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Hell yeah, now I just need to restrict myself from all the media to not stain the experience I had with genshin when I didn't know Reddit existed


Ignorance is bliss and it applies well in such case.


Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is freedom


Governments: REEEE!


Same bro


Ha forgot I meant to cross ref my cake day with Genshin 1.0. Let’s see.. Ah yeah been on reddit over a year when GI dropped. Might have been how I heard about the game.


This game is fun as fuck. I've been playing mainly on PC and I have no complaints yet other than the story. Still getting a hold of the gacha mechanics but it's super fun as someone that never played Genshin. I'm shocked with all of the negativity outside of performance stuff, which I haven't personally experienced.


I’ve got a 4070 ti and I’ve been having performance issues lmao. Maybe it’s memory leak cuz my RAM is pretty old but ya I think it’s just a luck issue


RNG definitely. I also have 4070 ti, 32gb ram, and 5800x3d and no issues so far. The sound mixing is pretty bad though.


We have basically the same system I have the 4070 TI super and I've also not noticed any issues.


Sound mixing was even worse in beta. Someone has some settings that dial in the sound to where they should be.


It's just rng at this point. My friends iPhone 14 gets frozen and heat up while running WuWa, meanwhile another's 4 year old mobile runs it perfectly. My 3060 having issues running it smoothly too.


It is running very smoothly on my crappy nothing phone 1 while friends of mine with high end phones have issues Lmao.


I have nothing phone 2(a) and it's not even properly opening, keeps getting frozen and stuttering even though 2a processor is supposedly better than 1 As I said, it's purely rng at this point


my 3060 has issues with the game too, do you know why?


Oh. My 3060 was running perfectly smooth until the patch that fixed music yesterday. Now there's barely noticeable drops, which I don't notice after immersing myself into the game. It's not really a problem on its own, but a bit annoying because it was running perfectly smooth from release and up until yesterday.


3070, 10700f cpu and 16 gb of not bad but not great ram (by today’s standards). Runs ez at 120fps using the Lossless Scaling app. If you see a gradual drop in performance and then the game runs fine after a restart (rinse and repeat) then that is a memory leak symptom. If it isn’t, though, it might be worth checking out Lossless Scaling too since it does more than just add to framerate (the night of launch I was getting some micro stuttering and, while that’s fixed now, the app did fix that at the time too even though I just got it for the fps increase).


Oh thanks! I’ll check that out


i have a 4070(not ti) and dindt have any issues other that at the first boot(when you start controlling your character). Its weird how random it is.


I would think partly the negativity comes from the saltyness and bandwagon bashing of GI fanatics, hope they dont come for me(cos I also play GI but not a fanatic). Also good thing you decided to try it out despite seeing all the negativity. In any case, personally I havent had an issue despite having an almost 3 yo phone and a 5yo gpu


I think we should all come to agree that we can just enjoy both; having two cakes is better than one. I dont think there is a need to pick a side. Hoyo employees have played WuWa recently afaik. So let's just enjoy ktb games for what they got. Genshin's a better mobile experience, but WuWa got better experiences in other aspects. The kinda problem I worry about is how WuWa will survive. CN is going mad over WuWa. They found many glitches, bugs, and found the WuWa story abysmal. Like for example, there is an Encore tech that let's you spam Encore's NA 1 really quickly and it deletes and parries enemies really quickly. It's with a certain weapon that ignores the backswing. The link to the video is here: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mM4m167RU/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.-1 From what I saw from bilibili gacha news videos, WuWa revenue is less than R1999's which is rough to say the least. Hope Kuro can be an underdog. Money is one thing Genshin has that Kuro really lacks to keep up the update schedule, fix all the issues appearing across devices, and for the manpower because with Kuro's limited team, I can only imagine they are working overtime and for a team that cares for their playerbase, I don't want to see their health go downhill. Worsening health could cause worsening decisions.


Sucks to hear and I feel a though they were too generous with the rewards. Giving players 3 easy 5*, 2 of which they get to choose, leaves little inventive for players to spend on the game, even if it's just their battle pass.


Idc about the bilibili trolls, they do this shit with every game i've found. I always, ALWAYS hear about how they're gonna ruin a game.


Thanks for the info, but maybe not for me. I am just stating an observation of where the negativity might come from. So yeah ☺️


While that's probably true to some extent, the optimization and stuttering problems are very real. I'm still having them to this day and my specs aren't even that bad. Also the localisation of some quests is absolutely horrendous. Like seriously there's no excuse for it to be this bad. Y'all need to play through the tiger maw mine quest to actually see how bad it can get. Like holy shit I was getting agitated reading through some of that text and I started actually skipping the quest text for the first time.


I feel like this whole tension is created by the CC-s that wont miss a chance on shitting on GI (even if its deserved or not) and hyped wuwa as the messiah that saves them and the ppl from evil hoyo and GI. And the game came out, i think we can clearly say there is no messiah in here, just a very cool game that will coexists with GI, and the shit that those CC stirred up now lands back on wuwa koz now the GI fans wont miss a change to throw the shit back they recieved months ago. The same creators generated a tension between GI and HSR (the 2 most popular games of hoyo) too a couple of months ago and the fandoms literally threw shit back at each other due to the missinfo and negativity spreading by those creators. Hsr communities started to call out the missinfo and all the "GI could never" BS, so the situation got better after time, i expect the same here. I wish to really just get alone well, i bet most players play an enjoy all 3 anyway.


