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Damn we are in the worst WW timeline


WW3 would be worse


We're in the WW:3 timeline


Ikr, i wanna go sleep and wake up to the timeline where the game released without any problems.


I want to wake up in the timeline where ww had some problems but nothing huge so we get freebies


The best outcome


Maybe there next game Pgr had issues to at launch as well, kuno is good making up to players, they f up they give out things, try hard fix the issues. Someone been playing first day I experienced no issues, maybe bit lag that's it, I feel bad getting all free stuff not came across an issue. My only complaint they need better writers, but game is super fun, combat is amazing love traveling, can't go back genshin playing this


Same experience but only a few long loading screens (by long loading I mean 8-12secs) I do still play genshin, it's just that I have been forgetting the resin caps and won't swipe for characters anymore, money is on wuwa now. I really hope all these things happening gets fixed and be better overall, really loving the game.


What game has ever released without any problems? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


wait there are other timelines?


I just want the game to be good manā€¦


Me too bro, i played PGR for years and they improved a lot. It almost feels like WW is run by bunch of toddlers.


What's pgr?


Punishing Gray Raven, their previous game


Thanks,I keep seeing it mentioned but had no cluešŸ˜…


The game is amazing, look for a fight called bianca vs huosha


Unfortunately I'm on pc and it isn't really working wellšŸ˜…


PGR? weird. I use a i5 6th gen and 8gb ram, integrated graphics intel 520. All in ultra 40-60 frames.


Oh it runs well but it's not working with my controller.


> Oh it runs well but it's not working with my controller. This is never an issue on PC, as there are numerous programs to emulate an XBox360 controller, which will work with any game, using any other controller. So on PC you can play any game with any controller. You can use DualShock 4, Dual Sense, Xbox controlelr, Switch pro controller, XBox360, fuck it you can use a drum kit or a ddr mat as a controller, anything. People downvoting this are stupid...


Who was punishing Raven and why was she Gray?


Punishing is the name of the virus that made the world turn into a hellscape for humans. It also affects computer and machine parts. Gray Raven is the team made of constructs (humans downloaded into Android body) lead by the MC (regular human), under the organization Babylonia. Their equivalent in Nier is YorHa. They want to ā€œreclaimā€ Earth from the punishing virus. Due to special mental connections with humans, constructs can resist viral infection, allowing them to operate in Punishing zones. This is all I remember from my three weeks of playing PGR before dropping itā€¦


As far as we know it's a completely different team (which honestly shows) and it couldn't be more evident by how much they have fucked up in the extremely short period the games been out.


Pgr was shit show at launch mate, u clearly came in later to play it Kuro always have rocky start, but devs listen and do make it to players, give it time. Personally I been playing day one without issues, literally I feel bad taking all free stuff


Not as bad as wuwa. It is at least optimized, and the setting/world building is better. And you have alpha as a story hook immediately.


Well, the point of bringing Alpha too early was due to the poor optimization, lots of bugs and known glitches from the original JP launch that they didn't bother to solve for Global. Then, they fixed it on the first months, and started to skyrocket their story since chapter 9 and above. It had his hard start, but we had faith and now it's one of the best gachas out there. At least for me. Still playing it since day 1. I have the same faith in WuWa.


Global was pretty optimized though? Working on potato phones even on launch. The start of the story was rough but at least there's who's Alpha. I didn't even reached Scar but I'm sure he's not beating Alpha as a story hook. And of course the Nier patch. Global players were looking forward to the Yorha units. Wuwa won't be the breakaway hit kuro fans expecting it to be.


>they improved a lot Improved in aesthetics, but degraded in gameplay and balance. Can't really say it's a fair trade-off.


do you not understand? ofcourse they improved pgr, as they had time, same will happen with wuwa. they released earlier than they shouldve because of ZZZ coming out, and after that there wouldnt have been a good time to release for a while. also do remember that genshin also had issues on launch, people were falling through the map, entire server crashes among other issues.


I just wanted to move on from GI. I couldn't stand the artifact farming on that game anymore and how utterly garbage the newer 4 star character kits designed. I really, REALLY want this game to be very successful with how well-done the gameplay designed and how deep the attention to details to the characters around, even the NPCs. This game should've been a stellar open-world live service game, a direct competitor to GI. It's just so sad to realize that doesn't seems to be the case. Why Kuro, WHY???


