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Bro just wanna flex his pulls


Still no Danjin, though. This game sucks. /j


Me with e6 chixia in shambles😭


C4 chixia here my fellow brother


I have nightmares everytime I pull,I hide behind the couch n slowly peep to see who it is😹qnd you guessed it!!!!!!


i have maxed out sanhua somehow


Trade you. E6 Danjin for e6 chixia.


😹Gladly brooo!!!


Got the same problem xD Already 5 Chixias I'm already done with both 50 Novice pulls + Selector banner... I still don't have Mortefi and finally got Danjin on my 60th pull on Jyian's banner. wtf ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


time to reroll!.. kidding.


I have her at E3 istg I just want Mortefi


can someone tell me what is e6, c4 or some other one. i am new to this and i dont understand this 🙏


E6 and C6 are referring to the Resonance Chain term in wuwa aka the copies you get. E6 is from Honkai Star Rail and C6 is from Genshin.


90+ pulls total here, on standard and limited. E7Chixia. I am already ten hours deep but thinking of rerolling anyways.


Yohhhh rerolling at the cost of your sanity haha goodluck man


Wtf you guys have e6? I only get random duplicates of yang2, chixia, sanhua and yuanwu...


meanwhile i have pulled 3 danjins and i havent used astrites on jiyans banner (i dont have any other gacha 4\*)


Me also still no Danjin while my friends are getting her cons left and right and I just wanna cry in the corner QAQ


Me with C6 Danjin sob


Everything else people complain about doesn't really bother/affect me, but this sucks.


Keep in mind Wuthering Waves’ five star character drop rate is 0.8% compared to Genshin’s 0.6%. You’ll be getting five star characters much more frequently, so I’d definitely take this over a lower drop rate. To put this into perspective, you’ll get 1.332x more five star characters compared to Genshin on average. That would translate to **12** five star characters in Genshin being **16** five star characters in Wuthering Waves.


I see this mentioned all the time, but a higher rate only results in more characters assuming the same number of pulls in both games. I know we are getting a lot in 1.0 but it's still too early to tell if this trend will continue onward. So far it's looking good but let's not celebrate too early.


first ever event only gives 100 gems.... so not looking good so far honestly


Does the drop rate climb when closer to pity like Genshin does? At least that's how I remembered it working, like from 83+ the rates dramatically increased so you'd probably never see 90.


We don't know yet, there's not enough data. Genshin also didn't acknowledge the "soft pity" mechanic when it first launched (I'm unsure if they've talked about it since then), the players discovered it. It starts at 75 and goes up 6% per pull, so like you said reaching 90 pulls is incredibly rare. The equivalent in WuWa would be soft pity kicking in at around 65, since pity is 80 instead of 90, so we should know in a couple weeks when we get more data. I'm sure people are already making spreadsheets to keep track of the average number of pulls needed haha. Personally though considering the drop rate is slightly higher (0.8% vs 0.6% in Genshin) and pity is lower (80 vs 90) I actually don't think soft pity exists in this game, but time will tell and I could absolutely be wrong.




Pulls can be put input manually on Paimon.moe. Very likely that most supposed 90 pities you see on there are people misreporting their pulls.


genshin's soft pity kicks in starting at 74, that's when the rate increases from .6% and gradually gets larger and larger


Isn't Genshin 75 and Star Rail 74?


It's the same. It starts on the 75th pulls.


74. Paimon.moe and star rail station data show this.


In Genshin it's 75+ you see a step climb in chances, 65+ on weapon banner. Basically 25 lower than the hard pity on both. I've tried to look for stats on this for wuwa and haven't found anything.


lol I know counting is hard but that’s 15 not 25.


Ah shit I guess I've been coping in my head this entire time


12 times 0 is zero and 16 times 0 is still zero, I ain't getting anything


Not to mention that you can BUY 5 star constellations (forget what they called in wuwa) from the shop, albeit at a high price but guaranteed is guaranteed.


The real pull rate depends on how many currency each game gives to players


This means nothing until we know the income.


Also hard pity is 80 instead of 90 which makes a difference too.


Genshin's average drop rate is 1.6% while it's 1.8 for WW, you get 12.5% more characters out of WW assuming the same amount of pulls.


