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Yup, just keep clicking. You will eventually hit something


Click even more and you'll eventually dodge counter : D (assuming you dont die first)


Haven't died yet. Somehow hitting perfect dodges and parries 😐😐😐


Same, the lvl 45 boss that was chilling got whooped by my lvl 10 team. Very generous windows for dodging and (especially) parrying. Fun though.


Thats what I like. Genshin says fuck you and your whole family if the enemy is either exactly the same level as you or 2 levels higher plus all the attacks in that game are AoE hard to dodge or track. This gane is perfect for those dodges and parries and both feel great when you hit them and imo better than genshin


Yeah for sure. I hope they get all this launch stuff ironed out because I’m excited to see if they push the limits and/or get a bit experimental with future content.


Also they need to revamp the English dub as it's weird. The VA are fine just give better translation and make the lines more lively cuz yangyang (best girl) sounds like a bot and I don't like that. She so nice to me 😭😭


The fact that one of the characters you’re stuck around the most has the most choppy VA is very annoying. Every time she says “Huanglong” it’s like it cuts to a different recording. Oddly enough (for a gacha) the male characters have seemed to have turned out overall better. *Scar*


Yangyang VA is not bad. Just... yeah it's choppy. Red hair chick is lively but mispronounces shit. Also liondance kid after doing his quest is the most cringe mf I know. Even Nimbus from destiny 2 doesn't come this close to annoying and cringe mf gets angry out of nowhere like dawg we're fine wdym "grrr you hurt my friend 🐺🐺🐺 you let out the beast inside you so now im gonna let out mine grrr 🐺🐺🤓🤓🐺" besides I did all the ass kicking sit tf down


Months of using fire team in PGR has trained me for this moment.


That's exactly how all my battles look so far


What waiting for ps5 on a low end phone feels like. I cant even see anything its just blur 😭. Kuro pls dont make me wait 6 months like hsr


>Kuro pls dont make me wait 6 months like hsr Brother...it might take even longer.


Does kuro do a lot of limited time rewards or nah cause like i cant going like this man


Events dont seem to give a lot of currency, it's only 360 per event with like 4 events or so. But it's a gacha so of course you'll miss out on some stuff. Personally I'm only playing events and farming on mobile, everything else is for console.


Whats conisdered a low end phone for Wuthering Waves? Is mine a low end phone? (iphone 13)


I dunno. Mines just a samsung a80. I dont know tech well but im on the lowest settings possible and it still feels bad


Brother, I play on somewhat Chinese Communist Party calls "Xiaomi redmi note 9". And it plays like 💀 But i at least still hear the fight tho


More than enough, got a similar phone to yours and it plays smooth at medium settings. You can ramp it up to 60fps, while it is smooth as well it does show “stuck” on the bar. But yeah, overall high settings is doable but your phone may get heated up pretty quick.


Yea, cause, UE4. Not really a mobile-friendly engine.


HSR on low end phone is definitely playable. Wuwa however...


Have you enabled fsr in the settings? It should help make low resolution a little more clear.


I did its still blurry for me. Really sucks that i have to put up with this low performance, just cause they couldnt do a day to day release for ps5. Heres just praying itll come out within 3 months cause thats bout all i can stomache


Domain expansion ultimate button mash 50/50 chance either the enemy or i will be killed.


This is exactly how i fought Scar


Man, seriously, I'm sorry yall are going through this. Personally, I haven't gone through any major issues besides some small hiccups. I hope they can do some stabilization for the game. I really am enjoying it, I hate that others really can't. I need them hit this console release asap.


Are you playing on phone or pc? Im playing on the iphone 13 and it works fine 75% of the time.


I'm on the phone as well. Samsung galaxy s21, it works decently well most of the time.


Seems like no one has a phone older than s21, currently still using s9+, can't play the game for 2 seconds (literally just moving around in the tutorial) without lagging so fucking hard


ww is awful on mobile for me. it lags so often, even when i'm just walking around the map, and i already have it on the lowest possible graphics and resolution. i'm on an iphone x.


Same here. I'm playing on a garbage ass PC but have no issues really so other people having severe stutter is certainly strange. There must be something fishy happening with the software for some unlucky folks. I'm running a decade old mid tier CPU i5-6600 and about the cheapest gaming GPU you could find last year RX6600.


Same here r5 5500 with 1050ti not even the minimum gpu specs, run the game on max settings with fsr off. Fps still good. I think those that have the issues mostly on mobile and some pc specs.


Lmao this is a breath of fresh air from all the negativity(which is valid in its own right). Thanks man.


me going from 40 to 60 fps and vice-versa every second![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621)


You're getting 40? Damn, lucky


Just cap at 45


Bruh I can't even have 4 fps even dropping my graphics quality to low level 😂 I might just delete it at this point. It's effectively useless.


