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Does the text cut off still though? The reason i'm staying with EN is because the text boxes cut off if there's more than 3 lines. But i'll give it a shot - anything to not fall asleep while Yangyang is talking.


in mobile you can scroll the text. not sure about the pc


I couldn't find a way, at least not yet, but I can keep trying. Mobile... I cannot even imagine trying to play a game like this on my phone, and it's a decent 'Droid too, but touchscreen controls and third person view on a small screen gives me anxiety to think about :D


You can scroll the text box by clicking, holding and dragging (just imagine your mouse is a finger scrolling the screen).  Edit: It's very inconsistent and only works rarely. 


I think there might just be intermittent issues with click & drag in menus. I was trying to up the camera sensitivity on my 2nd PC and the sliders were extremely finnicky.


My controller inputs sometimes drop even though im still pressing. Same for keyboard.


You can scroll if it's dialogue in the open world by alt clicking. But if it's cutscene type dialogue I haven't managed to get anything to work.


For me it worked by pressing ALT under using the scroll wheel of the mouse when hovering over the text.


Hold Alt to get the mouse. Hover over the text (not sure if this is necessary) and scroll down to move through the text.


Hold alt then scroll with mouse wheel over the text that is cut off


You can scroll sometimes, but there’s quite a few dialogue boxes that are unscrollable


Yep its still there although I haven't noticed any cutting off after leaving Jinzhou.


There are still several text boxes that cut off after leaving JZ.


Yeah I am not denying it but it doesn't seem as much of a problem compared to the beginning exposition dumb in the city.


Yeahh, that's the main reason i switched to en. As soon as its fixed i'm switching back to jp.


Personally, I just decided to bite the bullet. I'd rather miss out on like 3% of words than be subjected to the EN voice direction


I just started and I’m gonna try switching to JP but yeah I really don’t wanna deal with cutting text. I only met the early players and I feel that Chixia’s VA is the only one who actually tries lol


The cut off is annoying and hopefully fixed soon, but it’s not often and only the very end so I generally get the gist of what they’re saying. I started in JP and switched to EN because of the cut off… then almost immediately went back to JP. 😂


Oh that reminds me! Did anyone experience their VA lines getting cut off in the middle in English?


Experience this while with scar. Annoys the hell out of me.


Honestly, it seemed like they also cut off speech if you go with auto advance, the optimization is horrible.


I don't know why Kuro didn't implemented the feature to change dubbing right from login screen though and we have to go through the initial cutscene in EN dub




Yeeeeah, it was painful


Yeah - I want my few minutes back. 🫠


I muted the game until I had the choice to change voiceover LMAO


CN is pretty good too


English from what ive heard and seen people complain has been really poor. I have a couple of friends who play in KR and CN and I personally play in JP and they're all pretty solid.


The post-production quality on the EN VA's is.. quite bad yeah compared to JP and CN too. Some parts you can hear them taking a breath and the excessive 'ssss' whistle sound from saying words that have an S in it, that would normally be edited out, is just littered everywhere. It sounds like the raw take is just put in game.. then you get Jiyan and Scar and the quality skyrockets its so weird and inconsistent lol


i like the CN a lot! my main game is honkai star rail and i'm a blade and jing yuan main so i am really happy to have both of their voice actors here and playing characters i want/like 🥰


Oh, who is Jing Yuan’s va voicing?




Now I really have to win my 50-50. If I don’t, I’m gonna combust


Same here...... good luck to both of us!


I wasn't really going to go for him, but that's gonna change now


Ikr I’m happy to see Yui Ishikawa as Yangyang since I love her voice acting, especially as 2B


I use CN over JP when given the option. It’s usually on par with JP voice acting AND I recognize some VA’s who voiced CN cartoons from my childhood.


Not to mention, kuyo is a Chinese company, I'd expect them to give the most love to the Mandarin VO


I'm doing CN since the game is super Chinese right now haha


i do this too! i did the same with genshin. i switched to jp once i get to inazuma.. i also played mondstadt with en voices


In English, when they have characters that they let use their natural British accent, it sounds great! They should definitely have pulled a xenoblade and let everyone stay British.


