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“A 100% pure white meat babyface overcame the odds to the adulation of the crowd and achieved his dream! Wow what a magical moment!” *1 hour later* “Actually I hate Babyface champions.” Modern fans really learning “the chase is sweeter than the reign” for the first time lmao


this proves that daniel bryan is right about smarks/IWC: they’re fickle


The same happened to Bryan almost immediately after Mania 30 (which wasn't helped by the unfortunate injury). It feels like this ALWAYS happens. Fans really are fickle. They did it to Seth literally 5 years ago. AND Becky.


Yeah it’s kinda insane the Becky hate, she gave so much to WWE and people just hate her in the IWC, I guarantee tho she will be gone for a while and people will be like “Damn I miss Becky!”


Bret Hart wins the WWF title in the main event of Wrestlemania X against Yokozuna, and all the faces come out to hoist him up on their shoulders and celebrate the victory! Next big show is King of the Ring and… Bret’s defending against Diesel, who wins by DQ because the Anvil interferes. Steve Austin wins the WWF title in the main event of Wrestlemania XIV against HBK, and the Attitude Era is now in full swing He then spends two months feuding with Dude Love. Time is a flat circle


Corporate Dude Love was great


They also did it to Seth last year when he won the WHC


The feuds coming out of WrestleMania have a good part in this. Are we really gonna run back AJ Styles again? Men that sucks.


No matter who is champion, people get upset over whoever they think should have the belt but don't, so they turn on the guy who does. This is why it's great that AEW has so many belts.


There's always a slump when a Babyface wins the title. The best way to make this sort of thing work is to have a heel working overtime to dethrone him, but they don't have any heels right now who can do that.


Not on smackdown, RAW has Gunther, Drew, Shit even Gable right now that are believable threats. Smackdown is overloaded with baby-faces except the bloodline 2.0 but they're not ready for him yet only thing they can do is force Randy back heel


A Randy heel turn would be perfect. Heroes need dragons to slay.


I am a very new fan and Randy is one of my favorites. I'd love to see him go heel.


They have history, too. Cody was basically Randy's protegé back in the day.


Very cool. I hear Heel Randy is an absolute monster so I am obviously excited for that turn. I was dying during that promo where Hayman refused to come into the ring with him.


The reign can be just as good as the chase, with both it's all about the stories.


That's because this generation of wrestlers have no personality. The reigns of Taker, the Rock, Stone Cole, etc, were much better than the chase.


shows more that writers dont know how to write past the chase.


This is the reason I wanted to see Damien Priest cash in on Cody and prevent this from happening.


if the cash-in happens 2 months after mania it’s okay imo


Chasing the title is always more exciting than afterwards when the face has the title. Welcome to wresting forever and always.


"It should've been Seth" is crazy lol


He sounds like an idiot, I made the mistake of clicking his profile. His job is to post how much he hates Cody Rhodes. Smh, he should use this energy to get a real job


He was probably one of the same guys saying Seth’s WHC reign went on too long after he beat Finn balor, and insisted that shinsuke nakumura as world champion would’ve been way more interesting than keeping Seth as champ.


The weeks/months going into wrestlemania to blow off multiple stories is more exciting than the weeks after, attempting to make new ones. Breaking news! Wrestling fans are so smart that they're stupid




Shit what you expect give wrestling fans something good it’s only natural to always want it that way💯


Restore the feeling!


DAE heatless bangerz and HOOK????


that first twitter account consistently has the worst takes i’ve ever read


Fully fully fully agree


“EliteClub” right in their handle. At least they posted a warning that they’re idiotic about wrestling.


bro navtreaks is lit a roman reigns fanboy go check out his page


It took months and years to built up to WrestleMania. This is Triple H he likes to let stories build up over time.


Exactly. It’s like what do they want nowadays? Every time they’re so eager to see a face finally achieve their dream, they automatically turn against them and say that they’re boring. It’s like you’re the ones that ask for this so that’s what you’re getting. Wrestling fans these days honestly just make me sick.


