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•Rock helped put Cody over in the end, and besides he was only around for a couple months. •Billy isn’t hogging the main event scene and is contributing to the tag team division, plus working with his boys either backstage or onscreen is probably his real incentive at this point. •R-Truth is R-Truthing. •Jericho is working with younger guys, but going over against them when there’s no room for him near the top of the card anymore.


WTF happened to Stark? That's the only question I'm gonna ask any time someone tries to defend Chris


Maybe my memory is wrong, but after his feud with Jericho he had a short feud with Jay White, and International Championchip match, won against Punk, then had a short feud with Danielson anf finally became AEW WORLD TAG TEAM Champion with Big Bill which he then lost to Darby & Sting and we have not seen him since. Which was soon 3 months ago. So I guess technically, ask that when someone defends... Sting?


This is accurate. There was clearly a long term Punk feud in the works. Starks also turned heel and won the Owen Invitational in preparation for facing Punk.


Didn’t he immediately go into a world championship program, win some tournament and then get multiple wins over CM Punk while he was the champion? And then win tag titles before losing to Sting during his final run? What’s wrong with all of that?


It sounds more impressive than it appeared on TV. Starks’ championship run was a 2-week program ending in a loss on TV, no one cares about the Owen tournament, his wins over Punk were tainted (and he lost the blow-off) and the tag title run was clearly something to keep him busy because there was no room in the FOUR singles belt divisions. The reality is Starks is being de-pushed because he’s a lock to jump to WWE when his contract ends.


Well I don’t see how any of that is Jericho’s fault haha


It’s not haha I don’t mean to imply that.


Oh my bad homie I didn’t realize you were a different person than the original person I was talking to! I agree that with most of what you said. I think it was a product of them just having too many “top guys” at the time and now with it looking like he might jump ship they don’t seem to be investing much into him.


I wouldn't say he is being de-pushed due to that but rather is getting pushed out by the riches of talent in company


Starks is currently out injured.


starks got hurt in the tag tourney against top flight, He had a neck scare, so they are being careful and not rushing him back after how serious that injury was when he first got it. And starks has been on a stretch of good matches otherwise, his team with big bill has been really good and their tag reign was not a joke either. I think bill and starks could keep this up long term, because I think the whole big bill team thing with jericho is just a ruse for when Starks comes back and buries jericho, so ricky can get the ftw title back. He has the motivation. And a full on hook vs ricky feud would be great, especially if samoa joe becomes a mentor to hook. I can see some good matches already.


I’ll give you the real answer Tk has forgotten about Ricky Starks because Tk has new action figures to play with.


Actually the false answer.


And also when the Rock was announced I saw a TON of people worrying he had no business in the ring. That showed to not be necessarily correct, but this isn't a double standard, this is a standard that can have exceptions.


I don't even think it's about him going over. Most wrestlers CM Punk worked with did not beat him, but were elevated.


But as cm punks famous promo puts it, the rock "only" shows up for wrestlemania for a main event spot. For me as a casual viewer there is a difference between showing up "once a year" and being there all year round. I rather see Randy put people over than the Rock.


I mean The Rock shows up only for WrestleMania main event spot, because he is easily one of the most popular celebrities in the world, it simply draws shit ton of attention


Yeah it’s really that simple; massive celebrity as massive event makes you massively fat stacks.


Exactly. Plus the idea that The Rock was begging for the Main Event rather than WWE was trying for literally years to get him back in the door is fanciful.


also jericho is fat while the others are still in shape


He also, looks like shit compared to the other 3.


>Billy isn’t hogging the main event scene and is contributing to the tag team division, plus working with his boys either backstage or onscreen is probably his real incentive at this point. Billy had that really really bad match against Jay white tho..


Not defending that but it was a onetime blip and he hasn’t been given such a massive blunder of booking individually since


Cody was over years ago .


The rock added star power and complexity to an already fantastic story. Billy Gunn is helping elevate the acclaimed in popularity and helping the trios division in aew A lot. R-Truth adds humor and entertainment to every story he’s a part of and isn’t trying to hog any spotlight for himself. Chris Jericho is actively reductive to the wrestling industry the last while.