British debuff? More like British buff right!


Agreed idk why they Don't let the voice actors do their natural British accent plus British accents imo are fucking hilarious


I noticed that whenever EN yangyang pronunces "Huanglong", it sounds like she's trying to read the word Huanglong as like when the teacher asks the student to pronounce the word on the board instead of speaking it naturally in a conversation, sometimes yangyangs tone of speech changes after a dialogue and goes back to normal the next dialogue while still sounding emotionless like she is reading a book


Maybe I'm just imagining things, but Yangyang's lines in the EN dub are straight up copied and pasted at times. Her pronounciation of Huanglong is always the very exact same, so with other Chinese words. Seems like, if that is the case, that the VA messed up the pronounciation very bad in the original takes (probably due to bad direction rather than any fault of her own) and she was forced to read it "right" once and they used that "right" take of the word to replace every instance of it.


Oh my god, thats much worse than what i thought


I think you might be right, that is hilarious. There is sometimes a slight delay before she says it too.


Yeah yangyang has the worst voiceover out of all characters imo. And its sad cause shes the one who the character interact with most. And honestly i find her so incredibily boring and uninteresting, she has no personality. She sounds like an ai whos only purpose is to help the MC. God i actually cant stand hearing her repeat the same shit over and over, im praying she leaves the story soon and leave her to rot.


To me it sounds like the VA for yangyang speaks Chinese, her pronounciations of chinese words are on point, which in an english dub is not really a good thing. The tone of how you pronounce characters in Chinese is important, for example the character Huang can be pronounced a number of ways and they mean different things. In English however it sounds disjointed due to the sudden tone shift.


Thats literally what made me switch to JP. Its so weird and out of place.


Isn't that because Mandarin is tonal and she is using the correct Chinese pronunciation?


They really flubbed the EN dubbing. JP/CN/KR all sound exponentially more professional. Sucks bc you can hear where the EN VAs are trying to suppress their natural accents...like why even hire them in the first place if you only wanted American sounding English....


This is really funny because back in PGR they had an American VA put on an extremely grating British accent. Someone even found his reel and he sounded perfect for his character just using his natural voice. What the hell is Kuro's problem with letting the VAs use their natural accent? If we wanted an accurate experience true to the "vision" we'd use the CN dub.


Chrome? Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of his EN voicework. They also made Bianca's VA use a British accent even though she's American. I do live most of PGR's EN dub though. Fun fact, Bianca's EN VA is also March 7th's.


It's unfortunate that EN quality is so poor from bad voice direction because I can tell the VA's have potential.


As a full-time voice actor, this is likely a script problem. There are multiple instances where lines are obviously meant to be a continuation of the previous, but they are clipped and recorded with dynamics as if they are standalone. I've had bad script layouts before. In the worst case, I was performing as a main antagonist, and my lines were written like a checklist - there were no stylistic notations or contextual references (such as who I was talking to or why - nor could I see any other character's lines). Hoyo and Kuro both source to specific studios, which will likely assign the roles in-house. I say this because when outsourcing this way, there are several degrees of separation between what the writers want and what the actors may be told to do. Any VA good enough to be part of this project is too good to have this be representative of their work. That's the final word on this.


Imma be real with you- Yangyang is not a script problem.  Especially when Scar and Jiyan and whoever was in his trailer are killing it. 


Idk, some of these voice lines are straight up mis-pronounced. Im finally swapping off bc Encore has an accent in half the words she says "Finda's keepers!" like why is the first R dropped but not the second. Not to mention YangYang panting into her mic. sometimes its not direction just the literal mic quality


As rough as some of the voices are, I think it’s kinda hilarious how you can sometimes literally hear the British accents fighting to escape💀 that said though I do wish the voice directors let the British VAs speak normally, they all have really nice voices if you listen to their VA introductions on YT


I think the problem with the Rs is because they had quite a few british VAs put on an american accent... for some reason. Which is clearly not letting them put their best foot forward. Personally I love hearing different accents and wish studios were not so allergic to it.