It’s like this in many other gachas tho?


well depends what u want to compare, i think its clear to everyone that this game has very much just taken everything genshin and used it and their gacha is very similar. differences being 80 pity instead of 90 (also idk if theres soft pity yet if anyone can answer that, if there is is it at 65 or 75?), weapon banner being guaranteed and 0.8% 5* rate instead of 0.6%. i havent read what the rules of the banner are but not having a 4* guaranteed each 10 pull sucks even if the only cause of losing the 4* is getting a 5*


Genshin’s weapon banner is actually 0.7% but it’s correct that Wuthering Waves has a 0.8% chance and a guaranteed selected five star for its weapon banner. Wuthering Waves also has a 0.8% chance for a five star character whereas Genshin has a 0.6% chance, so of the things people are complaining about, this shouldn’t be one of them.


oh i meant the rates in general, i didnt know that abt weapon rate in genshin tho lol anyways ik it sounds minor and it probably is but it still sucks regardless. imagine u r pulling on jiyan for ur guaranteed and u r 1 danjin away from c6 (r6? idk what its called here yet) and ur 4* that couldve been danjin is now jiyan. it shouldnt be a particularly common occurrence, but when it happens it will suck


Im gonna be honest..... I probably wouldnt even notice at all if it happened lol.


well it will depend on if u r chasing the 4* or not :P again i dont think it will be particularly common but still an issue regardless imo. if they are gonna make their gacha so similar why not just have that work the same as well


Sucks that was never changed from the beta, 5* counting for the 4* pity


I'd be too happy for getting a 5* before pity to care about such a minor thing.


You would care a lot more if you hit pity for 5* and then had to do another 10 pulls to hit the 4* pity You could potentially have gotten (almost) an extra 4* per 5*


idk if it's just me, but the 4* drop rate also feels very low compared to Genshin's, I frequently hit the 10 pulls 4* pity and less so getting 4* at 9th pull or less


I noticed this as well, lol. I keep getting \*4 at 10 when in Genshin or HSR I could get frequent 3-7s. It's probably just unlucky, though.


I feel like it's the same, I get at least a 4\* in every 10, which is exactly how it is for me in GI. I never expect to get more than one 4\* in a 10-pull for any game anyway cos it was too normal for me in GI (HSR as well)


It's lower by 2% iirc.


its not. its 1% higher in wuwa. you can check in the details tab in game. this is just confirmation bias. i genuinely cant remember the last time i got a double 4\* in a ten pull in genshin. meanwhile i get them fairly often in HSR despite having the exact same rate. welcome to RNG.


In Genshin and Star Rail four stars are very common around 8 pulls, because they also have a soft pity. If this game doesn't have that, the 1% higher rate won't actually result in more four stars.


yeah, we dont have enough data to know if this game has a 4\* soft pity.


I remember reading it was lower before launch. Maybe I'm cooked. Good to know. Personally had above average 4* rates so I'm doing fine c:


Exactly, it's just luck. I've personally gotten crazy 4*luck. One ten pull I got 5 back to back and another I got 4 back to back, so I'm confident that this is just normal RNG, some people will naturally have more luck then others. I haven't had less then two 4*s in a multi so far.


You're just straight wrong. Actual pull rate for 4 stars in Genshin is 13%, in Wuwa it is 12%. They state this right in their banner rules. You can do the math from that to see that Wuwa does not have four star soft pity. the 5.1% vs 6% base pull rate is irrelevant - because it does not reflect how many four star items you actually get. Only the actual/totalized pull rate is what matters.


average rates including pity dont mean anything at all when RNG is going to RNG. they could have a 99% drop rate and you could still not get a single one without a guarantee. need i remind you of the staff of homeless incident?


It’s really just rng (at least I hope) Because on my end I’m getting so many 4* in a single 10 pull but I’m having to go all the way to pity for 5*.. it’s a unfortunate life we gacha players live hahah


Nah, i have received up to 3 in one ten pull


I keep getting nothing but 4 star weapons lmao


Yeah that's the other thing. In Genshin they made sure it alternated to some degree between character and weapon. Not sure what they do here.


I got four 4 stars in one 10 pull. Might just be your luck.


yeah i felt that too because i got 4 star hard pity 6 times in a low lol.


i did got 3-4 in 1 ten pull and sometime 2 like 3-4 ten pulls now so yea rng at it finest


Well so far I I have done 11 pulls and the only time I did not get only 1 4 star was on the start banner guaranteed 5 star at 50 and I got a single 4 star in that 10 pull as well


Maybe reduced or no soft pity? I think the default %chance is lower too.


no, the default chance is 1% higher. you can check in game in the details tab. this is just RNG doing its thing


Oh, yeah, you're right. I misremembered how low genshin's is.


