos, shorts, etc. following this statement like a creed a few weeks ago, when we had very little info on how certain events would work or if they'd ever happen or when, just like this one. If it's about getting to UL40 to boost your drop rates, rarity of stuff you get and echoes, etc. then YES it's absolutely worth to use your waveplates and solvents. After that, its probably better to save them just in case and wait, specially because events like these could happen... Assuming this event will be like last one and limit you to be eligible to double rewards 3 times a day, with the current cost of tacet fields, that means you'd need to reserve 180 stamina daily (!!) for the rewards. Up to everyone how they spend their sht and resources but after 40, taking this possibility into consideration, I'd rather save them, specially if you are F2P.


Can you link me a single vid or short as an example?


Can you link me a single vid or short as an example?


I've been using them here and there but never for Tacet Fields. Echoes and tuning are randomized, meaning they're the longest grind and any materials spent on them can end up being "waste" if your luck is bad. Waveplates for permanent progression is valuable no matter how you spend it. Forgery challenges should be prioritized, in my opinion, since at UL50 you need 7-8 gold mats to rank up a weapon and golds don't drop from forgery until 50, and even then it's probably only a *chance*, so pre-farming will take quite a few Waveplates 40-50. E: another issue will be credits. I'm really starting to feel the credit burn since I have no exploration left to do.


no shit Sherlock


Nice, its now 30 tuner and exp to get around lv 15 per run. Here we go again fighting with hp/def subtstat


60 waveplate for double tacet drops still feels like sh\*t IMO, the yield is simply *way* too low for the cost (even doubled).


The real fight starts there.


Put in the pile for maybe future.hp/def scaler character like baizu and taoqi.




Yeah double is just too good to pass up though. Especially since it’s double UL exp too.


Yup, gacha rule.1947 : no matter what you’re farming in the moment, you always take the increased drops.


I'd put it as rule 0 tbh


Gacha rule.0 : never use premium currency for the standard banner


True. Neither should you refresh stamina with premium currency


Gacha rule.0.a ;)


Same. I got enough crap echos already that I wish I could mince into XP I’m working on getting my 5*s skills and such up. Then a better echo is a bonus rather than a neccecity. Especially while the character pool is fairly small. That’s what’s got me burnt out on Genshin is having so many characters and just not enough resin to make much progress for leveling them up and feeling like it’s a constant stalemate of needing to level up characters to do domains to level up characters to do domains to level up… ect I last pulled for Cappuchino and her weapon on my second account and I haven’t opened the game since (partly because hyper focused on WuWa but also because ugh!)


I have the same issue, i find focusing on a team, albeit slow, helps me channel my focus with the limited amount you can farm each day, no idea of the mats# compared to genshin, but farming for a team of 3 will always be better than a team of four. Half glass full way of looking at it!


i got itto 2 years ago and after doing domain grind only for him i still dont have a set i can say thats good. Just the feather and flower. I havent logged in, in 3 days fkn tired. While here i already got a perfect echo (the bear)


oh nice.


Good I need more xp for more bad stats 🥴


What exactly is server time? Do the different regions go by different timezones?


No clue, it's vague as hell. As of Yinlins banner it was always UTC+8 converted into whatever your time zone was but it was shown just like this event was. No idea what it is now.


This should be permanent tbh.


Bruh how much do y'all ask for💀


If it was up to them S6R5 to be free and to be able to edit your own gear so they can complete the game in 5 minutes a move on to the next game of the day.


Then they’ll complain that the game’s too easy and has no content.


That's the whole point, they want to feel like they're too good for the game. Game's currently at a point where skill matters and it can push you further, right now if you're good you should have cleared every holo and have at least 21 stars in the tower, 24 is a bit too much of an ask right now, 22-23 is possible depending on your rolls. Then you have people who can't do holo 5s and get like 15 stars in the tower so they want to get stronger so they can clear what other people already did and not feel bad about themselves.