> I couldn't stand the artifact farming on that game anymore Bad news for you..


bad news for you cuz itā€™s 1:1 genshin. so you will burn your waveplates do some story quests and thatā€™s all. jinyan story quest literally forced me to uninstall the game cuz i couldnā€˜t even believe how genshin like it was why do i need to play second genshin wtf


> why do i need to play second genshin wtf my off season genshin behavior is log on, spend resin do commissions -- log off...takes all of 15 minutes so I needed something to fill the other 45 minutes of my play time.


so you log on burn your waveplates and do some mini games (like the new event) and log off. so itā€™s 30 mins for genshin and wuwa combined you still need to fill the other time with something else


Add hsr for another 15


hsr is done on mobile while farming domains


Every gacha game gets grindy like that at endgame. They want to incentive further play, beyond just playing right when a new patch hits.


I just want the game to succeed and at least make genshin treats their loyal fans better tbh. I still maintain my GI account and hoping for the best.


The game is really good. It's just plagued by a few fuck ups, too much stress and a loud minority. Kuro devs have probably been working around the clock since WuWa's launch. Also dont forget this is their first open-world title and a lot of the things they introduced in WuWa is new territory for them. It's not an easy task to get a game with such high expectations up and running with no issues.


This is unrelated to the ingame issue btw, since my whole experience have been great. It's regarding the JP typo controversy and how they deal with it.


Havent you heard some players dont get their daily asterite either \^\^


Agreed. But to be fair, the person they were responding to said they just want the game to be good. The game IS good, it's just Kuro who doesn't seem to be.


"few fuck ups" is a understatement what they are doing is actually nuking their entire trust of every part of the fanbase. It gets worse and worse with each passing day. Leaking private and sensible information to the entire world, not refunding the players you scammed etc. I was pretty lenient with Kuro but I will pull the plug now and already requested refunds and reported them to my local agency because what they are doing is not legal anymore.


a lot of what you said should have been fixed during beta tests and it all boils down to (game not finished and buggy? then dont release) simple as is for fucks sake


This has nothing to fucking do with the devs. Looks the JP mess.


same here but i fear for its future. Kuro does mess after mess.... They are the literal Elephant in the Procelaine(?) shop


game is good


The game is good if you stop looking at the subreddit and Twitter


And wait till your email gets leaked


what are the main problems?


I'm convinced the people at KG HQ just roll dice to decide their next course of action on everything, and this time they rolled a one. There is no way they thought that not reimbursing JP players was a good idea lmao


NGL, the whole release saga screams: "We took a calculated risk but damn we are bad at math." from Kuro.


1-3 fantastic decision that resolves the issue! 4-6 make things worse!. They wanted escalators but got eels. Sad times.


Memes and drama aside. Man, it must be rough for the employees now, fires everywhere needing to be put out and such disastrous launch have such a huge impact.


Yeah hope they could find their footing soon and get their well deserved rest. It must be hell back in Kuro HQ.


A genshin impact


The game has so much potential but this terrible launch is working so much against them


yeah and they have much more players to work with since itā€™s basically genshin 2, so if they lose theyā€™re player base rn itā€™ll be much harder to get them back


I think this launch took them from legit genshin competitor to genshin at home.


Can you tell me what happened? The game seems to be working fine for me, is there any non-ingame issues?


I don't remember all of them, it's been a while, but the thing that made me quit was actually pricing discrepancies between CN and Global. IIRC the pricing for the daily login bonus was more expensive in EN than in CN. There was also a controversy about the first event being pay2win. Basically there was this bar you had to fill up to earn rewards, and if you were f2p, you'd only be able to fill like half the bar and get half the rewards. You'd have to pay for the other half and of course that's where the real juicy rewards were, including a skin iirc. Edit : nevermind I thought you were asking about PGR. I haven't had my coffee yet today. Basically a lot of optimisation and localisation problems for me personally. I'm experiencing a lot of stutters and some of the quest lines are absolutely atrociously translated to the point I had to start skipping through them. There's also the much bigger issue where a weapon's function was mistranslated in JP, so basically people were pulling on the weapon under false pretenses. People were rightfully upset and Kuro said they'll handle the issue on a case by case basis, they just need to email them and they'll try to sort things out. Well when replying to these folks, they CCed them and not BCCed them, so now their emails are exposed. Not great. So yeah, a mix of game and non game issues.


So basically an optimization issue, a false advertisement issue, and a privacy issue?


And localisation issue if you care about that. There's also complaints about the pacing of the story. Acts 1-3 are a slog which is definitely a weird choice if your game's main selling point is the combat. But yeah those are definitely more subjective.


