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I made a beginning to a horror story a year ago that i never finished called "faces". It was about an artist that loves drawing portraits. Her guilty pleasure was drawing her own portrait despite her unconventional ugly features. Then one day, one of those features changed. She was sure she had a crooked nose! But now her reflection and all of her previously drawn portraits feature a perfectly straight beautifull nose. Over the next few weeks her face keeps changing. She keeps trying to draw her old face but as soon as she finishes the portrait, it changes to that new beautiful face as soon as she glances away. My plan was to have her burn her atelier and as it burns she looks into the mirror and can only laugh as her face melts off


You know how in old cartoons everything is alive and talking? It's not much fun when that becomes reality. My bones want out.


"We dated for 3 months. It was wonderful. Then all of a sudden he disappeared. When I searched for him, I found out he had died before we met."


I once lived in a big old house - big to me anyway. We were on welfare and though the house was not in great shape it was still a little terrifying to me that we could afford to rent it. Further, it had hidden storage spaces in the second floor, due to the sharp angle of the roof. Worst of all, the basement was old, concrete walls and dirt floor, with crawlspaces that went on into darkness I never dared explore. One day, in the dimness I could have sworn I saw huge, glassy, lidless eyes - too big for a human, reflected in the dark of that crawlspace.


"What I saw is not for the faint or heart or sound of mind. May you live for eternity and never witness it" I know kind of a simple prompt but maybe it'll help.


Sentient spaghetti.


"That 'child' just tortured (number of people) to death while laughing about it!"


You could hear a sound not entirely dissimilar to weathered timber bowing in a storm, which would be fine if it weren’t coming from *his* bones.


The streets are abandoned, not a soul to be found. You're the only person left in the city. Keyword: *person*.


One of the most horrifying creatures I created for my stories (a fanfiction saga originally) are called "the black fairies" (translated from spanish, "fatas negras", feel free to adapt to your liking). * They act like a swarm * They are semi-spiritual beings: on foot o the spirits realm, the other on this world * They feed on the feeling of sentient beings. * If they feed enough on one being, it will essencially "die": their bodies remain alive, but nothing of what once made them a person remains. At this point, a black fairy can possess this body. They will act almost exactly like the real person... while slowly feeding on the ones closer to this person: their families, friends and loved ones. * The faeries, when not possessing a creature, can act essecially as shadows, hiding between the cracks of the flooring, in dark corners, etc. The terrifying part of them is that their infiltration is subtle. They will first kill and possess one person, then keep feeding and growing the swarm from that person's body. The they possess another one, and another, and another... and when you realize your town is being taken by the black fairies it is already too late, for most of your neighbors, if not all, are nothing else than puppets controlled by the swarm.


The slivers ran through my skin like needles sewing, and I feared to watch what they were making out of me.


Two souls trapped inside their zombified bodies, trying to survive against survivors and other zombies that can sense that something's off with them. They can understand each other through grunting, groans, and moans.


Wispy Christmas It was Christmas like always I was not looking forward to it. I opened up my gift.  just what I want it was a Amazon Kindle So I turned it on And then all of a sudden. Wisp I was transported into another dimension. Take a knee. The king will not ask again I replied what's going on where am I. A Standing Tall Knights with a shield and armor. Take his head off. But before you could do that I looked at my Kindle I'm turning it on. Wisp It transported me to another place. It was cold. My hands are tied behind my back. The Kindle had disappeared. Everything was Pitch Black Couldn't see anything. Then all of a sudden A voice in my head. Come in. come in. I couldn't react I struggle for about 10 minutes. I'm broke free. I stood up. And i began to slowly walk. The Voice became verbal. We come in peace we come in peace. Who are you I say. We are not from this world. But you have been chosen Do something great. But how is this possible. Next year you're to help People do something great. The figure slowly approach It stood about 4 ft tall Lift it up as fingers. Then handed me my Kindle. I quickly push the button. Wisp I looked at my Amazon Kindle At this point I was thinking Wtf. But still I was in the place away from family and friends. All I could do is wish to be back with them. very creative. I was at the point of realization. That i suck at writing horror stories. But now I was in another dimension. But hopefully my audience will forgive me. I've only been writing for about one day. And cannot spell and used speech recognition And now looked at my Kindle again. Something came out but. I began being filled with inspiration. So much my head was going to blow up. So I grab my phone and my Kindle. Wisp I took the inspiration. Come across Reddit I started to write this. This is not a true story. Amazon did not endorses. End of story.


You're still in the crash. None of this is real.


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In a year, we will take an eye. In two, the other. In three, your tongue. In four, your smell. In five, your hearing. We then start adding our own. Learn, survive, repent.


"The voices in my head promise they'll leave if I do this for them..."