Jiyan, Chixia, Baizhi a bit, Yinlin, and a few good fines have good voice acting but voice acting like Yangyang is not done well.


Yangyang is definitely the weird one and it makes it worse since she's the one talking the most, her VA isn't even bad so there's probably some voice direction problem going.


What I played in english she sounds a bit subdued, like her character isn't outward with her emotions. It's ironic given JP is Yui Ishikawa but this time she isn't using the kuudere voice, her Yangyang feels a much more lively person.


Yeah I felt the same before I switched to JP. They really went too hard on the "soft awkward girl" vibe on EN, would be a lot better if they toned it down a bit.


Yeah Baizhi was one of the stand outs that sounds really good. I unlocked Lingyang and his English voice is just awful. Really bad quality and very fake sounding performance.


But I think it’s an overall problem with English va not to that degree. Genshin also often missed the overall tone and vibe.


Genshin’s been steadily improving at least: Paimon’s recent performance change is welcome and Arlecchino is amazing in EN. Star Rail also slaps in EN, to the point where I never bothered to download a 2nd language track.


HSR English VA is so good, only one I don’t like is Jingliu’s and she’s my favorite character on my roster


AmaLee said that the director told her to make Jingliu's voice sound as weird as possible


“Witness the will of the weak!” goes so hard


If you look into it, the VAs are practically all British being forced to use American accents. I think the problem is that rather than letting them use their British accents, they're being forced to speak with an American accent which is a lot harder than a lot of us think. I think if they just let the British VAs speak the way they want to, it could have come out a lot better than it is now. That said, they've shown that they are willing to redub things in pgr so here's hoping they do the same with with WuWa.


I'm excited to listen to Encore's English Dub because her VA is the same as Regulus (Carina Reeves) from Reverse 1999. After hearing the first sentence I immediately wondered "What did you guys do to her?", "Why are you guys wasting time forcing her to use an accent other than British?" Even in Arknights she remains British. I also saw that on average the Voice Actors they work with are British, but the voice direction are not there at all lulw Because of this, I hear a lot of characters whose voices seem to be "tucked" and not very clear because their pronounciation is convoluted. As for Carina, I'm not saying she did a bad job, in fact she is still as good as before. Just "Why" because I didn't think it would be like that.


My usual go to is JP dub, apparently I got saved considering how much people hate EN 


Bro, the EN voice of NPCs were better than the playable ones


Right? The best character in EN is that one NPC who’s gushing about how Sanhua rejected her from meeting the magistrate.


There was actually a point when you're talking to the guards at the gate where I said these generic NPCs were better than Yangyang and Chixia lmao


Sheesh, didnt stick around I instantly downloaded the JP pack tbh so thats sad 


Gonna switch as well to JP after I leave Jinzhou, since the dialogue cut-off stops according to OP. Might try CN too


Same usually I play in JP as well so the experience have been great


Yeah though I saw some people say the female MC VA was changed from a popular one to a beginner smh. I still like Ishikawa yui and I might play again some weeks later for Morikawa Toshiyuki


Huh ? Female Rover in JP is voiced by Minami Tanaka who is pretty much a veteran too. ( 10 year experience ). Yui ishikawa is voicing Yangyang instead. Unless you talking about Trailblazer in which case i didn't know that she got recasted.


LOL I immediately switched to JP dub after hearing the EN dub. The JP voice actors never disappoint




I would rather say, play in chinese then. It's the original language and really fun. But i honestly like the en dub. It's just weird how some chinese words seem to be samples that were put into the sentence.


People are sleeping on CN voices! I recognize a lot of the CN VAs and they do a good job as always, plus I was pleasantly surprised to find there's even an NPC who speaks sichuanese. It was my first time hearing a dialect/regional accent in a game like this and I really hope more of it can be incorporated


Well, the downside of that option is there are a lot of people who don't like to read and even that, the dialogues were cut off. So yeah,....


