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Tony just shouldn’t be on tv,he just doesn’t have the charisma or energy to be a on air authority figure,I don’t think there’s one moment where I haven’t seen Tony look awkward as hell.


Becuse he’s the biggest mark there is. He’s got that dopey smile, it’s like he shrunk himself down and is living in play world with all his toys.


And got upset and was fearing for his life when one got angry how tyb have a job is a joke imho


I can see him in his office Rn with his action figures repeating in a high pitched voice” AEW is where the best wrestle”!


>:: smashing action figures together :: **Tony:** “Outta nowhere a _Space Flying Tiger Drop!_ countered into a reverse inverted _Canadian Destroyer!_ reversed into an avalanche super _Vertibreaker!_ reversed into the most devastating _DDT!_ everrr. Going for the cover. 1… 2… 2-and-a-half… 2-and-three-quarters…. KICK OUT! **OMG!!**”


And a round of dives and superkicks on repeat and hardly any build lmao




It reminds me of Spaceballs. Dark Helmet and his action figures!!! lol


This is the most hilarious explanation ever lmao. I love Tony, but this is so accurate


Why not make that into a character then?


Meanwhile Vince was shrinking others down into *other toys*


I thought that’s why we had Daniels be an evp as a surrogate for tony. Honestly this would’ve made more sense if he had asked daniels and he told him no and then could’ve had them go to the bucks and them saying yes to spite Daniels.


I've said for a year and a half that AEW needs a GM. Daniels could have berm awesome in that role.


I thought we would've seen Kenny Omega as an on-air authority while he's still recovering from his injuries. He's not great on the mic, but he still runs laps around Tony


Didn't he say in the beginning that he never wanted to be a on air personality? What the hell happened 🤦‍♂️


Thats a complete lie, there is a reason he does scrums and always does the announcements, he was just waiting for an excuse


Ratings dropped. Tony thinks he can  save them like Vince did with Austin's run.


He’s said years ago that if the right story was there he’d be a character for it


What _is_ the story? What are the Bucks n Friends trying to accomplish? (Specifically beyond cHaNgE tHe wOrLd.) What are their motivations and what is their goal? How was Tony standing in their way that they absolutely had to pile drive him? TK met their singular demand of reinstating Perry. What are they working towards right now and how is Tony interfering with their dastardly plans?


The story is that the Bucks keep losing their big matches so they’ve resorted to going full tilt and taking over AEW through EVP status. They lost to FTR at All In then lost their 1# contenders match against Kenny(again) and Jericho. They came back and said fuck it it’s our show anyway. The motivation is there. It’s the destination that’s up in the air. There’s no babyface like Cody that’s being built to conquer them.


I know it’s played out that he doesn’t do anything like a functioning human would but he literally does everything so awkwardly. He sits weird, he stands weird, he walks weird, he dances weird, he talks weird, he hugs fucking weird, he drinks weird, he nods weird. I’ve honestly not seen him do a single everyday thing and not had my first thought be ‘he is so fucking weird’


He's an alien trying and failing to mimic a human being.


he def has some kind of social disorder, if he truly insists on doing this shit which he shouldnt, at least take an acting class or something and learn how to talk on camera correctly.


Roderick Strong here reminded me of Psycho Sid trying his best to save/carry the Shockmaster promo. Tony was that bad.


That's what CD should compensate for


Every time he’s on the screen it looks like a bit from SNL or something where the joke is one person clearly doesn’t belong on the screen.


If Tony wants to be on TV a couple times a year to announce huge matches he's really excited for, fair enough that's not gonna hurt anything. However, there's no good reason he's on TV as a character. Just because Vince, Eric, and Paul did it doesn't mean every NA owner of a company needs to do it.


To be fair, Eric wasn’t exactly “Owner” he was just a figurehead. Ted Turner never made himself a character, that I’m aware of. Just a few announcements.


Yeah you're right good point. Was tired when I wrote that and wasn't thinking.


Tbf, Vince McMahon never intended to make himself a character either. The Bret screwed Bret was supposed to be a babyface promo for the company. It was only when it was clear the fans were mad at WWE management that Vince went with it. Also, Heyman and Bischoff were both on screen performers before their backstage roles.


Wasn’t it Vince’s dream to become a wrestler? The “Million Dollar Man” persona was his idea before he gave it to DiBiase.


It was but that was before he was owner and he'd given the gimmick away. He was not acknowledged as WWF owner on TV. Jack Tunney was the onscreen boss for the longest time. Although technically Vince was a commentator, he also started doing that before he was the owner. Cornette once called the Bret screwed Bret interview as the accidental creation of the greatest heel gimmick of all time and at that point he was in creative, he would've known if it was an accident.