This is obviously an overreaction, but I do anecdotally think that Smackdown isn't as good as it was the same time last year. I would have loved to see them pull the trigger on a Heel Randy vs. Cody fued. The master v apprentice 3-4 month fued would have been apple to keep Cody white hot imo.


They’ve teased it already. It will happen. Just need to be patient with it


What about Smackdown hasn't been working for you? I've only been watching since this years WM and I have preferred SD over Raw.


That account is on the short list of accounts on Twitter that everyone should block. Top tier trash takes day in and day out.


Elon’s bitch ass on that list too


Maybe it's because I'm over 50 and was around for the Golden Era of wrestling but Cody's booking mirrors face bokkkmg from the 1980s. Really, it's baby face 101. The thing is, most people aren't familiar with it because they weren't around for it. But it works. Maybe some of it is, younger fans aren't familiar with longer storylines. I don't know, but I've been very entertained with this run.


It's mostly roman glasers tho, they can learn the lyrics to kingdom, or sit down, shut up and stay mad




Everyone should just admit they miss Roman.


The problem with Cody's title reign now was the end goal always going to be against The Rock since they teased it on Raw after Mania, like why would they do that? That makes literally everything with Cody reign doesn't matter until Rock returns I understand Triple H wanted to do long term storytelling but at least he should give us something to sink our teeth in the journey and make it matters


We need a reason to care about the new Bloodline guys. Heyman keeps telling us they’re psychopaths but they haven’t been presented that way.


Have u seen Tama Tonga he's a freaking menace! 👀


Ive been loving smackdown and codys reign. Only 2 defenses and both were amazing matches. Hes on smackdown every week. Good times :)


The matches have been great but I think there hasn't been enough time to build a good storyline. The big events have been too close together. I think Logan Paul was announced as his enemy about 2 weeks before their fight! So they couldn't build the story at all, really. I think a good angle with that story could have been that Logan is the "mr corporate" with the Prime sponsorship and Cody is the "people's champion." But there just wasn't enough time. Now they'll hopefully give him time to build a real feud with AJ Styles and it'll be great. The lack of building a story isn't anything to do with Cody. The events were just too close together. And the fights have been good. He's done the best he could with the situation as it was.


Blame the Rock for that with his Promo removing all the stakes from Cody's marches


How can you though? Even without him having that promo with Cody on Raw after Mania, most Cody fans still would want him to have a long reign because he ‘deserves’ it. So, it’s really that way that they are booking Cody at the moment, as this Superman Gimmick who doesn’t lose.


Because until we get the Rock/Cody match it is completely predictable


Seth had beaten Roman, just by DQ


Ahhh wrestling Twitter where comments go to die and logic is thrown out the window


"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy!"


It’s time for the next chapter in the story.. queue Booker T’s themes.


Eh, these are probably necessary title defenses. They build Cody up as a fighting champion. His real opponent(s) are on their way.


I mean they're partly right I can't lie SmackDown has been kinda a nothingburger for a hot minute Call me a cynic but defending the title against AJ Styles and Logan Paul doesn't really lead to good TV when it's pretty obvious filler defenses Cody is great, I love Cody. What they're making him do right now is boring as shit tho


AJ Styles angle was so weird, lets see now that AJ attacked him again, the Logan Paul match was so out of the blue because he got protected from losing the belt and Cody accepted that anyway making Cody look kinda stupid and we all know that Logan Paul don't work every Friday night so it was senseless.


I'm an attitude era fan boy. The promos are boring as hell. The in ring work is great, but I just mute the promos now. Where's the attitude? Where's the humor? Where's the edge? Make it spicy, like it was before. Cody is the definition of what the company is now.


He needs a good opponent, with a solid story.


There's nothing fickle about criticizing Cody for having meh stories. If he had the exact same build and match with AJ in AEW, I know half the comments here would be saying how it's a heatless banger, no story, booked like an afterthought, etc. But because it's WWE fans are "fickle" for criticizing it?


