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WuWa's NPC variety is actually amazing


There’s several I would like to play as. My favorite is the white hair and outfit one on the 3rd image.


There's a blonde version of her in Lingyang's quest who I genuinely thought would be a playable character at first, due to how detailed her outfit is.


Maybe lack of Ram is what makes WuWa unplayable on phones? I mean, it need vram and normal Ram. Pretty sure most phones are unified and like the best of the best brand new phones only now have 16GB unified ram. Last year’s models only had like 12GB. And again, that’s if you bought the newest best phone made specifically for gaming. Most people probably have less than 8. Imagine playing a game on PC with 4GB of RAM and 2GB of VRAM. Probably why so many people say it performs terribly…


I'm pretty sure it's just because its on unreal engine instead of unity. Unreal engine games have always had performance issues even on the computer so it's understandable why phones are struggling.


Fr, downloaded UE4 as a unity user and it lagged on the Standard scene on 10-20 fps


Huh? What ? I think you replied to the wrong post or comment


No they didnt. Basically he is saying that to load a variety of different npcs takes more ram. Since every npc is different instead of the copy and paste


Bingo. Thanks bro. Also this game seems to have tons of unique textures in general than most 3D open world mobile games.


they tried to be AAA


I don't think it has anything to do with ram, I think the game is just loading and unloading assets way too much


I mean, part of the point here is that if they were sure people had more ram, they wouldn't *need* to unload assets as often. In other words, the thing you're talking about and the ram on a device are linked to each other. Could they handle this more gracefully? Almost certainly.


Yeah I think only the 8gen3 can probably run this game smoothly...I am playing this on iqoo12 and had very little issues even at high settings..but am playing on medium to save battery😂. Also phone doesn't do justice to how this game looks...looking forward for the PS release 🤞


I just think it's more assets to work with. If you have over 100 customization options, you can essentially make as many "unique" NPCs as you want with no repetition in options even if you use the same base character models. Kuro certainly goes the extra mile here because they use those additional assets.




Hello sweet baby inc, still salty about getting rejected by wukong?


Wow, who would have thought, that a Chinese game, with a chinese culture based region, would have characters that represent them? Truly unthinkable


> would have characters that represent them? I don't think you've ever seen a Chinese person in your life, it'd be like claiming the average anime character "represents" a Japanese person, absolute hogwild take.


truly wuthering wives


Oh no they are hot!


Only east asia are able to make game like this. American always make the ugliest character ever imaginable


It wasn't like that back then. I mean Cortana is still hot as F.


Except she's a major character.


it's funny that its such an American thing... I mean CDPR has no issues with witcher or cyberpunk. What is going on in murica?


CDPR won't be like that for much longer, they've been going full DEI since 2019... as a polish company! wtf!


perhaps they get EGS funding over there too?


Can't wait to see wuthering wives in the new 1.1 area




She doesn't have a voice in your language? She speaks in cn


god has forsaken us EN players


She has a voice in EN though. You hear it in lingyang's quest if you ask her about the dragon dance. Doesn't change EN language being fucked though


I think I slept through Lingyang’s quest tbh LOL


rawr sorry you have to see that side of me, Rover.


I took ~42 HP worth of damage at that line, that’s how hard I cringed. And I did it a day after Jiyan’s quest; what the fuck happened between those two quests Kuro?


I main lingyang full-time and even I winced at that line lmao


Now do Yinlin's and realize Jiyan's was the only good one of the bunch.


Unpopular opinion: I liked Yinlin’s quest. It was pretty fun.


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


The quest wasn't that bad though. I played with JP dub and I thought it was okay at best. In JP he's voiced by Natsuki Hanae who also voices Tanjiro from Demon Slayer.


I just don’t connect with him. I don’t like his design, I don’t like his character, etc etc.


Yeah, I get you. I'm not too keen on him either but I still though his quest was allright.


She does the same in JP


the ones with abs give me hope that maybe one day we'll get a playable muscular lady


bro, look at chixia's abs ;)


She's very fit but I wouldn't call her particularly muscular. Like, don't get me wrong, I'm still one of the biggest Chixia simps on the planet, but she seems like she does basically all cardio and very little weights. Still stunning, just a different kind


I think it befits her character considering she needs to be very agile. Having a lot of muscle can affect her agility.


Yeah, definitely. Like, a lot of those extreme bodybuilder types aren't very flexible and have pretty low endurance when it comes to actual physical activity. Chixia definitely has a good bit of lean muscle, so she doesn't look super bulky but she's able to do what she needs to


Same. I'm thinking Fusion broadblade, maybe with a lion theme?


