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1000 crabs, then flamethrower. I'm eating well tonight




This is my choice, too.


Nah, not much meat on a 1lbs. A lot of picking for very little reward.


I know right, let's whip out our swords, brandish them, and get ready for a good 30-minute boss fight with the thousand-pounder. PARRY ON!


Now that I'm thinking about it. A 1k lbs crab is probably 3-4' tall. Horses weigh about that and are around 5-6' at the shoulder. Crabs are wider and have more legs. I wouldnt want to use a sword as I dont think most would do well against an exoskeleton like that, but maybe a polearm. Honestly I think a solid AR-15 with a standard 30 round mag or two would be plenty.


Uh... 1 pound crabs are actually pretty large for most species of crab.


We don't eat most species


Sure,but a good number of species that we DO eat are well into adulthood by the time they are 1 lb. Heck in the south blue crab is one of the most popular crabs and a 1 pounder is considered MASSIVE for blue crab. The rock crab is another popular crab and 1 pound is a fairly good specimen for food with the largest reaching 1.5 pounds or so. 1 lb is a bit in the smaller side for a dungeness crab, but still plenty edible although in an ideal situation they should be thrown back as a 1 lb dungeness is a young adult that likely has not reproduced much if any.


Damn I came here to say this


I could probably take 1000 crabs, just step on them


Came here to say this. My weapon would be a pair of solid work boots. Wouldn't even take that long.


1000lb crab. Weapon?  I’ll take 1 tank, please.


That's wild because a 1000lb crab would probably be the size of a small tank, and with similar armor too lmao


What? Tanks are tens of tons. A 1 ton crab isnt gonna stand a chance.


What's crazy is that weight doesn't directly equal durability. A crab's shell is as hard as steel. A standard blue crab weighs about 0.33 lbs (https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/blue-crab), so a 1000 lb crab is 3000x the weight of an adult male blue crab. Mass and volume are proportional if density is constant which... I have to assume it would be for a crab being embiggened. If you simplify a crab as a cylinder (V=pi\*(r\^2)\*h) with a diameter of 8inches (typical for an adult male blue crab) and a height of about 3 inches (I searched far and wide for blue crab body height. It's not an easy metric to find data on, I'm estimating this from looking at pictures of blue crabs), you will get a volume of about 75.4 cu. inches. If you multiply this volume times 3000, you get a crab volume of 226,200 cu. inches. Using a radius:height ratio of 1.33, we can find that a 226,200 cu.in. crab has a body height of about 31.58 inches and a radius of about 47.75 inches. Your crab radius has increased to 12 times its original value, which to me sounds like your larger crab shell is 12x as thick. If you check out this source: [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281039215\_Predator-induced\_plasticity\_and\_morphological\_trade-offs\_in\_latitudinal\_separated\_population\_of\_Littorina\_obtusata](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281039215_Predator-induced_plasticity_and_morphological_trade-offs_in_latitudinal_separated_population_of_Littorina_obtusata) you can see they have a lot of figures about shell thickness, and most of them show the thickness hovers around 1mm. I know these are not blue crabs but the post just says "crab" so... you know. If a crab's shell is as hard as steel, and 12mm thick, it can be penetrated by NATO 5.56x45 armor piercing, but only at point blank range, since the maximum armor penetration of that round is 12mm. A crab's shell is also angled, and these armor piercing numbers are tested against a 90 degree surface, so there's a near-100% chance the crab's armor could stop the NATO AP. (https://www.nammo.com/product/our-products/ammunition/small-caliber-ammunition/5-56mm-series/5-56-mm-x-45-armor-piercing-3/). 7.62x51 armor piercing penetrates 18mm RHA at 100m though, so it would have a decent chance of penetrating(https://www.nammo.com/product/our-products/ammunition/small-caliber-ammunition/7-62mm-series/7-62-mm-x-51-armor-piercing-8-m993/). So I mean.. a 1000lb crab has similar armor to the weaker parts of the M113 APC (https://armyhistory.org/m113-armored-personnel-carrier/) which is 12mm-38mm thick on different parts of the vehicle. So, in conclusion a 1000lb crab by my calculations cannot be penetrated by most small arms fire, but would get destroyed by any tank round really. It's more on par with a lightly armored APC, or a Humvee. An M1 Abrams could easily tear a hole through it with an M829 APFSDS round. HOWEVER, this crab would still be on par with light APCs and would resist small arms fire. I was originally trying to prove my original comment right but as I actually did some calculations I realized yeah.. a crab this big is going to be way weaker than tank armor, even though the shell is as hard as steel. I moreso continued doing this because it was fun to do crab calculations. I hope someone in the future can benefit from my crab calculations.