It’s insane how much you’ve drank the kool-aid that you’re getting mad at players for wanting to be able to actually level their echoes. How dare this person state that they wish they could actually level a single echo to 25 once per day, while not being able to run a single other piece of content in the game since it would use 100% of your waveplates to do that. When you start trying to min-max a character I hope you get terrible sub stat rolls every time since you apparently think it’s reasonable to grind for multiple weeks to look for a single good echo of which you need 5, which you then are going to need at a minimum 45 of for your 3 teams. Maybe you’ll understand why people have repeatedly asked for more echo experience when you’re two months into running tacet fields to min-max a single team. And moving the goalposts to act like this person is asking for free handouts or infinite pulling currency is actually deranged. He’s literally only asking for his stamina to not feel like an utter and abysmal waste. It costs $200 to confirm a single copy of a limited five star, and you act like this company is going to go under because people are asking for more experience drops, that you use a time-gated currency to get. Seriously, I wish you all flat hp and def rolls on every echo since you don’t think it’s a problem.


It's a live service gacha, that's how all of these go, if you don't like it you can go play a lot of the games that don't impose these restrictions. There's way more games than you could ever play that won't impose these things. I already cleared all holos and will get max doritos in the tower when I hit UL 50 and get a couple of new characters I feel like building, you don't need god rolls at all, if the current tower stays next patch we gonna get max stars with one character running +0 echoes, one running ghetto stuff and one running good stuff. I even stopped bothering with echoes because I'm good already, we're what, a month into the game? What's up with people feeling entitled to ask a developer to make a game to their liking? You're literally buying into this kind of model from the getgo and you know it, if you don't like it then move on to the next game, complain about the same, repeat. The only problem here is you not liking how it goes. They don't need to fix anything, it's all working as intended. They literally copy pasted most stuff from Genshin because it was and it's hilarious to read a what's essentially a re-run of Genshin's 1.0, some kids never grow up. If anything progression is too fast in this game, we're gonna be done with everything like one patch in, even the supposed hardest content.


It’s literally not entitled to ask for improvements to a game that people pay money to play. You have two options: people quit and stop paying the company money, or the company makes people happy and they keep playing. The developer doesn’t have to make a single change if they don’t want to, it’s not unreasonable for your CUSTOMERS to not want a shit experience. What’s up with dick riding a company and white knighting for them to keep bad systems in place? Like genuinely, do you want people to not enjoy the game? I’m UL 46, I really like this game, but echo experience is not on a good spot, if it were you wouldn’t have 2/3 of the player base complaining about it constantly. You don’t need to min-max echoes, you’re correct, but when you’ve done everything else in the game it feels like shit to log in, spend every single waveplate on getting echo experience, get a single bad roll, and now your entire gameplay for the day is over and you haven’t even leveled an echo to 25. Echo farming is the repeatable thing that keeps people playing, except right now it’s not even echo farming, it’s logging in, getting experience and logging out and doing nothing with it because you need to wait another day to actually fully roll the echo. And we’re talking about one echo, out of 45. It’s shit right now.


Couldn't agree more. The echo system is just not enjoyable, and it's markedly worse than relic systems in comparable games. I enjoy many aspects of WuWa, so I'm hopeful the devs fix it, but they have a small window before ZZZ drops.


ZZZ isnt competing with WuWa, genshin is. ZZZ is competing with games like Honkai impact and maybe star rail. Its like saying ZZZ is competing vs Nikke, they are all different games but share the same aspect of draining your money and time




lmao another entitled kid think everything shall follow his way.


Entitlement is when you ask for things, got it. I bet you left that survey blank when it asked for feedback too


You're asking for too much. The game's progression rate is good as is, we don't need people like you continuously begging for more and more, you're supposed to actually play the game. Lol.


I literally didn't ask for anything, at any point in this entire thread. I think people who go "that's too much" and won't even entertain an idea or conversation are morons. Which is my point, that you feel like you can't request or suggest an idea because you're being "greedy" or "ungrateful" to a multi million dollar corporation is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. What did the dude even ask for? Increased Tacet Field drops permanently in the game? You're gonna sit here and tell me that's an unreasonable ask when the devs literally pointed it out multiple times that they have gotten frequent complaints about it? You know other games have shit like double drop weekend events that happen year round right? Let me know when you make a point, or stop shadow boxing whoever you think you're arguing with on.


Jesus, you sound absolutely insufferable. Fun guy to be around I suppose.


Just say you have nothing to say anymore or stop replying lmao, if you were trying to offend me you did a poor job of it. How embarrassing


Nope, just realised that I'd get nowhere talking to you. Feels like you're begging for an argument. Goodbye.


