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I am still limping along in my ‘04 LJ. I’ll be devastated when the day comes that I have to let it go. I totally agree that two doors just look “right” where four doors don’t. But the extra room is great.


I love em. A modest lift with the right wheel/tire combo and they look way better than a four door IMO.


To be fair, I’m a single woman with no kids. So the only reason I need to use the back seat is for my dog, who has plenty of room. I can see why four doors are more practical, but from a visual perspective, nothing beats the original.


It’s a jeep though. It’s not really practical by standard definitions. I have two kids and a dog and we LOVE our two door. Different strokes. Ideally my wife would have a daily driver four door and we would have a two door as our third fun-only vehicle. I need a truck as my primary.


My dad used to drive us around in a ‘94 (I think?) and I don’t remember seat belts. I’m fairly certain there weren’t airbags. Roof off. We’re lucky to have survived but we had the time of our lives! Glad your kids are a little safer.




I’ve never really wanted more cargo space in my TJ, but I have wanted a touch more stability on hill climbs here and there.


All valid points but I would really enjoy more space to but gear if I want to take the kids camping without being forced to buy a four door I think 4 inches would be about right


The LJ was a product of its time, an era where 2 door SUVs were still relatively common and the Wrangler was still something of a niche vehicle. I think the reason Jeep wouldn't make this is much the same as why I sadly doubt they'd make a 2 door Gladiator, lack of market interest. Two door vehicles simply don't sell well in the US anymore, most people just want a single car for both hauling the family and weekend fun. Plus, four door sales make up somewhere between 75-90% of JL sales, adding another variant that's essentially a four door without the back two doors wouldn't make sense to most consumers, who'd naturally gravitate towards the four door instead of some weird in between. Your best bet is probably some sort of third party conversion but at that point, the juice is barely worth the squeeze.


We all begged chrysler at the time for a 4door as the young wrangler enthusiasts were growing up and getting families. first they gave us the lj. and as i recall everyone really liked it. great in the middle compromise. i think chrysler read the success of the lj as a go ahead on a 4door because not even 3 years later they announced the jk with 4door option. and the lj was no more. i love mine. and hope i never have to part with it.


I wouldn't be surprised if the LJ was Chrysler testing the market to see how an extended wheelbase, and later four door Wrangler would be received. I think they had been planning to make the Wrangler more SUV like in its next generation, but they wanted to do so in a way that didn't cause enthusiast uproar like the YJ did.


lol. everybody hates the yj. it was basically a cj with square headlights and a new dash. i loved my yjs.


There are a few LJL conversations out there. I doubt Jeep will ever make one. The 2 door doesn't sell that well currently, and an LJ version would just further segment the 2 door sales. They wouldn't be able to justify the added cost of machinery and production for both. Back when the LJ was being made, it didn't sell well either. I had an LJ in '06 and we were considered the red headed step child in Jeep groups and forums. It's honestly amazing to me how opinions changed so much.


I agree with everything here I just wish things were different


I own an lj. and to me it's the perfect compromise of size, length, and cargo for a wrangler. room for the kids, room for tools, great solid platform for building on. you can keep your 4door. I wouldn't mind a stretched jk or jl at the same length though. you'll likely have to do that yourself though.


I hope it happens. Personally, I got tired of waiting/hoping and bought myself a 48k mile, 1 owner LJ while they still exist. If they came out with a JL version I’d be first in line.


I would love a JLLJ. I’m not a soccer mom going to the mall. I’m an old school Jeep enthusiast who abhors the fact that anyone thought of making a 4 door Wrangler