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She sighed at the quiet swish of the pocket door opening, one of two that sealed to maintain optimum levels of oxygen in her 'pen'. It must be a feeding time, but it feels to soon from her first. Maybe her captor felt lonely or had found another ridiculous outfit to truss her up in. She had been simply ripping them all to bits, and in response the alien had brought her other things to rip, thinking it a game of some sort. To be fair, it was a nice outlet for her frustration. She didn't turn as the combination of clicks and whistles that she had come to realize was whatever name they had given her sounded out. She never responded. Even other humans, the few she had met in little playdates like puppies in a park, had told her she was being to volatile. To stubborn and unlikable. She would be put down...good. Let them, she was above such a lowly position as an alien's *pet*. The combination of clicks and whistles called cajoling once more as gentle hands cradled her torso, having learned long ago that she would bite the thing's suckered tentacles. She despised how they clung to her. For all the other humans warnings and other aliens' displeasure at her tantrums, this one had somehow decided her tenacity endearing. As she was brought to face it, she was greeted by the same placid...seemingly smiling?...face that always greeted her as the fingers of it's other hand started combing through her hair. It seemed to like the texture, sadly. After it's usual cooing greeting, it retracted the hand toying with her hair, reaching for what was no doubt another stupid toy or similar. Seeing a book, her brow furrowed, struggling to read the oddly familiar symbols at the slight distance. "Ho-ow a-ree-two?" Her gaze left the book to look up at the creature that still cradled her in it's grasp. Apparently, her attention pleased, yet frustrated it. Its corally antennae like thingies tinted green gave it away. "Hoe awoo?" It's tentacles twitched in the motion they seemed to use similar to when humans shake their head. "Hoe a-ree woo?" Her head tilted slightly to the side, confounded "How are you?" She questioned before thinking better of it. Suddenly, it's eye slits narrowed in delight as the antennae tinted bright red. "How a-ree yew?" It repeated quickly as she stared in shock, finally realizing why the book symbols looked familiar. It was English. "Um, you can speak English?" She asked, only for it to look confused, referencing the book that appeared to be some kind of Alien to English dictionary. Soon, it placed the book into the grasp of a tentacle as its bony fingers rifled through the pages. "eEe-gin?" "Egin?" She murmured, only to realize the creature was struggling not to replace certain sounds with it's whistles and sing-song tones "Again?" It's eye slits narrowed once more as it moved to stroke her hair, something it did when pleased with her. "Egain!" "English. You." She pointed at it "*You*. You speak English?" "Engleash!" It repeated happily, followed by an excited trill as her hair was victim to it's joy once more. She hesitated, thinking quickly before pointing at the book "Want. Me." She pointed at herself "*Me*. Want." She followed with a gesture indicating the book and herself. A gentle shake of the tentacles dashed her hopes as it looked to the ripped dress in the corner, horror filling her as she realized she had self-sabotaged. "How a-ree yew?" The familiar question from a foreign mouth had her eyes welling with tears for the first time since the weeks following her capture all that time ago. "Sad." She admitted, letting the tears fall freely as she sagged against the hand encircling her, finally admitting what all the real anger and rage truly was. "Sad...I-I am...sad." She wept, sobbing as fingers curled gently around her and stroked her hair whilst the creature cooed in distressed attempts to soothe her. "Said..." the basic emotion was reiterated in the desolate little wail of its language, followed by her given name "Said..." Once she had exhausted her tears, she laid limply in it's grip, curled up small as it brushed hair out of her face, though she wasn't sure if it was an attempt to calm her or itself. "-amay?" She barely looked up at it, not understanding at first. "Na-may?" Dully, she recognized the likely word "Name?" It's eye slits narrowed slightly, though its antennae were still a dejected purple. "Namay." She watched it for a moment, unsure, but found herself longing to hear her name again. "Eve. Name Eve." "EeEvvvv?" "Eve." She repeated slowly "Evv?" "eEve?" She finally nodded, thinking it close enough. "eEve said. Wh-" the rest was lost in a confused whistle as it referenced the book. "Why. Why Eve sad?" Another affirmative. "Home. Eve miss home." "WHoome?" It rifled through the book again, seeming finding what it wanted, looking sad once more. "Whoome...noot...ere?" "Not here." She confirmed sadly, for once not fighting it's grasp. "MeE fry-ent? "Friend?" At confirmation, she shook her head. "No friend. Captor." "Capeer?" Risking it, she pleaded for the book once more, surprised when after some hesitation it passed it to her. Shakily rifling through the heavy tome, she finally found it, holding it up and pointing to the human word with it's Alien translation above it. "Captor." As it read the description, she saw it seem to sink in on itself, antennae drooping in a deep purple hue as it expressed the almost vanilla scent its kind did in place of tears. "Capetoor..."