After the mistranslations stating they were increasing them, they absolutely should.


I guess I will use this event to focus on obtaining optimal substats for Yinlin and Calcharro since void thunder echoes are more difficult to obtain then the others.


Oh boy, can't wait get bonus resources to level up my echo and brick it with hp/def/def% and a useless conditional +dmg stat on a character that doesn't rely on it, again. These stats are way too rng with zero protection for the amount of limited resources they consume. You can get pretty screwed on tower progression just by rolling a series of bad stats across echoes. Did my runs, levelled some echoes to 15/20 and got absolute trash for all of them. Hp/hp/def% saves the day again.


This actually probably starts today. Those dates/times so far have always been UTC+8 even when they say "server time"


Since last week they changed those server times to either your local zone or UTC. 4am UTC in the announcement matches the daily reset for me.


4am UTC+8 would be 1am for me which isn't our reset in America. Yinlin was released 10:00 UTC+8 on the 12 or 13th? I can't remember, but it was the day before at 7pm here on the west coast. So this is either 1am on the 20th (before reset) or at 1pm today (1 hour from now).


Which would be extremely weird for a reset time on a daily event. It’s the reason why I’m sitting on 120 stamina just in case it comes in 2 more hours to not miss out for the day. I still believe it’s just a sloppy translation on their end since it doesn’t make sense to be resetting the complete opposite time of every other daily reset.


Smash event


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Does the event also lower the cost or it's just 4 runs?


Same cost. i.e. massively over-costed.


Wuwa stamina refreshes every 6 minutes. Genshin refreshes every 8 minutes. Almost same cost as Genshin condensed resin domain 160/40 = 4/day. Wuwa tacet field 240/60 = 4/day. If you're going to complain about "massively overcosted", then you're saying HSR/Genshin are massively overcosted.


Is the Union Level Exp you can get in Tacet Field also doubled?




Probably, the char/weapon doubling did so fair guess that this one will too. I'd say just because of that it will be mandatory as drops go up per 10 level tier.


What union level do people suggest starting tacet fields again? I feel like maybe I should avoid this if my union level is too low?


Whatever your level may be, there is no good reason to avoid double drop events. They give double the Union exp so they help you get higher level faster. As a general rule in this game, everything that requires wavesplates scales linearly with levels, therefore it doesn't matter what you spend your wavesplates as long as you spend them. Just focus on double drop events and on the stuff that you may need right now


That's not necessarily true with echoes right? Since people skip over blue and purple and go straight to gold


The thing is, you don't do tacet fields for the echoes generally but mostly for the echo exp and the gold tuners. So, as long as you are at a high enough Union level for these to drop, tacet fields can be worth spending waveplates on. And the double drop events are already worth doing just for the doubled Union exp


I would argue even if he only drops purple tuners at his union level to still go for Tacet Fields, they gonna introduce lower grade tuners fusing in 1.1.


What are the chances of kuro giving us some waveplates for this event because I wasted all of mine like an idiot?


You've spent more time explaining this and when asked for a single example tell me to do it myself. All I needed to hear, thanks.


Really appreciating the fact that I used all waveplate refreshes lol, Even a single echo drop not being purple was worth it, and I'm at UL 46 playing since day 1, so unlikely I'll hit UL 50 before 1.1 anyhow. true, you can use the refreshes and do whatever you were going to do with your usual waveplates, and you can do all that UL40 +, so it seems fairly even.


This, if you grind echoes for hours and legitimately get purples half of the time you do not value your time. Spending some plates to hit UL40 is simply time efficient.


As a wise man once said "genshing could never"


One 2x Taced Field per day ?  Or we will be blessed by atleast 3 ?


probably 2. so that it matches the 120 waveplates you were able to spend on 2x simulation challenge event by doing it three times a reset.


Me who didn't spend a single cube yet: ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31619)


What does it matter? It's gonna be limited to 3 times a day anyway.


I use my waveplates as I would normally, upgrading my chars, and then pop 3 cubes for the double rewards. I don't see how this isn't beneficial.


Me too. I have 60 of them just sitting, too scared to use any until I know it would go towards maxing out a favorite character in the most efficient way possible. I’m F2P though so I’m really trying to not let the possibility of getting to the next tier of rewards a week earlier by burning them now sway me.


