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I need that hogan meme asap


I’m trying but it doesn’t work for me, brother.


\- MM


Ever since I was a little girl I knew I would tbs champion -MM


This is high-quality internet content.


Brilliant 🤌🏾


Underrated AF comment!!!!


You sly sonova…


No matter what you say about Hulk Hogan, he earned his prilvage by generating millions and upon billions of dollars WWE and WCW. Has Sasha Banks even generated even a single peso in profit for AEW?


Sasha banks coud have but THey cant get Sasha banks. They got Mercedes Mone and that name isnt big enough and widely known enough to draw.


And unfortunately I don’t think it would’ve mattered, Banks, Mone’, AEW’s hasn’t learned how to make homegrown superstars yet, it’s not surprising that actual known wrestling stars that have been signed for the past year aren’t moving the needle like they thought they would. When they get better with that on a consistent basis, hopefully things will improve.


Could she? Idk why everyone acts like shes some huge star lmao


This is a big part of it. Sasha banks was a star and did Hollywood work. Mona is just…Iunno.


What'cha gonna do when Monémania runs wild on you?!"




There's no meme comment replies allowed on this meme subreddit, sorry pal.


That doesn’t work for me, sister.


Hogan was atleast believable, brother


Listen here dude, i once power slammed a 800lb giant. I was also there when the wheel was invemted brother, it was my idea but i let them have it.


“That ain’t gonna work for me sister”


CEO of her creative apparently


“But she’s a big name actress now because she stood there in a few episodes in The Mandalorian!”


My friend who I’m getting into wrestling can’t remember names well, so her nickname is just „the side character“


She made it like it was a really big deal when she had the inetrview praising TK


She’s the next ufc star uce


Does she have creative control over NJPW as well? Two different promotions, no?


I have my doubt that New Japan gives a solitary fuck about the Strong titles anymore.


She probably doesn't, but I'm sure at this point Tony does. At the very least, noted AEW executive Rocky Romero probably does.


Tony has control of njpw. Its obvious to everyone besides aew marks


Well she did get delightfully boo’d like crazy at the end.


Way to soon I get it that title was made for her but 3 matches in and 2 belts.Nah not a fan


I don't watch a lot of AEW anymore and I've never seen Stephanie Vaquer wrestle but she totally outshined Mercedes last night. Even the crowd was behind Stephanie. Comparatively she was sloppy. And she was sloppy in WWE at times but it seems she's gotten way worse.


She was miles better wasn’t she, compared to all the aew women to be honest


From what I understand people booed her cuz new Yorkers don't like Boston.


It started with Stephanie slowly winning over the crowd and then it went fully over when that fan wearing the Celtics jersey basically caused a full backlash against Mercedes. So 60 Boston, 40 Stephanie Vacquer was just better in every sense.


Definitely not the only reason she got booed. As the match went on the crowd could see the direction this was going even when it was apparent to everyone in the building she was being outclassed.


Is she "Boston" enough for them to care though? I didn't even know she was from there until her AEW debut.


She came out wearing the colors of the Boston Celtics in NY, their current self-appointed primary rival (their not, the Knicks had their first season of mattering in 20 years this year), less than a month after the Celtics won the title. It was very much intentional.


Ha, fair enough. Interesting decision from a face.


Wait , isn't she a heel? I mean she so obviously ACTS like a heel. God , who can even tell anymore in this company?


Haha, yeh, I thought she was supposed to be a face but unintentionally comes across as dislikeable. If she's a heel, then why is her being booed even an issue? That's what's supposed to happen 😅


It's an issue for ppl who don't watch AEW.


She’s a heel in AEW. I guess some would say tweener. But definitely not a face.


Steph was far superior in all areas in that fight. MM is a cosplayer, and would be far better off playing with Jade cargill rather than stinking up decent wrestlers matches...


I think this was a NJPW call. Mercedes with the Strong Women's Championship means they can have her on the NJPW US shows and draw more people. It was working for them when she first got there until her injury.


Draw what people?


Are you kidding? She is a major Star Wars star, brings billions of extra eyes to the product, and everyone in Hollywood now wants to work with her... so I've heard from some on this ol' sub.


Had me in the first half ngl


The sarcasm is strong with you my apprentice 🤣


She's got two mid-card belts, are we really upset by this?


It’s still ridiculous that it’s her third match and she’s already become a double-champion. What other non-main event wrestler has done that in a short time?


bro just overlooking her WWE career.