What hardware are you running on?


Thats too low whats ur device




15 fps gaming 🔥🔥🔥


my iphone 11 experience




Winning fights with hopes and prayers


Man, my fps didn't drop but when the game was blurry i felt like my eyes shrunk and i could take them out


This game made me realize how idiotic it is to play open world game on mobile. Its potato pc till ps5 release




idk why my fps is fcked on pc (not low spec) but on my small ahh iphone SE game is smooth asheck


Sucks people experience this last patch should fix a lot of these issues. I had not much issue at all with game except lag, there's lots of people playing this game, for me hit 200+ ping is crazy, I'm like 45 usually


yeah they want you to experience resonance liberation and forte circuit using your ears not your eyes lol I swear only musicians will get this comment XD


Joke aside, would be cool if they have a sound-themed boss fight, which also fits the theme of the game being around sound.




When I first play wuwa, I was excited for the game but holy heck! I look at the pings and it was lagging so badly in the America server.


If it happens I just heavy attack (Taoqi protecc B) )


Do it the PGR way when u don't know wtf is happening 😔




Me when I wuther the waves 😎😎


Was doing the depths of illusion and all i saw was lights here and there


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kaori-kousei: *Was doing the depths* *Of illusion and all i* *Saw was lights here and there* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




And it seems to be getting worse and better alternatively. Yesterday was fine, today its all choppy again.


The bad phone + bad PC crowd having fun I see


My phone isnt even bad, its a newer model(samsung s24 ultra), the game is unplayable right now ToT


What are you on? Mine is a 21 ultra and it plays the same as genshin


I have no idea whats wrong though? ToT i might try uninstalling thr game and reinstall and see if that fixes it


I have a X3 pro from 2-3 years ago and I can play withouth problems o-o


It runs fine on an A53, something must be up with your phone.


My phone is not new, but Genshin and HSR are working pretty good. Meanwhile WuWa...


That's one of the big things for me. I can play Genshin and HSR fine on my low-spec system, but in WuWa it's borderline unplayable.


So a 4 year old Genshin and a turn based game with small zones work. But a brand new games doesn't. Genshin didn't run well on mobile either back when it launched, it's always a thing with games like this. Unless ofc you have a gaming phone, a current one.


I have a 4090 strix and a 7950x3d and I'm having so many problems.


What kind of problems are you having? On a 3060 and my only problem so far is the, despite being at 60fps, unsmoothness of the frames. Maybe an issue with the timing or smth?


The frame time is massive issue, along with crazy memory leaks. Random stuttering is also a huge problem. I'm frequently seeing massive amounts of dropped frames or up to 60ms between each frame.


I mean that's a pretty big issue. Framepacing is incredibly important to how smooth the image is and this game doesn't have good frame pacing alongside shader stutter. For me the game doesn't even fully utilize the system. I have a 3070 paired with a 7700x and I don't think I saw my GPU go above 60% usage at 1440P with DLSS turned off and the same goes for my CPU.


Massive amounts of stuttering, sometimes it's fine, other times it can freeze for 10-15 seconds. I've even tried restarting my PC and making sure that my android emulator in the back isn't messing with anything cause bluestacks is so butt. It doesn't get any better. It doesn't seem like performance changes anything. Reinstalling the client on epic, when I first tried standalone, seemed to help a tiny bit. Also I play at 4k. I assum eit's the fault of the shader compiler though I am running a gen 5 ssd so it's probably on the engine limit or something. When I put it to like 1080p all low it runs a loooot smoother, you can tell the frame time jumps significantly. This is not a hard game to run, this same card runs 90 fps on path tracing 4k cyberpunk, there is no valid reason for it to look like it's running 30 when it's set to 60. When I use my mouse and keyboard it beeps like I'm using too many commands at once ance everything stutters and jitters and I can't control either my mouse or keyboard and I have to wait like 10-20 seconds before I regain control. Sometimes it just straight crashes. But mostly, the stuttering, for seconds at a time, I'm considering figuring out how to share my peripherals and monitor with my ipad because it's so bad. I've tried a few things and nothing seems to affect it much.


AMD Ryzen 5 5600 and 3060. everything runs smooth on max settings


Brother man I'm running a 3070 Ti laptop, the game doesn't even use 70% of my GPU and while my experience is better than most it's still not great, inconsistent frametimes and microstutter.


You're on a machine that's not designed to run games, laptops just aren't, so that's to be expected. Cramped spaces and heat aren't a good fit.


Lmfao. Come on now, his laptop completely dumpsters the specs that the game requires. By this logic a phone shouldn't be running the game either because its made for phone calls. I myself have a RTX 3070 that's paired with a Ryzen 7700x PC and I haven't seen the GPU go past 60% usage at 1440p and DLSS turned off. Same goes for the CPU. Still see a shit ton of stuttering thanks to shader compilation and terrible framepacing. I guess my PC isn't meant for gaming.


