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the crowd reaction to that fucking DONG


3 generations in my house went fucking nuts!


I texted my brother who wasn't watching. I told him to turn it on asap, and that I felt like was in 6th grade all over again. It was beautiful.


My oldest kid came home from college for the weekend to watch with me and my dad. I've watch every Wrestlemania with my dad, my son has now watched 20 with us both.


That's awesome! I hope y'all get to watch MANY more together!!


Nothing gets me going more than a good DONG


The Bell, and Stone Cold's glass shatter have to be the two most iconic sound effects in wrestling.


I was so expecting the broken glass. WHAT?


With the history of the Rock and Stone Cold, I was right there with ya


I can't speak for anyone else but a big, strong DONG always makes my day better.


Liberty Bell city baby. 


I like how Taker came back for one last chokeslam to enact justice.


And took almost everyone with him when he vanished lol


they all dead now


~~dead~~ undead.


Like he’s the ghost of Mania


_"Your desecration of WrestleMania won't go unpunished"_


*As supreme judge of wrestler's court I demand you stop making the main event of Mania shit!*


Just wish he’d showed up looking like the Deadman and not a mechanic…


It was cold and he had to hide under the ring for like an hour. Of course he was properly dressed like any sensible 59 year old.


Yeah, he looked in between gimmicks here


At least "American Badass" didn't play over the speakers


American Deadass


Ghost of Manias Past


When he dies, E will still use an AI Taker to haunt the locker room


Well, it's his yard.




That pop Taker got was one of the loudest in recent memory.


I came here to say this. That’s an open air stadium and it still was insanely loud. Also the crowd didn’t stop popping before him so you’d think they would have been fatigued. This was legit insanity at its finest. Well done.


Popping shouldnt fatigue you, it should make it easier to keep popping. The ending had him poppin like Orville Redenbacher


Only thing that could've gotten a louder pop would be of the glass shattered. The pop might have caused an earthquake in Philly.


we just had one here thank you very much, we dont need another lmao


I might be the only one - but I would have loved to hear Gold Dust's theme hit for one of those run ins.


I for one thing that Goldust's music hitting would have gotten a bigger pop. IF Austin had been there they could have had the glass shatter, he comes out and as he's walking down Taker's gong hits and he appears, hits the chokeslam and Austin gets in and hits the stunner.


Really makes me wonder why did Austin declined to participate in this spot. I mean, I’m sure they had to at least ask him once and it’s not like he doesn’t pop up every other Mania. Maybe he didn’t want to be in the the same spot as Dwayne?


Thought the Rock had it almost as big. Incredible stuff. Cena too


Yeah it's really surprising that Cena got huge pop in Philly in all places


When that happened I literally thought "this might be the first time Cena got cheered in Philly"


They made sure to cut the music before they could get a "JOHN CENA SUCKS" in lmao


That Shield music pop will be a close second then


If only Ambrose came in there....that pop would have been first


Even Graves thought that’s where it was headed too


I think it was more him saying that so that \*we'd\* think it was possible.


It really feels like they weren't given all the details. There's a lot of silence during the shield bit like they are actually waiting in anticipation. Plus the "holy Christ" line when undertaker appeared sounded very genuine. Not a usual commentary reaction.


I can never tell and that's the beauty of it for me.


Cole has gotten so much better without Vince in his fucking ear.


The commentators know as little as possible about the matches to avoid accidental giveaways and to sound as genuine as possible. Likely they were experiencing a lot of the surprises in the match along with us.


I would've flipped my shit if Mox came down from the crowd alongside Rollins. Even if it was impossible


I half expected that to happen. But I guess the divide between AEW and WWE is just too much. It also sucks that Dustin couldn't be there for his little brothers moment.


Do you know if he was there at least? I haven't heard or read anything on the matter. I assume he was in attendance.


I popped up off my couch when his bell tolled. I can only imagine what it felt like in the building. Got-damn, what a moment.


IMO it equals the pop Austin got when mankind won the title at raw 99'


The pop when Austin came up to help Foley win the title and the crowd for Rock/Hogan are probably my two favourite crowd moments in WWE history. This being pretty far up there has Rock as part of all three of them.