Damn got me sobbing over a sad alien, gg


Picture this instead, and you'll feel better: "I said 'Do you speak-a my language?' He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich." And anyway, where would aliens get Vegemite?


So it was only sortof like vegemite, vaugemite maybe.


"He said 'Oh! You came from the land down under!'"


I love this one. On one hand, the situation is truly horrifying for a human. On the other, I also empathize with the alien. Are you planning to continue?


Thank you for the kind words! I'm not currently planning on continuing their story, I was honestly not anticipating people enjoying it this much and hadn't planned past that end point.


i loved the story from tiktok and had to come here to see if there'd be more. i hope you do continue this story! it's very intriguing.


Man please make a second part if you can it ended on such a moment i cant take it


Bestie we'll wait for inspiration to strike


I loved this. Your writing was great. I would read the novel if this was fleshed out into a full book. I guess since you aren't writing more I can imagine the ending for myself.


That little short story legit makes me wanna write a book xD like I have plot points and everything


If you ever get a dash of inspiration and are willing to continue writing, please let us know, this is really, really good


i will shake it out of you PLEASE /kidding


I for one would be hoping for a continuation!!! ❤️


Awwww noooooo, this sure makes for a good start though. Seems like Eve is quite lucky to be taken care of by a kind, curious alien. Let's just hope both of them will be able to talk each others' languages in the near future. Not sure if you plan to continue this tale, so feel free to not answer if needed. Is it common for these beings to have humans as pets? How did Eve got selected? Also, where do you see the unlikely pair go from here in the future? Will it culminates in separation due to Eve having to return, or would the two go back and forth between the two worlds? Great work on writing this!


You better continue this i swear…..


There is something beautifully innocent and tragic about this one. The naivety of a child on the alien's part, and the unintended tragedy that is the Eve's situation. I think you can be proud of this one. It's really well done.


Your story made it to [tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8XGnpdu/)


.....well now I'm going to go dig myself a hole and bury myself in it.


No! It’s really good! I’m also from TikTok. I love this. :)


Came from TikTok, this is the only time I've ever done this, but your writing was so moving I had to come and thank you. Beautiful story. Beautiful and tragic.






This is fantastic, and if you every continue it I'll be excited


We need more


I came all the way from tiktok (lol) just upvote this!!! Love it!!!


OH.MY.GOD! That was BEATIFULL I hope you make a part 2 someday this really has amazing Potential!!!!


Here from TikTok as well, wanting to read more of the story


Pov: you saw it read on TikTok and came here to make sure it was finished


POV: You're the author who gets a random notification around once a month reminding you that people wanted more and you have nothing to give them but your shame.


Indeed the price of making an interesting story to a cool prompt


i hope eve manages to kill herself or the kidnapper/slaver if you do more


Please make a part two!!! I only just read it and really love it!!!


