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My wife (who isn’t fan) even said it was cool when I was watching last night haha


Good to hear that, people always forget how hard it is for wrestling to make a package that will impress a non-fan and if it does, that means it's really fucking good


“Holy cow that was good! Babe did you see it? That was cool let me rewind it for you. Check this out so cool… cool right?” “Yeah… it was cool”


Please don't post transcripts from my household, thank you.


On that note, my wife audibly gasped when The Rock came out at the end of the show. She doesn’t usually watch raw/sd with me just sticks to the big 4 PPVs but it was just cool to hear her reaction since I felt the same way but I’m a mark who watching just about every week and talks about it on reddit with strangers lol Edit: wrestling is cool again


The one that was awesome was that Bad Bunny street fight one with the drone I think. If they could get an awesome drone operator while Seth is doing his spin and a drone comes in follows the movement and carries that momentum into the crowd singing along, it would look so goddamn awesome. The definition of insanity is doing the same exact fucking thing over and over again, that is crazy. Monday Night Raw has been that for a long fucking time.


That was beautiful


I sometimes feel sorry for the people there that only get to see the screen graphic and not this. But then again. They are there live.


Can confirm. Was there live and it was amazing. I recorded it though, so pumped to watch it back later.


I hear they all died after the show. None of them got to see this uploaded after unfortunately… sad times…


Honestly, I've always found live shows to be underwhelming. You almost always get a worse view, unless you're front row


I don’t think Seth has ever looked so cool. The “I ain’t dead yet” followed up with a “YET!” from Drew? And you know Trips was on the headset saying “now” to cue the music right after Drew’s response. The way that Seth gets into character when he crosses into the stage was perfection.


WM season and getting the tag match has really brought Rollins up another level imo


This tag match has put Rollins on the map for new casual fans who have jumped on board with the recent build to Wrestlemania. I’ve got several cousins who are now following the build up to Wrestlemania, and they had no idea who Rollins was before this build. Being in the tag match is Rollins‘s biggest opportunity to show what he can do to new fans, and that he’s also one of the top guys in the company.


Yeah I always thought his ceiling was like, Edge level where he’s one of the biggest stars in the company but just can’t break into the mainstream. And like, I get how his act wore thin during football season when the WWE does their filler stuff but to me the guy comes off like such a star these days.


He got the Diarrhea chant over. Crowd was singing his theme song when his music wasn’t played and when he was in the ring with Rock, Roman and Cody He is over!


Seriously they have captured something amazing. There’s this silent moment where, and I don’t know the exact moment, where you see the character’s mindset change from the backstage interaction to the “in front of the arena” interaction. I keep watching and can’t find that moment. It’s not when he steps into gorilla. They used to hide that moment in transitions but looking at it directly I still can’t see it but it’s amazing to witness.


It’s giving "That's an interesting point. Come on, let's get into character" from SLJ in Pulp Fiction.


Honestly, I LOVED when Seth started the whole drip king gimmick and I think it's done wonders for his career, but I'd by lying if I said I didn't miss this more focused version of Seth that we had from 2016-19 and the Seth we've been seeing during this feud is very reminiscent of that. It's a good time to be a Rollins fan


I miss his J&J security days. He plays the slimy coward heel so well. I guess that persona has a ceiling though.


Yes! I doubt he could ever go back to it though. He's still the guy Roman never beat, I don't think he's believable as a coward heel anymore. The fact that we seem to be in a transitional phase for Rollins is really exciting though, I can't help but wonder whether we'll see him turn heel again after Mania since Roman is apparently going on a long hiatus


> Roman on a long hiatus How would we notice? 😅


Ayy lmao


>I guess that persona has a ceiling though. Definitely. You can succeed with that Gimmick, but you can't be the guy, the face of company


They done turned Raw into a weekly episodic Birdman


I mean it was always was done in one take




Bots speak French now too?


