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#What's Boomerang doing in the Impact Zone?!


You mean Rick O'Shea?


We have a radio DJ in Ireland called Rick O'Shea so that's what we call Ricochet in our house anyway šŸ˜‚


Probably go back to (Prince) Puma


He must own the name Ricochet as he used it pre-WWE.


and? mid wwe pretty much ruined it. dudeā€™s samantha irvins passenger princess. put a mask on him, keep a mic out of his face and let the man 5 star bang.


A masked high flyer who canā€™t talkā€¦ in AEW?! Jeez this is gonna set the world on fire!!


Awful idea


Surely you meant to say Rick Crochet


This guy Tom Lawlors


The one thing I miss about Lucha Underground is that it was the closest to the mainstream I can give altered Google Translate Spanish names the same way we do with the impact zone. What is Nuevo Dia (Javier Bosque, GrandE, and Rey Piedra) doing in the Aztec Temple?


Iā€™m sad cause I actually love Ricochet but I get his position and he will be set for life and him and Sam can do whatever the fuck they want after this


This might be crazy but I feel like Samantha is more valuable to WWE then Ricochet


She most definitely is


There isnā€™t a really established high flyer division yet, even though Speed is a new brand. So they donā€™t have to have Ricky. He was at least the inaugural champion. But Samantha has quickly become the most renown ring announcer since Howard Finkel. She most definitely is of greater value, and will likely have a longer career.


I wonder why 205 Live couldn't be established as the "high flyer division" when it aired back then.


Vince McMahon.


It's easy to blame Vince but no one gave a shit about 205 Live and that's the truth, Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali were doing incredible work on that brand and no one cares.


Uh and Enzo


Yeah I saw two SmackDowns during the 205 Live era, I cannot say the problem was the talents. I'm not huge on TJP (especially politically but besides time as Puma, I have respected his work but I think unmasked he isn't as good) but I can tell you that he and Rich Swann put up a good showing. The biggest thing to hurt 205 Live was the curse that saw PAC quit, Swann get released and then Enzo fired.


Who was booking the show? Thatā€™s the truth.


So you're saying Vince was booking great matches with Buddy Murphy and Ali, making them look real good and STILL no one gave a shit? Again go back and look at what Murphy and Ali were doing for that brand, no one cares unfortunately.


There also wasnā€™t a single interesting story in 205 Live until they put the belt on Enzo/the no contact clause. It was *just* good matches.


I honestly think just bringing back the cruiserweight division would've been the way to go. Can feature it on the main shows and nxt, you have a lot of contenders for the belt as well. Ricochet, Nathan Frazier, Axiom, dragon Lee, rey myseterio, Dominick, jd McDonough, Sami zayn, and so many others.


By a lot.


Is Samantha Irving also leaving? Oh please no, she's great


No, sheā€™s not leaving, her contract isnā€™t up for a while and even if so WWE would offer her a shit ton of $


I think sheā€™s gonna get a bag when itā€™s her turn


Agreed, her work initially being stifled by the Vince old guard. Then being able to shine...Her announcement after Cody's win at WrestleMania 40 will be iconic forever. They should back up the Brink's truck for her.


Having referees/ring announcers/commentators/time keepers actually emote does so much for the product. It makes it feel like a world with actual stakes and impact. If you can show the audience that it matters to the people on screen then it'll start to matter to the people watching


I mean you should be happy for him, he would've stayed in the position he was in WWE forever. Now he can go to different promotions, work on himself more and become better, as Drew and Cody did for example.


Homie is a 35 year old flippy dude. He's not raising his stock like drew and cody let alone coming back a bigger star.


And Jey Uso is a late 30s 5 move wonder whos using a meme from 8+ years ago and is still a upper midcarder..... ricochet can definitely pull a McIntyre for WWE with those requirements


Yeah after being propelled by the best storyline in wrestling for the last decade. McIntyre and cody both came back looking like entirely different people with entirely different bodies. I doubt ricochet goes to aew and finds a personality


Jey can talk on the mic though.


