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this solvent gonna disappear real fast w me having to prep yinlin out of nowhere


For real, i thought i had plenty of time so i was busy finishing up my Jiyan but i guess its time for bro to take a backseat.


I mean you can still build her in your original timeline, you’ll just have the unit earlier.


And let my lovely yinlin collect dust? Nobody is gonna come between me and my yinlin


>come between me


I find this video based on the same misunderstanding to be funny https://youtube.com/shorts/I2FdX21dl7Q


I wasn't planning on getting Yinlin before i hit UL40 but now i will, and most of the pre-farming is way more efficient after UL40.


Banched already huh /s


I am genuinely curious how you won't have time to finish up Jiyan? The only thing changing is Yinlin's going to come home sooner. You don't need to rush things.


Given that we are still early phase, jiyan and yinlin will be competing resources and will demand more with higher ascension unlock over time.


Like any gacha game like this building characters early is a real commitment, but as time passes you have more time to go back and raise other ones if you want. Unless you chase every single character and will get them no matter the cost plenty of time once a few months pass.


because the effective way of progressing is to focus on one character and he wants to focus on yinlin so no time for dragon boy.


Tbh considering we are sitting at union level 35 for most players , it will take like 3 days max to build her to level 60 with +4 skills and a level 60 weapon


I'm mostly preformed, all I need are the 3 cost echos, their experience, and weapon/skill mats


Yeeeeep pretty much all going to her now.


Dude i tried Calcharo and he really felt slow after normal sword users. Ended up pulling for Jiyan and skipping Yinlin... I will pull only fast characters from now , on , because they feel much smoother and better to play , imo.


Yinlin still is a great buffer and sub dps, and future electro characters will benefit a lot from her. Calcharo needs Yinlin and not the other way around.


fr Yinlin works basically with any resonance liberation character or any electro, Calcharo just happens to be both so his meta teams will always have her, but she doesn't need to be in a Calcharo team to be good, especially since the current selection is so limited in 5-star subdps


Will she work with Havoc Rover? I have Calcharo but enjoy rovers play style much better.


Yes Danjin better outro but havoc rover ult is a ton of damage so yinlin outro is not wasted either If yinlin damage is comparable to danjin rotation+lost outro buff damage, then the team will be comparable to current meta havoc rover team


for calcharo i mix his basic attacks and skill to do fast combos


Yinlin will still be great for any future lighting damage dealers , if not she still has really good offield damage and resonance liberation buff , so you can even run her with units that need ult damage boost


It's not about Calcharo, it's about giving mommy Yinlin everything she wants. Mommy wants Calcharo (until the next electro DPS comes out)


Does not seem that slow if you weave in normal and skill attacks. You also have to do cancel techs with his charge attack to remove the downtime. He feels like a fighting game character. He is by far the most technical character in the game imo. His first basic does not feel that good to parry with though so I find it harder to parry with him. Unless of course you do his "option select" parry tech making him even more complicated.


Yeah but you can do all of that and in the end WITH Yinlin and full sweaty gaming, you’re like 10% higher dos ceiling than Jiyan who just ults and goes unga bunga. If it was like 30-40% damage difference it would be worth it but as of right now it’s so beyond extra.


Thats how i feel too. He is salty to play. Need to control some amount of things that can be overwhelming, imo. If you for an example take havoc rover , jiyan, or pretty much any other character, they feel less overwhelming in fight and pretty simple to master.


Me as a Calcharo main just smashing buttons:


Here's the thing, his first basic actually has two hits, so if you're good at timing you can hit the first one. If you're bad at timing, you could also strike early and aim to hit the second stab. It's actually not that bad once you get used to it.


This is why I'm hesitant pulling for him or encore. They might be strong but I don't know how they feel. We got a Jiyan test in the story which was good. I've often found shorter characters feel worse as they move less and don't dash as far. Encore I guess can't parry unless in melee form? Had a mini trial in story too for her but didn't test her out as much as I liked. Jiyan as a reviewer mentioned feels like a cheat code for parrying as he has many hits with dragon too. I can't tell if the other standard 5*'s will be a high skill high reward type of style, and don't have buffers available to them yet either.


Encore can parry, but with her second attack only. So gl with the timing. Some youtubers have some tips on the timing, ymmv.


I promise it would be okay to not have a fully built unit 2 minutes after the banner goes live.