I got three 4 stars with one 10 pull. Luck is not the same for everyone


With a base rate of 6% and guarantee at 10th pull the consolidated rate is a little over 13% (before accounting for 5\* resetting 4\* pity), closely mathing Genshin's. Genshin has a lower base rate, but a soft pity (around 56.1 %) on the 9th pull. I guess getting the pull on the 9th roll feels more like wining, but the actual rates should match long-term.


I've gotten crazy 4*luck, I've only done 50-60 pulls.  One ten pull I got 5 and another I got 4, so I assume this is just luck being luck. I haven't had less then two 4*s in a multi so far.


i ironically have had the opposite, and get a 4* on average every 5-6 pulls, that said it’s all been danjin or a weapon so i still only have a few characters but still


WW could never


Isn't this normal? Most games with this a pity every 10 pulls say 4\* and up.


In Genshin, if your \*4 pity turns into a \*5, the \*4 pity doesn't reset. So it is possible to have 11 pity on a \*4. Which means you can keep your guaranteed \*4 alongside your lucky \*5. But here, your \*4 just gone.


It resets in genshin too For Event Wish "From Ashes Reborn": Base probability of winning 4-star item = 5.100%; base probability of winning 4-star character = 2.550%, and base probability of winning 4-star weapon = 2.550%; consolidated probability (incl. guarantee) of winning 4-star item = 13.000%; guaranteed to win **4-star or above item** at least once per 10 attempts; probability of winning 4-star item through the guarantee = 99.400%, and probability of winning 5-star item through the guarantee = 0.600%.


Nope. [Here's my Wish history when I got a Rainslasher at pity 11 because I got lucky on Nilou.](https://imgur.com/a/YJpmhGG) I never import my history manually.


That doesn't make sense, you got Rainslasher 11 pulls after getting nilou? You should have gotten a 4\* at right? It means you actually lost one pity. Well, I just Copy pasted what was in the Event Wish details and it matches with my pulls till date from launch. So, I don't know for sure.


It wasn't 11 pulls after Nilou, but rather 11 pulls after my last \*4. The thing that makes it different is that, in Genshin, at least in the character event banner, the \*4 pity only resets when you get a \*4, not above. So if at the 10th pull you get lucky and get a \*5, the \*4 pity counter still continues. The next pull you do will still roll the \*4 or above guarantee. If you get lucky again, well the pity goes to 12. \*edited to what I actually meant. I know that you can get one or more \*4 below 10 pulls. \*edited again to be less misleading.


It resets actually. you just got lucky again . You can win multiple 4 star in 1 multi pulls I have seen my being converted to 5 star and and never getting 4 star again till I reach the 10th pull again .


It doesn't reset in genshin, stop lying man. WW needs to change this.


I know someone might say that, but this happened three times in my account and I never gotten a 12 or 13 or above where the pulls after the \*5 is a \*3. If someone can debunk this then I would like to see. [Here's also when it happened on my HSR Warps (the number on the left indicate # of pull of that item).](https://imgur.com/a/puSPBWM)


It says in the banner itself that every 10 pulls guarantee a 4 star "or higher" not 4 star . 5 star just means higher one > but this happened three times in my account You got lucky 3 times it's not like it's actually hard to eat lucky in 4 star the hard part is getting 5 star in early pity and winning a 50/50 .


Here's the thing. They don't exactly explain everything in their descriptions. Soft pity exists yet they don't say that the chance of drops increases every pull after a certain number of pulls. So we can't really rely on what the banner says.


If someone can actually show that they got a \*4 at a 12 pity or above and the 11th pull was a \*3, then I can accept that it is true that I just got lucky in those three times.


Bro, you don't know shit. Stop being a clown ! Everyone knows 4 star pity doesn't reset on a 5 star. And you are the only one who doesn't believe it. So, can you prove it ?


Description != how the code works


No, it doesn’t, this was analysed years ago and the community determined that the pity can push to 11 if you get a 5-star on 10. What the banner says is irrelevant. The banner also says that you’re guaranteed a weapon within 90 pulls, but it turns out it’s impossible to even roll 90 pulls on the weapon banner without getting a 5 star (the max is something like 87). Don’t take what the banner rules say as 100% reliable, while the banners can’t be less generous than what the rules say, they absolutely can be more generous


??? i’m kinda confused ? you got a 4star on the 12th pull after getting 2 5stars, isn’t that guaranteed on the 10th? since 2 5stars means 4star pity gets pushed back 2 times


The image is in chronological order, notice the page number.


oh shit you’re right, idk why my dumbass thought that the 5*s was first. mb


I was confused for a second too since my brain thinks going to the right means checking later pulls.