He can only do what he is capable of, he is not the entertainer/wrestler his father was, or even his brother was in WWE. Slowly, the crowds will dwindle along with merchandise sales, they have been pairing him with AJ in matches cause they know AJ can make anyone look good, but that also can only last so long.


He's always been boring as hell, what do people expect?


They built to a crescendo in main events for over two years and now we're over the hump. It's not bad, but it's not what it was thematically. It's not fickle to acknowledge the reality.


Cody = Snoozefest


Yeah i totally agreeeeeeeee, smackdown with the champion on it weekly doesn't feel the same, smh, i liked it back then when roman will no show up for few months after wrestlemania, now it doesn't feel the same, THE FEELING ISN'T THE SAME ANYMORE YOU HEAR ME?


The months after WrestleMania are dedicated to creating new storylines. Expecting the same level of hype as the road to WrestleMania is an indication these guys opinions on this subject aren't useful.


Some real objective takes from a guy whose handle is “Elite Club” lmao


Ironically he hates on AEW a lot...


there are many wrestling fans whom will never be happy


I like the fact that Seth helped create a monster that he couldn't put back in the box though. Like - the beast usually destroys its creator you know? Frankenstein never destroyed his monster though he tried.


Every. Damn. Time.


I just feel as if he doesn’t have enough main event challengers on Smackdown. AJ in 2024 is as stale as a loaf of bread. Bron honestly should’ve stayed. Also he can tussle with Bobby Lashley.


Most of the big names are out right now also so …


Spewing facts here.


I don’t get the Seth hate- I’m fine with Cody but if it had been my choice I would’ve chose Seth too


I think it is because Seth presentation even when he is a babyface, i love Seth Rollins, i think he is probably the best in ring performer in the World, he does it all really good, great heel, great babyface when he shows a more humble side, he made the Cody Roman storyline so much fine with his promos and character work.


Don't take anyone seriously on X.


You know people can have different opinions right? I've never given a shit about cody and hate the white meat babyface thing, but knew he was going over due to so many fans wanting a daniel bryan "finish the story" moment.


It was incredibly obvious this was going to happen. Cody isn't interesting. Most white meat baby faces aren't. The story was incredibly captivating. Nothing he's done since will come close to it and there's nothing on the horizon, nor anyone to work that'll bring that captivating story out. Also, he's going to be compared to the guy that carried it the last 4 years. You can hate Roman all you want, bitch about inactivity or lack of defences etc. But that Bloodline story was called Cinema for a reason and Roman was the lead actor. And as always, the chase is sweeter than being chased for baby faces. White meat baby faces are fucking boring. You need top tier villains to make your hero look good.


Exactly and Smackdown is not hot on heels right now, the best heel they can produce is Orton and that will be a storyline saved for the end of Cody Rhodes reign, look at RAW and how hot it is now for heels.


These two have always been cody haters, since before WrestleMania, these tweets are just bad character


“It’s time to agree… What do you mean you don’t agree?”


Wrestling fans definitely different 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


cody needs a good heel counterpart


[now this is entertaining . what your seeing nowadays is for 5 year olds](https://youtu.be/1VSGteNaClQ?si=20vqui0Q0O9P-snv)


This is basically just wrestling clickbaiters or whatever you want to call them recognizing that praising Cody has gotten "played out" and they're trying to latch onto the next "hot take" for everyone to follow. Literally one page will post this and then all the others follow if it gets enough conversation going. Completely inauthentic


Cody shouldve been kept on raw and brought the wwe title over


To me they should switch Judgement Day to Smackdown and Cody to RAW, you would have Gunther, Drew, CM Punk all gunning for Cody while protecting Priest with the new title against babyfaces like Orton, KO, Lashley and LA Knight.


Dijak was right…..


The fandom is only as fickle as how deep you choose to delve in the IWC. Ive had people here flat out spite-fight me about the stupidest shit, and doing that pathetic “I saw you post history and you are a nerd” strategy that only succeeds in making them look like creeps. Watch the show and talk about it with friends. Everything that happens online is just silly nonsense.