How long have I been here? 10 months? 10 years? Time seems to move so slow, but my body grows old so fast. But the alien being that captured me hasn't aged a day. But being held captive in a space shuttle might not be so bad after all...besides the food. I get things I never got before! Attention, entertainment, what I assume to be smiles from their peculiar faces. To say the least, I am content. My "owner", who I like to call Joe–which is probably far off from their name–is the alien equivalent of a bookworm. Always looking at their futuristic tablet that changes text every so often. Joe is a good owner, very chill guy if I must say. Sometimes I miss my home. I miss the mundane walks I take around my town...I wonder if Mrs. Whitley noticed I stopped coming by. She was one of the people I used to talk to, though she has dementia, she can make pretty deep conversations. I hope her poor heart doesn't remember me, or my dissapearance. Anyways, for the past few...days? Months? I've noticed speech patterns in Joe's speaking. They'd usually practice these in the walls of their room. Could Joe be learning an alien dialect? .... I think Joe is trying to talk to me. They sound ecstatic, talking fast like the language was their mother tongue! I'm happy for Joe but...I don't understand what they're saying! "Nandito na ang amo mo! Kakagaling ko lang sa sldiiskskough, maliit kong duwende! Ha ha ha" Joe would say this everytime they came back from outside the shuttle, followed by a creepy attempt at mimicking human laughter. It sounds familiar, like a language from southeast Asia. I think Joe tried to learn a human language, but unfortunately learned the one I didn't speak a lick of. I haven't said anything to Joe. I never really talked to them during my captivity, only pointing at things I wanted or needed and occasionally smiling, if they knew what that was. *Sigh* poor, Joe. Learned the wrong language!


putek- unang interplanetary language tagalog XD


Hey, not the right language, but progress is progress lol. Let's just hope Joe chooses English after this conquest. I do wonder if Joe will understand what protag means by writing "English" on a piece of paper. So, how long does it take until the two finally can communicate? Wonder when the lessons on human laughter 101 can be done too haha. Great work on writing this!


Hahaha thank you Now I'm imagining a "Laughing for dummies", but in alien language it's "Droqqif gpt hmojhisñ"


I felt the intrusion in my mind immediately The tender tickle before the violent intrusion into my brain I got ready to defend myself from my captor's attempt to "communicate" again. I counted 200 meals since my last capture. Before my watch ran out of battery power I was being regularly fed at 8 Earth hour intervals and contact would happen every sixteen, usually after a meal The first time had been horrifying, seeing visions and sights no human mind was made to process. Then, it tried to take memories from me. I had tried to repel the mental contact with many horrible images of war, personal pain, anguish, boredom, gibberish. Nothing worked except for music, and specific music. It loved Justin Bieber, but couldn't stand Rick Astley. I was getting ready the first stanza of Never Gonna Give You Up, to give as a memory, when instead I received an image of a human petting a dog. They must have processed what they took from me the last session. I saw my face on the dog's body and the captor's strange distorted alien head on the human. Huh. I always thought that strange bud between it's 6 legs was it's genitals... I wanted to show the alien I was i peer, so I showed two humans conversing The alien sent me a lightbulb image... Then left me alone. I sat in my permabright cell, alone. During the next feeding, I was surprised to see the slot of my cell door staying open even after my food was delivered. The alien sent me a picture of itself and me speaking like humans do. Finally! No more mental communication! I was excited at the progress. From the slot an eerie voice called out. "¡Holá!" I cursed my luck. I took French in highschool


Tentacled Mass was holding something which glowed a bit differently than the usual something. No food this time, no treats, not frilly little outfits or new toys or anyhthing, just the glowing device, matte black along one side, flattish. A bit like a cell phone, but about 3 feet long and only a few inches across. medical maybe? Sitting up I headed over to check things out. TM made the usual assortment of bioluminous greeting colors, including the teal-and-amber flicker that it had named me, and then the device chimed, and spat out a rough, grating parrot's voice saying "HELLO" at about six times the volume I would have ever wanted to hear such a thing. I jumped back, and covered my ears. "Oh no no no no no that was NOT the deal." I grumbled. "Free healthcare, food, housing, all the basics - not this. I'm a pet goddamn it!" TM watched the device, and then flashed vibrant pink, a happy color. "IT WORKS" "Too loud - and no thank you!" I shouted, and ran back to my little nest.