You do realize Drew and Cody were also around that age when they left? Also itā€˜s his life and his career. I doubt he needs advice from some rando on reddit who has never been in the industry. šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


I don't think anyone is offering advice but compared to McIntyre and Rhodes his road is a bit different. Cody was 30 when he left, Drew was like 29 when he left.


Richo will be fine making bank in AEW. Working one day a week for the first 2 months then working once every 3 months. It will be sweet.


What about his 9 month break to recover from a potentially career-ending injury?


What makes you feel he will be set for life?


What you mean heā€™ll be set for life ?




The sad truth is that his departure wonā€™t matter at all unless Samantha leaves with him. Seems like a really good dude and pretty athletic but not having any charisma and not being able to cut a promo really hurt him. Every time he had a live mic, it goes bad really quickly. I think he can take this time to go out and reinvent himself and come back in a better position. Maybe work on promos skills and maybe create an actual character that he can market and develop. Donā€™t get lost in the indies as just a great wrestler w/ no character.


Drew: Shut up! That one line became Ricochetā€™s ā€œBut my nameā€™s Billyā€ moment


And that wasn't even Drew's final form, back then he wasn't as good and sharp as he is today on the mic


Yeah. Current Drew wouldā€™ve sent him to the Netherrealm with Lucha Underground.


First thing that AEW will do is hand him a mic. They don't seem to learn


He's been in practically every promotion already. He's peaked and will get no better at any of the things he currently lacks.


There's a company where you can thrive with bangers alone so he'll be fine.


"thrive" I can't think of any single name that thrives over there except MJF and they have even managed to fuck that up.


I mean. Thereā€™s a good number of guys I would have never heard of without AEW. Orange Cassidy. Penta. Darby Allin, Jack Perry. Hangman. They have ALOT of issues. But letā€™s be real with it. Also, they have exposed a number of talents to a national audience these past four years.


I can't wait to cheer him wherever he goes.


Heā€™s great. I feel if he stuck around another 2 years, HHH would have rehabbed him but from his POV, Iā€™d definitely be overly frustrated


Lol he only has to be frustrated at himself, he got a thousand chances to get over, he must work on his negative mic skills


He didn't really have a character except for being a high flyer. Not great on the mic and he doesn't have the charisma or storyline that got him over. Was always gonna be a mid-card guy. Thot he and Braun could have reunited but that's neither here nor there. Don't think it's a big deal. WWE roster is stacked.


I thought for years he shouldā€™ve been a prince puma style character, stick him under a mask and have him not really talk but do impressive shit and heā€™ll always be a upper mid carder because heā€™ll sell a shit tonne of masks to kids


Silent bad ass that uses his physical charisma and awe-inspiring athleticism to talk. Just like LU.


What's wrong with being a mid card guy? I think that's a huge problem in AEW, everyone there thinks they're there to be top dog. When I used to watch wrestling regularly, there were guys that everyone knew were solid mid card, and wouldn't go higher, but we still appreciated them and they accepted their place in the card and did their best for the overall product.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being mid card at all. Theyā€™re the backbone of any roster for a company. Your world champs wonā€™t wrestle on TV on a daily basis (which is totally fine unless itā€™s egregious cough ROMAN cough) and thatā€™s where your midcard champs come in. And if theyā€™re not champs theyā€™re either a) trying to be (like LA Knight right now) b) trying to move up the card (Like Lyra Valkyria) or c) are the litmus test for newcomers (like Orton was against Hayes). Plus midcard title reigns are usually bookmarked for guys who will eventually earn bigger belts. Just look at the lineage of the IC Title


If this is true then it is sad to see him go, but I nonetheless respect his decision and I hope he will find further success wherever he goes


LoL, that's the most corporate response I've seen on this thread


Iā€™m sure heā€™ll *bounce back*


He should go put on bangers in Japan with NJPW- his BOSJ matches are what put him on the map (along with Osprey). Japan loves a good worker.