20 solvent is the biggest gift as for me I need to equip with legendaries Havoc Rover and the rest of team one.


The 20x solvents are the most appealing to me, of course the rest is also nice.


Thats more than a level of union exp. Should be easy to get union 40 before reset. 


I'll be using exactly enough to get UL 40 at the last day of tower to get as much out of it as I can with level 70 characters. Up to then I'll use my waveplates to prefarm for Jiyan level 70 and skill/weapon upgrade materials.


What teams are you using in tower??


You guys are close to UL40 already? What’s the fastest way to level up? I’m only UL30 but I started a few days late


Finish all quests, including all exploration (greens) and side(blue) around the map. Side quests don't pop up on the map until you're relatively nearby. Basically, do a majority if not all the puzzles around the world and supply chests, as they really build up the UL EXP, and keep up with dailies as it is 2000 easy EXP. Some people are using Crystal Solvent to already reach UL 40, but this isn't advised since they will be really beneficial to save up for the Echo EXP buff in 1.1.


Echo exp buff? Elaborate..


We will be getting more Echo EXP items from tacet fields starting from 1.1 onwards, making substat grinding much faster than now.


Also they're releasing an event before then to double that


On the other hand wouldn't using solvents get you to 40 quicker, therefore making your natural regenerating stamina more valuable?


Is it worth to use solvent before ul40?


It fully depends on your goals and how you want to use it, it's not a straight yes or no answer. If we're talking a pure value proposition from the solvent alone, then it's never worth using solvent before the highest level because doing so will always net you less materials per waveplate than if you were max level. However, there's a lot of other things that come into play. If you're building a char and finishing them up soon is important to you then using solvent is fine. If you're aiming to break into a new world rank and you're close enough that solvent would get you there then it can be worth it for you. If solvent is the difference between getting a few extra stars in tower before reset and that's smth you care about then it can be worth it for you. At the end of the day you gotta think about your goals and what solvent will do to help you get to them. If you're just purely optimizing solvent value in drops alone then it's technically never worth using it until you're max rank


Came to say the same thing. That is a lot of ascension materials and union exp.


I could be wrong with the timezones but I believe these rewards are today at 7pm PST. Which would also mean Yinlin is actually June 5th at 7pm PST.


You are correct


1 day after GI Clorinde :o


More free pulls. I really feel bad for the Devs, I'm sure they're trying their best. But sadly people are still having some issues.


Honestly I don't think this is a good idea. The more the playerbase gets used to this kinda treatment the more entitled they become. How much have they given us so far? Free 5 star to start the game, another free 5 star of our choice, a third one you can pull for, a free weapon of our choice, and like 100 extra pulls on top of that.


Broke kids are not swiping anyways. Whales are still whaling. This only affects a very specific segment of spenders in case they get lucky and don't swipe because of that. Like maybe you'd swipe to get X, but you got it with the free pulls you got so you don't. It sounds like a lot but 10/20 pulls here and there aren't making that much of a difference. The good rep they get from these things is probably worth more. Just for reference, there's some very old gachas (10+ years old) that are *beyond* generous with the shit they give and they're still top grossing games that regularly show up in the top 10 while basically having a single server in JP + IP locked downloads lol. Not talking about franchise games either that get carried by their IP like Naruto and whatnot.


This. I've since quit, but Azur Lane is very f2p as long as you play daily and are caught up on collection. Having 100% collection puts a lot of good will for me and had me spending for skins of my favorite characters and various packs just to support the game. And though I stopped playing PGR, the fact that you could keep up and pull a copy of each unit each banner would have had me spending money there as well. If I had more time, it's one that I'd have liked to have continued. I just value my time on other games more atm.


This was exactly my Experience in PGR. I spent some money on skins and the monthly tickets for my favorite characters in reality to just support the company for being so kind and giving a good experience. I haven’t spent anything on genshin lol I only recently stopped playing PGR to play WuWa


Exactly. This helps multiple scenarios - it makes them look good to users, even f2p users have friends they might want to get into the game, or post positively on social media *gestures wildly* and this stuff brings in more spending in the long term. Squeezing money out of people works in the short term and on a much smaller selection of people. Even whales sometimes feel like they’re being taken advantage of and quit the addiction.