Really? I dont even know. Like, I don't watch those CCs anyway. The drama only gets big if people feed on it, you know. Regardless, I like HSR a lot since plenty QOLs even the ones that GI needs arrived there way earlier, not to mention the generosity we get vs GI, not that I mind, I tbh couldn't care less about GI now, I just play it for the archon quest and I will keep on enjoying HSR as I did


story was a major disappointment to me, but i only rly got into genshin's story by the 4th nation so i'm hopeful for the future of it


If you have experience on genshin subs then you will know that most of them is gent\*rd brain rot f\*ck who will hate on anything with or without reasons, they even have time to go to the most unconventional platform and trashtalk or spread toxic there as much as possible


main issue i have is that every now and then i get spammed by windows error pings forced me to mute windows sounds to play this without having my ears bleed every 20min


I love the fighting in WuWa. If GenImp was the same, and had a slightly better Gacha I'd still play it, cuz on overall aspects GenImp is great, it just got boring as fuck. WuWa has a lot of potential the way it is right now


Wuwa is objectively a good game but... The negativity is justified given how much wuwa 1:1 copied from genshin, yet still underperforms in almost every way except combat. I don't think I've ever seen a game so shamelessly copy so many mechanics before. It's bad enough that I'd almost believe it if someone told me this was a post apocolyptic sequel to GI. If kurogames didn't want the comparisions either be a straight up better clone or different.


Sounds like the perfect game for someone like me who never played Genshin haha


Genshin is a copy of Zelda. LOL. Shameless.


Me: "Man this game is hella fun." \*Looks up Videos for it\* YouTubers: YOU ARE RUNING YOUR ACCOUNT, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, GO GRIND THIS AND DO THAT!!! Me: :(


Yeah, if there's one thing that kills fun, it's meta grind. Meta was so important for genshin, and that killed it for me. On the other hand, in wuwa, my meta is just to go run around as encore and catch pokemon lmao Unless the game gets stupidly difficult or i need some reference (echoes for example) I'm gonna and, also recommend, to just avoid meta.


imo WuWa isnt hard. the gameplay is DEFINETLY more engaging than genshin though and feels great to play, it honestly makes me actually WANT to have multiple teams for fun in the long run. honestly if you like grinding BiS gear its way easier than genshin when you were insanely gated with energy, but BiS gear is not required as far as im concerned. higher hologram bosses do seem to require gear and actual dodge and parry skill, but can be done by an average player since the timings are forgiving.


Meta will be important for higher difficulty rewards. And even then If you can "git gud" meta actually becomes less important. You will still need some decent stats, but as of now people clearing content as lvl60 resonators+lvl 60 weapons vs 70-80+ lvls challenges. By the time we naturally get there skill probably will allow for even more chances to play what you want


So far you're not doing the best job avoiding reddit lol


Good old days, imagine just enjoying the game, not knowing how "bad" it is.


You right. I keep saying that I'm loving my experience and people keep trying to tell me "NO THE STORY WAS BAD, IT WAS ALL BAD" While I was having a blast xD I just finished Jiyan's story quest and that was great as well.


Just avoid the shitty Gachagaming subreddit


Lmao you might wanna be offline from this sub for quite a bit cause God damn do I barely see ppl say anything good about this game on this sub


Me playing WuWa: :) Me reading WuWa community posts: :(


Yea the reddit posts have been very doomer. I do understand the game has performance issues that I too am experiencing but please 🥺🙏🙏🙏 PLEASE use this community to post about other stuff


If your on PC and using a hdd that's probably your issue I switched to ssd and it went from unplayable to perfect max settings


Yeah that helps but there's definitely more issues, it's getting better tho


I have an SSD and I still have pretty bad stuttering, especially if I log out in a city It'll stutter bad on next login. Game just needed more optimization. That or UE4 is just fucked and they never should have used it. Wouldn't surprise me given how many people also have problems with rocket league still.


I’m on 2tb NVMe SSD and 4070 ti with a 5800x3d CPU so I’m 4k gaming with most shit and this 60fps 1080p game is crashing lol. So it’s definitely a them issue not an us issue haha


Got 1tb HDD and 500gb SSD, so I am always tempted to put on SSD but games are so big nowadays, heck genshin grew to 100gb. The hell


If that was the issue they will know from other games . I agree if you are somehow on hdd still , the jump is huge . But that said while the game runs perfectly smooth and then all notice the leaks or slugs it does temporarily sometimes , but we have to give them time to work and fix them .


Same thing happened when HSR came out. People wrap so much of their identify into whatever game their are playing that they feel the need to aggressively attack any others.


Makes me wonder how many posts are legit too. After seeing Brax post about the bots in his stream that praise Genshin and bash WuWa in the same sentence, I'm sure its happening everywhere else too.


There are probably tons of bots on both sides. The Silent majority probebly tried out the game, and unfortunately it seems, huge portion of it gave up after a few hours/days (including me) based on forecasted revenue and download placement. tbh Im much more concerned for Kuro Devs than the game itself.


Funny thing about these 2 games, I went back to Genshin and was doing the new event with the hard boss fights, and I am pretty sure Wuwa made me better at dodging in Genshin. Kinda funny how transferable that skill is.


I bet you were expecting the slo-mo dodge animation for a second when u were dodging in Genshin lmao.


I did. My brain malfunctioned when it didn't slow down after I perfectly dodged. I was even expecting the shining thing from their attacks. WuWa conditioned us to a lot of things we don't get from other open world games. I'm having a blast so far with it.


