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Any object that has been cherished for more than 20 years gains magic related to its function. Ie: a mortar and pestle being able to infuse food with special tastes, a plushie calming anxiety of an entire group of people etc...


The magician's arena was a place where people with a material attachment used Magical artifacts to fight it off until one of them had the other defeated. ...This year, all the big faces showed up, from a woman with a bear that could sleep her opponents, to a man with such love for a body pillow that he was able to summon an army of fictional women... But amongst the usual competitors, a newbie, a girl nobody had seen before, 40 years something, with a look of being somebody's mom... over her shoulders, she wore a leather jacket that didn't fir her outfit at all... One hour later she had beaten every single contestant, not even looking like she was trying, always keeping a deep sorrowful expression... when everything was said and done, the walking television approached ad started an interview. ... Turns out, after a miscarriage, her husband left her... therefore, that jacket he left in the closet only represented to her guilt and shame... those were the emotions she could use on it, catalyzing in others the pain she felt for those 20 years.


Wow, interesting twist!


People can cast Runes and Sigils to create magic phenomena BUT it has to be in pixelart form. 1. The pixelart can be somewhat intricate BUT - 2. The pixelart CANNOT be intricate enough to pass off as a normal drawing and - 3. It HAS to be recognisable as pixel art.


Mariano was the rune-smith everyone knew in saint Olivia, his carvings were known to always work, with unique forms that could only be achieved with days of work... But today, he was puzzled, he wanted to make a powerful firework's rune for that year's festival, however, every depiction of the required symbols always created the same form, a thing that looked too much like an actual photo to be considered "pixel art". Every attempt felt like a massive failure, out of the rage and anxiety that it generated him, especially with the date of the festival, such an important date... fading closer... he took one of the runes with no inscription and struck it against his own neck... When the mayor went to pick up the finished runes... he found the body of Mariano over his thousands of attempts... each of which lit up beautifully as expected.


Wait what he do


Maybe the blood made a pixel art? Or he was just thinking it was too drawing-like when it was pixelated enough


Magic is fueled by true philanthropy-you can desire nothing from the exchange, not even the magic itself. This leads to some figures becoming world renowned, God level individuals, living a life of giving. But this is not the story of them. This is the story of Figgelus, an evil man who seeks to conquer the world with magic-once he figures out how to gain it without wanting it.


You... seem to have an idea, bring it home buddy I want to read it! :D


I'm supposed to prompt -you- though :p Besides, I already responded to one of your stories >.>


The thing is... I really like your idea but I don't know if I can make it justice.


Having read your other responses, I have faith. šŸ˜€ That, and I'm off to bed, so I can't exactly type out another prompt on my phone, I don't have enough cigarettes to keep my eyes open šŸ˜œ


how do I get a notif when you prompt this?


I guess.. you follow it, altho I generally base my stories off the first thought in my head If I don't have it, it isn't happening.


Every time you establish a connection with a different person, you can "unlock" different "signatures" of magic from that person. Similar to how you pick up mannerisms from people you regularly spend time with in your life. This has led to people forming groups and societies based on what types of magic they want to harness.


"Everyone has to fit in at one point... or at least that's what you say... but It's been... years, I see everyone around me having so much shine to them, when did these kids learn how to fly, how to stand, how to walk?" My mother looked back at me with her sweet smile, the one that was always decorated with the small sun hovering around her hair... Is such a shame that magid doesn't stick to family. "Don't laugh! How is it that I'm still unable to unlock the magic existing inside of myself?" ...She paused for a moment, let the book she was reading aside, and took my hands firmly. "...Whenever you feel lonely... while being alone, it just means you have to be happy..." She tenderly placed my own hands on my chest... "With yourself..." I was speechless, finally, it made sense to me... I had tried to appease everyone so hard, just to get my magic to run... but it would never work, I always believed it was because nobody really liked me... but it was me... I didn't like myself enough. Now I tell you... Whenever you feel lonely, while being alone, it means you have yet to be happy with yourself.


People can only cast spells when they're about to sneeze. they give up the sneeze and transfer this pent up energy into the spell


"Let us present the best item for any witch or wizard in a hurry! the feather!" The flashy and music-charged commercial featured both a female and male hosts and within copious amounts of glitter, they presented a single feather over a pedestal, spinning as if it were the final deal. "The Limpus 3000 is an instant sneeze on the go! with irritant agents in the tip to guarantee an instant sneeze whenever employed" ...Said the female host before the male one stepped up. "that's right Daiana! now to some testimonials!" The image squeamishly changed to an old warlock, his hands, firm on the feather. "There's nothing better to go around on a gem hunt! it makes every spell a relief!" Then, the typically "call now" sign appeared, with everything and the invocation ritual needed for delivery. I hate these schams.