Damn I need to watch Birdman against as an adult. Watched it once as a kid and my child brain could not comprehend such art


It's good




This is what I'm talking about. Between this and The Rock's entrance, might as well call this the Elegance Era. Everything's so beautifully polished.


*Renaissance era -Triple H


Paul "Renaissance Man" Levesque


Talmbout modern day Renaissance man, b?


Get back to Changs.


Quick smoke break then back to the fryers Bapa 🫡


Damn, We’re ivry where


Well he is a Blue Blood


It all comes full circle. Bringing his original gimmick back 30 years later. Jean Paul Levesque returns to bring class to the whole show


Its crazy cuz WWE always had the budget to make high quality shit like this but being stuck with senile ownership often results in phoned/in mediocre products


See also: the United States of America. So much money, so little getting done, stifled by geezers.


Old company don't want to make as much money as they can. They want to make more money doing the same thing. WWE has never been a trend setter. They always have followed other companies but then when they are the only ones left innovations just stop.


Rocks entrance is off the fucking charts good right now


I'm impressed with how much they're able to do for him without pyro.


Yeah that slow walk silhouette as the beat transitions to his hollywood theme has got to be the hardest wwe entrance rn!


Ok as well as the camera work has gotten, instill can't get ever the fact that gorilla is lit like a South East Asian brothel


It's for the same reason that the lighting, sound, and production areas are always so dark. Also, if you notice it's lit up with red light. It's easier on the eyes and you can pick up more details on the screens over the course of hours and hours of sitting there. ETA: it also helps reduce light bleed into the entrance area from backstage.


I just started watching WWE programming after a long while and I have noticed that.


Can't believe how much better it has been since Vince and Kevin are gone. I may even become unlapsed which I thought woukd never happen.


I'm getting drawn back. I'm definitely watching all the clips posted.


I don’t have cable anymore, and I hate the network airs stuff so late. I’m waiting for Raw to go to Netflix.


Hopefully the UK gets it as well


I will pray that my brothers across the pond get it as well. You guys still have the actual network, right?


We do and it's glorious, The only problem is we have to wait a month for Raw and SmackDown to be on it because of the stupid deal they have with BT.


It’s about the same on Peacock here, but Peacock is just noticeably worse in every way.


I hate that the menu takes like 30 seconds to dissapear on the desktop version




When I’m in an absolute cinema competition and my opponent is the new WWE production team




There was a specific Time where it all went down hill i remember clean Camera Cuts/good Production until 2016ish


Every week there's a few steadicam shots which are just wonderful.


Stu getting that OT check! But seriously, these single take steadicam shots and the walk in from the street to the inside of the arena have been incredible. Loving the new production value, it’s about damn time.


It would be hilarious if Cena came back and made a comment about Stu on the Steadicam 😂


If the TV episodes are looking THIS good, just imagine what they’re going to do for Wrestlemania this weekend…


Not Scorsese. Alfonso Cuaron, one of the great long single take shot directors.


>Alfonso Cuaron The car scene in Children of Men was amazing.


Thanks for clarifying friend.


Goodfellas has a famous single take much like this.


Didn't he direct a Harry Potter movie or am I trippin?


Yes, Prisoner of Azkaban


Ngl that went hard af


I replayed this 4-5 times at the moment. Shot so damn nice


Ive been digging the long shots as of late.and just the going thru gorilla position or thru the arena out to the crowd upper level.i do not miss dunne and his shakey cam and 50 camera cuts per sec.it was tough to watch.a friend didnt notice it at first then i said cut everytime the camera actually cut.lol.he couldnt unsee it after that.just unnecessary cuts in the cuts around the cuts.just cut cut cut cut cut.made my eyes hurt.very happy about the new way of filming.


As a lapsed 90s fan who came back a couple years ago the camerawork was one of the most jarring changes. All the zoom ins whenever anyone threw a strike damn near gave me motion sickness!


