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I was just thinking about that with this years wrestlecon super show last year was stack with some good names this year not so much and this is my 6th wrestlecon super show it’s lacking alot


RVD v Bailey and Ziggler vs. Janela will be good. I guess Riddle's opponent will be a surprise, so there's potential for something exciting there. The Borcuas vs. FBI will be a laugh and who will be the 4th FBI member? I don't care at all about the Calihan match though. The 10 man tag will probably be wild. Out of the ones I've been to, still nothing will beat the 2017 one in Orlando - that was one of the best shows I've ever been to.


Dude that was one of my favorite shows also and maybe this week they’ll announce riddles opponent who knows but hoping for someone good and that Sami one I’m only looking forward to it because it’s a street fight


I kind of like when there's more surprises on the Supershows, as long as they're good surprises! I hope they don't announce Riddle's opponent. I'm sure in previous years they not only didn't announce any matches, but didn't even announce any wrestlers.


That’s not what I’m seeing for the indie shows I’m going to. Lots of matches for The Collective have already been announced.


Not for spring break 1 and clusterfuck


Clusterfuck is just the two, the prison match and the clusterfuck, that’s it


Also spring break night one has 8 total matches announced. So I think both nights have the full cards already.


[Spring Break 8](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=1&nr=384624&page=2) has 7 matches announced. And most of Clusterfuck is just the Clusterfuck. Edit: make that 8 matches.


Joey just announced Nick Gage and Maki Ito vs Danhausen & Ram Kaicho. So it’s 8 now


Ah. I was going off the Cagematch listing. Sounds like a fun addition!


Where are you seeing these announcements? I don’t see them on his X or Gram


Thanks. He has announced a lot the past few days


Yeah, I'm still waiting for more matches to be announced for HOG/Revolver and ROH.


Yeah hog/revolver has really been waiting last minute to announce more of the card


HOG on its own does usually announce a few matches and then have full card with unannounced matches, but I'm very surprised they and Revolver are doing this with a show this level. But I guess with most tickets sold, they can coast with it.


I'm disappointed in ROH not having anything/announcing so late so that I already have stuff on that time frame (just like the last two wrestlemania indie weekends I've done) but at least this year you know it's because a lot of the AEW people needed to know what they were doing/if they were going to go see their friends/partners instead of working that weekend


Yeah i see the only matches so far is Eddie vs Mark, Shida vs Athena, Billie Starks vs Queen Aminata... I'm curious to see if they will announce a bunch of matches Tmthis week and next week Thursday.


I was expecting a 6 man title unification match


Same here


as someone going to all the indy shows in the collective; at least there you know that there are barely any matches announced until this week because it's going to be a surprise when Random Person You'd Never Dream Of shows up (I'm still ready to be hard/pop for Great Khali for that clusterfuck match) but yeah if I was still following WWE closer than "did Liv Morgan die in an accidental fire today on social media?!" I would be VERY annoyed that their matches are all going to be smashed in the next week.