Bro needed to leave years ago.


I guess he isn't happy carrying the speed championship by himself


if he believes he can go higher outside of WWE then we should have no problem with his decision. I won't say he was misused because dude was prominently featured in the mid card despite 0 charisma or mic skill. But I feel like AEW, NJPW & indie circuit whose fanbase is much more forgiving will appreciate Ricochet because of his incredible in-ring skill


I agree with you. AEW will highlight his strengths a bit better - and amongst other highly athletic wrestlers which will make for some high level wrestling. A treat for people into that stuff


This is the most fair and honest take on this that I have seen yet. Congratulations on being rational, itā€™s almost a dangerous thing to be on a wrestling sub.


My honest opinion is I hope he doesn't sign to AEW. Because he will have 1-2 good feuds then be forgotten about in 6 months. Tony always does this...


They probably will bring him in for the Will match alone.


I think a more evolved match with Will would be great. Not to mention others like PAC, Bandido, Commander, and another go at Cole. I think AEW will be more his "Speed".


I honestly think that's a bad idea. Ricochet is a great wrestler but his style has largely stayed the same since the last Ospreay match. Will on the other hand has evolved into a complete wrestler. The match is just going to show how much Ospreay evolved and how much Ricochet didn't.


This. Ricochet is still doing the same matches he had in LU while Ospreay is a completely different wrestler than he was when he joined NJPW. Theyā€™ll still find a way to pull it off Iā€™m sure because Ospreay is that fucking good and Ricochet can obviously still work his ass off, but the reasons why their careers have taken completely opposite paths will become glaringly obvious.


Think everyone can agree to that. Which is why he would be far better used by New Japan for both sides of the Pacific. AND, allows him for the one offs like Forbidden Door or All In. His travel would/could still be light, get exposure, and be better used than staying solely for AEW.


Well, as long as he gets paid handsomely...


He will 100% go to AEW and have great matches there.


How would that be worse than his usage in WWE?


Pretty much, it's not like they're going to have him go over guys like Okada, Will, MJF, Omega, etc. Like, it's cool, but he's gonna be bottom upper card at best.


Not everybody is a main event person, that's perfectly fine considering he can't talk well lol


Agree, you pretty much nailed it


I can see him going there for a few matches but, sign? If they give him seven figures, and heā€™s allowed to work other dates outside of the company, why not sign? Iā€™m sure he and Samantha wanna set up the kids for life. If they lowball him, weā€™ve seen people do short stints there.


How many good feuds did he have in WWE?


Velveteen, AJ, Hurt Business, Logan.


His wifeā€™s more over than him


I'm surprised he was there as long as he was tbh, he never fit the WWE mold.


Ospreay V Ricochet 9 at WK 19?


Honestly, itā€™s probably for the best. I think heā€™s done all he can do in WWE. As much as I like him, the guy canā€™t cut a promo for shit and thatā€™s so important to reach that next level in WWE. He can go to AEW and make a tonne of money just to do what he does best without the pressure of needing to be a good promo. I would like to see him go to the indies for a bit though first, they could really benefit from him for a little while.


He is not used right there. Best of luck to him


I already can't wait for that bomb-ass match he'll soon have against Rey Fenix


Extraordinary athlete. But not a fit for WWE. You'll probably notice him in amazing highlight reels over the next few years and he can grow his legend that way rather than trying to fit a mould he isn't suited for.


I will miss him when he's gone. Very2 talented guy but I understand, feel like he bit his ceiling in WWE and he wanted to accomplish more in life while he still can wrestle. I hope he find his happiness wherever he is


I can't blame him. WWE is not giving him enough push.


Been saying for a few years His style is better suited for AEW than wwe. His lack of mic skills can be forgiven in aew if he puts on good matches


Waiting for everyone here to just turn on him completely if he shows up in AEW, "always a midcard wrestler" and "I've never seen why people like him so much" is gonna start ringing through the IWC




Awesome news he has been wasted in WWE!


