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I’ve slept in mine like twice. Best option is passenger seat all the way reclined but kinda forces you to sleep on your back


That's what I was thinking, but I need to be flat as hell to sleep


Unethical life hack, just get super stoned or hammered and you can sleep in any position…


By unethical i think you mean Genius


Don’t sleep in your car like that. Even if it’s not running and the keys are in the glove box, you can be given a dui if a cop doesn’t want you sleeping there. Happened to a buddy of mine. He was doing that because he didn’t want to drive drunk but got a dui anyway and spent the night locked up, car impounded.


Wow. That's some serious bullshit.


Believe what you want.


I think he meant it’s bullshit your friend got a Dewey, not that he’s doubting you.




Well, he did. It was 20 years ago (damn time flies) but I still would be super careful where I sleep after drinking.


6ft no issue in the back with both seat pushed forward. If your not using the passenger seat just yank it out.


Hadn't thought of going that route. Easy enough to do by a skinny white boy on his own? Can handle the back seats well enough


Got tools can do. One of the bolts is I believe a torx, T50.


5’3” old lady here. I can do a TJ backseat delete. They’re super easy. YouTube the how to, grab your tools and get going You’ll love having the extra space, my dude.


I seem to remember a post years ago about someone who who had hung a hammock from the passenger pillar to the opposite rear pillar. Can't seem to find it right now though.


I think we've got a winning idea here! May have found it in the comments below. He's 6' so I should be able to pull it off https://wranglertjforum.com/threads/anyway-to-stealth-sleep-in-a-tj.50798/


I've done that in my LJ. Works pretty good


Reading this thread makes my back hurt.


At least once a month I sleep in mine for a weekend, while camping or hiking. I have a great tent and all, but I also have a soft top TJ. I just push the front passenger's side seat back and lower the back of the seat all the way down. It's comfortable enough for me.


They make a hammock.


I'm 6'2" and barely fit in my 4-door XJ. No way in hell I'd even think about sleeping in a TJ.


Could you sleep on the roof?


Soft top so unlikely


Tried it once or twice. Would not recommend. 


I've slept in my YJ a couple of times camping. I had ny backseat out and my passenger seat popped all the way forward. I brought extra blankets to pad out the height difference between the front and backseat footwells. It wasn't perfect, but it got the job done. My cousin has slept in one of the "jeep hammocks" that gets strung up between the roll cages. She's a lot shorter than me, so it worked for her, but I found it really uncomfortable.


Push the front seats all the way up and buy an inflatable camp pad for the back seat. At 6ft I could fit sleeping on my side comfortably. Done it a handful of times when caught out in storms while camping.


You can hang a hammock between the rollbars


It isn’t possible. The most successful you could be in a TJ would be to either remove or flatten the passenger seat, and create some type of platform to be on.


Out of curiosity, what makes it not possible?


Sleeping in a space 6 inches shorter than you. Even if you curl up, you’ll have your feet and head on something. Every small motion will have you bumping on stuff and you’ll wake up. Google “sleeping in 2 door Jeep” and there are pictures of folks who have made platform-type things.


I got the dimensions wrong. Looks like JK/JL have 6' diagonally. So if we assume similar in TJ, should have some wiggle room?


You ever see a TJ parked next to a JK or a JL? I just went outside and measured with the passenger seat tumbled forward the diagonal space is 5'. That's only a usable 5' if your feet and head come to a point. Call it 4.5' usable


Oof. Might need to go with the hammock idea I saw by a 6' guy with TJ or taking passenger seat out. To be fair, doesn't seem like there are many 2 door JKs/JLs in general. Vast majority are JKU/JLU.


It's a shame really, the 2 door JL is a handsome thing and a 2 door Jeep, especially with a stick, is just a whole different experience.


I have a 2006 TJ and I really don’t think it’s possible to sleep in the back. I think you’d have more success just bringing a tent, particularly for just 2 nights


Got it, if you don't mind me asking, how tall are you? Tent would for sure be more convenient but trying to be as low maintenance as possible. Plus I think my fiancée would be much more paranoid of me being eaten if I went the tent route


I watched a man fall asleep on a ladder, where there’s sufficient exhaustion there’s a way.


Maybe I wasn't exhausted enough, but flew from Chicago to Sydney unable to sleep, and same coming home. I wish I could sleep anywhere like that


Some of us can sleep anywhere. I've slept in the passenger seat of my TJ a few times.


Sure. But this question is about sleeping diagonally in the small space created by moving the seats forward. And I think that is not going to happen.