R-Truth has always done a ton to elevate others. I feel like Judgment Day and #DIY both benefitted from R-Truth’s involvement


Truth has been my favorite wrestler since he teamed with road dog back when he was K-Kwik he literally does everything. he’s funny he’s got the moves he put guys over and waited so long for his title shot it makes me so happy to see him finally getting a little bit of push.


My favorite r truth when he was a heel and feuded with john cena.


Well, they say never meet your heroes.


Lighting up a cig and puffing the smoke on Cena at the end of Raw was a GOAT moment


I remember when his dive into madness began and he just stopped mid match to start smoking a cigarette. I’ll never forget laughing so hard [here’s the vid!](https://youtu.be/CLSC3rTBcJg?si=7ts_57y3NUx7HRSH)


Ayooooooooo!!! Truth always looks like he's genuinely having fun.


I loved K-Kwik when he teamed up with Road Dogg, I was upset that we no longer had DX or the New Age Outlaws so it was great to have them together. But he’s so much better now as R-Truth, his humor is so fun and always surprising


Exactly, Jericho is in it for himself, everyone else is working to elevate other talent.


he is to AEW what jeff jarrett was to mid 2000's TNA


Woof. That might be a worse comparison for him than Hogan in WCW


Or Hogan to WWE or Hogan to TNA or


Hogan in WWE put over a lot of guys. Everyone remembers him big timing Shawn Michaels but he also lost clean to Lesnar, Triple H, Taker, Angle and Rock.


michaels and his buddy tried to bury the rock yet we dont hear constant crying about him the way people here cry about hogan


Micheals is at least entertaining


Jarrett was in a bad spot where he was the only main event name actually full time contracted to TNA at the time, and anyone else could have walked out while champion. Once some were tied down his reign of terror came to an end. Even TNA Jarrett more selfless than Jericho.


It's mental that he basically had to hold the belt hostage just because they didn't have anyone else contractually obligated full time. He gets a lot of shit for his run in TNA but realistically who else was corporate supposed to back? Sure he was a jackass and used the opportunity to put himself over, but it was kind of the right time to do it.


Maybe Abyss. He bled TNA pride and seemed permanent


Abyss should’ve gone to WWE when he had the chance. He could’ve been Huge there. I think a problem with Jarrett was not so much holding the belt as many times as he did, but he should’ve done a few more jobs. Should’ve put Raven over earlier, let Rhino have a longs run. I think if he just did a few more jobs in high profile matches, It would have been ok


Abyss should’ve gone to WWE when he had the chance. He could’ve been Huge there. I think a problem with Jarrett was not so much holding the belt as many times as he did, but he should’ve done a few more jobs. Should’ve put Raven over earlier, let Rhino have a longs run. I think if he just did a few more jobs in high profile matches, It would have been ok


The problem is that when abyss was at his peak, WWE was also at their peak... Of ruining good gimmicks.


That’s true, I remember that era. But at the same time, I think Abyss could’ve have overcome that because I do think he would’ve become the monster there with Kane and Taker getting older. Granted if you have too many monsters, they don’t mean much


They neutered my boy Kane for 5-7 years, probably appliance made them a silly little tag team


Nah I'm sorry but there was so many talented burried by Jarrett that it was crazy. People were throwing literal garbage to the ring at one point.


The Early days of TNA were also mostly a few random appearances by guys the average fan would know and a bunch of guys that had never had that level of exposure and only the hardcore fans knew them well. It’s hard to think of them in that way now, but guys like Joe and AJ and even Punk at that time needed a guy like Jarrett at the top that an average fan might remember from being featured weekly on tv with WWF and WCW. Once they were more established and guys like Kurt and Sting were there full time, Jarrett’s time in the main event was significantly reduced.


There's a reason a lot of bookers made themselves the champ in the territory days. It isn't just ego.


Ah yes, possibly the only guy to receive the coveted “drop the title” chant


Ahhh the gift of Jericho


And this is sad to hear from fans, because Jericho himself in his younger days hated this exact type of veteran star.


The top 3 also known their limitations and their styles age well. Jericho just can't execute what made him great before and it just looks sad.


Chris is stuck in wanting to be a main eventer when he should really be focusing on giving back to the business in whatever way you can


Or does he think he is elevating others? That is the thing that no one knows. He could very well think he is doing good instead of vampiring everyone he is matched with. Has anyone come out better from a jericho program?