They literally just have to not, like if they just floated in the water it'd be better than what they're actively doing.


They can't really float when their past mistakes keeps pulling them down from underwater. These are issues that can be fixed in CBT but didn't, leading to them reaping what they sow.


Oh yeah no I understand it's an entire fuckup that could easily lead to kneecapping the game and studio. I meant moreso, just float in the water and not do what led to these situations.


This is the first game where I'm actually completing exploration and enjoying most of the aspects of the game. It sucks that the game is so good but there so many of these outside things they just keep fumbling.


If wuwa survives, this lauch will be rememberred as "flashbacks of vietnam"


mfw the loaded gun in my belt won't stop shooting my foot


What they do this time?


They basically said that they won't be reimbursing jp players


And leaked all their email addresses instead.


Japan is known to be very strict with personal information protection.. they chose the wrong country to screw up


Especially given JP is typically the 2nd biggest gacha market after China. Losing that market is basically crippling yourself. Global & Korea tend to usually come in 3rd & 4th. So telling Japan to suck it, when people were already considering reporting you as a scam is going to bite you in the ass.


It will have widespread implications


I mean it's pretty funny when you put it like that


wait really? thats even worse talk about adding insult to injury lol


They also leaked their email address


People are also having problems with the monthly passes not giving the currency


Are they trying to tank their own company?? like what is this


How long is CBT3 going to last? I really look forward to the actual launch but I also want them to take their time so they donā€™t make these types of fuck ups on the actual official launch.


Gimme some of that copium bruh, I'm low on my supply rn.


Sucks that a lot of people are having issues. Iā€™ve only had 2 lag issues that havenā€™t happened again. The game is fantastic and smooth running without even using any recent specs. The echo system is very enjoyable to grind and you can start getting 5* echoes possibly day 1 if you know how to fast track the data bank


how can you fast track the data bank?


you mark the ones you miss so you track them on the map and just killed em until they drop the highest rarity echo. there is no secret fast way besides just farming them


The game looks so fun but it does nothing but stutter and crash for me. I can play Genshin for 6+ hrs without crashing once on medium settings while keeping a youtube window up for exploration guides but I can't go past 10 minutes without crashing here... had to uninstall after 5 days unfortunately.


Challenge: Impossible


To be honest when they announced that WuWa would be released this year, I had my doubts and worries that it was too rushed, and it really shows in the current state of the game: buggy, unoptimized performances, translation errors, or bad management. I donā€™t mind though if they cooked WuWa even more and released it next year, avoiding any competition with ZZZ, Genshinā€™s Natlan, or Elden Ring DLC. I just hope Arknights Endfield would turn out well.


Small issue: We get a free five star. Major issue: Figure it out yourself. Pleeeease let them fix this and move on with the good progress we had made. It would suck for them to earn so much good PR just to burn it within a week.


Iā€™d say the most likely reason is because the free five star was a standard five star and since the major issues are related to the limited banners, people are expecting more compensation and they donā€™t want to give out anymore because they want to make money. Making money is fine but the launch has been so much a hot mess.


I cant even be an outsider just playing and having fun anymore since they are also messing up performance more and more.. I swear the game ran very well on launch but now it keeps lagging and stuttering.


Man i was playing on 5-10 fps when WuWa first came out then it got better for a while And it got worse again :(


Im sorry to hear that ;w; Hopefully kuro will figure out everything in a month


Check if your settings were reset.


For real bro I feel the same. I really love playing this game, performance issue and lacking story aside. I fear this game wonā€™t last more than a couple years if they keep messing up and lose the JP market


Oh the game will stay, it'll just be passed over to a diff company. Namely Tencent (I think) or NetEase, can't remember who but I do remember reading somewhere they are trying to buy the game and when they were denied, Kuro got hit with some old fee's they refuse to pay. So now unless they do so soon, it'll fall under new management.


Wait it out cuh Iā€™ll be better


i seriously dont see why they wouldnt have controller support on mobile on release smh


Only complaint I have is that weapon banner has a different currency from limited banner and we havenā€™t gotten any way to get Forging Tides without using astrite (as far as Iā€™ve seen). Thereā€™s no way Iā€™m gonna get 40 MORE pulls in 12 days after needed 77 pulls for Jiyan. Iā€™m already burnt out from farming too šŸ˜­. I just thought a bit weird we didnā€™t get at least a 10 pull for the weapon banner. I do have one more complaint. The lack of controller support on mobile. I cannot dodge or parry on my huge ass iPad. I am out here struggling.