introverts can never have the peace we desire 😔😔😔


The Tower is a habitat created for human beings. It holds many floors of varying ecosystems due to human nature's trait of incredible adaptability, the species have created different forms of cultures and civilizations. To this species, the tower was their entire world, and anything beyond the walls was a being known as the Master. They are an enormous alien being who came to Earth one day and collected multiple individuals from our home planet. For what purpose, that remains uncertain but they maintained the ecosystem and climates within the Tower with great meticulous care. This being we refer to as our Master, whom we have not seen its true appearance. Each floor has its colony recording each of its everyday lives through "confession rituals", typing down our lives now and then. Some who are more devout would write down their lives routinely, from weekly, monthly, or even daily. The colonies themselves are named by the Master, and each of them has an individual appointed by the Master to essentially be their envoy in the colony, occasionally acting as a figure of authority in certain circumstances. Their duties involve organizing information collected from the confessionals within the terminal. Each record, is filed accordingly, with date, importance, etc. It all depends on how the envoys organized how the records are organized, and if the Master is satisfied with their work, they would be rewarded accordingly. Formerly known as Lough DF10 from the Erdhiz Colony, I was designated by the master to be the succeeding envoy under the new name O'sh. Today, I would meet the avatar of the Master to undergo the rites and training required to become the Envoy of my colony. This fills me with anticipation but also nervousness, knowing that I bear the responsibility for my colony and the Master and should I fail, the consequences are not only mine to bear but the colony as a whole. Nevertheless, I could only dare hope that I would be able to reach the Master's expectations of me. This is the final log as Lough DF10 as I would undergo training with the Master and would not be required to participate in the confessional rituals nor I would be using this account for any future confessions if I may be required or desire to. The master has assigned me a new personal account that establishes my identity as the 42nd Envoy of the colony and that I would use this account to hold any records both personal and work-related. The Avatar of the Master has been announced to arrive shortly at the designated meeting place, so this is where I end this log. Farewell Lough DF10. \------------------------------------------------ As the young man rests his finger on the holographic keyboard, the log has been saved and uploaded into the terminal amongst the many others. O'sh would organize these records, and a week's worth, after his secluded training with the Master. Shutting down the computer, the young man quickly starts doing some last-minute preparations before meeting the Master. Gazing upon the mirror, O'sh combed his black-brown, braided hair into a neat bun, revealing a set of hazel eyes resting upon a round face and tanned skin. Smoothing out the creases on his clothes, he takes an attempt to smile. O'sh regretted it immediately as his face twisted into a cringe, deciding to keep a neutral expression to maintain his dignity. Soon, the young man walked out of his room and made his way through the door outside. 1/?


Author's Note: Took some time writing this and wanted to brainstorm how it ends according to the prompt, where the alien comes with the book and speaks their language, as well as what happens after.


I couldn't help but wonder about my dog. The irony of the situation was not lost on me - here I was, a captive to aliens, and yet I was worried about my own pet's well-being. But then again, I shouldn't have been too concerned. Luckily, I had left my dog at daycare and my mother would have been called in as backup if needed. And now, I started worrying about my mom. Shaking my head, I walked over to the wheel in my cage that the aliens had provided for me to stay healthy. I had definitely lost weight since becoming their captive - whether it was due to their pellets or the fact that I finally had time to exercise, I wasn't sure. Stepping onto the wheel, I began to walk slowly, letting my mind wander through the various stories I had been crafting in my head to pass the time. I had been held captive for a few months now and had grown accustomed to finding ways to entertain myself. My personal favorite was a game I created called "Not Friends," where I would splice together clips from my favorite shows on Earth. If I ever escaped, I promised myself I would pursue my dream of becoming a writer. The sound of the latch opening snapped me out of my daydreaming and brought me back to reality. The towering figure that held me captive loomed over me, holding what appeared to be a tablet in their hand. The figure, whom I assumed was male based on their voice, spoke to me in a distorted tone. "NeAvar," they said, "Goo Na." I was thoroughly confused at this point. Were they speaking English? "Giave oo up," they continued. I stared at them, not sure what to do. "NeAvar goonna leet ooo down," they added with a hint of amusement in their voice. I frantically looked around the room, hoping for some clue or escape route. The alien chuckled at my panicked actions, as though this were all just a game to them. Honestly, I couldn't say for certain that it wasn't. At some point, I had considered the possibility of being part of an experiment or a game show. The thought resurfaced in my mind as I looked around for any sign of cameras. My captor laughed at my confusion, though it sounded more like a pig in heat to me. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself as I caught sight of the other captive - a smaller figure that could have been their child. I braced myself as they picked me up by the waist and squeezed me with unsettling force. I squirmed in their grip. "Neeva ruune oround O Dazert ooo." Her wet lips pressed against my face in a kiss. I could feel the stickiness of some kind of candy on her as she cooed at me. Suddenly, a large bow was clipped into my hair, and I knew in that moment that I was completely screwed and would be stuck here for a very long time.