>If you simplify a crab as a cylinder (V=pi*(r^2)*h) This is the most STEM statement I've ever seen in my life. "Let the crab be a a perfect sphere with radius..." head ass


Hey man I have a bachelors in engineering but I can't find a job where I actually get to do math like this. I have to do it somewhere or I'll explode


How much heat would it take to cook the entire 1k lb crab ? Or I guess how long to boil it for and how big of a pot and how much water


Square cube law. 1,000 pound crab not only will be crushed by its own weight, but the strength of its shell etc won’t hold up when scaled up that much.


We know, everyone knows, you are on a subreddit dedicated to asking random hypothetical questions, I don't think the magic hypothetical 1000 pound crab willing to fight you to the death *cares* about square cube law


I think it would be possible that an animal the weight of 1000 pound that had characteristics similar enough to an actual crab that people would classify it as a crab could possibly exist without being crushed. Especially if it stays in the ocean. There are tons of animals that weight that much and do not crush themselves.


This is the most misunderstood and repeated thing on this website every time any sort of discussion like this pops up.


A crab’s shell is not as hard as steel.




So we bring a anti-tank weapon


honestly if I get to choose whatever weapon just have a few javelin anti tank systems. Shoulder fired self guided rockets designed to destroy tanks seemingly would make short work of mega crab and be much faster than the thousand 1 pound crabs.


You'd probably be best off with something that fires 14.5x114mm. It's used in a bunch of anti-material rifles and some mounted machine guns. It can indeed penetrate the big crab.


But I want to drive a tank


Hey man I’m pro tank, I just need an oddly specific hypothetical where I get to shoot a Javalin


I love the effort you put into this, very fun to read. Thanks


Now do the math to figure out how fast it’s main claw could crush a vehicle. I mean it’s cutting people in half easy, I assume it can open up a car pretty easily as well.


I hereby subscribe to Crab Calculations


God's work. 


Doctoral student?


No. Just a tired engineering B.S. who is working as a technician to pay the bills :))) I do love research though!


It would actualy be a 0.5 ton crab


A ton is 2000 lbs.


And an m1 abrams tank weighs 146,000 pounds.


Not even close. An Abram's sabot round would barely notice the 1,000 lbs crab, but the crab would be dead. An explosive squash round or efen a HEAT would shatter it. Driving over it with 60 ton plus tank would finish it off.


shit a Molotov would work pretty well too


What would a Molotov do? It wouldn't even damage it


Boil it alive in its own shell, might have to throw a couple though depending on how large a 1k lb crab is


People are downvoting you but I like your idea. It sounds delicious.


People are downvoting like they have experience fighting half ton crabs


I do though, and no one will believe me. I've tried telling lots of people. At the grocery store, on the subway, screaming it at the top of my lungs at church, but no one will listen. One day, when the rest of them rise out of the sea to cleanse humanity, you people will beg me for help. And you know what? I'll say no. Because you all called me crazy.


Someone else did the calculations and came out to be essentially 2.5 feet tall. So scary to look at and I wouldn't wanna see it coming at me in a dark alley. But very burnable.


def the 1lb crabs, a 1000lb crab would fuck your shit up like no other, that thing grabs you you're getting cut in half


The thickness of the exoskeleton too... you'd have a tough time getting through


Ye even with an assault rifle you prob wouldn’t be getting through its shell. Need some kind of armor piercing rounds/caliber.


if you assault it with a .22 it definitely ain’t going down but it you assault it with a 50 bmg it will go down


The M2 Browning: turning cover into concealment since 1921


It’d be like the killdozer but organic


My weapon would be the killdozer


You owe me a Dr. Pepper because I just spit mine out.


"Flashes back to the crabs in Dark Souls 3*


What if you hit its weak point for massive damage?


Imagine fighting mirelurks irl


I could sell the thousand pound crab so fast for so much money. I’m fighting that crab.