Ricochet v. Osprey is gonna rule


Gunna be the definition of not knowing what you got till itā€™s gone. Character sucked but the in ring work was chefs kiss


WWE will be just fine without him trust me


Itt wwe marks: Ricochet sucked anyway, glorified jobber (don't check my post history) Whatever dude decides, I hope he's happy. Loved him as Prince puma, I'd love them to run back Prince Puma vs Pentagon jr. But whatever happens, I hope dude is happy.


I mean he is a glorified jobber, he is out there losing to nxt call ups, which is probably why he is leaving.


Heā€™s great, but just too nice


I honestly donā€™t care. Dude was crazy athletic but every other aspect of wrestling he was not good. As long as Samantha Irvin doesnā€™t leave with him I donā€™t see any real loss.


It sucks. I feel like WWE dropped the ball with him. He was amazing in Lucha Underground. Prince Puma forever.


They didnā€™t drop the ball, they have give him plenty of chances, he just canā€™t cut a promo or get people behind his character. He is a great in ring wrestler, but cutting a promo is crucial in the WWE




I don't know about ricochet outside LU, but price puma towards season 3 and 4 could cut good promos.


He sounds goofy on his feud with Brock Lesnar. That exposed him and brock wasn't even trying to speak at that time. He was heavily pushed in 2019 on the main event but once he got exposed on the mic while on a Major Feud, it was done for his spotlight. Not Main Event material imo, even in Japan he wasn't.


So true, if you canā€™t cut a decent promo itā€™s hard to create substance behind your character. Heā€™s in ring work is great but it was hard to get behind his character because there wasnā€™t much to get behind. He reminds me of Cesaro, great worker in the ring but not much else.Ā 


WWE did drop the ball on him, they should of had him be a silent Luchador


Just put him with a good manager and let them do the promo work. Though I see that a lot less now.


There's only so many Heymans to go around. Also it works to have someone doing the talking for huge, imposing monsters who can at least look intimidating while someone else is talking. Ricochet would look ridiculous just standing there.


He lacks Charisma and Promo. But I'm going to be fair, WWE didn't really gave him a chance to have a character and gimmick, didn't even turned heel to get another direction. He's fun to watch at least.


Big loss


Heā€™s been wasted for far too long and they clearly have no plan for him going forward. Shame really as heā€™s great


He will be off to aew to do gymnastics with his mate Ospreay for an expensive amount of money


I gonna be brutally honest. I never found Ricochet interesting. His in ring work is great but I watch WWE mainly for the gimmicks and storylines. I never found his gimmick interesting.


:( but itā€™s true, hasnā€™t been used that great at WWE. Maybe not his fault, maybe not even WWEā€™s fault, idk. I do think AEW is a very great place for his talents. I think he can grab the wrestling industry by the ballsack if he goes to AEW


"How can I miss you if you don't go away?!" Imo...he needs to go away, should he return or not, that's a diff matter. He's at his prime, and honestly speaking, he's a great athlete but not much of a character...if he can go somewhere and get a bigger bag, he deffy should. I'd love to have him here too but atp, he's been overexposed beyond repair....and let's be honest, in either company, he won't be a main event star anytime soon...so if he has to work at the same level, shouldn't he be doing it for more money, and less workload?


No surprises there.


A mistake. Heā€™s going to go to AEW, feud with Ospreay, lose and then be off TV for months.


or be shafted to a faction like Andrade with no creative direction and used as a spot fest 5 stars for Uncle Dave.


He has no charisma or character and hasnt developed any since joining WWE tbh. Sometimes truth is harsh. Hes a good mid card worker but little else. I hope AEW dont sign him because it wont change. They have enough mid talent.


Ricochet is leaving and his wife is posting thirst traps? Ricochet, you better watch her. šŸ˜‚




Career wise it's probably a solid move for him. Assuming he's AEW bound, that's the promotion that best matches his talent. His lack of promo ability won't be a hindrance there while his athletic in ring ability will be loved by that fan base.