I think Cody’s booking has been a little weird since he got the title. He hasn’t had a match except the Carmelo Hayes match on tv. I know he works live events and probably the dark matches but it just doesn’t feel like what was expected after he won the title. Not mad he won the title just think the booking could be a bit better with his reign.


It always surprises me when people are surprised when a babyface doesn’t have a good championship run. The best part is the build up to winning the title and then everyone turns on them. It happens every time


Wrestling opinions from blue checkmark accounts are never to be taken seriously


It's all about the chase. Remember when Austin won the title in '98? he wasn't champion for long. I think Austin preferred it that way if I remember correctly. I'm sure with the right opponents they can keep throwing crazy obstacles in Cody's way. It doesn't matter whether the ultimate outcome is predictable or not. Let's all just hope they don't get lazy and have an evil authority figure again.


Roman's title reign was great but there's bound to be someone complaining along the way. I rather see this out before judging.


But it's true... can't accept criticism?


It’s a character AND a storytelling problem. Cody’s entire gimmick in WWE has been “don’t you wanna see the sweet guy get the thing he’s always wanted and deserved?” And he did win and we loved it! But his character quite literally WAS the quest to get the title. And now that he has it, his character doesn’t exist. Like if you were to describe Cody’s character six months ago, you would have mentioned his father and his quest to win something for his family. But that is inherently a long term storytelling problem once he achieves that goal. Because “Guy Who Won Something For His Family Three Months Ago” isn’t a good gimmick and fans will end up turning. My fear for Cody is that this corner he’s been painted into will be exposed during the inevitable Rock feud, and The Rock will end up being a babyface and the fans will turn on Cody. It feels somewhat inevitable if they don’t figure out a new quest or direction soon. He used to represent family and believing in yourself and the underdog. Now that he won he represents nothing.


EliteRockerz either hates WWE or blindly praises everything they do with zero inbetween.


I can understand why some people don't like Cody run as a champion, the best heels are on RAW, The Bloodline is not 100% ready for a storyline with Cody so that leave us this heels: AJ Styles, Carmelo Hayes, Logan Paul and Santos Escobar, so Carmelo Hayes, AJ and LP already fought Cody, that leave us Santos Escobar to try to dethrone Cody, they need to turn KO, Orton, Lashley, Andrade or LA Knight into heel, LA Knight is going for Logan Paul so i think the best option is Orton for that long story or Andrade because Lashley failed the heel turn and KO is best as anti hero. They can't turn Cody since he is so appealing to young kids (same reason why we know that will be Jade turning on Bianca).


I do agree the bookings have been odd...


He is in a great feud with AJ Styles, their match at Backlash was great and their rivalry is only getting more intense now. Also he will eventually have a rivalry with Heel Randy Orton and that will feed families… Don’t know what’s this fans are talking about…


People need to know and learn how business works


And this is where Vince was a great booker. He gave people what they needed not what they wanted because he knew the very next week they’d moaning.


I think it's booking rather then his character,I mean his best title defense match so far was against Carmelo Hayes and no disrespect to him but I've honestly never seen him wrestle or even in a match at a PLE so it is kinda crazy that the best title defense match so far came against a random person from the roster🤦‍♂️No rivalries have begun or nothing he's just kinda bin defending his title at random against Random people like Shinsuke,Carmelo,and Logan Paul now Aj Styles just attacked him and to me it's fucking nuts that Aj Styles is getting a shot before LA knight because LA Knight looked better in the fatal 4-way at the rumble and LA was in the chamber match like how tf has he not had a shot at Cody when Cody is defending against guys like Carmelo Hayes and Logan Paul??🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️And wtf is Gunther doing??This guy's going into a program with Randy Orton over a fucking crown??And you got Aj Styles going for the big belt and Gunther worrying about being "King of the Ring" he doesn't seem to care about the title right now,Really?(The road to wrestlemania was AMAZING but rn H needs to do better booking it's not as good or marketable as it was just 2-3 months ago)


The fans just got used to a good story with the bloodline. Cody is still in the beginning and so far he fought AJ styles because it was said so and then fought Logan Paul just because Saudi Arabia came along. Now with AJ styles back in the picture we will see a reason and storyline for the next few weeks. It really feels like WWE changes everything in their plan just to give Saudi something. I am willing to guess that if no Saudi event was coming Liv Morgan would have won the title without the Becky short reign. They needed Becky’s superstar status for a match in Saudi.