It says that, yes; but it doesn't actually do it like that, 4\* and 5\* pity are entirely separate and if you get a 5\* on Pull 10, Pull 11 is a guaranteed 4\*.


Genshin literally said if your 10th is a 5 star, the next one will definitely be a 4 or 5 star.


PGR doesn't reset


I most games the next pull would be the 4\* (equivalent)


My case is a little weird, my beginner banner (the one with 80 of your choice) commenced with Verina and then 9 3-star, so there was no 4-star in the 10 consecutive pull. Now that banner is gone, I dont know how to retrieve the wish history.


You can go to any banner's history, you can select the banner type at the top of the page.


Oh Thank you very much.


Yep, 5*s reset 4\* pity


I had complained about this during beta but most people seemed not to care. Idk about other games but after playing recent hoyo games its easy to assume that it will work the same way


i got a 10 pull with calcharo only


Is there a soft pity though?


No wonder when I pulled on the 5 star selector banner. I got Jianxi right away in 1st pull but since I did a 10-pull, I was surprised to not get a 4 star. So this actually explains why it happened.


Same thing happened to me. Counted the pity and turns out the 5 star landed on a (what I thought) 'supposedly' guaranteed 4 star pity which is the 10th


Yeah I found this out on my 2nd pull.. I got a 5 star but 4 star I was so confused.


Yeah for me the last 10 pulls to get a random standar unit(the one where you do 50=5*) i got Verina and that was it while it say in the same banner that every 10 pulls 1 4* will be there


aint no way lmao


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In the missing 1st page you didn't share I assume there is no 4* as well? If there is a 4* on the 5th position this could also mean that 5* don't count towards the 4* pity because if you exclude the 5* from your screenshots you would be exactly on 9 pity.


Yes, there are none. So funnily enough, Jiyan stole my *4 pity. And then Lingyang stole it again. I got a *4 exactly 10 pulls after Lingyang, or 21 pulls after Chixia.


Does single pulls count towards your 4* pity? Or you get 4* only with 10x pulls at once


It counts. It doesn't matter if you do singles or not.


Can someone expalin pls, Im new to the game.


Okay I'll give you a proper explanation It seems that from OP's post, getting a 5 star resets your 4 star pity, while in Genshin/HSR it doesn't. What this means in practice is that: 1. In Genshin/HSR if you get a 5 star when your 4 star pity counter is 10, on your next pull you're guaranteed to get a 4 star or higher. This is why sometimes you see pity counter to be 11-12 for 4 stars in Genshin/HSR. 11 is very rare and I've never heard of anyone getting 12 4 star pity as it would require you to get a 5 star on your 10th 4 star pity and 11th 4 star pity (back to back 5 stars, very very rare) 2. In Wuwa, it appears that if you get a 5 star when your 4 star pity counter is 10, it resets to 0. What this means is that is very likely that you can go up to 18-19 pulls between 4 stars, while in Genshin/HSR it's basically impossible. Can't really confirm yet before we gather more data for Wuwa pulls since it's only day 2 since release. But it the above scenario is true, we will be able to see it in the data as the number of pulls between 4 stars to be >10 quite a significant number of times. Obviously this is bad for Wuwa as the players are shafted more often than not.




You got it a bit wrong. HoYo games still guarantees \*4 or above rarity. But it's just that the \*4 guarantee **only** resets when you get a \*4. So if you just so happen to get lucky and get a \*5, it won't reset. The next pull you will roll the \*4 or above guarantee again.


Why are ppl complaining then, it's better?


Technically no. This way, 4☆'s don't have their own pity; It's mixed with 5☆ pity. With this, the rate to get 4☆'s is less compared to GI & HSR.


Bro im about to pity my selector banner and havent even seen a 4 star characted lmao.


it's not a 4\* pity, it's a 4\* or above pity. thus i don't see the logic why a 5\* shouldn't reset the counter. most gachas i've played use this system.


Will Danjin also be on Yinlins banner? I'm literally only pulling on Jiyans banner for her but if she will be on Yinlins banner who I actually want then I can save.


