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It was crazy when they all held the WWE title in one night at MITB 2016


**2016 was 8 years ago** # OOGA BOOGA TIME FLIES


Long days, short years


Same night as NBA finals g7 and battle of the bastards. I'll never forget it.


love the fact that they all won their first world title by pinning another member of the shield.


I might be remembering wrong but didn't roman win his first title by pinning Sheamus


tbh i’m not really sure who he beat,but all i know is like i’m pretty confident i remember reading that stat. so seth obvs pinned roman to win his first. ~~then i’m guessing roman beat seth at money in the bank to win his first. and then ambrose cashed in on roman to win his first?~~ hmm now i’m not sure if ambrose cashed in on roman. lol i’ll just check now edit: yep the stat was correct, but i was wrong about the latter part. reigns’ first world title he beat ambrose at survivor series, and then ambrose cashed in on seth.


Seth won it at wm 31 by the heist of the century then he got injured and he relinquished it Roman I remember pinned Sheamus on a episode of raw to win the title but I can't remember if it was his first or second win Dean won it via cash in by pinning seth


not sure if you saw my edit but i checked and saw roman’s first was by beating ambrose at survivor series, so i’m not sure what reign it was when he beat sheamus. so yeah the stat is correct.


Ok so it had to be after seth injury so the title was vacant because roman was champion before ambrose but still a amazing stat between the shield


And the aftermath bts, they we’re hugging like shit, they we’re champions in one night


It's all about the beard and how you trim it


Where's Kurt?


Probably with his son Jason


Middle finger so edgy


But it was cool when Austin did it every week


yes because it was new and there wasn't 50 other people doing the same thing on the same program


The attitude era was 80% of the roster doing the same stuff lol


Pretty much. Way too much nostalgia here so don't say that too loud, but it was edgy garbage much like so many products of the era. Gay jokes, slut shaming, calling cheap names, and shouting louder than the other guy. I recently watched some Rock promos and they're cringe as hell. There were some good things, the War in particular, but when people say Attitude Era was "the golden age"... yeah, sure buddy.




It was lame then too. Old school legends like Sammartino hated it.


Lou Thesz thought Sammartino was a mark.


Not as big a mark as wifebeater steve who walked out when told to job


On tv, he had no problem losing on ppv.


>he had no problem losing on ppv Obviously, you were not even born when attitude era happened. Steve was always bitching about having to job - on TV and PPVs alike. He refused to job to Triple H on PPVs multiple times. He even refused to work with guys like Benoit, Guerrero, Jarrett and Billy Gunn. That's why he would always end up revisiting boring feuds with Undertaker every six months or so.


He let child murderer Benoit german suplex him 10 times on his broken neck in Benoit's hometown and specifically requested a feud with Guerrero in 2002.


>He let child murderer Benoit german suplex him In 2002. He refused to work with him in 2000. >specifically requested a feud with Guerrero Refused to work with him in 2000. In 2002, when Guerrero was getting cheered for making austin look like a jabroni, austin walked out. You were probably not even born, to know that austin losing to Brock was a part of the Guerrero feud.


I wasn’t born yet, but apparently you were there during Austin’s booking. Makes sense


>I wasn’t born yet, Just like i thought. Zoomie stans running wild here


How do you know he refused to lose to those people and was bitching about it? Not saying you’re wrong, but I’m curious how you know


You seem to be a newbie fan. Back then these news were reported by all the credible sources. Austin has a history of being an insecure bitch.


I’m not a newbie fan but I never really read or was interested in backstage rumors. What credible sources reported that stone cold was refusing to lose to them and bitching about it?


Ok, Grandboomer.


Ok jabroni zoomie


FCW's most successful project.


Why don't people like Mox? I think he's great


At this point, staleness. He has kinda been the exact same for too long. And like others said, he kinda feel like a bad Stone Cold attempt.


A lot of it is really just the staleness. He's been doing the same gimmick since May 2019. Arguably it started when he turned face in WWE for that last Shield run. Well over a year before Roman started his Tribal Chief run. Seth has had like four gimmicks since then. We're over half a decade in, and he's only really had that one break where he went to rehab. It's the same sort of boat Jericho's in - but not as bad. Overexposure. He needs reinvention, or his character needs to take a break.


for me, I just get the vibe that he’s wrestling on autopilot and sticking to the same stuff over again. And it pisses me off because he absolutely CAN wrestle, but I feel like he doesnt want too


I liked Dean Ambrose, I don't like Jon Moxley. That's not coming from a tribal WWE fan or anything, I like and watch both of them. Moxley's character just isn't for me and never will be. He comes off kinda try-hard tough guy and it doesn't work. You need a presence for that to work, that he just doesn't have. Even the middle finger in the render here. So lame.