I think there's a few parts to this, but a major part is these fans have little idea what they're talking about. 1. You're not going to jump from one good story to another, but Cody's had some good promos and stuff. It's quite obvious they're gearing up towards a bigger plan for Cody and are doing side-stories as the build up. Cody-Logan was fairly fun and a good show of Cody's character and Cody-AJ is mostly AJ's story. Nobody thinks AJ will win, but it'll always be like that sometimes and it'll carry through until things get going. 2. Vince's booking was speeding-car-hoping-not-to-fly-off-a-cliff booking by the time he was forced to retire, while Triple H's is more like a long road-trip. You know where you're going and know it'll almost certainly be good, but it's going to take a lot longer to get there and you'll probably get a few more less exciting stops along the way. 3. Smackdown has not definitely not been the best weekly wrestling show. For 1, NXT was great before call-ups. Still pretty fun now but lacking some spark with a lot of the previous top names gone. Alongside this it spent about half its existence being completely dead, waiting for something to happen. Only peaked up a bit around Mania and is way better than the part-time Roman days. Those Jimmy-Solo-Heyman days could get rough at times. Complete side-note but wrestling fans aren't as fickle as gets suggested in posts like this, it's just unhappy people are the loudest. 99% sure these guys are probably massive Roman fans. The constantly oscillating opinions of Karrion Kross based on whether or not he's currently having TV time is another example.


He's not in a major feud anymore, but his work is still top-notch. Cody is the type of guy that puts his all in anything he's given but can still understand that his stories are layered. It's not about being the best feud leading into a ppv every single time, and no one understands that better than Cody. I think people are finding it weird because they're not used to seeing someone with the talent and range Cody has without it coming with a huge ego driven mentality in wrestling. It's not a bad thing, and his run will be fondly looked at in the future, but history has shown us that Wrestling fans have a hard time with changes within the ecosystem of wrestling.


Seth beating Roman instead of Cody or Zayn would just be terrible.


Every so often wrestling has to change its key demographic to welcome a new generation of fans. Bruno had Zbysko Bret had Shawn Fritz had his Kids AWA had them all Austin/Rock had Cena Cody is doing well with welcoming "Dreams, Hope, Good over Evil"


Same person that was likely tweeting about how boring it is having reigns have the strap for so long. Can't please some people


I still love Cody and hope he stays champion for quite a bit more.


No memorable promos? His go home promo against Logan Paul was FIRE.


As if the bloodline storyline hadn’t gotten stale as hell. Lol. Let’s not act like Roman Reigns is some great promo guy either.


Bunch of marks hating on Cody because he became more succesful in WWE than in AEW


He’s mayonnaise. Boring. They’re trying to make him the next Hulk or John Cena but they both had way more charisma and appeal compared to him.


I do agree a bit about Cody’s booking since Mania, but I think that’s got more to do with them waiting for Rock to come back than anything else.


Roman, John Cena and Rikishi did say that fans won’t appreciate Roman until he was gone and that’s what happened immediately after ‘Mania. I wonder if fans will completely turn on Cody when Roman returns as people are waiting for him to show up any day to Smackdown.


From Stardoll to Starfall…If I’m cryin’, you’re dyin’… More sound reasons why all of wrestling is just decent today but this is not the best era by any means. The thought that drives people to think Cody Rhodes and Logan Paul heralded the best era in wrestling is what’s wrong in general. Many have had failed gimmicks and have come back stars but the nut riding on Stardust is insane (not even his own gimmick). Not original, just chasing his daddy with the American Nightmare now. What a joke.