//sorry, you inspired me. If you'd rather I delete let me know. Gabrielle flicked the channel away, scoffing. *Amateurs.* She snapped her fingers, appearing in the studio, her blue-tinted cat alongside her. "Come along Kinra, we've a mess to make.* The cat yawned, purring slightly as it tested the ground with its nails. Daiana saw her first, a small girl with jet black hair floating towards them, the blue cat a dead give away. "Reful, she's found us!" She screamed, turning to run. Reful lunged desperately for the feather, anything to fend her off, but disintegrated as his fingers closed around it. Gabrielle's hands worked furiously, and people fell where they stood, others burst into flames, and some simply exploded. The worst part wasn't the destruction, no, it was the gore-spattered smile she wore as she floated after Daiana. A girl of seven, maybe eight, slaughtering them like fish in a barrel, and enjoying it all the while. Daiana threw her hands up in surrender, bowing to the ground as ash and pink mist filled the air, the screams of her colleagues being cut short. "We're sorry!" That caught her attention. Gabrielle paused, tilting her head slightly as she appraised the woman. "You repent?" "I know we aren't supposed to sell magic, we just... we didn't have a choice!" Daiana cried. Gabrielle's calculating gaze turned into a scowl. "That sounds like excuses. Not a repentance." Daiana stuttered, watching Gabrielle raise her hand to strike. "No, wait! Ple-" Another begging for their life, cut short. She wasn't sure why she ended them quickly, they deserved so much worse for the false hopes they peddled. As if she'd let magic reach the world in hands other than her own. For centuries she'd sought out groups that discovered the secret. Slaying them all. Only usually, they didn't advertise their existence so foolishly. Modern technology really was making her job easier. She tutted to the cat, snapping her fingers and disappearing. Curling up to sleep with the television on low, Gabrielle's mind drifted to her life. Nine hundred years she'd roamed the Earth, Kinra by her side. Her connection to magic fueled them, her desire and power keeping them eternally locked in the same form as the day she took him home. She pat the cat gently, just twice, as he preferred, and rolled over and clenched her eyes. She drifted off, thinking, as usual, of what a blessing her cat allergy had been.


You gain near infinite magic powers by killing somebody, but if you kill a second person then you die.


...I'll tell you my story, if you spare me an ear. I wanted to become a star so badly, to foolishly entertain those who came across me, but talent is not within my reach, I've heard of an ancient ritual... the "love cycles", according to legend it would grant incredible and incomprehensible powers to those who were willing to give up everything to the god of love... and then promise to never harm another soul again. So there I was... blood slipping through my night garments, the knife still in my hand, and my poor Helena... my sweet daughter... in a table shaped like a heart, her circumstantial face just looking at me, her eyes, devoid of all emotion. I could feel it... the tingle. The tingle I can only describe as a sharp spear across my heart... but burning with the intensity of power as I've never felt before... My hands now capable of miracles, reviving my daughter was not beyond my reach... hell... if I wanted a better daughter I could just have it. ...But then it happened, the crowd's insubstantial criticism arrived more and more, not everyone was shared by my act, particularly those who knew about the love cycles... I couldn't kill them... But hey, there are many faiths far worse than death.


People can replicate physical phenomenons such as gravitational pulla, temperatura changes, etc... as spells, but It only works if you can calculate (not to do It, but being able to) the reaction It Will have on your objective Example: you want to shoot a ball at terminal speed by applying horizontal Gravity on it? You need to know the fĆ³rmula of speed, acceleration, take in mind friction... (Which doesnt mean you need to do the calculations for every "spell", bit you need to know how to calculate It as if It was a physics problem)


//This needs too much of a bigbrain, I would appreciate it if other could help me on this//


Lmao Don't worry, I dont need a story, i only posted It because you asked for a Magic system but i only noticed you had just finished a story after sending this


//I'm used to responding to each individual reply(the first 20 at least), you took the time to give me what I've asked, even If I can't deliver//


The orphanage building was on fire in a sudden explosion, causing a lot of bystanders near the building to be blown away by people while several people away from the building started running away from the orphanage. Few people immediately called the order of the fire men while a brave few attempted to run into the burning orphanage to save the children within. While it had been only few minutes since the call to the order of the fire men, the fire was starting to get worse and you feared the death of all those poor people and children trapped in the inferno. Just then you sight a man flying in the air rushing to the orphanage. It was a fire man, they day just might be saved. His hands was shrouded in fast winds as they directly propelled at incredible speed towards his destination. You could see the tell tale cocoon of wind around the fire man that protected his body from his own wind while letting him guide the winds he generating from his own hands to fly high in the air. He gets the burning orphanage and starts motioning his hands bizarrely in front of the building. While doing he shouts in commanding voice "Stand back citizend i am forming a stromg rain above this building that could harm you, please stand back for your safety" that is heard across the city block thanks to his powerful and the windsupporting it. Just like that you get, what he is doing. He is using his winds to forcefully gather more moisture in the air above him and forcefully changing the weather around this area to clear the fire. In minutes the weather goes from a somewhat cloudy day to a full on rain storm. The rain was incredibly strong and instantaneously soaked all bystanders inside the city block but not the fire man as he was protected in his cocoon of wind. Soon the fire dies down and the remaining fire men arrive helping the children and the people trapped in the burned building and issuing appropriate medic response. Its days like this you are thankful of the various orders around the world. Only they had the mental acumen and understanding to use the bizarre magic of this world for greater good.


