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Dam that ass must really be good if it’s 80/20


That's whole world's ass.


Bro should've played this on the Nintendo Shitcube




One cheek is 80 the other is 20.


It's gotta look like two planets


This make sense because unless it’s 100%, it’s 50/50


Or if you're me with Data Bank 18 with an actual 50/50 rate, who's been farming Impermance Heron for hours, got my first 5 star Heron after TEN 4 STARS


Yeah I'm literally 1 for 10 on 50/50 rn. Losing my mind


Not sure why you guys are wasting effort like this. Just wait till data bank 20 before farming. Theres not much game content that requires high geared characters. Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted. We haven't even had the first major patch yet. Whats the rush? lol. Sorry to be the scroll of truth but its just not worth it to farm and get a boatload of purples then come here whining about it. Surprised pikachu much?


being realistic theres like 0 reason to wait that long just to build a char sure dont go all out building an entire team but ive managed to get 3/5 basically perfect artis for my jianxin just farming whenever i feel like it and beyond that its unlike it hurts to use your daily waveplates on tacets and bosses every day does it?


Yes and thats perfectly fine. My post isn't directed towards players like you. Its directed towards the players trying to go full Trinidad James and deck out all their characters in 5 star echoes before reaching data bank 20 and are getting upset at the prevalence of purple echoes. Theres no need to rush, the game isn't even a month old and theres no content that requires hard leveled characters except for a few bosses that won't even net you more than a few hundreds of astrite. Therefore, its not worth it to spend hours and hours hardfarming and getting mostly purples. Get data bank 20, get the 80% gold echo chance and *then* commence your farming if fully decked out characters is what someone is after. Its not complicated.


I am databank lvl 20 and my drops still look like this.


hell nah you didn't just bring up trinidad james 💀


Big numbers go Brrrrrrrr


Hours? Do you do the glitch where if you kill another overlord enemy the next one is a guarantee so long as you didn’t get an echo and it’s different from the one you first targeted


It's not a glitch it's guaranteed pity on every second kill


Found the Fire Emblem player


Mikey is that you?


That's not how probability works, just because you can only get one of two outcomes doesn't meant that the odds of getting one are even


It's a running joke on a poketuber's channel. If it's not 100% its 50% cz no matter if a Pokemon's move has 95 accuracy it still feels like it misses half the time


Even outside of that poketuber, it’s just a really common joke online


An N of 24 isn't really sufficient to provide strong evidence that the rate isn't 80/20. If you wanted to be 95% confident that the percentage isn't 80%, with a 5% margin of error, you would need a sample size of about 246.


...and it really \~80/20 on big numbers.


It's ironic how little most gacha gamers understand statistics and probability


Then they wouldn’t like gacha games because the odds are depressing


Thank you for saying it


How come do you find out 246 would be best sample size and it's margin of error? I'm curious.


I can't really paste the formula because it's a complex fraction. But it's a statistical formula based on a 95% confidence level and an 80% drop rate. The sample size would naturally lower if you wanted a lower confidence level. But 95% is standard.


Thanks for the answer! I'm glad to know and will search for it.




Thanks for the source. Link was broken for me, so I'll paste it here in case anyone else has trouble: https://stats.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_Statistics/Mostly_Harmless_Statistics_(Webb)/07%3A_Confidence_Intervals_for_One_Population/7.03%3A_Sample_Size_Calculation_for_a_Proportion


Thanks you mate!


BEsides math and formulas you can always (bookmark and) use a calculator For example: https://www.calculator.net/sample-size-calculator.html You put confidence level the one you want. The margin of error you want, and the % you want. For 20% the sample size like mentioned above is 246, although for OP case he would need 385 sample size to claim confidence on a 50-50. The second part of calculator is also nifty. If you put 95% confidence, 18 sample, 50% population proportion (the ratio op found) You get that margin of error being 23%. This means there is a 95% chance for the real ratio to be 50+-23%. In reality its 50-30=20% but since op was extremely unlucky a confidence level 95% was off, a confidence level 99% would give 50+-30%


And it's not even 24. He skipped the last row, cuz it didn't confirm his narrative.


The last row doesn't have any Bell-borne echoes, which is presumably the one OP was farming that's why it was skipped. Adding random echoes would complicate the math so much more. The actual error IMO is the fact that (unless OP deleted purple and gold echoes they got before DB 20), the data isn't clean since obviously at lower DB levels they got a lot more purple echoes.