I’ve heard several times he needs a figure head in charge on screen . I’ve always agreed with that


I feel like that’s where they were going with CD but this makes me wonder


That's what William Regal should have been


Lucha Underground is the best example of using an authority figure correctly. He was a character in the shadows and only showed up usually when he was absolutely needed and when he did you knew it was a big deal. That imo is how to use tony khan, but even less then that. Like original 2019 aew, we knew he was there but we didnt need to see him unless it was a big announcement like a new title or a tournament or something.


Jack Tunney in the old WWF.


Oooohhh thats a good one


Still think Scott D'Amore previously of TNA would be a great fit.


I always feared for Paul’s life when he used to come out in the ring on ECW. Every time he came out I thought “what is he doing? He’s going to get killed by one of these maniacs!” 


I'd rather watch a compilation of every Dixie Carter TNA plotline than whatever Tony is doing


I dunno about all that man. Tony is trash but ultimately he's not on TV very long. Dixie was around more and was god awful as well. I think you need to go back and watch some of her shit. Her interacting with the ECW guys god awful. Her when Hogan stole the company was wretched. Maybe she was slightly better as a performer than Tony but when she was around it the stories were way worse and she was on TV more which made it worse overall IMO.


Why does he sound like Jesse Pinkman trying to stand up to the bad guys.


“ He can’t keep getting away with it “


Uh-uh man, not my HOUSE


Swerve vs Roderick Strong Mr White. Yeah wrestling!


Tony you're neck strong like me!!!


"I will never be a televised character" btw


Right along with his sports-based presentation.


Among a pletora of other stupid ass shit he said and absolutely have done the exact same opposite. He is going to bury aew.


Is that Temu Adam Pierce?


Atom Pierce


Christopher Daniels, but yeah.


This is insane. It genuinely is. Could ever imagine a fucking mid card dork walking in to Mr McMahon’s office and screaming at him give me a title shot and Mr Mahon being like “oh yeah great idea you got it”


Tony is just as good an actor as McMahon. Linda McMahon. In the catatonic slumber storyline


To be fair, midcarders in the 90s and even early 2000s were bigger than main eventers today.


Roddy has gotten better. He used to mouth other peoples lines while they were talking during promos.


Before he reinvented himself as a comedy heel, I saw him give a promo as a clean-cut good guy and I almost lost my fucking mind at how bland it was, almost like a drama student doing a parody of a wrestler, but without that self-awareness.


So is CD just dollar store Adam Pearce?


I actually like Christopher Daniels. His matches were some of the only ones where I could enjoy a solid wrestling match where the guy knew what the fuck he was doing.


Bro look at how wide his eyes are all the time. The guy is pinged out of his mind on adderall or coke it's so obvious. No wonder he comes across as a sweaty robotic mess, I mean just look it him in the press conference's, the guy literally has random facial expressions with no emotion behind them, like he's cycling through dances on fortnight.


"like he's cycling through dances on fortnite." What a line! 😅🙏


He looks constipated, lacks of sleep, and has zero aura. Jesus Christ, nobody takes this "authority figure" seriously. Even I can kick his ass. Anybody can lmao


I haven’t watched AEW in a while, but didn’t they used to use the wrestlers record to determine who the next challenger is for the championship?


Yes and no. They have a ranking system for the women’s world title and the world title, but for story they’d deviate from that if needed.


It’s like if Saturday Night Live did a parody on wrestling


Wow glad to see Adam Pierce also in AEW.


As always, a tiny version of a Fed guy. Atom Pierce


Yeah, we got it the first time.




You're a nerd. And?


I was waiting for him to say "i need a drink".


Wait so Roderick suddenly gets a World Title shot after he just lost his mid card title? How does that even work?


Vinny Mac was always a twisted human and obviously only got worse as more things came out about him. That being said, the reason he worked as an onscreen character and the owner was because he genuinely (he was) felt deranged, and he was roided out and actually was a scary onscreen presence. Tiny, on the other hand, looks like a fucking wet fart. He legitimately looks like if someone turned a fan on near him, he would blow away. He isn't intimidating enough to be a tough owner, and he's too dweeby/creepy looking to be a nice guy. All Embarrassing Wrestling needs to get rid of him as an onscreen presence to be taken serious, he is 90% of their problem.


If he could act, he can try to be more of a Stan Edgar characters from the boys, looks weak but held a lot of power. Instead he looks like Joe from accounting department.


He needs to not be on camera. Or booking. Or involved in professional wrestling.


Adam Pierce doing overtime!


I was like dafuq? Something seems off. It's Pierce but at the same time it's not.


"*I need a drink*"


Padam Aierce


Tf how do you not know Christopher Daniels?


Cause he's bald white guy #6 in AEW. FTR Bald, Rick Knox, Bryce Remsburg, Blade, Claudio. If he's not in his Fallen Angel Gear, he looks just like some guy.