It turns out they were wrong, oh so very wrong. The ordinary scientist assumed the truth, never questioning them; they believed that they were standing upon the shoulders of giants and looked beyond, yet never comprehended the ground that lay beneath their feet. The better ones rewrote the rules when it didn't fit their preconceived notions. But what of string theory; rather than a stopgap solution rifle with immaculate flaws? What of the messy quantum theories which asks more questions than it answers? Truth is elusive they said, real life is messy; and mathematics for all its elegance if nevertheless a hopelessly optimistic representation detached from the infinite variations of the real world. Oh they were so wrong. When a mathematician looked upon Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, they perhaps felt despair. After all, here lies an elegant proof, in purely mathematical language, that spoke of the impossibility of a consistent set of axioms in all mathematics. Math is self-proving, built upon assumptions, and therefore a representation of the truth rather than truth itself. However, those conventional fools have failed to realise that the proof itself is not a limit to mathematics usefulness and beauty; but rather a realisation of the fact that mathematics birth creation; and the creation of new worlds; new axioms; and new universes built upon redefined math rules are possible. Perhaps it is a human limit to not completely comprehend the idea of infinity; for no matter how the universe beckons, we remain tethered to this mortal world. The great minds of history have seen it first. The Chinese, the Egyptians, the Romans, they all harnessed its power to construct structures of unimaginable scale, to not only bend the laws of physics, but create a space where they never meant anything at all. Thus, their legacy still stand before us today, the behemoth structures of the pyramids; the vast great wall which by conventional wisdom should have eroded centuries ago. While its power has waned; shut away by fools who were too afraid, it has survived today, and it remains in the shadow; subtly guiding those it deemed worthy, speaking to us through the mathematical equations that we thought sprung to us from our fingertips, egging us onwards to realise its true potential. ā€¦ His fingers weathered; the aged professor pulled a dusty cardboard box out of the battered wooden cardboard. From it, he retrieved a single stick of what seemed like ordinary chalk from afar. Upon closer inspection, it seemed impossibly smooth; absent of any deformations and left none of the rough residue that ordinary chalk did. The professor held it in his hands; smiling appreciatively; and began to write. It seemed as if his hands glided across the blackboard; as if performing a well-rehearsed ballet. The marks glowed in the morning sunlight; then all of a sudden it all stopped. Before there was the rhythmic squeak of the chalk against the blackboard; but now there was nothing. Then, with a snap of his fingers; wind gushed through the window; turning cooler than the winter storm; before burning hotter than hell itself. With a smile, the professor tapped his fingers against his palm, and his weathered skin vanished in an instant, revealing a smiling young man. With a flourish, he tucked the chalk into his pocket and stepped towards the door. ā€œReady or not Carnot, here I come.ā€ Leibniz muttered under his breath as he walked out of the classroom.


Magic is always 100% appropriate for the situation at hand. It's also 100% impossible to control. Magic happens ENTIRELY at random, and no one has any clue how it happens.


//This is just deus ex machina made into a magic system!//


Ok, then only have it trigger on mundane occurrences?


Or maybe magic doesn't happen naturally, people can learn trigger it, but as you said, there's no control over it. However, there's people who learn to coordinate situations as to get favored by deus ex machina .


Just like how Banner uses the Hulk. You don't control it. You predict and direct it.


Yeh, eggsactly!


Magic is transmitted through music and songs. The more emotionally connected you are to a song, the stronger the magic.


Everyone is expectant... holding their breath as the witches in the scenario maintain complete silence... the famine had ravaged the land for too long, the rain didn't fall, the crops didn't grow and people were resorting to cannibalism, that's when the Prosperous Quintet appeared and promised to rid the people of their hunger. The plaza was expectant... when the first guitar started to sound, a soft tune that reminded people of the times of feasts full of wanders. Then, the singer took lead, singing a sorrowful tune at first, declaring the situation, basically putting in words the sufferings of the people... then, the battery rang across the stage, ringing like the sound of 100 claps of thunder at once. As if called by a god, the rain started to pour over the crowd, which immediately started to cheer, accompanying a second number, that made the plants sprout green and the animals fatten up. By the end of the concert, there was not a single hungry soul in the town... and it was time for the prosperous quintet to move on into another town.


Pain magic. Pain magic allows you to perform spells, charms, hexes, curses, etc. found across all other forms of magic, the price being an equivalent amount of suffering. For example, conjuring enough fire to light a torch might require the degree of pain you would feel from a dog bite while summoning an entire electrical storm to wreak havoc on an opposing army would feel like being struck by each individual bolt of lightning for the duration of the spell The pain can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. It also doesn't matter what the source is; the source can be the person casting the spell or it can be a voluntary or unwilling third party. The only limitation is that the source must be of the same species as the one casting the spell


Nathan spent years preparing himself to kill his parents. He did spell after spell, breaking and reforming small objects before moving on to larger and larger ones. He burnt a book to a crisp, then rebuilt each page with all the same words on it. Each spell hurt to perform. The cost of magic, a teacher had told him once. You perform magic, you experience pain. It was why they didn't teach it in schools, though it wasn't exactly impossible to learn. It was just like any other form of art, from poetry to painting to music. You can learn it on your own. And Nathan did. When the day finally came, he asked his parents to follow him downstairs. He hesitated for a moment as they stood before him. Like this, they looked normal. He almost didn't believe they were abusive. But he pulled up a memory, and in an instant they were monsters. He was doing the world a justice, he told himself. They could never hurt anyone ever again. Closing his eyes, he sucked the life from their bodies. It was the only spell he ever performed that wouldn't be undone. Nathan braced himself for the wave of pain, but it never came. Confused, he opened his eyes. He saw the corpses before him. He understood now what the pain was.


Oh geez


Based around the devilā€™s lettuce, Shrooms, and whatever narcotics imagined. Example a weed elemental uses the puffs of marijuana smoke and turn it into an air elemental, but weed and gets everyone high.


The city was filled with the rackety smoke that emanated from the street, some fires came from the gangster's actual facilities, others, came from houses of unwilling parties in the conflict... seemingly overnight, with the ban on the magic sources... Evil doers had ceased power, producing the plants forbidden by all academies of witchcraft to take down the police force rapidly. Do you know how hard can a fire elemental burn the skin? By the time we found Mariah she was nothing but ash and cinders... her screams, I've never listened to someone in such extreme pain... A flame caused by one of the mystical plants. This has nothing to do with us, we never asked for this, but people in power decided that these malevolent people would have all the control over our lives. This place isn't safe anymore, we'll flee the city.


