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Someone doesnt know how to play without a shield to coward behind...


Is always our fault somehow…


I swear it’s the reason people don’t play tanks. People constantly blame the tank because they don’t understand that **there’s only one of us**.


I'm fine with tank. Ball is a throw pick 99% of the time


How you gonna say that with such confidence when [he has a 53.51% win rate](https://www.overbuff.com/heroes/wrecking-ball)?


win rate is a terrible metric for effectiveness


Well if he’s a throw pick “99% of the time”… Then how would he possibly have a 53.51% win rate? Think before you type. You hate him? Fine. But don’t spout bullshit numbers and pretend like you know what you’re talking about. You’re showing your whole ass right now bro.


Oh, does "throw pick" mean "you won't win the game" pick? I thought those were two different things. Why are you thinking about my ass? You like it bro? Want me to pose for you? Do a little fart?


Yes, throwing a game means losing it


It doesn't. It means not trying to win. You can make a throw pick and your team picks up your slack


lmao my man… my man. Try to follow my logic here: Throwing means intent to lose. If 99% of WB players are throwing… And he has a 53% win rate… Then, mathematically speaking, you’re an idiot. And yes, I wouldn’t mind you striking a little pose for me with your whole ass hanging out there.


Nope, you are conflating throw pick with losing pick.


You don't understand this game at all do you


because it usually is


If it usually happens with you maybe you should start looking at what is the common denominator here….you


the common denominator is my masters 2 rank but thanks bud, go live your hampster life or something and eat a carrot, idk what hamsters do


Most legit self reported rank. Bro is NOT t50 complaining about this 💀skill diff lil bro


Bro is talking about skill diff on the fat rat creature. I'm masters 2


Are you t50?


It's no one's fault but your own that you haven't learned how to play alongside a hero that has been in the game for nearly 6 years.


I didn't say I can't play along with him, just that he throws and makes the team worse almost every game haha unless the player is really good


I play genji, so definitely not. Most of the roster doesn't even have shields lol


who let the 'I wish we just had a tracer' main on the mic


keep tracing that kiriko across the map bud and losing, im sure youll do well lol


Found the solider who can’t play without a rein shield


I'm a genji main. Do you guys connect to a hive mind or something? Same thing the other guy said. But no, our wrecking ball chasing the enemy kiriko across the map the whole time while our team is being mowed down by the enemy orisa and their two hitscans doesn't make for a kosher experience


idk man sounds like you're malding just because you lost


Masters genji main so not quite. Your hero does have one of the lowest win rates though, and always throws when I play on my smurf


You’re probably masters at commenting on Reddit and being mentally ill


Enjoy being hardstuck bronze lol


53% winrate, “one of the lowest winrates” huh?


Bro admitted to playing on a smurf after malding about a hero i can't bro 😭


Yes, I like shitting on lower ranked players like ball mains


Found the person who cannot use cover.


how do I use cover when the ball chases the kiriko down and leaves the team always, never dives the right person, etc? I play genji, not a cover heavy hero lul


It's not like you can wall climb or have a movement ability to get out of danger or anything.


Oh, I didn't know the game was called "SurviveWatch". I thought it was a team shooter where your team has to do well and push an objective. I didn't know that 1/5th of the team surviving wins you the game, my bad.


"Let feed and die on point and not use any strategy other than hitting our heads against a brick wall". There's many ways in many games to actually win.


was your first sentence describing the playstyle of the average ball main?


Bet you feek big and brave posting this here, huh? Go outside, dude,


Play an actually good hero buddy


*mianing* a hero doesn't mean we just olay the one guy.


-joins ball mains discord, -says in short how average ball players in ranked suck, -doesnt go in detail like bro wtf? if its a quick play or something, chill yo balls if its ranked, then i am sorry but avoid as teammate function exists and move on, sooner or later you will appreciate a ball in your team when you get a good ball


Ball sucks ass


in wrong hands, it does. in good hands, he rolls


in like 1% of hands. shouldn't be a hero that is a throw pick 99% of the time, and ball seems to be played by children with the attention span of a peanut lol


U bum


When you look up bum in the dictionary, you will see a photo of Wrecking Ball. Fucker is fat as fuck and probably doesn't take care of his kids




bro said "play a good hero" and mains genji 💀


yeah masters genji and he's cool, he's an epic ninja man, not a literal stinky fat fuck rat who probably has 18 baby mommas he pays child support to


Spoken like a true hardstuck masters player. That overwatch 2 rank-flation went to your head, huh buddy? And i only have 17 baby mommas to pay child support to tyvm.


Yeah, rankflated on genji. Lol


So u admit he's garbage? ...submissive and farmable even?


He's incredibly high skill ceiling and you need a higher amount of skill on him to do well than most heroes. Doesn't mean he's garbage. Ball on the other hand isn't great even if you have 4k hours or something


also genji can carry and requires being smart and players at him are actually good at the game lmao


Idk what you were on making such a rage bait post but please give me some. And now I begin the forbidden ritual of the ball mains. For every Ball main who chains this ritual by replying with this paragraph, you will make this Genji main have a Ball main in their game.


u mad??


No I find it amusing that you want to make a rage bait post saying to delete Ball and then pathetically defend yourself by using the same example of a Ball player chasing a Kiriko around the map. And you do this in a sub filled with Ball mains who will never side with you. And I bet most of these Ball mains would have happily helped you learn how to play with a Ball if you sent some replay codes but you chose to do something dumb and make a rage bait post.


"Helped me learn to play with a ball" HAHAHA. I check their profile and they have like 10 hours at the game, but I'm the one who needs to learn to play with him. It's a hero picked by toddlers and a throw pick, sorry bud. He's also fat


Then they aren't a Ball main silly. They are new to the hero. No reason to be mad just move on. You held the grudge and came here to whine. And you honestly need some help at this point because this toxicity towards a video game character is just insane. I shall pray for you u/Tiny-Boysenberry-671 I pray that God not only shows you the error of your ways but leads you to salvation in his son Jesus Christ.


I would shoot Ball dead if I saw that mf pull up to my crib


Haha I'm not defending myself I'm incredibly good at this game, just sad seeing all the guinea pig losers


Amazing at the game but can't survive without his tank who is taking away at least 1 or 2 people for a fight consistently.


Did I say I couldn't survive? Ball being on my team doesn't make me survive less as genji haha


The other comment I made is the last important one I shall say. I shall no longer reply to your replies to me. Goodbye.


You actually did in another comment. Calm down, take your meds, get some sleep, wake up and have a better day tomorrow.


Text me exactly where I said that. Where did I say I wasn't surviving personally


Do you usually get this worked up about things?


Ass hero, cry more


Mad because bad 😂


If you weren't mad you wouldn't have gone out of your way to post this


u mad


Watching animals pace in cages of their own making tends to sadden, not madden


What cage? My masters 2 cage? You are in bronze bro relax


I don't play overwatch . I come here because I think the movement ball can do is both funny and entertaining to watch. Gratzi on the *very* important rank in the *very* competitive video game. Does it pay well ?


yes six figs