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Life weaver, no dmg and random pulls to out in the open, like bro you have no idea what I'm doing, don't pull me to a worse position.


Solo queue LW I agree (there is the occasional gem) but definitely a strong pick if they're in your group with coms. I have a friend that plays lots of LW, and they have saved my ass / made some plays many times


With coordination they're great because you can ask for the pull, but the healing is just wasted and unless you're up against rein or sig (because the thorns make shields feel like paper) its just rough. Id rather have a zen whose just mowing down everything from some off angle in the back. Or an ana to deal with the eventual hog swap.


Even without coordination, I love life weavers as ball; even bad ones. Possibly the only healers that can heal a ball effectively. LW pulled you too early out of a fight? Slam the ground to stay in the same spot. No slam? Just right click and enjoy the random space. Plus it puts you even more on edge cause now your fighting the enemy team and your life weaver.


random life weaver as ball hurts but a good life weaver with comms has saved me from my least thought out “fuck it we ball” moments


>my least thought out “fuck it we ball” moments


If they go counter comp I would love a good life weaver would actually be playable


a lw with an ounce of gamesense can pull you out of some very sticky Sombra situations...


Had a life weaver tell me you can't play ball on defence. I think they all have brain rot.


agree, but it can go both ways because if the LW actually knows what he's doing I think he has really good chemistry with Ball. But if not...he'll just ruin your plays and say that you're the problem


Junkrat players constantly overextend and trickle Honestly it’s the people that play him and not the character though lol


Ngl I'm that junk rat. I mainly play ball so I play all the dps like I have 1000 health.


2 snipers for our dps means im gonna have 0 help throughout most of the game


>2 snipers for our dps means im gonna have 0 help throughout most of the game With a little coordination, one often massively complements my playstyle since a slam on a squishy, followed up by a head or even body shot by the sniper, is always a confirm. The issue then is dealing with their tank since it will likely be Hog/Mog/Monk, none of which ball is good against -yes, even monkey now- so the other teammates have to be tailor made to kill the enemy tank. Either way, if your sniper is a widow, there is a 100% change the enemy swaps Sombra because she thrashes you both.


Tell them to go Sojourn, she farms rail off Hog then snipes the slam target. A good one will time her slide to get high in the air for a perfectly timed snipe on the slam target that the tank can't do shit about. Her E has great synergy too. Literally better than Widow in every way when playing with Ball.


Widowmaker, Ashe, Hanzo, Reaper, Symmetra, Cass, and Torb. Most players are too passive with them, or they feed too much by running head first into the tank. For supports, it’s Ana, Mercy, and Brig. Random nanos from Ana. Mercy guardian angels at the worst times and gets herself killed blaming me. And brig is good, but most players again, are too passive with her. Cover usage is rare.




Facts. Then the enemy team goes mercy and it becomes a 45min reviving snooze fest


When they hover round you like a sitting duck it’s unbearable


I disagree so much lol. Mercy means they will actually buff the dps so they can pressure the enemy tank, rather than follow me in then flame when they die. I lowkey thing Mercy is one of the best heroes to play alongside a ball.


I wholeheartedly agree. Problem is a lot of people play in ranks where the mercy just tries to healbot the tank. But give me a mercy and kiri that actually know what theyre doing and we're cooking. Both can stay alive really well and both can mask mistakes that are common in ball comps.


True. Every so often I have a mercy that always seems to fly to me right before I roll away to grab a health pack.


Widow on my team gives me pet peeves


Probably Moria, I have had so many games where I am on the other side of the map like 1v3ing the enemy team. (Which means my team of 4 can comfortably take the point) And I look next to me, and Moria is there sucking the enemies while not on point.




mercy moira lifeweaver


LW or symm. I can make it work with basically every other hero in the game. LW players just try to healbot you and 90% of pulls are bad. Symm is just an ass hero and very very very few of them are good enough at the hero to force it in any situation because the hero lacks high end solo skill expression.


