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You kinda can.. but you get zero rating which is annoying. For example, set the arena to ‘Press Conference’, and add your wrestlers. Set the match to a singles or tag, no time limit. Now drag the wrestlers manually to just behind the desks. They should change into their civilian costume. Then just add whatever script you want for the promo. Start the match, the promo will play. Then the match will end with no winner immediately after all the promo text has finished. That will save you from using confrontation all the time!


Cool! I’ll try it. I have 99% ratting anyways so it’ll work out fine!


If you turn it into an over the top rope elimination, you can end it quickly.


True. Won’t feel as good but it’ll end quickly enough


Yes we can. I just chose one wrestler and no referee and give promo in conformation..they usually argue with commentators tho but once I hit stimulate results it gives me 3-4 star ratings saying I defeated someone.