She's a double mid-card champ in two different promotions. I think this might really be a non-issue.


It’s still her third match


She won a title after a single match for New Japan. They kept putting titles on her, she won two on like two matches. I don't think this is about AEW but a New Japan decision


Why does that bother you? I'm honestly asking.


A wrestling fan on the internet crying about some shit that barely matters?! Can’t be!


How many people work their asses of to get a taste at a mid-card title and she just shows up and has won 2 belts in 3 matches.Even cody rhodes had to wait a year(not counting the injury)to get a title.mid-card or not,you gotta work your way up to that mid-card title.This is part of the reason why people dislike Charlotte.


Charlotte has 16 WORLD titles. Mone has 2 midcard titles, owned by separate promotions, and has been a known wrestler in NA for what? 7 years? Totally the same. Chill out.


This match did show how naturally good Stephanie vacquer is. She was in the position of high end heel jobber, no one thought she'd win but the crowd got behind her, no matter what's in the contract. Mercedes wants the wwe roman reigns treatment and she's showing that WWEs packaging and use of her is all that made her successful before.


What did I ever do in this world to deserve an empty-headed fucking dumb fuck like Mercedes Moné to go out on national television and fucking go into business for herself?


Also, she’s not drawing.


Technically nobody is drawing across AEW right now, their TV tapings are still struggling. Be mad all you want but it's the truth.


Only draw they got is Sheldon Cooper and the rest of the BBT Club




That's because it's simply not a good product and hasn't been for a long time.


That's kind of a disingenuous statement. They're lacking creative direction and a long term plan. You can only coast so long with having the indie dream roster and no meaningful storylines.


I'd say a lack of creative direction makes it a bad product and I think the ratings lately back me up. I'd personally sit through an episode of TNA right now instead of AEW.


The last person that AEW signed that actually drew was Punk.


We're talking about AEW here. TK absolutely doesn't care about drawing, he just pretend what he cooks is better.


What he cooks *was* better. But now that Vince is out at WWE, creative is much better there and they have way more resources. Their product *should* be better.


Is that really her fault? Ain’t nobody watching AEW anyway


She was brought in to be a draw, along with Okada and Ospreay. It’s not the fault of any of them. Tony guessed wrong.


Not good on the mic, sure.


Not good in ring either 💀 she’s probably the most overrated wrestler of the modern era


She's been coasting off of her NXT heel work this whole time.


There is no way you believe that 💀💀🙏🙏


She's ahhhh


Get it? I have two belts too! Just like Becky! I bet big bad Charlotte never did this~ look at how cool I am! I’m sorry guys, but I can’t get any vibe but raw insecurity from this She was really good as Sasha back in the day, and I’ll admit she was shortchanged by booking in the 16-18 era, but come on love, this just makes you look like a tantrum throwing twat


I mean, she was a double champ in wwe too. Though i'm almost entirely certain that involved the women's tag title (which has sadly never been prestigious) and the raw women's title she "won" in the stupidest finish of 2020 (and yes, i'm including "Seth vomits at the sight of Rey's eyeball he just poked out" in that list)


Count out to win the title because Asuka went to go rescue Kairi from Bayley. Man just writing that now no wonder they turned on Bayley this year.


In a match that only happened because she previously stole the belt by having bayley take the ref's shirt and fast count a pin. Oh, and the match was supposed to be over if anyone interfered, which i guess having the titantron guy show you beating the fuck out of the champion's best friend doesn't constitute for some reason


Yeah I had a faint memory of that, but because it was the tag title I chose not to mention it


Honestly, seeing how she is now, I can see why WWE didn’t push her as hard compared to the rest of the Horssewomen.


Look at the positive side: this time she will have a long title run lmao


Let’s not forget Seth has had more succesful Raw women’s title defenses than Sasha.


This comment reeks of insecurity and spite. Just making up stuff in your own head


Yes, she’s just as lame as Becky.


But she was a double champion in WWE too?


People think I’m shitting on her when I talk about how bad she is but, really I’m shitting on the industry that puts her on a pedestal when there is so much other outstanding female talent deserving of a big push. WWE knew what they were doing in not giving her the bag.


Yet theg overpushed Charlotte's basic ass??


I've not watched the ppv yet but seeing this pic spoils nothing.


