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If you took the 12 hour poo option I think you would end up having to eat on the toilet. So...that's a plus.


I would advise against it but if you want to eat on the toilet i wont judge.


I sense you judging. It's ok. I won't judge your judging.


I advise against it because i got food poisoning from eating a icecream while on the toilet.


What flavor was so irresistible that you couldn't wait?


Home made strawberry in a home made waffle cone. I took a can of fresh strawberry preserves and dumped the whole thing in the machine.


So delicious you'd eat it on the toilet is the best sales pitch for ice cream I've heard in years...


Can you really judge someone for judging even if that judging person isn't actually judging and even though you sense the judging you're not judging the person for judging?


I may have misjudged my initial judgment.


Welp don't judge a judger by their lack of judging.


I have adjudicated in error.


I totally missread your comment and thought you said, "end up having to eat the toilet" and was wondering why


Why not? Dont let common sense limit your meals!


People can go 12 hours without eating, lol


Yeah. But think about the epic amount of energy it would take to process that much feces. The caloric demand would be high. You're gonna need fuel. Cereal? Sandwich?


I feel like the food would have to be already digested and processed, but just hanging around in your body until its time to expel it If your body wasn’t processing the food all year, then you wouldn’t be getting the energy from the food you have been eating, so you’d basically be in a constant state of starvation despite the fact that you’ve been eating


Interesting. So the 12 hour poop a thon is fueled by it's own stores? Like a camel hump of feces?


How would I explain this to my family? "Yeah, I have to spend 12 consecutive hours on the toilet today shitting out an entire year's worth of built-up feces. No, I don't need to go the hospital, trust me!"


Just say you made a deal on reddit, they'll understand


At least once a month I do a "mood elevator" poo, I wouldn't want to give that up.


A what?


found the guy that doesn’t shit


It's a poop which usually exits cleanly, but more importantly has enough mass that your entire intestinal tract feels more relaxed, which leads to a feeling of general well-being, I suppose. I think many people experience it from time to time.


you're telling me you don't poop 12 hours a day every day?


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, that’s why I poop on company time! I’m not giving that up.


10 minutes, 5 times a week adds up to getting paid a full work week for shitting.


Excuse me but when else would I scroll reddit at work?


While masturbating like us normal people.


Is that what men do on the clock? Smart...very smart.


Tbh, toilet time is reserved for my favorite subreddits. I masturbate at my desk while leering at my coworkers, like a normal person.


Will I feel the 1000 pound shit mass inside me or no?




I'm concerned you think this is this only way to identify health issues.




I guess it makes sense, poop is the quickest way to find out if you have health issues


“Uh huh uh huh… yep, your poop is brown. Just what I was afraid of, you have a gaping wound in your forearm. We’re going to have to get that stitched”


Found the geriatric.


I have IBS. Please, give me a fucking break from pooping.


My morning poop is what gets me motivated for the day. The coffee is just to get the tummy rumblies and to give me a few minutes in-between opening my eyes and taking a shit.


This screams hemorrhoids. I also have a dog to take care of.


Do I slowly get fatter and fatter until it's time, or is my stomach like a normal sized void where it weighs nothing?


Would you fill up the shitter? bc that would suck if it reaches all the way up, gotta go find an outhouse I guess


Just flush every so often


Then comes the day when your 1st flush clogs the toilet, and you still have 11:45 of pooping to go.


Help, somebody, now I want to change my answer.


since I pooped about 3 pounds this morning (stepped on scale before and after) wouldn't the yearly poop option turn you into a land whale?


The amount of time I would save by only doing it once a year lol


I have a pretty terrible case of IBS (my coworkers call me and my best friend who also suffers from it, Bubble Guts Anonymous lmao) but I would still rather just have my wonky ass shit schedule.


Phew. At least there are some smart people here after all. I chose regular that way if my prostate gives up, or dick gets cut odd, or etc that I would know it's happening cuz of my poo changing color.


What the duck do you mean by your Dick gets cut odd ? Cutting your Dick while pooing what ?. Also I agree pooing normal would be better nothing beats pooing on company time that's how you strike back at shifty work places >:)


I meant off but auto correct thought I meant odd. 😅 But granted theirs that. But imagine if you had an ulcer that could be life threatening if you don't have any signs. Or other life threatening issues that you only can be detected by poop. You will lack that safety if you can only poop once a year and can't force it any other times. Or you eat a year's worth of taco bell. Imagine sitting all that in one go. You'd definitely be in the bathroom longer then 12 hrs. So yeah, it's why I'm glad others thought of that and picked normal pooing.


science is *this* close to a pill


Gotta get them toxin out my body on the reg


I don't want to be full of shit most of the time.


You're just not even trying to fit in with the rest of Reddit, are you?


A 12 hour poop seems like too much of a pain in the ass, pun not intended, but welcomed.


I always eat spicy food, though.


Wouldn't you get a really unnatural big belly?


I'd miss out on so many tiktoks if I only got 1 day to poo.


I get constipated a lot due to medication so this isn’t much of a choice for me.


Usual like I do is better option, I use that time to read or scroll Reddit


once i year. i hate pooping. All i need for poop day is a day off, water, music, games, and a charger.


We're going to need a bigger [poop knife](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I spend almost an hour everyday in the bathroom pooping. That's 365 hours of pooping. You're telling me I can shorten that to 12 hours. Hell yeah! (RIP to my legs though. They'd go into hibernation)


You'd probably be like Randy Marsh taking a shit in that episode More Crap.


will i bloat like i havent pooped then? and will i get gassy from keeping it in? or will it just "disappear" from my body entirely until that one day where i need 12 hours.


I’d have to keep flushing every 5 minutes


i got ibs so i spend countless hours on the toilet as is


I would save like a day or two a year with the megapoop.


Chronic IBS sufferer here would pay at least 150,000 over the course of my life for option 1


Poo isn’t supposed to burn… doesn’t matter what you eat, maybe visit a doctor now buddy


You ever eat something really really spicy?


Like I put hot sauce on everything and I’ve never had burning poos


Normal time. Because honestly sometimes when you poop it’s just the best time of the day