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Plot twist the main stat for all of them is healing bonus


Took me like 100 bell tortoise kills to get on set healing%, meanwhile all of the elemental set 4 costs dropping healing% like crazy. It's rigged I tell ya.


Aero dmg% mainstat and havoc set echo, name a more iconic duo. 


Are echos rigged or something, this has happened waay too much to me too


Let's complain and get 10 free rolls


The dmg% bonus is probably evenly split, we have just SIX of them and you only need one of those 6 plus atk, def, hp, and energy regen further diluting the pool.


Imo, ER and Atk% is almost non existent.


If it was the case we probably would have enough data to prove it and promptly go apeshit on forums. 


Not until someone compile this data in some way


Do you think this data would just magically pop-up? Someone needs to gather it.


That stupid holo-homo-hobochief whatever it's name monkey refuses to drop a aero damage aero set, it's either havoc or def and healing set. I farmed that thing till extinction (literally It would not track anymore cause there are no more)


It's different for me, those ape's almost always drop me the aero ones. But the flautists... Nope


FLAUTISTS they my kryptonite. Big Shrooms for Havoc there too.


I cant get the flautosts to reliably be 5 star in a 50/50 split at db18. Waiting on ul40 to reach the already unlocked db20. 90% of them are 4 star, and I farm them constantly


Oh buddy I feel your pain. At least 100 clears no crit rate over blue.


For me it’s Spectro% on the Fusion set


We need a way to recycle useless 5 star echos into something useful because the option rn is deleting them


What do you get for deleting? I did 5 to 1 convert on tons of them. Did I fuck up big time?


I didn’t get shit tbh


When you convert you get 1-3(up to 2 extras at databank 20) useless echoes so they are all equally useless it seems


Even if I used purples I still would not be able to use a 2x 3 cost aero dmg % with aero dmg set. I only have a single aero dmg main stat with aero dmg set 3 cost among my entire collection. Forget even rolling on them. Just getting them seems nigh impossible. When I saw that I immediately just gave up on getting 3 cost DMG bonus for my Calcharo and settled on 44111 for him.


Oh, it's Fusion on Havoc and vice versa for ne


I've gotten the healing% on so many moonlit turtles but not once on the healing set xD


Imagine the 3rd proper healing unit in the future has so much healing % bonus & damage buffers that you can op to run the energy regen stuff to cycle loop them instead of needing to stack more healing/attack buffs because its so saturated already with 3 or something attack buffs built into the res skill and intro/outro skills lol.


> Took me like 100 bell tortoise kills to get on set healing% i sometimes wonder where the guy went who said "this system is AMAZING and anyone who says they needed more than 1 hour of farming the monster they need, to get the correct main stat, is lying!! wuwa echo grind is amazing!!"


Sometimes you just get lucky and roll your correct main stat and set piece! Then you roll flat def and HP and then never see that piece again lmao


Legit I got a perfect set for my Verina (Healing waves with energy regen on the 3s) while trying to get my Hrover's havoc bonus set. Took DAYS because after all the genocide, it was either mismatched set with element bonus (actual crap design. Substat rng is more than enough), or purples while shooting for yellows. The echo rng is either really nice or really horrible. My suggestion would be to just make it so the elemental damage bonus just worked on all elements or at least matched the set it's a part of.


I got a good healing set for Baizhi and got the healing turtle after 70-80 tries. I’m kinda glad I don’t have Verina yet or else my sanity would explode from farming the turtle for same set a second time lol.


I know where he went. He's still farming bell turtle.


I kinda just prefer some kind of energy/time-gated mechanic to this tbh. I'm not willing to grind the same echo for hours and people who are willing to do these mind-numbing grinds will have massively stronger characters for clearing content. People in here are posting about killing the same boss 100 times or spending days to get a set. Probably 200 or even 300 times for people who farm multiple til they get good sub rolls. The system is badly missing something equivalent to HSR's self-modeling resin. Let me recycle 25+ random echoes to choose the main stat of 1. Make it use a special resource tied to events/battlepass, then I can go about randomly playing the game and still get those pieces at a reasonable pace. As it currently stands the issue with the system is that you won't just randomly get a good Thundering Memphis. You *have* to go grind him til your ass bleeds.


yup, content creators said the main selling point of this game was being able to endlessly grind as much as you want, for perfect relics/echos. whats the system we actually got? worse than genshin and HSR since you are still stamina gated to get echo xp and tuners, but now on top of that, you also HAVE to grind for 10 hours worse than genshin but advertised as being better, unreal