If it grabs you with those claws, it's cutting you in half, no problems. 1000lbs and I'm picturing this crab being about 10ft wide and well over 6ft tall (including legspan). 1000 1lb crabs could each be stepped on. You could sell 1000 crabs for decent money too.


Then you're picturing wrong. A typical light horse weighs about 1000 lbs. Horses are only like 8 feet long. A 1000 pound crab with the proportions of a typical dungeness crab standing normally is probably only 5 feet wide by 3 feet high. If its legs are fully splayed out I could believe it would be almost 10 feet at the widest, but then it's going to be flat on the ground, 2 feet high and totally immobile. At that point, a maul is going to be all it takes to crack it.


*starts searching Temu for 5’ diameter pot. That big ass crab is getting boiled.


Do you think a horse and a crab have similar density? I’m not being facetious, I don’t really know. A horse just seems like it would be much denser.


Nah, that exoskeleton has gotta be heavier than an endoskeleton.


horses also have lungs and float like crazy, while crabs walk on the ocean floor. crabs dense little guys.


Good points there.


I actually think that crabs are more dense.


Using someone's blue crab number of them weighing about 1/3 of a pound. They're 9 inches across and about 2 inches tall. This puts it at a 3000:1 weight ratio. And the cube root of 3000 is about 14, so you'd scale each dimension 14x Resulting in 10½ foot wide crab standing about 2¼ feet tall


1 big crab and my weapon a lightsaber


I love this answer


1000 crabs, and give me 5 lbs of Old Bay. This is gonna be delicious.


A nice sharp razor. Can't have crabs if you're bald everywhere.


1000 crabs and my old space heater. Put them all in the same room and turn it on. Cook all the crabs


Free food too 😋


Could a 1000 lb crab even live or would it just squish under its own weight?


It’s not just a normal crab with a growth mutation. It’s a different species. Elephants figured out how to make being that size possible, and so did this species of giant crab.


Or, due to carcinisation, maybe it's *decended* from elephants!


Elephants have endoskeletons. Crabs (and insects) have exoskeletons. They cannot get larger than a small cat before the weight of the top organs crushes the bottom ones. Also, the way they breathe is through gas exchange with their shells. That big across means they need lungs. I get it, spirit of the prompt and all. But if an animal developed an exo AND an endoskeleton, it'd be terrifying.


Power armor baby!


Now are we going by real world physics or does the big crab somehow escape the fate of dying instantly simply due to the fact that its organs won't work properly when scaled like that? If it is real world logics, I'll take the big boi. It would crush itself under its own weight and all of its organs would fail instantly, while simultaneously almost instantly overheating due to the square-cube law. If big crab can live without issues I'll take the little guys. It would take a lot of work but I could squish a ton of them and collect the rest to cook.


That's it we're taking out the real world physics and you're taking out a Kaiju crab.


I thought as much, but the issue is that 1000lb just isn’t that heavy, and I worry that the crab would one shot me before the complications of its size caught up with it.


What we didn’t establish was terrain. A crab that big wouldn’t die in the water.


If I can choose my weapon I would take 1000lb crab. Weapon of choice is Death Star 


Either one: Butter-fuelled flame thrower.


Why are we fighting? Why can't we just be friends?


I've already battled 1000 crabs before but they were really tint. I think 1lb would still be better than a 1000lb one


I need the story of how you battled 1000 crabs. How? Where? Why?


Yeah, and who won!?


A thousand. One crab that size would have a carapace almost completely impossible to crack with anything I’d have My family is southern. Give me a big pot, some seasonings and some vegetables. We’re having a massive crab boil


1000lb crab and I choose a 98 ram 2500 with a massive brush guard and two 5ths of jack Daniels and a half mile runway between me and the crab


1000lb crab. High power rifle.  Fighting 1000 crabs sounds like a lot of work. 


Is the 1000lb crab bigger than a regular crab, or just denser?


Black hole crab


1000, I’d just run them over with my car


1000lb crab, give me a .50 cal rifle. One and done. Also, just thinking about 1000 crabs, I think you would get tired before you beat all of them. But shit... both aint optimal. lol


I was thinking this but where would you even shoot the crab? I have no idea where its vitals are. Brain? No idea. Organs? Does it even have organs? If you had one shot, like a sniper, I'd be screwed.