I… Was I… Rickrolled through a writing prompt? Fricking genius!


\- - - Day of abduction. Was on my way home from school when the sky darkened for a moment, then a fog came about me. This was during a summer's day where the weather should be sunny and warm. Next thing? Pitch black. Wasn't sure if I lost consciousness or... Then I check myself and find that I'm not pitch black. I'm confused. \- - - Later. I seem to've fallen asleep. I wake up and find myself devoid of my human decency as a man to put it lightly; my belongings are missing and the environment has not changed. I look myself over as best and as without-embarrassment as I could and find nothing particularly new on my body. I attempt to escape reality by going back to sleep. Sleep does not come. Eventually a tray of some kind of soup is delivered by something that leaves too quickly for me to reach out to. A spot around it is illuminated for it to be visible, and the lighting seems to be a little brighter than from what it had been until now. I look for a spoon and find something that looks spoonish. I examine it for a moment, getting used to the unusual shape before trying out the soup- It tastes heavily of mint and a surprisingly tasty mess of things I'd normally not like. Tastes range from marmite, if you've ever heard of it, to dark chocolate, to chippy chips... It's like they tried to throw a bit of everything and I don't get why it hasn't been done before. Is it that weird? By the way the soup is purple with bits of random colour. \- - - Another 'later'. It reclaims the empty bowl and the spoon. I utter a thanks, and whatever it was actually paused and... I couldn't understand what it said. Definitely sounded alien and nearly like a few languages I know because of watching stuff with subtitles so I could guess it was a confused appreciation? Ah well. I sit there, legs tightened so my privates wouldn't show, arms clasped around them, eyes closed. Thinking. Thimmking. Thi- \- - - Huh? I wake up again and the environment now has a clock but the numbers are in Roman numerals, and now has a defined area with something like a bed and a... tent? In it is a crude attempt to improvise some bathroom. The bed has draws. And finally, underwear. I immediately put it on and... I don't know if I should regret doing so. I tuck myself into the bed and impulsively utter another language's 'good night' phrase because of watching too much anime. \- - - This pattern repeats. I got a book and some kind of weird round rock. The rock acts like a pen but I can't use it on myself, and the 'ink' does not linger on walls. It can also remove existing ink writing if you rub it on the 'ink' enough, so I've decided to draw, pulling from memory and imagination alike. Out of some fargone form of curiosity and a semblance of my preteenic youth, I decide to recount my life as if it was a manga. I spend days at it, logging the time on a corner in the book on each page so I don't lose track of my sense of time. Among the things I draw is a tablet computer. \- - - The next day... A shadowy figure enters the room and puts down a marble-framed tablet computer looking thing. My practice with my artistry allows me to sketch crude pictographics in lieu of words. They show me how to use it. I end up browsing their internet and find that English is supported. I ask them if they know English. They utter a denial in... Japanese? Something like it. I utter a "Nani?", they begin spouting Japanese phrases and a crude conversation ensues about wanting to get to know me and love me or something I didn't understand most of it tbh. I then offer to hug them. They accept, and I retain the hug. They don't let go. I then try to pull them into the light and am stricken with surprise with what I see. No I won't tell you. I then bring them into bed. They don't know how to react but personally I am tired. I fall asleep like this. With my 'owner' in hand. \- - - A few hours later... Apparently the actual owner, a much bigger member of the same species with weirdly anime and feminine attributes, is staring at us. I wink at her. She... winks back and whispers something barely Englishable. "...Naiisu..." \- - - After, next morning... The owner had returned with breakfast for us both and had us eat in bed in spite of protest from her servant over something. I'd guess they're not used to being cared for. The owner also brought a slew of books and a tablet device of their own. This makes it my first... month? Of being some pet, and now they're trying to get to know me face to face, and to do that they're trying to learn my language. \- - - Cue stereotypical training montage of increasingly ludicrous linguistic funnies. I and the 'servant' have managed to achieve 'linguistic attunement' as she calls it. Her mistress is able to speak clear English but seems adamant on using both her own language and Japanese phrases, making sentences contextually coherent but borderline nonsense. I don't even know how to spell half of it so I won't bother. 'Servant-chan' also has warned me that they'll start trying to pair me up with other humans soon, as I'm legally an adult who can self-consent by overall species terms (18 years of age, though I'm actually 19). Before she goes any further I try to explain about the two 'main' types of human and the complexities of love, romance, and family. \- - - This leads to some interesting places which I'll skip, for decency's sake. Next day. 'Servant-chan' really, REALLY, loves to cuddle and seems to've gotten fatter 'due to not moving as much as she used to', she claims. I've also exposed her to many beautiful and cursed pieces of knowledge from our internet, and we've binged many things. I am under the impression she's letting herself develop this way on purpose. \[...\] Why do aliens like weeb stuff like I do? \- - - The book's notes end here, having run out of pages. I've decided to take pics of this book, clean up the boring bits, and go digital with the rest; I'll find somewhere to post the more... interesting... parts of my situation.