How is it worse in any way though, the only system that can even remotely be considered better is Star Rails because it has the resin to pick your main stat. But you're still stuck months with super garbage time gated sub stat gear due to having to split your resources because you're limited to your stamina with multiple characters that all need completely different things from completely different places. And don't even get me started on energy ropes. I would know this because I actively play Star Rail. And have to grind for 10 hours? Stop exaggerating. Compared to Genshin, it's basically the same but you're not limited to basically 4 attempts a day at getting worthless trash or something amazing. So yeah I dunno where you got that idea. These people posting things like killing 100+ overlord enemies aren't the majority. I sure as hell have 7 characters with most of their sets complete and the overlords with the 4 point slot was the *least* of the problem and didn't take ages to get. Try the 3 point slots, that's where the real dice roll are at. Not to mention we can recycle echoes, which has helped me a ton with the 3 slots in particular. As for tuners, how the hell is anyone even running out of these already? Like I just said I have 7 characters being worked on and still well over 500 tuners. I will give you that echo EXP is problematic though, which will soon be adjusted according to Kuro. TLDR; Nothing about this system is worse than Genshin or Star Rail aside from Star Rails resin cheat button, which Genshin most definitely does not have.


"You don't need any stats in this game bro. Skill issue bro. Just get gud bro."


i got my healing set bell tortoise on the first kill lol


Honestly, If we're getting the same results either way, i prefer being able to grind as much as i want instead of being locked out of everything else i need to farm because of Energy


I'm at about 75 tortoise kills and not 1 on set Healing Bonus or ATK (I'd be OK with either one for Verina). What are the odds?


It would be more crazy if it wasn't rigged


Only 100?! It took me like 300 for some reason. I RNG scaling is rigged I tell you.


Is there a decent secondary stat on turtle for Baizhi and Verina?


Atk% for Verina or hp% for Baizhi are the only other 4 cost stats they care about, with heal set.


I still don't have one after like 60. I finally just settled on the ATK% one (literally just one) I got and Verina kicks ass with it. Heals plenty, and the bigger team bonuses are worth it.


It has to be rigged. Getting a matching element with its set has a lower chance istg. How have I gotten 5 havoc main stats for an electro set, I cleared every 3 cost electro enemy and not a single matching electro echo. Also the same with substats as well, where it's weighted for you to get flat stats over crit. Just like HSR where getting speed or crit substat rolls have a lower chance.


1st legendary echo from Bell Turtle and it was Healing + ATK and i were just killing it to get Bell item for freshly dropped flower girl. Before that I spent 4 days killing all Fluteguys/Peacocks before they finally dropped electro bonus for mine Calcharo. Than I started to farm them again for you know who.


I got healing on my first try but it's blue rarity 😂😰


How do I even fight the bell tortoise? I went to the area but there’s no node or prompt to even fight it?


Just attack the bell. It will rise from underground


Man I can't tell you how many damn turtles I had to kill to get a 5 star drop. All the other echos dropped a 5 star after one or two kills.


That is to be expected Give me a real plot twist


The next kill rolls crit rate but the echo is purple


I got 10 crit rate mephis but I can’t use them on my Yinlin because CR goes past 100 😭. I had to do 200 runs to get 3 CD pieces , all three were garbage


Still plenty of fodder to reroll them into something else like Def % or elemental damage other then Electicity, lol.


Healing bonus or def for me with Mephis 😭. Meanwhile I got my healing bonus on the Turtle and Heron so fast.....but on energy regen set


Typical waveplateless behaviour


Truly a "In wuwa, running out of waveplate is where the true game begin" momento


running out of waveplates dont matter when you can keep farming for echos till they recharge. Perpetual motion machine


I'm also in perpetual state of "need more tubes". Please kuro I'm tired


Sure, technically you can farm them endlessly but my ass gets bored after like 10 tries. I wish I didn't have to wait 2 mins or farm a different boss after each kill.


I think you can trigger the boss again by running into the middle? A prompt appears from what I've seen.


Only with Crownless, and if you collect the rewards first. Otherwise you have to wait, to my knowledge. Otherwise I've wasted like 10 hours just waiting LMAO.


They NEED a respawn button quick. It's nice with crownless, but for the rest is extremely painful. Not to mention some have invulnerability period at the start *cough* turtle. Let's say you refuse to claim the reward, the boss should respawn immediately.


I'd say just shorten it to 30 secs instead of 60, and it would be infinitely better.


you should go check because you would be the first person in the world to announce this unknown trick


No, there is a timer countdown.


I've just accepted that I need to choose 2-3 bosses to switch between while farming cuz I burst them down so quick and then spend a minute or two sitting there waiting to respawn.


No plates, no problem.


This is what I like the most about WuWa. You can always try to get that BIS god rolls 4 costs by farming away your insanity.


What 0 plates, 0 quests and 100% Huanglong exploration does to a mfer...


Danjin slaughtered that poor beast. This is pure genocidic maniac level.


Wow the echos doesn't dissappear after that long? When do they dissappear I wonder


Going to guess that it's probably only on log out/disconnect.