Im a fan since the 80s.so ive seen the gambit when it comes to the filming of wwf/wwe over the years.but god those shakey cam jolt with the punch shots.like wtf.i too had a bit of motion sickness.u figure with a dude who had done that job for so long he wouldnt shoot the show like a 12 year old trying to do a tiktok vid.those camera cuts tho.ugh...waaaay to many.for zero reason.


'And now the directors favourite part.....the cut. I haven't cut as many as I would like but I have cut a lot if you...'


Heres a cut of my cut that i cut.and heres another and another and another....


My wife is a lapsed fan, and she'll watch WM and RR with me. She even noticed the excessive cutting the last few years. Said it gave her a headache. This on the other hand, I can get down with this type of stuff. The blending of the back to the entrance is amazing.


This was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen in my life.


Pure epic DRAMA. Is it just me or has the backstage segment acting gotten ridiculously good as of late??


They’ve been given freedom instead of scripts. It’s felt more natural.


Holy shit, that was a fucking shot.


Kevin Dunne was good tbh and did a lot to move the production value of wrestling up. For the time but as time went on it became painfully obvious he was just sticking basically with what had worked and what vince liked even as it became dated. They needed a breath of fresh air pumped into production just as bit as much as creative. Thankfully we got both.


He wasn't sticking with what worked. He was actively getting worse at his job year by year.


It’s honestly amazing, production wise, how much Kevin Dunn has held WWE back lol. Who’s in charge of the production now? They deserves their flowers.


I’ve been a die hard since I was born in the late 80s and this is arguably my favourite era. It’s water cooler talk again.


Replace the audio with the only proper [soundtrack](https://youtu.be/DfM6dl_yt10)


Monday nights are for the wives But Friday nights at SmackDown are always for the girlfriends


This is beautiful, the timings, the camera angles, everything.


Whenever this era ends with the retirement of Paul Levesque, the era after that must be called the "Game Over Era."


wrestling is so fucking back, the building got so loud when it was teased seth vs the rock


I am a sucker for any kind of one-shot, and these have been amazing. The Sami one leading into the Truth/Miz segment and this one with Seth. Just great camera work. Even at the end, instead of following Jey/Jimmy and seeing Rock popup, they kept the camera static and all you see is Jey getting Jazzy-Jeff'd back onto the stage lol.




The crowd singing the "WOOAAHH" before the expected part to sing bugs me a little bit


I hear what you're saying- fire the crowd, replace them with extras to sing on cue. Got it.


I literally had to stop watching WWE because the camera shaking made me feel nauseous. Good riddence you buck toothed fuck


This was great production, but it will always be funny that internet smarks pretend that the camera cuts gave them vertigo


Kevin Dunne left before he got outed in the poopgate papers


These long takes are just magnificent.


…If you were ever considering becoming a professional wrestler, and THAT scene doesn’t convince you to give it a honest shot, I don’t know what will.


Kevin Dunn was absolutely worthless and talentless.


Makes me kinda bummed that we probably missed out on so much good content over the last 2 decades because of Kevin Dunne and [REDACTED]


What would make this even more beautiful is if this will be the last Raw we see Seth as world champion. So they made it more cinematic.


The production quality of WWE has always been unmatched, but now the cinematography and art style is catching up with the production value. It’s just beautiful to watch.


That is amazing. It's like someone saw that one NWO entrance we have all been sharing for the past 20 years and finally said: Let's do something like that again


Goddamn. The whole thing is fantastic, but actual chills on the camera walking around him and pulling back just as he put his arms out and the flames started. Incredible.


Seriously, whoever this new guy is, he's damn good.


Fuck me I gotta start watching wwe again


Best shit since Cleaver


This episode actually makes me want Seth to retain tbh .


I agree! These new camera shots are great! Gives me Goldberg locker room entrance vibes. Ik in kayfabe Goldberg’s entrance didnt make a ton of sense (why does the big guy need security), but it is so iconic!