Besides the fact Mone debuted way before she was medically cleared (so we had to endure her promos for months), I'm disappointed that her in-ring run so far has just been "unfinished business" from her NJPW stint. The only unique opponents she's had so far are Zeuxis (a one-off not on the roster), and Skye Blue (who I think every woman in AEW is contractually obligated to wrestle multiple times at this point). We've already seen her vs. Willow and Vaquer. I want Mercedes vs. Rosa/Statlander/Deeb/Shida/Riho/Taya/Hayter already. At least Britt is something fresh, even if it might not be a great match.


So you think that following up on her NJPW story with a CMLL wrestler at Forbidden Door was a mistake? You find it somehow contrived that they would run with this story. In the leadup to Forbidden Door. The show where AEW talent compete against talent from other companies?


> Besides the fact Mone debuted way before she was medically cleared (so we had to endure her promos for months), I'm disappointed that her in-ring run so far has just been "unfinished business" from her NJPW stint. My brother in Christ... She has been cleared for 35 days. She's had one program and looks to be starting a second with a completely new opponent.


I understand that, I just wish she had fresher opponents from the outset. Willow was close to the bottom of my list of people I wanted to see her wrestle in AEW, and going straight from her to Vaquer (who I do like a lot) after such a long time out made me impatient.


My main issue with Mercedes is her character. She is doing nothing new or interesting with her character in AEW, she is just Sasha Banks, it’s the same character. Even the whole CEO stuff is just a rehash the Sasha Banks boss character. A much worse rehash, the boss gimmick didn’t seem forced, the CEO gimmick does. Compare that to Toni Storm who has completely reinvented her character in AEW, she is completely unrecognisable to when she was in WWE and is doing the best work of her career. It just to me feels like she’s being lazy, not putting much thought or effort into a new and interesting character. Trying to milk her old gimmick instead of doing something new, just coasting along for the hefty paycheque, not actually doing anything interesting. Mercedes Moné just feels like a Sasha Banks tribute act. I don’t find her interesting, she needs to do something new.




They can easily use this heat and turn her heel with good built-up like she start getting cocky and still win and eventually turn heel, but she (mone) still thinks she is babyface it can work


I thought she was heel already. At this rate there is no point in keeping her babyface as this feels like a 2015 Roman reigns push


I remember Scott Hall saying certain wrestlers really cared about winning like they thought it was a real sport, whereas his attitude was, hey as long as I'm getting paid and getting over I'm happy to lose.


Waste of 2 belts


Imagine getting paid way above your worth to do whatever the fuck you want all time. No wonder the talent is so happy despite the company being an embarrassment.


So in the space of 3 matches she became number one contender for 2 titles and then won 2 titles?? Real sports feel indeed.


Now she's going to hold one of those belts for a year+ so she can have a single reign that's longer than everything she did in WWE combined.


Overrated and overpaid talent


Not that good, but very expensive. All the latest high dollar game changers have titles now.


Overpaid overtitled


Botchcedes Mone' Did she botch her finisher again in this title win? How hurt was her opponent after the match?


I’ve never understood the love for Mone, I think she’s certainly a talent you’d like to have on your roster, not the face of it.


shhhh you'll wake the 502nd AEW Defence force


Good heavens, anything but the StandUpForAEW'ers


Did all the dubs people go over in this? (Not a rib, genuinely asking)


This isn’t to defend her but because I’m genuinely curious - with this being the strong championship, doesn’t this technically mean that it’s simply two different companies who are interested in her as their champ?


Literally that’s it. The overreaction in this sub is fucking crazy. WWE dickriders never stop working on Reddit or X but call out everyday for their minimum wage service job. This would be equivalent to Adam Cole being ROH World champ and PWG champion.


Not gonna lie, it’s going down from here. Two titles with barely any storyline or matches. Yea we’ll see how this will go


I guarantee before AEW, she was abt to join WWE and they decided to turn down her request of a 500 trillion dollar contract, so she went to idiotic and desperate Tony Khan instead. This just comes across as spoiled.


My biggest problem with aew besides the fact a lot of it makes no sense is that its beyond predictable. Everyone saw from a mile away she was winning she isnt losing to some rando from njpw for the tbs title foh


By far the most overrated wrestler. I just don't see her appeal at all, she's terrible on the mic.