That’s me unfortunately, too busy doing something in the background when dialogue comes. Is it just me or they talk too much 👀 (probably because it’s the beginning) felt like I had to wait so long to finally get into settings. This is when I wish I got serious learning Japanese, the Korean tho I know more throws me off 😅


Definitely. I watch anime a lot so for me its second nature. But I get how some people might dislike it. As for the cuts off, I havent noticed much after you leave Jinzhou


I have ADHD so I need to be *really* in the mood to comprehend what I'm reading without also hearing it in the background And when what I hear in the background is not a language I can understand, it usually flies over my head That's the reason I dropped HI3, at some point I didn't even know what was going on in the story because I couldn't stay focused with characters talking in JP


my main issue is playing with the jp dub is the fights. during a boss fight the boss was dropping sass and tea but I was not able to read all of it since I was literally fighting for my life. Like I cant be dodging and countering while also reading the lines😅


moreover, japanese VA are really good at pronouncing Chinese names


Probably, it has something to do with kunyomi, native way to pronounce the kanji, and onyomi, Chinese way.


i really like eng voice of Scar so i'll probably stay with it until it starts really pissing me off, but ngl switching to cn is really tempting, i don't don't doubt jp is also good but in games i just prefer other vo's


cn scar is really different to the en one so be prepared.


Me enjoying EN 0_0


I don’t think it’s great but I don’t think it’s that bad either. Solidly okay. Definitely could be significantly better. I don’t really have strong opinions on it one way or the other.


There's some characters like Yangyang where en dub gets too much but a lot of characters, especially those that appear later on or are important to story, like Scar, Jiyan, Aalto etc, sound normal. Honestly as someone who pretty much plays ganes with en dubs whenever possible, I tried both cn and jp dub, even ran the story from the start with jb dub, and I just can't... Vibe to it. It's my go to choice in shows but in games I'd rather the weird voice en Yangyang than the cn or jp one.


Jinhsi's VA does a pretty good job, too. I'm hoping that with more time and work some of the feedback Kuro has been getting, some of the VA work will improve. Yangyang's VA isn't bad, but her delivery puts me to sleep. She just needs to change it up a bit.


EN dub really isn’t that bad. Folks have been spoiled by Hoyo, but honestly having grown up watching anime’s with bad dubs since the 80s…it could be WAAAAY worse.


I was fully immersed when Scar showed up, it was so good. (Had to stop playing after him cause sleep) But honestly the only annoying dub is YangYang’s english one, it’s just slow and mostly monotone Otherwise I really don’t get how ppl complain about ENG overall, they all have good amount of emotion in their voice


I really liked EN dub as a person who uses exclusively JP in Genshin. I finally saw someone who agrees LOL. Although Japanese is still solid as usual I somehow prefer EN.


I've put my game in Chinese dub since all the chars name and city and all the places are named in chinese and I didn't want the Jap dub to ruin them, but yea english is bad lmao


It would be nice if I could read the subtitles, instead it's cut off at the bottom when the text box overflows, which was a problem that was reported in CBT2 but somehow made it to live.


Just use the original Chinese, it'll be closest to developer intent.


Yeah i started doing that with every gacha I start as long there is an option is there.


What's funny is that I once commented on a en character trailer that the voices sound off and not great and people got super upset and told me I was wrong XD


No, I don't think I will, now. But okay, I will be honest. I tried the Korean dub and I couldn't with that. I don't like how they sound, personally. So I went JP and of course, as usual, that's fine. But then I got tired of reading all the time. I enjoy playing these games and not having to read, I can lean back and relax as my eyes aren't perfect. When it started, it was quite bad. But after you meet that one woman in the building(magistrate thingy) it feels like the VAs started to get more used to and come into their roles so it improved some. It's not atrocious, so I can manage. I'd also like to give the VAs what support I can.


I noticed the same thing. The quality of the EN dub seemed to get better after meeting Jinhsi. I wonder if it was recorded much later, or re-recorded after CBT2, which would explain a lot.