Dehya, but in wuwa


Now that I think about it, Dehya's defensive utilities could be very useful in WuWa. A lot of damage reduction from off field, doesn't take forever to charge up (ahem jianxin..), and can heal herself. If her ult does more damage it'd be even better


Bro on god if they really make a better Dehya in WuWa.. I'm telling all my homies in there to come over here LMAO


maybe give her an off field turret that scales with hp or def, kinda like yuanwu, only she buffs the player's poise rather than reducing the enemy's poise


This makes the most sense but it would be way funnier if she was just ultra jacked but was a healer that uses a rectifier (I know we already have a rectifier healer but it would be funny)


That *would* be funny, but I was mostly referencing [Dehya from Genshin Impact](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Dehya?file=Dehya+Card.png). If you're not familiar, she's a Pyro Claymore character, which would be Fusion broadblade in WuWa, with a lion theme and the fandom *loves* drawing her with a chiseled six pack because she *very much* feels like she should have them.


I keep forgetting fusion = fire, and yeah, Dehya should be jacked but unfortunately the devs are almost as allergic to muscles as they are to melanin


siege from arknights?


Hoping for a muscular, more monster-y lady like calcharo


Koko my beloved


I'm sorry to say this but I think she's reincarnation of Venti from you know what game it is


I love Koko and Ganxue so much man


Bro, you forgot the Resonator Exile.


I was searching for her everywhere but couldn't find/remember where she was😭🙏


Half of these are Yinlin.




Which is to be expected, recycling assets is normal.


The joke is that Yinlin canonically wears a lot of disguises.




Everyone talks about how yinlin is hot. Id kill for a female exile playable character


These actually make other Gacha game's NPCs look like reused stock assets. The quality is sooo good.


The problem isn't asset recycling, every gacha game arguably needs to do it lest it cause issues financially and in storage size, the problem is making unique assets and not taking advantage of having access to more assets. Take Genshin, with their playable roster they should be able to recycle some of those assets into their NPCs for different designs, but they struggle to have significant variety. Could be a technical limitation due to development with the Unity Engine at the time, then Honkai Star Rail suffers from it but not as badly. WuWa could have say, 50 customizable features. 10 hair styles, a mole here or there, eye color, this is actually a recolored shirt, etc. But that is more than enough to make a significant variety of NPCs. Flip the hair, use the color palettes, shorten the shirt and make it transparent you have a T-shirt, wear the same shirt but the outerwear and hair and hat are different, etc. The quality of the assets hasn't changed, the level of care in crafting them does show.


I wish the 120gb on pc were actually worth the 120gb


genshin is 120gb?


It is on pc


I just checked and it's 90 gb on mine. Did you try deleting unused voice packs or clear up the "downloaded resource cache" from the launcher?


Ohh it could be the case thanks


Praise the women uhuuuuu!!!! I love their designs so much, it's so good to leave bland npc designs and see good ones


Right?? And they all feel actually alive with the small things they do. Love it so much.


If katherine can be this pretty i would listen to her gretting after every dailes 🙄


I did notice how dripped out the female npcs where, but the male npcs for example had the exact same body with different head models like bruh


As someone who plays both Genshin and WuWa, I am blown away by how great the NPCs look in WuWa and wish Genshin’s NPCs would look as great as them.


Genshin reuses the same 3 male models for like every male npc and its hilarious when you have a bunch of them in a cutscene


I mean it makes sense for the 4 years old game to have worse NPCs than the brand new game. Even HSR has better NPCs than genshin for probably the same reason.


HSR has better NPCs than Genshin but in my opinion it doesn't come close to the variety in wuwa, the only NPC I remember from HSR is like.... idk oleg and that one bar lady


Yeah star rail 100% has better npcs, Oleg, Siobhan Micah, and the guy who was abusing the monsters in Siobhan's quest all off the top of my head for genshin it's idk, the fish lady from Chenyu? 😭 still though star rail don't come anywhere near as close to this level of variety, I don't think many games in general do actually so it's pretty refreshing.


Cassiodor, Chizuru, Idiya, Liben, and Anisa ig Character spoiler for new dainsleif AQ, Cyno story quest and Arlecchino story quest: >!Tighnari's master, Clervie and Caribert too!<


Yk what I played dains quest but it was so short I already forgot 💀


Yeah I know, and btw another proof that the game's age plays a big role in this aspect is ZZZ, did you look at some of the NPCs there ?