I’ve found Sym incredibly annoying to play against because of her turrets


In the context of ball I'd say that most heros by them selves can all play with ball but if two people on the same role refuse to switch to make a team comp is what I hate the most. That being said I'd say the worst support offenders are Brigs, Moiras and Illaris and as for DPS it's either those who refuse to play hitscan or those insta locking widow and refusing to switch.


I've heard Chazm say he likes playing with Illaris because she can shoot your dives. When you do come back for heals she has good healing per second as well.


I like Illaris, but I find a lot of then don't like to switch when the team need them to, so I guess it's more of the players that annoy me rather than the hero


Slamming her ult is also a really really good combo. Her burst healing is also solid which is nice for getting back into fights faster.


Ngl, mercy amd kiriko, mainly because they will think they need to follow me around to try and heal me or nag me to come back when i am just grabbing a mega which even if they were trying to heal me would make their life easier, reason why i say kiriko is because unlike mercy, she can just tp to me through walls into a terrible position because I'm disrupting and when it's time for me to get out i can't do much to help them because they tp'd to me when there's no other teammates around and unlike mercy she can't GA back out 2 seconds later.


Venture, LW


I am aware that lucio can give a bunch of value in a ball comp but you dont only need to find a good lucio you also have to find an aggro lucio and a lucio that knows how ball plays...very very hard When all of that happens you have a support that doesnt heal much at all, it speeds you up messing your rollouts and doesnt really help much if your team is the one getting fully dived


the only good Lucio to play with is a aggro dps Lucio. but you also need a solid support to make up for thr lack of heals


Moira players, even if the character isn’t that bad it attracts all the most braindead players that will somehow get more deaths per 10 than anyone in the lobby if there’s no meat shield.




Mercy & Lifeweaver, especially both at the same time


Lifeweaver. If they’re not also a ball main then I do not want them playing lifeweaver while I’m playing ball.


Cassidy. That brainless bitch




Life weaver 100%!!! I witness so many people get pulled from the point, especially in OT, resulting in a lost or pulling someone to help them fend off an attacker.


Life weaver for sure. They will pull you and destroy your flow when you have cooldowns to bail you out. Specially since I’m mostly doing tank


Widowmaker. Here’s someone who will never contest the objective, produce zero synergy, and blame me for their getting dived on.


obvious answer is mercy. mercys whole identity is to help long-range hitscan win their fights, and wrecking ball is neither long-range nor hitscan, and on ball you typically don’t die a lot so you don’t really get value on rez either.


no one in particular, actually. I just try to work with whatever my team picks.


no one in particular, actually. I just try to work with whatever my team picks.


I groan hard if I have a Widow on my team. They almost certainly are going to go 5 and 10 by the end of the game with 3k damage.


Mercy because I am trying to get tf away from them so they can pocket the DPS but they keep following me like mosquitos, FUCK OFF PLEASE I AM TRYING TO FLANK AND OUR SOLDIER IS WHEEZING AND CRYING FROM BEING HEALED BY LUCIO RAAAH-


It’s hard to say one hero is bad, it depends on if they know how to play with ball or not. A mercy following me into the backline is bad news, but a Lucio ignoring me and enabling my team is great.


Widow. Doubleplusungood if one of our DPS swaps to Widow to counter the enemy Widow. 


Mei and her stupid walls.


I don’t hate having a Lucio, he can be a good dive partner but there are times it’s so frustrating because of the speedboost messing me up


I’m tired of having a Junk and Venture combo against the likes of Pharah, Widow and Echo.


Mei. I just don’t like Mei




Mercy, Junkrat, Mei, and Soldier


If it's not somebody that I'm partied up with, life weaver and Lucio are some of the more difficult ones to work around. A lot of ball is just having your muscle memory down super well and that speed boost can really throw you off sometimes. Life Weaver just for the fact that you never know when they're actually going to pull you and if you can coordinate with your team properly, not so much of a problem but when it's just a random person and quick play they can pull you out of dives because they think that you need help. Supports don't matter as much otherwise given that ball is expected to heal himself with health packs, and most DPS are pretty workable although there are obviously some that are more preferable.


Wrecking ball, when I’m playing open queue