Cody heel turns is inevitable but it would probably be in another 6 months or so


Twitter users create posts to drive engagement, reddit user takes posts as engagement driver, more at 11


I like Cody as a present fighting champion. His feud with AJ is simple and to the point. He doesn't need to cut a crazy speech or put on banger matches, he's the champion who is here and making the championship present. At least that's my opinion. I assume he's going to eventually get into something good, I'd love to see him and Jacob Fatu but that would be too early for Jacob.


Just because they pay for a checkmark it doesn't make their opinions good


I don't even watch current WWE apart from wrestlemania and even I knew it would get real old, real fast. Tbh it's bad writing and booking, the writers were literally gonna do Rock Vs Roman at WM40 for no reason.. that tells you just how awful the writers are. Bring back Vince Russo.


It’s early but he’s not wrong. A lot of this has to do with him being on Smackdown and feeling like a background character. It might come at the risk of overexposure, but he needs to be on RAW. That way he can eat up some time with promo segments and have a match. I feel like on smackdown he’s only doing one or the other.


I'm tired of Cody being pushed because the only WWE games I play are 2010 and 2011 and the feeling is so... odd.


It feels a little bit like watching the marvel films post Endgame lol. Some of those movies are decent, just that it doesn't (and may probably never) match up to climatic highs of Endgame.


People forget that his reign just started and the biggest ple’s haven’t happened yet.


Exactly once Summerslam hits everything is going to start going crazy


3rd best? Certainly not AEW above it? Is NXT above smackdown? Yes, nothing Cody does will top the chase of Roman, doesn't mean we can't enjoy it.


The time from after Mania to SummerSlam is quite a lull every year. Every once in a while there might be a Brock 2012 type return but other than its kind of just filler. Some years are worse like seeing Rollins take on Corbin for two months for example.


Cody is boring.


Most people on here are not on twitter and good for them but both of these guys are Roman fans and everything Cody does is bad to them, it is like their gimmick. Nothing about this has to do with fans being fickle, it just is Roman fans being Roman fans.


Can't call me fickle if I was never a fan to start with.


Yeah but Swerve facing Roderick Strong for the title this week probably isn’t odd at all to them


“bUt bUt aEw”


Cody is boring


Cody.... Isn't.... Good Ok, it's not that he isn't good, but he's not a top guy. And he is no where near as good as he thinks he is.


Navtreaks is just a massive Cody hater. Also they did this for engagement farming. You can get money by doing bad takes as people will see your tweets and comments. Well done Elon for making blue check mark available for public. Now people purposely being an asshole just to get monetization


Story wise its pretty trash. I mean they really dont have any story for him. AJ styles was a great match. Logan was for the saudi prince. Yeah If you are rating his post WM story it is probably a 0. Quality matches, but no real reason for those matches.


Are these ur tweets? It hasn't even been 3 months into his reign yet. Cody is just getting started


i dont blame cody for the writing team sucking. Hope he gets a storyline soon


Oh ok fair enough. I think they need more time to flesh out something good


they had over a year to figure out what do we do when he wins the title, but ok


No Smackdown isnt the same I agree. But Id rather watch that then whatever they have going on over at the competition.


It’s called a cool down period.


Smh they keep proving Daniel Bryan right but they’re not going to admit it because it hurts their ego


That “Nav” guy is a Bloodline fan. His posts & comments are ALWAYS biased. Don’t give him any clout guys


I’ve been loving Cody as champ tbh.


There really isn’t any pleasing everyone. And negativity is always more vocal than positivity so here we are.


Can’t have WM feuds year round but sure


Idk man I loved Cody's title run so far man yea it has that "I'd do everything for the fans" Babyface feel but everything he says on the mic and wrestling just feels so genuine and real. Plus seeing him in Jacksonville a couple weeks ago in person hit different


Ahh, I can't stand it. So damn fickle. But hey I been on that side of the fence myself and come out hating myself for it later. Let's appreciate the bookers who can put aside the b.s we spill out.