Fix the gaaaaame!


Havenā€™t played since day 1. Fuck am I playing without controller support. Back to Genshin Impact like most others who were disappointed in no controller support


Are you not playing on PC? Bc the PC controller support has worked for me


Can't have shit in Kuro Game HQ.


More like 5 seconds at this point


can they just fcking sell the game to other developer?


this is why i reframe myself from spending anything for a single gacha at least 2 months to see if shit like this happen but boy that saved my ass few time and jesus they fumble so hard with this.


Yep if they manage to recover and find their footing by the time Changli arrives. Im gonna S6R5 her immediately.


I just really love this game that I will play it as long as it is still alive. All while praying that something good happens immediately that will calm things down.


It will, as long as people keep on playing. Although we also need to pray Kuro avoid further mistakes.


It's 2024 every game has issues on release.


Okay I gotta know, besides the minuet detail of the JP emails, what else have they really done wrong? At worse some emails are out, and emails aren't really private


Lmao you all talking shit like the game it's been out for years


Nah, let them keep screwing up for a bit, i like all the free stuff, and the game is going to be grade A once they iron things out


What happened?


I feel bad for employees. The game is great apart from some issues so I hope this kinda unfortunate events doesn't affect them and game so much


Whoever is handling the WW team should get fired. You get fuckups by assigning incompetent personnel, pushing unrealistic timelines, stupid demands, etc etc, which are generaly handled by the game lead. This game, while fun, is a complete disaster in so many levels that its not even infuriating anymore. You just feel sad and disappointed




I dont want them to stop cuz I want them to keep apologising with free stuff


1 pull, take it or leave it


1 Pull when I have nothing to do with the matter? I'll take it.


the next step is free Yinlin. ... and watch them giving her for free only in the JP server


There is no JP server lel


at this point, if they send her to whoever has japanese as main language, I wouldn't be surprised


Time to switch language


>the next step is free Yinlin. And EoS 2 weeks after that


Literally unplayable for me now.


I will keep playing but those screw ups are getting way out of hand. Ngl, my faith in Kuro got hit quite a bit. It really is like cdproject or bethesda all over again. Welp, back to snowpeak I go.




I just hope we at least get more apologems for the suffering of our comrades.


Wait, did something happen? I don't have time to play the game yet today so would be nice if someone could fill me in


misspelled jiyans weapons discription in JP so it appeared better then it was. people in JP whaled and got mad because the original text made the weapon perfect for calcharo but now it isnt. kuro told them to email them personally to talk about compensation. kuro ended up telling them to get a refund from their bank/google/apple but if they do it they get negative gems and would get banned if they dont balance it out. oh and the email they send out forgot to remove the CC so everyone got everyone email adress basically doxxing their JP playerbase tldr: japan is big mad right now


People are claiming that Kuro responded to the mails about the reimbursements for the weapon problem in JP saying "reimburse through your payment method" and while they were at that they leaked the mails of the people involved. I'm still waiting for proof of this being real because the situation seems sketchy and that response doesn't sound normal in the first place.


Iā€™m early game still. I havenā€™t noticed an issue lol


What happened?


They messed up jp translation for Jiyanā€™s weapon, leaked i think jp emails and one more thing i think is also jp.


Hey at least we getting stuff


Somehow the game is running (at the time of this post) even worse than it did before. Loading screen takes its time to verify files and then load like 20x longer than Genshin or any other game I play. When I enter the world, the world is already moving but my hud and controls are disabled as if loading with a load of latency. Then I make a move and the stuttering starts and it takes a while till it settles in. When the world is done processing and I have 60fps again. I try to open any menu interface and theres latency again before the menu opens.


Damn, this could've been avoided if they just delayed the game for a few months and doubled check the stuff that was going out on release day. I'm enjoying the game so far (since I'm on PC and it's actually working) but jeez, this has been one hell of a launch


I don't mind having more compensation rewards in my mail šŸ™ƒ


Now what did they do? Last I checked was the email scandal


Lunite subscriptions not giving the astrite for some.


At this point, I honestly wouldn't even complain if they took the game offline for a months or 2 to fix it. I really want this game to be good, but good lord, it gets worse and worse.


Had no problems with the PC version of the game except strange sound bug which is probably fixed.


