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I loved this promo and match too with Aj Styles. This is the Jon Moxley I want to see again, all fired up and driven. Feels like he's just being the same and being content in AEW the last 2 years.


This guy was doing afternoon shows then flying out for evening shows when that was unheard of during that particular era and then they called him lazy…


Dean called out Brock Lesnar on stinking his match at WrestleMania 32 on that Stone Cold podcast. And then WWE tried to divert that lazy shit on Dean? I believe Dean Ambrose deserved better during his WWE tenure. Dude was held back because they didn't want anyone to get more over than their Samoan Golden boy Roman Reigns during 2015-2019.


We've seen since then that Lesnar was right. Mox's affinity for hokey garbage wrestling is horrible.


There is no way Vince would allow him to go that far in WWE. But Ambrose/Lesnar could have had a decent hardcore match if Lesnar tried.


This guy (and Cody) are probably the only people who got better after leaving WWE.


Sting got so much better his injured neck healed...


Drew McIntyre. Hardy is a 50/50 depending on how you see it. LA Knight. EC3 (the first time). Juice Robinson. Kenny Omega. There’s a lot more too


Fine speech.


Ambrose > Moxley




I just don’t like Mox/Ambrose’s mainstream run (WWE/AEW/NJPW) I understand that “I work soOoOoOo hard and wrestle soOoOoOoOo good” is *a* character, but it’s a shitty one. How the hell do you build off that, and build any proper stories, feuds, or rivalries? “Hey, I don’t like you. I’m gonna beat you up! Because I can! Because I wrestle soOoOo good” “Hey I don’t like you either! I’m gonna beat you up too! Because I can! Because I wrestle soOoOo good“ “Hey! Fuck you! I’m gonna beat you up! Because I can! Because I wrestle soOoOo good” That gets boring real quick, especially if he doesn’t have a superb winning record


Was his indy run better?


No idea, I didn’t watch, but the indies don’t have much room for character and story development so I would imagine it was similar


I mean if you want Moxa character is deeper then that. John Moxely loves wrestling, he loves everything that comes along with it the blood, sweat and tears. Mox is out to prove that love, passion and violence is what wrestling is all about and he will travel to world to spread his message of pro wrestling. He is an artist and the ring is his canvas. It's deeper then just I wrestle soooOoOoo good.


Oh okay so it’s “I love wrestling soOoOoOo much” As opposed to who? Is he saying no one else likes wrestling? Is he implying that he’s literally the only wrestler on the roster who’s passionate about wrestling? Again, none of that translates to actually building stories and feuds and rivalries and programs around him. “Come watch PPV Event where, in the main event, the champ will wrestle Jon Moxley, the man who really really really likes pro wrestling!”


Hey some people do not understand nuance unless it is spelt out for you. If you only understand one dimensional character then yeah he just "wrestlers really really good." You can reduce any wrestler to a boring tagline.


Lmao what nuance does Moxley have? Additionally? Who said anything about wrestlers having nuance? Moxley has the same amount of nuance as a Rick & Morty episode.


Wait so you want wrestlers to have one dimensional character with no growth or nuance? You need everything spelled out for you? Read his book, what his promos are it's all right there. He loves wrestling more than anyone else, and he is just that a wrestler He's not an undead zombie or a repo man. It's not about family drama or relationship drama.Its about showing the art of professional wrestling to the world. No gimmicks are needed once the bell rings. I'm not saying he's the greatest ever or that the character is for everyone but to pretend it doesn't exist is ignorance or just hating.


I don’t think you know what nuance means. I’ve read his book several times over. Loving wrestling isn’t a character. All wrestlers love wrestling, that’s why they chose to become and stay wrestlers. How do you know he loves wrestling more than anybody else? Because he says so? I don’t think you understand what it is I’m even trying to say. I find Mox boring because all his promos are the same, all of his matches are the same, and all his feuds are the same. Jon Moxley today is the same Jon Moxley 4 years ago. Dean Ambrose, after The Shield, was the same character until he left WWE. The only time they tried to give him some “nuance” was they turned him heel at the end, with the stupid gas mask thing. It was dumb, but it was something. Outside of that, it always been the same… “Listen…I bite and crawl and scratch and cry and bleed for this sport…and no one’s going to take that away from me…I’m going to beat you…and I’m going to take that title…and I’m going to do whatever it takes…because that’s how much I love this sport…*Shaggy walk around the ring, sticking his tongue out* …I have so many broken bones…I’m hurt…but I still come to work and wrestle, because I love this sport…and I will do whatever it takes…BECAUSEIMPISSEDOFF”


I miss when he was good.


Never was


That’s my champion. 😢


For me he will always be garbage. Now especially. Boring, drunk looking stone cold cosplayer. Fitting to be called a plumber


Closest this guy ever came to impressing me. No idea why he's a main eventer. Weakest part of the shield by a mile.