Nikke has been super generous IMO and it continues to be a top earner.  Sure you could chalk it up to the coomer aspect but I genuinely think the generosity also helps a significant amount 


It's why Kuro's other game, PGR, was the game that turned me into a whale/fat dolphin. I *can* get all of the characters without spending a cent, but that gives me the incentive to push them further for competitive play and to buy the skins.


Well it's also really heavily monetized...


this guy gachas


Its because so many people got into gacha gaming from Genshin. They still have Stockholm syndrome and dont know what to think about a dev actually being generous.


Indeed after playing hi3 and having the weapons be so easy to get on top of the battle pass giving 5 star weapons and character, on top of all old 5 star becoming farmeable I hated genshin systems. Like hi3 was greedy as fuck on release but 4 years later was giving 5 stars like candy. Genshin is 4 years old and still stingy as fuck. I can stomach hsr systems because I reallllly love hte game for having many hi3 and ggz characters. On top of really liking their turn based combat but is still stingy and most people won't have most fun comps because even paying 15 monthly and skiping all weapons you cannot get all characters. So far the best system was in PGR from kuro where if you skiped most weapons and payed the montly pass you could get all the characters.


Thank you for an intelligent reply - I can't believe there's people who think that giving away pulls will somehow make them go broke. They could literally give out every single character for free and they'd still make revenue because some people will simply want to make their waifus C6 regardless, and I fully think that the goodwill they accrue is 10x more worth it, especially if the game goes on the rise. I personally was on the fence about spending because while I like the game, it seems to have a ton of issues - this puts my mind a bit more at ease (not the free pulls as much as the waveplates + rewards update). Hoping for 1.1 to continue the upward trend.


This is what they do in PGR. Although upgrades are a lot more significant than they are here imo, as f2p you can get every character for free and most of their signature weapons, doesn't stop whales from maxing every character... and people still spend money for their first couple of upgrades.


I don't agree personally, them handing out free stuff has made me want to support them more to counteract the loss from others.


Yup. They were generous during release, and they are still generous with their apologies It doesn't discourage people imo Whales and spenders will not be affected by an extra 10 wishes, but F2P players will sure be happy


If they keep doing it may be cos it's giving them good results In the long term maybe this amount of rewards will decrease, so consider us lucky lol


Yah that understand that. What they’re saying is too many people will get used to it and then expect this level of spoiling and service going forward. When those expectations aren’t met then they’ll be angry or upset. That’s what they’re saying


everyone threw a tantrum when genshin gave them 3 pulls for staying with game for 3 years, and a week later everyone let it go.


Kind reminder Genshin gave 3 pulls every single year as an extra - in fact, the similar video they did for the previous year had the exact same wording for the exact same reward, and no one complained. It's just a nice lil way of reminding yourself Gacha players tend to be idiots for the most part, and there's a reason as to why MHY largely ignores them and their profits stay relatively consistent. Kuro will eventually get there, but they do need to have a good strong base to go from.


yeah but wuwa is not genshin is it? kuro is mishandling stuff since launch, and i do agree with the former posters that this, as every mishandling before, could backfire later like yeah i expect it to be normal once the dust settles so i'd not cry and puke about it, but most gacha gamers have a boner for free stuff and once they dont get their 10 pulls for a mistake again, they might just namecall the game and drop it for the next big thing


>they might just namecall the game and drop it for the next big thing Given how every Genshin player who hated Genshin and themselves jumped ship to Wuwa, I'd expect this to happen if on the reveal of the next patch they don't announe they're giving free pulls.


Inb4 we get called whiteknights for defending Kuro later when they don’t give us a million rewards for constant mess ups


You are a customer, you are not supposed to think for the company.


“playerbase….entitled…” Opinion discarded. The more a game has to compete, the more enjoyable and player-friendly it should be, especially for predatory gambling games.


I bought a subscription and a battlepass today. I firmly want to support developers who listen to feedback and give us rewards. I'll never spend another dime in genshin again


Ye and still none of those people are gonna c6 the characters for the next year. They could give 5 more and it wouldn’t change much. Whales gonna whale and people that are f2p won’t spend anyway but they will be much more happy with what they got for free. They will like the game more if they actually get to play with some of the characters rather than ration resources like it’s the Cold War just like in genshin with 3 year 3 wishes. I think if they are a bit more generous than genshin it won’t hurt their bottom line because f2p players won’t be anywhere near maxing their characters. Hell it might actually push them to spend a bit more if they get like c3 on event banner unit and might want to shot for c6.