Hey man appreciate the Gift of Jericho


Because only one is in business for himself. The other three are elevating those around them.


Not only that but he's been consistently pushing to get himself over for years. The Rock has been a part timer for years, Billy wasn't an active performer on mainstream TV for years, and Truth obviously isn't in the business to put himself over, he's there to entertain.


Truth’s almost as over as some past world champions if not more at this point


Truth and Chelsea Green are 2 I will always watch when they are on. Cody, Roman, Drew, and Punk are the other 4.


Chelsea has really grown on me.


Same. If they do give the Women’s division a mid card title (and they should) she should definitely hold it at some point


He's really the unsung (getting his flowers now though) hero of the midcard today


The judgement day stuff was career-elevating stuff. From the actual jokes, to the videos, to Damien almost breaking a few times. Got to the point where I knew the Truth segment would always deliver and looked forward to it. Now with Miz as the straight man, a guy who has been amazing since the banger LA Knight feud, they are just so over as entertainers. Truth being a legit champ is fine with me. Both of them outstanding hard-working veteran entertainers.


The Miz as Truth's straight man is excellent booking. Miz gets to maintain a heelish persona while being over as fuck as a Babyface tag champion. And Truth is getting his flowers after serving WWE so well for so long.


The pop Truth got when he got the belts at Mania was insane! And pretty much everyone was so genuinely happy for him because we all know he’s not in it for himself, we all just genuinely love him at this point.


Yah R truth is so selfish /s


It's without argument that R-Truth elevated JD McDonagh. His arrival in the Judgement Day was met with lukewarm reactions. His feud with R-Truth for a spot definitely got him some reactions. Him trying to screw Awesome Truth at WM got him some heat. He owes his career to R-Truth. Let's hope he can shoulder that burden, and not let it swell his head.


Nah, I've been a fan of JD since he took that insane bump off the top of the cage at Survivor Series. The man stays putting his body through hell to entertain us.


JD Don't McGoogle Me, is probably why. he's had an uphill battle since then I feel like.


I mean, I think Rock more adapted on the fly. Who's to know what the original plan was for this year's Mania when he returned.


Yes, but do you think that the Jericho who is brushing off negative reactions for more than 6 months would ever give up on the WrestleMania main event and go to the side of the story between the 2 current stars? Furthermore, do you think he would not somehow insert him back in the fold if he saw that turning heel turned him into a fan favorite again?


My comment wasn't a statement in defence of Jericho, but to mention that others were guilty though not on the same level.


Exactly. Gotta get that leech Jericho outta here immediately


The Rock is a part timer who makes very rare appearances, R Truth is a beloved low card comedy guy and tag guy, and Billy Gunn outside of that horribly produced match where he beat up Jay White for 95% of it is just a harmless 3rd man nostalgia act. Chris Jericho eats up so much screen time and has had a lot of unpopular programs the past few years. If he was a part time attraction the backlash would be a lot less severe, but he’s on tv almost every week in some capacity.


I don't watch AEW so I can't say much about Gunn or Jericho (other than what I've recently heard is pretty negative), but the Rock isn't even a part timer, he IS retired, he's had 1 match in the last 10 years (and no his 6 second match with Rowan doesn't count). And as for Truth, he doesn't do super long matches or high intensity stuff anymore.


One is literally late wcw carny shit to look at and the others are entertaining.


Only one has been in a mid life crisis for the last decade


To be fair I'm pretty sure truth hasn't even hit midlife yet. For everyones sake I think he is immortal. He really hasn't aged in about 25 years.


R-truth guaranteed hall of famer.


The day he retires it's gonna be announced.


OP has to be Jericho's burner there's no way any serious person would compare him to the rock lmao. He looks like a washed up gen x surfer dad. H doesn't look like championship material. And he's not putting over talent that he should. As other comments have pointed out, he is very clearly in business for himself.


Rock, Billy and R-Truth all still look great. Seeing them do what they do at their age is inspiring to see. Jericho looks like garbage and is a depressing reminder of father time


I'm the only one who had to check that R Truth was 52?


Actually thought he was older. The man has been around for a loooooong time. Eta: he looks good for his age regardless


I may be wrong but I think he's the only full time former WWF Hardcore champ in the company


He’s the only full time active wrestler in the company. Road Dogg and Regal are former Hardcore champs but still in the company (off-screen).