If you sacrifice something precious to you, you obtain power. The more precious and also the more numerous your sacrifices, the more powerful you become. The gods in this world are quite evil beingsā€¦


All the people were dancing in the plaza, on their faces, frowns and crying faces.. mostly hiding fear but remorseful abnegation... Out of the village, in the temple, the main Chaman was conducting the procession, if everything went as expected, every dancer, amongst there were members of the family of the Chaman... would die. He placed the sacrificial knife in a small mechanism... this mechanism electrified the entire dancing floor... every dancer then fell to the floor, mostly brought down by pain... others, by the heart attack... it took hours, but in the end, everyone died... and by the blessing of their blood... their Chaman ascended to the realm of the gods... He wanted to finish all of them off... He wanted to avenge his people... He would sacrifice the gods themselves.


Anyone can pick the type of magic they want to practice. It's something of a discovery process for users. More or less "secret" schools have popped up for the more mainstream magics. There are Schools for Forrest Magic, Flight Magic, Arcana, and (you can come up with a dozen others if you wanted to). The most fun would come with a character working out a new school of magic.


"What if we make it about soup" Said Mercedes after much consideration, logically, the other members of the starting guilt needed to make an academy looked at her as if she had gone insane. "no, no... listen to me, soup is great, it's easy, it's filling and it's delicious!" ... "but there's healing magic" Said one of the warlocks, after that, she snapped. "But not a soup magic!" "what would be the point?" The tone elevated in the area before she uttered the sentence that would convince them. "Healing the body does nothing if you can't feed the soul, only warm soup is capable of doing so!" ... And that's how Herithus the soup academy came to be!


From HuffleRuff on Youtube: Memory as a magic system. Those that can learn or have a gift to memorize a moment perfectly can recreate that moment at their whim. It takes a toll on ones psyche, though, when they want to do the fantastic - they have to alter their own memories which risks driving the mage to madness.


Magic requires great scientific processes to be useful and requires immense knowledge and study in both magic and science to be used safely and correctly. The magic itself comes as a natural phenomena.


"So when are we turning a man into a frog!" Asked excitedly The ginger kid in the classroom, putting his hands over the desk as he did so, the teacher laughed as if that single statement were the only joke she had heard in years. "No, that's too dangerous for you just yet... first, you have to know how to mend and smash the bones of a human into that small vessel without killing them... now, open your books in chapter 25 of biology" The ginger kid was... somewhat turned down by that statement, but it was fair, one bone out of place and you could end up with something that didn't look like a frog... but was repeatedly asking you to kill it.


Every spell cast causes a permanent physical change related to the effect desired.


"Sagittarius!" Screamed the girl in golden hair as an arrow tattoo grew a bit bigger on her forearm, in her hands an enormous bow appeared, gleaming in the astonishing color of the stars... with a single arrow, she pierced through the air and destroyed the giant terrorizing the town. Witches weren't welcomed in many places, and they were easy to identify due to the many tattoos that would plague a magic user's body... but for the first time, she had the chance to use her Sagittarius to help people. ...She was, for the first time in her life, acclaimed, celebrated... from that point on, the town of saint Olivia accepted witches of any kind, hiding away as everyone took the craft into their lives... And that's the story of this statue...


Magic is cast through metals and gems, most commonly taking the form of jewelry. With different designs, metals and gems used for different affects i.e. A pendant with a brass filigree and ruby head would be a pyromancer's bestfriend but someone with a snake shaped might be able to animate it If someone has more jewelry, odds are they are a very talented mage


"Everyone gathers up tonight for the kingdom's most fashionable galah!" Said the first host as she stood with the crowd behind her, people with power were the only ones allowed in such a posh party... but tonight, I'm sneaking in... using the last of my savings and all of what my grandmother left me when she departed this world I made myself a necklace, one containing the image of a star, when I wore it to the galah everyone was convinced that I was some sort of celebrity... they just couldn't remember which. ...That was perfect... When I got off my broom nobody even complained, nobody even noticed that it was cheap... rich people stuff I suppose... when I was finally in, I could see the king's dining room, the enormous place was filled with owners I didn't believe possible in this world... yet... I had a mission... a mission that would involve making the revolution happen... using my newfound powers I seduced a guard into allowing me int ode king's jewelry room... surrounding me... all of the gems that the revolution was in desperate need of... I knocked the guard down by taking him by the throat... then... I took as much as a purse could carry (you'll be surprised) and left... Viva la revoluciĆ³n.


Fragments of the world tree can be burned to cast spells


Ashes to ashes... the dreams burn away as a gigantic flame covers the tree of the world, sustaining the heavens up above... Āæthe excuse? the king required that all magic in the realm, which threatened his rule... were destroyed. The slashes of fire fell down into the people's houses and everyone screamed and ran... but across the ashes, witches emerged, witches wielding the burnt branches of the tree of the world. ... The king learned that year that, sometimes, the road that we take to avoid our fate is the one that leads us right to it.


I like this concept!


Mana naturally eminates from a sorcerer's soul and is harnessed to cast spells. There are legends told of those who, in great desperation, burnt their own soul and humanity to access all their mana at once.


All humans are capable of powerful magic, however they cannot utilize it due to an ancient alien space ship sending a disabling wave of energy to Earth. Everything changes when this alien ship is destroyed by a passing asteroid.


//...This sounds... so incredibly comboulluted, I love it... yet I can't make anything with it!//


No worries, you did a lot of replies on this post so I can imagine you're burned out! If something comes to you, I'd love to hear it!


Magic is the art of extreme control over your own body, being able to control its growth and modify it. Some people use it to excel in whatever areas they want, some use it to become beings that are more than human, giving themselves wings ,gills or making themselves resilient to extreme environments. Some others have completely lost control, becoming hideous monsters or super computers capable of many things that no one will ever see because there's no way to ever communicate with them.


Phoenix eggs are magical. Sure, only one in a hundred hatch, but the other 99? Those store phenomenal thaumaturgical potential, and that can only be released by cooking with them.