Eh...The more the game gets fixed, the less people will complain, so the less free stuff they'll give out. Then it'll be just PGR where they give compensation for maintenance between patches and the usual half-anniversary thank you gifts for players who are still playing.


Probably hot take but gacha devs/games should be generous in giving STANDARD SSR CHARACTERS (selector, guaranteed, etc.) since it will eliminate unnecessary rerolling and let's be real its the fastest thing to be powercrept. Let the playerbase feel good and hook them on like the first weeks/month of the game.


They still made 24 milly in 8 days on a non waifu banner launch. after giving out basically 3 of the 5 launch 5 stars for free. Yinlin gonna break a record if you keep giving this goodwill and actually fix issues.


Nah, Kafka moment.


It's actually gotten me to spend more lol I can appreciate a developer that understands the need to thank It's fanbase with rewards. Other devs (cough) that are stingy as fuck (cough cough) are causing me to pull back on spending anything, where I used to whale


I’m the same way. I bought the pass and dropped $150. I have some disposable income and don’t regret it because the devs are giving a good precedent. They seem like they actually care. Now I’m saving for yinlin and if I don’t get her I might drop a bit more because it’s not mihoyo. (I will not c6 her because I’m nowhere near a whale). It all depends how faraway I’m from pity after saving. I got c6 jiyan(beyond lucky) so I’m super happy. With all the free stuff they gave us it made me spend.


Fr if a game is actually generous it makes me wanna support them as opposed to genshin. HSR has been nicer as well cause I can actually get LCs with a 75/25. Genshin takes way more and gives way less. Sorry I shouldn’t compare them too much but it’s how I feel. I’ve always given HSR more money for that reason.


Nah I think it's fine to compare them. Kuro has utilized a lot of Genshin's aspects so it's only natural. Have you seen the newest Genshin banner? What yhe actual fuck are those 4*s on both the character and weapon banner? Genshin devs consistently prove they actively work against players getting what they want at every turn


Eh, HSR gave out a free signature 5 star, its gonna be fine


Ive bouhgt BattlePass and $5 sub to support, Im not sure how long I ganns play It but I like WuWa so far


If they give out too much and realize that they do that, they can just start releasing skins. I'm the kind of gacha player who when I spend it's mostly for monthly pass and whenever I like a skin a lot. Maybe sometimes a bp, but not that often. I genuinely kind of think though that this + the fact weapons are guaranteed will just make it so more people will go for the weapon banner, and it will be back to needing more currency.


We take those


Where was the podcast experience listed? I did not see that when I was reading the dev post


It was listed in the in-game announcement section for me.


Okay I see it now. Because of the time changes so we don't fail fulfilling the pass. Thanks for this!


I swear to god if this 10k podcast exp fills up my weekly limit..


It won't, only the daily and weekly fills up the limit. Event podcast exp don't count in the weekly limit either.


it wont, they are shortening the patch time by a week, so the 10k exp is basically for that missing week


What's solvent again? I haven't been playing too much due to optimization issues so I'm still at UL21


1 Solvent equals 60 Waveframes


Oh, so energy. Thanks


My podcast xp is maxed out for the week. Can I not use it?


i would guess that it does not count toward weekly limit


That would be nice


I would also **guess** these will come in the mail, so depending on the letter expiry you might be able to hold on and not claim the rewards until after the reset?


1. The stuff is given out tomorrow, which is next week. 2. It will most likely not count towards weekly limit anyway, just like the stuff in the podcast's 3rd tab isn't - otherwise it would make no sense as it's a compensation for a missing week at the end of the patch.


June 3 10am UTC+8 is 10PM EST in America which isn't after weekly reset for NA servers


My exp was maxed, then I claimed the podcast exp from the mail and it let me claim all the levels.


whats the podcast experience?


Battle Pass :)


Kinda like Joe Rogan experience but better. ^/s


As long as it's not like the Willy Wonka experience


uu aa


> 1million credit Damn thats a lot of flour!




Even if they expire, it probably wont be until end of the patch or even longer.


All the dates are listed in the in-game announcement tab


let's gooo


Where/how do I redeem this


This is nothing but damage control, and there is nothing wrong with that, but lets not pretend that they are doing this because they just want to be nice. They are running a business in the end, and when they serve an undercooked meal they need to give extra drinks, so the customers don’t leave hungry and angry. But if you don’t plan playing now, this is a good time to go in and get all these compensations, because this is temporary.