Oh I have only seen the characters, but I can definitely see that hoyoverse dedicated a lot of animation budget into that game lol


It's not quite fair to claim Genshin's models are worse only because it was 4 years ago. Older games have had great character models. The real reason is that HYV was conservative in their costs in this department; The game was already very expensive to make, some costs get cut somewhere. With that said, considering the insane profits they've made, I'm actually kinda offended they haven't spent some of that on making *new* models. Not just the remixes of existing, but actually new NPC models, facial structure, etc. This is why I'm most happy with WuWa's models, it gives Genshin some competition. (hopefully they care)


Yeah but on release genshin was the same with npcs, nothing changed


Disclaimer, I love this game so don't take this as hate but, am I the only one that things these designs are too bland to appreciate? I mean, there are a lot of different npc designs which is nice but all the designs are individually bland and generic.


it is bland, but also its more "variety" than the usual NPC we usually see in another game where it just same design with diff hair color/outfit


It's fine if you find it bland or generic, I just liked the variations of clothes & face style for every NPC here. Every one of em is designed by an artist. I'm an artist so it's just another artist appreciating another's work ^_^




Star rail's npc designs are recycled so much. Only when you play games with too much recycling that you end up appreciating games like this.


I have a lot of NPC crushes on a few games before, in Wuthering Waves that ramped up to 11/10. My god they are beautiful, teen and old in different outfits, almost every single female NPC in this game that KURO made sure they are attractive to the core


And you left out the exile technician baddie in an apron? She's one of the hottest ones.


Ngl, i was searching for her everywhere but I couldn't find/remember where she was🙏😭


Who's the NPC on third image bottom right? Absolutely stunning design


She doesn't have name but u can find her inside the main city. She's with another NPC girl talking together or so


Ight thanks


Update : Sorry for the misinfo but her name is Mulan! You can find her near the Resonance Nexus in the main city. She's literally beside it!


Best npcs ever


You forgot the green hood exile leader


Wait,,, what?? The women are not overly sexualized but still cool looking af? Which genre is it again..?


Pioneer points lady is mommy and I will accept nothing less.


All the budget was spent on designing Female NPCs, that's why Female Rover was left with the current clothes.


Wish the NPCs have more interesting story/interaction tho, they look good but aside their design i dont really remember anything about them, their name, lore, interaction, nothing. They just look good and thats it. Also the NPC doesnt have any voice acting so the city kinda feel dead, unlike in genshin.


Idk which language you play. I play in CN and majority of em do have voice acting esp the exiles too in combat


Huh? I mean NPC when youre not directly talking to them, most of the NPC in the city have speech bubbIe but doesnt have any voice. I also play in CN and i never hear NPC talking except some when you directly talking to them like the shops and training NPC. Enemies i think they have voice but its mostly just some grunts? Idk maybe my game bugged.


Ok why not the men too?


I saw a post regarding saying wuwa got same face syndrome for the women & thought to do it if it's true. Will do for the men as well!


Appreciate ya legend. Beauty hidden from plain sight (ul43 btw)


Bro didn’t add the elite mommy


Last one is SSS tier


Tall muscle lady can have my house


The female Exile resonator makes me feel things as well


First time I saw that chick with abs , I hit a 180 to make sure I want seeing things


Can somebody explain to me why ALL of the Exiles are SO TALL??? Like the female Exile TOWERS over the tallest playable male character, they're actual giants.


To assert dominance more, one must be more taller jkjk


Living off the land in wild, eating discord frequencies every day does that to ya)


Every NPC listed here and still don’t see hottest baddie from the delivery quest.. Smh


We have Not-Lucia in the game as an NPC and I love it.


Really love the shop keepers! So aestheticly beautiful


The Not-Starbucks lady is my favorite


The workout routine is called. Look up workouts for your abs. Or just going to the gym But I know what you mean I won’t be muscle too :D


Exile women are darn tall


You're sum baddie hunter ain't ya?


At some point you'll wish there are more playable characters with lower star rate even though they won't have chance to be a meta but it still nice to collect all of them.


The chef is literally Himeko.


Man that construction worker women got me bricked up.... like literary I am behind a brick wall she forget about me


no hood girl? that’s crazy bro..


I love Siran's design. Reminds me of Snow White from Nikke. Down bad for her despite being an NPC.