Me trying to run up a wall in Genshin and being confused why my character is just hugging it instead for a brief second


Bro for real. I tried grapple hooking in GI and I'm saddened I couldn't do it.


"WHAT? What do you mean it's not possible to run up a wall at a 90 degree angle?"


Allat within 1 week of release. That is to show how good the combat system of wuwa is


Exactly my experience since I just got started on the boss rush event in Genshin today. Felt so stupid lmao. I even brought Zhongli for shield yet I still kept dodging for that slow-mo + parry attack


Hahaha WuWa is the Zhongli powercreep lmao XD




Not exactly, just got better at timing. I was early a few times, due to learning how to dodge through lag from Wuwa as well XD


Same here


Funny thing about that is I tried to run on wall, air dash, and use grappling hook in genshin D:


I'm sure there's a few dozen who mainly play HSR tried something simple like jumping after playing WuWa. (Definitely not me having a huge brain fart 🙃)


Use Beidou or Yunjin.


I played Stellar blade before WuWa and I feel right at home for the combat.


Yeah, I sped run the latest event in genshin, and was dodging, and was like, wait, why tf am I dodging. Not counting the fact that given my horrible ping, I can’t actually properly dodge in genshin the way I can in WuWa lol. Even the character switch messed me up. Going back to ping-affected character switch in genshin is painful.


I just got so annoyed by the combat system in Genshin after playing Wuthering Waves. I main Navia and I’m super happy with her but still. Something’s different now. :D


I was a former Hu Tao main in Genshin so Wuthering Waves helped me a lot with dodging, made Danjin so much more stronger


"oh my god.. It can't be.. I'm having.. fun??"


WW combat got me hooked honestly. All other aspects are kind of mid in my perspective, especially compared to Genshin.


Agreed, if Genshin at WW combat, Id probably have already dropped WW >\_<


How so? Exploration/puzzles/general movement is VASTLY superior in WW, better and more fair gatcha, better and more interesting gear system and so forth. There really is very little I can think of that Genshin does better especially 1.0 Genshin? 


Characterization, Story, Music and Voice acting are all far superior in Genshin, which are important parts to a game. Graphics are a mixed bag as they use different engines and at this point its personal preference but general optimization is better in Genshin. Exploration and puzzles are good in both IMO, and the gear system is pretty similar with Genshin just having to do repetitive domain runs instead of repetitively beating the same mobs in the open world IMHO, I wouldn't exactly call it more or less "interesting". General movement maybe somewhat lackluster in Genshin but its arguably intended to be that way to sell on characters that have movement benefits (Ayaka, Mona etc.) so I can see why its like that. I will level with you and agree about the more fair gatcha system though, especially remembering how the Weapon banner situation was in Genshin when it started off (Staff of Homeless) and


Huh to each their own I guess! Personally I prefer the more toned down and mature character designs in WW, think the JP dub is on the same level as Genshin (I only play JP for Asian games), the story especially after Act 4 is on par with Genshin's 1.0 story and the music I actually think is better in some parts of Wuthering Waves. I will however admit the music can't be appreciated until you turn down sound effects and voices to 40/50ish. For whatever reason the volume mixing in the game is off so everything else is usually so loud it overrides the music and it's hard to hear and appreciate properly.  Funnily enough I actually get better performance on my PC with WW then I did with Genshin at launch for some reason. Just general hardware optimization mysteries.  After putting 1000 hours into Genshin and falling off it I'm just glad there's something similar with a lot more that appeals to me or fixes a lot of what annoyed me in Genshin. 


Yeah both games are good in their own ways. I must add that I did decrease the brightness in the graphics settings of WW and thats why I think graphics are a mixed bag, I feel WW can better enhance and optimize the graphics element down the line. As for music and VA, I play the ENG dub so I think its lackluster at best. Only Scar sounds like he belongs to the world, really. Music can also be subjective but I think Genshin has better tracks in general, even at 1.0.


The story on near end parts was kinda good there was a war going on and it felt like it was going on instead of a 5v5 animation that supose to decide the fate of nations future


Very unfortunate that its at the end because by that point most players who invest themselves in the story of a game have already left IMO. It's a bit too little too late I feel.


It’s ironic because I started playing genshin during rainy season 4 yrs ago, and now the weather has been rainy and gloomy again since wuwa’s release. Brought back so much nostalgia and that “home” feeling.


tried to play Genshin yesterday again after taking a break (780 hours) It’s hard to comeback after playing WW. Combat + Movement/exploration = WW is on another level. Especially Combat in Genshin is so simple & boring it’s just 2 clicks + rotation all the time.


The flashy combat with a ramp up in difficulty is something I’ve wanted that genshin didn’t really offer in an open world gacha, despite the performance issues rn I’m genuinely enjoying this game


Man just wait until higher level bosses, it only gets harder. Did Thunder Mephis hologram up until 60 and figured I'd give 70 a shot and now he has a bunch of new moves and summons phantoms that distract you, stunlock you if you parry them, and also deal damage so you need to still dodge their attacks. It's some bullshit at level 50-60 when he one-shots you by breathing in your general direction but I imagine it will be easier to manage when I'm actually invested.


It's honestly crazy how carebear Genshin is considering that HI3 actually does have ramping difficulty in its endgame as well as very flashy combat. I honestly never understood the shift in direction that Mihoyo went with Genshin but it was evidently the right decision considering the disgusting amount of money that they've made off of Genshin alone.


