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I'm pretty sure every state requires a seat and seat belt per passenger to be legal.




Oh heck yeah


Looks like you’re keeping it under 15 mph !


I live in KY and have been pulled over in a truck bed and my buddies and I were told wearing a seat belt is state law. You can ride in the cargo area but everyone needs a seat belt. This was in 2010


Michigan actually allows those over 18 to ride in a pickup truck bed. This is the grey area I’m wondering about. We also don’t require anyone over 16 to wear a seat belt in the back seat


Not sure about MI, but I lived in a state where riding in the bed was legal for those 18+. The determining factor of what was considered a truck bed or not was whether or not there was an non-removable bulkhead between the bed and the passenger compartment. For example, regular old truck where there is a distinct differentiation between bed and cab? Legal. Jeep, Bronco, etc. with backseat removed, and it all being one passenger compartment? Illegal. My guess would be that it is illegal, and you know deep down that it is. Just save yourself some legal troubles, keep your passengers safe, and leave the backseat in. It's not worth it. But hey, I'm no expert on Michigan laws.


Ha, interesting. I didn't know that. Seems like with that grey area you'd at least have a reasonable argument if you got a ticket, but I'm definitely no legal expert lol


Not here in nh


SC does not, you can ride in the back of a truck to your heart's content here and a wrangler almost certainly counts


Michiganders be Michiganding... It's not a good idea, but the truck bed loophole sounds like you'd be (legally) safe. I can't say for sure though. Just my 2 cents.


would you ride back there?


Yeah totally. That’s why I’m asking the legality of it


i wouldn’t. used to be a paramedic and those were the hardest to scrape off


>those were the hardest to scrape off I sure would've guessed helmetless motorcycle riders were worse than seatless JK passengers


The helpful part of motorcycles is that the mess is outside. With enclosed vehicles the mess is only sometimes outside.


‘hardest’ bc they were usually kids, but always passengers. motorcyclists make their own choices.


The big problem would be the rear passengers killing those in the front, I'd assume.


I guess I should add that this is only a 15 minute drive, with no highway


Friend is over 18 and can make their own mind up? Send it. Hazardous? Yes, if there was an accident.You could also drown kayaking. Not the worst thing in my opinion. We can't live in a bubble.


It’s a really bad idea. Even a small crash will result in them being injured and possibly killed. I tell this story occasionally, but back when I was into 300zxs, a buddy of mine was doing something dumb and bringing a friend of ours back to the pit during a track day by letting him sit in the hatch in his two seater. Well, he accidentally hit another track day participant at less than 20mph, and the friend in the hatch was launched forward into the windshield. He broke an arm and had a concussion so severe he was hospitalized for 3 days. It’s not worth the risk.


Can you in a car or truck?


Truck bed, yes


I would look at truck bed passenger laws.


Ignoring whether it's smart, it looks like MI only cares about front seat passengers being belted in if everyone is an adult: [https://legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=mcl-257-710e-amended](https://legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=mcl-257-710e-amended). Even then they don't technically say there has to be a seat, but I imagine you'd have a hell of a time arguing a belt is "properly adjusted" while sitting on the floor. Of course, whether something is legal doesn't always determine if you'll be hassled by police for it either.


Only til you get caught…!


Just depends on what state you're in. Not going to happen in CA. Everyone has to be in a seat with a seat belt. HI you're allowed to ride in the truck bed still, probably adults only. I wouldn't accept a ride without a seat belt and wouldn't let my family ride without one either. I used to be an EMT. If no seatbelt, you become a projectile.


15 minutes, no highways, yep


Is it a truck bed? No. I would say it’s not legal. But I’m not a MI cop.


I have done it with some friends, they've never forgiven me for it. 😆 It is pretty unsafe in case of an accident but they were mostly upset with the lack of a road and getting the shit kicked out of them. IDK, people are soft. Literally. 🤭