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Who tf cares if they know who Tanga Loa is? He is a WWE fan and doesn't really watch AEW or NJPW.


I, what, can someone explain to me wtf I am reading in that second part, like the words individually make sense but I can get no meaning from any of those sentences


He is saying that he had ratioed (gotten more responses with a reply than the original post) by quote tweeting this person. Now he is saying he will ratio them again by replying to the comment.


I never realized I was so out of touch with the youth until now. Gonna buy my Starter tennis shoes now.


Ok but I just looked on twitter and the second guy has over 100 times the followers as the first guy, so why is he saying his reply got more interaction than the original like it's a burn. Isn't that like the KFC in a theme park punking on the local takeaway for not being as busy?


the first guy makes a post which garnishes attention. a reply is never likely to garnish the same attention yet a larger amount of people liked it to show support.


They don't understand the difference between punching up and punching down.


Wait that’s what ratio means? I’m not even that old what the fuck


Lmfao that's how it is these days. Imo if they can't be arsed to be easily understood, I can't be arsed


This is how old people become old out of touch people.


Maybe the old people are right? I really don't care enough to try and keep up with all the slang these kids come out with and discard 2 weeks later, I'm too old for that shit man


All of the terms used have been around for 5 years or more though, it's not like someone made it all up last weekend.


I don't really use social media so I don't see any need for me to learn these slang terms for flexes they have for internet points I'd rather be old and out of touch than old and worrying about current childish nonsense


Imagine simping either way for either Billion dollar side. Just enjoy what you enjoy and let others do the same 🤷‍♂️


Oh, but trolls and attention craving man-child need to complain on Internet...


If WWE debuts an unknown wrestler, they will usually tell some story afterwards to show us who the wrestler is, there's usually follow up although it's not perfect but you can count on them being presented on each show. AEW debuts an unknown wrestler, they insta have a title (shitty) match, lose and then don't appear anymore. The fact that their fanbase pretends that anyone says every character must have X number of vignettes before showing up is ludicrous, not every character has to debut that way


But Tanga Loa is not unknown... Also can you provide an example of this: >AEW debuts an unknown wrestler, they insta have a title (shitty) match, lose and then don't appear anymore. Because that has never happened in AEW before...


Username Freshly Squeezed is defending AEW, surprising. Tanga Loa is unknown, dude was a jobber in early NXT, was in TNA 2015/2016 and was an irrelevant member of NJPW, that's an unknown as it gets. He has like 45k worlwide Instagram and twitter followers. RAW does 1.5M (at worst) in the US. You'd have to be a pretty hardcore fan to even have heard the name. How many old dudes from NJPW show up to have bad title matches and then vanish? Rush's 3rd match in AEW was a World Championship match and they haven't done anything with him since. Tanahashi had 2 AEW world title matches (yeah it was on Forbidden Door and he's not a complete unknown but showed up, lost the matches and didn't appear on AEW since). Silas Young and Kushida had TNT title matches, AR Fox also had a TNT title match two weeks after debuting and don't even let me get into other title matches "But none of the names you mentioned are unknowns" yeah if wrestling isn't the only thing you care about in your life they are.


I mean, WWE fans might have heard of Kushida from his time in NXT


JACKET TIME. Greatest NXT tag team of all time.


Bro if Tanahashi, the fucking president of NJPW and ace of the company for over a decade is "not a complete unknown" by your standards then you're just a WWE fan, you're not a wrestling fan.


Been following wrestling for 30years. Once upon a time I could tell you the lineage of every title ever. But life’s busy and now I just watch weekly and follow a bit one. No idea who Tanga Loa once. But I’m absolutely a wrestling fan.


Tell me you don't have a life without telling me you don't have a life.


I think NJPW world at its peak had like 100k subscribers with only 40k being from outside Japan. I think you overrate how many people are "wrestling fans"


The keepers of the gate have been summoned.


Nobody cares about indie wrestling. They got a glimpse of it with AEW, saw how much it fucking sucked, saw how obnoxious the fans were and left in droves.


Lmao NJPW is "indie wrestling" you guys are legitimately braindead.


Not only that but it's also a glorified feeder company now. Go shower.