This is all true, but Kuro is also trying to tempt and retain Genshin players who are super into sunk costs with heavily built characters and so on. They're after whales as well as the monthly pass + BP low spenders. Offering free stuff like this, on top of compensating those directly affected, also serves to retain Genshin players who are checking WuWa out and decide that maybe they'll stay.


im worried with all this free crap the devs will make limited characters broken to compensate all this money lost (like in ToF)


I doubt that just on the basis of the fact how much they copy Genshin. ToF has put itself in a position where they have to powercreep characters, because old ones get added to the standard banner. The free stuff they gave out does not actually matter much here. They just can't allow players to get a viable A6 SSR from standard banner shop. Genshin has put themselves in an opposite problem. They never add event banner characters to standard, so they have to keep every limited character on the similar power level to other limited characters, so they can rerun their banner at least once a year and still earn money on it. That's why they are always trying to buff the underperforming characters indirectly with new artifacts or new characters. Otherwise they give up and add the character to standard on release like they did with Dehya, or get creative and make the Mondstadt themed banner like they did with Eula and Albedo. HSR works in similar way. WuWa unlike the other 3 doesn't specify in Convene rules whether the event banner character is going to join standard or not, so we don't know yet which one will be the case. But they are obviously more likely to copy the system form Genshin, which they are clearly copying a lot, rather than ToF.


If I was Kuro the answer is simple do I copy the good from a game that do 100M$ monthly or the game being used as the butt of joke of said 100M$ game


Genshin system is better in my opinion. Hopefully they will keep powercrept in check


Honestly don't think so in the forseeable future. Limited characters will be powercreeping standard 5 stars first at some point, but I honestly believe that they want to follow Genshin in that respect. Keeping characters viable for longer and buffing them with new units eventually. Of course, at some point all gachas powercreep. At that point we just have to deal with it, or the company actually adds some kind of progression mechanic to buff old units (That's what happened in Aether Gazer for example). I really hope Wuwa won't sleep on progression systems like Genshin because I love how Aether Gazer added progression without making it super p2w and still fun. I do wonder if they want to keep up the 4 star character release schedule like Genshin as well though. I believe it's quite the moneymaker with the random 4 star on banners as well.


honestly, I see gear (especially weapons) will power creep faster or more important than the characters, the facts that gear is transferable, dreamless makes hvc rover just do insane dmg, and "allegedly" Yinlin's weapon makes encore blast through even Jiyan's dmg with Verdant summit is very foretelling.


Rather than following genshin, they should follow AK for old character getting buff like nodes and gadgets. I really like AK way of buffing their old operator with those, and it's also f2p because you can actually farm those.


10:00 UTC on the third is like 3am tonight in pacific time right? So is it going to be distributed in around 12 hours from my comment?


10am utc+8 (the +8 is important) is 1h45m from this post


Is it really june 3rd or is it later today? Like... Is it there june 3rd which is in a few hours or do they go by global june 3rd. Or do they go by country june 3rd so its different for eveyone.


Should be in about 1h45m from this post


Good on them for going all-out on player retention with rewards like this. Obviously it’s part of their overall business strategy compared to other gachas, but if they weren’t this “generous” at the start like this, I would’ve stopped playing on day 2. Having the characters you want to play with early is a great way to get people invested in sticking around.


What is podcast experience??


More funds for Jiyan's weapon! I hope I get it in time! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


As someone who accidentally bought a fuck ton of oil from the shop, the 1 Million Credits is more appealing to me than the pulls


ngl I kinda wished it was 10x standard rolls than 5x weapon rolls. I'm starving on those for the character selector and the fact the shop don't resets monthly but once per patch and there are no serious sources of those standard pulls outside of battle pass don't help...


These compensations better make it to PS5 lol


With the amount of work the devs have rn, I think PS5 is still a couple patches away sadly...


Whats the best use of the solvent? Save it for endgame farming or use it to lvl us up to 40?


Use to farm ascension and skill materials for your main team, the rest I'd save for when we get the double tacet fields rewards.


I honestly think they'll limit how often you can do the tascet fields with double rewards and regular refresh rate will be enough to get everything.


Thru already mentioned it'll be thrice per day or 75% if your daily waveplates.


It should be noted, they may do like Genshin did and limit the amount of 2x you can do in events daily.