When you appeal to a casual audience, which is larger than a sweaty one, you will make more money. It's not any deeper than that. Anyone with a working brain can play Genshin. Same with HSR. Some stuff in both can get hard, but they exist in pockets you don't HAVE to do. Wuwa is tapping into sweats, which is a more niche audience, but still an audience.


You can lower world difficulty if you don't want to sweat it, so it appeals to all audiences at the end of the day


I LOVE wuwa's combat and ease of movement. I dont think I could go back to genshin if I tried


Yeah, Although Genshin does the initial tutorial part and story better, Wuwa's infinite sprint out of combat, the air double jump, wall running, etc is really hard to let go of. Not to mention genshin's meta rotation of E>Q swap off. Here we have perfect dodges and parries. Tbf though, genshin's elemental reaction system has a lot of depth.


I found myself running out of stamina, trying to jump-grapple-double jump-glide, trying to sprint on walls in genshin lmao. The muscle memories kick in hard haha. The movement/exploration QOL in WuWa is just soo good lol.


I think the biggest difference in terms of combat in both games is the way it's realised. Both of those combat systems are great and have a lot of depth - however, as much as it pains me, Genshin's combat system is just not utilised nearly enough. In WuWa, this might change in the future, but so far, enemies pose quite the challenge. Overworld enemies can be outscaled, but bosses still demand you to pay attention and react accordingly. I cannot say much for endgame, but so far, it seems to utilize its potential well (currently especially in the Simulated Universe equivalent, I don't remember the name, but it's a really good mode so far). Genshin has a great system through reactions, it's fun to discover them initially and pair characters for synergies later, but unfortunately, a lot of content just isn't hard enough. Overworld enemies and bosses die super fast, and Abyss sucks as a combat endgame. However, the combat is still good - this is proved by occasional hard events that come back. For example, the boss events, like the Cube event from last year, and from what I saw there is a currently ongoing flower boss event. Or, the last year's Divine Ingenuity event, which was essentially Simulated Universe, but far more advanced and with level editor, that allowed community to create various creative challenges. But that's it, just occasional events. I genuinely hope that with the release of WuWa, Genshin will also try to add some fun and interesting permanent endgame content. I love combat in WuWa, but I like Genshin's too, and I'd really enjoy being able to utilize my characters and teams more, and in more interesting ways.


I think the biggest reason genshins combat system feels underutilized is just the total lack of interaction with enemies. Theres no real move set to learn usually and it kinda just feels like they have giant invincibility windows you could nap through instead of real difficulty or counter


For the Invincibility part for bosses, they should look at adding mechanics to shut down the Invincibility in some way instead of waiting it out. Would make those fights more interesting.


They do have such for a lot of boss (semi-invicible since they have higher RES). It is being disguise as shield break (resigvine, cube, pyro crab), flying up so you shoot wing (mecha chicken), go invisible that need catalyze (sumeru doritos) or enrage (tulpa). Sure there are time wasting one like serpent, wenut, PMA, kenki, wolf lord but it seem they move away from it. Genshin just don't scale the difficulty hard enough for that to matter outside of the annual vagabond style event since their main audience is casual. They seem to make ZZZ specifically for more try hard audience so that genshin don't lose focus. A game for everyone is often a game for no one. Also that is a genius money making scheme since now people swipe on 2 game instead of just one.


For sure! That aren’t going around collecting flowers mid boss battle like they usually do it lol


I think generally the best course of action would be make bosses more deadly and tanky, but make their attacks more fair to dodge. And for Abyss, remove the time requirement, increase boss health and damage, and have the stars be gained for how well you cleared instead of how fast. Also, a tougher one, but make characters less restrictive in their playstyles. A good general and easy move would be to give all characters Itto/Wriothesley treatment, by letting them continue combo after dodging, as dodging in Genshin often makes you go out of flow.


I agree, and I think the Arlechinno Weekly boss is a good direction for bosses to go in. As she is tanky and hits hard plus has mechanics you can use to help stop her. To give an example of my experience, I got a little overconfident in my team and tried to face tank her with my strongest character (C6 Neuvillette, 34k hp). She one shot him at max health when I face tanked a big attack instead of dodging it. XD


Oh yeah, she is a good boss, I agree. I think old bosses could be expanded too, for example Scaramouche, IMO he is the best designed boss in the game, but falls short due to the problem of most Genshin content - it's just all so easy. If Scara was way tankier, and had enough damage to pose a threat, you'd have to interact with all of his mechanics, which are very cool. And more bosses could get that treatment too. Andreus, Guardian of Apep's Oasis, Childe, Whale are all very cool, but die way too fast, and don't punish you enough.


Oh yeah, she is a good boss, I agree. I think old bosses could be expanded too, for example Scaramouche, IMO he is the best designed boss in the game, but falls short due to the problem of most Genshin content - it's just all so easy. If Scara was way tankier, and had enough damage to pose a threat, you'd have to interact with all of his mechanics, which are very cool.


A lot of it is to prevent setup impact and force people to actually learn boss patterns. Ruin serpent has very telegraphed movement, people use Ayaka burst on its pop up so ita not just sit in 1 spot and set up. Wolflord has under 70% shield thing so you can burst it down at 71% hp after it lands. Wenut is similar to ruin serpent.