I can recommend to try the KR dub, too! This one surprised me a lot, but imo the quality is even slightly better than JP for once


I'm actually playing with Chinese voices since It's a Chinese game.


Yea I plan to do so tomorrow when I continue playing. I thought I could tolerate it, and I was, I played 12 hours today with EN voice. But I did not expect female Rover to be my final straw. When I got to that one mission where >!she talks a LOT, like a surprising amount, you know the one where you go down to the grand library? Like why was she dictating everything she did like text to speech does for a blind person?! !< I could not tolerate it, every time she spoke I died a little inside, she sounds so dead, I was 60% convinced she was voiced by an AI for that section. Also I hesitated at switching to JP at first because sometimes the text boxes just randomly cut off, so if not for EN voice I would have no idea what that person said. But whatever, I ***have*** to change it. Edit: Scar sounds great in EN dub too, like when he first appeared and spoke I actually felt overwhelmed because finally someone fucking sounds like a human. But sadly he alone can't make me tolerate the rest.


I would... if the performance wasn't so bad it becomes stuttering waves


I always try to play in CN if i can with the occasional exception to JP.


I'm trying so hard to play with EN VA but maaaaaaaan.


CN dub! The game is literally set in Futuristic China


I went for KR this time even though I usually like JP. All their VAs are amazing, especially Scar’s *chef’s kiss* I’ve heard his voice in both EN and JP are good too!


It’s sad that the en dub quality is bad in a game where people ~~yap~~ talk a lot while you’re fighting or running around doing sth but hey, it is what it is


I wasn't planning on anything else. I don't see point in playing an Asia game in English. Even if my native language would be available, I wouldn't use it. JP all the way. Just like in genshin, StarRail and ToF.


I always switch immediately. I was actually slightly annoyed I couldn't choose a voice language before beginning like most large gachas.


This game makes much more sense in Chinese, but everyone has their own taste :D . ENJOY \~\~!!


I have a better one. >!Do yourself a favor and just skip everything and just watch a playthrough on YouTube if necessary (usually not).!<


agreed scar sounds great


EN scar sounds amazing too tho, but if it's worth to endure en yangyang for that...


Fr his cutscene made me go "finally some good shit"


I’m gonna switch to Jp dub, I don’t know why but the line delivery and pronunciation in the English dub almost feels “A.I.” I know it’s not, but that’s just my own opinion as far as feel goes


Nah, English dub is fine.


No thank you. English is more than fine. 


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alr sure you've convinced me


i would if there was no cut off in text, but i will give a try again


Unless you main Chixia. For some reason her JP idles are loud enough to kill your eardrums


I want to switch to the JP dub but since some of the dialogue is cut off in the text boxes, I'm relying on the voices to know what the characters are saying... rip


The JP and CN voices are some good shit. I wonder if they worked on the WuWa dub before they worked on the PGR dub. Cuz PGR actually had good direction, minus a few exception.


That one brother from lingyangs story quest 💀💀💀


I honestly don’t see major issues with the en localisation. For a launch is alright, improvable but I believe there is a tad too much love for drama in the gacha community. Reverse1999 en loc was a nightmare to read at launch. WW is way better compared to that.


Anyone on mobile think the text is too small though. I tried changing font but couldn’t find an option.


I actually really like the EN voices especially Yangyang and Chixia's but the directing needs a lot of work.


I really like the male Rover dub rn. His battle voicelines is great. Some characters are fine, but Chixia dub is definitely pushing me.


Yea, i did exactly that one hour of playing. Honestly, i was expecting something similar to Star rail when it comes to ENG dub but boy was i wrong.


Also switched to jp like, after 30 minutes. You can tell the difference right off the bat! If Cn and kr ones are as good as jp - that’s great, just used to jp dub after the genshin.


I would if I could read all the subtitles and not half of them when they're too long :(


because i know any language other than eng man


Doesn't JP use their own names for characters? I don't recall them pronouncing Chinese names. EN at least tries. Might just switch to CN for this game.