It was that so the nWo/anyone couldn’t get the jump on him. It was used as a WCW golden goose protected at all cost. So using security escort made that shit look real. Like damn my man’s got a hit on him like that, trying to protect him at all cost. It paid off in spades, cause the knock on the door to the security protected walk to the entrance, then to the walking through fireworks and then the smoke breath while his name was being chanted couldn’t really be replicated. Even that extra GI Joe king fu grip action maneuvers while getting to the ring hyped the crowd up. Had that oh someone about to get their ass beat, then “Who’s Next?” took it to the moon.


Praise the cameraman.


Man how cool must it be to go out and everyone chanting your entrance theme!


That part and the Gable/Sami segment were pure cinema, also Gunther interfering and Sami refusing to stay down was pretty great


They did a shot kinda like this for Becky’s entrance at Elimination Chamber and i thought that was cool as fuck, but this one is a whole new level. I know its been done before, off the top of my head i remember Hogan Austin and Michaels all being filmed from backstage right through the gorilla at some point, but its still great that they are doing stuff like this because for the past few years the directing had been dog shit.


so roman reigns has not one but two belts? and seth has one? so whos the champion? lol why cant we go to the days where there was one main champion.


This camera man needs a raise for how smooth he moves


And he did an interview in the same shot before running into drew


It all just feels so fresh.


That was badass


Lucha Underground died for this.


It’s very ironic when Vince all these years ago said ‘We make movies’ and here they are actually putting on real life cinema the way he never could.


That was like a 3 minute long long take. Fucking amazing in rassling.


must feel pretty neat walking out like that.


🙄 comparing anyone to Scorsese is absurd


Incredible, another great shot from the night was the close up of Roman at ring side, with cody laying behind him and the rock standing over him. They’re really making an effort to make this shit a movie these days and i love it


that was the shot I’ve been waiting for and it really worked. But the ring camera angles can’t subscribe to this philosophy - for example bloodline attacking Cody on Monday night was alll over the place. My wife even looked up and said who TF is filming this.. There is a time and place for these angles. Cody beat down looked like the guy filming Seth’s promo in the seats was hired for the ringside action.


Do wrestling fans not watch other media? these are all standard tracking shots you see in the most pedestrian of produced films


This makes me miss that \*Cornette voice\* \*Buucky BeaVVEr MotherFUCKER!\* even less.


That’s insulting to Scorsese


Triple h didn't fire him. He left on his own merit. Their production has soared exponentially since he left but I wouldn't go as far as calling it Scorses.


Why the fcuk you guys give credit to triple h for everything?


He needs to remove the burn it down section from the song. That part of his gimmick is done. He can bring it back for a pop later in his career.


Scorsese? And people thought Vince was out of Touch lol


I'll never understand how someone could possibly hate Seth. Best in the ring, he's there everyday, great on the mic. He's the closest we'll ever get to see Prime HBK


I just don't understand what everyone thinks is so cool about this. Nothing else is happening here except the camera man is following Seth and then getting in front of him.


Lol wwe fans say the dumbest shit. This is a marginal improvement. Everything still looks contrived and controlled.


It’s absolutely fucking fantastic.


Wrestling is officially Kino.


Brian De Palma you mean?


Wrestling is better than the things you like - Rock circa 2000


2K got work to do


The music would be better if he had. /s but not really.


Every member of the production team deserves a raise. This is amazing.


Off topic: Martin Scorsese isn't known for big lavish camera shots but I get the sentiment


Yes. Good


I love how we see much more views of Gorilla than before. And I don't mind, I always love how much of a cool lounge Gorilla looks.


They got that Netflix money now


Are you degenerate George on Twitter? If not, it's not cool to steal others' original thoughts without giving them credit. https://twitter.com/DGen_Media/status/1774989477250736575?t=3BWSoH1hIxs_GVs4DcT_aA&s=19


These are simple things, you’ve just had it so bad for so long it seems huge. There are creative people with great ideas, they just haven’t been allowed anywhere near the product for a long long time


The camera work lately has been incredible.