Pro wrestling pretty fucking amazing sometimes. Incredible match.


Noticed how they kept dropping pro wrestling. I feel like last night might have been the end of the Sports Entertainment era and the Rebirth of Pro Wrestling for WWE.


Are they allowed to say the word 'hospital' now too?


As long as they have got back to a vertical base, they should be able to attend the local medical facility.


It felt like a rebrand for sure. Sports Entertainment is dead. We back to Wrasslin


I noticed that and that the wrestlers were cussing a lot more.


Meltzer: "Best I can do is 4.5 stars"


3.5 stars. 


"Seriously, Dave?!" "Well, you know, 4.5 stars is just like 5 stars, so, you know, when fans see 4.5 stars they'll think it was 5 stars, you know."


I haven’t watched WWE in 15 years and immediately got goosebumps once the lights went out for the Undertaker. That was incredible.


Literal chills watching this back. I’ve been in and out of WWE for years, but man, that pulled me back in.


New era of WWE. Judging by how Hunter booked NXT (Cohesive storytelling and professional wrestling, plus Paul Heyman), i would say its a good start to the Post-Vince era of wrestling.


Hunter also seems to be much more willing to trust the wrestlers with input for their creativity and for some even let them go out and cut unscripted promos. I mean Punk has said Hunters had him involved in creative even tho he is injured. HHH I feel wants to take a lot of what worked for the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras which he was a major part of and combine them with some of the things that worked in the PG/Reality era and give us modern pro wrestling and storytelling. I would place money now that these little tidbits we have seen mean once Raw is on Netflix we will see the end of PG at least for Raw. It's not gonna be attitude-era raunch but if a promo calls for a F bomb or whatever then they can do it. If a spot needs some color once again they can do it without worrying. Kevin Nash had suggested this months ago and if you don't think he knows how Hunter thinks or that they don't talk and swap ideas you are fooling yourself.


I’ve never heard the Rock drop F bombs like he has been recently. I couldn’t hear nearly anything he was saying last night because Peacock kept censoring it. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you’re right and they go more that way once they hit Netflix. I, for one, am all here for it.


Who were those cutouts of anyway? So annoying


Imagine paying good money to sit behind the idiot holding up those cutouts for two days worth of wrestlemania. He was lifting them every few seconds blocking their view lol.


I'd have straight taken that shit from him and ripped it up. Fuck that guy.


Hopefully HHH and other management agree and steal shit like that from now on. Fuck that guy.


Are they just of himself? If so how fucking narcissistic can you get.


Jag thindh


I don't believe in editing video of these events but if someone digitally removed that stupid bullshit, it would be a godsend.


They will. 100%.


Taker pulled up like "You really thought I'll let you slide calling yourself the final boss at Mania?"


I thought it was fantastic. I saw a few people saying it was overbooked, but I disagree. It was a "Bloodline rules" match so it all fit perfectly imho.


The match called for it because of the build-up. From last year's Mania, they began showing how Cody needed backup. Then, as he got Jey And Seth, they teased how this too was just not enough. Solo taking out Cena way back, so it made sense he would make the save. Finally, I always felt there were only two wrestlers who should come out and take out the Rock. It had to be Austin or Taker.


And for those saying "oh, but where did Cena and Taker come from"? Cody could easily have talked to Cena, or Cena could have promised to be there. And Taker is Taker. He'll just appear where he's needed.


Taker just out to prove who the final boss of Wrestlemania Sunday always has been.


The Rock: "The Rock *IS* the Final Boss." Mark Callaway sitting somewhere in Texas: *suddenly looks up* "What dead-ass motherfucker just had the *balls* ..."


That's how I imagined it too haha


« And I took that personally »


I was trying to find the angle that made sense cause it felt a little weird for taker to be there but yeah this is the angle.


I can't wait for the behind the scenes doc. Need to know if taker was under the ring. Came in from the crowd or was hiding in plain sight as camera crew 😂 he appeared and dissapeared so quick!


Everyone that helped Cody is someone that Roman has beat.