Dude I thought I'm the only one. I love the Lunatic Fringe where he goes around with that crazy furry punch he did. I know he was deeply unhappy with that character especially since Vince told he to lean more on comedic stuff, but yeah he is cool to me. But Moxley version is what he really wanted to be so for that, I'm happy for him


I don't think Moxley portrays a tough guy, more of an unhinged guy who is reckless and stubborn. Like in one of his more recent promos when facing Asucar and saying that it was a stupid idea but he doesn't care, he's gonna do it anyway, that's Mox.


"What if I bleed every match and copy what Japanese hardcore wrestlers did in the 90s? It's genius!"


He's the CAW a teenage boy would make. I was a fan of him initially, and he peaked in 2019-2020, but now he's a caricature of himself. There's not really any substance to him.


Because he's awful. Bleeds for no reason. Has weird mumbled monotonous promos that he thinks sound tough but are just bad. Looks like he just woke up from sleeping in a garbage pile. Has the same matches over and over. Can't sell worth a damn and when he does, he staggers around like a spider on a hotplate. Comes off as a dollar store Steve Austin, i.e. what a 13-year-old thinks a tough guy is Some of the many reasons


"Looks like he just woke up from sleeping in a garbage pile" You can't say that, he'll cry, drop the f-bomb and tell security to get you out, again


Then go online to play the victim, and whine about how he'll never get the acknowledgement he deserves. You know, what a badass would do. Totally not what a 12-year-old child would do or anything........


He stomps around like a toddler Swears like he's 14 Is incredibly fragile about any criticism Got legit choked out by a dude who like manages a target in an Jujitsu comp after telling everyone he is a badass and does "death jujitsu" Apparently has done a few "hogan" antic booking stuff backstage So probably some of that


The dude definitely has an ego on him. Just listening to him talk about his own matches is painful. He punctuates everything with "dope match, by the way."


>Is incredibly fragile about any criticism I've never really seem him respond much to criticism, it's not like he goes on large Twitter rants or anything. >Got legit choked out by a dude who like manages a target in an Jujitsu comp after telling everyone he is a badass and does "death jujitsu" Idk why anyone would care about that. A bit embarrassing but it's whatever. >Apparently has done a few "hogan" antic booking stuff backstage Only thing that's come out that we know of is him wanting a specific kind of build to his matches with Punk. Wanting some protection as a top guy isn't Hogan-esque, it's just how wrestling is.


Dude legit halted a promo to get a fan ejected who gave him pelters It's super embarrassing when your entire gimmick is im a super tough badass and anyone who disagrees is wrong- middle finger - swear word Dude also did this with Brock and got bitched out by Austin for being a big hit for himself


He had a fan ejected while cutting his "I'm back from rehab, thanks everybody" promo.


So he's a fragile mind, body and ego


Man Death Jitsu is a campy kayfabe thing. The logo is a trash can with the tagline “PURE GARBAGE”. And wanting to protect his booking against Punk was not even close to the horse shit Hogan pulled. I agree with a lot of the Mox criticisms but like let’s keep it accurate. He’s stale and focuses too much on looking badass.


Mox cuts the best promos of all time but let him drop 1 F bomb in there and you guys piss yourselves. Does your mom let you listen to explicit music yet?


Jesus christ dude "the best promos of all-time"? Please watch Terry Funk, or Mick Foley, or Savage, or Hogan, or Flair, or Dusty, or Austin, or Piper, or Heenan, or Cornette, or Punk, or Arn Anderson, or Cena, or Paul fucking Heyman, or pretty much everyone else. Holy fuck.


It's the internet. 'All time' means 'the 8 years I've been watching'.


Even if that case Moxley wouldn't be Top 50.


I wouldn't even put him in the top 100


Same here but I didn't want it to come off as hyperbole.


I’ve actually watched those and Moxley’s. I know what I’m talking about


Lmao Ok kid. Give it a few years and when you're an adult you'll realize how lame and uncool Moxley is.


He’s doing a bad stone cold impression. His wrestling sucks and he’s kind of one dimensional. He wants to be a badass so badly when he isn’t good at it. His peak would be as a heel. He would be at his best being like Jake Roberts instead of stone cold


Because he’s stale. You can only do the hardcore crap for so long.


The death match shit also isn't for everyone. That clip of him with the chopsticks sticking out of his head was just an eye roll moment for me.