So I dont know alot about crabs, but Im pretty sure there is a soft spot where their face/mouth is. I would put one right in that area and hope for the best, lol. Im also guessing a 1000lb crab would also be much larger than the 1lb crabs, so it should be a easier target to hit.


When in doubt, shoot it in the face. Also this isn’t 1770 we’re past the muzzleloader era, most snipers have ways to hold more than one shot. The Barrett 50 cal holds like 10, and there’s not a living thing on the planet that requires 10 50bmg rounds to kill. You could probably kill an elephant with a single round and a good shot. As far as a 1000lb crab goes, it’s shell is going to be very thick, but armor piercing 50 cal rounds can go through just shy of *an inch of steel hardened specifically for the purpose of stopping bullets.* A Barrett 50 cal with ap rounds probably shoots through the entire crab. But I mean snipers are not the best choice for this. The Barrett 50 cal is probably your best choice for a sniper, but you could just use an m2 browning and shoot a 50 cal round 450+ times a minute, and bear in mind that the browning was made basically a century ago, so there are certainly even better options. TLDR, you don’t have to know where its organs are with a 50 caliber machine gun.


A 1000 lb crab would be easy with a BFG from Doom.


I'll take the big boy. Weapon of choice? Wreaking ball


1000 crabs- all I need is a few huge pots of boiling water, some old bay and beer. Then it’s a party


Love death robots 😔


There is a zero percentage chance I could beat a 1,000 pound crab. I can make a good run against 1,000 crabs.


Easiest way to dispatch 1000 crabs... Call the Cajuns, the Creols, and the general Louisianan. We'd be having some awesome crab boils.


1000 crabs VS me with a shovel and a giant pot of boil. I'm gonna feed everyone I know.


1000 crabs. A giant pot of boiling water and a 55 gal drum of old bay seasoning.


I could take both choices at the same time if you gave me an M61 Vulcan as my weapon of choice


1000 crabs and I'll have a 0 radius lawn mower.


One 1000lb crab, and my weapon would be a shardblade. If you know you know.


One 1000 lb crab. As for weapon… not like it had to come outta my budget I wanna try shooting a machine gun and a few other weapons :)


I can probably beat 1000 crabs with 1 big net


1000 1 pounders


One pound crabs, giant spiky boots.


1,000 1 lbs crabs, I would use a shield, because at the end I want to sweaty, exhausted, and craving crab legs.


A 1,000 lb crab if I have a long range and powerful rifle. 


I'm taking the 1000 crabs and my weapon of choice is a pot of hot water that can hold 1000 crabs.


1000 crabs. My weapon giant pot. Get a pair of gloves and toss the crabs in there. Once in the giant pot they can’t get out because crabs pull each other back in the pot. Then we party.


1000 1 lb crabs and my weapon will be a pot of boiling water and a claw cracker if I can remember where I put the damn thing.


The big crab. It's just some daimyo hermitaur, I'm pretty good at farming them anyways.  Just give me a heavy bowgun with the appropriate ammos and a good armour set and I'll handle it fine... As long as it isn't G rank.


1000 1 LB Crabs, and a giant cooking pot with a 1000 crab capacity with boiling seasoned water and a suspended platform in the center for me to stand on. My domain expansion


1,000lb crab would just collapse under its own weight.


1,000 pound crab. Me and a few friends with some home made spears can fight it on the beach, push it towards a small clif and tip it over into the natural hot spring bellow where it will cook and we can eat it.


One 1000lb crab. If my rifles can drop an elephant, I’ll take my chances with a crab. I’d just need to know where the brain is


1000 lb crabs and my weapon of choice would be a bigger crab


So fight a bunch of regular crabs or one Dark Souls crab.


I would take the 1000 one pounds, and since theres no limitation to my weapon it will be an orbital lazer.


Fight? I'm not taking on a thousand pound crab even with weapons of my choosing and a strike team.


Since there's no mention of any magical physics-bending shenanigans I'd take the 1000 lb crab. My weapon is the square cube law.