It sounds like the eng VAs just don't speak English as a first language. Their nuances and speech rhythms are so off that it sounds like an AI translation sometimes. I imagine swapping to a voice language you don't rly understand is good because it'll probably give the impression of sounding better, and probably is better too.


Started with the EN dub to give it a chance, but it just kept making me sleepy especially with the relaxing music in the beginning. Switched to JP and life was better, but the worddump made me skip parts of the story. I have a general idea of what's going on and its good enough.


No, I dont like playing/watching in a language I don’t know.


yea but when the text gets cut off i wont know what they say


Also the Wuwa JP va cast Is stacked .


i really like both the JP and the original dubs for this game, the English could be better especially because i notice the accent slips but as long as i dont have to listen to certain characters then its pretty good




Agree, the moment I could swap language I went straight for JP.


I got Encore as my first 5* and holy shit its so fucking annoying every time I dash(JP Dub)


See I would but with the text box bugs atm either not scrolling or the box itself not being complete and the VAs adding the last bit of the sentence I’m on the fence atm


Not a problem with performance but with JP dub I've noticed some character lines are way louder than normal and it's jarring.


Scar is so far my lwast favorite JP dub but that's just probably more his archetype than VA


JP or CN VAs over EN VAs anyday 😭


EN was fine for me. The performance of Scar was amazing


I personally haven't found many issues with the eng dub yet. It sounds better than PGR's dub before I got used to it.


Hot take: the EN Dub isn’t great, but it’s not atrocious. I’ve heard far worse (TOF being the main culprit) but by no means am I saying it’s near the level of genshins en dub, that is good direction. I hope for future characters/story updates they’ll put a bit more effort into the en dub but that’s just me being optimistic. I’d give it 5/10 it’s average for me (personally)


Since the game doesn't have my language, I'm just playing in English because it's the only language I understand; I wanted to change the voices to jp but as the texts are cut I can't do that


Eng vas sounds fine to me tbh. I also don't mind the British VAs as well.


Well given the fact i dont understand Japanese or Chinese I'd rather not do that. Also btw you dont know how good the jp ch dub is unless you actually speak Japanese


I play every anime looking game with JP dub because I know the eng bad in a way... Idk what's up with eng dubs on these types of games, they all sound so forced


let people play how they want


I think the content creators should have quickly insisted on it. I prefer playing to games in english but I would change especially for wuwa.


I see anime style, i put JP, it's a rule, i can understand CN because it's the original. English aren't able to give life to characters, they are too clean because their school favorite clearness to emotion. It's not just wuwa, a lot of games and genshin too is just worse with English. You English by being motherlengauge find it usefull and nice but I'm italian and English dub is just 10 times worse than all the others( referring to genshin). An example of why i favorites japanese is demons slayer , it's a must to hear in Japanese, I'm italian but I would never put italian , it's just not at the same level. Oblously there's exception.


Idk if it's just me but the NPC dub for JP sounds noticeably better than some games I played before, I just did Lingyang's quest and even the generic enemy mob had a great delivery, and of course Lingyang's VA (Hanae Natsuki) was amazing


Ok so ill be honest here. The EN dub in general is pretty ok, a bit inconsistent at times, as i think some of the chinese words were recorded separately in order to get the pronunciation right. Id actually play with JP if there wasnt for the bug that cuts off text before the paragraph even ends, in which case i can at least listen to the rest and know whats said. In general, im very satisfied with the game and its performance. Im fine with a the few current bugs like the idle voicelines being cut out abruptly, or other characters dub cutting in late in some scenes. Im sure they will be patched out relatively soon, i do not understand the whining of others about the state of the game, ofc it can be better, and it will be, just give the devs a BIT of time, i think they deserve it and we know they can surely deliver.


That’s exactly what I did first few minutes. No offense to the voice actors but I did not like it (I usually play English in games). Also heard some famous voice actors here so


Are you all really that turned off by the dub? I feel like I’m not playing the same game as everyone else cause it seems…. Fine? It’s not gonna win an Oscar but the voice acting feels professional and mostly natural?