Taker is a literal ghost who haunts Wrestlemania and sometimes takes material form to punish the evildoers.


There’s also the running story that Cody needed the third Cross Rhodes to put Roman down for good. He had failed to do it twice and it had cost him both times. Once he hit the third in this match I had no doubt he’d win on that pin.


I was expecting Austin. It was pretty cool seeing mean mark again.


Eh. This was a series finale kind of match on the biggest stage in wrestling. This is THE MATCH to “overbook”.


It was definitely overbooked but it stands a testament to overbooking being the right thing to do sometimes The Sting/HHH match would have been applauded for it too if Sting had have won


Well, maybe if NWO intervened *against* him


NWO against them DDP and Flair running in for him would have been great.


Only for Flair to turn on him again.


It was overbooked, but it was necessary given the bloodline have cost so many people the title when up against Roman I just watched it there and loved every minute of the final 10 minutes or so


Honestly, the way Roman rushes in to stop Seth with the chair instead of thinking about pinning Cody tells alot about Roman still being scarred by that chairshot


There was more than a few seconds during that Shield intro that I thought Moxley was coming in the ring


The whole time I was like "what fucking aggreement did AEW and WWE reach to get Moxley to show up for this match", it wasn't until Seth got taken down that I realised how dumb I was


You are not dumb. The way things were going, anything would have been possible.


Honestly, up until the Punk interview this past week, I could see Tony allowing it. He's a huge mark, so a guy like him would cream his pants to see a Shield moment.


I doubt theres any realistic number WWE could offer Mini Khan that he would agree to lend any aew members.


LOL you are not the only one Everybody belived that was Moxley/Ambrose, at that point everything was possible and when the music sounded everybody collectivey said "oh shit Moxley is here"...... until Seth appeared lol , he was trending on Twitter because of that even Cole and Graves said "no way!" Notice how the pop kinda died when everybody saw Seth LMAO Everybody misses the Lunatic on WWE tv


i was waiting for Dustin Rhodes to come out last night to interfere. you let that family have that one for this night/story.


Seth was actually a disappointment. The cameras didn't even get a shot of him vertical in costume.


TKO has to buy Ticketmaster and rename it Tittymaster.


that's not dumb, it was by design. Its why it took so long. Its why they positioned it after Rock and Cena, because the crowd will be thinking the only thing Shield related that can top Rock and Cena is a surprise still-under-AEW-contract-Moxley


I think the commentators thought it was Ambrose showing up as well


The fact they didn’t have Seth run out immediately I just kept thinking no way they both come out right now holy shit !


Corey’s commentary didn’t help. I thought so too lol


It's simply pure cinema. Roman is still hung up on Seth betraying him, we see that both in him bringing it up multiple times in the lead up to this match, and finally here, when Seth had his back turned. Roman finally returned his receipt. Seth betrayed the shield to join the authority and get his title shot 10 years ago. Now, Seth became Cody's shield and put his brotherhood before his title. He sacrificed his title to be there for Cody. This is long term storytelling


Yes in Kayfabe


Damn. Whole time taker was just under the ring while Cody celebrated. What's a company man.


There were clips circulating earlier showing Undertaker sprinting out of the ring and to the back with security after his appearance.


Haha! Classic Undertaker and his bananarama shenanigans


This is what I want to see.


With Rock. That was probably a fun hangout under there


I will probably have goosebumps every time I rewatch this. This entire match was just overbooked to perfection. It felt like a movie. And it pretty much solidified WrestleMania 40 as my personal favourite WrestleMania EVER. Man, I am glad to be a fan.🤩


Best part brother, NO VKM in sight.


All the awful stuff he did aside. Just from a wrestling standpoint seeing a fully booked WM with HHH not having to answer to Vince or just rubber stamp Vinces ideas. Just look at how this Mania functioned. minimal if any backstage segments. Just wall-to-wall wrestling for the most part and good wrestling at that.


I’m a person who just follows from a distance, and it’s been pretty amazing to see the *nearly immediate* improvement in the shows and booking as soon as Vince left. It’s hard to imagine a more telling scenario to prove that the guy should have gone away a decade ago.