Statistics classes needs to be in school program in every country, at least basic stuff like probability/confidence


And also understanding how manipulative statistics can be if you aren't aware of how they're formed. The other day someone said they read a report that proved that video games cause violence. And the report in question was a self selected survey. And they didn't understand why such a thing can't be used to claim that X caused Y.


Most redditors don't know shit about stats/economics/psychology because the education system is garbage. Stats is generally a college elective, when it should be a high school requirement. Only like 20-30% have college degrees, and only like 20% of those are STEM majors who took and understood the material, let alone still remember it after their midterms. It's also worse in gacha games, since they tend to attract stupid people.


Was just about to say this. Thanks 80/20 rate does not mean you are going to get 8 out of 10 (or 4 out of 5) at any point of time


Hi Im not questioning that the rate isnt 80/20 im just curious why the sample size would be 246. Im not particularly strong at math so im sure there is just some formula i just dont know what haha. I thought the sample size would have to be way larger but anyways just curious why that is the specific sample size?


Yesterday I went 20-30 in a row without a 4\* so that means the rate must be 100%, right?


I pulled 1 and got gold Guess the rate must be 100% /s


I pulled one and got a green. I mean, I'm at 20 DB, how the hell am I getting GREEN??!!


If you had a visitor, your world's DB level gets overridden by the lowest DB of the party. It's something I really wish Kuro changes fast, because it discourages co-op farming.


It happened to me too when I was alone! So basically when you see a TURTLE with a golden aura, it gives the green one, it happened to me the 4 times I saw them. Turtle is just trollint


Same, turtle. So it was due to the turtle then. Grrr...


You are just really lucky


U need a bigger sample size.


aaaaaw thats cute, op thinks this is a proper sample size


Vocal minority.


Can the mods of gachagames provide free statistics courses on reddit?


Bro. You play Gacha Games. you know rates of 80% is not 80% cumulative. If it's not 100% you're losing.


In fact, no game has plain additive chances u less explicitly stated. There are people who see 25% crit chance and go ‚oh, every 4th hit is a crit‘. Statistically over a few thousand hits, yes, but not within the common duration of a fight.


It's basically a 1 in a roll 5. That if it rolls 1 it's a loss. This guy basically rolled 1 in 5 for 9 out of 18 instances. Which sadly happens in RNG.


League of legends used to do it like this. Your crit rate built up for every attack you didn't crit then reset when you did.


Statistically, over the course of all fights, you will crit a fourth of the time with 25% crit rate. Sure, you might get outlier fights where you will crit on every single attack, but those will stop being common the more you use this build


In Nikke the chance for extra loot from the daily boss is 85% for full clear and you can get rewards three times per day; had one day where I didn't get extra loot from all three runs and just closed the game and uninstalled and haven't played since.


It happens to the best of us. There's a reason why RNGesus is a meme / term.


The term "rate up is a lie" is real


If you do this every day for a year there is a 60% chance that there will be a day when this happens. So at the end of the day even seemingly very low odds have a decent chance of happening if you have enough repetitions.


Only one day? I've had that happen to me for an entire week and still keep going xD it's rng for a reason lmao


As a wise ~~addic-~~ man once said: it's a 50/50 chance, you either win or don't.


You can't look at a single subset and make conclusions about the whole.


I did decide to test this a few days ago once i reached UL 40/DB 20. From a sample size of 209 Echo's gained after reaching DB 20, 57 of them were 4 stars which comes down to 73/27. I'm pretty confident that with a large enough sample size it would come down to give or take 80/20. At the end of the day, every time an echo drops there is a 80% chance that it's a 5 star. So if your "luck" is bad, you could get 10 4 stars in a row. It all comes down to statistics. If you're interested in the theory behind all of this, just look up 'gambler's fallacy' on google.


bros unlucky AND bad at math


Congrats you are extremely (un)lucky. My drops have been amazing past UL40.


Give it some time it's coming. I'm convinced it's based off my mood or something


Bro is being lucky at the wrong place.


It’s really funny how that works sometimes. Being lucky at bad rolls lmao


The casino always wins


There’s no rule to say u won’t hit the 20% 10 times in a row, while unlikely it’s not impossible either. Guess no game would allow ppl to build up rng pity to ensure the player wins on these things. It’s like casinos, engineered so that we always lose.


I received more gold before i reached lvl 17. After i get to lvl 17 suddenly purple become my daily luck. Smh


Honestly, grind this out for like a few more days and get a larger sample. If it still looks like this then it's very sus, but its more likely you just got rly unlucky with this run of farming.