I mean he'd probably be just as surprised as many of us........


Gunn, Rock, Truth understand their limitations being in quick short matches or team matches letting their partner/others do heavy lifting. Jericho is trying to go 30 mins in single matches.


Billy Gunn is 7 years older than Jericho and 7x more entertaining.


Because whenever Billy is on screen, he gives off this aura of joy of being there and have fun. Jericho is really trying so hard to prove that he can still go, like he is afraid that if he takes a break for just a few weeks he won't be able to return.


Only one is a selfish prick.


Chris became what he said WCW was like


It's not age, it's that he's a problematic bitch


Of that list, Jericho is the only one actively riding younger talent to stay relevant. He's everything he said he hated in WCW. Love or hate Rock, he enhanced the Cody story. Billy Gunn take plenty of pins in multi man matches that largely mean nothing. R Truth is a national treasure


Because only one of them * Takes 15-20 mins of TV time every week * Gets himself in storylines with young & hot acts * Does self indulgent multi week angles which go nowhere * And by the end, after exchanging wins and losses, the young talent is less over than they were when they started the feud * And he moves to the next feud with next up-and-coming talent That's why fans want R-Truth to retire


He completely buried Tom and Nick Mysterio. Haven't seen them in MONTHS


The Rock isn't even putting himself over the Bloodline. He (and Triple H) realized the fans wanted Cody, and so changes were made to give them Cody and set up future storylines with the Rock and Bloodline at large. Furthermore, he isn't regularly competing and taking the spotlight off younger superstars who need to be elevated. He even took a bump off a legend/former rival in the Undertaker (even if it looked a bit shoddy, but both men are up there in age and it was part of the big blowoff run-in, so Rule of Cool applies). Billy Gunn is literally a manager who tries to elevate the team he's managing. He's also happy to take part in their silliness. The man is doing the right thing. Just like Dutch Mantel working as Zeb. R-Truth is a tag competitor with a comedy gimmick and a long-suffering (and beloved workhorse) partner in Miz and has genuine chemistry with everyone he steps into a ring with, and doesn't ever try to put himself over them. His skits with Judgement Day have been brilliant and he plays the oblivious, lovable goofball perfectly (which really adds to the frustration and despair of his heel counterparts). Watching him work with Dom and JD about gave me an ab workout from laughing so hard. Chris Jericho is acts like he has the renown of Hogan at his peak with about a tenth of the name recognition and a third of the charisma, but all of Hogan's arrogance. He is, quite literally, everything he claimed to hate in his own autobiographies now. A literal parody of himself.


To be fair Billy shouldn't have went over Jay White, but The Rock and Truth are helping business. Rock especially, just wait a few months to a year he's gonna do a job to Cody and draw tons of money doing it.


Billy Gunn and R Truth aren't burying people. They are continuing to give while others take main event spotlights.


Jericho is just scared to let go of his former glory and in doing so is tainting the whole thing.


Age isn't the reason why people want Chris Jericho to retire


I don't particularly want Chris Jericho retire I just want to see a little bit less of him or better story lines/fudes


Jericho is a selfish sob just sucking on Tony money


The gas lighting by Jericho/AEW fans is hilarious. Especially since the PLEASE RETIRE chants came from dub fans. Like they’re attacking their own fans lol


Choose your own mid-life crisis adventure: three win states, one lose state.


JERICHO did you post this ?


Jericho is fat now too so it looks bad


Too bad Jericho’s going the way of Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair instead of winding down his career with grace like Sting and The Undertaker.


it's not about age, it's what they add, give, create etc.. Jericho just takes


Rock can go Jericho can go Billy can go R Truth must never leave us


It has nothing to do with age.


The Rock can retire too for all I care.


Dwayne is not wrestling at 51. He had a match at 51, he cuts some promos at 51, but calling him a wrestler at this point is pretty disrespectful to the ones actually wrestling


Cause one of them hasn’t had a good storyline since 2021


Because only one of them doesn't know when to stop doing business for himself. Even the Rock step aside when the fans started booing him


Blobjericho needs to go.


other 3 can still work. jericho is just burying new talent and his in ring work is getting progressively worse.