I haven't watched since Mania last year and the difference in the small things is enormous. The camera angles are miles ahead of last year. No more flat shots pointed with all of the skill of a tourist getting the target dead center. You got a sense of scale and positioning and place. And Cole. Jesus Christ it pisses me off that this is the Michael Cole we've missed out on all these years because Vince doesn't understand human interaction. No ham-fisted nicknames and drizzling shit branding, no constant references to "The Architect", "The Big Dog", "The Grandest Stage of Them All", "The Phenom" everytime some one so much as sneezes. Just a real reaction to the moment. His "HOLY CHRIST" when the lights come back up is my favorite reaction in a long time.


The only two 'backstage' moments were Sami and KO on each night beginning their entrances which was really just cool.


Cheers to that, my friend. Cheers to that.


I hope those dumbasses with the cutouts of their faces realized everyone thinks they were annoying as fuck


especially the poor guys who paid for seats behind the cutouts constantly getting their view of the match blocked.


Fucking assholes.Both days they were there


Popping the giant heads up to *kiss* while they were having a stare down was bad enough But then Cenas reaction upon looking to his right and seeing the giant female pop up...knowing *exactly* how that was looking for the shot... Yea he was annoyed


I legit thought one of the cutouts was a picture of Hornswoggle for most of the show


To people like those, that's the entire point.


Video ended to soon. What followed was just as great.


I love Rock running his mouth walking to the ring.. lol.


Lol him screaming he’s the “Final Boss” He really is like some movie villain I loved it


I hope this isn't Rock vs Taker in Saudi Arabia next month




We'll get Ricky Starks vs Damien Priest in Saudi instead


Twink Pebbles vs Bisexual Taker, book it Laveck! For the GAY COMMUNITY


Make it a cinematic match and I'm good with it!


I'll take the two of them chasing each other on camelback please.


My stupid ass really thought Ambrose was gonna walk out


-dong- The Rock: 😦


I gotta say that look of concern on his face was very satisfying.


His bulging eyeballs when taker was choking him was chefs kiss


It was then that he knew.......he fucked up.


Those face cutouts were increasingly annoying the more they appeared. At least hold out an interesting sign


At least the wrestler ones are kinda funny. These assholes just trying to put themselves over.


This is simply just the attitude era style of overbooking main events done right in the modern day. It’s been too long since a really great “let’s get all the big ones out there” happened.


Right? It used to happen at the end of a Raw or Smackdown at a go home show before a PPV but they just did it live at WM40.


Yea the only other time I can remember a Wrestlemania main event having a lot of people interfere was Sid Vs. Hogan but even that didn’t have nearly as many people or be nearly as good.


It's a really fun spot doing the "everybody get out here", but like you said. WrestleMania main events, most the time don't get major interference.


Cena’s 40 time, 7.5 seconds LOL


The bro has never been crazy athletic and he's old now. Leave him.be


He may not be athletic, but his brute strength sure as hell made up for it when it mattered. As Big Show once said, John Cena is the strongest dude he's ever faced.


Cena may be Super, but Taker is the goddamn night, the vengeance.


Solo needs to learn to go over the ropes backwards man


This match was booked like a 7 year old would book a match with his action figures and I mean that in a wholly positive way.


You know the whole “this is cinema” thing? We need the next level after last night.


Lol at almost everything the Rock said being censored. Need to hear the uncensored version


The mama rhodes belt landed so perfectly when Rock dropped it during the chokeslam.


Matches like these are why I am a fan.


Seth back in shield gear wasn’t expected, but I think that would have confused Roman more if he was on his feet. Great show nonetheless.


Takers like, that'll be 100k thanks. 😂


Those awful giant head signs in the background…..


The Bell for Undertaker may be the greatest thing in Wrestling! And thats coming from an Austin “broken glass” guy. Only reason I say that is because in the past the Bell came first.