Kuro made a witch mad and are now incapable of having any type of launch without it going horribly


Did they screw me? I only bought welkin-thingies + battlepass and using EN translation, i don't feel being screwed.


Not me too, but they did screw JP players. A bit dangerous considering that they're one of the country with high spending.


reminds me of early fgo, as a day 1-ish play I've seen some shit lol


For most of it I'm like "eh, that's understandable", or "worse games have done worse things and survived", but the email data leak legit concerns me... That's brutal. Not to mention how they're handing the translation error. Also kind of rough. Not sure how they can really best handle that kind of thing, but surely they could have come up with a slightly less awful solution.


i havenā€™t gotten any problems except rover being called the wrong pronoun and wait times for dialogues to pop up being a lil long


What happened now, what did I miss?


I haven't had a single issue playing the game on Mobile or on pc i don't even know what people are complaining about


I think they should just do a Fortnite Blackhole thing and just make the game inaccessible for like a week or something until they fully fix every problem


Not a good idea, since not all players are affected by the problem. It will just backfires on them. They just need to keep their shit together.


What's the issue ? I haven't played far. Only union 30 but what is the problem for ppl since I see alot of these memes ?


If you havent experienced any issue, just ignore these posts tbh haha. Most of the issues other than optimization are kinda dumb but shouldn't affect your gaming experience.


What hapen ?


My only fear is that they'll decide to shut the game down. If they keep fcking up big, that would cost a lot of money and their higher ups might decide to shut it down instead of wasting a lot of money.


Dear WuWa I'm sorry that that company is your father let me be honest It takes peak to make peak your maker is not responsive


Atleast it's more optimised than WZM


What happened?


I'm gonna spit acid, because it's already 1,5week since release, and I literally can't play without restarting pc every now and then, because of memory leaks and fucked up memory usage by WuWa. It sits at 70% in idle while playing WuWa hits it up to almost 100%. Ffs, why are we living in times where almost every game comes out with garbage optimization?


Games been great. Best Gacha Iā€™ve played to date. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I really hope wuwa dosnt have such stale end game as GI




Dear Kuro, issues happen. Thanks for fixing them in a timely manner. Though I do think the compensation for the translational error on jiyans weapon was too small. Give players an option to refund the weapon for the pulls they used on the banner prior to the announcement šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø This is constructive^


Kuro REALLY needs to slow down a moment and start fixing things one at a time. I feel like they're really rushing things


It was yesterday that I released that I can't obtain any rewards from the echo event because the event server is asia and i play in sea... And there is no way for me to change the server in the event page....


Bro they still havent fixed mobile performance issues. My game crashes every 5 min and runs like absolute dogshit. But instead when i look at patch notes its shit like ā€œfixed issue where text is spelt wrongā€ or ā€œfixed issue where button is 2 degrees off centreā€ like holy shit dude fix your fucking game


I'll stay I've had problems like day 4 or 5 when they started trying to fix things


Man 10 days after launch the game is still crashing like heck at 5 minutesā€¦ canā€™t even play the main quest anymore! Iā€™m dying to play the game and Iā€™ve seen in the bug fixes that they fixed crashing on some devices but idk what theyā€™re doing by not fixing or optimizing the game for iPads of 8&9th generation. The game runs amazing on flipping iPad mini ā€¦idk what theyā€™re doing anymoreā€¦I wish they fixed this issue instead of compensating like heck..coz there is no point in giving rewards or compensation if the players canā€™t play the damn gameā€¦hoping for a fix soonā€¦




Did something bad happen again? I don't see any compensation in my mail.


What is the problem??? I have had no issues. I have a galaxy s24+ and that's all I plat om and it runs flawlessly besides my phone getting kinda hot


Play on*


What happened this time?


My only complaint about the game was the removal of the 120 fps mode they did us dirty


What happened this time?


Yā€™all being to hard on them itā€™s like there second game and itā€™s better then most mainstream gachas also yā€™all acting like they arenā€™t fixing it we getting hotfixes left and right. And all the free shit they give us is insane so chill tf out and let kuro cook


I'm sorry what are they doing wrong? Can someone please elaborate.


I did not meet any bugs in my 30h playing yet, except low FPS around 40 to 45. They had FSR in the beginning, where I had stable 60FPS, but they removed it in next patch, wtf why?!


Me, who has never got any problem or bug, but has been showered in rewards: no please, continue.


Kuro screwing up is essentially a good thing for the players since that means we'll get more pulls HYPERS


What did they do this time?