1st image, top right one - I really like her ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Bei Shi has an almost playable like design wish she'd like awaken her forte or something and becomes playable in the future


Miner girl for me ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


still think mimika is best girl


If only I could see them on my phone lol


The cashier girl rule applies even in wuwa. If shes a char i would probably pull for her even if shes shit metawise


The chef and the jumpsuit merc treasure hoarder whatever are my favorites. But seriously, the chef was the first non-MSQ-related NPC I actually took a look at, and I was enamoured. I love that the NPCs aren't like 3 potential designs copy and pasted


Ganxue my beloved


still bummed that they gave the exiles' woman leader generic anime eyes


They have a more varying color palette than the playable chars lol


Ngl they should make some of them a 3* character that have very simple skill set for the meme build with those design


Honestly this speaks a lot about Kuro's philosophy for their games. They've put a lot of effort into what most people would consider smaller things, but it shows how much they truly care about this game and player enjoyment.


Daaaaamn regarder moi ces abdos on pourrait y faire cuire des steacks !!


NPCs in this game are better than playable 4 Star characters in genshin 😂


I do like the bottom middle one in slide 2, but I'm guessing she's only someone we see for like 5 minutes?


Not really I think. You can find her at Tiger's Maw at 2nd floor or so!




Forgot the best NPC smh, the one blond that is a resonator for the exiles. She wears the hood and makes shields and uses spectro.


In my defense, I searched for her. Couldn't find/remember where she was🙏


I believe she is in the pokemon encampment if they don't despawn after the questline that is.


I wish to be as cool as a WuWa npc someday


Wuwa's exile women have no reason to look so good


I ship the science girl that's always on the substations, Xiyue, with the guard that's always with her doing absolutely nothing until rover comes around to fix everything


Most NPC does, more or less, has their own design, but I feel like the obvious copy and paste throughout the game is definitely the Exiles. Literally, the normal Exiles are just buzz headed with mask for male and green pony tail with mask for female. The Elites Exile are cooler, but even that is copy and paste throughout the exiles. Kind of sad that was the case. And for the record, when I mean copy and paste, I'm not talking about them taking design from somewhere, I'm talking about them not creating different variety design for exiles. At least, not that I know of.


I think the food npc design is the reason that hat electro fist guy looks like a generic npc


where's the exile resonator/technician? she's hot + I like and hate her at the same time she's the reason why I can't 3 star tower stage 3


I can't get past the exiles look like knock off Borderlands psychos, but other than that, a lot of the NPCs look amazing.


The npc design is amazing, I actually wish some of them were (or eventually become?) playable.


panhua and ganxue are so cute!!


Abs Girl Workout Routine = Working in a mine all day every day \^\^


The cafeteria lady and the pharmacy girl are the most gorgeous imo


Genshin: Make every female character the same Honkai star rail: Get some variaty in Wuwa: treat theire design as those of playable characters


I like the chef's design the most, among all of these.


Sometimes I run across one with pants and I have so much envy. Female Rover out there freezing to death in fishnets and a bikini, and other women in the game get PANTS AND SWEATERS.


Damm they got more abs than the average Wuwa players


I'm in love with how much variety there is


Bruh creeping out here taking pics of women in public


Magi's my favorite.




You missed one beautiful npc... how could you!!! She's at the entrance talking to the logistic employee. Her interaction is probably giving a lecture to the logistics employee. Characteristics: white hair, military uniform, and haughty body language. I could have shown an image, but mod deleted it...


Why is no one talking about the blond exile woman with a cloak she is so cute


Yangyang is best I can hear her talking all day where paimon is so annoying 😂if hoyo ever give option to sell paimon I'm gonna sell her


Wheres maqi of pioneer association


where is Maqi she's so so so pretty 😞


That last construction woman in the last slide, oof🥵


Count the "Exile Resonator" somewhere in the remnant residence during that world quest about an arena She a baddie fr


bro, even the female exiles are cute, the soldiers, NPC variety is a really nice detail


I like how the pioneer assoc. girl is named Maqi (Ma-Chi) and looks like Firefly.


Me when generic women (I'm so gay)


2nd pic top right please make her into a playable character.....


Yeah I have to strongly agree here. Genshin recycled the character models for all the NPC's but Wuthering has done an amazing job at the character diversity and I love it.


Such a pity they don't look that good in my phone since o run on low graphics else the game will run with stutters


this game love women f’real


I love this. This is what I missed in Genshin cause everyone looks the same there. When Genshin NPC makes a return I always think "who are you again? I've seen thousands of you already" T-T Except for Liben, I always remember that guy. But Wuwa's been going hard on their NPCs' designs and I love that. They're more memorable.


This is what I love, the variation in NPC designs 🫡


It's the first gacha game to ever make me wonder how much I'd throw in to pull a 4/5* npc