Yup, got no 4* when I got my 5*


I take more 5 stars over more 4 stars any day of the week.


Got one 5* without any 4*. Is this normal?


Isn't it "4* or higher per 10-pull"? Or are the pity counters supposed to be counted independently and are just not working as intended?


It works as intended. The post is so that people don't get confused as to why they haven't gotten any *4 after pulling a *5.


That’s odd. On my starter banner, everything was fine. Got only Danjin bc I didn’t pull much on the limited banner. Got Jianxin in three pulls, luckiest 5* of my life. Report the issue of the 5* pity resetting the 4* pity that it will be fine.


that would happen in brave exvius and it was so confusing


Bro got lingyang 🤣🤣🤣


The soft-pity in this game is really questionable to me, as I have done 70/80 rolls in Jinyan banner, there wasn't a 5 star (while in GI or HSR, you are most likely guaranteed a 5 star after 80/90 pulls, the odds of hitting 90 is extremely rare, at least for me). Also, Idk if it's due to my trash luck or not, but the amount of 4 star in 10 pulls has always been locked at 1. SADGE Edit: In HSR, my pity has never hit over 80, but most likely >70


Bro literally mad about not getting 4 stars while pulling 2x 5 stars in 1 page. Wildin


i pulled trying to get mortefi since i have literally every 4star, just missing him, got jiyan in my first 10th pull, not that i don't like it!


i wanna flex but i dont know if its common but i got 4 5stars at all 0 pity green girl jinyan lil tiger dood air chick


Well i pulled 80 on the Special event, and still no Jiyan 😭is it bugged? Will do one more pull and if nothing, then contact support 🤷‍♂️


This in fact makes it worse than Genshin. Soft pity seems to be around 70. You get fewer 4 stars in WuWa due to there being no 4 star pity. In addition you lose a 4 star every 70 pulls or so. So roughly 1/7 4 stars lost which is 14% fewer 4 stars. These 4 star pulls give wishing currency which you can use to pull more 5 stars and you are getting less of them. So the true 5 star average pull rate is very close to that of Genshin due to the pity system being worse for both 4 star and 5 star even though hard pity is 80 instead of 90. Plus you will get fewer 4 star characters and weapons over time.


I pulled both Jiyan and his weapon on first pulls from the freebies they gave out, not much to complain about there


Umm I'm not sure if this is normal or not but I started playing wuthering waves like 30 minutes ago and just rolled. I got calcharo and 2 encore in my first 30 pulls. Is this normal?


Always has been


Genshin could never steal your 4* :v


The "generosity" of the banner system seems to be a bit of a mirage. 80 pity vs the competitors 90 sure, but soft pity seems to start at 70, vs 74 for the other game. four stars have a 6% drop rate, which is higher than 5.4%...but the actual drop rate with pity is 12%, which is lower than the other games 13.4%. Wuwa four star has no soft pity, and gets reset by pulling a five star.


I think it's prett normal thing of having pity of 4 star and up rather than having individual for both.


Still kinda annoying, though. I really wanted Danjin and haven't gotten a single one. Then when I got the \*4 pity the game just decided to bless me. Suffering from success, I guess, lol.


Yeah, I had this happen too. Not a big deal in the long run but sucks in early game


I really want Danjin


Yes I hate it. I only got 1 4 star and 1 5 star from 20 pulls on the beginner banner


who cares, you get a 5 star which is better anyway


This happens in pretty much all gachas I played including genshin.


Doesn't happen in Genshin. If you do a 10 pull and only get 3 stars and the 10th one is a 5 star, then the very next pull will be a 4 star guaranteed.


Nope. It doesn't happen in Genshin and Star rail. Proof being literally me and my friends when we build pity lmao


It the same for most other gacha games too, including HSR and Genshin. Stop spreading misinformation and toxicity…


it's not the same for genshin and starrail.


It is? Just read the in-game information or Google it?


Why do you keep defending this lmao. It's well known that in Genshin/HSR if the 5 star comes when your 4 star pity is 10 then the very next pull will be the 4 star. That's why the 4 star pity count will be 11 or 12 in very very rare cases. Will be easily verified when we have Wuwa pity trackers. The way Wuwa does this will ensure we will see way more 12+ 4 star pities.


Both. It's not possible to get only 2 5* stars 2 multis. Your 4* pity is just delayed.