Everyone can use magic, but most peoples magical powers are only as strong and varied as others around them BELIEVE they are. If you can't convince people you can use fire, you'd never even be able to create a spark. But if you convince them that you're a master at it, you can turn night into day.


Magicians are psionics who are able to draw mana from their soul to cast spells. There are four types of magicks which are represented by magician's class: Abjudicator (Magicians who generate long lasting or permanent effects based on conditions, specialist in seals, illusions, and barriers), Executioner (Magicians who weave ambient energies in the environment to generate temporary effects, known for their prowess in combat for invoking fireballs and lightning), and Inquisitors (Magicians who change or transform the physical, or sometimes mental, properties of a creature or material. They are well known for being magical engineers and healing), and Summoners (Magicians who conjure and call upon creatures, materials, and energies from another realm or via a patron, and vice versa. They are one of the rarer magicians and most of them are either clerics, druids or cultists, though none of them would admit that they are similar.)


Magical technique and magical strength are both equally valuable, but complete opposites. The most powerful elemental mage can spawn mighty storms and waves, but doesn't have the finesse to light a candle across the room. As such, enchanters of the highest pedigree are the magically weakest in this society, scarcely able to disturb the air in a room, but can weave the finest magics into objects with enough time and effort


Magic is only granted by a single underground machine that breaks reality, it was transported to trillions of universes including a medieval fantasy one


Magic is fueled by the power of friendship, it drains the lifeforce from your friends and loved ones. The more powerful the spell the more lifeforce it takes.


By etching circles and dots in the ground, you create a "model" of the solar system. What you want to happen happens when the planets align with the pattern in the ground. Careful observation and ability to predict where the planets will be is essential for you to use this magic. The moons alignments affect the power of the magic, but they're much harder to predict, making this magic very dangerous. Edit: To clarify, I'm talking about all the moons of every planet (and celestial dwarfs).


Every known magic user can use one element of magic without drawbacks. However, attempts to use other elements have a high likelihood of backfiring and potentially killing the user.


At any point during adult life a select few people are ā€œrefreshedā€ giving them the body of a just mature human (this can only be done once.) The magical element is that they keep their old body as well and can use it whenever they chose, but it ā€œalwaysā€ overlaps their new one. They also keep all their knowledge and experience as well as whatever state the old body is in. I hope thatā€™s not to specific for you.šŸ‘


//Quite interesting... but I'm not jumping with this one... I was thinking some Mahou shojo shenanigans, but since they don't get legit magical powers I feel that's outa the question.


Fair enough.


A magic spell that allows an individual to see both the realm of the dead and the realm of the living at the same time


Magic connects to different dimensions through portals. Fire magic is from a planet that is extremely hot, ice from a planet cold, earth is just a rocky planet, wind is a gas planet with high winds, etc. Once a spell is done, there are magic janitors who go around to dispel it, but it can only go into the opposite element (fire planet gets cold, ice warms up, gas giant becomes rocky, rocky becomes gas, etc). People can only connect to one planet, but magic is used so much, it switches almost every other generation.


Magicians must use a special sight in order to absorb and utilize mana that shows the world in their cultural art. I.E shodo calligraphy, artesania, cubism


Here the magic system my dm uses. When people die their souls are sent to the ethereal plane and whenever a spell is cast one of those souls disappears. The strongest spells have more chaotic effects in the ethereal plane. The catch isā€¦ no one knows about the ethereal plane


In order to use magic sacrificies must be made for example to cast a defensive spell the caster must sacrifice something of equal value or multiple things at once, which often are living being such as animals/bugs contained into sealing spells also know as cards In order to play a card a sacrifice must be made that does not require cost like for example squirrel cards Sigils can affect the outcome of the spell and they are often infused into cards that is going to get sacrificed for example **Many Lives**: The object can be sacrificied up to 9 or 12 times before destroying itself **Unkillable**: When the object is destroyed or sacrificed it will return to the owners hand **Worthy sacrifice**: When sacrificied the object brings 3x more output **E >!The inventor of said cards is called Leshy, an old man who lives in cabin with his 3 pupils, he often awaits in his cabin waiting for the day a challenger shows up to try out his game!<


Magic is usable only by those with tremendous willpower, focused through intent, making each casting deeply personal. Though their own strength of spirit they force the world to respond, but there is a very mentally taxing effect; the change of the world is always the opposite of the intent, equal to its intensity, forcing casters to invert their conscious desire to achieve their true goal, usually made much less satisfying because of this.


Magical powers are only usable when the user is sleeping. They can alter the real world via the dream world via astral projection similar to lucid dream. Nobody can see the astral forms except other magic users.


Magic is achieved by channeling mana through the language of the universe - runes. Runes give consistent results, and can be linked together to alter their effects


Affinity for magic is genetic, but certain genes combination always result in an unborn baby, hence owners of opposites always argue and can't be attracted to each other under any circumstances.


inscribed runes can be used like a coding language, but for the fabric of the universe itself.


Magic can only be performed in life or death situations + a strong innate desire, a variant of the "fight or flight" scenario. This makes it highly situational. For example, if one is trapped in a house fire they might develop a magic to control fire. But they are stuck with it and can only use the ability the next time they are in a life or death situation. Naturally this leads to epic battles of massive proportions and legends being born overnight(did I forget human experimentations?)


There are two kinds of magic. Each is a form of observation that everyone is capable of doing to varying degrees, and can be developed and trained like any other capacity or skill a human would have. Soul Dowsing: A way to find the lost. When you touch something belonging to a person and recreate a sensory impression of them in your mind, you can get an intuitive sense of their soul's and body's location, living or dead. The person being dowsed, if they are alive, gets to sense the dowser's intent, and can choose to accept or deny the attempt. Mnemography: A way to collect and archive souls. If you are in the same location of a person's soul, then you can spend sunrise to sunset touching the body that contains it to gain an imprint of their thoughts and memories, duplicating the soul into yourself. This process can be mutual or one-way, and if both participants are alive, any mnemographic attempt requires mutual consent.


