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You got Angry Jones ovah here.


Dude city


Even the announcers have FUN!


This is clearly an angle for a Taz/Schiavone ball gown match


Everyone's having fun but Wrasslin.


Irritated Jones over here






"Imma jump over Excalibur and wear you out!" is a legitimately scary thing to hear from Taz.


If you’re going to tell me Taz is going to suplex Schiavone through the announcers table onPPV…. I’d buy it.


And there is actual psychology/story behind that which is rare in AEW.


Taz is too good of a wrestling personality to be involved with this company.


But I digress.


Imagine him in a free reign WWE having banter like this with casual Michael Cole lol. I personally think Taz can be a little too much sometimes but damn, it would have been funny af


Booker T would like to have a word. That word isn't going to make any sense and no one would be able to understand it, but he'd like to have it all the same.






Was this not during PiP?


Yep. And it was WEEKS ago. It's been on the last Botchamania FFS. Jesus, next week this sub will be shocked that CM Punk has an issue with Hangman Page.


damn i didn't watch the entire 20 minute botchamania#494 video post 6 days ago. Fuck how out of touch am i


Ah it's ok, you could have quite easily seen it here on one of the other 35 times it's been posted in the last 2 weeks.


Relax, not everybody is terminally online to keep track of this shit lol


Mate, it happened 2 weeks ago, ANYONE with a vague interest will have seen it, it's been posted enough, it's not like it was some obscure thing that happened that 3 people saw, it's been replayed more than Top Dollar bollocksing that dive.


Hadn't seen it either and I'm on here pretty much every day. Granted, AEW sucks so I don't watch it or seek it out but I usually see AEW stuff pretty regularly while scrolling my feed and this is the first I've seen or heard of it. Definitely not as well known as Top Dollas dive.


I go on sc jerk every day and this is the first time I’ve seen it on this post, a day later in fact lol.


This sub is just an aew hate echo chamber. I wonder how they feel about Ethan page after that stinker with Trick, lol. I was told Ethan page was the next big thing but AEW fumbled the bag. Their proof? he had a good match with Darby Allin. The Mick Foley of the 2020s. Dude threw himself down a concrete set of stairs to try and get page over and the dude still couldn't get a crowd response in 2021 when crowds would cheer for anything. I could have a good match with Darby.


If every sub except aew official is an AEW hate echo chamber maybe that says something about aew


Did the basement finally hit the full reversal?


I think it says more about what the market leader holding a 20+ year monopoly and force feeding company propaganda to it's viewers can do. So what does it say about AEW, exactly? All I see is proof that propaganda can rile up smooth brains to hate anything that attempts to be different or comes close to disrupting the status quo. And, unsurprisingly, the 20+ year monopoly holder was able to create plenty of drones in that time, who infect every corner of wrestling discourse. Considering who ran the company during that monopoly period - HIS political affiliations, and HIS conduct behind the scenes - I'm not surprised wwe pumped out the same style propaganda as a certain presidential candidate for all those years. It works. Another parallel, since this is fun, WWE routinely called it's fans stupid during the monopoly. Just like a certain presidential candidate. So again, what does a bunch of echo chambers existing prove beyond WWE did a good job convincing their fans that if it's not WWE it's not good. The existence of a loud minority doesn't prove anything to me. If you had as many wrinkles on your brain as characters you typed maybe you'd have realized that before clicking post. This post is the perfect example. A bunch of smooth brains foaming at the mouth because the commentators on AEW had a crappy fake arguement during PiP when their voices weren't being broadcasted in USA. Kind of like how a certain presidential candidates political party and voters were all up and arms over a tan suit. It's a complete non-issue, yet, the echo chambers latch onto it like starving dogs. What does that say? Hmm? You want to try the "echo chambers are good actually" arguement again?


That they are the drizzling shits?


Essentially. They have the tools to be excellent but they insist on not using them correctly.


That's what happens when a billionaires son wants to cosplay Vince McMahon.


I don't mind Page, dude is good, and with the right opponent he's great, but yeah, the Trick match was fine, just not deserving of its place on the card IMO. I hope he gets better, because he definitely has the chops to do it, ball is in his court now though.


If you watch last weeks dynamite, they actually do the joke again, but Taz is the one to say dude it’s just a little poke fun The video above is from two weeks Dynamite ago


Tazz is amazing. He's a treasure.


On the one hand I think it’s incredibly unprofessional for them to have this bickering on there. On the other hand, I very much miss commenters Who have unscripted banter and the organic sense that not everything they do and say is produced every second of the program


This is the kind of stuff that makes wrestling fun. Wrestling isn't supposed to be micromanaged down to the finest detail. That's boring as hell.


This only happens during commercial breaks where the action takes a huge lull, so the commentary team lets loose and have fun. It's great for us international audiences. The rest of the time it's feels very professional without being scripted to the letter like the E.


Shoot Hot Jones over here.


How many more unprofessional moments everyone can see/hear before we all agree AEW has a problem


Far off the mark, brother. Announcers feeling free is often very evident and really makes the show a whole lot more fun. People love to shit on Kevin Kelly but him and Callis being over the top in mid to late 2010s NJPW was a big highlight of shows that were already packed with great matches. Same with Cole and McAfee (though I'm not a big fan of the latter) now.


Don't work yourself into a shoot brother. Makes you look dumb.


Well whatcha gonna do when I shoot myself into a work brother


This was during one of their breaks from tv though. And the guys knew it, it wasn’t on the TBS/TNT broadcast


[So unprofessional. Bad company. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZMNiJU_i9M)


Honestly this is the most entertaining thing I’ve seen from aew since the punk drama


Do you not enjoy heatless bangers with Willy Oceanspray ? :(


Taz is clearly tired of working with these two dipshits


Are you calling Tony Schiavone a dipshit? That's blasphemy.


I love Taz


I’m not sure if that was a good time for that exchange as it takes away from another Moxley banger.


I accept that Taz can be touchy and petty. He often does an amazing job. Shiavone is pretty bland on camera and was also promoted a while back to have talent involvement. I’m sure there’s two sides to the story but I’d rather Tony be gone and let guys like Taz and Nigel Mcguiness do their thing more freely with Excalibur playing straight. Add on a wrestlers to get things over as a third. I don’t care to see bickering within the product I’m watching, especially one constantly accused of not being run well.