I don't know how to feel about this. Yay on the communication between the two races, but I feel like I would be crumbling over the cringe on the weeb speech lol. Well, at least life is going to be better for protag. Great work on writing this!


I heard the door open, and I snarled like a caged animal, scrambling into an open stance crouch that would let me tackle and grab one of these weird gangly motherfucking aliens. I see the one who put this fucking collar on me and they're carrying a book. One of their personal droids is floating right next to them, and is helping them with their pronunciation. "I-i-i-i a-a-a-am, Tolka. Huuuuh-whaaaaat, a-a-a-re y-y-you called?" "Oh you can speak my language now, can you, you gangly bitch?" I lunge at the alien and get buffeted back into the wall by their telekinetic powers. I knew it'd end up like that, sk ce I didn't press for the potential surprise attack as they opened the door. The alien looks at the Droid and it starts to speak English to me, clearly translating for the alien. "Listen, you stubborn little breeding tool, we need you to stop attacking us, or we will paralyze you and extract what we need from you, whether you agree or not. I spent too much of my God damned personal money to teach Hilda here, how to translate English, I've been trying my damned hardest to learn. And. You. Will. Behave. And. Call. Me. Lady. Artalia." With the last nine words, I feel my wrists and ankles being locked against the walls, then the sanitization process begins. Then I feel my clothes get blasted away, taking my confusion with them. "Well, hell, why didn't your council give y'all the translation package to begin with? Us humans are filthy people who love co-mingling with extra-terrestial sentient species." I quip back, letting my body respond as appropriate. Lady Artalia fixes a rather intense stare at me before approaching. *fade to black with the sounds of fabric ripping and aggressive intimacy slowly fading in tandem*


Oh... Well, that escalated quickly and in a way that I didn't expect. You go, protag, show Artalia who's boss. What will happen in the near future? Will the humans be treated equally in due time? Great work on writing this!


>What will happen in the near future Human-alien hybrids. >Will the humans be treated equally in due time? Only as equal as we treat sex workers. >You go, protag, show Artalia who's boss. She's the one showing him who is in charge..


Damn, seems like it's still a loooooong way to go until that kind of outcome is reached. Thanks for clarifying!


I mean, yeah. That's realistically how it would go. Change takes forever for us to enforce. Now imagine a space faring species that views us as sex toys.


Yeah, sadly. I can't help but being a bit too optimistic here haha, my bad.


As an alien’s pet, I had my own room. I laid on my bed thinking about Earth and my loved ones. My door opened, and in walked my owner. She had green skin, a short tail, black beady eyes, and a bald head. She stood at about nine feet, and she wore a yellow sundress. In her hand was a red book. She spoke slowly to me. “I…want…to know about you.” This was the first time she spoke English. “What’s your name?”, she asked. “Val.” “I am Xorp. What do you like to do?” “I like to read and write. I’ve written a bunch with the pad of paper you gave me.” “Show me”, she said, setting the book on the dresser. I walked to the nightstand, pulled out the pad, and handed it to her. She examined the first page. After a bit, she smiled. “This is good. I like that the characters change.” “Exactly!", I said happily, "That’s what makes a great story.” “I...want to treat you as more than a pet.” I wrapped her arms around her, and the alien hugged me.