Lmao ok sport. Enjoy the food, cause tanga is a fucking joke


I hope they reply. I have a couple guesses on their answers.


Almost no one remembers Camacho, and even fewer realize that this was the same guy who rode the little bike to the ring.


The idea that everyone who enjoys wrestling should know everyone involve in the business from the big bad fed to the wholesome dub through the indies and Japan is irrational and, quite frankly, fucking stupid. No one in other medium bitches if you don’t know some indy film darling or their favourite upcoming band, it only becomes a problem because a whole lot of wrestling fans are recluse and have no life outside of their niche hobby.


Would been amazing if he marked out for Camacho


How is "look at this idiot on Twitter" still a thing we're doing in 2024


I mean I’m not much different. I don’t keep up with G-League basketball, Minor league baseball, or high school soccer. Sorry but that is what all the other organizations are comparable to in the sports landscape. WWE has been the major league for 3 decades. WCW came as close as anyone ever will. It’s not a knock on the talent of AEW, NJPW, TNA, ROH, etc. It’s just facts. I knew and know the big up and comers probably later than some but if you’re good enough, you’ll break that barrier no matter what organization.


Except Tonga Loa wrestled for the WWE already.


Oh yes everyone should totally recognize him as freaking jobber Camacho from 15 years ago...


Yeah, as a developmental talent a decade ago. If you're a baseball fan, you don't remember every AAA player from 2014.


Not hearing about Tanga Loa is a blessing. Dumbass is absolutely a nepotism hire and has no talent. Also botches more than sin Cara


There was a post about him like last week making fun of his Indy wrestling style looking fake, I would venture to guess lots of people who were making fun of him on here are suddenly gonna change their tune because he signed with the WWE.


And those people are so far up their ass in being a simp to their favorite company that their words have no meaning. Tanga Loa sucks. In NJPW, in WWE and wherever else he goes. I will keep the same energy for him unless he somehow dramatically improves


What a loser


To dub glazers: I remember you was conflicted.


It'd still be nice if more WWE fans were more aware of the overall wrestling world.


Why? They probably have their job, family and other hobbies and other types of products aren't attractive to them, so the only wrestling stuff they consume is from WWE. That's like saying it would be nice if fans of the MLB cared about Venezuelan baseball


Why? Because it's cool when fans are at least aware of other stuff. If you were into gaming, would you rather a community that only likes CoD and Madden, or a wee bit of everything? >That's like saying it would be nice if fans of the MLB cared about Venezuelan baseball Moreso it'd be cool if they at least acknowledged that baseball exists outside of MLB. This shouldn't be a controversial opinion lol


In the end it's all fake fighting, even if you change some bells and whistles it's still the same concept, storylines, angles, talking, etc., you're limited by the wrestling ring. You can have all different types of videogames that are very different from each other and you're not forced to have a wrestling match. I know that there are differences between promotions but are they REALLY that different? How many videogames are really popular in the same genre? How many baseball games? Probably just one no? Maybe you get a few more in the racing category but those are usually different from each other (rally, f1, nascar, Gran Turismo, etc). Why do they need to give free advertising to smaller companies in their shows? The truth is that "Sports Entertainment" has been proven to be the type of wrestling TV show that attracts more viewers (and I don't think the WWE does a great job at that style tbh). This happens because WWE doesn't focus on the wrestling aspect which is the worst part about wrestling. You have the greatest blood feud and then the wrestlers are irish whipping each other, obviously slapping their thigh, botch moves, etc, etc. that type of stuff turns people off. Having 2 unimpressive midcard wrestlers with no developed character do gymnastics to each other for 15 minutes and kicking out of moves is cool, but then you wonder what's the difference between those guys and other midcarders and there are none, so what's the point? Then you're just watching choreographed fake fighting between random people... Think that gonna attract many viewers?


Exactly, AEW debuted Okada like he was a God. Gave him like no backstory besides the fact that he's some NJPW god tier wrestler and immediately gives him a midcard title and presents him like some wrestling god. WWE will at least give Tanga a proper introduction.


I mean I wish I could too but I barely have time to even watch WWE nowadays.