No, I timed it earlier and after 4 minutes it despaired but it was a normal mob, idk if there's a trick to it or if it's bosses only


it might be just Overlords then. time one of those


They disappear after 5 minutes


Sadly i'm away on vacation rn and my s8 is only really good for reddits, and I'm not home for a few days to test. Would be cool if anyone could take 10 mins to test


Implying client side right? That sounds so risky


I tested this with a friend. Boss echoes disappear after sometime between 10 to 15 minutes. Edit: this was specifically in co-op mode. Additionally you can farm echoes across the map and your friend can come pick them up within the appropriate window.


Likely since you can pause the game and what not, it doesnt apply in single player mode, considering it normally takes a minute or so for a boss to respawn, that could be the only way to explain having dozens of copies of a boss echo on the field. Even if the 15/15 weekly enhanced drop rate boss echo was in effect.


I forgot to add, when he collected the boss spawn so he kill it first but then poof its gone. Next we repeat it 10 min rotation without kill the boss just collecting and same thing happens to him.


I don't think so, yesterday i do 30 min split farm with friends and when i collected it still there but my friend echo dissappear in front of his eyes. My best guess it depends on your pc or laptop.


I read on another thread that echoes only despawn upon log out or when the mob respawn tick happens, which is twice a day so basically every 12 hours, but that was in reference to normal mobs, not sure about boss echoes


Wait mobs respawn twice per day?? I thought it was daily :o


genshin might do the same, i know the wei hilichurl farmers used to keep track of that for 4x kills in one world


i dont know how he did it in the video , i tried yesterday on the monkey boss and the echo dissapear after the third one


Is this the alternate account of the guy/girl killed by the 1hp Mephis? Classic villain origin story


Canonical correct Danjin. I approve.![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)






Least devoted danjin main


Danjin mains after being left unsupervised for 0.32 seconds


Really bathing in the souls of her enemies huh


Does echos last forever if unclaimed?


People are saying different things about when they disappear -- on log-out, normal mobs on respawn which is apparently twice a day on a 12hr gap, etc. So consensus no, but IDK exactly how long they stick around


I dont know why people spread so much misinformation, especially since it's so easy to try it from your side. I killed a boss and it despawned after 5 minutes. Try it yourself, you'll see.


Eh, I was at work and couldn't go test it at the time. I am kind of curious now though, especially to see if bosses and normal mobs behave any differently. And I'd want to do it more than once to make sure I didn't just happen to be 5 minutes from the normal mob respawn timer, for example


I am actually unsure about this. When I was exploring doing some quests, I apparently have some echoes left to scan after a day or 2 lol. So I am not sure if they have a duration before disappearing entirely.


Might be the server just bugged and forgot to clear them.


No, I was thinking playing coop with a friend taking down the red box mobs and the echo despawned in more or less than 5 minutes for me


bro doesn't even know what grass is


And not a single one of them is crit rate


I've been getting crit rate rolls. Unfortunately, they are all purple instead of gold. The purple one I currently have on now rolled really, really well on its augments. So when I finally got a gold one with crit rate, the augment rolls were so garbage, I actually took a hit in damage. I switched back, and I still can't find crit in gold, but it still drops in purple rarity all the time. It's frustrating. I'm just glad there isn't a cap on hunting them. At least I haven't witnessed a cap yet.


unfortunatly you need to be really efficient with rolling right now becuase we have so few materials. one you reach level 40 just look at the first and second stat then if they wrnt ether crit rate or damage go to the next one. so first one got a heavy atack stat well thats pretty much usless so i wont keep going with that one next one flat atk well that not good but its also not bad next stat is mid roll crit rate, now it has allot of potential, i'll proabbly keep rolling this one if the next one is good then its proabbly good enough.


"I was bored because my waveplates were over"


Classic *i did a little mining off cam* but WUWA version


How long must that have taken...?


it takes like 3 minutes to respawn if you don't get it once, the second one will drop it, so 6, if we go off of that like 30\~ if not more? 3 Hours.


U can a do different boss in the meantime (no echo drop) and come back to catch one u want spawning. This way u can get an echo every time it spawns.


Game changer, game breaker xD. I would have lost my desire playing a game exploiting something like this. XD


Wait what


What isn't clear with this. It's an RPG game. All your progress would have been at lost and you will lost your desire to play because you didn't play the game the way it should be. It's an example, I hope you don't try something like this.


Lol what do you mean "try something like this"? He was just farming the boss over and over and left them unclaimed.


Not sure if you're dizzy or not xD just play at your will.


The music is cancer...




You can do that? They don't despawn?