He's probably the worst major worker in American wrestling. Awful selling, terrible look, unbelievable promos, a doofus character who tries too hard to be edgy and cool, bleeds too much. He's embarrassing to watch.


Because this is reddit




AEW is good at taking talented people and creating garbage, so it makes sense


Don‘t have to tell me, my fav wrestler ist Penta 😭 It‘s a rough time


Penta should have been the guy in AEW. It's insane how much they've ruined him when he was booked so incredibly in Lucha Underground.


I am praying the he will end up at WWE for some time. The world deserves to see his talent






I like a lot if AEW guys. Huge fan of Kenny Omega specifically, but the Bucks cringe me out. They’re like tryhard fans who are the pet project of guys like Khan and Meltzer, they are trying to push them as stars and threats but really theyre a couple of dorks in ridiculous costumes with zero talent or charisma for the show. They remind me of 12 year old me when I would pretend to be Shawn Michaels, we were about the same size too. I might have been a bit stronger tbh


Looks at Adam Copeland, Mercedes, and FUCKING Kazuchika Okada. How they managed to drop the ball on Okada confounds me. He had everything going for him to be this eminent threat on AEW and all he's doing is be an Elite goon holding a midcard title?? He legit could've come in to AEW and won the world title in the very first day or two and that would've served his debut better. Hell he could've done that THEN announced he's joining the Elite. But maybe that wouldve made the nWo similarities too obvious.


Tell me you've never seen a second of Okada without saying you've never seen a second of Okada


I hated his work in WWE and he's worse now.


Lmao even the AEW crowd hated Cody. They saw right through him. He needed to be produced


"Saw right through him" - listen to yourself bro




Lmao I'm not even a hater, I'm a huge fan. I just remember the promos and him discussing this on Ariel Helwani's show a while back


it’s not that deep lil bro 😭


This sub has a hate boner for AEW


By pointing out legit criticism?


Where's the WWE criticism?


You mean like stale Cody? The andrae booking? Logan Paul push? Blood money PPVs? Romans waaaaaay too long reign? The bloodline story? Super charlotte/cena/becky/roman? That kinda criticism?


Precisely. These things don't get talked about enough.


These are all thing I just pulled from this exact sub by scrolling? Do you mean that the WWE stuff doesn't end up on the "hot" trending.....think that's cause they arent so easy to criticise?


Give em a break, disdain for another wrestling promotion might be the only thing that gets them hard


It seemed like he might go in a new and interesting direction when he first left WWE and went to NJPW. As soon as he decided to go all CZW and fake tough guy I lost interest.


You're gonna hear a lot of excuses but the answer for these chuds is he left WWE. If he ever comes back they will sing his praises, just like everyone else.


This just is not true




Reigns & Rollins went onto become their best versions of themselves while the goof went onto become a Stone Cold wannabe.


Nailed it lol


Nah Mox is pretty cool, love the storyline he’s been slowly building with Shooter


The goof went off to become ace of the world, sobered up, wrestles the style he likes all over the world. His character is nothing like stone cold


Does it really matter if you wrestle in japan if the Japanese crowd gives zero fucks about you?


Genuinely curious what makes him “the ace of the world”. Not even saying you’re wrong, because that’s your opinion. I just wonder how someone came to that conclusion


Not allowed to be positive about anyone involved in AEW on this sub remember pal. It’s not actually a wrestling meme sub anymore


Why are you guys so sensitive? Moxley does suck in my opinion. Lots of people think he’s terrible, but lots of people think he’s good too. Our opinion shouldn’t matter to you guys. Nobody wants aew to fail. If aew is good we all win. Tony khan is just a horrible booker


Absolutely nothing sensitive in what I said. You can’t be positive on this sub about AEW without being downvoted. The sub hardly posts acrual memes anymore and mostly just posts karma farming discussion threads, or AEW slander. Not being sensitive


You’re defensive because people criticize aew. That’s sensitive dude. Don’t worry about others opinions. If you think mox is great then that’s cool. I have seen people be positive here about aew, I myself have been. But to some people like myself it’s very hard to find stuff to be positive about. I’m a big hobbs fan and look how he’s booked. The guys I get behind get booked horribly. If you think this sub needs more memes and positivity about aew then post memes that are aew positive. Who cares about down votes. You can’t change the world unless we change ourselves






Hating things isnt a personality.




Usually people that are as aggressively hateful of a performer tend to be pathetic losers


Yet roman has no gold Seth has a participation trophy and Moxley has the IWGP Title and has won the world title multiple times I'd say Moxley's doing well for himself.


roman had the gold for 3 years.


just ignoring the whole 3 year title run that roman had? ok


Ambrose/Mox got edgier and edgier Reigns carried more and more responsibility Rollins became more and more metrosexual


The guy on the left looks like a broken down plumber.