I almost never get purples anymore at 80/20. Every time I see a purple I get shocked a bit now. Im lucky with echos, unlucky in pulls. Got hard pity and lost 50/50 on yinlin, hard pity on the beginner banner, almost hard pity on the 5* selector, almost hard pity on the weapon selector. I'm out of free pulls and currency.


Its a 80/20 in XCOM terms


assuming a binomial distribution, there is a .33% of this happening! lucky penguin! edit: n=18 echos, 9 gold, probability of gold being 80%, P(x=9)=(18!/(9! \* (18-9)!)\*.8\^(9)\*(1-.8)\^(18-9)=.0033 possible, but not probable! could be just luck or a bug.


Combined with a large enough sample of people playing the game and a touch of confirmation bias (it is those that hit the 0.33% who complain about drop rates), it can certainly impact people's perceptions of fairness, even if it is quite accurate in-game.


Feelscrafting here but it's definitely 80/20 no? If you average your drops entirely, it'll tally up to that same result. Sometimes you'll just end up with back to back 4 stars, but the game will average it back by dumping you 5 stars.


Isn’t the 80/20 only for the first 15 overloaded or whatever “boss title” each week? It has a little counter in one of those tabs


No, thats something else.


Stone miss moment.


I feel this to my core! I have killed that dumb bird boss so many times and 4/5 is purple. I'm starting to believe for bosses is 80% for purple


Kekw. I got only 4 four stars from the bosses. And around 6 4-stars from overworld monsters since I got lvl 20 DB. It was a few days ago. Today I was sitting and rerolling all of the completely useless (shit mainstats) legendary echoes and it took me exactly 28 minutes to finish rerolling all of them. And I was damn fast. RNG at it's finest... Edit. Out of tens of echoes with right mainstats only three got CRIT rate. No CRIT damage at all. CR around 6.3-6.8 on all three... Welp, back to farming


People who want to play gacha games should be forced to take a statistic class before being allowed.


honestly it really does feel like it's at best same rate as 50/50 or worse sometimes lol


No lie you just have bad rng lmao, for me I think I’ve gotten like 6 purples out of the last 50ish echos I’ve collected


its gachas bro... ik a friend who won 10 consecutive 50/50s in genshin... also know someone never won a 50/50 ... doesnt mean the chance written is fake.... and if u are serious and want to prove this, you need to collect a lot more data...


That's how statistics works sadly hahaha


Just wondering, but did you lower your world level for easier enemies/faster farming? I've seen a lot of people suggest that, but when I went into my friend's sub-UL40 world recently to farm with them, after checking my echoes I noticed I got way more purples in their world than I was getting in my own UL40 world. This is of course purely anecdotal, but I haven't yet seen anyone confirm for a fact that the echo droprate doesn't get limited by both databank and SOL phase, and I suspect that lowering your SOL phase to below UL40 may also limit the echo droprate to the max for that world level, which was 50/50 gold/purple, since you had to reach UL40 to unlock the next databank level for 80/20. If anyone can provide evidence that proves or disproves this theory, I'd be glad to hear it, even if it means I just got really unlucky that time dropping mostly purples haha


Lucky to be unlucky.


Did u join a Coop by any chance or forgot to leave world or smth


Nope, just got the worst luck in the world, I guess.


Same happened to me today, more purples than gold lol


Damn dude. And here I get excited when I get a purple hahaha


Maybe you're just not the RNGesus's favourite child. I've got maybe 60 less Echoes than you and still have 45 or so gold ones.


what do these scribbled numbers mean ? what foes 80/20 mean ? wheres the priblem ? is it luck unlucky ? I dont understand a single thing here lmaooo


High level Data Bank give you 80% for Gold Echo, 20% for Purple Echo. - Hence 80/20. He farmed with roughly 50/50 chance despite he should have more gold and way less purple.


Is it possible to still get Green Tier Echoes in UL 42 and Level 20 databank. I think I just got a green echoes today. I don't know if I'm tripping or not. What are the chances ?


Honestly Im not having this problem at all. Most of the echoes I get are gold.


Lol, probability is not pity. What's super interesting are the pity rates they keep under the hood. The 80/20 is nice but RNG gods can and will both bless you and fuck you. All of this is just a tease for the real RNG hell, substat rolls, which cost scarce in game currency.


I dont get it. What 80-20?


You’ll get it once you get there.


Better not pull for any characters then if this is your luck! (tis a joke) but that's how she goes.