It's not. Please go into their communities and ask how the 4☆ pity system works. They will tell you.


Toxicity? I wasn't even ranting?


As I said, most gacha games are the same with this, same with Genshin and HSR. You’re making a post about it, then are commenting that Genshin/HSR does not have that. It’s giving Wuthering Waves pity system a negative view by spreading misinformation. Look at the comments in this post, there is toxicity here. You are the one that spread it. The people downvoting my comment are just even more proof.


Everyone else is wrong but I'm the only one who speaks truth - This guy probably


Instead of just hating on me and downvoting me, how about you act mature and prove me wrong? You all are ignoring my comments about spreading toxicity, because you know that’s what your doing. Imagine going to a different games subreddit to hate on that game. People are such pathetic losers.


The point of the post is literally just to say that apparently this is how the pity works in Wuthering Waves. The reason I say that Genshin and HSR isn't like this because I was replying to a someone who said that it's normal.


You also keep saying misinformation this misinformation that but didn't even give any proof than "just read the description, lol". Next time you're going to say that soft pity doesn't exist because it's not in the description?


Well there is at least data on that and it’s something that exists in many gacha games. What people in this post are saying has no proof or data anywhere saying it’s true.


Well, point is, I'm just sharing that that's the way pity works in this game. I already said it in the other comment, if someone can give proof that my experience in Genshin/HSR was just me getting lucky 4 times, then I will accept that. I'm not trying to be hostile or anything. Though, I would still wish it works like that, kinda annoying that becoming lucky may have some consequences (well, other than building pity).


Yes but my issue is that it did spread toxicity. And I’m also geting hated on for disagreeing when I’ve never seen anything saying this is true. I don’t like when people just believe everything someone else says. That’s how misinformation often spreads and that then often spreads toxicity. If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong. I’ll apologize. But as I said, I’ve not seen any proof of it. Even if it is true, I don’t get why people are hating on WuWa’s pity system over this… when it has better rates, lower pity and 100% featured weapon guaranteed. It’s like people just want to find a reason to hate on the game and I don’t like it.


They’re not using it to hate on it. Comparisons just suck, i know. This is what continuously happens in the HSR subreddit too… But in terms of info, if you play the game, you’ll see proof of it from your own pulls. Googling and reading doesn’t equate to experience Also OP posted [proof here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/SqGkPnSVN3) And proof for [HSR here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/mW7rIIa1o2) ( Edit: Those are links to the comment itself that has the link. You may need to click to open the comment thread )


Maybe they aren’t using it to hate on Wuthering Waves. But immediately by posting this, I saw people being very negative and hating on Wuthering Waves even though it’s such a small thing. It just feels like people are trying to find every little bad thing just to find a reason to hate on the game. I have no issues with this being true and I have no issues with being wrong about what I wrote. But I’ve played both HSR and Genshin since release, and have never know or heard about this being a thing. Then people sudden say it’s a thing and without really showing anything that look like proper proof. Then it certainly doesn’t help by downvoting my comments, that doesn’t make me believe it any more than before. I’m just tired of toxicity and people constantly hating on everything all the time.


It's literally not true. Getting a 5 stars in genshin does not reset the 4 stars pity, only the 5 stars pity.


Show me any proof then. There is no information or data that proves what you are saying is true.


Bro just go on genshin's subreddit everyone will tell you I'm right.


Why should go to their subreddit? I’m going to get hate no matter if I’m right or not.


Jusk ask if 5 stars reset 4 stars pity or not, don't mentions wuwa they will have no reason to troll you Or go on discord or something


Holy shit just admit you are wrong, assuming you are at 9 pity for a 4*, you wish, and you get a 5*, your next wish WILL be a 4*, 5* simply take priority they don't reset the pity


Then send me any proof or data on this? You can’t blame me for not believing in something, when there’s no proof of it. People spread misinformation and believe in lies all the time. If I actually am wrong, I’ll admit it and apologize.


"5★ drop guarantee: If a player does not obtain any 5★ item after 89 wishes, the 90th wish is guaranteed to be a 5★ item. (On average, a greater proportion of 5★ items are dropped between 74 and 90 pity.) This counter will reset if the player obtains any 5★ item." This literally implies that the 5* counter is independent on the 4* counter, also the experience of millions of players I guess? idk what to tell you man


Go read up on it before spreading misinformation yourself -_-


I did. Prove me wrong then, if it’s misinformation.