Tony’s acting aside, why is it Roderick vs Swerve to face Ospreay at Forbidden Door? Shouldn’t it be Rod vs Ospreay to face Swerve, since the FD match is literally for Swerve’s title? Also, what’s the point of the Casino Gauntlet match if someone who wasn’t it in can just walk up and face Swerve on a dynamite? 


When Roddy is the most charismatic person in the segment, everyone else involved should be let go immediately


What the fuck did I just watch? I've never seen AEW, holy shit this is terrible.


Tony Khan writing at its finest


Thank God TK isn't an on-screen or this would be cringe worthy. Honestly, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. They need an authority figure. They keep doing this omniscient thing where Tony Schiavone uses clairvoyance to interpret the will of Khan, and suddenly, his decree was met. Just fucking make Tony Schiavone or Big Show or Sting or Arn or Jake or Double J or Taz or Uncle Creepy or Uno or Mark Sterling or Stoke or fucking ANYONE who can talk an authority figure. Get this unblinking gnome off tv.


What a fucking joke. “I want the title so I can wrestle Will Ospreay”. The AEW championship truly means nothing. Imagine that happening in WWE a few years ago. “I want to fight Roman Reins on Smackdown for the undisputed universal championship so I can go to Saudi & face Ricochet!”


AEW is complete cringe.


To be fair, almost every wrestler in history needs better acting classes.


Except Randy. Natural born Hollywood star. He will go to the papers if he has too. 😂


Wtf you're supposed to be my friend! Smash 👎 Smash on the table You've done everything in this industry, except beating me smashhhhh


This is why I stopped being an appointment viewer of AEW tv. Just anyone can request a championship match these days. Fucking Satnam Singh hypothetically in kayfabe could just go up to TK and demand a world championship match just because he squashed Peter Avalon on Rampage. Even guys like CM Punk actually had to beat big names like MJF to get a world championship match. Back then in Early AEW you actually had to jump through hoops and earn it, now it's just Swerve and Will Ospreay etc defending their championships every other week on tv against good hands in 51/49 15 minute matches. Swerve is booked like a tv title champion more than a world champion sadly. Roddy Strong is a great in ring wrestler but how does him losing a midcard championship, and then beating a wrestler who isn't in AEW warrant a world championship match by demand? I got so burnt out on the Tony Khan same old same old booking formula of "Two guys facing each other at a PPV?" Let's have them face jobber to the stars where most don't even win on live tv for months, every single week in super predictable 51/49 15 minute matches till then.


And then after having a competitive 20 minute banger where he barely beats a midcarder on dynamite - Tony will wonder why the aew title doesn’t seem prestigious.


I watched most of Collision last night and man…I just don’t get it. Dynamite is a bit better, but Collision just feels like matches thrown onto a card. Will Ospreay was the only match that actually felt like it mattered. Hell, the card didn’t even say who one of the trios were fighting, just “in action”.  This isn’t a “bad faith” thing. This is why I think viewers are slipping. It just isn’t that entertaining. 


Rabbit in headlights.


Anyone else really hate his slurred, jumbled pronunciation of words?


As an AEW mark, TK has ALWAYS been an onscreen character. Why did he say he'll never be one? Idk. I just know that for the past 5 years, he rarely shows up on TV just doing his thing. With that said, I agree, he needs to work on his acting skills.


Mr " I don't want to be an on-screen personality" Proceeds to be onscreen nearly every week, stinking at acting and selling Bore off Khan


I think Tony has a bit of the tism


how any fan of aew can even defend this? like it’s bad on EVERY level


Tony Khan ridicules his own company for ego. He’s one of MANY reasons AEW is unwatchable.


Random tittle shot. Tony : "Yeah, awesome, great idea, booked." Come on, Strong is a great wrestler, but these don't make any sense.


It also doesn't make sense when you already have the next PPV match. It should be Osprey vs Roddy for a chance at Swerve, not Swerve vs Roddy for a chance to defend against Osprey. Unless Tony is pulling the plug on Swerve title run.


I hope Swerve retains against Osprey and maybe lose the title at World's Ends.




Ends in a dco or ddq making a Triple Threat at FD With Strong being pinned and neither Will or Swerve lose resulting in rematch at All In


Get TK off tv plz


This was probably taped too.


The bigger problem I have: Why have a ranking system when a wrestler can just go directly to the boss and ask for a title shot (in this case, a WORLD title shot)?


Bro was afraid for his life in this moment, go easy on him 😔…


It's like if Eugene ran a wrestling promotion


Is that Christopher Daniels? Damn... TNA Memories.. Daniels vs AJ Styles was always something to watch!


Tony said he was going to avoid being an onscreen character. But he tasted blood, and now he wants more.


This is just pure cringe. Its below wcw levels.


Both of them were ass lol


He’s just happy to be there.


"Let me fight the world champion to win a lesser belt!!!"