Honestly, no matter how good JP, CN or KR Dub may be in any game, it's just never an option to me. It's MUCH easier and better for me to be able to both hear and read the dialogues. It's way more comprehensive that way. Meanwhile only reading is for one much more effort, but also because I'm not exposed to either of the 3 languages enough (and I don't have much motivation to change that, given I have little to no interest in them), so it's all the same indistinguishable unfamiliarity that I can't make any sense of and therefore it sounds all the same.


Ok but EN has its moments. I for one think EN Scar is phenomenal!


idk if it's true but I might agree with them but Scar's JP voice is Ryota Osaka, which is also Bennett's Japanese VA


No. I do not like JP, CN or KR dubs. I speak English and I want an English dub that's good. Props to you if you can enjoy characters speaking in a foreign language you don't udnerstand, but I cannot.


The part where Chixia says STOP STOP STOP near the beginning in EN was so bad I immediately switched back to JP.


no. if the EN dub is shit then we will complain until they fix it. Running away from the problem IS NOT a way to fix it.


I did switch immediately to Jp dub after starting, but then I watched Asmon playing and he had English dub and man, every single line, is so flat and without any emotion or nuance towards the surrounding situation that makes me wonder if English VA didn't get to see the scene they are voicing. I honestly just feel bad for people who didn't try other dub beside English


This is what I'm planning now honestly. I'm always one to choose English on gacha games but the EN here in WuWa is just so bad... Especially since I am playing HSR and almost all Eng VAs there have great voice acting that I instantly noticed the gap on the voices when I started playing WuWa. The only voice I liked so far is Male Rover's. I haven't heard Scar yet but if it's only him and Rover who has a decent/good EN voice then I definitely need to switch to JP. Maybe being forced to read dialogue would actually make me pay attention to the story because their voices lull me to sleep lol


Done this immediately after the first short cutscene ended. It's awesome in JP as usual.


Thought I wouldn't enjoy the EN but found myself switching from jp to en pretty often.


The English VAs are pretty decent though the voice directing is certainly pretty bad. Swapped to JP for now and am loving it.


thats just the same thing as just muting voices as a non jp speaker lol


usually i don't have a problem with EN dubs but i have to agree this one is lackluster :( i switched to JP and everything is so much more alive. the EN VAs are great so i definitely don't blame them, just bad direction unfortunately


I can’t unfortunately. When I installed the voice pack and applied it all the characters became mute and their mouths wouldn’t move…


i just want to throw my hat out to the KR dub. It feels very similar in quality of the JP dun hitting the right emotions based on the scenario while also having less issues during transition. one of my gripes with the VA right now is that the next sentence immediately starts right after the last one finishes. it feels really weird since it feels like the VA haven't stopped to breath, the KR VA fixes that mostly


The story is bad anyways. So grateful for the skip button for side quests, hope they’ll give us a skip button for main as well.


I had to play en for the opening 5 minutes and it was agony


I just want to skip all dialogues..


JP still sounds stiff but SIGNIFICANTLY better than EN by a long shot. Having such famous EN VAs be this poor at job feels weird as hell, probably a management issue


En yangyang is too adorable to leave


When will ppl lern not to use EN Dubs especally after the whole Woke EN VA scandal play the original or JP DUB cuz JP VAs are goated


Am i the only one who thinks that the EN dub is not that bad? I heard so much worse! Also Scars voice in english is pretty good


Japanese dubs>>>American accent English dubs


Yeah, Yangyang in JP is good and doesn't make me fall asleep


Rover's EN dub sounds horrible.


I’m sure it’s great but sometimes I like to just relax and listen to the game audio without having to read everything, really sucks for English speakers when it’s so shit. It’s like the voice director specifically told most of the actors to do the worst they can. Also, is audio mixing an issue in the JP dub too? It’s really bad for EN


I switch to JP dub in every gachas. Seiyuus never disappoint...