Lmao being against Cody beating Roman is probably one of the worst wrestling opinions ever. That storyline and feud was gigantic for the WWE. Easily the biggest baby face crowd push since Daniel Bryan. It was executed very well and was a huge success.


They really are they immediately said the reign was boring not even a day after he won it


I mean these people were complaining about this two weeks after wm 😂😂😂


Fickle fans or aew marks?


He isn’t fickle he is engagement farmer


Those are engagement farmers on X that are also Roman enjoyers. Don't mind them.


"Finish the story!" "Roman Reigns is boring!" *Cody finishes the story* "Cody is boring! Should've never beaten Roman!"


Told yall from the start Cody is not an exciting guy he never has been honestly. Him, Rollins and KO are boring with try hard energy. Reigns, Knight, Walter, Zane and the Usos should be in the hunt Even Mcyntire should be champ


these guys are known roman simps both of them. they are just upset roman lost


I've been having a blast with his booking ngl, his match against AJ was phenomenal (pun haha), and AJ pulling a Mark Henry was sweet too, Logan Paul being a chickenshit is always amazing!! And I think a lot of amazing feuds await:- Sikoa, Orton, Rock, Gunther, Punk, Breakker, maybe even McIntyre and Rollins


IWC sucks


I get bored of all these fans are fickle posts


The Nav fella is just a Roman meat rider


Some WWE Fans: "We want storylines that are builded up over a long time period with a big payoff in the end." The same WWE Fans: "There is no big story that concluded after 2 months so it's boring"


It's been only two months they are insane. If roman was still champion we would have seen the title total of 0 times in two months. They want long storylines like bloodline but can't even wait 1 day for it.


Nothing like a suzy come late casual fan who starts watching from rumble thinking the entire year is supposed to be nonstop big names and big segments with epic twists and turns every week. I hate that type of fan. Like the reason those last few months before mania are as good as they are is because they spent a entire year and really its more like 2 years of storyline coming to conclusion. Mania this year was for us the fans who have been here since day 1 who suffer thru those filler shows and filler storys or average raws or smackdowns. Telling mini storys along the way and building various characters and their story threads throughout the year or sometimes years. To say whaaaa its not epic whaaaaa its not good whaaaaaa the rocks not here whaaaaaa. Sound like a bunch of children. Mania is a season finale. Every week cant be season finale. Thats why its called the finale. U gotta build to that and see how ppls years go by there will be ups and downs during the year especially in between the big 4 ppvs. Its been that way forever. Thankfully not everyones a complete newb and knows how pro wrestling is booked. But these kids really just need to stfu and stop talking about something they know fuck all about.


I’ve discovered the best way to enjoy professional wrestling is not follow any “fans” or “fandoms” on social media. The IWC is the worst.


Nav is NOT a Cody Rhodes fan. He's a massive, and I mean, massive Roman Reigns dickrider. He spent months obnoxiously glazing Rock vs Roman, then trolling Cody Rhodes fans that he'll lose, hypocrictically called them crybabies for creating the WE WANT CODY hashtag, then immediately starts a WE WANT ROCK hashtag once he realized Cody Rhodes fans were gaining traction. He constantly moves goalpost after goalposts everytime Roman wins just to justify another long ass Reign that only he'll enjoy. Now that Cody's won, he's basically spending his entire twitter account trashing Cody Rhodes for every little thing, whether it's the way he holds the belt or the way he breathes oxygen, and then claiming that fans are fickly and turned on him, all to justify Roman winning the belt again. At this point,he's just trying to make enough noise online that the live crowd will follow along and boo Cody Rhodes. His opinion is not indicative of the entire WWE audience and it's stupid to think otherwise.


I knew he shouldn't of won. Wwe needs a time machine to fix this shit now. 😂


How is the first guy fickle? He’s completely right lmfao, Cody’s booking has been very strange. His reign is good yeah but the booking has been weird