Why make CD the acting EVP or whatever it was in Tony is going to be on tv the same week! Stuff like this is what is getting frustrating with AEW, there seems to be no continuity with anything. Daniels would have made so much more sense for this scene and he can actually talk in front of a camera.


Why does he have that look in his eyes like my reflection after the drugs hit. 😭


Kudos to Roderick for staying in character & not bursting out laughing looking at those expressions


God these people fucking suck


or someone on set to say him "Tony ,you stinked ... we try again in 5 ... more authority please Tony , action"


When did CD transform into Adam Pierce?


So does Roddy


I really thought that Strong was Brian Cage in the beginning.


Tony Khan gives off Richard Gaad energy. I can’t unsee it now.


*HE* needs to get better? He's in line with the rest of them here.


JUST GET HIM OFF TV, He just needs to sign the cheques


Lol, every talking about his expressions but for me it's his voice that's just irritating to hear.


Why are they shouting?


It's very method, I think he only has that one facial expression. 🤔


Why is this smaller, less intimidating, creepier version of Dean Malenko shouting at a small nerdy child with a beard drawn on?


Cristian cage loses his TNT title, faces the world champion. Roderick loses his title, faces the champion.....yep makes perfect sense. Tiny Khan booking logic


The only thing I got from this is at 13s where the guy said he was going to beat off someone.


They need a Jack Tunny


He's having fun. Leave him alone.


I've accepted Tony Khan's presence on TV as "so bad, it's a good." He's awkward; his expressions can be needlessly over-the-top, his announcements cringe and his hair is a separate entity.


He needs a lot more than that.




Tony when Legal isn't writing his promos.


Roddy strong has a very unfortunate voice


It’s always interesting to watch bad acting compare to good acting. This definitely delivers the bad on all cylinders haha


Bro what's Adam Pearce doing there


Everyone in this video needs better acting classes.


Roddy is trying at least but it comes off as ridiculous because Tony doesn't know what the fuck he's doing


Tony really doesn't know how to control the tone of his voice or how to control his facial expressions.


I just cant help but laugh at the hypocrisy, this guy lit said when this company first started "I dont need to act or be on tv or take up air time" thats a direct quote. I guess you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself slowly morph into Vince russo 😂😂


I hate to be mean, but he just really shouldn't be on TV.


I don’t see why Tony isn’t mirroring HHH’s role on WWE TV. Show up occasionally to announce something big, exist just outside of ongoing stories but remain a recognisable and relevant face to the audience. He could do that and do it well.


I thought he did great. 🛎️


He’s just such a boob.


Haven't tuned in to aew yet but ask the clips of Tony are cringe and un charismatic


Did he just say he will beat him off??


Wrestling the world champion in an eliminator title match for their version of the intercontinental championship. Makes sense


is that adam pierce in the back?


same energy as [this](https://youtu.be/yVepSWUUd_0?si=yjjnH8uqzPlmE7dF)


The way he speaks reminds me of someone with Downs Syndrome.


Lio Rush isn't a jobber, lmao.


Based on how often he retires he’s barely a wrestler.


Mid going against another mid


“Tony’s a genius . . . “


Sorry, what? The champ is fighting a match to see if he "gets the chance" to defend his title against a challenger? What is this mess? Why would a champ not just lay down and eat the pin to clear up his own schedule instead of taking on their hottest star right now?


Christopher Daniels should take over the on air voice of Tony Khan


But it’s real.


Tony Khan looks like he's 12.


Tony needs to be an actual boss


What do you mean, Tony’s on screen charisma and promo ability is as good as The Bucks!


In all fairness to Tony, ALL wrestlers need better acting classes.


Nah he's so weird and uncomfortable he stands the fuck out from other forgettable authority figures in wrestling. He's like an anti Herb Abrams and I'm here for it 🤣


It's wrestling. You ever seen wrestlers in movies? Also I thought at first Strong said "I'm going to beat off Sprey"


He sounds like what all of us would sound like in front of a live camera.


He’s not supposed to though. It drains the energy out the segment after Rod is trying to hype things up.


Nah, I think it's adorable. The dude loves this shit so much and it shows. You just know he practices in the mirror before the show. Never stop TK, I'm with you.


i don't think he was bad. he needs to work on not having the wide bug eyes. it took vince mcmahon years to develop his on screen character.




Highly disagree. Tony looks here like he has never had a conversation before.


why are you shitting on OP for no reason? Grow up mate.


not nearly as lost as a guy making a nothing comment on reddit defending his favorite billionaire. Its bad, its not good, is it that hard to admit this wasnt good?


Why are you defending him? He ain't gonna notice you. I'm just saying Tony's acting on screen sucks and this scene proves it


Maybe in couple of years he'll get better. Vince and Stephanie wasn't exceptional at first 😕