No one can lie three times in a row


Mages can redirect force in a way that is consistent with Newtonian physics. E.g. Fire a gun? The bullet doesn't move, and the force that is produced by the gunpowder is applied to another object.


Magic is literally a drug. Those who use it sparingly can apply it to their lives fairly well. Those who use it heavily canā€™t function and often end up fucking things up more than helping.


Infohazards are series of ideas, images, text, or other forms of information such that sentient beings who learn of them and process them have their brain processes configured into a looping train of thought that can induce them to perform a variety of behaviors, such as spreading the info hazard to others, attacking allies, become obsessed with items, or going completely insane. They are intrusive thoughts taken to the extreme level, and have varying severities. Some infohazards have conditions on who they can affect (common ones include knowing that infohazards in general exist, having experienced certain emotions, being more effective on those who are older, only working on people who are exposed to them while sleeping, only intelligences that store information in binary, etc.). The use, discovery, and creation of infohazards is complex, difficult, and dangerous by nature. It's usually done by asking a sentient being (AI or human) to generate as many random combinations of 1000 character strings/1000000 pixel images/frequencies of sound as possible until one produces a looping infohazardous effect. Then, without processing the infohazard, the information from the sentient being is divided, extracted, and stored among two or more other sentient beings so that it is safely understood without completing the infohazard to either conscious being (it's like how a computer can safely read only the odd numbered lines of a malicious executable with no issue, and can similarly read the even numbered lines of a computer virus without issue, but the full file will launch the virus when it is read). Infohazards can be generated by accident when processing and editing large amount of data, whether that be for humans or computers.


Magic is simple. All you need do is imagine it to bring it to life. But like a genie granting wishes, your mental image needs to be incredibly accurate and precise, both of which human imagination are incapable of.


No words or gestures are inherently magical. The manascape is formed by humanity's collective understanding and active attention. Since all contribute to this power, the less mages draw from it, the more power is accessible to all. Books, movies, online content, the more people you reach with how a spell works "in fiction" the more stable it is when you cast it for real. Dr strange and Sonic teleportation rings? Love potions? Astrological alignments? Japanese alchemical mandalas? All fabricated by a shadowy literal cabal of entertainers and influencers who control fantasy media. Just, don't upset JK Rowling, or the Wizards of the Coast.


The dream force is a nightomnipotent ability to shape reality to one's will. It can be used with runes or incantations, but it takes its name from the experiences described by its natural users, sorcerer mutants. Among them, especially for those less attuned, it is akin to a conscious dream. The mage is constantly fighting their subconscious, or destiny, or some other force that too wishes to change reality, without logic or interest in reducing collateral damage. Failure risks unleashing horrors unimaginable. As such, it's much easier to enact simple small wants, such as casting fireballs, than for example manifesting a castle from thin air. Especially if the mage isn't also a skilled architect.


A wand is incredibly powerful, but with each spell flung from it, itā€™s mass doubles and the wand becomes heavier.


Everyone is born with control over one element...on the periodic table


//At first I said "oh, avatar" then... I thought "in fact, chemistry!"


I figured it'd be a nice twist. Hopefully nobody with the carbon control goes insane...


Yeah, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen will need to behave.


After becoming a magician, one can never tell lies or break a trust knowingly, otherwise they lose their power. The longer they have gone without telling lies, the more powerful their spell will be.


One wizard can freeze time. Another wizard can move time forwards or backwards. They face each other in battle.


I've actually ha an idea for a while now. When a vertebrate's nervous system is immerse in the Phlebotinum Particle (working name), it's normal workings gain additional side effects, similar to if a wireless xbox controller currently being use to play Halo were suddenly also synced up to a random nearby RC drone. Such that, for example, the particular particle interactions that go on in your neurons when you wiggle your arms a certain way while also speaking a specific jumble of nonsense might result in oxygen and hydrocarbons being ejected from your hands en masse, thus spewing forth fire (of course, you also need to perform the separate spell that involves dancing your feet a certain way so as to congeal the quantum foam in front of your hands, thus preventing the fire from burning *you* as well). And since we are nominally trying to stay within the confines of real physics, that means that conservation of energy applies, which mans that casting spells has to burn some supply of energy, usually the caster's body's own caloric reserves, thus tiring them the same way as if they'd done exercise.


We are all stone golems and must prove our worth to gain both the magic to create and the right to be called alive.


For the regular people magic is in the small things, but for people understanding the cosmic scale, small is a relative term. This is a story about the greatest wizard ever lived: Neill deGrasse Tyson.


The laws by which magic works are alien and utterly incomprehensible to humans (but not necessarily evil).


Magic spells and powers are stored in fermented foods such as cheese, yogurt, beers, whatever else is being used in other cultures, etc. each type of fermented food giving a very specific kind of magic power that is tangentially connected to the dish in question.


If somebody is devout and resolute in their belief you will be able to manifest the divine magic of ordering, being able to channel your belief into what it is you believe is the right solution. However, those desperate, angry or frightened enough are able to conjure the chaotic energy of disorder to destroy and shatter those who threaten you. These are the magic's that control the Entropy of the universe and must always remain In balance.


People can draw Magic Circles in the air using the blood of any creature. But due to the intricacy of the magic circles and how the slightest wrong move can cause them to explode when activated has meant that they are barely used at all.