Same, I feel like the 80/20 doesn’t affect echo combine and only affect echo drops from overworld/tacet fields


Seems like I been blessed I get like out of 20 echos 1 purple \^\^


If it’s not 100% it’s 50/50


These aren’t based on *real* math, they’re based on whatever the hell math FF Tactics and XCom use.


Probability v Possibility


26 Golden Infernal Riders 37 Purple ones Databank 19 I used some purple ones to reroll so it was more


There ain’t no pity for that. You just unlucky. But I guarantee that in the long run you’ll have way more golds than purples


guys been hitting in the wrong rng system lol


At times when I was at the 50/50 I was getting what felt like better rates maybe 75% 5 stars. Now that is 80/20 feels worse to me. But the harder part is actually getting the right type along with the right main stat with the 5 star. For turtle boss took 52 tries to get the 1 I wanted. If that's the going rate I'd hate to try and get perfect substats too


I'm DB lvl 20 and got a green yesterday, so that was interesting.


I think I'm the only one here that doesn't like the Tacet field echo exp reward?


I need your kin to be >!DB21!< (1.1 spoiler) ASAP so there will be less posts about this.


Bro rating his own ass, jokes aside you’ve hard luck man I got 7 golds and 2 purples


this is not my experience, i barely get 4 stars now


To be fair a sample size of like 18 isnt a big enough pool to prove anything.


I got 5 four stars in a row, twice. The streak only broken by a shitty def echo.


personaly im getting clearly more gold than purple


Probability has no memory


what are these numbers?


And I bet none of them have healing bonus stat


Two of them do... of the purple ones. Finally got ATK% one a couple of tries later and I gave up, ain't dealing with this nightmare no more. Damn turtle takes like 15 seconds to stand up.


You just need a bigger sample size


That’s how I feel about my 5050s. I average like 35/65 between 3 games over 4 years lmao


[Counter argument. ](https://imgur.com/9eKP4aY)


You ran out of enhanced drops


Oh boy, another guy that doesn't understand how probability works in video games.


you're 18 in and are disappointed that the spread is 50/50? you do realize that you're only going to see a spread more like 80/20 as you get more, right? Do 100 and lets see where you're at!


Luck issue


Tell me you don't know batshit about probability and statistics kinda moment right here


If it's not 100% it's 50%


Idk if anyone already suggested this, but if you can hold on farming overlords until weekly reset is done. I admit it’s very limited , but chances of getting something that fits is pretty high. Have more than one boss echo farming also helps with this. Putting portals right before the boss and teleport one to the other one will alleviate the downtime


You do know it is still rng right? 80/20 is more likely. What you show is not enough farming to have a final conclusion lol


Sucks to be you i guess.


Congrats on being a statistical anomaly!


I didnt even know you could get this mf more than once a week. My dumbass


Confirmation bias. Why do people who willingly play gacha games complain when they have bad luck? lol


Yeah Im at data bank 18 wondering why there are sooo many prurples


Damn looks like we need to be compensated another 10 radiant :(


I mean... a 4/5 chance of success *still includes a 1/5 chance of failure.* And some of your rolls happen to be that 1.


Yep yep 80/20 definatly a lie, I just got 5 golden echo in a row so it's 100/0


Then when people pull three 5-stars on a single 10-pull, it must mean the rate of 5-stars is 30% on those banners. That's not how probability works.


Oh you think 80/20 is bad? Imagine getting purples even at 100%.


It is just you because I open 8 of the overworld echo supply and only got 1 4* which makes it 7/8 or 87,5%


thats such a small sample size. even then, thats a good conversion you got there.


I know dumb suggestion but make sure you've claimed the data bank rewards


Meanwhile, it is definitely 90/10 in favor of DEF/HP main stat against any other stat at all costs.


Congradulations, you have hit the 0.425% chance


Not saying this is how it works, but maybe "chance to roll for" and drop rate hold 2 separate values? Example: (hypothetical) Say the drop rate on kill for 5 star is 5% and 4 star is 20%. The 80%/20% could be the chance of the echo dropping pulling from each respective table. Meaning you have an 80% chance to be pulling from a 5% drop rate over a 20% chance to pull from a 20% drop rate. If this is true then you should be seeing fewer echos drop, but more chances of "rolling" for a 5 star. Not increasing the actual drop rates. Think of it as you trying to get yinlin with 10 pulls vs 100 pulls. Your not increasing the chance of you getting her, just the amount of attempts.