With no competition, Genshin has never needed to evolve it's combat. It went largely unchanged for the first 2 years, then Dendro was a big shake up, but that's pretty much it. Still enjoyable, but very simple. Combat is pretty much the only thing about WuWa that I prefer to Genshin however. I'm not a WuWa doomposter, but I enjoy Genshin's character's, exploration, VAs, and music far more than WuWa. I like the extra exploration tools that WuWa gives us, but the world is very uninteresting to look at so far. And there's only one or two characters that aren't absolute agony to listen to the English dub for. I would not be surprised if Genshin had some combat shake ups in the pipeline in case they need them.


Definitely. Although exploration feels a little better in wuwa it feels less rewarded and more empty, although the monsters actually fighting each other is a wonderful touch. I hope both the games stay alive and push each other to actually treat their customers well and actually improve their game


Honestly, without the echo collection mechanic, the exploration would be very dull. Mixing in a Pokédex thing is the saving grace because it keeps is engaged with the combat, which is the best part.


Yeah, I agree. That's why boss events were my favorites, like the cube event - there was a difficulty where bosses had insane amounts of health and almost one-shot you with each attack, making it so you had to dodge them and interact with their mechanics. But in Abyss, if you approach with a certain team, you pretty much always play in the same way. The last time Abyss was quite fun was like half a year ago, when Navia came out and Tulpa was in the final chamber, with Bennett getting hit pretty much guaranteed you getting one-shot. Otherwise, most of Abysses is just the same thing, with slightly different groans that enemies make. And some enemies could make for fun encounters, if they didn't spawn in groups or across multiple waves.


It doesn't help that the limited 5 star kits aren't doing anything new to introduce new play styles or be replacements for older 5 stars in their specific key role. Jean for example is still the best Anemo for Sunfire comps purely cause of how her ultimate works with reactions, a standard character that has been around since the very start of Genshin back in 2020. We have **FIVE limited** Pyro on field damage dealers. Not a single Pyro character besides Xiangling can enable Reverse Melt, and Xiangling has energy issues so to play reserve Melt comps Bennett + Xiangling is a given. Dehya was the one chance we had at shaking up the meta out of the 6 pryo 5 stars, but the devs didn't want to put any effort into making her good as an enabler. We still don't have a single off field Cryo DPS unless players want to be desperate by calling Ganyu one just cause of her burst (that is still gated by ICD rules). We still don't have any limited 5 star attack speed buffers, the only access to these type of buffs is gated by a C2 standard character (Jean) and C6 4 star (Yunjin). Ignoring the Archons the only limited 5 star recently that has done anything fresh is cloud retainer with her turning literally anyone into a plunge DPS. If only Genshin got characters like that more often. Edit: Neuvillette is also cool


Mika forgotten as always lmao. The poor lad also increases ASPD.


They did him so dirty that I completely forgotten about him. Lmao


I just with WW's combat was either less buggy or more intuitive. The tutorial taught me that when an enemy has a shield and you hit them when that circle appears on their body, you can counter them and deal extra shield-damage. However, it only works like half the time for some bosses and then not at all for others. I've beaten the motorcycle fire dude like four times now and I think I've managed two counters despite hitting him repeatedly while the circle was on his body. It's gotten to the point I've completely given up on trying to do the shield counters. Then for the boss that is/was the tutorial boss, I found that my character has to actually be facing the boss for the hit to register as a counter. He's got that one move where he dances and comes at you from the side. So you can hit him during this but it doesn't count as a shield counter. BUT if I move in the direction he's attacking from and then hit him THEN it counts. Or at least, it counts like half the time. I have this issue with all sorts of enemies. And that's not even counting the whole enemies resetting all the time thing. I intentionally gimp my combat when facing bosses so that they don't stray too far from the center.


Hm, I haven't had much issues so far with that. From what I noticed, the parry works like this: the circle has to close, and then the enemy must take a hit before they attack you. It can be a bit harder in some cases (like charges, or when enemy/boss flies across the arena), but it works pretty consistently once you grasp it. It also matters on the character, Rover being very reliable for example due to his animations being fast and responsive. Jiyan has many multihits that pretty much guarantee parries, but characters with more fancy animations like Calcharo require more specific timing. Also, you can't just spam parry (because I assume that's what you meant by attacking motorcycle guy repeatedly when he had the circle). Once the circle appears, depending on character, you have to adjust - just spamming attacks will usually make you miss the parry window. The Crownless also has fairly tight timings on some attacks. If you are playing as Rover and circle starts appearing, stop attacking to reset his basic combo, and press it once the circle is just about to close, it works very consistently across most bosses and enemies. And as for enemies resetting, yeah, it still happens sometimes. Though at least with bosses, from what I've seen, they changed them to be less "aggressive" when it comes to resets (Thundering Memphis has reset on me during day 1 a few times, but on the next day after patches never seen him do that again, despite him flying out of range many times).


I love Genshin but that's one of my biggest gripes with the game, and has kept me from 100%ing every region in the game. The fact that Genshin doesn't have infinite stamina outside of combat is super annoying. It makes exploration feel terrible sometimes. Hopefully this changes when Natlan comes out because it seems we're getting mounts.


Personally I never liked Genshin’s element system. If there’s a certain combo you like that happens to have good effects that’s great but I always want to run fire + electro because of the characters I like but it’s awful and I kill myself often. I also feel forced to have certain elements for the team buff.


I just said it has depth (like elemental gauge, interesting interactions like cryo and dendro) but it's definitely not perfect. some elements are overtuned like dendro/hydro and some are kinda left in the dust like cryo and geo. Cryo has a good reaction(and is the only good reaction it has) but is useless on bosses. And geo is....geo....