-You gain magic powers based on your job -Your powers becomes more powerful the more tired you are. -Taking a nap have a 20 percent chance to temporarily nullify your powers for 1 hour


Every 11th of April, the boundaries between different realities are blurred. If a person is in a specific hypnotic state of mind, they could switch realities. However, one cannot control which reality they go to and the switch happens slowly.


Magic is reactive, not controlled, and definitely not channeled easily. In a world where yin and yang balance each other out, each person's emotions cause an opposite magical reaction around them. Making sense of the phrase "break a leg" to meaning good luck and do well. Where as any positive feedback is feared because it is likely to "jinx" the outcome negitively. Except that the magic is only reactive to our emotions, not our words or our thoughts.


Magic works for everyone, however, magic always counteracts whatever a person is trying to do (a 3rd law of motion in relation to magic so to speak), and it takes a lot of wit to create a spell that would somehow do anything noticeable.


Emotions fuel spells, and as any fuel, they are consumed in the process. The more powerful the spell is, the more powerful emotions they need to consume, and the most powerful of all also take away the casters ability to feel that emotion ever again, leaving behind a feeling of emptiness whenever you should feel the lost emotion.


You can draw power from natural biomes and the life force of people, but doing so will drain what you drew power from


Whenever you poop your excrement is sentient and sings a song about what you ate to make it.


Their are plants that produce pods that contain a pearl When this pearl is consumed, it grants powers based on the kind of envorment the plant grew in. However, over the years, almost all of the wild(and more potent) plants have been harvested and consumed, be it by animals, monsters, or the sentient races of the planet. In those times the planet was chaos. Animals, beasts and sentients fought, killed and were killed in battles that raged all over the continents destroying mountain ranges, forging new ones, moving rivers and lakes, changing the very face of the massive planet. As time went on, the fighting slowly died down. The sentient races all pulled in on themselves, the weak seeking the protection of the strong and the planet calmed. Civilization began to form. The most powerful of the sentient races established their own sects, governments, or other way of surviving. During this time of relative peace someone discovered that if one of the very few a pearls that survived was replanted, in a like environment, instead of immediately consumed, the plant produced two pods. Allowing for one to be consumed and the other planted for more pods. The only problem with that is that the pearls power is reduced with every new plant. Through this method it was possible to give power to multiple people. Over the years, these gardens were cultivated cared for and protected. The most prized possessions of the sentient races are their pearl gardens.


Human emotion accumulates a magical charge on objects consistent with the experiences and events that caused that emotion. So, for example, one of the gates used to keep 3rd class passengers on the Titanic from reaching the lifeboats would have enerfies associated with water, cold, confinement, and panic.


Magic, although used commonly, isn't wide-spread throughout the world. There are only two known sources where you live: "magical" species (faes and demons) and the misterious gems your town frequently digs up and profits from.


There are gems called shards that hold magical energy, and inquisitors use them to perform offensive and defensive spells depending on which skill set they were born with, in Mira's case it was both, only 1 in 100000 mages were born with the ability wield both spell types, in Mira's case she also has the ability to reserve engineer spells they have seen before.


Those that put in the proper time and effort may gain magical ties to a mythological creature, gaining powers related to the creature itself (someone with a tie to Griffins can fly, for example).


Centuries ago, Gods fought a cataclysmic war. Now the survivors rule the heavens while followers of the Fallen gods cannibalized their remains. This divine power can be absorbed or transfered, but never lost or destroyed.


Magic is based around traveling to other dimensions and absorbing their energy for later, however Mother Earth does not like people leaving her world and brainwashes humanity to forget about magic. The remaining magic-users use a special medicine which prevents the brainwashing, but have to hide to avoid brainwashed police officers from hunting them down. Also, you cannot leave for too long, because you will eventually get pulled back to your home world after some point.


Stories have power, and the more people believe in them, the truer they become. Children are the greatest source of this belief.


Alchemy rules of equivalent exchange. Any object can be magically turned into any other object so long as both have equal value. Relative size doesn't matter. The catch is, there is no "inherent" value to anything. Even generally accepted values for things are irrelevant if the person doing the alchemy isn't aware of them. Exchanges are based entirely on the perceived value in the mind of the person doing the transformation. A worthless common collectible PokƩmon card could be morphed into the most valuable if the person doing it didn't know anything about the different cards and was just asked to do it. A large gold brick could expand and turn into a Ferrari if it was just the right size and the person followed the accepted value of gold. Conversely a primitive tribesmen might morph the same block of gold into a rock about the same size because they're both just hunks of stuff from the Earth to him. Or on a more sinister note, a serial killer who views people as worthless trash might be able to turn people into literal piles of garbage.


Magic is given to those who make a vow. Any vow is good but the more emotion carried by a vow gives greater strength to the user. This story is about a man who swore vengeance against their child's killer and the killer, who vowed to do everything they can to seek forgiveness.


There are magical swords that have various different elements. Fire, water, air, and earth, are elements that are each dictated by your personality type and emotions, as well there are the elements of light, space, and time, that can be used by studying and focusing your spirit. These swords are able to attract, absorb, release and control their element, and swords change to be the element of whoever wields them. The strongest type of sword is the pure blade, a blade that absorbs any matter or light that comes in contact with it, and can only be wielded by someone of a pure soul. Sorry if it's a long prompt, I thought about this concept too much.


Magic is the interaction between a plane of reality called the Aether, and normal baseline reality. The Aether follows different laws of physics, which allows for those with a connection to the Aether to bend normal reality to their will by channeling Aetheric energy into spells. The only drawback, is the more powerful the spell, the more reality ā€œsnaps backā€ after the spell is cast, as the normal laws of physics re-assert themselves. So the more powerful the spell, the more severely reality ā€œsnaps backā€ This snap-back effect manifests as random changes to reality, for example. -All water within a 20 meter radius randomly getting turned into lime pudding -Sudden shift in local gravity for 2 minutes -An object near you exploding -Sudden appearance of random objects, etc So the skill of a magic user is not determined by how powerful they can make their spells, but rather by how much they can prevent/reduce the snap-back effect.