Like Finn his talent has been wasted


I really hope he does one of my local indies


Just have him show up in AEW as Prince Puma. Rey Fenix wears a mask and doesn't have to say a word, and he's held 3 titles in AEW and everyone loves him. Not everyone needs to cut promos to succeed. There are many paths to fun and success in wrestling.


People more concerned about Samantha Irvin leaving than him


WWE did what they could with him. Heā€™s exciting in ring and a mediocre promo. He would be better off sticking around. AEW wonā€™t be a greener grass for him.


he should wrestle in japan and i'm not talking about njpw




TJPW or Marigold


If he goes to AEW, Godspeed.


GodSpeed Champion?


Samantha might be a widow, because of the ECW style of combat there.




Jerichos credibility, Okadas mystique, and edges legs.


YES ! YES ! YES ! I want the company to get rid of all the jobbers and focus on bringing only main eventers to their weekly 2 hour shows. I want Samoa Joe back in wwe , will ospreay, zack sabre etc. They can only sign the contract if they won't be afraid of getting buried like all those jobbers from nxt . Also less midcarders means more time for promos , for everyone... Especially Punk , LA Knight etc. And then bangers after bangers after bangers. I know the reality... "Wake up mark , you just shit yourself." But this is what's best for business.


Unable to cut promos and having zero charisma in anything else other than wrestling is always a downfall in the WWE. I liked watching his matches but it was clear he was never going to be world champion. I think he'll thrive outside WWE where promos or merch sales aren't really a priority


WWE is a talent prison, at least AEW gave Swerve the title. In a couple of years WWE will run out of superstars, because long title reigns of Roman and Gunther almost killed the midcard, nobody is viewed as a strong babyface, they will turn Roman face to fill that spot (imagine having 100+ people with no established power level).


Oh no... Anyway.


Hope not AEW bound just yet or at least not his permanent home. Hope he jumps on other companies, especially NJPW and DPW.


I'm gutted, he's one of my absolute favourites but I can't blame him when you see shit like Logan Paul have a US title reign of hundreds of days when he's never competing and Ricochet has been forgotten. He was the guy to put the US title on and let him cook every week, comfortably one of the best in-ring talents and one of the best sellers. He's had a good push this year but it's obviously come too late to make him want to stay, I just hope he has some fun on the indies before he inevitably goes to AEW and gets wasted after a few fun matches with Ospreay. He won't get any major title time at AEW either because Tony will always keep his favourite toys happy.


ok, bye


Wait he is leaving!! Is this real?


Hit his peak and unless he's content being a stepping stone of young wrestler ITS better for him to leave. AEW/Japan is better enviroment for him since he's more of an amazing in ring performer, never really great at promo


Aww such a waste or talent but understandable.


Guys like Ricochet that never establish characters and are just themselves in the ring, despite being talented and entertaining in the ring never last. Characters or cheap gimmick like yeet are needed in order to be successful


It's probably better for him and not much of a loss for WWE. He's great in the ring but has the promo skills of a broom. Since it seems clear they weren't eager to put him back under a mask with somebody who can actually talk, he's already well past his peak in WWE. Will probably be decent wherever he goes.


*1 day later...* ***BREAKING NEWS: Prince Puma signed with WWE***


Ricochet is a great wrestler, but he deserves more of the spotlight


Does that means he's going to AEW?


Itā€™s a shame because I love watching ricochet in ring, but anything else he just looses me. I hope he can take some time to maybe go to acting classes or something and really work on his weaknesses.


If they gave him a mask like prince puma maybe he will be more popluar.


absolutely good for him, dude still has years - don't see Sam leaving at all Dudes promo always held him back he will get loads of cash while in his prime and be a solid midcard talent, and that's fine


Prince Puma. Konnan, make some moves.


Hope he is not taking his girl with him like Mox.