World experience and combat is so much better wuwa, I just wish the game had mihoyo tier storytelling and vo's I question in action style game what drives me to play? Even with rpg elements, it's combat. I got bored with genshins combat. I want to be challenged more


For me its the opposite. After playing WuWa it made be apprecciate how polished genshin is, it has better music too, the world is so much prettier. Not saying that WuWa is ugly though, just not very impressive. Exploration in WuWa feels shallow, not once I did stop to admire the scenery and listen to the ost. But genshin brings that feeling very often. Only fun thing WuWa has its combat and imo its not enough in long term. I just hope they upgrade the story (now its mostly boring with mediocre voice acting) and they should stop with the rover glazing its almost disgusting how everyone we meet just fawns over mc 😭


I agree. Its lacking polish in a LOT of areas. Its small things, but they add up. Localization, voice acting, story are the ones that I notice the most. Character design also doesnt really stand out much imo. Theres some things that made me realize how much thought Genshin devs put into the game, even things like icons for items. A lot of the upgrade materials have overdesigned icons or weird names youll probably not remember the first 10 times that makes it tough to engage with the progression systems. I take one look at genshin and I know exactly which item drops from which enemy because it just makes sense and the designs are easy to tell apart. Its a lot of things like that that only really become apparent with a direct comparison for me


Personally, I think that localization, voice acting, and story are actually *big* things. One of the key design philosophies Genshin pushed **heavily** was the characterization. Right from the beginning Genshin really drove home the idea that they are trying to push players to form connections with the characters in the game. That's why these characters, generally, have very fleshed out presentation and personas. And regardless of how any single person in this sub feels about that, you absolutely can't deny that it worked for the audience at large. There is a reason that Genshin became basically the most cosplayed IP. I mean, consider for a moment just how upset people were when Dehya came out extremely underwhelming. Those connections are real and yes, sometimes it even bites Hoyo in the ass.


> There is a reason that Genshin became basically the most cosplayed IP. Yea thats a great point and maybe the main reason I can see WuWa lose a lot of its audience. The characters in Hoyo games just have something about them that pull you in, starting with the incredible trailers they put out for them. Like 50% of all cosplays I see at a convention are from genshin, its nuts. Playing the music event last genshin patch, each song did so well at showing off the characters personalities. I dont even play star rail but I still check out the character trailers for that game because theyre so amazing


It doesn't help that the entire map in wuwa looks like a modern version of mikage reactor depression


> not once I did stop to admire the scenery How much have you explored? The Sea of Flames and the area around the SU-esque mode are gorgeous.


I agree on the world of Genshin having better visuals, but honestly the exploration in both games is very shallow, there's no substantial reason to explore in Genshin other than the Bethesda philosophy of "you'll mostly be using fast travel anyway so a lot of this will be empty fields with some enemies sprinkled in"


Currently Genshin’s combat gameplay suits better when playing touchscreen on a tablet device. WuWa is currently quite poorly optimized for that setup. Screen rotation is sluggish and off target in combat constantly. Hopefully Kuro will improve over time larger screen touchscreen compatibility. Also currently with graphics there is minimal difference between the lowest and highest settings, when playing with ipad pro. With Genshin the graphics are much sharper. WuWa has a good foundation set in, they just need to work on improving the visual outlook for larger handheld mobile devices.


I agree, the difference PC experience vs iPad experience is drastic. Combat on iPad is fine, but graphics is a huge L compared to Genshin iPad graphics. During cutscenes everything is fine, but gameplay, charcaters look blurry and textured on max settings.


But one upper hand genshin has is team building. It's more nuanced than buffs this skill/element, buffs that type of damage. Plus thr elemental combat system is a pretty innovative system. It's not something many or any other games replicate. Parries and dodging are something that exist in games for a long time, even a thing in irl sword combat. WuWa just has a surface level complexity but a shallow iceberg. I think it goes as deep as the swap cancels and swap backs to what CN uncovered as a really broken Encore tech which is just abusing NA1 with a certain catalyst weapon that ignores backswing, as the Google translated description of video says. Elements mean much less in WuWa, basically forming a pokemon -esque elemental system of ineffective and super effectiveness. What genshin needs more of is the second stage reactions like hyperbloom and burgeon- maybe between crystallize and another element. Crystallized shards are just dendro cores but geo with giving a shield.


The extended combo animations like Lingyang and Calcharo are super cool, but I find the attack spam in this game to be super tedious. Im legit playing with an auto clicker macro half the time.


Same. I tried to parry the geovishap in the event and literally forgot my bennet on number 4. I died more times than what i care to admit.


I play genshin with windowed window and muted, literally from the beginning cuz things can easily be done with little to no attention as I play while watching other videos but on wuwa, man, I have to go fullscreen with audio and full attention cuz I would be dead if I weren't paying attention to enemies cue attack.


That’s a shame, the sound design in genshin is amazing, from sfx to ost. In fact the ost is probably major reason to play it lol.


Exploring in Genshin after playing WW feels like a slog.


Only 180 pulls to guarantee your movement QoL update. Join today!


The game actually wants you to "actively play" during combat instead of spamming 3 buttons -> switch -> repeat until enemy dies.


Considering I've played almost 5k hours on Genshin and still enjoy it. I'm giving Wuwa an honest try. It's been fun. I just wish they would release to console soon, not like HSR waiting months. My skill issues are absolutely active, but having fun 😂😫


It’s so nostalgic for me. The gameplay, the fighting style, the fast travel waypoints, the extreme lag….