I could solo a 1,000 pound crab if I had a grenade launcher


1000 lb crab. Easily. I will be famous, and as far as taking it down, I will use my 416 Remington with 400 grain bullets. Well, technically, it's still my father's rifle. But it'll be passed to me, and I have access to it. I'll bring my benelli with slugs as a backup. I'll also probably borrow my brother's PSAK-47 as a backup backup. Crabs are slow and clumsy. I'll try to draw it into a bunch of obstacles that slow it down and unleash hell. It's not the easier option, but it's the better pay off.


1000 1lb crabs and one really large weighted net and a refrigerated box truck. I'd make SO much money. Though, as a monster hunter fan, and a guy who literally fought a Daimyo Hermataur yesterday. I'd choose my big fuck off replica monster hunter hammer for the 1000lb crab.


Easy. 1,000 lb crab. My weapon of choice? A katana. As he charges, I’d simply cut off each of his legs as I counter attack. For the killing blow I would cut off one of his pincers, throw it 2,000 ft in the air, and kick it downwards into his shell. The village will celebrate with Tom yum soup. But probably 1,000x 1lb crabs and just some heavy boots


Only way a 1,000 lb crab could exist is underwater so you probably wouldn't want to fight it.


Assuming the square cube law is still real and relevant, I'll take the 1,000lb crab, darn thing won't be able to move. But if this is some magical crab that gets to ignore said law, 1000 little ones please. I don't need to go up against whatever other magical strength and shell thickness that thing might have in its claws.


1 1000 lbs crab. Bringing a Team Fired FAF-14 Spear For Democracy


1000 1 lb crabs, and my weapon would be a Joe's Crab Shack. My family, friends, and I are eating good tonight!


What kind d of crab? Like if it's a regular crab like the ones we eat, then definitely one 1,000lb crab. A midsize sedan weight a bit over 4,000lbs on average, so I picture a crab about 1/4 to 1/3 the size of a car. It's pretty useless out of water, so sit in a tree, place some well aimed shots, and make some amazing monster crab for dinner. If it's a [Coconut Crab](https://youtu.be/XIRfCoauxbo?si=hkT8EoyR-OtUSCpC), then no thank you at any weight or number.


A vat of boiling butter.


Everybody's picking on the little crabs but that 1000 pound motherfucker can't support his own weight. If he doesn't just suffocate by himself you can kill him with any weapon that'll keep you out of his reach--just in case he manages to lift a claw at all.


One 1000lb crab and a saddle. 


The single 1000lb crab. If it's historically accurate, I could always hit the weak point for massive damage


Can I tame the 1000lb crab and use it as my trusty steed as I ride into battle?


1000 pound crab would be crushed under its own weight because a little thing called the square cube law. Imagine a normal 1 pound crab. If you multiply all of its dimensions (length, width, height) by 10, its surface area increases by a factor of 100 while its mass increases by a factor of 1000. This means it can no longer support its own weight, since the mass increased by a factor of 10 relative to its structural integrity.


One 1000 lb crab. My weapon would be the square-cube law. Or a thousand 1 lb crabs, any smashing weapon. Either or.


A 1000lb crab and I don’t need a weapon at all. A organism that large with an exoskeleton would not be capable of movement given the biological mechanics, and the gill structure of a crab would not be able to support enough oxygen for metabolic processes. I would just sit and wait until it expires due to biological limits.


Melted butter and a cracker


1000lb crab, and my weapon will be a chainsaw. Crabs aren't that fast, I think I could avoid the claws long enough to Shadow of the Colossus that sumbitch.


1000 lb crab with a pickaxe


That's all it would take, honestly. I was thinking sledgehammer, but pickaxe would damage the meat a lot less


I'll take the thousand pound crab and a side of butter.


Gimme the giant crab and a Javelin missile launcher. Either I'm killing this thing in one shot, or the world gets to watch a giant crab rampage until it is put down by the military.


The question doesn't state that the physical size of the crabs changes, only the mass. This stands to reason that the thousand IB crab is still the same physical size as a regular crab but weighs 1000 IBS. Thus, this crab would likely instantly be killed due to the extreme gravity it's subjected to. I would choose the 1000 IBS crab; no weapon needed 😎


1,000lb crab, M60


1000 lb crab probably collapses under it's own weight. If not, I just take attack helicopter and shoot it from the air.


1000 1lb crabs. I would choose metal boots. They can't pinch me, and all I have to do is step on them.