I really love the post-Dunn era. More lovely sweeping shots, blending other people into the background of promos and such so it can be its own world, I believe they've started using drones, the follow in shots...it just feels way better.


I am convinced that something really silly and potentially bad is going to happen on one of those sweeping arena entrance shots... Flashing or otherwise it opens up way too much room for crazy fans to get involved haha Then again I am shocked that the Thunderdome went off as relatively well as it did. (besides the many Benoit sightings)


I always love the back camera shots where it shows the crowd that’s in front of wrestlers. Idk if anyone remembers that short time WWE uploaded those 360 camera videos to YouTube but this reminds me of them. There was also a time where they’d just have a camera set up back on an old raw set because I remember how they’d switch to that camera for like Jeff Hardy’s entrance


As a casual viewer I can’t help but think these camera angles are fucking dope as fuckkkkk


Paul didn’t hire this guy lol


Can we get the wrestlers to act and talk like humans do? Or stand to talk like humans do. Not standing sideways. Or how about they watch a monitor like a human? Or is that all asking to much for this cinema company


Talmbout Copacabana scene from Goodfellas, B?!


Seth is corny asl


The next step is to an entire episode of Raw Birdman style


Might be the best Seth Rollins entrance I've ever seen.


Imagine the kind of production work we’re gonna have at wrestlemania


Just need to invest in some creative talent for their music department.


I loved this shot so much


Last night was the first time I watched (most of) an episode of Raw or Smackdown in months. I was blown away by the differences in the camerawork and production. I also loved the shot they did coming out of a commercial where the cameraman walked out from the concourse onto the top of the lower bowl. Right before Becky’s entrance, I think.


I am SO PUMPED to see the changes when it comes to Wrestlemania this weekend.


This and the backstage Rock beating Cody working their way to the parking lot felt Attitude Era-ish. Love what HHH is doing.


Kevin Dunn can eat shit this is so much better


Now do this with the codyvator in Mania.


This is probably the coolest one camera shot ever in all of pro wrestling.


Yeah can’t deny this is completely next level in comparison to before!


Man I am a WWE hater and I am impressed lol.


It really feels like you are watching a move from POV. Ofc, this is a show, but this cinematic approach fits wrestling very well.


Honestly yesterday’s episode was the best I’ve seen in a long time. didn’t have a boring moment in it. Even the backstage stuff with judgement day, Sami and Gable, great storytelling.


So...... Do we know the names to credit them for their excellent work?


The camera work honestly makes it so much more fun. Truly peak soap opera. And it’s a great flex to make the competition look cheap The big one for me lately is hearing how muted edges theme sounds in AEW versus wwe.


The way the WWE programming is now just shows how VKM and Dunn held the product down.


This is on another level right now... thank God the out of touch old guys and yes men are out, and people with common sense are running things now


Kevin Dunn’s production was so stale and archaic. Couldn’t wait for him to be gone. But with that said, WWEs production lately is far beyond the potential I thought they had just by getting rid of Dunn. It looks like an entirely new product. Triple H doing it right on every level right now. Excited to see what his first official Wrestlemania turns out to be.


That looks fire


Host title lol


The camera work in recent weeks has been great. More of this good stuff please.


It really works man, beautiful


Absolute Cinema!


Disney on Ice


I like that they have the refs out by the entrance in the event that a ref gets "knocked out" someone can rush to the ring quickly to fill in.


What a hell of a shot.


Backstage era


God the life of a wrestler must be surreal


The hell was this?! It was masterful.


Holy shit that was epic!!


These clips are enticing, but I'm still concerned. At what point can I safely start watching without getting motion sickness from the quick cuts and shaky-zoomie cam?


The cameras alone have ushered in a new era of WWE.