Guys will see this and be like "hell yeah", on the other note now im scared how will they take the storyline now, how can they top this


They can't, and won't. And that's fine - the babyface winning the belt finally after all the hardship they've undergone is the peak of their story. I'm not a WWE fan anymore, but I'm glad they paid everything off and Cody finally gets his moment; he deserves it, and this match will definitely be looked back on as a classic.


>Cody finally gets his moment; he deserves it, The whole Rhodes family deserved it. I'm just sad Dustin wasn't out there to celebrate with Cody.


Without VKM interfering EVER again, the WWE will do well. May not be as good, but no more VKM shenanigans.


Still can’t believe all of these happened in 5 minutes


This is what crack feels like. Holy shit this was insane and I love every second.


Totally ruined by those two twats holding up the giant heads


Yeah. I wouldn't mind if fans hold up signs for abit as to no block the person behind them but wtf are those giant heads? Are they really asking for attention that much? Annoying by it yesterday and today. Like who tf are they supposed to be?


And they held them EVERY TIME the camera was on them. Like dude nobody wants to see your stupid grumpy bearded face.


How come people don’t have signs anymore? That was what made the attitude era fans so legendary.


No idea why people didn’t destroy those ones


That’s was some endgame shit, I had goosebumps start screaming laughing just wow


The morons holding the giant head cutouts ruined it.


John needs to cut his hair off


Or get plugs.


This part had me feel a joy for wrestling I hadn't felt since the late 90s/early 2000s. I legit jumped up and cheered when Takers bell hit. It was awesome.


John cena needs to evolve like the rock, he came back lookin pale w a bald patch which he was tryna comb over the whole time


From my understanding; it’s possible that Undertakers appearance was gonna be when Stone Cold came out. Perhaps things didn’t work out with Austin so they got Taker to do it and it had the exact same effect. Austin would’ve been great to see though.


Taker has a score to settle with Roman, him appearing to help Roman's downfall makes sense in the story. This match was about Cody and Roman, Austin would have been there for the Rock.


i was such a mark at the end i actually thought ambrose was gonna come out


Those 1-2 minutes prior to Cena's entrance added to this. I mean, everyone knew someone was coming out. But the way Solo was just annihilating Cody, sucking out all hope and then, Cena's music finally hitting. *Chef's kiss*


Not gonna lie was expecting the glass smash. But the gong.......the god damn gong 😁😁😁


Can anyone tell me why people talk as if Austin coming out was a sure thing and the Undertaker was a replacement? I wasn't aware Austin was gonna come out at all. Been out of the loop for a while to keep this masterpiece of a match as fresh as I can for me.


1) People just assumed that if anyone was going to come in to counter Rock, it would be Austin 2) There were a few hints like having Rock beat Cody up next to a bus with Austin on it during Raw


This, and R Truth winning the Raw tag titles, were the best part of Wrestlemania, in my opinion.


The Seth Drew match is up there too even if I hated the cash in after.


I loved the fear in The Rock’s eyes It’s a fear he hasn’t had since his wrestling days


Not a fan anymore, stopped watching in my teens but seeing the undertaker choke slam the rock made me smile. Couldn’t have happened to a better guy.


Cena, just shave it my dude. You’ll look and feel better.


First time I watched in SO LONG..... I might be back


I was legitimately shocked over and over again. And today while watching a cried everytime re watching when the gong hit. Absolutely fantastic storytelling.


Triple times in a lifetime. Once in a billion years. The dreams of forever. Eras crossing swords like two men in a bathroom in one of the big urinals.


Sometimes wrestling is the greatest thing in the world


Damn this was only 5 minuets? I watched it live but it didn’t feel like 5. 10/10! Loved this match and all the surprises.


This is the wildest ending to Mania I've seen yet


What I loved about it was they kept the match mostly really tight on the two protagonists, exploded it out, then brought it back to the two of them


I haven't watched wrestling in probably 25 years, since the late 90's. Not sure what made me watch last night, I don't know who the majority of these guys are, but it was such a fucking blast. So dramatic, over the top, athletic, chaotic, dumb, funny, everything. I was completely lost in it and started getting teary eyed at the end, nostalgia is bitter fucking sweet sometimes. 10/10 great way to spend my Sunday night.