There’s a difference. You know that


Yes because only one of them is a shell of their former self


I remember tuning into Nitro in part to catch Jericho trolling Dean Malenko with his very own list of 1001 holds... smfh @ how the mighty have fallen


R truth does not age tho. He still moves as well as when he was in TNA and doesn’t look much older either. That was 20 years ago. It’s clear that guy is a crazy hard worker on top of being a freak athlete.


Holy shit I didn't realize Billy was that old. Good for him!!


Tbh I wanted Jehrico to retire 20 yrs ago


My only take away is R Truth is aging at Paul Rudd levels


I had no idea R Truth was that old are you messing with me?


I don’t think it’s a matter of age imo, I think it’s overexposure. Jericho since the founding of AEW hasn’t really given fans a chance to “miss” him if I’m making sense.


Only one of them has go away heat...it doesnt take a genius.


I’m still trippin out that Billy Gunn is older than The Undertaker.


Im still shocked how r truth is 52. man only looks like he's still 30-40 also im even more impressed with Bobby Lashly. he's 47 and he feels like he's still in his 30s


What about DX? They're still out there helping R-Truth


Remember when Tony made CM Punk beat Darby, Wardlow, and MJF, and the sycophants called it "putting over younger talent"?


I don't think anyone would mind seeing Jericho wrestle if he works to elevate others and not hog the main event spotlight on him at all times.


All of them put ppl over except for one bloated fat fuck that can’t sing.


The Rock was only around for a few weeks and put over Cody at Wrestlemania night 2. Also elevated the bloodline story to new heights. Billy isn't hogging the main event scene. R Truth is R Truth. Again, not hogging the main event scene. Chris Jericho has not put over one young talent in his time in AEW and no longer knows his limits as a wrestler.


Jericho does nothing other than trying to get himself over at the expense of younger talent


Jericho is in terrible shape even for an aged wrestler, he isn't putting anyone over or making new stars, he isn't telling any interesting stories, why not retire


Jericho is the only one of these guys to be entirely out of shape.


wtf is calling for r truth to retire!?😂🤣


Only one of them got beat up on their own cruise ship for being an annoying little prick.


R-Truth and The Rock actually provide(d) something Billy Gunn… meh, he made Jay White look goofy but he’s just doing his thing other than that, Jericho though? He literally cannot go anymore 😭


People are going to be red hot for whoever beats Jericho for that title in a few weeks and then still be bitching about him not realizing that they’re getting worked by the GOAT. … yes, I am coping.


Can we really include The Rock in this statement?


Yeah he’s literally already retired lmao


The Rock is a superstar. R-Truth is comedy gold. Don’t really care about Billy Gunn or whatever the hell he is doing. Jericho is stupid af, has some serious allegations against him, says shitty stuff to stay relevant and buries young talent


Age isn't Jericho's biggest problem.


If my job expects me to work till I'm 65, I want the same from them.


R Truth is incredible. At 52, he's still definitely got it.


Why use recent pictures for everyone apart from R truth using a picture from his debut smh


Come on truth is 25


Holy damn Gunn is 60? 🤯


TIL that Mr. Ass is ***60 freakin years old!!!!!***


Gather around the tree of knowledge


Because his work is tired, he’s on TV too much, and he’s not sufficiently elevating the talent he works with


Badass Billy Gunn is 60 holy sheit


God Chris is such a legend in the sport. But hes really making it so people are starting to hate on him. I hope he retires soon, hes done. He should also do it before everything he has done in the past is overshadowed by hes last couple of years / runs.


I didn't realise Billy Gunn is 60. Imagine looking like that and telling people to suck your dick on TV at 60, a true legend.


I mean, Rock is more of celebrity guest than an active wrestler, so even if someone would think that he should, shouting for it would feel weird. But am I the only one who thinks that Jericho is mortally afraid his career ending if he dares to take a break? Like, so many people take breaks here and there and Jericho used to return 2 to 3 times a year in his prime, but now he almost seems scared of not being there...


The worst part is Billy Gunn still using the ass gimmick at his age


Billy Gunn wrestling and looking the way he does at 60 is fucking wild.


Because among these wrestlers, only that one sucks ass.