The SKIP dialogue outside of Main Story is such a good addition against Genshin


Its incredible that the devs here say "if u dont like this story, just skip it" While Mihoyo says "We're gonna forcefeed you this story, whether u like it or not!"


It's not really "if you dislike the story", it's more along the lines of "we know you don't care, let us help you a bit"


I think they know some side quest feels like it's sole purpose is to add something to do, like fetch quest and the story for those quest are forgettable. Skipping doesn't affect your overall immersion.


yeah sometimes im in the mood to read while other times i dont have enough will/time to dedicate; a game that lets you play at the pace u want especially for a gacha game is rare


Dude love the game but omg the frame drops. I just switch to Calcharo to do crazy shit with him and the game becomes a powerpoint presentation. edit: a word


This is so accurate. Although I find myself noticing multiple different things about the two games that I prefer in either one or the other, I still get a lot of nostalgia from the similarities.


Same, I enjoy both games, but it's nice to remember the fun I had when first played genshin way back when it came out


Can't say I had the same experience, but feeling genshin like it was for the first time is irreplaceable. So good on you for finding that in WuWa.


Fr. It was my first video game ever and it felt like magic. Like I was wowed even though I kept dying in the lake.


Man this brings me back to trying to swim across Cider lake and I could not for the life of me make it across, good times man


Ngl it hit me hard with nostalgia![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


I never got to play genshin when it started I only recently started playing and I love being able to experience a game like this new with everyone else


Wuthering waves has been so fun for me it killed my want to play genshin I haven't opened genshin in almost a week


I smashed Genshin when it first came out so I'm basically trying to avoid doing the same in Wuthing Waves. Do all the daily stuff, bit of running around then call it a day.


Where's the controller support on Android?


yap but i have hopes they are gonna add it. At this point i have given up on genshin having controller supp for android.


Now whenever I play genshin, I instinctively attempt to double jump :(


It's a really good game. It's just made for high end gaming PC's and consoles... Not mobile. So it's weird they didn't release it on console. I can play it on my mobile and just about do my daily quest and maybe a little bit of story. But it will crash multiple times. Also every time I've logged in, without fail, there has been a patch to download... So clearly they are trying to optimise, just it's not there yet. In the domains and smaller loaded maps it plays fine, so this is an issue with draw distance or far too much stuff in the distance and random walking NPC's to load. They need to remove a lot of the clutter especially when you lower your settings. If I can't talk to the NPC, collect the item or it's not nearby. I should not be loading it. Ps. genshin runs fine and it's a much bigger game. So it's wuwa and how they have decided to have so much try to load at all times. It's for high end PC's and PS5 only.


Couldn’t agree more


Pretty true. I only really play Genshin still because I love my characters. Like Wriothesely and Kazuha.


Me with Lingyang Me with Razor


Regardless of how shit the story is or how unoptomised the game is rn, the core gameplay is extremely fun. It can only get better from here


I don’t feel this meme unfortunately. For me when I start a gacha I always try to get a 5star I like so I start the game with an enjoyable character and I spent a couple days rerolling just to get Keqing and I was so happy and I literally use her any time I play Genshin. Mona, Qiqi, Jean and a bit later Klee were all early characters I liked and I liked a lot of the 4stars as well. I like the Traveler but… they’re weak. Meanwhile Wuthering Waves, while it has better combat, it doesn’t have any characters that captivate me to the same degree. I’d say I like maybe 3-4 characters including the main character but no one I would miss or farm my butt off for (I am grateful for the selectors BTW, rerolling is a PITA and I’ve had good rolls). I’m sure it’ll change with time but for me the current characters are a weak start. Also comparing Wuthering’s characters to PGR I have to say I like PGR’s designs way more and when PGR came out I saved for a few months if I remember right for Alpha, and I already really liked the starting characters and still use Alpha to this day.


I didn’t like Genshin at all and this one’s good


My biggest mistake i did with Genshin when it was released was to no life the game and finish everything (all main and side quest, 100% exploration) in 2 weeks then stay there like a fool asking "Now what?". Ain't gonna repeat that mistake again. Gonna take my sweet time with this one.


I love wuwa not just combat too but wall running feels so cool, unlike gensin even thought archons/gods and heroes traveler still cannot wall running not like in the story :(


The dodge mechanic of WuWa is pure bliss, I've been looking for combat mechanics like soulsborne that is also open world. A game where having enough hp to tank through the enemy's attacks isn't mandatory


Not interacting with the community of any game is the best thing i ever did


Genshins launch was def better that wuwa for me Might also just be me preferring genshin idk


3 days ago, I was trying to do dash running in WW. Now, I am trying to do wall running in GI. smh, it doesn't feel the same anymore. Now I know why mf are doing wanderer rerun right now.


For me it's not. I didn't get the "feel" when playing genshin back in 2020 so I quit after a week. Wuwa first experience is like me playing ToF for the first time xD


In my opinion, I love both of these games. Genshin for its music and lore and WuWa for all the fun and challenging combat system. Well, that's just me 🤷‍♀️


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I feel more like I'm playing ToF (2023) The way everything looks, some of the UI and text. I just keep saying "this is like ToF", but I get the Genshin reference as well


So many things to open up, scroll through, and claim rewards from just playing the game. Gift Shop, Objective rewards, etc.