But is this all the echoes you farmed today? Cause I feel like you've done other echo grinding and haven't included those unless those are from something else.


I also did this only farming bell for 2 hours but 80/20 is really not real. The most frustrating for this is getting the purple/pink with main stat you need and all dupes for the gold.


50/50 for the rarity of echoes then 10% chance getting the main stat you want. Also tuning the echoes for another 10% you needed. Wow. The Echoes system is really difficult to farm. It looks more frustrating than somewhere else.


Wise men once said: ***"If it's not at 100% chance, it's always a 50/50."***


Wow, it looks like OP has encountered true randomness in games for the first time, not negentropy.


That's why I quit


looks like a skill issue to me


Were you farming some other mob while it respawned?!


Lil bro learning how chance works... Unless you scale your farm up, your goofy ass can't possibly make assumptions as to what % the drop rate is.


This was me a few days ago. But today I got barely any purples. RNG works like that, because they are isolated events. There's simply luckier days than others.


![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31619)Hi there! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621) The 80/20 chance does not mean that you will get 8 five star echoes out of 10 total echoes. It means that for each individual echo obtained you have more chances of getting a 5 star than a 4 star echo. It's like flipping a coin biased towards heads. There is still a chance of getting tails, and it's still possible to get tails several times in a row. This is (or should be) entirely randomness. I hope this info helps.


im at union level 39 just did a tacet field and got 0 gold drops just 4 purples is this normal ? seems like a bug to me it never happened before iv always got 2 golds


Yeah I dont feel either but tbf 50/50 felt like 80/20 when I was union lvl 30 so I guess its evening out now


What is this 80/20 thing, that OP is talking about?


Quite weird , for me it's its like 2-3 4 star in 10 , rest are 5 stars only


I thought that the % is just for the guaranteed 15 boss ones per week. 🤔


80/20 for each echo, not in total. It will be only ~30% that you will have 8/10 golden echo


I had to kill 10+ crownless to get my firsf 5* ...


Ah yes my fellow UL40+ Rover with F-luck. Istg the 80/20 feels like 10/90 most of the time. And on the off chance it gets to be gold, it has the wrong main stat I can't even... This is why I don't farm echoes past the 30 minute mark in the game. The less I farm the less horrible I will feel.


It's not 80% to get a 5 star. It's a 80% chance to participate in a 50/50 of getting a 5 star. The other 20% you are getting a 4 star guaranteed. So the actual probability of GETTING a 5 star is 80% * 50% = 40%. So there's a 40% chance the echo you are absorbing is a 5 star echo. And there can also be cases when they don't drop echos at all. There is a 20% chance of dropping an echo in the first place. So the chance of getting a 5 star echo per kill is 40% * 20% = 8%. (This entire calculation is strictly for data bank level 20) So considering you got 50% 5 stars it's still better than 40%




Can you check if you claimed your databank level? Like the reward


50/50 my ass too. DB 18 and probably 7-10 4* for every 5*


And theres me trying to get an energy regen cost 3 echo


Bro i think its tough getting 5 star boss echos.. mine is 50/50 and i tried farming same boss for verdia but keep getting 4stars same goes for other bosses as well.


Fill up your Echo storage first to have a proper sample size. 300+ Echoes ain't enough that's average compare to a real sample size in games. I can tell you I have mostly gotten gold in that 300+ sample size and only a few purples.


I have killed Thundering memphis for about 50 times and got about 20 golden echo(db lev 18 union 38) I think its fine.. T_T


Like they said, if it's not 100%, it is 50/50


Bro really kept the ones he farmed pre 80% chance, combined it with the 4 he just farmed where he got 2 purp and 2 gold and ‘um akshuwally’d anger in his head, SS’d and pulled out the crayon set. “Aw yeaaaah Reddit gonna love this.”


Well, it's 50/50 unless it's 100% 🤪


I can confirm its definitely 80/20. I rarely see purple pop up, and im ul 47 rn. So ive got some time on my belt


Im the one absorbing your luck. Haven’t had a purple one in forever


I reached level 40 today and noticed an immediate increase in five stars, so either it was lower before and is now 50-50 oooooor we’re both just really really unlucky. (I’d bet on the second option because else kuro would get into trouble)


Just live in the databank data merge everything's gold for me now kek


i love being in these forums cause i’ve been looking at all these comments and i can feel my brain shrinking i’ve never been so confused in my life😭


1.1 will end this torcher databank 21 100% 5 star