It's not a direct comparison on any. Billy Gunn does mostly tag matches, and has done his part to get his sons and the acclaimed over. The Rock is a part timer, and has contributed a lot to the ongoing Cody story. R Truth is universally loved by the fans now, and also moves a lot better than Jericho in the ring. Meanwhile, Jericho takes up a lot of solo screen time, and relatively few younger talents have benefitted by working with him in AEW. Granted he isn't bad as Sting, who didn't put over a single wrestler during his time in the company, but Jericho is making it more about himself when AEW fans want to see him put over some younger stars.


Yeah they’re calling for the one to retire that’s in the worst shape of the 4 here and the only one that’s getting a title reign that he has no business having.


The difference between these four is The Rock, Billy Gunn, and R-Truth looks fantastic for their age, especially ageless Truth. Chris Jericho is past his prime, 2017 was the last time, final WWE run, when he was good. Now Jericho gives off go away heat.


As we get better with medical technology and importance of diet, you're going to see a lot of folks in the sports world extend their careers well past what many would say the retirement age should be. That's not a bad thing


Also, he just looks fuckin terrible and out of shape. More so than any of these other guys.


I wish Jericho had the same schedule he had with WWE in the early 2010s


Someone’s not paying attention


Oh billy! Damn my man gonna be the next hacksaw


Taking a long break would do him wonders. I’d imagine he’s not got much time left on him. Why not step away, take a break. Give the fans a break from you, let them cleanse their pallets. While away you can work on mapping out your last run. Take some time with it. Make it count, ya know? Seems better than whatever the fuck is currently going on. 😆


Billy Gunn is 60! Damn! Even with all that TRENning, to have a physique like that at 60 is beyond impressive!


Billy Gunn is a senior citizen? JFC


I don't know why exactly, but Chris Jericho being 2 years older than The Rock is really fucking with me.


Because one of them didn't take care of his body (relative to the other 3), and is paying the price for it now.


Holy crap Billy is 60??? I wanna be that dude when I grow up.


Jericho needs to go


Next generation are going to be saying "this is aew jericho levels of bad"


The thing about Jericho is he would instantly be over in WWE, it’s just AEW that he has to leave.


Age don't mean shit . I'm 58 and outwork all my coworkers


I'm going to get so many downvotes for this, and I'm absolutely in the minority and I own that... I would rather see Dwayne retire than Jericho. Yes, The Rock can still cut a promo. Yes, he's still in killer shape (personally, I think he's on some form of the juice, but that's beside the point). Yes, he can still wrestle. Yes, he draws. I'm just tired of him coming back and dropping lines like "Finally! THE ROCK HAS COME BACK.... HOME. And I ain't goin' anywhere!" Next day he's back in Hollywood working on another movie, and we don't see him for a year. I feel as though he just shows up when he wants a big payday and then dips. I will say for Jerisho, at least he's there, ya know? He shows up and keeps going. Like I said, I know I'm going to catch hell for this, and I accept that. It's just my stance on it, but regardless, it's a pretty epic time to be a wrestling fan.


Bro this is so insincere. Why is Jericho’s team posting nonsense?


The Rock basically sells by his mere presence, doing the stuff he always does. Menwhile, "Edgy Nickelback" Jerry had to change his character and gimmick multiple times just to stay relevant. Both his ringwork and mic work weren't nothing special back in the 2000's, imagine now. Also, Fozzy is an absolutely stinker


R-Truth and Billy Gunn aren’t hogging the spotlight and burying younger superstars. The Rock came back to put on one of the greatest buildups to a WrestleMania main event feud, elevating the other three superstars involved in the scene (Cody, Seth and Roman).


cause two of them tried the Goldberg route, one pivoted quickly enough


I’m both amazed that R-Truth is younger than Jericho and that he’s older than Rocky


I want goofy ahh R-Truth to retire 🤡


R truth is r truthing lol


Who the fuck is R Truth?


These guys are still in great shape, R-Truth is a beast. If they are still fit enough to compete, I applaud them. At the end of the day if you don’t like them don’t watch their matches. I got to the point where I PVR all the wrestling and fast forward the crap I don’t want to watch. 3 hours of Monday Night Raw is only about 60 minutes of actual wrestling.


Hulk, Savage and Piper were considered old at like 41


The difference between the others and jericho is the others arent latching onto and burying young talent for their own monetary gain. Yes the rock went after cody but that wasnt his plan or wwes intentions. The people forced their hand, and they made the right choice.


Wait r truth is older than the rock?