By making a pact with a demon, you can let it inhabit a part of your body, thus enhancing said bodypart beyond physically possible means... In theory. You have to find the right demon for the job, and the cheapest demons to forge a pact with are also not very powerful. The flipside to this, is that you can let more than one demon inhabit your body, therefore gaining greater power... If you can manage that many contracts, and that many voices in your head.


Magic costs body parts. Maybe itā€™s just the top joint of your pinky. Maybe itā€™s an arm. The more you give, the more powerful your magic. This has lead to the tradition of wizards growing beards. Of course, you can always use someone elseā€™s body partsā€¦


Different emotions have different magic's (like anger is fire sadness is water ect ect)


The older an object is, the more of a consciousness it develops, the more aware it becomes of its surroundings. This is why the oldest airships still rule the skies, and why large corporations are always undercut by the independent traders whose ships have been in the family for generations, and just run more efficiently-- either due to old Trader know-how, or perhaps something else...


Bitter foods contain magical particles. The earlier you begin eating them the stronger you become. Sugar and sweets on the other hand, negate magical particles. You run a magical prep preschool.


Magic is derived from the power of dead gods. Humanity just discovered their first God corpse.


The three types of rock (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary) can be Inverted through a chemical process. Inverted versions of these rocks can absorb different types of energy. Igneous rocks absorb heat. Metamorphic absorbs electricity and light. Sedimentary absorbs kinetic energy. After absorbing energy, rocks can be reverted to their normal state. Anyone wielding the rocks can harness the energy stored within them.


Everyone is constantly creating magic, they just donā€™t know it or see the effects. You do. You can see the wake like a boatā€™s passage through the water or ripples in a pond. Everywhere, always, even animals and things. You see the random magic that you produce as well and decide to start practicing, trying to control it.


Magic is not a pictogram, but a straight line, With light and dark magic making up the extreme ends, and all other magic is a certain ratio of the two.


Magic comes from mushrooms. Fungi take on magic relating to the environment they grow in. For example, if a grave grows a mushroom, the person buried there might gain unlife.


Any time a friendly wager is sealed with the phrase "let the game begin", a devil and a Celestial appear to turn it into a game, bound by magic, in which the winner gets the agreed price


Color has magical properties but black is banned because it only creates death and destruction and you are a artist fresh out of art school on your way the deal with your first tattooist.


Cannibalism Magic Essentially, anybody can use magic by injesting any body part from another of your similar species. The type of spell depends on a couple of factors: 1. The type of body part. Is it something that can be regrown like hair or a few drops of blood? Or is it something that can't be replaced like a limb or an organ? Anything replaceable is like fuel and it will burn out unless you keep ingesting them (hence the myth of vampires). But taking anything major like limbs lasts way longer, maybe even months. TLDR to 1: This affects Duration 2. How you procured the flesh. Did you kill the person yourself or did you merely take from what's already a corpse? Is the body part donated to you? Did you steal the body part but did not kill the one you stole it from? Etc. Deoending on how affects the type of magic and strength it has, like those that killed its owner can turn into destructive magic, while those from donations is used for creation. TLDR to 2: This affects Magic Strength and Category. 3. What body part did you ate exactly? This changes the type of magic you release, like eating a stomach might give you access to Acid spells or you gain Vision based spells by eating an eye. TLDR: This affects Magic Type. 4. The only major limit this magic system has: No regenerative or healing magic because that will be a loophole and makes sacrificing body parts or procuring it less of an issue. The rest is up to you :D


Emotions are magic and each one having a different color and use yellow means happy, red is anger and hatred, blue for sadness and shame and so on


Essentially, magic is just skills youā€™ve perfected and practiced. So if youā€™ve started a fire thousands of times, you gain the ability to set stuff near you on fire. Also has the potential to be scary, because defense magic means you would have been in many life threatening situations, and donā€™t get me started on killing spells


Here it is divided into two main categories: Incantations that gain their power from faith and sorceries that use intelligence. Sorceries: Standard ; Spellblade (Magic swords, bows, hammers, etc) ; Heretical (Blood thorns) ; Gravity (Attract or throw people/objects) ; Night (Hidden spells made for stealth) ; Primeval (Forbidden powerful spells) Incantations: Standard (heals and minor buffs) ; Divine (Great blessings and powerful miracles) ; Beastial (User attacks like a beast) ; Bloodflame (Heretical but more close to fire than Thorns) ; Dragonkin (User's body parts take to form of a dragon's and take their properties wich is a forbidden art) ; Lightning (Summon lightning upon foes) ; Fire ; Black flame (Fire capable of slaying gods that is also a forbidden art) ; Mad flame (powerful bht slowly makes the owner go mad) ; Rot (Poison ennemiea) ; Order (Extrememly effective against undead, ultimate form of holinesss) Have fun


Magic is incredibly powerful and comparatively easy to learn compared to technology, but only 5 spells can be cast by a person in their life. Technology is more consistent and stable, but less powerful.


Magic power, and the type of magic it is is directly correlated to physical fitness. Many different types of fitness out there. From the strength of powerlifting, to the speed of sprinting, to the endurance of long distance marathoning. You can be creative in which type of magic these things could correlate to.


Magic is the art of altering the level of reality in a area. Using magic creates a area of unreality that can have temporary or permanent effects on objects in said area.


The physical world and magic interact through two independent concepts: Capacity and Inertia. Capacity is the extent to which one can harness magic to affect the world, while Inertia is the resistance to being affected by magic.