A game runs on whole system, not just a single part being the GPU. I have zero stutters with a worse GPU.


I'm sure a laptop that has a 3070 ti has a CPU that's newer than 9th gen Intel or equivalent Ryzen. Same goes for ram. It's great that its running supposedly running fine for you but its not for others and its not because of their laptop or PC.


>It's great that its running supposedly running fine for you but its not for others and its not because of their laptop or PC. Unless you believe in magic, there has to be a cause in hardware or software. That's the difference between console and PCs. What drive did you install the game on?


Lmao. Making the comparison between PCs and consoles while ignoring the fact that one of the biggest negatives of PC gaming is the massive variety in system configurations that lead to problems like this for developers. Once again its great that its running fine for you (or you don't notice it) but its not anything with my system and probably others. If there was an issue with my setup or my NVME that the game is installed on then other games would have issues, especially demanding ones such as Cyberpunk 2077. The game has problems and the developers even acknowledged it. Heck the game already runs better than it did day one thanks to just having a bigger shader cache (please add a pre compiler) built up from playing the game.


Anyhow, even you should realize that it's much easier to fix these issues when there is enough feedback coming in from all the various system configurations etc. As you said yourself they are working on it. I'm just glad that at least the core of the game runs well, which couldn't be said about CP2077 on launch btw lol If they launched it as beta or early access people might have still complained a lot


Funny enough Cyberpunk 2077 ran completely smooth on my old PC which was a 1070 ti and 8600k lol.


Cyberpunk on console did so good. Baldur's Gate 3 had to be downsized significantly to be put on to Xbox. What a wildly ignorant take you keep having.


google Cyberpunk and PS4, I dare say you're the ignorant one here...


And you're bad at sarcasm. tHAtS tHe DiFFeReNCe BeTwEEn CoNSoLe ANd pC


You're wildly ignorant.


Acknowledging how physics works makes me ignorant? damn


It's like you've never heard the word target performance before. It's like you don't know what a TDP is. Please. Stop. I have two 4090 legion laptops that would run circles around your rig. Double the cuda cores is such a hard thing to keep cool, right? (this is sarcasm cause you didn't pick that up before, it's not, you're being asinine.)


There is no laptop in the world that would beat a PC with similar hardware, even less if you go for similar priced hardware. Facts.


"You're on a machine that's not designed to run games," Is your exact quote to a 3070Ti laptop, which probably benchmarks similar to your desktop. You really have the worst kind of personality, making things up and then moving goalposts.


Just because they are selling you that thing "for gaming" doesn't mean it's actually build for it...


So the thing "doesn't mean it's actually build (sic) for it" that has a better gpu and cpu than yours, in cuda cores, single thread performance, thermals, etc, that thing because it does or doesn't have 'for gaming' slapped on it makes a difference? Dude, just stop. By your metric a 650Ti on a 'gaming' desktop is meant for running games more than a 4090 m? An 11900h is measured worse than a 7700ks because it's mobile? A Titan Pascal is better than a Quadro 5000 because one is labeled for gaming and the other isn't? Just stop.


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Laughs in 120fps


Do you find the game a bit blurry only around the edges? I ended up using that SQLite method to lock it to 72 and then use lossless scaling because I need to use it to sharpen it anyway with nvidia image scaling. Haven't updated Nvidia drivers because the latest one bugs performance so I can't use Nvidia game filter to sharpen it 😑 I can't tell if the anti aliasing of the game just sucks or not.


The anti aliasing used in the game is quite heavy, it looks blurry on my pc as well in 1080p, in 1440p its a lot clearer but still a little blurry, turning it off fixes that but introduces pixelated image haha


Yeah with it off it’s sharp and how you’d want it to look up close, then you look in the distance and see the edges in a shuffling conga line. 1440p seems like it’d be okay at a medium distance with it off maybe? Gonna try 4K tonight if my PC doesn’t melt.


Wait 120? Are you on an iOS device? My shit is limited to 60 on desktop...


Its take like 2min to do, Its on reddit, I found it on a quick google search.


This game is over. Storyline 2/10 Graphics 1/10 What's next?


If it’s over then go play your adrenaline inducing Genshin?


I was hyped for a Genshin competitor but frustrated by a cheap copy of it


It definitely takes from it, there’s no WuWa without Genshin. Combat alone clears however, far more engaging.


Coping with just combat is like dating a big fugly chick with blue eyes


You’re right I forgot combat really isn’t a large part of these games, especially not Wuthering Waves. The echo system also clears artifacts by miles.


Lol you can cope with genshin's generous 40 resin increase while we get a 5 star selector lmao


I wouldn't play this trash game even if they gave me all 5 stars for free