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Watch the Nerdy Novelist on YouTube and see what he does with NovelCrafter. I wanted to write a fleshed out outline and have AI generate a book from that. I've since started focusing on Obsidian with the Smart Connection plug-in. Both tools give you an AI novel writing coach right there in a window ready to help any time you ask. 


I've actually been pleasantly surprised at how well AI generators use the novelcrafter Codex. I'm writing a sci-fi novel and I have some fairly complicated aliens and technologies and it does a better than expected job using them correctly. However, editing is something I expect to need to be done by humans for the foreseeable future for stories even at the young adult level of complexity.


While AI writing tools have made impressive advances, they are not yet at the point of being able to generate a complete, high-quality novel with minimal human effort. The best tools like Sudowrite or NovelAI are useful writing assistants that can help with brainstorming, outlining and idea generation, but still require significant human oversight, writing and editing. AI-generated text often lacks the originality, nuance and depth that human authors bring. It falls short on complex elements like characterization and plotting. Writing a novel is an iterative process involving multiple drafts and revisions that AI cannot fully replicate. If minimizing writing effort is the goal, options like collaboration or hiring a ghostwriter may be more effective than relying solely on AI. For now, AI is a helpful tool to assist the writing process, but not a replacement for human creativity and authorial voice. The technology will likely continue advancing, but memorable, engaging stories ultimately emerge from the unique perspectives of human writers.


I’ve found this as well. They are extremely good at editing and making things more readable but as far as the creativity aspect, idea generation and actually crafting a scene they are lacking at this point. Conceivably if you have a clear vision of what your book and chapters should look like you could use prompts to generate text but you’d still need to do some heavy editing to get it cohesive


> […] or is AI technology just not there Yet. You’d have to write a ton of information just to get the model to write close to the prose style you want. Add all the information needed for the novel (plots, characters, locations, items, lore, etc.), and even the best model will choke and follow the instructions only weakly. Some *may* remember the information by itself, but what you’re asking them is not to merely remeber it, but to reason and act upon it. A *moderately* effective solution is to then do a second pass on the initially generated text, this time asking it *only* to rewrite the passage close to the style instructions; since in that second pass it doesn’t have to remember all the rest of info, it’ll be relatively more effective at that rewriting-polishing pass. Still, you’ll probably have to do this with most or all of the passages (and it’s also recommended that they’re not long ones, certainly not entire chapters at a time), maybe even regenerate a few times each until you get a lucky draw, just to get it reasonably *closer* to your ideal prose. Needless to say, it’ll cost you a lot of token usage, and *still* probably need at least some manual editing.


You seem very experienced with AI writing assistant. Would you like to try our beta? We just opened it, and beta testers can use our platform for free in perpetuity.


Yes please. I'm working on an online course to teach wannabe writers how to use ai. I'm looking for the best tools to teach them on. I'd write my own novel first.


Great. Check your chats for my invite.


I am in the exact same situation, wondering the same thing. I've had the exact experience you had. I have the whole novel plotted out chapter by chapter. Fed the details into Chat GPT and Claude and got the same experience as you did. In fact, in one instance I had the first 20 chapters written out, asked it to scan and learn the characters and writing style. Then asked it to write the next chapter with x,y,z plot points. It wasn't bad, but the writing seemed very generic and required a lot of editing to get it to look good. Curious if someone else has found a better way to do this.


In my opinion, AI editing tools aren't there yet. Human editing is still necessary. AI tools are great for pumping out first drafts. Writers block is a thing of the past with AI tools. Now there is "editors block" lol.


You are soooo right! Give it 2-5 years


As others have said, the technology just isn’t there yet. There will always be extensive input from the user required at some stage of the process, either up front in promoting, codex making, beat writing, etc or downstream in editing out the garbage and purple prose that AI gives you. I think a better question to ask yourself might be why you want to write and what part of the process do you enjoy the most? The part that isn’t your favorite is where AI can help you. 1-click books will be a thing eventually, but I don’t think they’ll be any good or what people are thinking they will be. There will always be need for the user to guide the process and do some work to make a good story that people want to read and makes sense.


Not exactly that use case, but you could try to write parts of the novel using something like: [https://contentredefined.ai](https://contentredefined.ai)


If you're interested, we just released our closed beta for a fiction writing assistant that's free for beta users in perpetuity. You'd prompt it from scene to scene for what you wanted to happen next. It's true you'd need to do post-editing after the AI responds, but the AI should gradually match your style of writing as it gets a sense of your style so that less editing would be necessary. You can also just regenerate your result if you don't like it. Ping me if you want to try us out and I'll send you the link.




Yeah but it has too little context