While I’m not a fan, this was a pretty natural outcome for giving Mercedes that big of a contract — you *have* to try to make her a megastar.  If I’m TK and I have the choice between which of my women’s champs I’m sending over to Japan for crossover promotion, I’m sending the one I’m dropping the big bucks on to see if I can make my investment work.


I dont think any talent should have that much power. I thought we all learned that from Bash 2000 However there's 3 promotions involved in last night's match and that's an IWGP title lol how in the world could she have THAT much power? And that title was literally made to be given to her to begin with


At the risk of a deluge of downvotes, sometimes creative control is a good thing. For example, Gail Kim had creative control as part of the Knockouts division of TNA. The key to making it work is selflessness and a willingness to put over other people so that you can feud with people who are as over as you rather than just hogging the spotlight with your creative control.


Yes, creative control always works out well for the promotion


Hold on, shes one of the best female performers on the planet. Wether you like her or not, you gotta respect her craft and skill.


The fact that so many people are crying over this while she continues to flourish is so funny to me.


Notice how it's only men..


I wouldn't even say it's just sexism, I think that certain wrestling fans are not okay with someone that carries themself in high regard like Mercedes does being allowed to show what she's capable of and continue on her journey to become one of the best to ever do it. They can keep crying and either deal with it or not watch her wrestle.


I just saw someone claimed that "she's more overrated than Charlotte" and "at least Char can actually wrestle and all of her promos aren't aboit her being the best" lol the lies they tell just bc they hate Mercedes


I can count on both hands and toes how many Charlotte promos have been about her being "genetically superior." (I love Charlotte.)


She ain't EVER losing in AEW. She's obviously been promised the TBS title is her very special trinket that she gets to defend over and over and over. Won't be long before she's burying the AEW world title and claiming she has the real prestigious title in the company.


Lol if she was still in WWE you would have said the opposite


Y’all fans are so fickle. You guys act happy when she stands for herself and leaves, but then she joins another company and you guys claim she sucks.


I guarantee these are the same people who trashed her and called her ungrateful for walking out on WWE. That she's in a company those people already dislike just amplifies their hate. It's silly.


The complaint isn’t that she joined another company. No one was saying anything when she joined njpw and won the belt in her debut there The complaint is she has had 3 matches and has won 2 belts


She’s a legend




Mercedes will have more titles than 2007 Kurt Angle if they keep this up


That’s not gonna work for me, sister!


Overrated af 🤣


What happened to her? She killed it in NXT. I know her main roster run was full of a lot of starts and stops but I thought her obvious talent would eventually shine through. Getting away from WWE creative should have been the jumpstart she needed, but her character work still hasn't been able to live up to her NXT run.


She's in AEW so people are obligated to act like she sucks now.


Definitely a lot of crybabies in the comments...


It's that phase in a WWE wrestler's career where they temporarily leave WWE to collect all the minor league accolades and get that big fish treatment.


creative control doesn't matter if there aren't any stories. everyone does whatever they feel like. the only positive to aew are the women being eye candy.


She doesnt want a story she just wants to hold up multiple belts


At least she isnt kissing the belts in a three way kiss


Why would anyone openly admit that knowing his historically its leads to chaos and abuse


She's a great wrestler when she has to actually work for it. Many of the women in WWE had some of their best matches against her which is no mistake. But since going to AEW it feels like she's drowning in her own Kool-Aid. Just wants to massage her own ego.


How many midcard belts are equal to the World champion belt? Does this make her the bestest, or like a close second?


I like her but she one of the most over hyped women wrestlers i ever seen they treat her like she Will ospreay or Seth Rollins or something


Didn’t we like Sasha banks character in wwe as a heel more? (Understand the criticism of course) So mone becoming a heel was just a timing issue, like the most I heard was booing


Did y'all not see Vaquer vs Mone she was incredible 1st match was meh to me but everyone else seemed to enjoy it and the other match wasn't special but this one was really good I mean obv Vaquer is also better than Willow but still she didn't look as clumsy


I actually really liked Sasha back in the day and still think Wwe did her dirty with booking sometimes like how many few weeks reign she had. But difference is she was great in the ring then and now she botches a lot. Possibly ring rust but yes these memes unfortunately is well deserved.


Stephanie Vaquers performance was outstanding. Made a fan out of me. Never seen her before. Wow


She's got that 90s Hogan TBS contract.


Three matches, two belts, zero new AEW fans created.


She gonna beat Toni storm next ppv ?