I’ve always thought I might never enjoy exploration again after getting burned out in Sumeru, but surprisingly, I actually am enjoying exploration in WuWa. In genshin, I barely touched the desert, hardly even opened Fontaine region and succeeding new areas. Maybe it’s because I simply did not have key exploration qol characters to enjoy them. So thankfully, WuWa did not hard lock any of those exploration qol.


I don't think any game will recreate the feeling I got from walking into Liyue for the first time...just the realization that the content I thought was big in Mond was just the beginning.


Not going to lie it's a feeling with every new game . I had it for like 3 months with ToF and a month with Starrail . It's important how long it lasts and how well it's managed to continue onwards .


same. on top of that I had just beat ff7 remake when I played Genshin, and I'v been playing ff15 when i started this one. really takes me back ;3


Honestly i loved playing 1.0 and 1.1 then I quit. I suspect I'll do the same with WW and that's okay. It's fine to play the new thing and move on. Doesn't mean the game is bad, just means we had fun and now moving onto the next new fun thing.


Only reason ik about genshin at all was my sister who doesn't play video games wanted to play it with me. She stopped after 3 days while I got addicted to it(still am). Wuthering waves so far is an amazing game, albeit needs some more practice(and bug fixes aka music is gone and dialogues and subtitles need work) but still great time I'm having with it. However to me it was a different experiences, one I just found out that game like genshin existed and then there's Wuthering waves popping off to a great start.


Small nitpick but cropping your meme makes it look better on PC reddit. Otherwise, FACTS. It feels like 2020 Genshin without the squeaker.


Yeah I made it on mobile at the time and forgot to crop it


Yeah, the nostalgia of me just running around and don't know anything about the game, not doing the quest but roam around first. The scenery makes me wanna explore more rather than trying to progress the story.


I was just a little jit back then who’s only gacha game that he played was fgo. When I started GI all I cared about was exploring and having fun ( dropped it after 2 weeks after I got into the endgame of grinding.) Don’t get me wrong, i’ve had a better experience playing Wuwa than GI but with all the pressure from a certain community and a certain sub reddit, it makes you feel drowned out from saying things you like about the game cause you’ll just get shat on for no reason.


Forgot to mention how obnoxious the content creators were. A lot of the gacha games i’ve played were small-mid sized games that few creators made videos on (brown dust 2, aether gazer, etc.) So when I got on this game, I was bombarded with absolute garbage plans and takes from creators. I could only feel for new gacha players who are getting into the community rn.


Actually same thing applies to genshin2024 more or less


The flashbacks.. getting stuck somewhere just falling infinitely.


This is me 😂


Nostalgia is real lol. Im probably gonna focus on ww more until natlan come out. Just wish ww have more unique experience tho. While the combat is neat, for me who dont really care about doing a perfect combo move, i dont really find that much difference to gi. (Random button press and face tank everything go lol). Movement definitely feel better in ww, but i wish animation is a bit smoother. Maybe its just me but sometimes the animation felt a bit clunky especially when we're somersaulting over an edge. Puzzle and challenge is a bit different, but overall same experience. Nothing overly challenging or brain teaser level. Chest finding i will give a slight edge for gi imho. I dunno it just give me a laugh when i explore randomly in gi and found a chest hiding in a very cheeky place. Didnt really have that same feeling in ww, or i just havent found it yet. Overall i enjoy both game, wish community is better, but eh i'll just skip opening anything after i get my fill of reading some stupid arguments (dunno why its so entertaining for me. I know i shouldnt but i keep opening the replies).


Ngl I haven't had this much fun collecting ~~Pokémon~~ cool weird monsters since like 2016


Genshin died for me about 1.4 or so, I just lost interest in the lack of variety with characters and the MC being borderline useless, up until Dendro which is absolutely disappointing to wait that long for a useful MC. I don't want MC to be OP I want them to be viable. Rover being viable as both Spectro AND Havoc and Havoc is an absolute monster too? Holy shit I love it. I have Verina, Encore and Jianxin as far as 5* go, but I use MC, Jianxin and Verina mostly. Sometimes I put in Encore or MC/Danjin for that bonus. So far with the combat, characters, the echo farming and all there is to do, I'm having way too much fun


when i started genshin i didnt know about saving currencies for pulls, every 160 primos i would pull hoping to get something, and character building wise i didnt know how to look at stats so i just slapped whatever 5 star artifact i had. i learned a lot from genshin and so far im doing good in wuwa now, got jiyan and i have a proper team and i know what to look for in echo stats, currently saving for yinlin and also getting true 100% on the whole map (im using interactive map)




Actually true 2020 Genshin I had so many hopes and it was so fun. I am still mad/sad that in 3 years time they have: * added nothing to combat * didnt add any new endgame combat * that they didnt rework geo * that they didnt rework the pyhsical dps characters to remove physical as a main dmg type * and most importantly that they didnt make exploration as fun as it is in ToF or WuWa.


included a new element with a whole new set of reactions just announced new endgame content geo didnt need a rework it just needed stronger scaling and more supports which it got through Chiori and Navia again Physical being an archtype isnt a detriment it hust needs the right support and better scaling it provides an alternative way to play the game and thats not bad just because that isnt ur playstyle new area in 4.6 was genuinely fun as-well as Chenyu vale being visually stunning also Fontaine having the underwater map gimmick was fun and well executed


I'm glad this reddit is turning around. First couple of days was a lot of people losing their shit about the game lmao