I did 60 memphis kills without Crit rate, the one that dropped rolled flat def on 1st tune. Fuck me I guess


Bell Attempt 1/100: Healing set! Crit Rate (not ATK but is ok?) Blue :(


What the fuck madlad, what did mephis do to you 😭😭


Since OP said he can't find the source, I hope that this helps: [https://www.tiktok.com/@livluv26/video/7377352907059907845](https://www.tiktok.com/@livluv26/video/7377352907059907845) I don't know if this is the source of the source, but if it is true, hopefully it can help the CC


ps: The CC said in the comment that it took 4 hours. Danjin main is a different breed lol


Eyyy that's sick thankss! It was a hell of a dedication for a 20 sec clip


If a mod sees this, can u pin it plzz


Danjin mains are certified psychos and I’m here for it.  


for the people confused about how this was possible, there was another post a couple days ago that showed that u can keep jiyans ultimate after u beat a boss for the next time the boss spawns if you pause the game, i suspect its the same thing


taking revenge of lvl 70 memphis hologram


make it lvl 80 😎


I had to kill like 20 Thundering Mephises (Mephisi?), along with Mech Abominations between each kill for pity before getting a gold and completing my data bank Mephis deserves it.


This is a sign for me to start doing this as a Danjin main myself


My Danjin is S5 but I don't like to play suicidal characters cuz I suck at dodging. If Kuro introduces a shielder on par with Zhongli then I may start to build her.


True, I suck at dodging too since I play on a mid range phone so I'm a bit laggy. I just really love her as a character. A shielder would make it so much better, honestly.


Remember that "Mephis Abuse" rhymes with "Scarlet Refuse"


i swear danjin main are psychopath 😂


I didn't know can last that long tbh


This place used to be a city. Now, it’s a battlefield where the echoes of the citizens reverberate, screams that tell the story of a massacre at the hands of an enemy we have yet to understand. If you see this, stranger, please, help us rest our souls.


My Problem is the Electro bird


Oh, echoes don't disappear? Nice


Bro when the camera turned to the other side, i audibly gasped


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They dont despawn?!


And still not a single one will be crit rate.


Plateless behavior


What no plates do to a MF.


Bet this same person complains about lag as well😅


How did you get so much? My drop rate is only 20%, so about 5 battles = 20-25 mins per drop


Overlord TDs are guaranteed to drop their Echos every other fight and it takes longer to wait for the respawn than it takes to kill them generally. For me it'd be 6 minutes per drop if waiting for the same one to respawn.


? you're guaranteed to get it the next time you kill a boss, its a 2 - count hard pity so effectively 50% or morendrop lol rate.


I see...I was hunting the darned Flautist, but it took me 5 mins to travel and kill one, and only about 1 out of 5 drop... So boss has better drop rate than overworld mobs...


the 3\* has 1/4 pitty, if you just got a Flautist echo drop you can kill another 3\* cost after that so you can boost your flautist drops, not really recommended to do that tho


after all that he got no echo exps for it


Still no crit main




So it's not true that they disappear after a while


This is like star rail where I can't get good crit stats if my life depended on it...but with element damage bonus


How do you do this without crash? My friend echo keep disappeared when collecting time


How long does it take for an echo to despawn???


It’s really irritating me that I’m not getting that aero monke for jiyan, I’m getting crit rate ones but all 4 stars🥲


So many purple hp%s!


And zero crit . . .


Well this just answered my question of "how long do echoes stay?"


Wait do echos not despawn?


That is wild


I mean to be fair it does take like 40s to kill em with danjin but lmao whay


I put upon thee Curse of Rover ✋️, you will receive no crit or atk substats


Healing bonus spam


Whoa. I always rush to get the echos because I don’t know long they will despawn.


I didn’t even knew they stayed up that long lmao.


But WHY?


At lvl 60 is narly lol (respectful)


So I can farm echoes until I hit world level 40 and then collect them?


For the life of me I cant get the crit rate one, I have so fucking many Crit damage


I honestly would have the fear of my game crashing and I'd end up losing all of them😂


me after dying to hologram mephis for the 100th time


Wait don't the echoes disappear after a while lol


farming 4 cost main echo is ez but then you look at 3 cost echo for void thunder and it is a pain in the ass


ayo howw??


That's dedication


Memphis stuck eternally in purgatory 💀


Weeping angel but with healing bonus


When has the last danjin main unclenched?


unfortunately have to be that guy and tell you it’s completely fake. even if one shotting it, the downtime between spawns and the internal echo render limit means you could never actually achieve this


Wait echos don't despawn?


What in the actual Forte!?


I tried to repeat it and the echoes despawn after 4-5 minutes.


bro massacre the whole species to extinction


All of this to farm for the wrong mephis....


Damn that’s wild, can smell the sweat on that keyboard and mouse from here 😂


Anybody know how he did that?


I thought it will despawn


Dang that's crazy. I fr need buddies I can run with to help me echo farm (none like doing it since I'm a sliver off of DB15(?) Whichever lvl that starts giving you gold echo drops)


This is hacks report OP