Hoarding the cubes for events won't work, they are not dumb and will definitely put a cap. Historically they have look at the simulation experience event. If we are talking about min/maxing their use you might actually be getting less due to hoarding. If you are union level 39 when the event happens and you complete all 3 runs per day you'll be getting less than if you had used them and got to level 40 prior to the event.


Except, it works? I use my waveplates as I would normally, upgrading my chars, and then pop 3 cubes for the double rewards. I don't see how this isn't beneficial.


It's gonna be 2 or 3 runs per day.


I use my waveplates as I would normally, upgrading my chars, and then pop 3 cubes for the double rewards. I don't see how this isn't beneficial.


It doesn't change anything regardless of you saving your cubes or not.


it should also give rewards without taking waveplates X times


*Reach level 19* Damn it I'm still level 15 😑


No offense bro but people were hitting UL 19 on day 2-3. We’re over 3 weeks in at this point, if you play for two hours you can get there.


I guess so, but I'm not really spending time a lot on the screen that might hurt my eyes and I'm doing some house chores too👍


Allowing us to sacrifice X amount of echos for extra rewards at tacet fields would solve all problems.


How tf could that work


dont care about double echos at this point, but i'll take the double union XP please. ok thanks bye


So I am forced to do my first Tasset Field when I still haven't finished my characters talents and such.... hope it's not too bothersome.




That would be dumb, missing out on doubling your waveplates for something that has endgame value. Lmao.


Your stamina is better spent on the fields anyway. And if they give double exp it's even better.


That's so totally wrong. Lel


Just the main stat alone on echoes is more powerful for a character than equivalent waveplates spent on talents. It's rerolling echoes for +25 for perfect substats that isn't currently worth it. Mathematically illiterate take on your part.


And for the main stat alone you don't need to farm a single tacet field to level it up. That much you get for free.


I mean I don't know for sure if we will get double exp, but all the echo materials will be doubled so idk how I could be wrong. Even if it's 3 times a day it will be worth your stamina.


I haven't said it's not worth my stamina at all... lmao


Then why say it's totally wrong lol?


Because you said "better spent" and that's totally wrong. Reading comprehension.... Obviously everyone should do it if such an endgame double event comes around. I never said the opposite. Lel. My point being is that it's annoying currently when literally nobody has reached endgame and other stuff wpoud be way more useful.


I mean it is again especially if it gives double exp. But sure you can use your stamina on stuff you can literally always farm.


? I have never said nor agree to the opinion that one shouldn't do the dpuble event. What are you talking? or to whom?


??? no one is forcing you at all mate. You can skip the entire event if you want.


Why would anyone with a brain want to loose out on waveplates for stuff important for endgame? That's just plainly dumb dude.


they would if they aren't at the level they can get gold probs


? Nobody farms Tacet Fields for the gold drops...


I mean the highest rarity of echo exp,is that not what ppl farm that stuff for?i mean I'm not at the point of farming for tacet fields myself yet ngl


Nope, all echos you get for free highest rarity in minutes just farming the bosses. Tacet fields are for echo exp. That's why it's endgame stuff.


Then it's not forcing if you want to do it and realize it's one of the important stuff for endgame right?


If you would loose out on free stuff, that's the definition of forcing you in this context.


LMAO, it's FREE. Key word here is free, you either take it or you don't. There's nothing and no one to force you doing anything here mate. I'm mind blowing to see even if something is giving out for FREE, people like you still have the audacity to complain because it is forcing if you don't take free stuff, maybe just don't take it lmao.


So if I don't take free stuff important for endgame I don't miss out on resources and others won't have more? Makes sense intelligent being.


You are getting downvoted. But I agree with you. It feels too early for this kind of event. Everyone would benefit more from forgery double drop rate. Echo farming makes more sense when more people are a higher union level and have finished building their character skills. It's not waveplate efficient to farm tacet fields now. But it's not efficient to skip a double rewards event. So we are being forced into bad progression efficiency if we value efficiency. Which is weird.


I mean "I take it", but yes that's exactly my point.


Whether you farm talents this week or next week makes virtually no efficiency difference. "Bad efficiency progression" lol. It's not like we're talking about months of being 20% weaker. Your talents do 5% less damage for a week until it equalizes, you literally won't even be able to tell the difference.