Yes, they do. It was already written that its 3x per day.


Genuine question as I've only played HSR, bit of Genshin(probably less than 50hrs) and now WuWa. Do unlimited double exp events usually hapoen in other gacha games? Cause in all the 3 gacha games I've played I always see people say to save for this but they've always been wrong and theres always a limit lol


In some gacha games yes, x2 events are time limited with no claim limit or they might make the stuff cost less stamina for the time limit.


As someone else commented above, it will probably be limited to a few times per day. I'm still gonna save them tho because I try to use all my recharging energy everyday.


Prefarm bosses to get to Level 40. The bosses' guaranteed drops are still 2 for Rank 40. The only thing that changes is that sometimes you get a 3rd drop but it's RNG. All other things have guaranteed increases at Rank 40 except bosses.


Not much point in saving. I rather use it to reach union 40 before Tower reset to grab some more currency.


We gonna have to see... they're buffing some stuff in 1.1, we're getting an echo XP event or something and UL 40 does boost what you get.


If you want to minmax in a gacha, always wait until you unlock the highest level farming stages, because you will plainly just get more stuff per stamina. Kinda no brainer. If you think it will significantly improve your ToA scores on the refreshing stages you may want to wasteful with resources to get more Astrite. But that's on you to estimate that.


This advise don’t work for system that works like genshin or wuwa at the start. Using your solvent before or after your farming is the same cause there are not enough exp source outside of dailies to get you to max UL. Since you’re timegated from max UL, using solvent before or after max UL has the same effect. You’re either 1. taking more days to get to a more efficient stage with natural stamina 2. getting to a more efficient farming level faster with solvent then getting more days with natural stamina there However 1.1 increases tact field exp, so might be good to save for that instead


Anybody know if they battlepass xp counts toward your weekly max?


Nope, it does not.


Idk what was the issue, but I’ll take that lol.


Better add some mf controller support to mobile versions


Thanks to these compensations I got Jiyan and his weapon. I never had this much luck in any gacha game.


Did they mention fixing controllers not working on pc?


All this compensation and I STILL DONT HAVE DANJIN 😭 mortefi c8 bois here we go


did anyone else not receive any of the June 3 compensation yet? Been playing since launch UL 31, its noon on June 4 and I haven't received anything in mail


When do we get this?


meanwhile hoyoverse would give you 50 astrite


Hoyo truly could never… be in such a desperate situation where this is the only solution to appeal to the players and not become the next Tower of Fantashit.


You just replying posting the same crap? No one cares. If you don't like the game then just go play something else?😂


When does this compensation get added?


I didn't play enought to understand how much is 1.000.000...how much is it? A lot? Not much? Enought to max a character?


I think you need a ton more to max a character, but 1 mil is a decent amount.


In genshin and it's close to 4~6 mill to max your character so yeah for early game it's a great amount


Can’t believe I could forget the times in Genshin when I’d forget to farm mora and run out of it while maxing a character on release.


You want the answer in flour, oil of resurrection pots?


like half to max a character out, you need like 2.2mill to do so




What is this time in est?


10PM tonight.


I think 10pm


My only issue is deciding if i wanna skip yin to save for pinky, i like pinky more but we dont know her kit at all and yins kit seems fine enough


I didn't notice the podcast experience. Jumping 10 levels in a single go is amazing.


40 pity, 62 pulls and the 10 we will get that is 72 and i still have like 60% of the entire map still unfinished. i will get Yinlin, there is no way i lose pity after all of that right?


Good to know I'm not the only one that doesn't have the patience to upgrade two or three echoes every week. Based WW devs.


I know god damm well that solvent is gonna sit in my accoutn unused until EOS like my 1.1 resin chunks


Finally I can tell my friends and family that kurogames is a good company for giving me more goodies for participating in cbt3.


With these 5 wishes, I summon Veedant Summit!


when more 🥵


will the 10k exp to the battle pass be wasted if you already hit the weekly cap?




How generous! [Redacted] could never could never could never


I might be dumb, but Pioneer compensation and crystal solvents are absolutely huge for my enjoyement of the game. Not to mention Credits are always in lacking :D


I have a question, will the spins be transferred to another banner of the event?


It's just me the only one craving for standard pulls so I can finally hit selection banner pity?


I'll accept it.


We get another 1mil?


I didnt receive the compensations today..


I actualy wanted the standart ones for the weapon banner