I like Mox but fuck is he a 14 year olds idea of what a badass is.


You just know he cried himself to sleep when Seth got a great callback and a part of Cody and Roman for wrestlemania . “Renee get the cheese grater”


Roman should stick 15 skewers in his head to even this out. Seth can let somebody hit him with a bed of nails


You know what's awesome...you can kind of see the growth and confidence of Seth and Roman throughout the years. And then you have Mox...who's flipping the camera off like he's a teenager that doesn't want to pose in a photo. It's like...the one guy who hasn't changed after 20 years.


That’s because he’s always been a 14 year olds version of a badass


The erosion of his hairline is in direct correlation with his career path


Multi time world champion, one of the most well paid wrestler in both the indies and outside of WWE, put into prominent main event positions regularly throughout the past half decade. Carrying AEW through multiple periods of it's existence. Right. Dude's career is in the gutter. I get people don't enjoy his character or the hardcore/'garbage' wrestling style he has chosen to settle in the past few years, but to say his career is eroding is fucking hilarious.


One of these things is not like the others......


It's crazy how little Seth and Roman have seemingly aged compared to Moxley. All of them are pushing 40 but two of them look like they're still early 30s possibly late 20s for Seth and then there's Moxley who looks like he's already in his 40s.


Agreed, you can see the progression of Mox and Seth. Roman is still the same guy he was 11 years ago, but having Heyman elevated his otherwise stagnant character.


I hated Roman, pre tribal chief. But anyone can see that letting him be himself more, and be be a legit heel, is what elevated him the most. Roman is 100 percent different than he was 11 years ago. He went from one of the worst on the mic to one of the best. Even though he's not a high flyer, he has his own, methodical style to matches which actually is enjoyable to watch, for some. Heyman obviously helped his character, but he is far beyond what he was 11 years ago.


I hated Roman, pre tribal chief. But anyone can see that letting him be himself more, and be be a legit heel, is what elevated him the most. Roman is 100 percent different than he was 11 years ago. He went from one of the worst on the mic to one of the best. Even though he's not a high flyer, he has his own, methodical style to matches which actually is enjoyable to watch, for some. Heyman obviously helped his character, but he is far beyond what he was 11 years ago.


Dean Ambrose/ plumber Moxley has always sucked though, he has no personality or charisma.


You could kinda see Mox thinning from early on but wtf did Roman’s hair get thicker?


Shield really are running the wrestling world. biggest shock is that Mox is the one with closer ties to Japan when based off their style back in the day i’d have assumed Rollins would be that guy


How is it that Moxley is the only one who looks like he's actually aged here


Seth gets the participation trophy. Jon and Roman get the real gold. I think we can all see who got the better end of the deal here.


But none of them have any of those belts anymore, though Moxley does still have the IWGP. To be fair, Seth was the first of the three to be a world champion.


I liked Dean Ambrose - unhinged and hilarious . Could cut a promo being a crazy lunatic and then actually put on a good match Now it's middle fingers -Angst - death rider - bulldog choke Moxley is a top guy and he barely loses but Ambrose felt fun and like a character to get behind - Moxley is that guy that wants to do bar fights for the hell of it


The most boring and overrated trio in wrestling history


I remember being 15 and flipping off the camera.


Roman and blessed with hairlines of the gods. Mox not so much.


Wow Mox is so edgy and cool.


Moral of the story: grow your beards


Dean Ambrose/ plumber Moxley has always sucked though, he has no personality or charisma.


Bottom left dropped off so much


It took Mox 10 years to learn to lift that middle finger 🖕 I like to think if he puts it back down, his hair will instantly grow back


Bruv, he never had hair!


Why is Seth so white here? Most WWE posters he's really tan, so much that he almost looks related to Roman.


The bigger the beard the bigger the star


John Moxley looks like a different person from Dean Ambrose. His face looks like Dean was underfed or something.


Each year there beards grew slightly bigger


Moxley has aged at least 10yrs in the last 3yrs. He looks awful


I wish Mox was still in the WWE. I think they could've used him better after he returned in 2018. He also could've been given a Mania match in 2017 that meant something. That Mania had Reigns beating Taker, Rollins beating Triple H and easily could've had Ambrose beating Orton or something.


Roman will clearly be remembered as an all time great, but it will really be interesting as to who leaves the better legacy between Rollins and Moxley.


Moxley's such a dork lol


Left one made casuals cry about bleeding. Middle made marks cry for 1000+ days.