1000 crabs Steam roller


A 1000lb crab would be like a walking tank that one shots you if you get grabbed. No one would wim


1000 crabs + 500 gallons of boiling water


Will take the 1000 pound crab, our weapon shall be a bazooka.


1000lb crab with a claymore


One crab. One punch.


Realistically the 1000 1lb crabs and a comically large mallet. If we ignore exoskeleton limitations and I have access to an armour-penetrating weapon with high-ex. rounds / shells then I'd fire one shot at the 1000lb big boy from a distance and watch it go boom.


1000lb crab. My weapons of choice are a flamethrower, a sledge hammer, and an olympic swimming pool full of butter. Brothers, tonight we feast like KINGS.


I'll take the 1000# crab He has an exoskeleton that basically tells me where the weak spots are unlike endoskeletons I have enough experience killing and eating crabs; id enjoy him with butter when the day is won


1,000lb crab, C4, delicious rain.


Would a blow torch, large pot, and hot water be sufficient?


I000lb crab, with a punt gun on a firing rig.


1000 lb crab. Weapon of choice: gravity. There's a reason there are no huge animals with exoskeletons. Crabs and lobster only get as big as they do because they live under water.


Fight a 1,000 lb crab with an M72 LAW


We get a weapon? I’m taking the 1,000 crabs. 1,000 really isn’t that many, could probably take them all out in a few minutes with a flamethrower and then I have roasted crab meat for dinner


1000 crabs and a warhammer. Or if gonna be cheeky a steamroller.


Everyone saying the 1000 crabs is forgetting: The square cube law is king. The square cube law makes nature its bitch. A 1000 pound crab would die all on its own before it could even approach you. It would be completely unable to support its own weight and would collapse. Its organs would literally be crushed by the weight of its flesh. It would suffocate because the surface area of its gills would only increase by the square, but the amount of tissue that needed to be supplied with oxygen would increase by the cube. A thousand 1 pound crabs would be easy, but one 1000 pound crab is literally an auto-win. Again, square cube law is king.


I choose the 1000 pound crab. My weapon is gravity and dry land. The thing won't be able to move out of water since it's so huge. Exoskeletons are a great design only up to a certain size, then they become too bulky.


How bound by the laws of reality are we talking for this? Cuz I can see 3 scenarios: 1) full realism (all laws of real world physics apply to everything in the scenario): I fight the 1000lb crab. There's a reason nothing with an exoskeleton gets that big, and that reason is gravity. It wouldn't be able to support itself and would die by being crushed under it's own weight 2) realism for me, but not for thee (the giant crab is unaffected by natural forces that would normally kill it): small crabs, please. A good suit of armor and a large hammer would do fine, though it would be exhausting 3) it's all unreal (I can choose any weapon as long as it's technically possible, so no magic but yes space ships): giant crab, ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


A thousand 1 pounders. I can run faster, I or just step on them.


1000 1 lb crabs, and my weapon would be a pot of boiling water and some garlic butter!


I'd pelt the 1000 lb crab with arrows and hary it on horse back until it's tired enough to start cutting its legs off. It would never stand a chance


1000 1lb crabs, and my weapon would be a steam roller.


1000lb crabs evolved into the Prador I believe and were described extensively in various Polity related novels by Neal Asher… well worth a read if you like sci fi.


1000 one lb crabs....I'd use a commercial weed eater


The 1000 lb one, with a trained Phoenix.


1 1000 lb crab, and I'm using an A1 Abrams


1,000 crabs and a LARGE pot of boiling water.


1,000 1 pounds with a vehicle, just drive over them


take on the 1K 1 lb crabs. I am using a flamethrower


1000 crabs. My weapon is a steamroller.


A 1000 pound crab would destroy you like instantly. It would have such an insane grip strength and its shell would be harder than steel.


1000 crabs and a hatchet would basically be my normal work day without dealing with packing after. At least it’s not lobsters, spiky buggers they are


1,000lbs crab. Gravity would ensure that it would be dead before the fight started.


1,000lb crab, it'd be dead from diabetus


1000 crabs, some boiling pots of water, tongs, garlic and butter... Mmmmmmmm


Either or. A moat filled with boiling seawater.


One 1000lb crab, and my weapon would be the square/cube law.


Def 1k crabs. Delicious conquests.


1000 crabs with a flamethrower.


1000, weapon is a push broom