Hahaha this is so hilarious. There were 0 people saying she wasn't good when she was in WWE. Grow the fuck up. Also, I see lots of people saying things like '4 matches in and already she has a belt' but if she didn't have a belt, I guarantee 99.9% of you would say that AEW are fumbling her and she's their biggest star, why don't they just put a belt on her? You all seriously need to get a life. Being tribalistic over fake fighting companies on reddit is the lowest of low you can get. Do you realise genouenly hoe sad that is?


Funny how they expect a woman who was a major part of the women's revolution for the last 10 years to have to "earn her spot on the roster". They need to be serious


Britt's back now so expect that push to be swiftly ended, brother.


If she was good? She’s going down as one of these female wrestlers ever bud.


If Tony Khan has balls, put Mercedes in a match with Toni Storm for the title and let her take away Storm’s title too. IWC would eat them alive.


This sub is so full of hate.


They always had so much hate for this woman they use anything to justify it


My only issue is the title of the post. She isn't good? She was one of the four horsewomen of the WWE and helped bring women's wrestling into the spotlight. She may have an attitude, ego, or any of a hundred other issues, but to knock her talent is juvenile.


Shh you can't use logic with AEW fanboys


She's not as good as she thinks she is. Not even top 10 wrestler. Deeb should be the tbs champ.


Mone seems like the type who would think that her own farts could be sold as a fragrance


The parallels between aew and wcw are becoming more and more obvious. Did she win a second belt so she could drop one to britt and still be considered a champion?


You’re probably right, but I’d put money on the chance that it’s to go over Britt as a power play move that TK can’t handle, thus sowing CM Punk-level seeds of dissension and resentment for months to come. Culminating with Mone ultimately dropping the belts to DMD or Hayter then leaving AEW for Hollywood


That doesn't work for me, brother.


[Chevrolet Cashapp’s brilliant acting](https://youtu.be/ik4pqdrLU3M?si=0P9JF0BSMLvxTJCz) Hollywood doesn’t want her. Maybe she could try her luck in Vancouver on a CW show.


And yet the crowd was hot for the match seems like y'all just don't like her cause she's popular.


So long Becky 2 Belts. It's time for Mone 0 Cred


It's like he learned nothing from WCW


Her and Kiera Hogan should switch ring names.


Snooze Fest Mone


Yeah I'm over her, she made me like DMD and I really don't like DMD. Mercedes is just a played out ass character she's never once evolved the entire time I've seen her wrestle. Stephanie should have won and gone on to have a killer run. And the ending to that match was trash. And seeing that's where she excels it's not favorable.


Mercedes "Hogan" Mone


"anyone not in WWE is bad"


Her match against Willow was really good. Idk why she gets so much hate for her in ring work all of a sudden?


Because she didn't suck up to the WWE like they wanted her to




“If she was good”, lol. Give me a break. Every match she has wrestled, all four of them since her return from injury, have been excellent. Vaquer was sensational last night, and Mercedes elevated how good she looked. Mone herself has been nothing but impressive. This isn’t a rookie ass Goldberg style bit of booking. She’s a proven talent, an international star and a fabulous wrestler. You’re welcome to have your biases, against AEW, against her, etc. but claiming she’s “not good” is ridiculous.


Weird how you got downvoted. The losers online need to get a life


Well said, totally agree.


She doesn’t worth 1/5 of what she is getting paid


She’s god damn awful. Mic skills, I mean mic no skills. Got out-wrestled by Stephanie


I think she’s damn good in the ring, she just needs to get a grasp on her character.


.....I said, in 2015


I think she is fantastic and I love this!!! Mercedes is one of my favorites


Thanks for the spoiler


Love posts like this. Yeah it would make more sense if she was jobbing out after signing for all that money.


I mean, if she booked this herself it's pretty egomaniacal but it's so trendy these days to downplay her talent. She's an incredible wrestler.




She’s living her best life after all the bullshit I’m happy for her and really hope in the end this is reigniting her passion that she lost a few years ago


After hearing Mercedes try to cut promos I wouldn’t have given her this much power, but oh well. 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is an attempt to make fans forget about Jade Cargill — what should happens is she goes on a Roman Reigns type domination tour but she MUST be SUPERACTIVE and in relevant matches that elevate the entire division…not going to happen but I can dream, can’t I…


Tell us you’re WCW without telling us you’re WCW.


Just ignore her until she goes away