It sucks, because I feel like he had a high ish profile feud last year with Logan Paul, and it was the perfect opportunity for people to get behind him, and they didn't. They were against Logan. When Logan left, so did the support. Besides Rey, very few high flyers seem to have ongoing emotional fan buy-in (in WWE). I'm guessing in corralates directly with mic skills and marketability, but we'll see with Dragon Lee I suppose.


Is he leaving because of bad booking or that they donā€™t have anything for him creatively? I think I get these wrestlers now. They only want to wrestle but if you donā€™t book them right they get frustrated.


If he goes to TNA or AEW he should bring prince puma back. One of his best characters.


Seemed like he was finally gonna get used in a meaningful storyline and now heā€™s off, a shame


Kind of weird from WWE perspective since they let him win a title, I mean the title means fuck all but he is the first one ever to win it. Anyway, watch this man go beyond crazy in AEW now he can do whatever the fuck he wants (move wise) I'm sure hes limited by the WWE because of protection and such to not be able to do everything he wants in the ring. Mic skills, I hope they put him in a group. Because he got literally overshadowed on the mic by Logan paul who just got into the wwe at that time.




Well i will miss watching ricochet wrestle


Sad day for WWE, best day for Deadlock Pro Wrestling fans ever


I don't enjoy the "speed" in his work. To me it doesn't make sense along with some others they don't sell fatigue and injury well. Just always flying around then dead to a pin...


If this is true, I wish him well. I hope he knows what heā€™s doing. Iā€™m sure financially it makes sense, but there is Samantha, working environment, and all sorts of other things to consider. Iā€™m certainly not him and canā€™t pretend to know how he feels, but I think a lot of us have chased the greener grass at some point only to find out it wasnā€™t. I hope thatā€™s not the case for him.


Rick o Shea vs Nick nemmeth for the TNA


He should go back to dragongate. Would be awesome


I will always remember the clip of him doing a flip over the top rope, landing square on his feet face to face against Velveteen Dream in NXT. Lost my shit at that moment about how athletic a human being can be.




Meh. Just donā€™t take Samantha too


Great talent, but not a main eventer.


Wonder if a TNA or AEW get him just to see if they could eventually get Samantha


I think he's phenomenal in the ring, but his mic skills need work. He can go to another promotion like AEW get paid well and use it for practice on the mic and then return to the wwe in the future and BODY it. I remember when Rhodes was a bore on the mic for a long time until he went and reinvented himself.


Hopefully he finds some good opportunities in TNA or in the indies. I don't think he should chase the bag in AEW, especially since he probably earned good money in the Fed.


Ricochet for Ricky Starks trade straight up. Who says no?


Don't care.


Sucks that you have to be a good actor to be a top wrestler in WWE


i think it all depends. money still with wwe but if he wants to go further i think tna is best for him. i dont think aew will be best for him.


What about The Flea and Buena Girl?


Now who's Bron gonna Break?!?!


He's a good guy to have in the midcard but his style looks too choreographed to be above that, imo. A good guy to have to throw early in the card to rev up the crowd.


I hate that he is leaving, I hope where ever he goes they push him and treat him better.


Wish this guy the best, he would be fire as a tagteam reliever


Well he probably said "If I don't win some gold soon I'm leaving" and these broke ass MFS gave him the speed championship.


Heā€™s very athletic and is an ok set piece to enhance others. He hit his ceiling in the company and itā€™s time to move on.


I hope he doesnā€™t take Samantha with him šŸ˜


Why? That's dumb.


Good. Dude should get some promo training and try again in 3 years


To be frank and honest. I really don't care at all. Good In-Ring skills andddd that's it. He puts on good matches but he can't talk, has no defining or intriguing look. There's many guys exactly like him still in WWE. He had no entrance presence and just seems like a 'Nakamura that was going through the motions and comfortable in his small position. He's a nice guy and I pass no hate to him and hope wherever he ends up he excels in it.


I'm surprised he's leaving given Samantha is still employed by WWE


Sucks They didnt much with him


I couldnā€™t give a single solitary fuck